D ìe C oquille H erald VOL. 35, NO. 28 COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1917. PROPOSITION MADE CONWAY Is Being Considered and Out­ come Will be Known Shortly HANLEY FORCED 1 0 WITHDRAW Prominent Southern Oregon Men Interested -OPPORTUNITY SEEN IN BONDS Editor McDaniels Says It Is Coos County’s Chance to Pull Out of the Mud CAMPAIGN IS NOW UNDER WAY Commission Offered Reduc­ tion in Cement Prices The people of Coos county now have an opportunity to pull the county out of the mud. We not only have $362,000 in bond money in our banks to spend in bringing certain adopted projects to line and grade, and this work has so far progressed that the County Court will now set about to secure bids for g ro w e rs w licJj i o .e i s s i l.i t..e un d er- I actual grading In addition to this we taking was sufficiently great to insure are getting state aid in the form of en­ their support. gineering and supervision of this work Wherever the business is large I which we are to do under the bond is- enough it is desirable to have a field sue And still in addition to this we man to work with the farmer members, can get all state roads in the county An important portion of this man’s paved at state expense when Buch roads time should be devoted to making cer- are ready for paving, providing the pro- tain that the proper varieties are posed stste road bond issue passes, in- grown. Market demands change from ; volving $6,000,000 in funds for that time to time, and it is essential for | class of work alone. Men who have success that the cannery be able to [ given the proposed plan a most careful supply the kind of products that are study, men who are not given to form- IN "THE WORLD’S GREAT SNARE"-----SCENIC TOMORROW most asked for. One safe rule is to ing opinions without due investigation put up as high-grade products as pos­ most emphatically endorse the bond sible, and farmers’ canneries always project and are urging their friendB to feature of commencement week the should strive to increase the production endorse it. It is the only means before whole thing will be given in miniature of the best grades. These usually the state today wherein so much good with Professor A. F. Reddie, of the bring far better average returns to the can be accomplished with so little ex­ department of public speaking, as both producer than cheaper material. pense to the taxpayers. producer and audience. Professor Red- In fact the entire issue will not cost die's plan is to work out the handling of the production through the medium Seniors to Give “Mr. Bob’ the real estate owner a dollar at any time, unless he should own an automo­ of this miniature. Louis C. Rosenberg, bile, and in that event his annual li- instructor in architecture, will work As the culmination of many weeks of cense fee will be doubled, R. B. Murdock Returns with out a model for the use of the producer. hard work under the direction of Miss 1 In addition to all this we still have Selection of players for leading parts Good News From Meeting in the pageant is proceeding. Besides Newell, the seniors of the high school another source from which funds can will present the comedy, "Mr. Bob,” be obtained, and that is from the fed- Miss Emma Wootton, of Astoria, who of Highway Commission at the Masonic opera house next Satur- eral government to be expended on will represent the "Spirit of Freedom,” day evening at eight fifteen. The cast post and forest roads. These funds and Miss Melba Williams, of Eugene, is a carefully selected one and each in­ must be matched dollar for dollar, and who will appear in the "Dance of dividual is doing his part in fine shape. the bond bill takes care of that, supply­ Gold,” other parts have just been cast There are seven characters in the ing sufficient funds to meet u!l federal as follows: Sacajawea, Miss Charlotte play and the action is so planned that funds allotted this state. Banfield, of Portland; “ Spirit of the every part is really a leading part. But we must remember that to take Curry County Road Is to be Valleys,” Miss Helen Bracht, Eugene; There are no minor roles. Phillip Roy- advantage of this the bond issue must "Spirit of the Seas,” Miss Margaret Approved Bon is a young medical student who carry, and the big project must be car­ Crosby, Riddle, Ore.; "Spirit of the makes his home with his Aunt Rebecca ried along with that of the smaller one. WaterB,” Miss Eyla Walker, Corvallis; and niece, Katherine Rodgers. Kath­ Automobile owners will pay all ex­ Beginning yesterday, the state as­ "Spirit of the Plains,” Miss Bernice erine expects a visit from her friend, penses of interest charges and the prin­ sumed all engineering expense for high­ Lucas, Portland. Marion Bryant, nick named "Bob.” cipal will be retired in 25 years, leaving W. F. G. Thacher, professor of Eng­ way work done in Coos county under Phillip has never met Marion, and sup­ a balance of $7,000,000. Automobile the $370,000 bond issue. This is part lish, is writing a new male chorus for poses “ Bob” to be Katherine’s fiance. owners should remember that their li­ of the good news brought back by the pageant. At the same time, Phillip is expecting cense tax will be doubled whether the Each county of Oregon will be repre­ County Roadmastar R. B. Murdock a visit from a college chum while Aunt bond issue carries or not. Should the who returned from Portland Sunday sented in the pageant by some resident Rebecca and the servants expect an bond issue fail to pass then the funds after attending a regular meeting of of that county. The work of prepara­ architect to call. When Mr. Brown, a received from license money will be ex­ the State Highway Commission, which tion is to become constantly more in­ law clerk, arrives on the scene, Phillip pended on Oregon’s highways," where was held in conference with a repre­ tense from now until the pageant spec­ mistakes him for Mr. Bob, Katherine traffic is heaviest, and in this case Coos sentative of the federal department of tacle is produced on Kincaid Field, as supposes him to be Phillip’s college county would not get a cent, public roads and District Forester Cecil. the last outdoor spectacle of any kind friend, and the servants are certain he The rancher residing off the main Mr. Murdock states that the future on that historic playground soon to be is the architect. Around this case of traveled roads will be benefitted for is of the road program in Coos has as­ superceded by a i.ew field for which the mistaken identity is woven a very sim­ it not reasonable to believe that 'he sumed a very rosy aspect and that, un­ money has been made available. ple plot but a tremendous amonnt of sooner that the main highways are less unexpected difficulties arise, the Longest Bible Verse. comedy. Added to this is the humerous completed the sooner laterals will be work will go ahead at a rapjd rate from The longest verse In the Bible, the byplay between Patty and Jenkins, the built to the outlying districts to serve now on. He emphasizes, however, ninth verse In the eighth chapter of as feeders for the road? At any rate maid and the butler. that a great deal depends upon the Esther, contains ninety words. the man who objects to the plan be­ The cast is as follows: --------------------- s . « » e -------------- — - sanction by the people at the June elec-' Arthur Hooton cause the road is not to be built past Phillip Royson tion of the six million dollar bond issue. ' Herbert Lukins his door is not reckoning with the ulti­ Robert Brown The commission also authorized work Charles Willey mate course to be pursued and will Jenkins to start at once on the surveying of j Marion Schroeder likely be found in lonesome company.— Rebecca Luke the Myrtle Point-Roseburg road and Zelma Strang Harbor. Katherine Rogers Co-operative Canning the attitude of the commission seems Leanna Curry Marion Bryant to be very favorable toward having ac -1 Ada DownB Oregon’s good roads campaign has Patty tual construction work commenced on The rooms occupied by Miss Cecilia That a cooperative cannery is un­ The prices of admission will be twen­ been launched. The Legislature’s Com- that road this year. This is considered likely to succeed unless it can handle a Hoffman and Miss Edna Olson, over the ty-five and thirty-five cents. mittee of Eight, three senators and of utmost importance by road boosters Busy Corner Grocery, was entered sufficient quantity of high-grade fruit five representatives, has taken charge. of this section, for until this road is or vegetable products is pointed out in some time Saturday night or Sunday, Contributions of $10 each were made by completed, tourist travel in this section and $10, belonging to Miss Hoffman, an article by W. H. Kerr in the 1916 Potato Eelworm Bulletin all members of the committee, and the is certain to be very light regardless of and the key to the apartment taken. Yearbook of the United States Depart­ formal request was made of the press the character of the road system with­ ment of Agriculture. Many canneries, I t’s ready now, the potato eelworm Miss Hoffman spent the week-end in of the state that subscription lists be in the county. Bandon and Miss Olson visited a friend it is said, have failed because their pri­ bulletin, and you may get your copy at opened in their columns for the collec­ The minutes of the commission also in another part of the city, and neither mary purpose was to dispose of culls once by sending to the O. A. O. Exten­ ■how that they will consider the $60,- of them were in the rooms Saturday and low-grade products, the portion of sion Service, Corvallis, for it. Ask for tion of funds for the county and state campaigns. The only restriction as to 000 bond issue money to be spent in night and most of the day Sundav. the crop that could not be sold on the Potato Eelworm Bulletin No. 198. It Coos this year as match money to be When they came back Sunday evening market in a fresh state. Such low- will show you how to identify eelworm subscriptions was that none from pav­ met by the state in 1918, provided the they missed the key but thought noth­ grade products naturally bring low infested potatoes and also the necessity ing companies may be accepted. Ai! state funds do not permit its being ing of it until yesterday when Miss priees. The profit in them is not great for preventing the spread of the eel­ ■ubscriptions made for the state cam­ paign are to be remitted to Senator L. met this year. Hoffman went to her purse for a $10 and they are difficult to dispose of at worm pest. This pest far outranks D. Cusick, treasurer of the legislature At their meeting the Commission all in connection with large quantities either the tuber moth or the Colorado bill which she had left in it, only to committee, at Albany, Oregon. County also provided for the prompt approval discover that the purse was empty. of high grades. potato beetle, and when once establish­ campaign subscriptions are to be han­ The first step, therefore, in the es­ of the plans and specifications of the Nothing else in the rooms seems to tablishment of a cooperative canning ed in the soil is pretty nearly there for dled entirely by the local organizations. three Coos county bond issue projects have been molested. A search is being keeps. Growers are urged to examine It was the business should be to make certain that which were laid before them. It is . .. sense . of the committee made for the guilty parties by the po­ the requisite supply of fresh fruit or their potatoes cloBcly for this pest and .. . also understood that the other projects lice authorities. to discard all potatoes that shows any that organisât,on of county campaigns vegetables can be obtained. A cannery indications of infestation. The bulle- be left entirely in the hands of the sev­ will be approved as soon as they are ahould be operated as continuously tin tells how to detect the eelworms eral counties, and that the sole function put before the Commission in the prop­ Academy Report’ of the state headquarters is to be the throughout the year as possible in or -1 when present. er form. dissemination of such literature, infor­ der to avoid the expense of idle ma­ While the roads of Curry county were Those perfect in spelling for the past chinery and idle help. The most suc­ mation, advertising and other service all left out of the specified roads in the For and Against Bonds as may be required by the county or­ cessful cooperative establishments now bending bill, the Commission has desig­ week were; Second grade B class—Frankie True, pack a wide variety of products over a ganizations. The state headquarters nated the road north and south through Comments of one hundred news­ also will cooperate in securing speakers that county as one ef the reads that Avin McQugg. Alton McAdams, Ches­ j long period, some starting with straw­ will appear on the maps of approved ter McQuigg, Jimmie Agostino, Earl berries in May and continuing steadily papers of Oregon on the road bonding for local meetings to discuss the bond­ McQuigg, Wayne Jacobson, Helen Bec­ throughout the year until they close act have been condensed and presented ing bill. There are many excellent post and forest roads. speakers in the different counties who It appears that there is little more kett, Alta Belle El wood, Jean Baker, the season with the packing of late in the Oregon Voter. Two-thirds of the papers are sup­ are well versed in the provisions of the that the people of this section could Freda Baxter, Mary Ella Cary, Ruby vegetables in December. If less than 300,000 pounds of raw material are porting the measure vigorously, one- bill and discuss same ably, and the ser­ ask of the Highway Commission and Westgate. Second grade A class-Dora Thorn­ handled annually, says the article, it is fifth are doubtful but claim to be open- vices of such will be enlisted to visit their prompt action on these matters will undoubtedly avoid considerable de­ ton, Flossie Gilpin, Kathleen Vowell, not likely that the proceeds will permit minded, and a dozen are opposed to its neighboring counties, their expenses to Agnes Pendleton, Velma Stone, kuby a fair return to the producers. ratification by the people. This propor­ to be paid from the state campaign lay in the road work of the county. McAdams, Florence T hrift Lack of sufficient capital is another tions are: For the bill, 66 ; doubtful, fund. ----------- ----------- -- s > s « — ----------- To unite all the counties in the state Third grade—Tommy Toates, L> Nor- cause of the failure of many coopera­ 18; against, 12 . nie Pownder, Alda Vowell, Robert tive canneries. Such an enterprise re­ Pageant to be Put on Nearly every conceivable argument campaign, a covention of supporters of Brown, Ralph Humbert, Charles Mc­ quires more capital than the average for or against the bill is contained in the bond issue has been called to meet First in Miniature Adams, George Belloni, Jean Young, cooperative undertaking. Considerable this symposium of editorial expression. at Portland, Saturday, April 7. Mean­ Mella Brandon. Harold Gould, Leona money is required to meet operating Apparently if the adoption of the act while the legislature Committee will Universitv of Oregon, Eugene—Long Carter, Royce Richmond, Loretta Wil­ expenses and the returns from canned were left to the editors of Oregon it take charge of the state headquarters, before the great Oregon historic pa­ son, Gladys Roby, Doris Emery, Clara goods are frequently not received until would be ratified by an overwhelming the immediate work to be under the supervision of an exe cutive committee geant la presented to the public aa a CtauaniUer, Lola Morrison, A as long aa 18 months or more after the majority. STATE ASSURES GENEROUS AID START SURVEY OF M. P. ROAD $10 is Stolen From Girl Word was received by o ficials of the Coquill'' Valley Creamery Co. yesterday from F. E. Conway, manager of the Buttercup Dairy Products con pany. stating that everything possible was beiig done to hasten the completion of preliminary arrangements leading to a d hnite decision regarding the location of a condei-sary in the C 04 u.Uo Valley. D. Perozzi, of Ashland, who, with Mr. Conway, and G. S. butler also of Ashland, w h s in this city Friday and Saturday, is now in San Francisco con­ sulting with business associates regard­ ing the condensary proposition, Mr. Perozzi, with whom the writer is personally acquainted, has been en­ gaged in the manufacture of milk pro­ ducts in Ashland for a good many years. Mr. Butler is a banker of that city. The proposition which has been put up to Mr. Conway and his associates and which they are considering, from the creamery company, is that the creamerymen agree to take $3,200 stock in the Buttercup company; the latter making a cash payment of the differ­ ence in this sum and the appraised value of the creamery as it now stands, which would be somewhere near $7000. The Western World of last week says; “The reports published in Coquille newspapers that T. P. Hanly of Lam- pa is one of the prime movers in the Conway proposition for a condensary to be located at Coquille, is untrue, ac­ cording to W. J. Sweet of the Bank of Bandon, who interviewed Mr. Hanly yesterday. He says that upon his re­ turn from San Frandisco Mr. Hanly was informed of the Conway proposi­ tion while at Marshfield and that he had agreed to take an active interest and put up $5,000 towards it providing it is located in Bandon. Two days later, Mr. Hanly says, he heard about the proposition of E. E. Oakes and he decided that as long as there is a prob­ ability of getting a plant in Bandon he would not give his support elsewhere so has withdrawn. However, should it be found that Bandon will not get a plant, he believes that a plant located anywhere in the Coquille valley would be of sufficient benefit to the whole val­ ley to warrant support.” To say that the reports "is” untrue, because since they were published, Mr. Hanly, after having pressure brought to bear upon him from various sources in Bandon, where most of his interests are, has withdrawn from the new com­ pany, is hardly a shining example of accuracy. Mr. Hanly was present at the meeting of the stockholders of the creamery when it was explained the re­ lation he held to the company. delivery of the raw material. Thi means that money mu.it b • advanced to the grower when lie delivers the raw material, advances of this character frequently ranging from 35 to 65 per cent of the value of the produce. The money required for the purpose may frequently be secured from banks, if the plant and equipment are free from debt when operation» are begun, .f t his is not the case, however, the banks may be unwilling to advance much money. Aa an instance of what is pos­ sible with good credit the article men­ tions a farmers’ cannery in the West which recently purchased a trainload of sugar for use throughout the year and Berured $S5,000 fr m one bank for that purpose. A third consideration of importance is continuity in the business. A suffi­ cient volume of baseless must be se- j cured not only for one year but for i succeeding years, and the contract with the pro d u cers, therefore, should be made to run for a considerable period o f time. It is r ' so d ' i-ib le that the p ro d u cts and the varioi.-s should be distinctly specified. Some of the more successsf.il coo,, r .! >'.■ c ir. ' ries have- depended primarily upon a few big PER YEAR $1.50 0 APPEARING AT THE SCENIC SATURDAY NIGHT consisting of Senator W. D. Wood of Hillsboro, Chairman, Senator E. D. Cusick of Albany, Treasurer, and Rep­ resentative Roy W. Ritner of Pendle­ ton, Secretary. A reduction of 25 cents r barrel on the market price of cement when used for road work was tendered by the Oregon Portland Cement Co. to the State Commission at its meeting just Militia of 18 States Called held, and the cement people were com­ Out and Appeal is Made mended for the spirit they showed. However, the commission insisted that for More Men to be thoroughly fair, the cement com­ pany should include cement for bridge work in the 25 cents a barrel reduction. The company has the Commission’s de­ mand under consideration, with every prospect of favorable concession. Paving promoters who have come in Papers Are Asked to Aid in Recruiting Men contact with the State Highway Com­ mission have received little comfort, j . _______ The Commission insists that high prices for paving, boosted up to reimburse The President last night signed an paving companies for promotion ex- executive order directing that the au- penses, will not be tolerated. The thorized enlisted strength of the navy state should not be required to pay pro- be increased to eighty-seven thousand, motion costs, the Commissioners say, He was authorized by congress, in case and they state further that if paving °f emergency, to direct such increase bidders do not whittle their prices down ' n enlistment. New ships and ships in to where these fancy promotion charges reserve are being fully commissioned are eliminated, the state will buy its rapidly aa possible and the need is own machinery and build its own roads imperative for a larger enlistment to direct by day labor. man them. There has been a net in- The word also has gone out that no crease of over six thousand five hun- patented pavement will be UBed by the dred in enlistment Bince congress re­ Commission unless the promotion and cently authorized an increase, but many royalty charges are squeezed right more are needed, and needed now. Will you not emphasize this need by down to a reasonable profit on the ac tual work to be done. The Commis- giving special prominence Monday, on sion flatly states that all standard the first page of your paper, to the types of paving must be considered in president’s order, and also by making open competition with each other, and an editorial appeal for new recruits for that if none of the bids is low enough the navy. The navy offers exceptional advan­ "the Commission will proceed to do the work itself by force account after the tages to youi.g men of stuff and ambi­ purchase and installation of its own tion to serve in the first line for na­ paving plant. ” The quotation is from tional defense. In this emergency you the formal expression of the Commis­ have the opportunity and the privilege of performing this public service, and sion. - -• » * 1 am confidently appealing to you for your cordial and helpful cooperation. JObEPHUS DANIELS, Secretary Navy. Telegrams similar to the above were received by nearly all the daily news­ papers of the country, and appeared on Coquille received a foretaste of war the front pages of them yesterday. yesterday when Paul Gary and J. C. j Washington, March 26.- The infan­ Miller, members of the O. N. G., re­ ceived orders to join their commands at try militia of Oregon, Washington, Ida­ the Clackamas training grounds at once, ho, Montana and California has been Mr. Gary, who belonged to Company M called out and ordered to recruit to its at Salem, left this morning, accom­ full war strength. The order was is­ panied by his wife, who will go ss far sued at midnight. as their home in Salem. Mr. Miller, : Washington, March 26.—The militia who belonged to Company D of Port­ of 18 states, comprising 18,000 men are land, leaves this afternoon. to be mobilized at once. The war de­ Chaa. Schroeder received a phone partment requests that no details of lo­ message this morning from Stanley cation or movement of troops be pub­ Bartlett, from Portland, requesting lished at the present time. that his uniform be sent to him there Portland, March 26.—Over 1,000 men that he might join his command. Mr. of the Oregon militia are under arms. Bartlett had been called east by the All companies comprising the Third death of his father and arrived in Port­ regiment are at their armories, await­ land yesterday. He is a member of ing orders. Recruiting is reported to Company B. be brisk. All companies are ordered to report for doty at full strength and the Lakeside May Bond Third must double its enlistments. The For School Building Eighth company coast artillery, called ______ last Friday to guard the bridges, is the County Superintendent Raymond E. on*y other unit of the Oregon militia Baker reports that the Lakeside school underarms Seven other companies of district No. 66 , has posted notices call- co«8t “ 'tillery, troop cavalry and bat­ ing an election to vote on the propoei- artillery are not yet called but are tion of voting a $5000 bond issue to expecting orders, build and equip a modern school build- ing for that district. Rear Light for Autos He ialso reports splendid progress in the organizing of Boys’ and Girls' In­ G. G. Stewart, a w e ll known Rose- dustrial Clubs. Norway has recently formed a club of 26 members and Riv­ burg resident, has word from the Guid erton has ore of 15 members. A good Motor Lamp Co.,of Cleveland, Ohio, that size c!ub has also been organized at his invention that he perfected several months ago, was practically a success. Arago. Principal B. R. Jones of the Broad- This invention is called the "Hack-a- bent school has been compelled to go Lite” and is an attachment for autos to Portland for medical treatment and that enables the motorist to beck his during his absence Mrs. Minnie M. car at night with enough light from this lamp to asaure him of being safe. Hermann is in charge of the school. Miss Harriet Sweet started a term of It is attached to the reverse of the car school at the Sunnyaide district a week and when this is applied automatically lights the lamp. ago yesterday. CALL TO ARMS IS SOUNDED OREGON BOYS UNDER ARM S Get Orders to Report at Once