Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 20, 1917, Image 2

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Dream Girl
By Rory O’Moore
Entered as second-class matter May 8, 1905, at the post office^ at
Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congrees of March 3, 1879.
Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley
particularly and of Coos County generally.
Subscription, $ 1.50 per year, in advance.
Phone Main 381
And yestereve, at vesper tide; the peaceful world no si und
Emitted to disturb the hush; memories thronged around—
As there before the open fire, that flamed and flared and died,
You came to me from out the still and rested by my siae.
Deep, wide and wistful were your eyes; soft was your voice and low;
Tender your touch upon my cheek, as winds of spring that blow
So gently from their hidden bower and fan the fevered brow
With light divinely perfumed breath from many a flowering bough.
For that sweet hour just mine alone—a rarer love you gave
Than any 1 had dreamed could be, and one that knew no grave.
The crumbling brands grow cold and gray; dim twilight turns to dark—
Rest, Dream Girl mine, within my arms, rest, dearest one, and hark;
And let tnis wildly pulsing heart, that beats for you alone.
My fondest vow of tenderest love, repeat in earnest tone.
All woman can, you give to me—this vesper hour sublime
Will live, and ever live again, until the end of time.
So, as each twilight greets its dark, and each their vows renew—
To this, our hour, shall 1 return; to this, our hour,—and you.
i Grass Se sd, Garden Seeds'
We Have Them
Fancy Red Clover ---------------
Italian Rye Grass, Im ported----- 12c
Alsyke, best g rad e------------------- 19c
English Rye G rass........ ................. H e
Orchard G rass---------------- -------- 25c
V e tc h ------------------------------- 4 3-4 c
Onion S ets------------------------- 10c lb.
Golden Bantam Sweet Corn 15c lb.
Stowells Evergreen Sweet
C o m _____________ 12 1-2 c lb.
Early Minnesota Sweet
C o rn ______________ 12 1-2 c lb.
All kinds of Garden Seeds in bulk
and package.
In this issue we publish some “ remarks” made by Sen­
ator Harry Lane before the United States Senate on Feb.
7, 1917, on the subject of “ One way to keep out of the Eu­
ropean w ar.” Senator Lane has received such a flood of
Red Seed Oats, White Seed Oats, Beardless Barley
unmeasured abuse since his course in joining the filibusters
to prevent the granting to President Wilson of the new
power he asked, that we do not expect to meet the ap­
proval of all of our readers in giving publicity to any of
his utterances. At the same time we are sometimes in­
clined to take up the cudgels for the under dog long enough
We wish to take off our hat to the Coquille High
Sunbright Cleanser
6 cans 25 certs
to let him have his day in court. Besides that, we agree School boys. Since witnessing an exhibition of the un­
with every opinion expressed by Senator Lane in this civilized, ignorant and boorish conduct of the young ani­
Clothes Pins .
3 doz. 5 cents; 7 doz. 10 cents
speech. “ If that be treason, make the most of it,”
mals from another town, who invaded the Scenic theater
If this country be dragged into the European war, it twice during the show Saturday evening, while the pic­
will be through the action of Americans who are working tures were running on the screen, we are brought to a
solely for their own financial profit. We have been accused realizing sense of the fact that the C. H. S. boys usually
Visit the store; make your wants known. If we have­
of being a nation of dollar-worshippers. We have now been conduct themselves like gentlemen and show some consid­
proving it. Because there is money in sending supplies of eration for the rights of and the courtesies due to others.
n’t got what you want, we’ll get it
various sorts to Europe we insist on our “ rights” to tra ­ Youthful exuberance is all right in its place but it should
verse the high seas in the danger zone. Because Ameri­ be tempered by a modicum of judgm ent and brains. En­
cans see MONEY profit in sailing on ships where they thusiasm over even the girlish game of basket ball is ex­
have no business to be, we must go to war to enforce those cusable, but there is no excuse for such an exhibition of
rights. If there were no money to be made out of it we depravity as these young degenerates were guilty of on
Phone 691 and 541
Front and C Streets
Coquille, Ore
would be sending no ships to Europe and no supplies, and Saturday evening. To call this “ school spirit” is a dis-i
our citizens would be staying at home. If there were no grace to the whole system that some earnest souls are try-1
millions and billions to be piled up in the making of war ing to make th at of “ higher education.” Further than
munitions we would not find all our “ patriotic” newspa­ that, an exhibition such as was given here Saturday night citation “ Out to Aunt H it tie V f 2 a
pers howling so loudly for preparedness. If the American is discreditable to the particular high school in which the Flossie Lett; Song “ Roatu t h e
people were not so easily carried off their feet, we would young boors have been receiving their training, and to the Greenwood" by the society; Read­
ing, Pearl Ford; Reading. Hulda
not find every Jim Crow politician doing the flag-waving instructors who have failed to instill into their so-called Warner; Reading, Laura Gibbs;
act. If we were not hypocrites in our professions of a de­ brains any idea as to what constitutes a gentleman.
Reading “ The Old Army Mule”
sire to follow in the footsteps of the Nazarene; if we were
The manager of the Scenic also wishes to apologize Wayne Endicott. The members
not hypocrites in our professions of faith in His teach­ to his patrons for allowing them to be so disturbed in voted to study Benjamin Franklin
ings; if we had any legitimate claim to the title of a their enjoyment of an excellent picture. No warning had and Elizabeth Bafrett Browning
CHRISTIAN nation we would not be straining at the leash been given of the first raid, and there was no chance to next moDtb.
Mrs. Joseph P. F 5 vcrnden went to
to get into the fight. If we were not willing to help and stop it. But if the manager had been given an inkling
Broadbent Monday tor a visit with
encourage and prolong the horrible conditions in Europe, that the young gorillas contemplated a second, there her parents, Mr and Mrs. W. A.
for our own profit, our factories would not be running would have been something doing. If the-e is no protec­ Roselle
night and day and paying unheard of wages, to turn out tion of any kind to be given by the police force of this Miss Flossie McBee has quit
the material for man-killing. “ Patriotism” is defined as town to the only institution that pays anything into the school. Site was in the 7 h grade.
something in the nature of love of one’s own country and town treasury for the privilege of doing business, then
Dr. K. A. Le ;
. ut from
one’s own people. How much of that sort of “ patriotism” the Scenic would be justified in protecting itself with any M> rtle Point Thursday to see Ray
Endicott, who is quite sick with
is in the hearts of those who, for their own monetary prof­ weapons available.
rheumatism. He is improving, but
it are not only willing but anxious to embroil this country
is .till confined to his bed.
in the horrors of the greatest war the world has ever Dairy Promoters Arriving
Special Saturday
Busy Corner Grocery
Fiiiisih, flooring
and Rustic
Let no one be deceived by the idea that the “ prepar­
edness” propaganda has been carried on so persistently
for the past few years from motives of real patriotism,
except in scattering instances. There were millions in it
and there was money behind it; therefore our arms and
munition makers have been more than willing to place a
few dollars where they would do the most good. It has
been “ business” to do so—but it was not patriotism.
When Senator Lane and his associates resorted to the
filibuster to put a spoke in the wheel of those who were
trying to push us into actual warfare, he stepped on the
toes of those who could see more billions almost within
their grasp. Therefore, he is a “ traitor.” Think so if
you like; we don’t.
Yesterday’s Record says:
F. E. Conway, of the Mutter Cup
Products company, which is promoting
condensaries in this county, has a tele­
gram stating two financiers from Ash­
land and one from I'ritish Columbia
are coming to look over the county
dairying situation and the prospect for
increasing the breed of dairy stock. G.
S. Butler, of Ashland, who will arrive
tonight in company with D. Perozzi, is
a member of the local company Hnd
Mr. Perozzi i a man of years experi­
ence in dairy products. He Is wealthy
and will likely become interested here.
The third man Is said to be one of
the greatest milk experts in the coun­
try—l.eon Chavalley, of British Colum­
Spring is here, despite all appearances to the contra­
ry, and it is the approved time for the poet to begin in­
dulging in poetry of the, “ nature tries earth if she be in
tune” strain, and for the editor to reprieve himself for all
past shortcomings by devoting, in good orthodox style,
several columns to the potential beauty of the particular
hamlet whose activities he is supposed to record. “ The
City Beautiful” is an approved term; and, with this justi­
fication for our action, we will proceed.
The street improvement work, th at has been done in
Coquille during the past year, has resulted in many blocks
of parking being constructed. It was not the intention of
the council and the engineers that this ground should be
allowed to grow up to grass and weeds, to be cut off with
a scythe when it is ripe enough for hay. Such a state­
ment seems superfluous; yet that is exactly what was
done with many of the park strips last summer. A street,
on which the parking receives this kind of treatment, pre­
sents an appearance of neglect and slovenliness; while the
same street, with the park strips converted into closely
cropped and well tended lawns” makes a most pleasant
impression upon the visitor and instills into the lives of
residents along that street a feeling of assurance and
pride, similar to that possessed by the well dressed man.
Ready excuses are always forthcoming from the man
who neglects his parkings; but they should not be more
acceptable than those of one who is careless about his per­
sonal appearance. It is up to the owners of the property
on the streets th at have been recently improved whether
Coquille shall present the appearance of a neglected farm,
with grass growing in every fence corner, or whether it
shall be deserving of the term “ The City Beautiful.” —R.
M. A.
To the City Officials of Coquille:
I wish to advise that one of your par­
ties appeared at my place of business
with a complaint that some one had no­
tified one of your parties that I had run
over or backed over your cement side­
walk in the north part of town, the
other day. It might be so; but it was
not my intention to violate the city or­
dinance. But your streets or boule­
vards, as you call them—are so nar­
row that it is impossible for a rig to
turn around. They might be wide
enough for a wheelbarrow merchant (as
they are called in other cities) to turn
around with his wheelbarrow.
Now about the ordinances, as you call
them: 1 have seen a great many viola­
tions of the city ordinances the past two
years that I have been here. Now, for
example, you can take a look atj the
sidewalks down Front street, but there
is nothing said about it if they dump
the big oil tanks down and over them,
but they are excused because maybe
they belong t o ---- . But if an outsider
gets in to try to help to improve the
city, however little his offense is, th »
arc ready to kick. 1 don't think I did
any harm to your city's walks. If they
can't stand the weight of a light buggy
wheel, I feel sorry for the property
owners—to have to pay for a walk of
that kind.
Now about your narrow streets:
When you let your contracts you figure
to improve the streets for miles around
in one season. They don't do as other
cities do, lay in no >re than they can
swallow in one season. But maybe it's
good enough for the poor property own­
ers to muddle in, and the laying down
of planking for the muddy season so
narrow that two rigs can scarcely pass
one another except to have to bump up
against your walks.
And about your county roads: Wo
have expended thousands of dollars of
The Open Forum
only a few roads we can ride horseback
on except to get stuck in the mud. It
seems the more money they spend it
gets no better. Looks to me before a
person wants to tackle any thing of
that kind he ought to take a trip
around; maybe he needs a little show­
ing; Maybe we are not all from Missou­
And you talk about violating the law:
How about the automobile speed limit?
I thought the speed was regulated.
But maybe there is no regulation to it.
I thought also for them to give signals
at every curve of the road; but I guess
there is none.
Maybe some other day you will hear
from me again.
Yours respectfully,
Mr Roberts, a fruit tree agent
from Myrtle Point, was canvassing
our neighborhood this week.
A Christian Endeiv-.r business
meeting was held at A. O Hoot. n’s
home Thursday evening C. E
Sheffer, Frauk Culver, Misses Flos­
sie Lett and Lou Hoolon were elect
ed delegates to the C. 15 conven­
tion to be held in Coquille iu April.
S ev era 1 L ots of Lum ber at
S p e c ia l P r ic e s
Mrs H. Bryant and daughter
Miss Audrey, are planning to start
to Portland the last of next week.
Mrs. Bryant expects to undergo an
operation for cataract while there.
Miss Audrey will go to Monmout
iu lime to enroll at the opening of
the State Normal spring term.
R oseb u rg-M yrtle P o in t A u to S ta g e Line
Myrtle Point
7:40 a. m.
6. a. m.
6 hours Running Time
Beaver Hill News
G oos C o u n ty
(Herald’s Special C. C. News Service)
The Herald's Special Coos County
N"ws Service
Mrs Rosa Preuss spent the latter
p rt of the week visiting with
friends in Marshfield.
Bridge Briefs
Miss Susan Brown was a Marsh­
field visitor Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. D. Holme? and
children were Marshfield visitors
Li lie Ella Ft mces Eudicott was the last part of the week
siiininlv sick i»st week, but is
Mr. Will Kolm resigned his posi
much better now,
ti >n as manager of the Beaver Hill
Connecting with Coquille Auto Lines
J. L. Laird
M y rtle P o in t
(Herald's Special C. C. News Service)
Mr F ixvle has taken his
Mr. and Mrs. E E Fraedrick, store
who moved to Freewater, Oregon, place.
list July, have returned to make
Dr, E Mingus was calling in
t'leir honi" at Coquille.
They Beaver Hill Friday.
spent a few day - of last week visit- I Mrs S Childers and children
ing Mrs. Fraelrick’ s sister, Mrs. cime home Saiuidav.
D m Brode and amity.
Mrs Simpson. Mrs. Boyd and
The following program was giv
en l x the CKxl Critic society in the
H h Sell 1 r to, Friday, Marih
16: Song ' Ket p a Ooin’ " by the
society; R. 11 Call, tlie meuibeis re­
sponded a itli quotations; Recita-
ti< n. “ Elegy on a Mad Dog" Thom­
as R kird; 1 -ngraphy of Gold*
smith, L 1 Cooton;
“ Jane Jones" Mobley Weltch; Du­
et Summer V ning" Alla Ro> k-
ard and .Si tie Endicott; Recitation
* The Pessimist” Edith Houser;
Recitation ‘ Kitten* and Babits”
Merle E lie ; R «ding, Flossv
Cribhins; S ug "T h e Wash-tub’ '
by lit .’ 111-; ke iding " G ing Fish
ing" Ray Endicott; Recitation 1 A
C untrv Idx i" Maude Hooton; Re-
Mrs. Mansell were Marshfield busi­
ness visitors last week
Dependable Service
The recent completion of the copper circuit along the S. P.
right-of-way aetween Cushman and Gardiner hy the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph Co. affords an auxiliary high class
long distance telephone line between Coos and Curry counties
and the outsixle world. Friday, February 23rd, heavy snows
broke down the Roseburg-Myrtle Point line in the mountains
and the new all-copper line via Eugene gave excellent service
to Portland, San Francisco and other points.
Coos and Curry Telephone Co.
A St. Patrick dance was given
at the Beaver Hill Hotel Ma ch 17.
Mrs. D >ak was a Coquille visitor
last week.
Frank Norris, of McDonald &
Vaughan, spent Saturday with rela­
tives in Coquille.
A Bilious A ttack
When you have a bilious attack your
liver fails to perform ita functions.
You become constipated. The food
you eat ferments in your stomach in­
stead of digesting. This inflames the
stomach and causes nausea, vomiting
and a terrible headache. Take Cham­
berlain’s Tablets. They will tone up
your liver, clean out your stomach and
you will soon be as well as ever. They
only cost a quarter.
One side of y cir Pass Book will show all the mnnev you have
received. The other side will show all you have paid out. and
the cancelled c leeks are your receipts.
This fine arrangement is yours if you will open your cheek ac­
count here.
Your account will be given careful and considerate attention.
CAPITAL and SURPLU S $ 60,000.00
\ . J. SHERWOOD. President
it. E. SHINE. Vice President
L. H. HAZARD, Cashier
O. C. SANFORD, Asst. Cashier