Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, February 20, 1917, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 35,
NO. 23
F. E. FI
Will Indict British Consul
K. OF P.
San Francisco, Feb. 20,—
It is authoritatively stated
that Federal District Attor­
ney Preston will soon at­
tempt to indict British Con­
Carnegie Ross on a K nights and Pythian Sisters
Suffers A ttack of A cute In­
of conspiracy to vio­
P resent From all the
digestion—Pershing Takes
neutrality of the
District Lodges
C harge of His Com m and
United States.
G erm any R epeats W arning
to K eep Away
San Antonio, Feb. 2 0 -
Gen. Frederick E. Funston
died last night of acute in­
digestion. His illness was
short. General Pershing has
assumed temporary c o m ­
mand of the army of the
southern department follow­
ing the death of Gen. Funs­
ton and is awaiting orders
from Washington.
New York, Feb. 20. —
Three hundred thinly clad
and hungry women swarmed
the city hall steps this morn­
ing crying “ We want bread.”
Most of the women carried
babies in their arms or there
were little ones tugging at
their dresses or clinging to
their hands. The police dis­
persed the women after ar­
resting Marie Ganz.
The hungry, excited wo­
men stormed the patrol wa-
^on shrieking demands for
;he release of Miss Ganz.
rhe police formed ranks and
lalted the charge. A crowd
gathered in front of the po-
ice headquarters afterwards
ind called on Commissioner
Wood to release Miss Ganz.
Mrs. Ida Harris president of
; h e
Mothers’ Vigilance
League, led the crowd.
There was the greatest
¡onfusion about the city hall
'or some time. There were
;housands of spectators in
;he city hall park.
The police reserve was
¡ailed out. The women from
he Worcester Square tene­
ment district were the most
T h e leaders
icreamed in anger when the
loors of the city hall were
dammed in their faces, but
iome of the leaders manag-
;d to get into the building
lemanding to see Mayor
Mitchell, whom, it is given
>ut, is absent. Mrs. Harris
leclared that hundreds of
vomen and babies in New
fork today were starving.
Berlin, via Seville, Feb. 20.
—It is announced that a
jerman Prussian detach­
ment captured a section of
he Russian-English line
louth of Letrenslot.
The Government P r e s s
Bureau announces that it
must be repeated again that
whoever dares penetrate the
Darred zone perishes.
M ore Pow er to r President
Washington, Feb. 20.—
secretary Lansing conferred
with the Senate Judiciary
Committee today in an ef-
:ort to secure passage of a
sill empowering the Presi-
ient to use the land and na-
ral forces whenever it be­
comes necessary to enforce
the United States’ obliga­
tions and to detain vessels
to prevent violations of these
PER YEAR $1.50
Freshm an
M. Cunningham
B arbara T reichler
K atie Price
Ruby McDonald
June W illey
. G
I.elia Avery
Mildred Norton
Doris Tyrell
K atherine Hcrsey
Maude Toates
Third Lyceum N um ber
J . C. H erbsm an, the noted C hautau­ R efers R oad Bill to People to
qua lecturer, will appear a t the Scenic
Be V oted on a t Special
next Tuesday evening as the third num ­
Election in Ju n e
ber on the Coquille Lyceum Course.
His lecture, “ L ife’s Balance s h e e t,” is
a fine inspirational address, full of wit,
hum or and homely philosophy. Ad­
Espoinage Bill Passes
vance notices indicate th a t he will fully
m aintain the standard set by the “ Ha-
Washington, Fe b. 20—
W ill Ask E arlier D ate for w aiians” and the “ Lyndon-Gordon Coos a n d C urry Counties
Com pany” in th eir entertainm ents in
T h e Administration’s Es-
N eglected
G ran d Lodge M eeting
this city. The following e x tra c ts will
| pionage bill passed the Sen-
indicate the esteem ir. which he is held
ate today with a vote of 60
by those who have heard him:
Salem, O re., Feb. 19.—The Senate
In spite of the disagreeable w eather,
From Tucson Citizen:
Mr. H erbs­
; to 10.
the D istrict Convention of the K nights man delivered one of the w ittiest and road com m ittee has added an amend­
; It is learned that the Gov- ; of Pythias, held here yesterday a fte r­
m ent to six million dollar bond issue
providing th a t it be subm itted to the
¡ernment will ask Turkey to noon and evening was a m ost enjoyable
voters a t a special election, probably
j affair for those in attendance.
obtain Austrian and German 150 of the Knights and Pythian Sisters
Ju n e 14. It is believed the Senate will
pass the amended bill.
safe conduct for the passage were here, and all lodges of the county
P resident Wilson w rote S ecretary of
were represented. As the visitors a r­
of the United States collier rived
S ta te Olcott a letter of appreciation for
by train and boat they were taken
and the gunboat Des Moines j to the headquarters in the W. O. W.
the pledge of loyalty given.
to Beirut, where a thousand ] hall, and here they spent their tim e in
j playing cards and in friendly reunion
Salem, Feb. 17.— Licenses on au to ­
Americans await homeward until it was tim e for the business m eet­
mobiles and automobile trucks are to be
doubled under provisions of a bill passed
-- — — • » - ---------
At the business m eeting the m a tte r
by the House yesterday and which is be­
of the dates for holding the Grand
fore the Senate today; the proceeds to
Discourtesy Rebuked.
Lon! I’iilm orsui) uxpr«*U*<l work to Lodge, which m eets a t Marshfield this
be applied to the sta te highway fund
for distribution in counties outside of
bo clone well, but Mr. Preston Thomas year, was discussed, and it was d e te r­
lu hi* book tells us* that of mere pec- mined to petition the G rand Chancellor
riullllos he was Some young for a change of d ate for this y ear from
This bill is a p a rt of the legislative
ueuiletuen in the foreign otliee amused October to the 28th and 29th of August.
road program ; was prepared by the joint
them selves by "shilling" young ladies This would give fa r more assurance of
House and Senate com m ittee on roads
and highways, and is a companion to
who lived on the other side of the good w eather, and th a t the many vis­
the general road code put thru the
street that Is. by catching the ray» of itors would have a chance to visit the
the sun on n m irror and Hashing them different p arts of the county and see
House last week.
I t is expected to raise approxim ately
over the way
The father of the the real ‘‘Coos Bay C ountry.”
young ladles complained to Palm er local m em bers of the order will be glad
$280,000 in cash next year and to in­
ston. who thereupon issued this m in­ to take them around if they are here
crease from year to y ear as the num ber
when the roads are in good order.
of automobiles in the sta te increases.
"The secretary of state declares that
A t seven o’clock the banquet was
The money is to go into the general
the gentlem en In his departm ent will served and the assem blage sa t down to
highway fund and to be expended under
not cast disagreeable reflections on the
a re p ast th a t w as a delight to any
direction of the S tate Highway Com­
Indies opposite." London Chronicle.
whose digestion was in fairly good or­
A Mint to mother.
The present law requires the money
A tiny girl of four was perm itted to
be sent back to the respective coun­
L ater the following program was c ar­
m ake her first call alone a t n neigh­ ried out as it had been arranged, with
ties in the ratio in which it was paid.
bor's homo. She wus gone a long time. the exception th a t Mrs. Pape, of Ban- m ost eloquent talks ever heard a t a
The Multnomah delegation in the
When she returned her m other said:
don, had found it impossible to be in luncheon Club m eeting, and a t the con­ House and Senate have consented to an
clusion the speaker was given prolong­ am endm ent th a t will perm it all the
"You made a long call. Catherine. a tte n d an c e :
ed applause.
money to be used outside of Multnomah
You m ust have had a nice tim e.’*
Instrum ental duet, Mrs. M. O. H aw ­
E x tra c t from Redlands, Calif., letter: county. They believe th a t this will aid
"No. 1 didn't."
kins and Genevieve Chase.
m ost substantially in developing the
"D idn’t have a good tim er*
Address of welcome, W. C. Chase.
He gave us the best speech we have general road im provem ent th ru o u t the
Vocal solo, Rev. F. S. Shimian.
had this en tire winter. If the re st of state.
"W hy?"
Response from H ector Lodge, E. C.
your tale n t is on a par with him, our
The plan calls for the issuance of
"Because I told them a story/*
R oberts, of M yrtle Point.
C hautauqua will be a success.
$7,900,000 in 25-year serial bonds.
"W hat did you tell?"
Reading, Julia G. Pape, of Bandon.
General admission for those not hold­ this am ount $1,900,000 would be used
•They asked me if I take nwslc les-
Response from Posedion Lodge, Ed­
ing season tickets, 50 cents, school fo r fo rest and post roads and would en­
oons and I told them ‘Yes.’ And you g a r McDaniels, of N orth Bend.
children 35 cents.
able the sta te to obtain a like appro­
know, m am m a, th a t I don’t ’*—Indian­
Vocal Solo, L eta M ast, of Ju stu s
priation, dollar for dollar, from the
apolis News.
Federal G overnm ent under the Shack­
Response from Delphi L o d g e ,-----
v e r y itinerant.
elford act. This would m ake $3,800,-
Response from M yrtle Lodge, T. T.
"I nay. your ears have never been
000 available for the forest and post
pierced, Aileen!" "No. but they’re be- B ennett.
roads. It is proposed to use $2,500,000
1 r > ct 'tiorpil * " —T olifirh Unrr
Vocal Solo. Marion Schroeder, of Ju s­
for post roads and $1,300,000 for forest
tice Temple.
roads. The fo rest roads would extend
Address, W. J . H. Clark, of Ivanhoe
Trying to Secure Parties
through N ational forests and the post
Lodge, Portland.
To O pen Cook B akery Address, Grand Vice-Chancellor Les­
roads through sparsely settled p a rts of
the sta te which cannot afford to con­
lie E. Crouch, of Portland.
Word was received this week th a t stru c t roads on the c ourty unit basis.
F. D. Fletcher, of the Sperry Flour
Vocal Solo, Mabel Bay, of Coquille
United S ta te s Engineers have approved
This would leave $6,000,000 for use in
company, and tru stee of the bakery high school.
the new project outlined for the Co­ paving roads throughout the sta te
firm of Cook Bros., of this city, who
While the attendance would have
recently failed, is in town today doing been larger but for the bad w eather, quille river by the P o rt of Bandon, where counties of the sta te have con­
some work on the property which he it was very satisfactory, under the cir­ which if m aterialized will mean a 12- stru cted the roadbed. To finance the
has in charge. Carl E vertsen, of the cum stances, and it shows th a t the m em ­ foot char nel a t low w ater betw een the bonds the plan is to increase the auto­
Coos Bay bakery, is with him assisting bers of the order are appreciative of mouth of the river and Coquille a t all mobile license fee. By raising the li­
in gettin g a line on the equipm ent of the benefit and pleasure of these an­ seasons of the year, says the W estern cense on sm all cars to $13 a year, on
large cars to $25 a y e ar and on trucks
the bakery.
nual reunions in the sp irit of F. C. and
The project included the appropria­ to $50 a y ear and placing the revenue
Mr. F letcher sta te s th a t it is his in­ B
tion of $60,000 by Congress to clear the in the s ta te ’s general fund, together
tention to keep the property intact and
channel and an annual appropriation of with the presen t tax levy of q u a rte r of
if possible to g e t in touch with parties
Lose to N orth Bend
$10,000 for m aintenance.
I t also in­ a mill for road purposes, the money de­
who would be interested in reopening
cludes the construction and ownership rived would provide for the interest on
the bakery. In this, he says, he has
(F rom S a tu rd a y ’s B ulletin)
of a suction dredge by the port, costing the bonds and for their redem ption,
the full cooperation of his company and
both the San Francisco and Tacoma
Local b asket ball fans saw all hope approxim ately $40,000. O f this am ount leaving an am ple am ount for m ainten­
houses are m aking an effort to find of winning the county championship $-’5,000 would be raised by issuing ance of the roads constructed.
By this system each auto owner
someone who will take charge of the disappear last night when the N orth bonds and the balance obtained from
This would bring would contribute a small p art to the
Bend team won over the locals by a the regular taxes.
‘‘It is one of the best opportunities I score of 20 to 14.
I t seemed to be the total bonded indebtedness of the good roads movem ent and general taxes
would not be increased.
The rapid in­
know o f,” said Mr. Fletcher. ' ‘There N orth Bend’s winning day as she had P ort up to $75,000.
In all probability the dredge would crease in the num ber of automobiles
is no competition and the field is larg e .” carried off the county cham pionship in
be built a t the local shipyard and would throughout the sta te by reason of the
Today Mr. l letcher is segregating debating in the afternoon.
the grocery departm ent from th a t of
From the beginning the North Bend­ be a m aterial aid in gettin g th a t insti­ improved roads, it is declared, would
the bakery.
ers seemed to have the best of the tution in operation again. The plans furnish additional revenue for fu rth er
game and the first basket was m ade by for the dredge have already been drawn extension of the highway system .
The theory on which the road enthu­
them when John Stanley passed the by Junior Engineer J . H . Polhemus
No C hange A nnounced
siasts have worked is th a t the automo­
ball to a North Bend player by mis­ and have been approved by the Port.
Senator Chamberlain is endeavoring bile benefits by good roads and causes
take. The visitors followed this up by
(F rom T hursday’s B ulletin)
m aking several m ore baskets in rapid to g et through an em ergency appropria­ the dam age to roads and therefore
Through the over-vivid imagination succession and some splendid shots tion of $60,000 for the project, to be should be the principal paying agency.
used in clearing the channel, and if he The bill is backed by all the good roads
of parties unknown, the report has been were made.
enthusiasts ef Portland and m any from
created th a t the promised ch arg e in
O tto Davis scored the first basket for is successful the project is assured.
It is also believed th a t th e project elsew here in the sta te who favor Ore­
train schedule was to tak e place Sun­ Coquille and shortly a fte r doing so was
E ither this report is with, ut forced to retire from the game w ith a would be made to include the blowing gon keeping pace with W ashington and
ground or the parties sta rtin g it have sprained ankle.
The entire gam e was out of several rock pinnacles said to California in the developm ent of good
received private inform ation th a t has rough and a t tim es it lost all semblance project from a ledge on the bar, which roads.
not been made available to the post of­ of basket ball. The referee seemed to would m ake it possible to g e t several
The Commercial Club and Good Roads
fice or Southern Pacific employes of despair of holding them down and few additional feet of depth a t the entrance
this city. A gent Paul Sterling of the fouls were called on either side. The of the river. Maps of the boring su r­ enthusiasts of Coquille all seem very
local station said th a t he received a first half ended w ith the score 15 to 8 vey made by the governm ent last sum ­ much in favor of this method o f secur­
m er have been completed and copies ing funds for perm anent roads. I t is
wire from General Passenger A gent in favor of North Bend
Scott this morning to the effect th a t he
During the second h alf the Coquille received by A ssistant P o rt S ecretary understood here th a t Senator I. S.
is working on the new schedule and is team picked up and played a fa ste r C. M. Spencer. These show exactly Sm ith, alone of the Coos county mem­
giving it his very best a tte n tio n ; but gam e while the visitors were fa r from the depth of w ater from a point well bers of the L egislature, is not in favor
he has received no notice of change of being as strong as they were a t the outside of the bar to Coquille, m arking o f the bill. This m orning seven tele­
schedule. No word has been received beginning. Twice during the half Co­ all the “ high spots” which would be gram s from the Commercial Club and
by the local post office regarding a quille scored a field basket ju s t a fte r necessary to remove to deepen the prom inent citizena were sent to Mr.
Sm ith urging him to support the m eas­
change in the mail service. E verything the w histle blew. No alibi can be giv­ channel.
M aking it possible for the sea-going ure.
considered, it looks like the person or en by the Coquille team and they lost
Following is the explanation given by
persons sta rtin g the re p o rt of the because N orth P.end was playing b e tte r vessels to dock s t Coquille would in­
crease the shipping over the local bar, Mr. Smith of the stand he took in this
change m ust have been dream ing.
The week, which Mr. Scott named as
The girls’ team s of the Freshm an as it would give the mills a t Coquille an m a tte r and his reasons for so doing:
“ The amended house bill 560 provides
the maximum tim e th a t m ight elapse and Junior classes played the prelim i­ opportunity to ship by w a ter as well aa
before he would be able to advise the nary last night and the game was ex ­ by rail. I t would no doubt mean the six million dollars for hard surface
people of this section as to w hat he cellent from every point of view; ex ­ construction of more boats for this roads only. The U . S. governm ent
could do. expired W ednesday and his cept th a t of the Juniors who lost by a river and in th at way would be a direct ag en t claims post roads will be selected
benefit to the local ship building in­ w here mail is carried only.
wire to Mr. Sterling sim ply explains •core of 15 to 2.
“ The Eugene-Marshfield road is a
th a t more tim e is needed.
The line-up was:
! post road, and the R osehurg-M yrtle
Point road is a forest road. These
roads are to draw from the governm ent
one half and sta te one half under house
bill No. 21, which m eans a total bond
issue of $7,900.000.
"S pecial allowance is provided to
Clatsop, Columbia, Hood River and
Jackson counties, owing to heavy bonds
voted by said counties. Coos county
is not so favored.
“ I represent Curry county as well as
Coos, which is ignored entirely.
The bill names approxim ately 2500
miles of road a t a probable cost of $50,-
000 .
News of County, State and
National Interest Told in
Brief Concise Form
"T he two paper roads from M arsh­
field total about 225 miles a t a probable
cost of $2,225,000. W here are we to
English O rdnance Co. C an
g et this sum?
If all the taxpayers
Not Fill U. S. O rd e r.
have to pay the bill, why are they not
entitled to vote on the bond?
“ This is the plan generally favored
More than $1,000,000 of goods shipped
here. Sixty per cent of all post and over Bandon bar last year.
fo rest funds are to go to Eastern O re­
G rants Pass will experim ent with
gon, which is unjust. How any com­
m unity can endorse this bill in the pre­ New Zealand flax in this district.
sent form g ets my goat.
The income
Tacoma shipyards place rush order
from autos and m ileage tax is provided a t Portland for 4,000,000 feet lumber.
for in other bills.”
Vancouver men tak e option on large
-» -
amount of cedar near Florence and
N orth Bend C ham ber
plan to e rec t shingle mill.
T urns Chas. Hall Down Shipyards a t Portland are humming.
Big steam schooner to be built, owned
and operated by Portland men.
W ith A. H. D erbyshire casting the
Beet grow ing is becoming the popular
only dissenting vote the North Rend industry a t G rants Pass. The land can
Cham ber of Commerce Wednesday be made to produce from $75 to $100 an
night voted to support E. J. Adams, of acre under correct treatm en t.
Eugene, for the office of S ta te High­
The 1917 legislature cost $58,000, an
way Commissioner in pieference to the increase of $8,000 over the la*t session.
Coos county candidate, Chas. Hall, on The secretary of sta te is compiling final
the theory th a t should Mr. Adams se­ figures covering the expenditures.
cure the appointm ent he would work
. K. Spaulding, president of the log-
for the construction of the Eugene- ing company which bears his name,
Florence road in preference to the is planning to organize a company to
M yrtle Point-K oseburg road, while it engage in the paper m aking industry a t
was generally understood th at Mr. Hall Salem.
would reverse the program .
F o u r hundred Am erican cowboys
Two points were brought out in an
have invaded Mexico, determ ined to ex­
effort to ju stify the early construction
of the form er road; one was th a t the term inate the Corner ranch raiders.
Andrew Peterson, J r ., is leading the
maximum elevation of it would be 500 A
m ericans.
fe et less than th a t of the latter and the
Governor W ithycombe S aturday ap­
other was th a t Douglas county was too
grasping and was trying to use the pointed Dr. C. T. Bacon, of La Grande;
Dr. R obert J. Marsh, of Portland, and
money th a t the s ta te had appropriated
Dr. H arry E. Clay, of Salem, as mem­
for the survey of the Coos county p art
bers of the sta te board of health.
of the road in th eir county.
H arry Gregory, a Greek fish dealer
No report is given o f anyone point­
ing out the g re at num ber of advantages of Marshfield, has been a rrested by
th a t the Myrtle Point-R oseburg road Gam W arden J . M. Thomas and fined
possesses, such as lesser distance, par­ $50 and costs, or a total of $62.50, for
tial construction, and its already being shipping crabs to the Portland m ark et
a sta te highway. One am using com­ contrary to law.
A t the m eeting of the Socialists held
parison was made by V. E. W atters.
In an a tte m p t to show the disadvantages a t Marshfield Sunday, which was a t­
of the M yrtle Point road he said th a t tended by a goodly num ber of the mem­
the Siskiyous w ere frequently snow­ bers of the party, a pro test against
bound and th a t it was not unusual for w ar was made and resolutions voicing
the road between M yrtle Point and their sentim ents were adopted.
Roseburg to be in the sam e condition.
Southern Pacific a t its own expense,
Mr. W atters evidently did not compare is m aintaining complete patrol system
altitudes,as th a t of the Middle Fork road for tunnels and bridges as well as its
is given as 1100, while th a t of the pass stores of supplies which m ight be de­
over the Siskiyou m ountains is betw een stroyed and ham per operation of road
5000 fe et and C000 feet. Old-tim ers when needed for rapid transportation
here say th a t the Middle Fork road is of troops and supplies.
never snow-bound.
C ontracts for the U. S. navy p ro jec t­
A ttacks were made upon the Coquille iles, first given to Iladfields’ Limited,
valley papers which, it was said, had an English concern, have been let to
“ m isrepresented facts and had done all the Midvale Steel Co., the W ashington
in th eir power to d e fea t the Eugene- Steel and Ordnance Co. and the C ruci­
Coos Bay road, while a t the sam e tim e ble Steel Company. Hadfields were
they w ere supporting the M yrtle Point
prohibited by the English governm ent
from accepting the contract.
Archie Philip opposed Mr. Adams
Print paper m anufacturers yielded in
and a fte r the vote endorsing him was
taken, Mr. Philip said th a t he intended their opposition to the governm ent's
to tak e the m atter up with Governor efforts to restore normal prices and
W ithycombe and other* a t Salem and agreed to perm it the federal trad e com­
show them th a t the action of the North mission to determ ine a fair scale only
Bend cham ber of commerce was not in­ when confronted with the alernative of
dicative of the sentim ent of the commu­ personal action by P resident Wilson
a special session of congress to pass
nity. He said th a t there were only and
remedial legislation.
fourteen present a t the m eeting and
Dean & Brown, who are buii I! tg the
th a t only p a rt of them voted.
A nother sta te m en t
m ade a t the w aterfront road paven ei.t l etw een
m eeting th a t appears to be groundless Marshfield and North Bend, are open­
was to the effect th a t a M yrtle Point ing a new rock quarry on the E legren
rep resen tativ e had gone to Salem and place south of the forks on Coos river.
had agreed to support any candidate They have secured some very I .rd rock
th a t Douglas county would put up. of good quality which they will use to
Prom inent men in M yrtle Point when m ake the concrete roadway. The rock
was found a fte r a good deal of pros­
interview ed over the phone said th a t if pecting
was done.
such action had been taken it had not
Ordered to be at the Mare Island
been made public.
The Roseburg Review reports th a t navy yard by noon Saturday “ without
E. C. Benson, secretary of the Rose­ fa il,” Thor T orgensen, a naval appren
burg M erchants’ Association and secre­ tice, left E ureka a t 6 o’clock Friday
tary of the Roseburg Commercial Club night in an autom obile for which he
agreed to pay the driver $150 if he
received a letter from the Good Hoads
landed him on tim e and nothing if he
bureau of the Marshfield Chamber of
Commerce in which it stated th a t the was late. The distance is about 300
miles and the roads are rough and
people of Coo* county favor making the
mountainous and buried in places under
R oseburg-M yrtle Point road a sta te
two fe e t of snow.
A. Hermanson,
highway in preference to the proposed
would gee the
new road having its eastern term inus $150.
a t Eugene. To accomplish this the let­
te r said th a t the people of Coos county
O utput R eaches 100,000
were ready to m eet the citizens of
Douglas county half way.
The combined obtput of the two John­
son mills is now 100,000 fe e t per day.
A fter running for a little o ' r a week
everything is going smoothly a t the
Adam Pershbaker, one of the oldest new ill and good headway is being
of t h . p:oi.cers and f jrm erly a prom i­ made on the large spruce ord rs which
nent mill owner of the river, died S a t­ are being cut there.
The c a r shortage situation which has
urday and will be buried tomorrow at
Bandon. The ste am er Telegraph will j botheicd the local mills m ere or less
leave Coquille a t 8 o'clock, returning during the past few m onths is some­
w hat improved a t presen t and no diffi­
imm ediately a fte r the funeral.
Mr. P ershbaker had reached the age culty is being experienced in gettin g
of 78 years, 7 m onths and 18 days. He cars to handle local shipm ents. The
was a man who had alw ays held the | em bargo on c ars e ast of Chicago, how­
highest respect of the community, and ever, haa caused some inconvenience!
his passing rem oves one of the few re ­ in the shipm ent of spruce to the E ast­
maining links betw een the old tim es ern cities. This has been overcome to
some e x te n t by m aking new routing!.
and the new in Cooa county.
A dam P ershbaker Passes