Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 13, 1917, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 35,
NO. 26
j tion o f nearly 4000 feet.
We under­
| 4052 o f Lord’ s Oregon l aws, the Court
stand that there is money enough sub-
| said:
j scribed at Powers to build the trail to
“ The statute under which the district
the county line, and the Rogue River
operated is a pari o f the contract by
| Commercial Club, composed o f the
I operation o f the law and all the plain­
residents o f Iliahe and vicinity, will
tiffs can acquire is a warrant o f the
agree to build from Iliahe to the coun­
form and terms prescribed by the
ty line. The club (o f which I am a
scool m eeting,” and “ All they were
member) has taken it up with Mr.
entitled to in any event under the pro­
position adopted by the school meeting Three Hundred Attend Good Haeffner, a forest surveyer, who is
Directors Come Back Strong
agitating the matter on the other side
was an interest-bearing time warrant.”
Roads Meeting in Eugene
and Get Decision Over
(at Powers). We feel sure we can get
“ However, these two expressions by
help from both counties and make the
the court are entirely without any mat­
Last Saturday
Barrow & Strang
trail on wagon road grade and soon
ter raised by the pleadings, contended
have a wagon road.
It would follow
f»r by either party, or discussed by
up the Coquille river from Powers to
either ¡«arty in either circuit or supreme
the mouth o f Rock creek, and then up
courts, and are a form of expression
the east side o f Rock creek to a low
spoken o f by the courts and attorneys
divide four miles from Iliahe and then
generally as “ dictum .” But granting,
Case Is Still Far From Being for the purpose o f this interview, that Judge W atson Expresses Sat­ all down grade to the Rogue at Illihee.
they would be entitled to an interest
isfaction of Coos People
bearing time warrant, \ t would have
Place Lots in Nouey
to be such as was prescribed by the
Addition on the Market
voters at the meeting and the voters at
Eugene, Or., (Special to Herald)—
The Supreme court o f the state filed the meeting did not prescribe a war­
! With one exception every county in the
their decision last Tuesday in the case rant in form to comply with either sub­
Along with all the other activities
| First Congressional District was repre­
o f C. R. Barrow and Z. C. Strang vs.
division 5 or 6 o f the statute quoted by sented when 300 good roads enthusiasts that are rapidly developing in and
School District No. 8, in which they re­ the supreme court, as no place in any
' rallied here Saturday afternoon and around Coquille, the Coquille Land
versed the decision of the lower court
o f the records did the voters o f the dis­ evening in behalf o f the proposed $6,- Company, o f which Chas. Walker is
and gave a verdict for the defendant.
trict ever prescribe the time that the 000,(X>0 bond issue for constructing manager, have started an active real
The decision was made entirely on a
warrants were to run, and there is no hard-surfaced roads in Oregon.
E. J. estate campaign, and have placed on
technicality and did not go into the rn r-
authority vested elsewhere in the dis­ Adams, o f Eugene, member o f the the market 40 lots in the Notley addi­
its o f the case in any instance. Peck trict that can prescribe the time the
state highway commission, was elected tion which they intend to sell on an
& Peck were attorneys for tiie pi a i t iff
warrants shall run except the authority to preside at the meeting and James easy payment plan.
and A J. Sherwood handled the case
vested in the voters themselves.
Pub­ Stewart, editor of the Fossil (Ore.)
The lots are located just south o f the
for the school district.
lic opinion cannot be directed by a man­ Journal, acted as secretary.
Patterson grove, which, it has been
Mr. Barrow stated yesterday that a damus proceeding and consequenty if
The meeting became an informal assured, will be purchased by the city
new action would be started in the the plaintiff got all the supreme court discussion o f Oregon’ s road problem for a park site, .t was this site, states
near future and that with the light cast said it was entitled to, if anything by and the bond issue.
Delegates from Mr. Walker, that decided the company
upon the matter by the decision o f the these expressions of “ dictum,” an in­
each county explained their districts’ to place this particular property on the
court he expected to be able to get a terest bearing time warrant without situation and collected as many facts market at this time.
favorable decision from both courts. any specified time for its maturity, it
The Coquille Land company owns a
and figures possible to take back to
He does not consider that the adverse would never be collectible.”
great deal o f property in the east end
their constituents.
decision given by the supreme court
Mr. Sherwood further said that the
B. J. Finch, senior highway engineer o f the city, including the Coquille
lessens the chances o f he and his asso­ expression found in legal opinions,
o f the office o f public roads and rural Heights, and they aspect to dispose of
ciates forcing the school board to pay known by the courts and legal profes­
construction o f the department o f agri­ a great deal o f it in the next year or
them the amount asked for the school sion as “ dictum” is a form of expres­
culture. addressed the meeting on the two.
site. In fact, Mr. Barrow stated that sion that it is almost impossible for a
application o f the Shackleford law.
the decision cleared away the brush, r.s court to avoid in rendering an opinion, “ Oregon has not taken full advantage
it were, and narrowed the matter down as in the discussion o f various legal
o f the law ,” he said.
“ This year
until it would he easier handled.
points, matters which are outside o f $357,000 is available and only $100,000
The controversy started three or four the case but intricately interwoven with has been matched by local appropria­
years ago. The school district figured it frequently lead to expressions by tions.”
on a new school house site. Four sitns way o f illustration and are frequently
This money must be applied for by
were offered and an election was helo found in supreme court opinions but are January 1, preceding July 1, when it is
to determine which should be chosen. never considered binding either upon desired, he explained.
If available W a s at One Tim e Lawyer for
A system o f elimination by balloting the appellate court or the trial court in funds are not used within three years'^
Many Corporations
was devised and resulted in all o f the any future proceedings that may arise the secretary o f agriculture may re­
sites except the Barrow and Strang in the same or any other controversy. apportion them among other states.
tract being thrown out and the Barrow
Mr. Sherwood further says that the
Judge E. D. Sperry, for seventeen
O. M. P. Goss, engineer o f the West
and Strang tract being chosen although two statutory subdivisions which the Coa9^ Lumberman’ s association, gave years a resident o f Coquille, died this
not having a majority o f the votes.
supreme court said were governing in an illustrated talk explaining the spe­ morning at 5:30, after an illness which
The price o f the Barrow and Strang this case and concerning which the cial values o f Douglas fir and Oregon had lasted since September, 1915. At
tract was $6000 and the opponents re­ court said “ the statute under which the pine, treated with creosote as a pave­ that time the deceased was stricken
volted, declaring that it was not worth district operated is part o f the contract ment. “ This makes the nearest per­ with a partial stroke o f apoplexy, from
more than $3000. The old school board by operation of law ,” were not either fect o f all pavements,” he declared, which he never quite recovered, al­
refused to buy the Barrow and Strang cited, discussed, or relied upon by the “ and Oregon has the basic products.” though he made a noble effort to keep
tract for $6000 and it became an issue plaintiffs, either in the trial of the case
A fter Mr. Goss’ address the meeting up and it was only within the last few
in the election
Chas. Skeels was the in the circuit court or the supreme took the form o f a redoubtable discus­ months that he entirely gave up all
candidate o f the Barrow forces and H. court, but were the identical subdi­ sion. The proposed $6,000,000 bond is­ work in his office.
O. Anderson of the opposition. The visions cited by the district and di - sue was the main uieme.
Judge Sperry was born in Ohio in
vote was a tie. Then some o f the vot­ cussed and relied upon in the argument
James Watson, county judge from 1842, and began studying law at an
ers went home, thinking the tie would in the supreme court; and subdivision Coos, headed a delegation o f eight early age. He was considered by some
be decided by lot as the statute pro­ 14 o f the same section upon which members. He declared that Coos peo­ o f the lawyers o f this city as one o f the
vides but instead another vote was plaintiffs relied in the circuit court, ple were satisfied with the new com­ best versed men in elementary law in
cited by them in their supreme court mission and put utmost confidence in it. the county. It is stated that he gave
taken and Skeels won out.
The next step was that the opposi­ brief and relied upon and argued in the
Peter Loggie, whom Commissioner as the reason for this the fact that his
tion by Geo. E. Peoples started quo supreme court was not referred to by’ Adams introduced as the “ father o f father had him spend three years read­
warranto proceedings to oust Skeels. the supreme court in its opinion as hav­ Coos B ay,” asserted that a good tour­ ing elementary law before he allowed
While this action was pending, the ing anything to do with the question in ist road in from Eugene and out by him to practice. A t one time the Judge
school board held a meeting and Skeels this case as is disclosed by the record. way o f Roseburg would be an upbuilder was employed as corporation lawyer by
and Burns overruling Chairman R. H.
A fter this comment upon the decision o f the country.
tw enty-two large manufacturing cor­
Mast voted to pay $6,000 for the Bar- Mr. Sherwood further said that the de­
Attorney George Nunen, o f Rose­ porations in different parts o f the coun-
row tract. Two weeks later, Skeels cision, taken as a whole, as touching burg. said that Douglas county was for try,-and in attending to his many du­
was declared to have held office ille­ upon the record really before the court, good roads, but that the people “ wer ties in this capacity he is said to have
is plainly in favor o f the district and, in up in the air,” and want to know about visited every state in the Union.
The fight was carried on for a couple his opinion, determines the school house the bonds further.
When first coming to Oiegon, Judge
ot elections arousing much bitterness controversy fully in favor of the dis­
“ Douglas county.has one-third o f the Sperry went to Lake count.-' and after­
and mandamus proceedings to compel trict.
He was
Pacific highway in*miles and four-fifths wards came to Coos in 1900.
the school boaid to issue the warrants
Since the decision has been handed of it in construction,” said James Mars- not a member o f any fraternal order, it
were begun but these were ruled out of down a new plan o f solving the school ters. “ All we want to know is that we being said that he once made the state­
court. Then Barrow began suit for problem (that is new as far as Coquille shall get a square deal.”
ment that it was against his principals
$6000 and on this issue the supreme is concerned) has been put forth.
City Engineer Penland, o f Albany, and that he did not think the fraterni­
court has just passed, deciding agair st has been suggested that it may not be wanted to know if the present gravel ties o f the country carried out the idea
necessary for the district to acquire roads in Linn county would have to be o f equality upon which this country is
There seems to be quite a diversity more ground for the present. The idea torn up, to meet the specifications o f based.
o f opinion amongst our citizens as to is to use the present grounds by start­ the state highway commission.
He is survived by his wife and daugh­
In re­
the legal significance o f the decision ing at one corner and building in both ply, Mr. Adams said, “ I am frank to ter, Mrs. Lucia Stratton, both o f this
rendered by the Supreme Court recent­ directions around the outside of the say that it is my honest opinion that city.
block. The structure, if built as sug­ the burden will be made as light as
ly in the school site case.
The funeral will take place at two
For the purpose of obtaining the gested, would, when completed, extend possible. Where roads are well drain- j o ’clock tomorrow afternoon and pub­
school district’s position in the matter, around three sides of the block, leaving ed and have proper grades, they can j lic services will be held only at the
The building probably be utilized.”
a representative o f the Herald inter­ the south side open.
Masonic cemetery, where interment
viewed Mr. Sherwood in the matter, which would be one story, would be
“Discussing the Pacific Highway and j will be made. A. J. Sherwood, W. C.
and what he said concerning the deci­ built in units as needed to accommo­ more remote byways o f the state, Mr. ; Chase, Walter Sinclair, C. R. Harrow,
date the increasing number o f pupils,
sion is as follows:
Adams declared, “ The Pacific Highway ! James Watson, and J. J. Stanley, all
“ One of the several points on which and would leave the entire center o f would be o f great benefit, but I want I atto neys o f this place will act as pall
the district relied and the point on the block for a playground.
to say to you gentlemen that there are bearers. The Right Reverend Wm.
It was pointed out that the sum that pioneers locked up in the byways o f \ Horsfall, o f Bandon, v ill conduct the
which the Supreme Court based its de­
cision was that which is raised by the it would cost to purchase a new site, this state who have nothing more than | services.
general demurrer filed by the district would almost build the first unit and a trail to travel over the greater part
o r a l ny Mnia.
to the complaint did not state facts suf­ that as the number o f pupils increased o f the year, and that they are entitled j
Ants have larger brains In proportion
ficient to constitute a cause o f action, the district could add other units, pay- to consideration.”
to the size of their bodies than any
and this same point was raised the sec ( ing for them as they went. Until such
other living creatures.
ond time by the district’s motion for a time as a sufficient number o f units
New Trail From Powers
the judgment o f non-suit after all the had been constructed to take care of
Notes From the Scenic
T o Iliahe is Planned
evidence o f plaintiff was in. The trial all o f the pupils now in the high fchool
court ruled against the district on both building, this building could be utilized
A representative o f the Triangle
Some extracts from a letter written
the demurrer and the motion and it is for such grades as could not be other­
plain to see that had the trial court tak­ wise accommodated. When no longer by Geo. Musick, now located at Iliahe, Film Corporation, who is making a tour
en the same view o f the demurrer and needed it could be removed.
Curry county, shows the sort o f mail o f the country in the interest o f the
Should the city grow to such propor­ service that prevails in that unfortun­ head office in New York, was in Co­
motion as did the supreme couit it
would have been virtually holding that tions that it would not be feasible for ate section; also gives news o f the quille last week, and he made a dicker
the plaintiff had not been in court any the smaller children to all attend one movement for a shorter route to with the Seenic man to again take up
the Triangle service, showing one pic­
o f the time, and the minute the su­ school, the plan further provides tor Powers. He writes:
Your letter posted on the 12th reach­ ture a week and commencing at a fu­
preme court concluded that the com ­ ward schools in various parts o f the
ed here the night o f the 16th. Friday’ s ture date.
plaint did not state facts sufficient to city to overco e this difficulty.
A contract with the Paramount peo­
It is understood that this is not an mail came through from the railroad in
constitute a cause o f action there was
positively nothing before the court to entirely new plan in school building one day—the first time for over two ple will go into effect this week and
! construction, and ha9 been successfully months, and now there are probably two programs o f that make will be
pass upon.
At any rate it is four feet o f snow on the divide, so shown each week.
“ But the supreme court, in render­ ; used in other places.
The Paramount and Triangle pictures
ing its opinion, even after it had held i worth the consideration o f the board there is no telling when the schedule
are more largely used by the best show
will be resumed.
that the complaint did not state facts and the people of the district.
We are in hopes o f having better houses o f the United States than any
sufficient to constitute a cause o f ac­
mail service next year.
There is a other makes, bar none, and the picture
tion and thereby holding that plaintiff
movement on foot to open a trail to fans o f Coquille can congratulate them­
had not been in court any o f the time,
I will pay Five Dollars reward for Powers and get the mail from there. selves (whether they do or not) that
gave utterance to these two expres­
sions in discussing the cause
After information that will lead to the arrest The distance is only 25 miles, and there the manager o f their picture house
and conviction o f the party who stole
quoting subdivisions 5 and 6 o f the act the framed portrait of Billie Burke is but one divide to cross, at an eleva­ knows the best makes and believes that
tion o f 2500 feet, while the other way his patrons will appreciate the best and
o f February 25, 1913, which are identi­ from the lobby o f the Scenic theater
P. C. LEVAR. , is over 40 miles and reaches an eleva- cleanest pictures.
cal to subdivisions 5 and 6 o f Section
Judge Sperry
Passes A w ay
$5.00 Reward
PER YEAR $1.50
Coos County Given Positive
Assurance of Participation
in Bond Money
All Depends on Bond Issue
Being Passed
Eugene, Or., (Special to Herald) —
"T he state highway commission pro­
mised to spend money in Coos county,
and there is no re ¡son why it would go
back on its word,’ ’ said Commissioner
E. J. Adams this week.
“ Coos has bonded for $360,000 and
the commission and state will help to
build good roads in that county. Of
course, everything depends on what
citizens o f Oregon do on June 4.
the proposed $6,000,000 are voted down,
then the highway commission is power­
less. ’ ’
That the bonds will not be voted
down is the opinion o f Mr. Adams. “ If
the farmers, particularly, can be shown
that that they will get a dollar’ s worth
of roads for every dollar they pay in
taxes, they will gladly put up money
for that purpose,’ ’ he said. “ Value re­
ceived is all the Oregon farmer asks,
and with the new safeguarded road law,
he will realize his wish.”
The recent Legislature enacted nu­
merous laws affecting the highway de­
velopment in Oregon, and with the be­
ginning which has now been made, it
would seem that this state has a chance
to take a position with the states of
Washington and California in progres­
sive road building.
The most interesting feature o f the
road legislation just accomplished is
the so-called $6,000,000 bond issue which
law will be referred to the people for
adoption or rejection at a special elec­
tion to be held June 4, 1917. This law
provides for hard surface of certain of
the more important roads in the state.
It also classifies certain other roads as
post roads or forest roads, thus making
them eligible to receive the improve­
ment by the expenditure o f federal
post and forest road funds in conjunc­
tion with the state.
There has not been available a defi­
nite estimate o f the mileage which it is
proposed to improve.
A rough esti­
mate has been compiled which shows
that something between 1,000 and 1,100
miles are to be hard surfaced with the
proceeds o f the $6,000,000 bond issue.
A little more than half of this seems to
be in western Oregon, and there are
also provisions for the hard surfacing
o f roads in four western counties which
might increase the mileage by a hun­
dred miles or more. The roads classi­
fied as post roads are for the most part
in eastern Oregon where they amount
to more than 1,000 miles. West o f the
Cascades, about 300 miles are designat­
ed as post roads.
The bill provides
that at least 60 per cent o f the govern­
ment post road funds shall be expended
east o f the Cascades and a rough esti­
mate seems to indicate that at least 75
per cent o f the post wads designated
are east ui the Cascades.
The forest roads are for the most
part west o f the mountains, and may
be estimated as being 350 miles in west­
ern Oregon, and 250 miles east o f the
Cascades, making it a total o f approxi­
mately 600 miles in this classification.
The whole state road program is now
dependent upon the $6,000,000 bond is­
sue law, and the new State Highway
Commission is in no position to go far
until the action o f the jieople on this
bond issue.
In this bill the road from Roseburg
via Myrtle Point to Marshfield is desig­
nated as a post road, and the road from
Eugene via Siuslaw to Coos Bay is
designated as a forest road.
In the
event that the bond issue is carried,
there will undoubtedly be a consider­
able amount o f government and state
funds available for these roads. How­
ever, if the large bond issue should be
turned down, the post and forest road
funds are likely to he absorbed in the
sections which are provided for with
finished roads in the hard surface bill.
Coos County is also designated as a
place where some hard surface may be
secured, and the act provides as follows:
“ I f the County o f Coos shall prepare
and make ready for paving, according
to the requirements o f the State High­
way Commission, 20 or more miles in
length o f the post road between Rose­
burg and Marshfield hereinbefore des­
cribed • * • then said Commission shall
immediately pave the road so prepared
and such portions o f said road shall be
excepted from the classification as a
post road, and such portion shall then
be classified as a paved road.”
The above quotation from the bill
which will be voted on by the people is
very clear, and under that provision it
would seem that there is no doubt but
that Coos County can secure a consid­
erable amount o f hard surface paving
from the state if the act is carried.
The county bond issue o f last year pro­
vides for the reduction to a permanent j
line and grade o f the road between i
Marshfield and Myrtle Point.
When j
this is accomplished, which will be a
practical preparation for pavement, the
state will be bound by law to hard sur­
face the same. Since the work is al­
ready done on a considerable portion o f
this road, and contracts are soon to be
let for the balance, Coos county should F. E. Conway Asking for Bids
be first in complying with the state’ s
in the Form of Induce­
requirements to secure hard surface
ments for Locating
Provided the bonding act is passed,
there will undoubtedly be a liberal ap­
propriation from the state on the road
between Myrtle Point and Roseburg,
which in this act is a post road.
old Highway Commission had promised
state assistance on this road, and this Intend to Import High Grade
should be considerably more, unless the
Dairy Stock
failure o f the bond issue should draw
the post road funds to the more popu­
A proposal to establish a milk con-
lous parts o f the state. On July 1st of
this year, there v/ill be $236,062 avail­ densary at Coquille has been placed be­
able under the post rfiad act from the fore our commercial body within the
government. The state will put up a past week, and if it is secured, it will
similar amount, making in all a fund o f nv an much for this city.
F. E. Conway, who has been active
$472,124. I f the bonding act passes,
60 per cent o f this must be expended in business circles in Marshfield for the
east o f the Cascades. This will leave past two years or more; who built the
somewhere between $150,000 and $200,- Myrlte Arms and has helped develop­
000 available in the western part o f the ment work with capital of his own and
state for aid on the designated post o f his associates, is at the head o f the
roads after July 1st. In the four years movement. With him has recently be­
following, there will be available in all come associated G. S. Butler, an Ash­
about $2,360,630 for post road develop­ land capitalist and banker, who will be
ment. Taking our proportion roughly, one of the directors o f the F. E. Con­
it should give during that period at way Mortgage Co., which will work in
least $150,000 for the Myrtle Point- conjunction with the condensary com­
pany and will furnish capital with
Roseburg road.
There will be available July 1, 1917, a which the dairymen may improve their
two years’ apportionment or $255,588 herds.
The Coos Bay Times says o f the pro­
on the federal funds to be applied to
forest roads.
The state will match ject:
F. E. Conway and associates are ma­
these funds which will make available
$511,176. This amount is two years o f turing plans to organize a dairy pro­
the five, or 40 per cent o f what will be ducts company with a capital o f $100,-
expended on forest roads.
Providing 000 to manufacture and deal in dairy
the bond issue passes, these funds can products. They contemplate the estab­
be entirely devoted to the forest roads lishment o f condensaries and cheese
designated in the bill, one of the most factories wherever found most advan­
important o f which is the road from tageous.
“ They will also import a fine grad*
Eugene via Siuslaw to Coos Bay.
o f dairy cattle which they will sell to
While it is not probable that enough
the farmers on easy terms.
Mr. Con­
funds will be available from the forest
way believes the establishment o f such
and state moneys to entirely improve
plants which w ill pay cash for milk
this road, it can be accomplished dur­
every month and which will assist the
ing the five years if Lane and Douglas
farmers in improving their lands and
counties give their proportionate sup­
building up their herds is greatly need­
port as Coos County is doing for this
ed and that its establishment will mean
road north o f the Bay. In any event,
much toward the further development
enough should be appropriated during
of the dairying business in this county.
the coming year if the people vote the
He says the amount o f cooperation
bonds to open up the road between
needed und th* opportunities are un­
Coos Bay and the Umpqua. This coun­
limited for a live organization which
ty has already provided for the im­
has at heart the future development of
provement as far as Lakeside, and the
this section.
state funds should open the road to the
“ G. S. Butler, the wealthy Ashland
Umpqua, as there is already a road capitalist and banker, has become iden­
from Gardiner to Glenada on the Sius- tified with the F. E. Conway Mortgage
law and a road up the Siuslaw and into Co. and will become one of the direc­
Eugene. The opening o f the Coos Bay- tors of the company.
Mr. Butler is
Umpqua section will make the entire one o f the wealthiest men o f Ashland,
route available for summer* traffic.
Ore., and an old friend o f Mr. Conway.
This would open up the Lake country Mr. Conway says he was extremely suc­
along the new railroad, and when the cessful in interesting outside capital.”
automobile tourist saw the possibilities
Mr. Conway was in this city last
o f coming into Coos County from one Wednesday and spoke to some o f our
direction and going out another, we business men about his project, going
could get considerable outside assist­ from here to Myrtle Point to lay it also
ance to complete these projects.
before the people of that town.
Summarizing briefly, the proposed
word given out is that a condensary o f
$6,O00,C0'J bond issue means to Coos
a capacity to turn out 500 cases a day
county that it will get 20 oi more miles
and use the it , ilk o f 3000 cows will be
o f hard surface road; that it will get
established either hero or at Myrtle
very material additional aid for the
Point, aau Mr. Cgnway wishes to see
completion o f the Myrtle Point-Rose- which town will offer the best induce­
burg road, which should assure an all ments. A site o f at least two acres is
year round road from Coes Bay to the required, to be situated between the
Pacific Highway at Roseburg; and fur­ river and the railroad, and other in­
ther that the road between Coos Bay, ducements would probably be given due
the Siuslaw and Eugene, would at least
weight of consideration.
be opened for summer traffic and a
The Commercial Club has taken up
considerable part of it, including prob­ the matter and a committee consisting
ably all o f the distance in Coos County, of R. II. Mast, J. W. Miller and F. E.
could Le placed on permanent line and McKenna was appointed to see the Co­
quille Valley Creamery people and see
if some sort o f a deal could be made
Form Loan Association
with them, as they have a site that
would be satisfactory, and were a con­
A local federal farm loan association densary established here the ert ■ mery
was formed here at a meeting hel l for would hav very little u?e for the site.
this is undoubtedly one o f the best
that at the city hall Saturday
forenoon. Eleven m e n became the propositions that has been placed be­
While the creamery
charter members o f the organization fore Coquille.
and the loans for which they will apply here has been a good asset for the town
aggiegate ^37,000. The offeers o f the and the tributary country, the conden­
association are: C. E. McCurdy, presi­ sary will be a 1:11 better distributor o f
dent; Frank Willard, vice president, hard cash among the farmers and
and R. H. Mast, secretary-treasurer. therefore o f more benefit to 4he town.
The loan committe** is composod o f W. The prices paid for milk by a c nden-
B. Rohrer, Frank Willard, and Fred sary are far higher than can be paid by
Nosier, and members o f the board ef a creamery, ai d the market is practi­
directors are C. E. McCurdy, A. L. cally unlimited. Coquille is the center
Nosier, Frank Willard, W. B. Rohrer, of a distinctively “ cow ” stretch o f
country, and her growth and prosperity
Fred Nosier, and O. L. Smallwood.
The charter members of the associa­ are founded on the product o f the
tion are A. S. Nosier, O. L. Smallwood, gentle bovine sister.
The town can expend its efforts in
M F. Aasen, W. B. Norris, S. Lafferty,
no better way than by making certain
Fred Nosier, V G. Weekly, Frank
that a plant o f so much importance
Willard, Geo. Sester, W. B. Rohrer and
shall be located here. The Commercial
C. E. McCurdy.
It is probable that there will be oth- Club has taken hold o f the matter and
er farmers in the vicinity who will wish a committee of that, body has been
to join the association, as the bad wea- working energetically in lining thing9
ther doubtless kept away many who up.
would otherwise have been at the rr.eet-
The meeting was called by the Co­
quille Commercial Club and in the ab
sence o f President J. E. Norton, was
called to order by Vice President C. A.
Howard. R. S. Knowlton was chosen
temporary secretary.
A fter some discussion those present
who desired to join the association ex
pressed this desire by filling out a blank
that had been provided for the purpose
and following this the officers o f the
association were elected.
- ... _
J u p it e r s u v o i u t i o n .
Jupiter, fornicii.v regarded ns one of
the major planets, is rapidly approach­
ing the state o f the earth. Now It Is
In n stage between the sun and the
earth. A new belt Is gradually widen­
ing out around the planet. The changes
hi Jupiter have been apparent for
some time past. Clouds o f steam sur­
round the celestial member, and this
steam, when the planet has cooled suf­
ficiently. will form its oceans
is going on with Jupiter Is precisely
what the earth passed through some
neons o f ages ago.