Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 27, 1917, Image 4

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Adjoining City Park Closest-In Addition on Sellin j at the Uniform
Since the purchase of the Patterson
the Market
1 rice $100
grove by the city, for park purposes, has
been assured, the Coquille Land Company
has put on the market, for immediate dis­
posal, 40 lots in their Notley Addition,
which adjoins the park on the south. Lo­
cated as they are, some just across the
street, and none more than two blocks
from one of the most attractive parks in
Coos county these lots are among the most
desirable resident properties in the ity.
As the park is improved and be. utified
the vSlue of this property will increase by
leaps and bounds, and within a very short
time will be worth several times what we
are asking for them.
By buying the lots that are offered
here, the purchaser is not getting proper­
ty upon which it will be necessary to spend
a great deal of money for clearing. The
land is practically cleared and is in splen­
did condition.
The Notley Addition is the closest-in
addition on the market in Coquille today,
and is, in many ways, the most desirable,
All the lots that are being put on the mar­
ket at this time are within two or three
blocks of the city High School and about
eight blocks from the business center of
the city.
Good Streets
Streets are improved to the very edge
of the addition, and those leading into it,
while not improved, are in better condi­
tion than unpaved streets within a block
or two of the business center.
Lots 50 Feet by 100 Feet
The lots in this addition are 50 feet
by 100 feet and every one of them is suit­
able for garden purposes.
In order that these lots may be sold
as quickly as possible, a single price of
$100 is being made on each of the 40 lots.
No partiality will be shown and those who
buy first will be able to choose the lots
which suit them best. Any of the lots
that are being offered are easily worth the
amount asked, and there is included a
number of choice ones that far exceed
this sum in value.
We do not intend to hold these lots to
anybody’s order; they are going to be sold
as rapidly as possible. If you are looking
for a location on which to build, Notley
Addition offers you an exceptional advan­
tage; if you wish to invest a little money
as a speculation, you have only to consid­
er the location of this property and the
price we are asking, to realize its desira­
bility as an investment.
Easy Payments
Not only are we offering these lots
at an exceedingly low figure but we are
willing to give you terms that will sur­
prise you. To secure any one of these
lots requires only an initial payment of
$10 and a weekly payment of $1.
This property is going to go, and go
quickly, and if you desire to secure one
or more of these lots at the price, and on
the terms, that we are offering them, you
will have to act at once.
New industries are seeking location
here and this year, and the years to come,
promise to be the most prosperous Coquil e
has ever known. This means that prop­
erty will be in demand. Secure youis
now, before the prices advance, and pay
for it a dollar -at a time. We will be
pleased to give you any further informa­
tion you may desire regarding this prop­
erty, or to show you over it in person.
Coquille Land Com pany
Chas. Walker, Manager
Office in Slagle’s Tailor Shop
Coquille, Coos County, Oregon
F orm a ld eh yd e State Rural Credits
Government Experiment Station tests have proven
that the Formaldehyde treatment is one of the best
that can be given grain and potatoes before planting
to prevent smut blight etc.
Squirrel Poison
For the speedy destruction of Gophers, Squirrels,
Mice and Crows
Save Money by Buying Your
Garden Seed in Bulk
Knowlton’s Drug Store
ment in BUch manner and as often as
may be necessary to insure safety and
accuracy in fulfilling the purpose of
said amendment, and for said purposes
may employ such assistants as the
Board may deem necessary.
The State Land Board shall pay its
representatives for the services per­
formed in examining the titles and ap­
Following are the provisions which is named in the application, said Board praising the lands offered by applicants 4»H»w»»mtmnngsmn»w»mn»mm»:n»mw»«H»Nnm»m«nHK»»t»nyi
govern the making of farm loans under shall refund to the applicant any bal­ as security for loans under the terms
the state rural credit law:
ance due. Should the application for a of said amendment the following fees:
For loans of $1,000, $10 and two fifths
All applications for loans under said loan be rejected the Board shall return of
one per cent of the amount of the
amendment shall be made in writing to j to the applicant the money received loan.
One-third of such fee shall be
ECENT statistics show that the number of
the State Land Board upon forms sup­ with the application less such amount for services
performed in appraisal of
women bank depositors is. steadily increas­
plied by said Board. Each application j as may be necessary to cover the office | the lands so offered,
be pay­
ing. It is a healthy sign of business condi­
shall contain an agreement drawn up and other expense undergone in investi­ able whether the loan and is shall
approved or
tions. There was a time when the number
such application.
in contract form which shall fulfill the gating
Board shall base the amount to rejected. Two-thirds of such fee shall
of women depositors was practically nil.
conditions of Sections 5 and 6 of the be Said
any applicant upon the valua be for services performed in examina­
With the advent in the business world of
constitutional amendment, which agree­ tion loaned
of the land offered as security ex­ tion of the abstract of title of such
so many women it was assured that the
ment shall be signed by the applicant clusive
improvements. In lands upon the granting of the loan,
number of female depositors would show an increase.
and his signature attested by a notary arriving of at perishable
valuation the Board j Such payments shall be made upon
Women are inclined to be more thrifty than men.
public or other person qualified to at­ shall adhere such
general procedure claims presented to, audited and allow­
Thrift and banking go hand in hand. Many women in
test signatures within the State of Ore­ now followed to in the loaning
the common ed by, the State Land Board and by
this community have bank accounts. To those who
gon; said applications to read:
fund, hut subject to such modifi­ warrants drawn upon the rural credits
have not this appeal is made. Open a hank account
Such loans shall not be made except school
as are required in this Act and expense fund by the clerk of said Board.
today. Once having opened it, add to it. Watch it
to owners who operate and occupy the cations
You’ll like the experience.
lands mortgaged, and shall be made
valuation water rights appurten­ I
only for the following purposes: (a) such
ant to the land shall be taken into con- The^cold, damp weather of March
The payment for lands purchased; (bl ! sideration.
to be the most favorable for the
the purchase of livestock and other In accordance with Section 10 of said l seems
pneumonia germ. Now is the time to
equipment, and the making of improve­ amendment
an applicant shall he deem­ be careful. Pneumonia often msults
Farmers and Merchants Bank
ments which, in the judgment of said ed to fulfill the requirements implied in ' from a cold. The quicker« cold is got­
ten rid of the less the danger. As soon
Board, will increase the productivity of the terms “operate and occupy’’ under j as
the first indication of a cold appears
such lands or add to their value as a j the following conditior.s;
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. As
farm home in a degree to justify Bueh (a) When said applicant lives upon j [ take
of this preparation, ask
expenditure; and (c) foi the satisfac­ the land offered as security and where anyone value
who has used it.
tion of incumbrances upon such lands such land forms a single holding, and
which, in the judgment of said Board, where said applicant manages the land
Under New Mancgement
were incurred or assumed by said ap­ himself, performing the labor thereon
plicant for the aforesaid purposes.
with the assistance of his family or In the Circuit Court oi the Stale of Oregon
this well-equipped hotel, I propose
Every applicant for a farm loan shall hired help;
such a manner as to merit pat­
state clearly in his application the pur­ (b) Where the applicant offers land M ary A lta M orrissey , I
satisfaction to the traveling
poses for which such loan is desired, as security which is made up of non­
P l a in tiff ,
Suit in
and upon its approval by the Board this contiguous holdings on one of which
M orrissey ,
for Divorce
statement shall be deemed a part of applicant lives and from which he op­ O tto A.
efendant .
the note or contract under which the erates the different holdings as out­ To D Otto
A. Morrissey, the above
loan is granted. But no failure to ap­ lined in subdivision (a) of this section,, named defendant:
ply such funds to the purposes stated which noncontiguous holdings, however, IN THE NAME OF THESTATE OF
in such application or enumerated here­ shall not he more than five miles dis­ OREGON, You are hereby required to I
and answer the complaint of
in shall invalidate a loan when once tant from the land on which said appli­ appear
the plaintiff in the above entitled Court
madp, nor shall anything herein con­ cant lives;
and cause within six weeks from the
tained be deemed to prevent any farm (c) Where for any reason the appli­ date
of the first publication of this sum­
owner from selling or leasing lands cant must be absent from the land of­ mons, to-wit: within six weeks from
6th day of March 1917; and if you
Bubject to such encumbrance; but if he fered as security for not exceeding nine the
appear or answer the said com­
shall violate his said contract by apply- months out of each year, but upon fail to on
or before the 17th day of Ap­
i ing the moneys borrowed to purposes which he maintains his legal residence plaint
the same being the last day
other than those stated in his applica- and which land ho operates as outlined of the time prescribed in the order of
publi -ation, the plaintiff will apply to
| tion or enumerated herein, or if he shall in subdivision (a) of this section;
the Court for the relief demanded in
| lease such lands or sell them to any d) Where on account of water or her
complaint, a succinct state­
peraon not fulfilling the conditions and lack of water or any other condition ment said
of which is as follows: That the
purposes provided for herein, said which in the judgment of said Board marriage eont-act heretofore existing
between the plaintiff and the defendant
j Board is authorized and direct«! to re- makes the land offered as security a be
annulled, set aside and held for
' quire the repayment of said loan upci place unfit for a rural home but where naught;
that the plaintiff be restored
I six months' notice, and said note or the management and work are per­ to her maiden
name of Mary Alta Stan­
j contract shall contain a clause provid- formed as in subdivision (a) of this lief
ley. and for such other and further re­
as to the Court may seem meet and
ing therefor.
Said applications shall be accompan- The State (.and Board shall take al| ! equitable.
this summons is made
! it'd hy the required fee of one per cent' needful preoaulio is to prevent the use upon you by of publication
thereof pur­
( of the loan applied for, which fee shall of funds obtain«, under said amend­ suant
the order of the Honorable
. be not less than $10. :.„;d fe-n . bail S, ment for purpose* of speculation. It James to Watson.
paid into the St. Treasury ami ere i- shall check the work of its representa­ Court of the State of Oregon the for County
it«i to a fund to be known as the
made on the 3rd day of JMarch
credits expense fund.
tives who appraise lands and examine I County,
Pnone 496
I Should a sum be granted than titles in the operation of said amend- 1917.
3-6 7t
Attorney for Plaintiff.
l u t i p lan t tlte
'T a p e a r o w
a t a T im e ■
Seeds are properly spaced in
thin tissue paper tape. They
germinate quicker and better
the paper They
holds moisture.
healthier and more beautiful
plants, more even stand and
tine straight rows. Then in
addition, there is a great sav­
ing of time and labor — you
plant a whole row at a time,
and no thinning out is neces­
sary. Amateurs get expert re­
sults with Pukro Seed tape.
Pakro Secdtape ii made by
American Seed tape Co.,
71 West
. your
New York
it 10c at per
eia. Price
The Rexall Store
U. S. and Firestone
H. O. A nderson