Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 20, 1917, Image 3

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    D ra n e ’s Locals
Krt-h milk a Lynn & J r.cs
W e carry the 99 coffee that was
so favorably Demonstrated at the
W-ii i Nut ■ 1-, lie u! I’ i vie w ’
Crescent buoib at the Korn Karut- progressive latmers, was in town
Ftiday nil business
• • •
W e will continue our sale until
Also a full line of Crescent goods. we ru ve. N o w is the time to Su\
a u y th iu g you need
Tile Ladte-
• • •
E v e ry th in ) } in tin-
K B. M uidock, coun ty roadmas
teed, a n d y o u r uiuuey hack it it is ter, attended the preparedness meet­
not w h at it is represented to be.
ing held at Marsbtiel I F tiday.
Saturday March 24 will be mil
the goods linery opening day at the Whi t
House. 9 o ’clock a m , First Nat
Bank Building.
T h e price is ltss but
are better.
• • •
J. S . Lswrelice made a flyiug Itip
to E ug en e last week, going out
Friday and returning S a t u r d a y
D o n ’ t be afraid to try it.
Cash whole-ale ( riies on Flout,
We also have the famous Royal
Feed and H t y at Collier W a r e ­
C lu b line of canned goods, nothing house.
better, and the prices right.
Chas Gardner announces that
he is establishing the same schedule
At tlie old staud vacated by the of prices tor repair work as that
charged by all Ford branches.
Model Groce ry.
Weduesd y Match 28 is he date
of he sptieg millinery opening
Mrs M No sier’s.
- : V-
• j A toil» t preparation ©: mm It.
Helps to eradicate dandruff, j
F o r R e s to r in g C o lo r a n d
P o a u ty to G r a y o r F a d e d rla u r i
60e. an ti <1.00 a t t>rutrK |at a
H I N D E R C O R N S Remove« Coras, Cal*
louses, e tc. , «tops al 1 (tain, ensures com fort to the
feet, makes w alking easy. l&a. bv m ail or a t Drug*
grists. Hiacox Chemical W orks. Fatchogua N. V
D k n t ib t
Office ovir First National Bank
Plione Main 431
324 , Office
514 , Res.
P h y s ic ia n
a n d
su r g eo n
Office over Farmers & Merchants
Graduate of the American School
of Osteopathy of Kirksville, Mo.
Office in Eldorado Block
Str. Elizabeth
Regular as the Clock
Highest in Qualil? , Lowest in Price
A sk Your Neighbor
Neal M cG ilvery and family have
moved Irom near Bandon to the
Mulvihill ranch about two miles up
the tiver, having tented the same.
Mr. Mulvihill and lamtly are living
in Coquille at present.
First-clans fare or..,............ 110.00
Up freight, per t >n.............. 3.00
E. & E. T. Kruse
24 California Street, San Franci»co
F or Reservation*
J. E. N O R T O N
A gent, C oquille, O regon
The Busy
can get rid of the hard­
est and most disagree­
able part of the week’s
w o r k b y sending the
wash to us.
If it can be washed we
can do it.
. _________
D I A M O M I I t l t V M l I ' l l . I > , for 2 5
years k nown as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
The Celebrated
Bergmann Shoe
Awarded Gold Medal
P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1915
1 cu p s u g a r
cu p w a te r
3 eggs
2 te a s p o o n « R o y a l B a k in g P o w d e r
1 cu p flour
1 te a sp o o n sa lt
cu p cold w a te r
1 te a sp o o n flavorin g
D I R E C T I O N S :— B o ll s u g a r a n d w a te r
u n til s y r u p s p in s a t h r e a d a n d a d d t o th e
rtiffiy b e a te n w h it e s o f e g g s , b e a tin g until
t h e m ix tu r e is cold .
S ift to g e th e r th ree
ti m e s t h e flo u r , s a lt a n d b a k in g p o w d e r;
b e a t y o lk s o f e g g s u n til th ic k ; a d d a little
n t a t i m e flour m ix tu r e a n d eg g y o lk s
a lte r n a te ly t o w h ite o f e g g m ix tu r e , s tir ­
r in g after e a c h a d d itio n . A d d
c u p cold
w a te r a n d fla v o rin g .
M ix lig h tly an d
bakd in m o d e r a te o v e n o n e h our.
T h e o ld m e th o d c a lle d fo r 6 e g g s
a n d n o b a k in g p o w d e r
Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes,
adds none but healthful qualities to the food.
No Alum
No Phosphate
A let'er from a senior at A bany
college slates- " F o r the first sem­
ester my total expense has I een
$129.29 ”
T hat sum includes $40
for tuition and $10 lor books. His
total feed expense was $23.75, an
average of 18 cents a day. His a v ­
erage a day for lood in November
was 1 1 -cents a day. Nearly all
o the boys, and several of the gills
ate working tbeir way in full or in
ii'rt at A lbany college.
G eo. Malhcson got t 1 it ol fi gs
to the b a m .t Min t d ’s mill and if
a spring Ireshel comes that will
give w ;'er enough to tun them
over the d mi he will get them down
the tiver.
Fred Baker, road foreman lor
this part of Dist 4, made a trip to
Coquille last week. He says that
there is only $1200 allowed to keep
up the old No. 12 part of the road
district for the year. Those of us
who have been looking for a hand
out from the road fund will have to
change our view and look for a
w ido w ’s pension.
" D a d ” Woodford is visitin g on
Last F tid ay the W o m a n ’s Study-
Superintendent R a y m o n d K.
Club held another of tneir enjo y ­
Baket announces that Broadbent the Bay this week.
J H Radabough was down from able meetings in the library.
school has organized an industrial
Fishtrap yesterday.
next meeting will be on March 30.
club with 32 members.
N e v spring garments are arriv­
G o lo the White House for the
Chamberlain's C ough Rem edy a Favorite
latest novelties in silks, palm beach
fo r Colds
Nat. Bank Buildiug.
cloth, etc., First Nat. Bank Bldg.
J. L. Easley, Macon, 111 ., in speaking
Miss Elina Roberts bus accepted
T P. H anley was up from the of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy says,
11 a S'evenson who was attending
a position as primaly teacher in lower river on business yesterday. ‘ ‘During the past fifteen years it has
been my sister’s favorite medicine for
at Coquille is slayin g at O s ­
the Parkersburg school lor the sum ­
Y o u can buy a good sack ot fl >ur
Mr Stephenson, her
mer term and leit Sun da y to take for $2 per sack at Lyons & Jones. en it a number of times when suffering car B un ch’s
with a cold and it always relieved me
Diamond F Brand.
for G eo. Mathe-
up her work.
son, logging
Geo. Henniger of the upper river
Diamond F Flour at #2 per sack.
S a n F r a n c is c o
a n d Bandon
In many recipes the number o f eggs m ay be re­
duced and excellent results obtained by adding
an additional quantity o f R oyal Baking Powder,
about a teaspoon, for each e g g omitted. The
following tested recipe is a practical illustration:
L yo n s
Jones carry Coos Bay,
llo lsc m and T ip T o p Bread, arrives
itesh each day.
Rawleigh Quality Products
T H E D IA M O M I» U R A N O .
H e nry H uggins, termer!
ployed in the sltetiff s office and
U >wt ot Marshfield, was ill 1. wit a
couple < I days last week.
Royal Baking Pow der makes it possible to pro­
duce appetizing and wholesome cakes, muffins,
combread, etc., w ith fewer eggs than are usually
building mud aud dick chimneys
in Brewster valley these days.
T h e creamery and Mr. A l i e n a s ’
new home . n 1 two auto stable* jus:
west 'd the school itou -e, and Fred
Baker’ s place ju s t as yon mi k e the
tum up B'untel r n e k in ikes one
guess he is near to town.
S e w n autos iu Btewster valley ;
ci.n o :mg the skeleton, there are
1‘ erle? is looking ahead to
being cla-sed in the millionaire club
if be is not already initiated, aud
then there are nine.
II iley Laitd m ide a trip to S u m ­
ner last week lor a load ot pipe for
the Btewster vtlle y creamery.
was a Coquille trader yesterdav.
Isaac T o w e r was over from the
Bay Saturday on business.
T h e Ladies Bazaar will continue
their sale until the?- start to move.
A big reduction on every article in
the slote
Fred Baker was in from Brewster
valley the last o f the week
D Donovau and Willi- m G ro w
were over trom Coaledo yesterday
T R A P P E R S - I f you have Furs
for sale let me make you a price tie-
fore you ship.
G eo T Moulton.
J. C . \\ hitiugton, of Broadbent,
was doing business iu towu yester­
day, and be had the address of his
Herald changed from Myrtle Poiut
to Broadbent, as he lives only about
a mile from that post office
He is
on the other side ol the liver, and
there is no bridge there, but be
says that there has been only a few
days this winter when the river
was not lordable.
Use Commercial Fertilizer for
your gardens. I have Nitrate of
Soda, Superphosphate. Land P la s ­
ter and other Special Brands
Q u ick
$ 5 .0 0 R e w a rd
William Hall manager of the
Riverton coal mine was transacting
business here Saturday,
Dale F lyu of the north fork coun­
try was iu town the middle of the
Rhode Island Red eggs, a setting
I will pay Five Dollars reward for
information that will lead to the arrest of 15c, 60c. F B Phillips
and conviction of the party who robbed
W . A . Duchatm e ol the west
the Scenic box office of a sum of money
mostly in nickels, on the evening of lotk country was a business visitor
Febrnary 21 st.
heie yesterday morning.
$ 5 .0 0 R ew ard
Mrs. Broad arrived in Coquille
last tveek tor an indefinite stay with
I will pay five dollars for informa­ her daughter, Mrs Frank D u ng ey
tion that will lead to the arrest and
conviction of anyone wilfully injuring
Cash wholesale prices on Flour
or molesting the posters or lobby dis­ F'eed and H a y at Collier W a r e ­
play of the Scenic theater.
KATES: (ine cent a word, each in­
sertion. .No charge less than 15 cents-
F O R S A L E — Bab?- b u g g y in first
class condition, cost 517 50, will
sell for $6.90
A p p ly T h e Fair
•Store, C quille.
W A N T E D — Girl for general house
Ca ll Mrs. J. D Smith,
_ 5 5 1-_______
W A N T E D — Second bend fttrtti
Highest p in e s paid. Co
qu lie Furniture Co.
W A N T E D - Wi nk; will do house­
keeping, cooking or cbamhtr
Itiqttite at this office.
F O R S A L E — 160 acte- m iim be .—
1,000,000 leet ot red cedar and
3,000000 feet tf fir.
Price 91c
p-r thousand; located lour m les
Irom river.
Address Ben L-
Smalley. A ra go , Ote.
2-6 lotp
F O R S A L E — Wood lor sale, call
11 21 -tf
S H O E R E P A I R I N G — All kit
ot shoe repairing neatly done
The strongest and nearest water- proof
it asonable prices tf,
Shoes made for Loggers, Cruisers,
! e ol your shoe-*.
C . P R O C II
Miners, Sportsmen and Workers.
N O W , Front street.
Men’s Comfort Dress Shoes
State Rural Credits
Law Now in Force
Attorney S. I). Pulford of Myrtle
Point, has been appointed Coos county
representative of the State rural cred­
its organization. Mr Pulford was in
Coquille last week, and stated that the
state would be ready to loan money un­
der the new law within a few days.
Anyone desiring to secure a state loan
should communicate with him.
Under the provisions of the act the
state of Oregon will loan money on
farms in amounts of from $200 to $5000
on good security, but in no case can the
!oa i be greater than $50 per acre. The
funds may be secured-for long terms,
and may be paid off in installments of
principal and interest.
of a temporary nature will not be con­
sidered security for loans, and money
1 taned must be used in improving the
farm. The rate of interest will prob­
ably vary from year to year, depending
upon the rate of interest at which the
bonds are sold that furnish the funds
for the loans. The belief is that the
rate will be about 5 per cent.
The state does not require the bor­
rower to purchase stock ir. an associa­
tion, or guarantee other borrowers’
loans: and it is consiiered by many
that the state law method is superior
to the new National Rural Credits plan.
On« Sida.i A*i /Ice.
A witty young doctor, being called to
j attend a very pretty lady and finding
Strong Shoes for Boys
B*>' »Id office
; little the matter with her. humorously
i sugieated marriage as the only cure
Manufactured by
Despondency Due to Constipation
' You are single, are you not?” she
Theodore Bergmann
Women often become nervous and I asked.
despondent. When this is due to con­ | “ Yes, madam, hut doctors only pre
Shoe Manufacturing Co.
stipation it is iSsily corrected by taking ! s» r" e remedies; they do not take
621 T h u rm .il St
Portland. O regon an occasional dose of Chamberlain's ; them.”
was the reply.— P ittsb u rg h
Th s« tablets are easy to
Ask for the Bergmann Waterproof Tablets
j C h ron iele-T elegraph .
shoe Oil.
O L D N E W S P A P E R S — Cheap at tb
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned by order of the County Court
for Coos County, Oregon, has been duly
appointed executrix of the last will and
testament and of the estate of Adam
Pershbaker, deceased; and that all per­
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the
same duly verified and with the proper
vouchers therefor, to the undersigned
at the office of A. J. Sherwood in Co­
quille, Coos county, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 19 th day of March, 1917 .
Executrix of the last will and testa­
ment and of the estate of Adam Persh­
baker, deceased.
3 - 20 - 5 t
Will A cquire Approach
To Proposed Bridge
The city council last night accepted
the city engineer’s survey of the pro­
posed approach to the proposed bridge
across the Coquille river, above the
ferry and appointed J. F. Schroeder, L.
Harlocker and T. J. Thrift as apprais­
ers to determine the value of the prop­
erty which the city proposes to appro­
The street which it is proposed to
create will take in property belonging
to J. A. Collier, W. . 1 . Longston, the J.
J. Lamb estate, W. L. Kistner, and
Caroline Lorenz.
The date for the
meeting of the appraisers was set for
April 2 nd.
They also instructed the city engineer
to prepare specifications for the paving
of First street from the corner by the
Masonic Hall east as far as Hall street,
and Hall street, from Second street
south to the First street bridge. Also
to small portion of unpaved Front
street. He was also instructed to pre­
pare estimates for the surfacing ot
that portion of Second street which was
paved with concrete but never surfaced.
East Fork Items
Mrs. W i t , Smith was visiting
her laughter, Mrs. Hailey L aird of
Brewster valley, last week
I: must have made old H a m m
feel sore when he had to climb the
gallows he built for some one else.
One Judas Iscariot among t h e
twelve. T w e lve Judas Iscariots in
the United States Senate that was.
T h e Senate that is will not be trou­
bled with Minnesota Clapp, busi­
ness at the California W o rk s is
Oregonians know that they
have one m igh ty crooked Lane, and
Missourians must (eel that they
have forgotten that Benedict A r ­
nold was ever a man, but the mem
ory ot him as a traitor will never
die. T he same compliments to La
Follette and his traitor’s ga n g ot
twelve. T h e cartoon in the O re ­
gonian where Billie 2 had decorated
them with his " n e w order of the
double cross” must have made
those fellows feel as though Billie
had burnt the brand in and mace
them his own.
R. A . E A S T O N .
T he Pneumonia Seaton
The^cold, damp weather of March
seems to be the most favorable for the
pneumonia germ. Now is the time to
be careful. Pneumonia often results
from a cold. The quii-ker a cold is got­
ten rid of the less the danger. As soon
as the first indication of a cold appears
take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. As
to the value of this preparation, ask
anyone who has used it.
-«► • -♦
Don't W ear
A T ru s s!
After Thirty Years’ Experience I Have
Produced An Appliance for Men,
Mr. Hart, the Raleigh turn, was
Women or Children That
w orking the K . m Fotk coun ty last
Cures Rupture.
(Herald’s Special C. C. News Service)
week in the interest of his extracts,
b i k i n g powder, etc.
Deputy Assessor Z C Strang
s rtnk the upper K st Fo k country Ftidav
If people have got
anything ‘ Z - n a ” will find it out.
Folks have considerable compassion
f ir him for he is walking and while
he is not exactly on his uppers it is
getting cl se ‘ to cases” with bim
wben he is afoot
T he person who has not been up
Brum 1 cretk in Brewster valley (or
ten years surely g- t* a surprise
when he -ees tlie new house and
bain ol Jitii's. T hat house
is some h< use. L ooking across the
fields to Perley C r o w le y ’s house
and h , r n “ , von wonder where you
are. for the house in sight used to
be not much of a shack; now a
great yellow house
Whether he ore down the old barn
or no, he did build greater.
N eva Harry has built a house on
A l v a ’ s lortv that lacks neither style
nor room. N e v a ’ s old house at the
top of the old Brewster grade had
a chimney made out of sticks and
mud, something like a chimney
swallow's nest.
T h e y are not
I Send It On Trial.
I f yon h a re t r ie d m o s t e v e r y t h i n g e l s e , enm e to
m e . W h e re o t h e r s f a l l I* w h e r e I h a v e m y greatest
su ccess, bend atta ch ed c o u p o n to d a y and 1 w ill send
The «bore is C . EL B ro o k s, inventor o f tho
Appliance, w h o c u r e d h im self and w h o is now
giving o th er* th e b e n e fit o f hi* experience*
If r u p tu r e d , w rite h im today,
at M a r s h a ll, M ic h .
yon free m y I l l u s t r a t e d ho" k on R u p tu re and It*
cu re, show ing m y A p p lia n c e an d g iv in g you prices
and nam es o f m a n y p e o p le w h o h ave trie d It and
w ere c u r e d . I t g i v e s I n s ta n t r e l i e f when a ll o th er*
fa ll. R e m e m b e r , I n s e n o *al v e * . no harness, n o He*.
I send on trial t o p r o v e w h a t I say Is true. You
are the Judge a rd o n c e h a v i n g * e e n m y U lc e r a te d
book and read It y o u w i ll be 5 fcuUibMastie a« m y
hundreds o f p i.t le n t s w h o s e lette r« you can also
read. F ill o u t fr e e c o u p o n below and m a ll today
I t ’ s w ell worth you r .lm e w h eth er you try m y Ap>
pllanee or not.
M r. C .
C ity ..
Wednesday and Thurs­
day are positively the
last days of the Fair
Store in Coquille.
goods will never be of­
fered so low anywhere
or anytime as at this re­
tiring from business sale
It certainly will pay you
to t a k e advantage of
this Sale.
The Fair Store
Front Street, Martin Bloch
Coquille, Oregon
Form aldehyde
Government Experiment Station tests have proven
that the Formaldehyde treatment is one of the best
that can he given grain and potatoes before planting
to prevent smut blight etc.
Squirrel Poison
For the speedy destruct'on
of Gophers, Squirrels,
M ice and C row s.
Save Money by Buying Your
Garden Seed in Bulk
Know!ton’s Drug Store
Our Prices Are
Always the Same
The following charges cover work on cars driven into the shop:
Overhaul front axle including r, l ushing of springs to d perches
when necessary, straightening of pints, ard lining up and
adjusting of wheels
$ 5.00
Rebush spindle bodies and arms each side —
Replace or straighten front axle (noother repairs)
Rehush spindle body, « ach
1 00
Rebush spindle arm, each.........
Replace broken off radius roil hall cap stud
Replace front spring tie bolt or new leaf including polishing and
graphiting of leaves; or remove shock absorbers installing
standsro material ai d graphiting leaves......................................
2 OO
Replace front spring or tie bolt only
Tighten radius rod or steering gear ball cap
Replace radius rod
Straighten front radius rod ard line up .rout assembly
Replace spindle arm or hotly and line up assembly ..
Replace radius rod ball cap with new style
Tighten all Bockets and joints of front end
1 25
Replace or straighten spindle or steering gear conn eting rod
B r o o k s,
State St.. M a r s h a ll M i c h .
Please send me hr m ail, in plain wrapper, yoar
illustrated book and fa il Information about yoor
Appliance for the cure o f rupture.
G ard n er & L ars en
Coquille, Oregon