THE COQUILLE HERALD PU B LISH ED EVERY Squandered Hours TU ESDAY Entered as second-class matter May 8, 1905, at the r Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congrees of Marcl office it < 3. at 1879. P . . L E V A R , LESSEE A N D E D IT O R R O Y M. A V E R Y , BUSINESS M A N A G E R Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley particularly and of Coos County generally. Subscription, $1.50 per year, in advance. Phone Main I By D. S. A. Honey, come and let ua wander; J u s t one hour to g eth er squander. As we squandered—Oh, how m any— By the river 'n eath the hill. L et us build our (ire over, And sit down among the clover, \\ bile the flames m ake vivid pictures, Always changing, never still. were appreciated 1 y so many of our friends that we are going to I Mind the friendly pine behind us, How the shower th a t sought to find us, Could not reach us through the m yriad O f countless needles over head. How the moonbeam coming a fte r, L it your face su bright with lau g h ter— Now the friendly pine tre e ’s fallen, And our fire long since is dead. NO IMPROVEMENT FOR COOS BAY BAR And now comes a Government Engineer, probably en­ titled to wear gold lace on his full dress uniform, and tells the Coos Bay people that they are entitled to a depth of but 22 feet on the bar. As there is 23 feet of water in Then the walk across the river, How the trees all seemed to shiver, the channel now, this is equivalent to telling them that When the coyote on the m ountainside they already have a foot more than they are entitled to Sent forth his doleful wail, and that when they ask for work on the jetty they are How we ram bled on, not sighing, For the hours th a t fa st were flying, simply asking for a graft out of the pork barrel—and they Till w e’d crossed the little footlog. won’t get it. We must at least give this engineer credit And sa t down beside the trail. for a sort of brutal frankness that is, in itself, admirable. ’Tw as the Shasta, slam m ing, banging, W ith the engine bell a-clariging, Nor have the Coos Bay people themselves any kick coming. T h at announced the dawn was coming, When they accepted the bar dredge project, solely on the W ith its silent, stately tread. pork barrel principle which appealed so strongly to one Then the scam per down the m ountain, T hrough the park and p ast the fountain, Col. Wm. Grimes of Oklahoma, who had taken charge of To the Madron where we parted, the destinies of the Coos Bay country at that time, they E ’e r you softly stole to bed. placed themselves on record as asking for an appropria­ tion of government money merely for the sake of having some of it spent on Coos Bay. By submitting so tamely to the insufferable delays thrown in the way of the inaug­ the river to form the sides and are con­ m ercy of m anufacturers and shippers, uration of the work, and by allowing themselves to be nected a t the bottom by a 36 inch fence, m anufacturers and shippers a t the form s the floor on which are laid m ercy of huge combinations, tru sts corked upas to criticism, by the argument that they “ must which the cross strin g ers and walk boards. and corporations im persona1, im pene­ not offend the engineers,” they have shown themselves The main span across the riv e r is 380 trable, organized to squeeze the utm ost amenable to the gentle art of bull-dozing. That Coos Bay feet betw een the piers and the walk of profits out of each situation but u t­ terly incapable of m eeting any such boards are 63 fe et above low w ater. is to be prevented for some time to come from taking her The wire w as brought up the river situation as this. rightful place as the main seaport of Oregon is not to be from Gold Beach, th irty miles distant, It is no tim e for theories, no tim e for m ere investigations and no tim e for th wondered at. And it makes it so much nicer for the so- *ye 2 ? l o T a U d t Z l .“t h e trilobites of legislation th a t know no­ called seaport on Willamette creek! success of the u ndertaking was largely thing about any world this side of the Our Saturday Specials | £ COME AGAIN Next Saturday, March 10th I Do you know what brooms are doing? Let us tell you. Brooms have advanced more than 50 per cent and no prospects of low’er prices for a year. This means that brooms you have been buying for 50 cents must be sold for 75 cents and other grades in proportion. We have a limited number of all grades of brooms which w e are going to give you a chance to buy below today’s wholesale cost. Next Satjrday it will be Brooms! Brooms! Brooms! Light Brooms, Medium Brooms, Heavy Brooms all kinds of Brooms, priced at 40c, 50c and 60c. The best broom in the house at 60c. Not over 2 brooms to one customer. We will also sell on next Saturday Swift’s White Soap, Bob White Soap and Crystal White Soap, 6 Bars for 25c, any quantity Soap is high and will advance—We have the soap—Get yours Saturday Busy Corner Grocery I Phone 691 and 541 Front an 1 C Streets — Coquille, Ore EEL J I A B ilious A tta c k ». W hen you have a bilious a tta ck your » ? - due to the co-operation of N. F. Mac- Lower Silurian. liver fails to perform its functions. ........ — ----- ------ ~ 1 . - _ j ujf Gf Gra n ts Pass, Supervisor of Sis- W ith a superabundance of food, with You become constipated. The food kiyou N ational Forest, and R anger R. w ealth inconceivable, with money piled you e at ferm ents in your stom ach in­ Farm Loan Board Places Last Lyceum Num­ I. Helm of Agness. Gaddis & Dixon of | up here until all mankind is aghast, stead of digesting. This inflames the Oregon, Pacific C oast D istrib- j millions of people are forced to go w ith 8tomach and causes nausea, vomiting Half of First Issue Medford, ber of the Season - ... c . . ... and a terrib le headache. la k e Lham- utors of Page W ire Fence, supplied the em pty bellies. berlain’s Tablets. They will tone up fence, guaranteed the stabilty of same | We ought to know w hat th a t means, your liver, clean out your stom ach and W ashington, March 5.—Federal farm The fourth and last number of Co­ loan board officials are understood to and furnished a man to direct its in-1 j and ...... . if . we . . . don’t uu.i v we »,t can find ,i„u out u u i easily you will soon be as well as ever. They only cost a quarter. quille Lyceum Course will be given a t ^ave arranged for placing half of the i stallation. [ enough if we will read a little history. the Scenic next Tuesday evening, Mar. nntiva fivof ioallA a f f a *»4 L aa ryl i n A . f o sm ^ Jackson county has scores of these Also we can find out in another way farm 13 by the Brew er Musical E ntertainers. loan bonds, amount undeterm ined, with Page foot bridges of various lengths and a t a vastly higher price if we stand This company consists of Mrs. Eleanor a syndicate of bankers a t New York w hich have been in use for several dwadling about telling people to keep I E. Brewer and her two d aughters R uth and elsew here a t a ra te of 4J per cent. years. quiet and put up with starvation in the Marie and Grace Montana. W ith this The ra te to be charged the farm ers on sight of abundant food. The H e rald ’s Special Coos County family relation there is naturally a loans will range betw een 6 and 5J per Now is the tim e to g et busy! Take News Service Big Cash Prizes in strong bond of sym pathy ex isten t in cent. the railroads and s ta rt the cars run­ the company, and a m utual striving Thrift Essay Contest ning. Commandeer food supplies and From the num ber of applications not so much for individual recognition bust the corners, lest a worse thing Bridge Briels from fa rm e is w anting loans officials es­ as for completely satisfying ensemble. Corvallis, O re., March 5, (Special to come upon us! tim ate th a t as high as $50,000,000 in The result has been most gratifying. bonds may be issued within the first H erald ).—H e re ’s a chance for a grade In addition to two y e ars’ work on the (H e ra ld ’s Special C. C. News Service) school pupil and a high school student year. Makes Long Hike Lyceum platform , the Brew ers have in Coos county to win a medal sure, and M obley W a ltc h re tu rn e d hom e Although officers for only 6 of the 12 appeared in Chautauqua» in more than com pete for one of the $5 to $50 prizes To Win Wager th e first of last w eek Irora a sh o rt ninety towns, in every instance win­ banks have been announced so far, vir­ offered by the National T h rift society v isit w ith h is lo lk s at P o w e rs. ning their way into the hearts of their tually all the banks will be doing busi­ for the b est essays on th rift. All es­ ness, it is expected, within three weeks. H e re ’s one you can put down in th a t audiences in a m ost unusual manner. says m ust come through the office of Mr. a n d M rs. J o s e p h E v e r n d tn Their repertoire is extensive and va­ Secretary McAdoo is expected soon County Superintendent Raymond E. stu n t book, and should you doubt the tru th of this true story, we can procure w ere c h a riv a rie d W e d n e sd a y n ig h t ried. Their program consists of violin, to sign certificates for the govern­ Baker. several columns of affidavits. in p ro p e r s ty le . A v e ry enj >\ ,ble clarionet, trombone, piano and vocal m ent's subscription to stock not taken “ Oregon has done much to promote solos, piano trios, musical talking by the public. The governm ent will th rift in its educational institutions,” , L ast Saturday evening, says the tim e is re p o rte d . sketches and readings and orchestra place approxim ately $8,870,000 a t the says Dean J. A. Bexell, of O. A. C., M yrtle Point E nterprise, B. L. Tracy, O scar L u n d b e rg re tu -n e d to P o w ­ selections. W hatever they do is done disposal of the banks in this m anner. who is the Oregon m em ber of the na­ as a Coquille Valley “ P otato K in g ,” with such graciousness and finished a r­ These funds will be draw n upon as fa st tional commission. “ Why not Oregon the A rago brick m anufacturer, who is e rs T u e s d a y , a lte r a lew d a y s ' v isit! tistry th a t they never fail to please. as needed and although each bank will children g e t in line and land a number as well one of the Coquille V alley’s w ith trie n d s here. This concert will undoubtedly draw a issue its own bonds, the board will un­ of the county prizes? They can do it “ P otato K ings,” had planned on riding i" M r P ie rc e w ent to M y rtle P o in t as fa r as Norway on one of the auto­ full house. For those not holding sea dertake the m arketing of them . if they tr y .” mobiles th at were tran sp o rtin g th e lo­ T h u r s d a y . son tickets, the price will be the same in addition to the county medals, cal basket ball team and fans to Co­ as for the other Lyceum num bers, fifty cash prizes will be given winners in the S e v e ra l y o u n g p eo p le w ere p re s­ Gives Program quille for the gam e there. Now since cents for adults and thirty-five cents national contest as follows: For the e n t at th e E n d e a v o r S in g at A- O . for school children. winner of first place in the high school it was more im portant th a t the fans A The following program was given by g e t to Coquille than th a t Tracy g e t H o o to n ’s T u e s d a y e v e n in g . R o se b u rg -M y rtle P o in t A u to S ta g e L in e division $50, for second and third best second grade A class and third grade home (the gentlem an him self m aking b u sin e ss m ee tin g of th e so c iety w ill The Road Hog $25 each, and for the fourth, fifth, February 23: Leave sixth, seventh and eighth, $5 each, for the statem ent th a t he would not go to be held th e re T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g , Flag Salute and Am erica. w itness a basket hall gam e for ten hog M yrtle Point the w inner of first place in the grade Who rolls along a t a reckless rate? M arch 8 , at 7 o ’clock. Recitation, “ Our F la g ’’—A gnes Pen­ dollars, unless the gam e was ju s t across 7:40 a. m. school division $25, for second $15, for The Road Hog. dleton. the stre e t and he could m ake several third and fourth $10 each, and for each Who always drives like a man who’s R oseburg Recitation -M a rg a re tte McAdams. trips a t $10 each), the sta rs inclined to East Fork Items of the n e x t five $5. late? 6. a. m. Recitation, ‘‘F e b ru a ry ” —G 1 e n d a The Road Hog. For full particulars of this contest the fortune, ill or otherw ise, th a t Tracy Johnson. should not catch a ride to Norw ay. 6 hours Running Time Who steps on the “ g a s ,” when there apply to the county school superin­ Edison, the W izard — Raymond Oden. L ater, in the Hotel Guerin lobby, Tracy (H e ra ld ’s Special C. C. N ew s Service) is no need, tendent. Connecting w ith Coquille AutoL Lines Abraham Lincoln—Dora T hornton. made the rem ark, “ I did not w ant to W m C u lb e rtso n m ad e a tr ip to JuBt to impress you with his speed? Recitation—G race Richmond. go home, and I w ouldn't walk from J . L. L a ir <* Who gives your rights or mine no M a rsh field a n d N o rth B end. M y rtle P o in t Story -A lice Oerding. The Only Way Out Norway to Arago in this kind of w ea­ heed? Recitation “ A braham Lincoln” —Four th e r for $10. ” Al. A. Miller, who has j M easles in B rew ster V a lle y . The Road Hog. Girls. The Record. passed the three score m ark, rem arked E d A b e rn e th y is p u t ti n g th e win Who won’t g e t over to let you pass? Two perfectly practical things the to Tracy, " I'd walk to Coquille and I W ashington and Lincoln—Flossie Gil­ It m ay he th a t The Road Hog. pin. | governm ent can do to put an end to the back tonight for ten d ollars.” T racy— j d o w s in h is h o u se Who thinks th a t speed is a sign of present food situation before it puts an “ I ’ll ju st give you ten dollars, if you j E d in te n d s to pu ll th e s tr in g of the Saint Valentine -T om m y Toates. class? end to our safety. Song—School. will walk to Coquille and back to n ig h t” | w e d d in g b e ll soon a n d m ove in . The Road Hog. Gems of T ruth, P urity and P a trio t-1 1. The Am erican railroad system (accent on the last word). Miller— F o r th e love ot E d ! w o n ’t it be a Who seems in luck to put his trust, I having broken down and gone to pot, “ Put up the money; Tom, have you a ism —Several pupils. g re a t p lac e for a h o u se w a rm in g ? Drives as he thinks a daredevil m ust j the governm ent can exercise its emer- a lantern I can borrow ?” Song—School. Landlord The recent completion of the copper circuit along the S. P. H a ile y L a ird is close to m a r k e t; And hangs out a sign, “ Excuse my I gency powers, take possession of w hat Tom is given the money involved in the W ashington Record—Five Boys. right-of-w ay betw een Cushman and G ardiner by the Pacific d u st!” | is le ft of the system and operate it for transaction, and procures the needed th o se w h o a re o u t ol h a y go to h is Lesson to Am erica—Edith Jam es. Telephone and Telegraph Co. affords an auxiliary high class The Road Hog. the common good instead of the profits lantern. The lantern in trim and an b a tn to g e t it. W ashington—Five Girls. long distance telephone line between Coos and Curry counties of corm orant fortune grabbers. This Your Country Needs You— Four Boys. umbrella procured, we find Mr. Miller Who goes too fa st when he passe» and the outside world. Friday, F ebruary 23rd, heavy snows Ja c k M aze h a s a m a rk e t a t h is R ecitation—Helen Boyrie. having an understanding th a t there is schools? broke down the R oseburg-M yrtle Point line in the m ountains d o o r. T h o s e w h o w a n t seed c orn Ten L ittle H atch ets—Ten Boys. vide the means to distribute the food. no bet about it, but th a t he (Miller) is m The Road Hog and the new all-copper line via Eugene gave excellent service W ashington Song—School. 2. It can, for the tim e being, com- to walk to Coquille and back for ten J h u n t h im Who behaves in general like a fool? to Portland, San Francisco and other points. Recitation, “ M aking Our F la g ” — m andeer food supplies and sell them to dollars. Then Miller bids the bunch | The Road Hog. T h e m a n w h o is fu rth e re s t from Alice Collier. , the public a t cost. This would break adieu in substantially these words: Who acts as if he’s bought the street, Betsey Ross and the first flag Mar­ up the speculators’ ring and release the “ Good bye, I'm going to walk to Co­ m a rk e t o f a n y b o d y , is th e m an w ho Crowds you over whenever you meet, g a re t Shores, T yler W alker, George immense stocks now in storage. quille and back tonight. I ’m ju s t as h a s n ’t a n y th in g to sell. As the m eanest man hard to beat? Belloni. Nobody doubts th a t th e Governm ent big a fool as Tracy is.” G ra n t H a r r y took a lo ad o f s p u d s The Road Hog. Song, “ Who Made the F irst F lag” — could and would do these things in war Miller left the Hotel G uerin a t 7:40 to C o q u ille for F re d B a k e r; th ey School. tim e if they were needed for public p. m., and a t 11:33, he telephoned from Brings Loving Cup w ere so ld to a S an F ra n c is c o m an Why We Love Longfellow Several safety. the Hotel Baxter, sta tin g th a t he had at th re e c e n ts . But this tim e is the sam e as a war finished his midnight lunch and was lin e . F’or 35 y e a rs th a t w as th e ir a n d th e first sta te w o u ld be w or e M ¡88 M yrtle Cunningham returned pupils. Song School. tim e —a w ar betw een greedy profit about to sta rt on the re tu rn trip. Then T h e re w e re a b o u t 20 in c h e s of co m e e tin g lin k w ith th e o u tsid e Monday m orning from North Bend, th a n th e seco n d , so th e re we are grabbers »nd the masses of people th a t everybody on this .»nd of the trip, in­ sn o w in B re w ste r V a lle y . w here she w ent Sunday afternoon to w rid . ’’M rs Jitn m v ” c o m m e n ce d ro o te d out or ro o t-b o u n d R oo ted face starvation for th e lack of food cluding Tracy, went to bed. Nothing a tten d the C hristian Endeavor rally. B in g er a n d Iv a n L a ird a re t a k ­ to w o rk th e k e v w h e n s h e w as i t o u t, we h a v e to la k e o u r m e d ic in e Curry County Gets with which warehouses a re cram med was heard of Miller till 3:40 a. m., She brought back with her the silver when he returned to the hotel not much in g d o w n th e W e ste rn U n io n tele ­ y e ir s old , in th a t h< n e o f b e r c h ild - a n d pav th e price w h e th e r we w a n t Long Suspension Bridge and elevators are bursting. loving cup won by Union 11, which “ All the elevators of Chicago are full worsted for wear, having used ju s t g ra p h lin e from M arshfield lo Rose- bo id , th e old H a llw a y H o u s e . to or n o t. F o r 28 y e a rs “ J i m m y ” com prises Coos and Curry counties. to capacity with g ra in ,” says one dis­ eight hours on the trip. The distance, b n rg v ia th e old C oos B ay w agon W i e n it w as This cup was offered by the S ta te En­ said to B in g e r th a t I h a s h a d c h a rg e of k e e p in g u p th e Curry county can boast of having its patch, “ and are relu.-ing to accept any­ by the railroad, which is the route Mil­ deavor for the most efficient union in ro a d . T h e y h a v e th a t p a rt o f th e th v w ould m iss th e line he sa id , lin e Irom M arsh field lo R o s e b u rg . ler took, is approxim ately nine miles Oregon. Union 11 won with 869, leav­ first bridge across Rogue river, which more shipm ents.” line east o f th e C oast ra n g e d o w n , “ I m e s s y o u w ould t h in k so if y o u T h a t is a lo n g tim e for h u n tin g is the longest wire fence suspension Such a situation nothing but the one w ay. ing Douglas county second place. foot bridge ev er built. power of the governm ent can relieve. Speaking of the trip the n e x t day, c i d a n d d e liv e re d at R o se b u rg , w. ::’d see m am a c r y . ” I n e v e r " b r e a k s ” am* ’’g r o u n d e rs ,” nnd it D .s p o n d e n c y D u . lo C o n .lip .lio n This suspension foot bridge is across It is useless to expect the lea st relief Miller rem arked th a t he had received T h e y w ere w o rk in g in th e m o u n ­ re.-lizen so th o r o u g h ly before, th a t w ill ta k e h im m ure th a n a w eek to W omen often become nervous and Rogue river a t Agness, and is the long­ from private sources. Railroad com­ ten dollars for mere than one single despondent. When this is due to con- est of its kind in the world, being 660 panies exist to m ake dividends for day in his life, hut th a t he worked ta in s w h e n th e snow sto rm s tru c k th I is th e hell p a .t r l life, we g e t fo rg et th a t it is now u p to th e line- of stockholders, not to tran sp o rt food for harder for the ten dollars he received th e m ; sin c e th e n 'h e v a re w o rk in g ro. ts e s ta b lis h e d , th e e th e y a re m en a lo n g th e ra ilro a d to see th a t B ui. if t iev w ere n o t th e lin e is in sh a p e to g et th e tnes- T ablets. Th se tab le ts are easy to three strands of Page W ire Fence, the public. R etailers are a t the mercy for this trip than any ten spot he ever in nd we«t Horn B rew ster V aliev pu led u p T o L a ird s w ill m iss th e te le g ra p h pu J e d u p , we w o u ld be lo o t-b o u n d , sa g e th r o u g h . ta k e and pleasan t in effect. I Two 58 inch fences are stretched across of the wholesalers, w holesalers a t the earned. R. A. E A S T O N . Dry Shiplap, Finish, Flooring and Rustic Coos C ou n ty W ISCONSIN SILOS Severa 1 Lots of Lumber at Special Prices E. E. JOHNSON r j i i i s’sstt'ts'rassti.....• Dependable Service I I Coos and Curry Telephone Co.