Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 03, 1917, Image 2

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Seed Corn! Seed Corn!S
Entered as second-class matter M ay 8, 1905, at the post ofl i ceat
Oregon, under act o f Congrees of M arch 3 , 1879.
C oq u ille,
T c l e v a r , l e s s e e a n d
Place your orders with us Now
e d it o r
R O Y M . A V E R Y , B U SIN E SS M A N A G E R
We have a shij/ment on the way of the best va­
rieties for this section and we are going to give
vo the benefit o f our bay. Get this straight
now. Corn has advanced and orders are bein«r
filled short. We are going to sell
Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley
particularly and of C oos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year, in advance.
Phone Main 381
(Ho tfjr (0 . N . <6.
Duty may perform her functions
Minnesota No. 13 at 7c
Pride o f the North at 7c
Red Cob Ensilage at 6c
Champion Pearl W hite at 6 1 -2 c
And conscription meet the test;
But I'm mighty glad old Oregon
Finds patriotism best.
—Kory O’Moore
All orders left with us before that time will be
filled next Saturday at above prices, provided
we have sufficient stock. Otherwise, first come,
first served.
It seems that by the time this paper goes to press a
formal declaration of war with Germany will have been
made. Whether the paper declaration be made or not,
the state of war actually exists, and no retreat from our
position can now be made. It is not to be thought that
Germany will take water. Then we are at last thorough­
ly committed as one o f the belligerents against Germany.
While perhaps comparatively few of our people have
thought the whole matter out to the conclusion that we
are now practically one of “ the allies,” and that we can
by no means carry on a little war o f our own against
Germany, without mixing into the main scrap, yet the
sooner we reach that realization the better.
Uncle Sam
must now do his part with the rest, “ without mental res­
ervation or purpose of evasion.” He can’t sit back and
simply defend himself against invasion by Germany. The
war upon which he has entered is being fought in Europe,
and he must go to Europe to take part with the rest. The
war spirit among the young men who will be called upon
to actually lay down their lives has not, so far, become
very fierce, but it is warming up rapidly, and if the Presi­
dent wants men all he will have to do will be to call for
them. There will be no such picnic spirit as prevailed
among the recruits for the Spanish war, for all realize
that this war is no picnic; but the boys will come to the
colors when they are needed.
The Herald has run up, this week, against the old
gag, “ Don’t say anything about it in the paper.” Every
small town newspaper has this to contend with, and that
is one reason who so many o f them publish so little local
news beyond the fact that “ Grandma So-and-So has cele­
brated her umptieth birth,” and items o f that sort.
small town resident seems to have a mighty fear of pub­
licity—or it might better be said, “ of truthful publicity.”
He seems willing enough that a story affecting him should
be passed from mouth to mouth, with whatever additions
and distortions the imagination o f the narrator may see
fit to add; but let the reporter of the local paper go to
him for the real facts, and the first cry is:
“ Oh, don’t
say anything about it in the paper.” And in matters af­
fecting the public interests the same request is often
made, when there is no possible rational argument for en­
deavoring to conceal the facts from the public. It was
that sort of a deal against which the Herald ran up this
week, and the matter was one in which the people of this
school district take, and should take, the livliest interest.
If there is anything that the patrons of the school are in­
terested in it is the personnel of the teachers; if there is
anything that they have a right to know it is of any ex­
tensive changes in the teaching force. Yet a formal re­
quest came to the Herald “ not to say anything about” the
election of teachers for the next year, which took place at
the last meeting of the Board. The fear was expressed
that some people would make protests and cause trouble
for the board members if they were informed of the
changes that had been made, and this seemed to be con­
sidered a good argument against the publication of the
facts. Try as we will, we can not bring ourselves to take
that view of the ethics of the matter, nor that view of
the proper way “ to run a newspaper.” Therefore the
election news is given in this issue.
Try our Salad Oil in bulk. Per Gal. $1.50
Busy Corner Grocery
Phone 691 and 541
the p eop le o f
M iddle
Front and C Streets
C herry
cre e k , but thev also cam e
F a irv ie w , C oq u ille amt the
F o rk .
Dry Shiplap,
Finish, Flooring
and Rustic
not stin g y ,
and if a man found he nad kept the
ball ro llin g too lar he laughed
then la u gh ed at the next man when
his zeal lor bidding b rou gh t him
ju n k pile.
T h ere was not a grow l
er or g ro u e b e r there.
N eva H arry
b ou g h t the m ules then traded them
to E . K
M arcy on the w ay
G rant H arry has m oved
hom e
to F^u
gen e
Cham ber
jo ud when
th ey voted to trv
ch a n g e
C om m erce o f
E u g e n e did them - Ivo
nam e o f L an e co u n ty
Latte co u n ­
ty was nam ed for D octor L a u e who
was an h on or to the state.
Bee use
som e misfit has the same
nam e is
w hy
the nam e o f the
VV. O-
M athew s
.Lots of Lumber at
£ pecial Prices
co u n ty sh ou ld be ch a n g e d .
A t the sale
Coquille, Ore
F a irview said that last year he had
a few
m ore than one third o f
an acre in on ion s; hsd 7239 pou nds
and took in for on ions $ 152 . 45 .
R. A. E A STO N .
Some Good A dvic.
“ Don’ t think too much o f your own
methods. Watch other people’ s ways
and learn from them.”
This is good
advice, especially when bilious or con­
stipated. You will find many people
who use Chamberlain’s Tablets for
effectually blocked these ailments with the best results,
and will do well to follow their example.
R osebu rg-M yrtle P oint A u to Stage Line
The man who today acting in the interests o f Pacificism,
action on the war resolution in the Senate.
The increase was
for the three previous
The four years’ gain
Every food staple,
and tea, advanced during
lions anil potatoes led with
nore than 50 per cent.
Perfectly Safe
Myrtle Point
7:40 a. m.
6 . a. m.
Rheumatic Pains Relieved
6 hours Running Time
" I have used Chamberlain’ s Liniment
G o ld Beach R eporter
for pains in the chest and lameness o f
the shoulders due to rheumatism, and
Last F riday n ight the rainfall
bm pleased to say that it has never
failed to give me prompt re lie f,’ ’ writes was 2 12 inches in this vicin ity,
Mrs. S. N. Finch, Batavia, N. Y .
m a k in g all creek s run bank full.
Notice oi Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned has filed her final account in
the matter of the administration o f the
estate o f Charles K. Phillips, deceased,
and that the County Court for Coos
County, Oregon, has set Wednesday,
the 2nd day o f May, 1917, as the day
and the County Court Room in the
i ounty Courthouse at Coquille, Coos
County, Oregon, as the place for hear­
ing objections to said final account and
the settlement of said estate.
Dated this 2nd day o f April, 1917.
Administratrix o f the estate o f
Charles R. Phillips, Deceased.
F orest service officials
$ 1,200
w ith
J. L. Laird
M y rtle P oint
u nder, h ave
had their salaries raised 10 per cent
w hile those receivin g $ 1,200 to $ i , - j
A Marshfield citizen, talking to Frank
Leslie o f this place, made some dispar­
800 have received a five per cent
aging remarks about the display o f pa­
triotism here as compared with Marsh­
T h e Port O rford T rib u n e an­
field. Mr. Leslie did not agree with
him and named over a number of the
n ou n ces the recent h igh butter test
young men that had answered the call
o f M rs. Jam ieson ’ s co w , 8 4 per
to the colors.
cen t, w as an in divid ual test
Continuing in the same strain the
this co n n e ctio n it is a matter o f in­
Marshfield citizen said, “ I suppose that
terest to note that the T rib u n e re­
should the Germans come in here you
would want Marshfield to come over
ports that Z um w alt Brothers have
and take care o f Coquille.”
a co w iu the testing association
Mr. Leslie replied, " I f the Germans Nature Cures, the Doctor Takes tha Fa*
that has tested t o per cent butterfat.
came into Coos Bay, you people would
There is an old saying that "N ature
' cases the reason is not because of never intimate that there was such a cures, the doctor takes the fe e ,” hut
National Forest to Support
D u rin g the past w eek practically
gieater profits in handling cattle, but
as everyone knows you can help Nature
Increased Number Stock because the rapidly changing conditions place as Coquille on the map.”
very much and thereby enable it to e f­ all the w o o l in the southern end of
fect a cure in much less time than is the co u n ty has been con tracted for,
| on the open ranges, where sheep have
Young Man Drowned
usually required. This is particularly
Approved grazing allowances for the been handled in the past, make it in­
true o f colds. Chamberlain's Cough the top price b ein g 46 cents a
National Forests during the coming creasingly difficult to find feed for this
dan Fran cisco bouses, w ho
Harry Sappington, a young man of Remedy relieves the lungs, liquifies the pou nd
tough mucus and aids in its expectora­
season provide for the pasturing o f 8 ,- class o f stock during the months when
about twenty, was drowned at Lampa tion. allays the cough and aids Nature are behind the purchase, state that
400,166 sheep, 2,120,146 cattle and deep snow prohibits grazing on the Na­
Sunday. The story o f the drowning, in restoring the system to a healthy this is the final high price, and no
horaea, and 64,680 swine. Theae figures tional Forests.
as it came to the Herald, was that the condition.
m ore w ill be paid for the ye a r’ s
It is stated that the capacity o f the
compared with those o f last year, rep­
young man had come to the landing at
resent an approximate increase o f 111 ,- National Forest range is gradually be­
Lampa with a companion in a rowboat;
000 cattle and horaea and a decrease o f ing increased by protection against
that he got out on the floating dock
Con.tip.tion and Indigestion
about 200,000 sheep.
Grazing experts over-grazing and improved melhods of
and his companion started away in the
New areas are
o f the Forest Service figure that for j handling the stock.
These are twin evils. Persons suffer­
boat. They were stili talking together
ing from indigestion are often troubled
purposes o f range allotment one cow is 1 also being brought into use by the de-
The Herald's Sp< cial Coos County
when Sappington made a step back­
with constipation.
Mrs. Robert Alli­
equal to five sheep. Consequently the j velopment o f watering places, while
News -ervice
son, Mattoon, HI., writes that when
| the eradication o f poisonous plants is ward off the edge o f the wharf and
increase o f 111,000 cattle and horses is reducing the losses suffered by the
she first moved to Mattoon she was a
into the river. He called for help and
held to be equivalent to a net increase j stockmen.
great sufferer from indigestion and con­
his companion came back with the boat
Food distressed her and
of 366,000 sheep, or o f 71,000 cattle, j
East Fork Items
as quickly as possible, but coo late to
there was a feeling like a heavy weight
over the total number o f stock grazed
Food Price*
! pressing
n r e o s in r r on her stomach and
ana chest.
save him. The body was found yester­
last vear.
The decrease in the number o f sheep 1 Retail food prices in the United day morning and brought to the Elling- ( Herald's Special C. C. News Service) She did not rest well at night, and felt
worn out a good part o f the time. One
is said to be caused by the action o f States advanced 19 per cent in the year son undertaking parlors here, where
R n H y d e 's sale was a success. bottle o f Chamberlain's Tablets cor­
owners who are disposing o f their ending with January 16, as shown in the funeral services were held this
rected this trouble so that she has since
Th ere was a big cr o w d , nearly sll felt like a different person.
flock* in o-dor to buy cattle.
In most statistics prepared by the Bureau of morning.
Coos County
Connecting with Coquille Auto Lines
E m b r o id e r ie s and L a ce s
Just received; a large line of up-to-the-min­
ute Embroideries, Laces and Embroidery
Laces 5c and 10c, Embroideries 15c
Embroidery Insertions 12 1-2 c
Remember Free Movie Tickets with Butterkist] Popcorn
The Racket Store
Mrs. A . O . W alker
One side o f your Pass Book will show all the money you have
received. The other side will show all you have paid out, and
the cancelled checks are your receipts.
This fine arrangement is yours if you will open your check ac­
count here.
Your account will be given careful and considerate attention.
CAPITAL and SURPLUS <60,000.00
V J SHERWOOD, President
L. H. H AZARD . Cashier
R. E. SHINE, Vice President
O. C. SANFORD, Asat. Cashier