V' T he C oquille H erald VOL. 35, NO. 29 C O Q U IL L E , COOS C O U N TY , OREGO N, TU E SD A Y , A P R IL 3, 1917. P E R Y E A R $1.50 with which to do the work the different picture-play today we subm it a para­ C urry Girl G ets H om estead counties are asking it to do. graph from a recent interview with Mme. Nazimova: Some of the Portland road boosters “ The pioneer days are now p a s t," have m ade the proposal th a t they will Miss Catherine Nodine and her m oth­ she says. “ This is proved not in the m ake some subscriptions and go out e r came down from th eir home near g re a t mass of moving pictures we see, and collect funds from the business in­ Denm ark last v e e k , when MDs C ath­ but in the Dashes of genius which show terests, half o f the proceeds to be paid erine re-filed on a hom estead in th a t w hat can he done when true a iiisia de­ vicinity. The young lady filed on the to Senator E. D. CuRick of Albany. vote them selves sincerely to creative T reasurer of the state-w ide legislative land last sum m er, but her filings were work. On the speaking stage th ere com m ittee, and the o th er half to be rejected a t the R oseburg office;'how­ News of County, S tate and W a rra n ts Issued in Excess of used in the Multi.amah county cam ­ Form erly R an Business Col­ have alw ays been moi ^ bad plays than ever, Miss C atherine is not easily dis­ Senator Lafoilete Talks Peace good ones, but no one over argued from N ational In terest Told in C ontract P rice D eclared paign. couraged and usually accomplishes lege H ere a n d Will R e­ to Prevent A ction on W a r this th a t the dram a was a failure. We The different counties are handling w hatever she undertakes, so she w ent B rief Concise Form Void by Coke open Soon Resolution m ust alw ays judge an a rt by its best a t this m a tte r w ith her characteristic their local cam paigns in good shape, energy until she straig h ten ed it out so but are clam oring for such cooperation exam ples, not by its worst, not even th a t her filings will now be accepted. as otdy a state-w ide headquarters can its second best. Music is a g re at a rt Miss Nodine is the young lady who is give. The hopes of the legislative because of its Beethovens and Tschai- the champion bob c at h unter of N orth­ com m ittee th a t subscriptions would be kowskys; not a minor one because of ern C urry. H er hunting has been so I --------- sont in spontaneously from the county its ragtim e and foxtrots. A t present L a }J Costs A re Divided B etw een organizations have so fa r failed to m a­ Old Friends A re G lad to the proportion of fine motion pictures Flan to M ake B andon Sum ­ effective th a t there are scarcely any of p , a n s B e ; for Enor- these anim als left in her neighborhood. ° terialize. Evidently the state-w ide to the total num ber ; lduced is sm aller P arties m er R esort W elcom e Him Back fmous A rm y She and her faithful Shepherd dog have than the proportion of"m asterpieces in headquarters will languish in respect­ accounted for more than 100 cats and _______ able poverty until a vigorous financial any o ther a rt, but if we pause to con­ lynx. These two women • run success- XT , , ,. . Frank B. Anderson, who conducted a sider the youth of this field of endea­ Judge John Coke yesterday handed cam paign is organized to procure sub­ Oregon banks gain in resources over fully a stock and dairy ranch where N o u G C lc H T ltio n OI Well? will down a decision in the !*irst s tre e t case scriptions. Meanwhile th o r n 's an ex­ business college here six or seven years vor, we find our criticism answered. a y ear ago $38,563,449. m ere man plays no part. They do be made today, RCCOrding to which is an injunction suit brought l»y cellent opportunity for individuals and ago and who a t present ha9 charge of a We m ust be p a tie n t.” Brookings w harf being built to give the property owners along F irst s tre e t associations all over Oregon to be of like institution a t Marysville, Califor­ ! dispatches received at Marsh- vessels 25 feet of w ater. to se ttin g aside the ass ssm ent for the practical service to the good roads nia, was in town yesterday looking Board Elects Teacher* life of a rancher, and they do it well, j field which Stiite that over tne field with the view to reopen­ rty ! cause by sendfP.gr subscriptions to T reas­ im proving of th it stre e t, the prop* for Coming Y ear Florence subscribed more than its Any subscrip­ ing his school here. A fte r studying shaie of $10,000 to proposed shipyard. And now Miss Nodine Beeks new lands ; tor La Follette checked a C - owners as plaintiffs, claiming th a t the urer Cu-ick a t Albany. under the hom estead law, and who is work was not legally made, and p a rti­ tions turned in to the H erald will be the field carefully he has definitely de- W ith the exception of four, all the tion on the war resolution A $53,000 railroad contract let a t cularly objecting to the paym ent by forwarded by the editor to T reasurer ciutu lu locale tic re and make his school teachers of the Coquille scnools were re ­ Prineville. To s ta r t a t once with all there to say th a t she is not capable of the task of reclaim ing from its wild which was before that body, a perm anent institution. Cusick and acknowledgm ent made jn th e city of more than the am ount of elected to th e ir positions for the coming local labor. sta te a mountain hom estead?—P ort B. tween six and seven years ago Mr. th e original co n tract plus five per cent our columns of names and am ounts sub­ holding the flo o r fo r a year. Those whose applications were To save declining grain export trade Orford Tribune. scribed. | Anderson opened a school here and a s­ for e x tra work. rejected w ere J. W. Noblet, Miss H a­ lengthy peace talk. The Portland will try to issue $3,000,000 sisted by Mrs. Anderson, worked up an The bone of contention had been zel F aw cett and Miss Allie Phillips. Du P ont’* Profils bonds for public grain warehouse. 1 enrollm ent of over 100 pupils in the Senate adjourned until to- Senior Play M akes H it w hether the co ntract was made on Mrs. Elena Minard did not put in an I course of a year. Opposition arose, lum p sum prices or or. unit prices. G overr.nent planning to build 1,000 application for re-election. The vote on , . . . . . . . . . . . morrow and it is stated that If the head of the powder tru s t was . . .. Ju d g e Coke held tjia t it was a lump The comedy, "M r. B ob," given last through a mis understanding of the pur­ the applications rejected w ere: For re- new ships, many of which will he con­ not known to be a real patriot, above TIO O t h e r OU SlllGSS W ill D£ sum contract and th a t all claims in e x ­ Saturday night by (ho Senior* of C. H. poses of the school in its relations with election, H. 0 . Anderson; against re- structed a t Pacific Coast shipyards. the sordid considerations of pelf and taken up until the war reso­ cess of the lump sum bid, except those S. was an ui'. jualiiiid success, showing the public school, and Mr. Anderson, election, Fred True and W. L. K istner. Eugene Chamber of Commerce unani­ power, one m ight suspect th a t the en­ item s necessarily contem plated by the tile effect of t ¡.m eat work and careful being new a t the gam e, looked for more The teachers who were re-elected mously approves Bean bill placing O. & ormous profits of his concern had some­ lution has been acted upon. bid and contract were void. coaching. Those taking p a rt entered genial fields. His classes a t th a t tim e w ere: C. A. Howard, Miss Ada Newel, C. land gran t lands on tax rolls, as thing to do with his fierce support of a included many of the business places of President Wilson delivered He also held th a t the w arran ts for into tig; spirit of the various characters Miss Mabel Bay and J. L. Gary, of the adding $500,000 to revenue. w arlike policy. The annual report of $1000, $500, $400, $100 and $250 which in a way which gave full value to the 1 the city and there was hardly a concern high Bchool, and Miss Rena Anderson, his message to a joint session The big sawmill a t Brooking com­ the E. I. du Pont de Nem ours Company had been made to Ellingson and Ber- am using situations. While each char­ th a t was not represented, either by its Miss W inifred Spencer, Mrs. Catherine of congress, in which he ask­ shows th a t gross receipts fur the year menced cutting lumber last week, and gom, contractors, w ere in excess of a cter was vjiry well sustained through­ j proprietor or some of its employes. Dungey, Miss Emma Kennedy, Mis3 In speaking of coming back here Mr. May Allen and Mrs, Inez Chase, of the work has started on the w harf a t th a t ended D ecem ber 31, 1916, aggregated ed congress to declare that a th a t which the co n tract contem plated out, perhaps special m ention is due place which it is expected to have com­ $311,845,684, an increase of 1130 per and were void. Mins Ada Downs for the way in which Anderson said th a t he had definitely grades. , The Several applications are before the pleted within 90 days.—P ort Orford cent, as compared w ith the average state of war existed. He dismissed the case of J. P. Beyers she handled the p ari of P a tty , the ro­ decided to locate som ewhere in the sales for 1913 and 1914, which am ount­ President dwelt on the point county, ju s t w here depending upon board for the vacancies created -and it Tribune. and Leo J. Cary, who were purchasers m antic maid. ed to $25,927,478. of the w arrants from Ellingson & Ber- The play, from the financial stand­ which place appeared to offer the best is probable th a t selections will be made A t a m eeting of a large num ber of N et earnings in 1916 were $82,107,692, that America was b e i ng gom, w ithout prejudice. This means point al o, was a success, n e ttlin g the field Personally he said th a t he fa ­ from them in the near future. women of Marshfield, held Saturday and in addition the paym ent of 6 per forced into the war by Ger­ vored Coquille and th a t he thought it th a t in all probability this m a tte r will class about sixty dollars. afternoon in the rooms of the M arsh­ cent, dividends on the debenture stock was the logical place for a business col­ be settled out o f court. Following is the cast of characters: field Chamber of Commerce, a “ Pa­ was m ade; A total of 100 per cent, in many and that the war would lege th a t would fill a long-felt w ant in Beyers and Cary were aw arded a Philip K oyson...................................A rth u r Hooton triotic L eague” was organized for the dividends was distributed to common be fought with peace as its southw estern Oregon. judgm ent against the city for the share R obert B row n................................ H erb ert Lukins purpose of assisting the local m ilitia stockholders during the year. only aim. I f the people of this section show of the costs and the balance of the Je n k in s.................. C harles Willey company and for any o ther patriotic One may im agine how gladly the for­ costs were $33 divided evenly betw een Rebecca L uke Marion Schroeder them selves to be in favor of the insti­ He also asked that Con­ duties th a t may develop in the near fu ­ m er Senator from D elaw are would wel­ tution, Mr. Anderson sta te s th a t th a t the city, the property owners and El- K atherine Rogers Zelma S trang ture. come the growing dem and to “ tak e the gress authorize him to call lingsen and Bergom. Marion B ry an t....................Leanna Curry is ail he wants. Mr. Anderson says th a t his school Survey of M yrtle Point-Rose- ; England has spent more than G er­ profits out of w a r’’ should this country for 500,000 volunteers. This case has been a disturbing ele­ P a t t y ........................................................ Ada Downs many in the G reat W ar, her total to become involved. B ut perhaps he wil[ will be in no way a com petitor of the m ent in the affairs of the city f o r a burg Road S tarted Today it develops that the date being nearly 19 billion, or $13,759,- not be consulted.—S ta r. high school; but will ra th e r supplem ent long tim e and it is with a sense of re­ 240,000. England estim ates th a t she is its work. United States will probably lief th a t the. se ttle m e n t of it will be W ork was sta rte d 'y este rd a y by the spending approxim ately $37,907,700 a In speaking of his plans as to its per­ greeted. raise an army of from 3,- sta te on the survey of the M yrtle Point- day in her fight to whip Germany. manency, he said th a t should he locate Roseburg road. With a crew of 15 men Germ any has sp en t $16,750,000,000 in 000,000 to 5,000,000 men. It here he would be able, in a short tim e W. E. Eddy, a sta te engineer, started her a tte m p t to whip England. This in­ Fishing Bulletin to place the school on a self sustaining is not just clear how this will the survey, working east, and expect to cludes the new G erm an loan. basis and th a t when this was done he complete the work as fa r as Camas in Following its policy of last year, the be done although part of it Judge John S. Coke yesterday handed would be able to devote his energies to A t a recent m eeting of the cabinet Southern Pacific company on March 29 down a decision in the case of S tate of draw ing students from the surrounding about two months. It is expected th a t This resolution was adopted by the will be through volunteers. issued its first Fishing Bulletin for the Oregon ^Ex Kel Beyerly vs. Steckel, towns and th a t he would consider all of some actual construction work will be P resident W ilson took occasion to tell civics class of the high school this A universal military training each of the ten m em bers th a t he w ant­ y e a r 1917. Following are some of the which was a suit to determ ine the le­ the southern coast counties in his field. done on th road this year. Word comes from Roseburg th a t ed the present cabinet to continue ex­ morning and was unanimously signed. bill is also up for considera­ rep o rts contained in the bulletin. This gality of an election held a t E astside to Mr. A nderson’s belief th a t this is the The high school body as a.w hole, a t a s­ bulletin is free and fishermen may have determ ine which one of the directors logical location for a business college Douglas county contem plates voting on actly as it is now form ed for the next sembly also signed the resolution, and tion. a $550,000 road bond issue and th at $60,- four years and asked each if he were their nam es put on the mailing list by was to a ct as chairm an of the board. th a t would serve all of this territo ry , it was sen t by special delivery to P resi­ willing to serve. The response was 000 of this money, if the bonds are au­ applying to John iM. Scott, general pas­ The first armed American dent Woodrow Wilson: The Ju d g e overruled a motion of the <>n |y confirms the beiief th a t has been thorized, will be spent on the Myrtle unanim ous in the affirm ative. There is senger agent of the company a t P o rt­ defendant for a judgm ent on the plead- expressed by the editor of the H erald merchant ship was sunk by ju s t one possibility of a change. A t­ To His Excellency, the P resident of Point road. For some tim e both Doug­ land: mgs, and gave as his opinion th a t the j tim es w ithout num ber; th a t is, th a t Co- las and Coos county have apparently torney-G eneral G regory may retire on the United S tates of A m erica: a German submarine yester­ Med ford--R ogue river and trib u ta rk s quille should rightfully be the educa­ Honored Sir: a re dirty. Fish are striking spinner inform alities in an annual school elec­ tional center of southw estern Oregon. waited for the other to s ta rt this work. account of ill health. day. It was the Aztec and and bait. Some good catches have tion did not invalidate the election, in It is to be hoped th a t Mr. Anderson Now the sta te has undertaken the su r­ A new Germ an raider, slipping past W hereas, We appreciate your u n tir­ as much as the election was held a t a was 350 feet long. Eighteen vey of the project and both o f the coun­ the B ritish w arships on guard in the ing efforts to m aintain a s ta te of neu­ been made. Steelheads from 3 to 10 tim e specified by Kw and a t the school will see his way clear to reopen his ties are gettin g behind it, making the lbs. C ut-throat tro u t, 3 to 4 K lbs. N orth sea, has reached the South A t­ trality betw een the European belliger­ members of the crew were school here and th a t this will be a step house within the district, unless it wq*s prospects good tor an all-year road lantic and sent 12 more m erchantm en ents and these United Staterf*of A m er­ P a rtie s catching from 6 to 12 of these toward the realization of this am bition American and some of them fish in a day. W eather som ewhat dis­ affirm atively shown th a t the failure to which some of the residents of the city along this route in the near future. to the bottom . According to survivors ica; and give proper notice prevented a sufficient are missing. Mr. Eddy was in Coquille Thursday from ti. i sunken vessels, the raider is agreeable. W hereas, we believe th a t you have have fosteied for som e time. —- . — i— consulting with County Road M aster the Seeadler (Sea E agle), a formidable used the g re a te st discretion in your ac­ N orth Lake, Coos Bay C ountry—W a­ num ber of the electors of the district Mr. Anderson sta te d yesterday th a t from voting to change the results of R. B. Murdock, who is also assistant arm ed c raft, operating with the same tions to serve the wishes of this en tire te r good; fish strik in g worm or salmon Baby W eek he had m et many of his old pupils in the election. sta te highway engineer, and gettin g in success and daring as its predecessor, nation; and eggs. Lim it catch last Sunday. Boats the few hours th a t he had been in town A nother point th a t was also brought touch with men to make up the survey­ the Moewe, which recently returned to and launches can be had a t Lakeside; Have you a baby? or do you know a W hereas, it has become impossible out in the decision was th a t the law and th a t not a few of them had ex- ing- crew. H arry Oerding, Ellis Ell- a Germ an po rt a fte r playing havoc also excellent hotel accommodations. prssed their intention to again tak e up for the United S tates to fu rth e r m ain­ baby? Then you will he interested in wood and Foster Bither, of this place, w ith shipping in the sam e w aters. Gardiner, Um pqua river and trib u ­ contem plates th a t the director longest th eir work with him should he locate tain neutrality with honor; therefore Baby Week, May 1 to 6, 1917. More are working with the crew. ta rie s —W ater medium; too early for in office-, under election shall be quali­ I t is said upon good authority to be be it here. than 2000 places observed Baby W eek flies. .Good catches made last few days. fied to preside a t m eetings of the board. doubtful as to w hether or not the Sea- last year, and it is expected th a t even Resolved, th a t we, the faculty and This m eans th a t should any director be W estlake, Tsiltcoos Lake—Fish ta k ­ borg cannery will operate on Rogue student body of the Coquille High a larger num ber will carry it out this Since the above was in type Mr. A n­ re elected he will have held office long­ ing spinner and b a it isalmon eggs). river this sum m er. I t seems th a t the school, do heartily approve of your ac­ year. If your community entered into derson has called upon some of his old W ater clear. A few days ago a catch er than any of the board who is serving liabilities of the company are so g re at tion in declaring a sta te of w ar to exist this national movement last year, then pupils and acquaintances here and they o f 40 tro u t was made. Good hotel ac­ his first term . th a t it is unable to sell for a sufficient betw een the Empire of G erm any and you know the importance of it and if it have gladly signed the Strong endorse­ com m odations. On April 3, 1916, a recall election am ount to satisfy its creditors. As it these United States, and th a t we pledge di>l not take an active part, do not al­ m ent of his project which, w ith the sig­ Swisshome, Lake Creek—Lower five was held in Eastside to recall Mrs. natures, is given below: stands the Seaborg company preferB to our hearty support in all fu tu re moves low another opportunity to help the m iles clear and a t norm al stag e. Fish Eleanor Hadlock and W. F. Byerly, I t is going to be up to th e residents lease its holdings while those who This is to certify th a t we, the under­ which you make in preserving the na babies pass by. the chairm an. F ifty-three votes were tak in g spinner and bait. of the city to clean up th e ir property would operate there p re fe r to buy, and Most successful baby weeks were ob­ tional honor and integrity. cast to recall these directors and 43 for signed, citizens and business men of the w hether they so desire or not. A t the thus the m attei stands. There is a Eugène—W illam ette, McKenzie and served w ithout any expense, so no or­ City of Coquille, Oregon, are personally them , the opposition candidates being ganization need hesitate to plan a cam­ Siuslaw rivers all high and dirty. Few acquainted with P rof. Frank B. A nder­ m eeting of the council last night the possibility a t this tim e th a t the can­ Messrs. Steckel and Nelson. paign because of lack of funds. The good catches salmon tro u t being caught A G re a t F arce C om edy son, who conducted a modern Business m arshal was instructed to call a tte n ­ nery m ay be operated by the Barnes The legality of the election waS in Siuslaw in spite of bad w eather. following is a suggestive program fo r College in Coquille during the y ear 1910; tion to the property owners th a t th eir Fish com pany.—P o rt Orford Tribune. called in question by the supporters of a Baby W eek cam paign: O ther reports sta te th a t following th a t he had a reg u lar average a tte n d ­ property m ust be kept in an orderly j The penitentiary of the future will “ The Sm ugglers” —the title suggests A cam paign of new spaper publicity; stream s are high and muddy: Mola'la Mrs. Hadlock and Mr. Byerly, and ance of in and about One Hundred stu ­ condition and th a t if action was not be alm ost a pleasan' place in which to river, South Santiam river, M ary’s County A ttorney L iljeqvist pronounced dents during th a t y ear; th a t he conduct­ forthcom ing the m arshal is to take fu r­ live, according to the opinion of Cap­ a strong m elodrama with an abundance Collection of baby-w elfare inform ation; the election invalid. In spite of this th e r steDS to induce action. A ppar­ tain Charles A. Murphy, warden o f the of robberies, escapades, apprehensions Baby Sunday; A mass m eeting; Cele­ river. Cow Creek, Umpqua river, Tual­ ed 9aid Business College along modern opinion those who had been elected un­ ently the result obtained, when civic Oregon sta te prison. “ The peniten­ and other thrilling adventures, but the bration in the schools; M essages to wo­ atin river, Gales creek, Dairy creek, and practical business lines, and in an der the recall continued to m eet with pride alone has been relied upon, as has tia ry of the future will be a m ixture of Famous Players will show a t the Scenic m ens’ societies; M essages to fathers; Soap creek, Elk creek. W olf creek, able and efficient m anner; th a t we are Mr. M cL iggan, the board m em ber who I B ear creek, N orth Santiam , Luckia- glad to learn th a t Prof. Anderson has been th e case heretofore, Ijas not been school, church, medical school, psy­ Thursday an entirely new version of Follow up work of the campaign-. had been one of those instrum ental in satisfactory and this year the council chological laboratory, m echanical w ork­ the "sm u g g ler-p lay .” I t is a farce- In small com m unities the campaign m ute river, Sm ith river, Clackam as returned to Coquille with the intention having this election held, and this shop and diversified fa rm ,” he said. comedy sta rrin g Donald Brian, who has | may last only one day; larger ones may river, Abequa river, Silver creek, Long of organizing and conducting a th o r­ intends to follow another course. claimed to be the legal board. The council also instructed, the fire “ A few very strong cells will alw ays already appeared on the P a ra m o u n t! observe It for a longer time. Tom creek, Yamhill river, W illamina oughly modern Business College, com- Meanwhile, Mrs. Hadlock and Mr. j plete in all its various departm ents. com m ittee to examine different build­ be necessary but in the m ajority of Program under Lasky m anagem ent. I \ n the w elfare of the babies cannot creek, Row river, W inberry creek, Fall Byerly continued to m eet and hold ( This will be of g re a t advantage to the ings o f the city in respect to their e x it cases only the unarmed guards will be Sidney Olcott, who has supervised the I be separated from the w elfare of the creek. board m eetings, and various matterR | y0Ung m en and young ladies of Coos facilities in case of fire. Recorder ! required, m ental and m oral control tak p-oduction o f this comedy, has carried I m others, m aternal care is a subject Lawrence, in addressing the council in ing the places of dungeons and b a rs .” out the laughable qualities of the plot th a t also m ust be considered. More Financing R o td Cam paign were passed on by one board 6ne way | , ;oonty Vlho d«*i