$5.00 Reward Drane’s Locals MERELY MENTIONED 1 will pay Five Dollars reward for F ie sh m ilk at L v o n s & Jones. information that will lead to the arreat and conviction of the party who robbed H . W H olverstott w as in Irnm W e carry the 99 coffee that was the Scenic box office of a sum of money F a irv ie w S it u id a y . so favorably Dem onstrated at the mostly in nickels, on the evening of P. C. LEV A R . “ H a p p y ” H olbrook, of B andon, Crescent booth at the K o rn Kartn- F'ebrnary 21 st. w as in town F rid ay. val. • * $5.00 Reward • I will pay five dollars for informa­ A lso a full line of Crescent goods. tion that will lead to the arrest and * « • conviction of anyone wilfully injuring or molesting the posters or lobby dis­ E v e ry th in g in this line guaran play of the Scenic theater. P. C. LE V A R . teed, and your m oney back if it is not what it is represented to be. • * • T h e price is less but the goods are better. • • • Satisfied! I’ve a Lot to Be Thankful For D on’ t be afraid to try it. • * * N-0 We also have the fam ous R o yal C lub line o f canned goods, nothing better, and the prices right • * • At the old stand vacated by M / V 1/ / k the Model G ro cery. P A R K E R 'S HAIR B A L S A M A to ilet preparation of m erit. Helps to eradicate dandruff, f I For Restoring Color a n d ■ , IPaauty to Gray or Faded Hair] 60 c. and tl-OOat D rinrtclqtfc_J n l N D E R C O R N S Removes Corn*. Cal­ louses, etc.,stops all pain, ensures com fort to tn a feet, makes w alklnn easy. 16a. by m all or ™ gist*. HUoox Chemical Works, Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT D e n t is t Office ov< r First National Bank Phone Main 4 SI 324 , 514 , Res. G. EARL LOW. M. D. Office P hysician and surgeon Office over Farm ers & Merchants Bank 1 c an give thanks for being su c ­ cessful. People vvno put mo to work for them got results. They're satis­ fied I cost little. I act quickly WANT COLUMN R A T ES: One cent a word, each in­ sertion. No charge less than 15 cents W A N T E D — W ork; will do house­ keep in g, cooking or cham ber w ork Inqu ire at th iso ffiie. Dr. G. W. LESLIE M iss Reel M ars, of Bandon, passed through here yesterday for a brief visit on (be Bay. Let this Great Underprice Sale Assist You Sensational Bargains “ B ill” G oodrum was in the city s e v e ta | j ay S last week and w hile here delivered one ol the 19 17 ' D dge c a r . to M. J Hartson He also placed one with Lam b & Von P e g rrt, who are the local agents lor M artin C lausen, of R iv erto n , was the car, and also sent one to the a visitor litre S a tim la y . agents in M yrtle Point and Bandon. Cash wholesale prices on F lo u r, Y o u can buy a good sack ol flour Feed and H ay at C ollier W are­ for $2 per sack at L yo n s & Jo n e s. house. tf D iam ond F B ran d . " B u z z y " Balch w as up from W ord com es from Dr. and M rs. Bandon F iid a y 011 bnsiuess V- L . H am ilton , who left hete a Mrs. D D novau, o f C oaledo, short time ago that they have loca­ ted at Bend, O regon , and that they was a C oquille visitor tod ay. are well pleased with the place. R . H . G ard n er, ol B eaver H ill, T h e m any friends af Dr. and Mrs was a city visitor today. H am ilton here w ish them success M iss R u b y B u ik h art of this city in their new field. is visiting in Pow ers this week P a ck a g e seeds are expensive and T R A P P E R S — I f you have F u rs are no better than the ones we sell tor sale let me m ake you a price i>e- in bulk at the lowest price— K now l- foie you ship. ton’ s d ru g store G eo T. M oulton. Pat R ack le ff, w ho has been em W m - G ro w was over from the ployed in the Lorenz store for some B ay t e middle of 1 st week. m onths past, expects to leave to­ M iss Je a n F itzg e rald , o f Su m n e r, m orrow for C o aliu ga, C aliforn ia, was iti town one day last week. where he has a good position aw ait­ L y o n s & Jo n e s c atry Coos B a y , in g him. H e goes partly for his H olsom and T ip T o p B read, arrives health. Mrs. R a c k le ff w ill stay Iresh each d a y . with her position in the office of H . M H am m ock was dow n from C ouu ty Ju d g e W atson lor the pres­ the F ish trap country tod ay. ent. N ow is the time to b uy. The W h y pay an exh otb itan t price L a d ie s ’ B azaar is h avin g a rem oval for p ackage seeds when you can sale. get from two to four times as much M iss L a u ra H ebert, clerk in the for you r m oney in bulk seeds, at F a ir store lelt, the m iddle of the K n o w lto n ’ s dru g store? A man who g iv e s his name as w eek lor M arshfield. Ja m e s M cIn tyre ,an d who was found stowed aw ay on the Steam er H ardy H ighest in Q u ality; Low est in Price last S a tu rd a y , w as brought here the sam e day by P- P . Anderson of 10 - 17 - tf N orth Bend, w as pronounced in­ R a tliff L aw h o rn cam e in from sane by the county physician , and M cK in le y F rid a y , relu m in g S a tu r­ w ill probably be t ken to the state day. hospital today. S- A. C ulbertson w as up from G ard e n seeds in b u lk , we carry a Bandon the last of the week attend­ com plete line and can save you m oney— K n o w lto n ’ s dru g store. in g to business Rawleigh Quality Products Ask Your Neighbor Are being offered by the store that is going to retire— the store that is sharing its prosperty with its customers. Compare these prices with others on identical goods and you will at once realize the savings you enjoy here. Ladies’ beautiful, fancy lace morning caps were 50c reduced to ... 25c Men’s fast black or tan sox were 15c now _____________________ 9c Men’s 50c dress suspenders reduced to_______________________ 23c White or Black dress rufflings always sold at 35c to 40c yd. now 19c 90c Percale house dress aprons, pret­ ty patterns, reduced to_____ 69c Boys’ 75c cloth hats on sale at.._45c T H E F A IR ST O R E Martin Block, Front Street Gl ass Baking Dishes Pyrex F O R S A L E — A good you n g D riv ­ O S T E O P A T H IC PH Y SIC IA N in g H orse, H arness and C art; A farm er’s account book, devised G am e W arden T h o m as passed Graduate of the American School also 8 acres, all im p oved, ou t­ of Osteopathy of Kirksville, Mo. by H. F . K e y e s, of the E xten sio n through i^cre yesterd ay, hea led to­ side city lim its, for sale or trade Office in Eldorado Block A ddress O C. Je n se n , C oquille, w ard the B a y . H e did not m ake S ervice of O A . C ., w ill be given Marshfield Oregon Ore. Phone 793 3 6 2t free to each farm er jo in in g cow test­ his m ission know n. in g associations th is year. The F O °. S A L E — 160 acres o( tim ber— 1 .000. 000 feet of red cedar and Our goods are all marked in plain books are sim ple in operation; but 3.000. 000 leet of fir. Price 90c figures. We will not change these are com plete in detail. per thousand; located four m iles prices but give a big per cent off for a T h e Sterm er D ispatch broke her irom river. A ddress Ben L- few days. m ain d rive shait ju s t below R iv e r­ Sm alley , A ra g o , Ore 2-6 io tp Regular as the Clock TH E L A D IE S ’ B A ZA A R. ton yesterday m orning. T h is w ill F O R S A L E — Wood for sale, call M iss E lm a R oberts, who recently put her off the run for some time, 3 8 1. i t 2 1-tf com pleted her term of school st as it is thought that a new shaft S H O E R E P A I R I N G — A ll kinds F a irv ie w , is visitin g at the Chas. w ill have to be ordered from San ol shoe repairing neatly done at S k e els home. Fran cisco. *10.00 F’ irst-class fare or.. reasonable prices. Prolong the .... 3.00 E verett Brow n, o f the W estern Up freight, per ton B u y your seeds in b u lk , cheaper life of your shoes. C. PRO CH - * States L ife In su ran ce com pany, at better at K n o w lto n ’ s d ru g store. N O W , Frorft street. to -io -tf, w as in town last week and placed E. & E. T. Kruse O LD N E W S P A P E R S — Cheap at the ’ the agency for his com pany w ith 24 California Street, San Franci.co Herald oflie« L eslie Schroeder. A t the suggestion of the City Council, Diam ond F F lo u r at $2 per sack. Thursday morning C. A. Machón Arthur Ellingsen is having another exit For Reservation. L y o n s &’ Jo n es. made at the rear of Lhe auditorium, of boarded the north bound train at the O w iug to the indisposition of se v ­ the Scenic to give ample chance for station with a large bundle of papers Agent, Coquille, Oregon eral m em bers, last F r id a y ’ s m eet­ egress without panic in case of a fire under his arm which he began selling among the passengers. He met with in g of the W om an’ s S tu d y C lub alarm. This is excellent idea and a pre­ such good success that he almost for­ caution which might easily save many was postponed until M arch 16. got where he was until he felt the precious lives in the case of a panic. E . E - F raed rick and fam ily ate It is to be devoutly hoped that the train moving away from the station. It was moving slowly and he started for again residents of our c ity , and are Council will not close its eagle optics j the door thinking that he could easily The brakeman, however, liv in g in the S k e els house, recently till it takes to heart the situation of j swing off. other gathering places in this city. informed him that the train would Htop vacated by Dr. and M rs V . L down the track a short distance. ¡ Ma­ Th,ere is one hall in particular, a double | chón says that the farther it went the H am ilton. hall in which four or five hundred peo- j faster it went and when it did really pie often gather, where the means of stop it was Delow Cedar Point. He climbed off and enjoyed a brisk morn­ Being obliged to give up our store egress are so pitifully inadequate that ing walk back to town, a distance of room, commencing Thursday morning an alarm of fire when there are many more than a mile, carrying about ninety we will sell all goods in our stock at a people in the hall would inevitably re­ Oregonians. sult in the loss of many precious lives. big reduction. There may be others as bad. The at- The Pneumonia Season TH E L A D IE S ’ B A ZA A R . , tention of the council and the people is The cold, weather of March Mr. and Mrs. Ja m e s D. A v e r) | most earnestly invited to their consid­ seems to be damp the most favorable for the m oved to their ranch near Rem ote eration. neumonia germ. Now is the time to e careful. Pneumonia often result* S u n d a y . R euben Mast and R oy from a cold. The auicker a cold is got­ A v e ry accom panied them on the ten rid of the less the danger. As soon as the first indication of a cold appears trip, retu rn ing the same day Urban Ellwood and Jew el Baum­ take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. As to the value of this preparation, ask A S C h ap lin , ol the U S D iv is­ gartner, both of Coquille. anyone who has used it. ion o f A g ric u ltu re is expected to Thomas Devererx and Zara McGraw, both of Prosper. arrive in tlie county this w eek to SU M M O N S Milton Burnett and Bee Paulson, coufer with C ounty A gen t Sm ith both of Powers. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon reg ard in g the w otk oi the new ly - «• * - in and for the County of Coos organized cheese association. Chamberlain’. Cough Remedy a Favorite M ary A lta M orrissey , I for Cold. P l ain tiff , £uit in C ash w holesale prices on Flour Equity J . L. Easley, Macon, III., in speaking O tto A. M vo. Feed and H ay at C ollier W are­ for Divorce orrissey , of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy says, house. tf D efendant . “ During the past fifteen years it has To Otto A. Morrissey, the above Reuben H . Mast, J r . , who is at- been mv sister's favorite medicine for colds on the lungs. I myself have tak­ named defendant: lending school at the U n iv e rsity ol en it a number of times when suffering IN TH E NAME OF TH E ST A T E OF O regon, w as home to spend the with a cold and it always relieved me OREGON, You arc hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of w eek end with his parents. Mr. promptly.” the plaintiff in the above entitled Court and cause within six weeks from the and M rs. R . H . M ast H e returned date of the first publication of this sum­ to school yesterd ay I ______ mons, to-wit: within six weeks from 6th day of March 1917 ; and if you Best onion sets on the m ark et,! Tl>e Coos and Curry County Cheese the fail to appear or answer the said com­ The Celebrated »h ue pounds for 25 cents,at K n ow l- 1 Association met at the office o f County plaint on or before the 17 th day of Ap­ Agent J . L. Smith yesterday for the ril, 1917 , the same being the last day ton’s d ru g store purpose of discussing the purchasing of of the time prescribed in the order of C ounty A gen t J L- Sm ith states supplies, market conditions and the publication, the plaintiff will apply to that the cow testing associations ot general outlook for the cheesemakers the Court for the relief demanded in her said complaint, a succinct state­ the vallev are b ein g reorganized I of the county for the coming year, ment of which is as follows: That the and tnat tlie y e a r’s w ork w ill soon 1 Those present were: J . D. Carl, presi- marriage contract heretofore existing , , , . . i dent; A. W. Cope, vice president; A. between the plaintiff and the defendant The strongest and nearest water- proof c m m tm e A lre a d y , he sa y s, they “ 7 . ’ . \ . , „ be annulled, set aside and held for ’ Christensen, secretary-treasurer, J . H. naught; that the plaintiff be restored Shoes made for Loggers, Cruisers, h ave 120 0 cow s sign ed up in this ( McCloakey, director, Guy Ford, insp.c- to her maiden name of Mary Alta Stan­ Miners, Sportsmen ana Workers. ley, and for such other and further re­ part of the county and that the } tor, and Claude Giles, selling agent, Men’* Comfort Dres* Shoes w otk has not com m enced yet on j Mr. Smith says that the association lief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. the B av side is Retting well organized by this time Service of this summons iz made Strong Shoes for Boys and that the work is going along upon you by publication thereof pur­ tro v e s . S to v e s . S to v e s . ° l all smoothly. Everybody who is interested suant to the order of the Honorable Manufactured by k iiu i- w d and coal, the larigeNt j jn tj,e future 0f the county, according Jam es Watson, Judge of the County L a d l e « ! A « k y o u r D r u g f U t fo r variety in town T o o ls of a.I k in d ' to Bj,oui3 boost for the association Court of the State of Oregon for Coos < h l - e b e « - l e r 'w I M u m o n d B r a n d , County, made on the 3 rd day of March 1*111« in R ed an-i (¿old metallic box«, sealed with Blue R it.Don. * m ' , *lcn s“ rae Send me your which, it is hoped, will place Coos coun­ 1917 . J. J . S T A N L E Y , T a k e bo o th e r Buy o f y o u r D n n lit AhkWCTII.rirKa.TPB'S 621 Thurman St 3 - 6 - 7 t Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland. Oregon s a w , and um brellas to gel fixed A t ty cheese on a par with that of Tilla- DIAM OND BRAND 1*1 fncSo years known as Best, Safest. Always Reliable Ask for the Bergmann Waterproof J I Q uick > Second H and Store, m0ok, and every other aection of the E 11st and H en ry sts. Phone 401 country J . A Y ate s w as down from Fish SOLD BY DRLGGISTS EVERYWHERE shoe Oil. T ra p yesterday on business. Sanitary, Easy to clean, Economical, Durable. Bakes Faster and Better. Bake and Serve in the same dish. A household necessity. Casseroles fit r e g u l a r mounts. $1.50 to $2.25. Custards, set of six, $1.20 to $1.50. A Bona Fide Sale Str. Elizabeth San Francisco and Bandon Precautions Againt Panic J. E. NORTON For the Bowels The Busy Probably nothing has more it fluence on the general health than the condition of the bowels. Housewife can get rid of the hard­ est and most disagree­ able part of the week’s w o r k by sending the wash to us. Satisfaction Guaranteed If it can be washed we can do it. We honestly believe that are the best bowel rem­ edy ever made, pleasant to take, permanently beneficial for relief from the misery and dangers arising from constipation. Eat them like candy, good for young and old. In boxes of 36 tablets for 25 cents. While in Powers visit A . D. Andrews Bergmann Shoe Tailoring Co. Awarded Gold Medal P. P. 1. E. San Francisco, 1915 Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Storage to Patrons C1CHEHER,SPILLS .......... 4 D I S H E S have advanced in price 30 per cent. How­ ever, we had a large stock on hand before the advance and are selling these at a price that is now BELOW COST The dishes include W. S. George and Hom­ er Laughlin China. We have six different patterns from which you can select sets of any size you wish for. $12 or Less The Racket Store Mrs. A. O. Walker H. O. Anderson Machón Kidnapped Q e t th e W a n t A d H a b it Removal Sale Marriage Licenses ph arm acy The Rexall Store Suits $15 to $50 Coquille, Oregon Vegetable Laxatives COQUILLE DUM MY M C I CO. F M m I n T High Gars Tailoring 1 Lot Childs and Misses capes, heavy grade, worth $4.00, now on sale a t-------- 98c Infants’ white cashmerette coats, prettily embroidered, $3.00 val­ ues now____ $1.88 Men’s $2.00 and $2.25 Grey Mixed overshirts on sale at $1.49 Colgates and Williams best shaving soaps, the 10c kinds now 5c 10c scouring soaps, used for cleaning almost everything, n o w ____ 5c Theodore Bergmann Shoe Manufacturing Co. Cheese Associatin Meets E GU ARAN TEED TEN YEA RS The extra iticnjth o f the Rex Type­ writer can be seen. The type-bars are of 1-16 inrh thick­ ness, instead of the usual 1 - 32 . The type-bar-beaiing surface is, on the average, four times greater than on any other typewriters of standard de­ sign. In every part there is extra ilrzngth. The Rex is built to outlast all others. Factory tests show an equivalent of 25 years’ daily service. The manufacturers consider 10 years a reasonable guarantee. Why buy a typewriter of less st rength ? Extra Capacity Letter writing is not all a typewriter should do. The carriage on the Standard Rex Model is 11 inches instead of 9 . It is built for writing on wide blanks, in­ surance policies, deeds, abstracts, contracts, etc. Why buy a typewriter that only writes letters? It writes on cards, labels, tags. It prints in two colors without changing ribtxm—serves os a check-protector. It is made ready for stencil-cutting v ithout removing ribbon. It mani­ folds from 5 to 20 carbon copies c.t one writing. The tabulator and back-sparer rre operated by keys. They are in-bullt— not added attachments. When the end of the line is reached, the Rex locks automatically. The Rex is n full visible writer— ict necessary to move any part oi the typewriter to see all you are writing and have written. Why buy a typewriter that lacks any of these features? Extraordinary Price $ 57 . 50 , f. o. b. factory, would be a low price for any standard typevrritcr. For a typewriter of extra strength, extra capacity, extra features, it ia an extraordinary price. Why pay more and receive less? Compel those who ask more to f/.ve more. Payments For a little more the Rex can be he. ! on monthly payments. It will pay for itself from earnings. M onthly Ask for Dem onstration Make us prove our claims of superi­ ority; if we fail you lose nothing; if we succeed you save about 40 %. ROY M. AVERY, Agent Herald Office Coquille, Oregon /