Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 27, 1917, Image 2

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Beyond the Rim
Entered as second-class matter May 8, 1905, at the st office
Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congrees of Marc! 3. 1879.
Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley
particularly and of Coos County generally.
Subscription, $ 1.50 per year, in advance.
Phone Main 381
By Rory O’Moore
When life was young and I a callow youth,
I watched the trail that led beyond the rirn
And swore a child's vendetta on the bonds
That held me fast, while I so lonfftd the dim
Ui.trodden paths 1 saw to venture, and to trend
The distance shore, all gleaming, gaily flushed—
By ever wanton fancy to be led
Each day, with all forbidding voices hushed,
Toward that fair isle, Adventure, and to there.
Breaking the last grim bond about me tied
By precedent of centuries—there to share
In every freedom 1 had been denied—
To stalk sweet Romance in her very lair
And win consent her guerdon hence to wear.
That vow, with fervent ardor, 1 have kept
And down the open road before me hied;
A restless spirit, like a fitful breeze,
In every quarter of the world I’ve sighed.
And said, not here the isle I seek, not here.
But ever other roads awaited me.
While hope, reviving, made the way seem clear
And my goal in the constant distance I could see.
Till, yesterday, familiar looked the road;
Deep within me something moved and woke;
And 1 stood gazing on the mean abode
Where I had grown weary of my yoke.
And lo, I knew my search, at last, was o’er;
For there stood Romance by the sagging door.
Just Received^=Onion Sets
The last shipment which we will be able to get this
season has arrived s ml we are selling them at the extreme­
ly low price of 10c per lb.
Wholesale price today is from 15c to 20c per pound.
Remember when this lot is gone we will have no more.
•Get them now
The report of the revolution in Russia, with the prob­
ability of the abdication of the Czar, came as a surprise at
Our next
this time, although it has been pretty well understood
that autocratic government was approaching its downfall I
in that immense empire. At this writing the Czar still
Will be
sits on his throne, but he is merely a figurehead, as he has
been for a generation, while the “strong men” of the Rus­
sian nobility gave him his orders. That there has been a
split among the strong men and that the pro-German par­
Regular 5c Bags______ __________
.3 for 10c THINK
ty has been driven from power, while the German-bred
Regular 10c Bags-------------------
2 for 15c
royal family retain their titles means that the “Russian”
for 35c
spirit is in the ascendent, but that the kindly and amiable
50 pound Bags..............................................................55c
Czar retains the love of his people and that, shorn of all
real power, he may still be allowed to draw his salary.
What fui ther changes may come in the near future are
Toilet Soap-------------- ------------„ ___6 Cakes for 25c
not to be safely prophesied by the Coquille Herald, but let
acter of Myra with Miss Frederick in
no one believe that the Russian people are such near rela­ Plans Being Made for
All our prices are special—These are extra
mind as its ultimate expression, he
Commencement Week could not have more completely painted
tions to the ox as their silence under oppression would in­
for this gifted actress to in
dicate. While the strong arm has silenced their voices it The various exercises of commence­ a vest portrait
with life. In her struggles against
has not stopped their thinking, and their thinking has gone ment have been planned out so that her worst nature, in her overwhelming
love for Bryan, in her temptation to
further along the line on which the salvation of humanity nothing will remain to be arranged for sacrifice
the object of her love to her
Phone 691 and 541
Front and C Streets
Coquille, Ore
must be worked out than that of many peoples of re­ at the last moment. There will be own selfish
happiness—in all these
puted bright intelligence.
three programs, the Sixth Annual Dc- ffreat incidents of a story of unusual
power, Miss Frederick is unapproach­
While the Russian affair has had more of the elements clamatory Contest, the Baccalaureate able.
Commencement In support of the , star there appear Todd the Tailor was a business
of a spectacle, it is by no means the only or the greatest Service and the i Final
Program. Pupils in the various grades several well known players, among visitor in Beaver Hill Iasi week
change that has been brought about by the war, and which are
working on selections for the De- them Irving Cummings, Ferdinand Tid- S. T. Childers and fumily left
will be more clearly seen after the smoke of battle has clamatory
contest and preliminaries marsh, Frank Evans. Riley Hatch and Beaver Hill Saturday for Myrtle
be held within the next week or Buckley Starkey. See it Thursday.
cleared away and the peoples of the earth attempt to set­ will
Point, where they will reside in the
two. The Seniors have invited John L.
tle back into the old ruts out of which they have been Gary
of the high school faculty to de­
E Wilson, of Powers, is visiting
jarred. They will find that many of those ruts have been Gary has fllled Coquille pulpits on a
with fiiends at Beaver Hill.
obliterated, never to be worn or dug again. And when number of occasions during the year
Mis. Rosa Pretiss, principal of
By J. L. Smith.
the Beaver Hill school, spent Satur­
the flare of the big guns and of burning villages has died and is an inspiring speaker. The com­ TREATMENT
mencement address will be delivered by Rhizoctonia (Black Scurf) and cc day and Sunday in Marshfield with |
down, it will be found that the light of real human pro­ Dean
Straub of Oregon University. A
gress and human justice will be shining as never before. year ago
last November Dean Straub mon 8cab -ire two potato diseases Dominick Sacoamanno went to
delivered an address at high school as- which are caused by parasitic fungi or Coquille on business Saturday.
It may be that all the losses and awful suffering of the *>mbly
proved to be a great in­ bacteria growing on the surface of the
war will find compensation in the gain of time in human spiration which
to the students and all are de­ potato. To control such diseases the
following solution is recommended
East Fork Items
progress by the sweeping away of old ideas and old preju­ lighted at the prospect of healing him Four
dices and the letting of the light into the minds of men— will be furnished by the high school 30 gallons ot water. Dissolve the cor­
Special C. C. News Service)
and women.
students under the direction of Miss rosive sublimate first in a little hot wa­ (Herald’s
Saturday morniug toe river look­
Saturday Special
Salt! Salt! That’s all Salt!
Busy Corner Grocery
The daily report that “war has been declared” by the
United States against Germany, or by Germany against
the United States, has become a chestnut, but that a state
of war actually exists does not seem to require any formal
declaration. It seems that we are “into it” at last, and
if we be there is only one thing to do—to get in and fight
as hard as we can. That we are all ready to “stand be­
hind the President” when the time comes, goes without
saying. That a man has dared to call his soul his own
during the preliminary chewing of the rag, does not nec­
essarily argue any traitorous inclination, and the Herald
would like to call the attention of some of his esteemed
contemporaries to the fact that there is one editor in this
field who was born in the state of Maine so long ago that
one of the first things he remembers is seeing the flag
hung union down across the maples in a neighbor’s yard
when Lincoln was assassinated, and that he considers his
brand of patriotism as good as any there is. In those
days, in the old Pine Tree State, “ Democrat” was a term
of approbrium, but it is not so now, and Woodrow Wilson
is the President of all Americans.
1 'fm
. W#f .
is the side where the corn is / ig
labor little.
G-P. motors dri\ injj irrigation pumps
mean big crops.
G-E motors driving farm and dairy
machinery mean little labor in handling
the big crops.
G-P. motors will last a lifetime,
give you no trouble and prove your
most profitable investment.
Let us show you how G-P)
motors will increase your profits
and lessen your labor.
Workers in District No. 61
In district No. 61, in the South slough
country, the pupils, under the super­
vision of their teacher, Mrs. R. A.
Easton, have organized an Audibon so­
ciety, every pupil enrolled paying
10 cents for a year’s membership.
Each child receivad an Audibon button,
12 colored bird pictures, with descrip­
tive leaflet and 12 outlines to color,
and a card with colored pictures of 36
birds. The teacher gets the magazine
“ Bird Lore. ” Five girls in the chool
have also taken up the Industrial Club
work, three taking sewing, one baking
and one canning. Mrs. Easton is filling
a two-year contract in the district,
which is proud of having one cf the
banner schools of the county.
“The World’s Greatest Snare”
ter before adding the 30 gallons of wa­
ter, (label it Poison). This is sufficient
for 40 bushels of potatoes; submerge
potatoes in the solution for two hours,
then dry them thoroughly before plant­
It is very important that you treat
your potatoes which you intend to plant
in this way as the above mentioned dis
eases are quite prevalent in many parts
of the county. The county agent has
found a number of such cases very re­
cently; perhaps your own potatoes are
affected so slightly that you have not
yet detected it. If you are not ac­
quainted with these diseases you may
see some infected specimens at this of
flee, which were discovered by the
county agent on certain well known
farms here in the county, where the
growers had not yet become aware that
the disease actually was present in
their potatoes, because they were not
familiar with the disease and did not
recognize it in their potatoes. Maybe
you’ve got it and do not know it. Bet­
ter not take any chances; dip ’em.
ed as though there was enough wa­
ter to take Geo. Metheson’s logs
over ibe dam at Minard's mill.
That Is whal George has been look­
ing tor, storm
Fred Baker’s bid for the butter­
milk at the Brewster Valley Cream
erv was the highest—
cts a
cwt No washings or nu-ings go
in; those he gets withom price. He
has bought pigs and he will turn
some easy money.
The Maters think there are S "tne
d a y s in Coos when the sun dor s not
shine; but they don’t shiver so
much as they would back in Wyo.
John and Frank Paget have been
clearing land and making ties this
winter. They will d ive their ties
down Elk creek
Bancroft Briefs
(Herald’s Special C. C. News Se-vice)
Some of the largest settings ever
A L Rice has been suffering
erected in a motion picture studio were
built by the Famous Players for their How often do you salt your cows? I with a bad case of sore throat for
adaptation of E. Phillips Oppenheim’s asked that question of a certain Coos several days
great novel, “The World’s Great county farmer the other day and he re- Mrs. F. J Fish and Albert Fish
Snare,’’ in which that foremost feat *re plied that he just salted them in the are both on the sick list with La
concern is starring Pauline Frederick i summer time. He didn’t imagine that Grippe, but are improving.
his cows needed any salt in the Winter, The Lund boys have their land
at the Scenic.
Perhaps one of the most striding when they were dry or not giving much plowed
and a good share of their
scenes is that which shows the interior | milk. How would you like to do with- grain planted,
in spile o( the stormy
of the Montana Cafe, in San Francisco, I ou^ 8a^ *n y°ur own food?
where Miss Frederick, as Myra, the A cow should have at least two ounces weather
Elwood Carev and son Dave, of
dancer, does some very clever terpsi- °* 8a'1 eac*1 day. either mixed in her Alegany,
are visiting their friends
chorean work. The setting itself is a food or placed in a trough where she and relatives
on Rock creek.
huge structure which shows both the may have access to it.
Miss Mary Price and her pupils
stage, main floor and balcony of the SAVE YOUR BEST HEIFER CALVES
cafe. Here are enacted some of the The best way to get good cows is to furnished an interesting program at
most thrilling scenes of the play,among raise them. How do you know though he close of school on Friday, Ibe
rd Quite a number of visitors
them a fight in which one of the con- which heifer calves to" keep if you do 23
testanU is hurled over the balcony rail not have your cows tested and a yearly were present to enjoy the occasion
to the floor below, thus precipitating a record kept of their production of milk Mr Sttang was assessing proper-
in this vicinity on Friday and Sat­
general riot on the part of the miners nnd butterfat?
and Mexicans in the cafe.
Your herd will not improve very fast urday.
A great deal of the action of the you attempt to grade it up with
story transpires in a typical mining if heifer
Bridge Briefs
Irom cows which produce
town where the coroner’s inquest is less than calves
300 pounds of butterfat per
usually held a few moments after the cow per year.
(Herald’s Special C. C. News Service)
shooting and without the formality of
We wish to correct a mistake
moving the victim's body from the
scene of the tragedy.
hat appeared in our items last
week Ii is Dr. Pemberton, not Dr
Myra, the forceful character which
Leep, that is attending Rav Eodi-
Pauline Frederick so powerfully enacts,
Special Coos County cott Ray is improving, and is
stumbles upon one of these shooting af­ The Herald’s
News Service
able to sit up part of the time now
frays and is accused of the murder.
She is rescued from the mob by Bryan,
Marion Popp started to school
the man with whom she is so desper­
Beaver Hill News
again Thursday, alter being absent
ately in love that she has followed him
over a week because of sickness.
from San Francisco to the mines. (Herald’s Special C. C. News Service) The Rook Cieek school held their
Myra risks her life and her freedom for
Esther Cox. school teacher closing exercises Friday afternoon
this man out of gratitude for his kindly at Mtss
Beaver Hill, was a Myrtle Point Miss Mary Price taught the last
treatment of her when she is one of the visitor
two or three months ol the term
dancers at the Montana. For Bryan, a Mr. and
young Englishman who has come to to Marshfield on business and plefes- The Pareut-Teacher Circle gave
an ’'Irish” program Friday after­
America in search of a birth certificate
which will establish his claim to the ure last week
Earldom of Wessemere, is the first Clifford Boutin was among the Miss Hulda Warner, who attends
the Bridge high school, went to
man to look upon Myra as anything but Mar-hfield callers Thursday.
a source of amusement.
Dr E- Mingus was calling in Bancroft Friday evening to spend
the week-end with her parents.
If the novelist had drawn the char- Beaver Hill Friday.
Coos County
Dry Shiplap,
Finish, Flooriny
and Rustic
Several Lots of Lumber at
Special Prices
Roseburg-M yrtle Point Auto Stage Line
Myrtle Point
7:40 a. m.
6 . a. m.
6 hours Running Time
Connecting with Coquille Auto Lines
J. L. Laird
M yrtle Point
Movie Tickets A T Racket
Given Aw ay THE Store
Commencing Thursday, we will give with each package
of BUTTERKIST POPCORN Coupons redeemable at the
Scenic Theater in admission tickets and good for lc each
W e G ive You Free
10 c
Remember this is a Free Gift. Get a package of
"he most delicious of all popcorn, then go to the
mouies ond
The Racket Store
Mr*. A. O. Walker
One side cf your Pass Book will show all the money you have
receivad. The other side will show all you have paid
—- out, and
the cancelled checks are your receipts.
count fine
here. arrangement is yours if you will open your check ac­
Your account will be given careful and considerate attention.
O N A *60,000.00
A. J. SHERWOUD, President
R. E. SHINE, Vice President
L. H. HAZARD, Cashier
O. C. SANFORD. Asst. Cashier