Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 13, 1917, Image 2

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Entered as second-class matter May 8, 1905, at the post office at
Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congrees of March 3, 1879.
R O Y M. A V E R Y , BUSINESS M A N A G E R _______
Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley
particularly and of Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year, in advance.
Phone Main 381
to Mars; we still retain respect for the utterances of the
Man of Sorrows. That the course of Germany in daring
to infringe on what we consider our rights now practically
obliges us to take up arms against her should be regretted
by every right-thinking person. We have no criticisms
to make of the course of President Wilson; he has un­
doubtedly followed the course which to him seems best,
and with the purest and most patriotic motives. He has
“ kept us out of war” until we are forced by the generally
accepted tenets of mankind to join in and do what we can
to add to the troubles of the under dog. Let no one
doubt th a t we will all stand together when the test comes;
but that is no reason why we should lose our heads a t this
time. B etter keep cool. It isn’t always the man who
flies all to pieces at the start who makes the best fight.
Low Prices—Next Saturday
Last C all on Cannsd Fruits at
Your supply of canned fruit is probably running low
and we are going to give you an opportunity to pur­
chase from the limited ami unt we have on hand at
Extremely Low Prices Next Saturday
Last Wednesday F. B. Tichenor passed through the
Packers have just made prices for next fall delivery,
city on his way to the Bay. He called at this office and
That any long-winded bull-head could tie up th i
and the price we are going to give you looks like
favored the editor and business manager with a great
United States Senate as long as his lungs and physical en­
Money from Home in comparison. Today’s market
song and dance as to his position on the state road bond­
durance held out has been one of the developments of
ing act; why he voted against it and why he proposed to
is 20 per cent higher.
“ senatorial courtesy” which has made that body a stench
urge that Coos and Curry counties look with a cold and
in the nostrils of a business people. It has been taken ad­
fishy eye on the whole proposition and withhold all sup­
Red Letter Brand E xtra Fancy Peaches per Can 20c per doz. $2.25
vantage of more than once in the past, in the last hours
port or pledges of support at present. He stated th at his
Red Letter Brand E xtra Fancy Apricots 2 Cans
45c per doz. .2.40
of a session, to prevent the passage of some measure which
reason for opposing the bill in the Legislature was th at
35c per doz.
was favored by the majority. That a dozen filibusters1
there was no assurance that Coos county would have any
could prevent the granting to the President of the power
look-in when the funds would be distributed; that there
for which he recently asked, has been seized upon by every
could be no such assurance given for the reason that the
Not a chance for such prices again for two years, Lower
one, large and small, who wishes by words to show how
membership of the new highway commission had not bejn
“ patriotic" he is, and those filibustering members have
than we can buy today. If vou can use it, I5uy Now.
named and therefore any pledge to Coos county was then
been very nicely flayed. Perhaps they deserved it, but
impossible; that Smith and Peck claimed that Coos county
that is not the point. The “ rules” th at made their action
had been given assurance of fair treatm ent in the expen­
Our Store is fu-1 of
possible and successful have been in use for many years, j
diture of the money, but he did not see how th at was pos­
and we have stood for it like lambs. Now, perhaps a few
Call and See
sible; that some days before the measure came to a vote a
of those antiquated and imbecile rules may be changed,!
person came to him and placed in his hand several unso­
and th a t much will have been gained.
licited endorsements of his candidacy for the United States
Marshalship, making no conditions whatever; that exami­
old home in Illinois.
The sam e land j
New A uto Rules
nation of these endorsements disclosed the fact that they Following are the regulations to be they traversed years before with an ox 1
, they sped {«cross on a sw ift train.
Phone 691 and 541
Front am C Streets
Coquille, Ore
seemed to emanate from parties interested in paving; that observed in country driving; enacted as team
Before her husband’s death they made
p art of the new m otor vehicle re g is tra ­
the same person came to him later and explained that
a trip to Honolulr ju st a fte r the islands
tion law:
these endorsers of his would be very much disappointed if Slow-moving vehicles m ust keep as were annexed to the United States.
(K fi)
wore p ilo te d ' through the palace
he should vote against the bonding bill; that he voted far to rig h t of road as practicable, to They
A B ilio u s A tta c k
perm it sw iftly-m oving vehicles reason­ and “ G randm a” can claim the distinc­
against the bill anyway, for the reason above given—that ably free passage to the left.
tion of having sa t upon the k ing’s
When you have a bilious atta ck your
liver fails to perform its functions.
there was no pledge th at Coos county would ever get a Before sta rtin g , driv er much first see throne.
You become constipated.
The food
Despite her 91 years she is very spry you e at ferm ents in your stom ach in­
there is room to turn or back into road,
nickel of the money, and no way of getting such assur­ and
m ust give visible and audible sig­ and takes exercise in the way of sweep- stead of digesting. This inflames the
ance; that the fact th at Curry county would get nothing nals to warn oncoming vehicles of his ing the floor, building a fire and wash- stom ach and causes nausea, vomiting
ing dishes. These privileges she will ®nd ® te rn b le headache. Take Cham-
did not cause his opposition, as he considered that Curry intent.
j berlain s Tablets. They will tone up
Am bulances and physicians’ autos are not be denied, claiming th a t she k0pt y0ur fiver, clean out your stomach and
was not ready for paving at present but would be bene­ exem pted from speed lim its only when house so long th a t she ju st has to help you will soon be as well as ever. They
do the housework. She can see to read only cost a quarter.
fited by any paving done in Coos county, and that he later answ ering em ergency calls. -^££51
L ast
m ust be dimmed, or so direct­ well and does fancy knitting.
explained this thusly to his Curry constituents who had ed L th ights
a t rays shall strike ground not to C hristm as she gave each of her child­
wired and written him to oppose the bill; that the new exceed 75 fe e t in front of vehicle.
ren some of her knitting which she did
Coos C ounty
Highway Commission had now been appointed and was in No m etal block, stud, cleat or bead at the age of 90. She has lived to see
perm itted to project more than a quar­ one of her great-grandchildren graduate
The H erald ’s Special Coos County
a position to give binding pledges to Coos county, and ter-inch from tire.
from high school and en te r college.
News Service
th a t he proposed to visit the different parts of the county No glass, bottles, nails, tacks, hoops,
or cans perm itted to be thrown quite likely th a t she will see m any more
R iverton Briefs
and line things up to lorce such a pledge from the com­ wire,
on highways.
mission as a condition of support when the referendum No person, other than a law officer, Those present a t the dinner were Mr. (H e ra ld ’s Special O. C. News S?-vice) j
perm itted to climb into an auto or and Mrs. W. C. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. M.
vote is taken on the bill.
B orn—T o Mr. and Mrs. Floyd,
monkey with the cranks or levers with Way, Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Leneve, Mr.
the ow ner’s or driver’s permission. and Mrs. P. L. Sterling, Mr. and Mrs. a d a u g h te r.
Now, all this impressed the Herald force greatly, and
No person under 15 years of age per­
we felt that Mr. Tichenor was entitled to much credit for m itted to drive a car unless parent, Lans Leneve, Mrs. Lewin and Miss Iva F. A. Golden, school supervisor,
Fitzhugh, all relatives except Miss presented lately to the Riverton
his watchful care for the interests of this county and es­ guardian or owner are in the car.
S' hool, in a talk, the industtial
Several Lots of Lumber at
pecially for his refusal to be honey-fuggled by the paving
C elebrates 91st Birthday
projects in a very interesting and
people. The first jolt came later in the day, when we
instructive m anner.
Last Friday
Mrs. Elizabeth Leneve celebrated her
mentioned the m atter to a person who was in a position 91st birthday yesterday. Mrs. W. C. The mem bers of the Coquille high the teachers j f the sch ol t .k up
school b asket ball team , m anager Les­
to be informed—and got the horse laugh. His version ol Rose, her daughter, gave a dinner in lie Schroeder. and referee George Oerd- the matter with the sell > 1 ami a
honor of the occasion.
“ G randm a” ing \v re the guests of honor a t a chick­ n u m ber of the pupils have prom­
the story of Mr. Tichenor’s vote against the bill was quite Leneve received many beautiful gifts
supper given by Jam ie M ast S a tu r­ ised to take several of th e ¡in jects,
different from that of Mr. Tichenor. It need not be re­ and was one of the jolliest present, en
day night. Those present w ere: Fred such as can nin g fruit, sewing, po­
tailed here, but he told us where we would find a copy of keeping everyone laughing by her re­ Lorenz, Paul Crouch, O tto Davis, Phil­
m arks during the meal. Despite her lip Johnson, John Stanley, Leslie tato grow ing an d manual It ¡lining.
the bill as it was passed, which we had not yet seen. Then old age she has a most wonderful mem­
----------— ------- $
Schroeder, Geo., Chas. and John Oerd-
Jo h n Bryden, who made good
we hunted it up and were amazed to find the paragraph ory, and can recall incidents thHt hap­ ing. The supper was served a t about while a pupil of the Riverton school
pened v hen she was very young. She seven o ’clock and a fte r this had been
which is published elsewhere in this paper and which crossed
has gone to Marshfield where his
the plains in early days with
of the rem ainder of the even­
makes it mandatory on the commission to pave 20 miles her husband, and braved the dangers of disposed
parents have moved.
ing was given over to cards.
of road in Coos county as soon as we have such a stretch starvation and Indians. They settled Miss Elma R oberts and Miss Marvel Mr. C haney and family are to
here and built a log cabin on the spot
R oseburg M yrtle P o in t A u to S ta g e Line
of highway ready. The provision is mandatory: as soon as w here the H erald office now stands. Skeels assisted Miss L eta M ast with move to Powers soon, where thev
the serving.
the road is ready for paving, then “ the Commission SHALL L ater they mov^d down the river to the
ployed there.
w here P arkersburg now stands
D e sp o n d e n c y D u e to C o n s tip a tio n
M yrtle Point
It looks to a man up a tree place
where they resided for several years.
Women often become nervous and
Miss Philpott, assistant teacher
7:40 a. m.
as though this were far better than any pledge They again moved to this place in 1878, despondent.
When this is due to con­ at Riv erton, spent S u n d a y with her
R oseburg
stipation it is easily corrected by taking
from the commissioners themselves they might die or where she has resided ever since.
6. a. m.
A bout tw enty year- ago she and her an occasional dose of C ham berlain’s home folks.
resign or get fired, but this provision stands in the law husband made a trip back e ast to their Tablets. Th se tab lets are easy to S. C Sherrill, principal of the
6 hours R unning Time
take and pleasant in effect.
itself, and supposing it possible that the Commission
Riverton school, went to the county
Connecting with Coquille Auto Lines
should get contrary, we have the courts to fall back on to
seat on a business trip Saturday.
J. L. Laircl
M y rtle P oin t
obtain our rights under the law. We will have 20 miles
Mrs. F ox and her two sons were
in Coquille last S atu rd ay .
of highway between Coquille and Marshfield reduced to
permanent line and grade next year, and there will be no
excuse for the Commission to neglect us, even were the
S tars a t T he Scenic
members inclined to do so.
W ednesday
It seems to the Herald th a t the new law is something
E xpendable Service
is not limited to grained
th a t will result in the greatest benefit to the state in a
In H er B est P athe Serial
surfaces. Use it for fin- —
great many ways, and it is one of the cases where our op­
The recent completion of the copper circuit along the S. P.
ishing new wood or re­
right-of-w ay between Cushman and Gardiner by the Pacific
position to bonding is disarmed. The paved roads will
finishing old; it has no
Telephone an,I Telegraph Co. affords an auxiliary high class
In “ The Foundling"
“ pay for themselves” many times over, and while the
long distance telephone line between Coos and Curry counties
equal. Stains and var­
and the outsi !e world. Friday, February 23rd, heavy snows
bonds are being paid, and that “ posterity” upon whom we
nishes in a single appli­
broke down ,e Koseburg-M yrtle Point line in the mountains
are so fond of shifting our burdens will have no kick com­
and the new 11-copper line via Eugene gave excellent service
ing, for they will also get the benefit of the resulting de­
to Portland, han Francisco and other points.
Boiling water does not
In Two Good Serials
dull its gloss nor turn it
But, as we understood Mr. Tichenor, he is out to or­
Coos and Curry Telephone Co.
In "Silks and S atin s”
ganize opposition to the act, “ until we get positive assur­
ance that a nickel of the money will be spent in Coos
Chi-Namel V a rn ish es and H ugh H arlocker T aking
county.” As he might, in his enthusiasm, forget to in­
Dom estic Science at O.A.C.
form those to whom he talks, as he did in our case, of the
Ore, March 12 (Special to !
the H e rald ).—H. H. H arlocker, of Co-
real provisions of the bill itself which protect Coos county,
quiile, a freshm an in agriculture, is one
will be demonstrated by
we have thought best to relate the above story at some
of the tw enty-four boys of the Oregon
A gricultural College to reg ister for do­
One side of vour Pass Book will show all the money you have
Miss Vina Stange
Busy Corner Grocery
' . ’ "
Dry Shiplap,
Finish, Flooring
and Rustic
S !lO S
£ pecial Prices
The remark has become trite, that “ war with Ger­
many seems inevitable.” We are sorry. We would have
much preferred to see the United States keep out of it.
Call this cowardly, if you will; we do not agree with you.
The loud-mouthed bully who proclaims his willingness to
lick any man in the crowd may be your ideal of the hero.
He is not ours. Y’ou may have transferred your allegiance
at our store March 19-20-21
20c Can Free
Fuhrm an’s Pharmacy
(The Rexall Store)
m estic science. A one sem ester course
has been organised for those who wish
to learn the rudim ents o f cookery, and
a ttired in anrons, the boys work from
seven o'clock until ten on Monday
nights learning the scientific construc­
tion of flapjacks and mulligan.
course is prim arily for students of for­
estry , agriculture and mining, although
o th er departm ents of the college are
received. The other side will show all you have paid out, and
the eancelied cheeks are your receipts.
This fine arrangem ent is yours if you will open your check ac­
count here.
Your account will be given careful and considerate attention.
ij > A
CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000.00
S™ „ Wnv °n ' Pt-esident
L. H. HAZARD. Cashier
SH IN E, Vice President
O. C. SANFORD. Asst. Cashier