Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, February 13, 1917, Image 2

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Songs of Silence
Entered as seconfl class matter May 8, 1905, at the post office at
Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congrees of March 3, 1879.
By Rory O ’Moore
Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley
particularly and of Coos County generally.
Phone Main 381
Subscription, $1.50 per year, in advance.
On the hill above thj city.
When the dusk begins to fall,
And the night hawk dips and rises
And a hush is over all.
Give me, then, to sit and listen
To the songs by silence sung;
Songs that sound the very sweetest
As the vesper bells are rung;
Stop! Look! Listen!
No, It I »n’t a Train Coming; But
Keep Y ju Eye on This Space
Only a few left
Fresh Vegetables
We give below a communication received from a gen­
Fancy Onion Sets_____ 3 lbs. for 25c
vVe carry everything the local and
They’ve a finer, wilder strain
tleman who does not agree with our expressed opinion on
markets afford.
Than the minds of man can master;
the foreign situation, nor on the duty of a patriotic Amer­
For God limited the brain.
ican citizen at this time. While he states that the com­
Early Peas:
Head Lettuce
But they hold a charm ethereal;
munication is not for publication, we will take the liberty
Brussels Sprouts
Nothing tangible or real,
of using it without his signature. As is sometimes stated,
And your senses do not witness;
“ this is a free country,” and the Herald is willing to con­
Thos. Laxton_____ 3 lbs. for 25c
Rather in your heart you feel
cede the same freedom of opinion to this gentleman as it
These, the harmonies of nature.
asks for itself. It is even willing to give the same pub­
Sweeter far than any note
licity to a criticism of its utterances. It may even be
All seeds have advanced sharply. We
That from any harp is stricken,
wrong at this time to express views not handed down from
Or that comes from any throat.
are selling nearly everything lower Grape Fruit_____________ 6 for 25c
those “higher up;” but the Herald will continue to stagger
Oranges_____ per doz. 25c, 30c, 35c,
than ever before.
Grant me, too, as darkness gathers,
along in its benighted way, giving its views occasionally
40c and 50c
Buy while we have this stock.
And the sweet notes rise and fall.
on public questions, whether or not they agree with those
that California Rice, a new indus­
Understanding of their message,
Early Rose seed Potatoes $3.25 cwt.
Recognition of their call.
of Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt or the gentlemen
which is helping to reduce the
American Wonder seed Potatoes
who are piling up their millions and billions in the manu­
living—a good article, 5 L-4c
----------------------------$2.90 cwt.
facture of munitions. Our friendly critic writes as
This is outside seed. We have some
good home grown for less.
Editor Herald: I think you have displayed a great Bandon Shipyards to
Recleaned White Oats for seed $2.50,
public school has in the United
Busy Corner
lack of tact and patriotism and even justice by writing in
$2.75, $2.90 per cwt. as to grade.
Resume Operations Soon have adopted this “ plan” and which
your paper as you did this week.
Red seed oats____________$2.80 cwt.
It is wrong to sow seeds of dissension at this critical Geo. Laird, who was one of the mem­ ones are they? How many have
Beardless Barley_______ $3.25 cwt.
time, when all Americans ought to stand together as one bers of the Bandon delegation at the adopted this plan, rejected it and
All kinds of grass seed and vetch.
man. You seem to regret that Germany can’t cork up train schedule meeting here yesterday, gone back to the ol 1 system?
Phone 691 and 541
Coquille, Oregon
that arrangements have been
England so effectually that her children would be crying reports
made whereby the Bandon shipyards
for bread in a very short time, and then talk about ethics! are
cl ;; warn s> mm s c t b o b <
to resume operations in the near the county into five districts, with a
Your judgment may be warped from some cause of future.
The activities along this line, director from each district, would
order; but it is not proper to give vent to those perverted he said, were made possible by the each director have the entire con­
feelings in a time lik<
like this.
work of the New Era club, a booster trol ol his district or must all ques­
organization of recent origin.
Yours truly,
tions be decided by a majority of
The yards at Bandon are equipped to
The Heraltrs Special Coos Cou.rîy
This is hot for publication
W ill the board visit
accommodate two ships at one time and the board?
News Service
they are already figuring on contracts | each ol the 86 districts so as to iu-
from several concerns.
I form themselves as to the needs of
Beaver Hill News
Laird also stated that the Port­ the various districts, or will they
Word has come from Myrtle Point to the effect that land Mr. people
have raised their share of
on a "local representative (Herald's Special C. C. News Service)
our sister city will hold no Fourth of July celebration this the money they promised for the build­ depend
L . D. .Meek, accompanied
from each school in the coun ty?”
year, and no horse races will be held on that day. It is run between that city and Bandon and H ow much salary is attached to by Mrs.
her son, aud daugh ters Darrell.
not too early for Coquille to decide in what way she wish­ that if Bandon and the Coquille valley the office ol director under this pro­ Nina and Rufina left Beaver Hill
could raise the balance the contract posed law?
es to observe the nation’s birthday.
last week for California, w here Ibey
could be let at once.
The New Era
In view of the present status of our relations with the club proposes to see that this money is If the county treasurer is to will visit with relatives.
entente powers it is impossible to say what conditions will raised and, according to Mr. Laird, bundle the funds will he have to W . T . Moffitt was a business vis­
subscriptions for stock by people of Co­ have a clerk or two to assist him? itor in Marshfield last week.
prevail six months hence. Should President Wilson yet quille
uuder this plan a “ trained teach­
Mrs. Rice spent T h u r s d a y in
win in the diplomatic struggle in which he has been en­ them. would be very acceptable to er If could
be provided for even the Marshfield.
gaged for the past two years and secure protection for the the club, to bring about the reopening most remote school” where is the Miss T hora Norm an was visiting
rights of the United States as a neutral, without going in­ of the Bandon Woolen Mills.
beginner to start in, at one of the
Coquille last week.
to actual war, that victory might well be cause for cele­ Other members of the delegation city schools? A s to the county as­ in Ralph
W alker spent Sun day with
Bandon were: A. S. Elliott, J. sessors being in favor ol the plan
bration by itself. And what more fitting time could be from
his parents at Coquille.
W. Walstrom, Guy Dipple, Walter
as it “ would greatly simplify” their
chosen for such a demonstration?
Wells and I. N. Miller.
Lester F itzb u g h went to Bandon
work, w hy don’ t they use a little
Should the international situation become more seri­ Highways in the Legislature common
on business Wednesday.
sense and simplify their
£ pecial Prices
ous, and it cannot become more serious except in the event
Mr. and Mrs. G uilbert were
work by adopting a system that
of actual war, the opportunity for an expression of patri­ Sal*m, Feb. 9 .— With but ten days of will do away with assessing each Marshfield visitors last Sun da y .
session remaining, no constructive town lot separately, even though
otic feeling would be more needed than ever. Such a cel­ the
Dr. Mingus, of Marshfield, is a
Road legislation has been reported out
ebration would not be a joyful one. It would be fraught of the Highway Committee of either every lot in the block belongs to caller in Beaver Hill today, F riday
Mrs. Rosa Preuss was visiting in
with sorrow and disappointment; but it would be just as house. In the hands of the Highway the same person?
Committee of the House is Lauragard’s
E v e ry person of ordinary intelli­ Marshfield the last part of the week
sincere; just as whole-hearted; and just as loyal.
bill 191 , which calls for a new Highway gence kuow s that every piece of
G eorge and Alm ond Martin, ot
Shall Coquille celebrate this year?
Commission, centralizes che state high­
property in the county owned by I'elmar, were callin g on friends in
way work in a high salaried highway
R. M. A.
engineer and does nothing to simplify any individual can be conveyed by Beaver Hill Saturday.
Coos County
Finish, Mooring
Several Lots of Lumber at
county procedure, although nine-tenths one deed, so why not let the asses­
of the highway funds are expended sors lead the w ay and " s i m p l i f y "
the counties.
This measure matters by using a system that does
“Trade at Home” is a very popular slogan with the through
has the support of special interests who
away with a very large per cent of
local merchants in all places. They are (presumably) seem to oppose any change from the the
hire in their own, the
pleased when the local paper publishes a column or two With the same committee is House c le rk clerk
’s and the sheriff’s offices?
abusing the private citizen who “sends away” for any­ bill 213 , introduced by Representative Really, is the proposed “ County
which measure was framed
thing he wants, and pointing out how the dollar “sent by Schimpff,
U n i t ” plan lor the advancement of
the Oregon Good Roads Committee
away” is forever lost to local circulation- though most of after months of careful work. It is a the public schools or is it one more
them have a queer way of showing their appreciation. short concise code, covering state,coun­ lot of salaried officials for Mr. C j m -
and district work; centralizes au­ mon People to suppoit?
The paper is expected to do this from local patriotism and ty thority
depriving commission
Where are all of the "trained
all that, without money and without price. The situation or court without
of full opportunity for effec­
teachers” to be secured?
in Coquille is very much like that in other small towns,
eleven state-wide organizations
That there is room tor improve
and the Herald and Sentinel have done their part in the the
which compose the Oregon Good Roads merit in the Oregon school system
way of boosting the “keep your money at home” propa­ Committee, among whom are the Daily none can deny if they have any re
Newspaper Publishers’ Association of
ganda. Here is an illustration of the appreciation shown the
state, who have two members on spect for the truth.
by some local business men: A solicitor for a printing the committee,
one of whom is on the
A s a means of improving our
committee. These members schools I would say, First, do away
shop in a Willamette valley town has been here several executive
took an active part in preparing the with politics entirely in educational
days soliciting job work. Have the merchants turned code
submitted by the Oregon Good
Second, let the state pub-
him down, as they should, and told him that they have Roads Committee, and approve of matters;
House bill 213 . The work of these ish the text books and furnish them
printing offices here in Coquille, and that they propose men should receive careful considera­ at cost, doing aw ay with the pres­
“to keep their money at home?” Perhaps some of them tion. It represents the will of a large ent system of ch a n gin g books every
part of the people of the state which few years; Third, d i s c a r d t h e
did, and these are deserving of mention for their good should
be blocked by personal or
courses now taught in schools that
sense, Dut it was stated last evening that the outside man selfish not
are ot of practical use to the aver­
had picked up $150 worth of orders for ordinary commer­
pupils until they have at least
cial job work, of the kind done by the Herald and Senti­ Regarding County Unit Plan age
a practical knowledge of the funda­
nel offices. The only two specific instances illustrate how
Bridge, O re., Feb. 5, 1917.
mentals; Fourth, A llo w no history
it was done. A cut of 75 cents a thousand was made in Editor Coquille Herald.
to be used in the schools that can
the price of one article on which a great saving of time is In the Herald of January 23 in not be depended on as being accur­
possible by combining orders—and a still greater saving by the article in support of the pro­ ate, by doing this some of our h is ­
law kn o w n as the “ County tories would go to the j u n k pile
cutting the quality; and $1.00 a thousand was added to posed
U u i l ” plan of governing the public where they rightfully b e l o n g ;
the local price for an article on which no cut in quality schools appears several statements Filth, Allow teachers holding pa­
could be made. Much comment may be inadvisable, but that should not be allowed to pass pers irom other states the same
we would like to suggest that these merchants who pa­ by without some further exp lan a ­ privileges as the Oregon teachers,
tronize “outside” printers for work that can be done and tion.
without compelling them to go to
A bill will be introduced,” etc. any unnecessary expense going
is done at reasonable prices at the local printing offices are By “ whom?
are back through the formality o f attending
not entitled to any consideration from the buying public of the bill? Is W h it at an forces
effort to take some of “ our” schools, when it is
on the “trade at home” consideration.
the schools out of politics, as they useless expense to them and time
Get the Want Ad Habit
should 1«, or is it a blow aimed at thrown away.
the destruction of the public schools
Youts Respectfully,
by practically the only enemy the
A. O . H O O T O N .
Roseburg-Myrtle Point Auto Stage Line
Will Kolm, w ho has been sick
with the grippe, is well and around
Myrtle Point
7:40 a. m.
6. a. m.
Henry Bunch, who was hurt at
the McDonald & V a u g h n lo gg in g
camp and who has been at the Mer­
cy Hospital for about a week, re­
turned borne T h u r s d a y .
6 hours Running Time
Comiec ing with Coquille A uioLinea
W ill Hearon, who has been at
Mercy Hospital h a vin g bis band
treated, is back at Beaver Hill.
C o lo re d S ta rc h .
Red, white ami blue starch was
much in vogue in Elizabeth’s time for
t.ho stiffening' of ruffs.
East Fork Items
J. L. Laird
g— H 1 W I 1 I O H M
« n U B D flB
I The Telephone
Directory g
(Herald’s Special C. C. News Service) j
Mrs. Chloe Laird, who has been
sick, is much better and left Tburs-]
day for Jefferson to visit her sister.
Mother Laird does not pack any
grouch or growl in her suit case.
It does one good just to see her.
Mrs. J D. Laird went with her
mother to Marshfield.
T h e wedding at Benhara’s was
great; all Brewster valley was there.
Myrtle Point
Will go to press February 10 th. It has the largest circula­
tion of any advertising medium in Southwestern Oregon. It
is always at hand for reference and an advertisement once
seen may always be referred to. The telephone subscribers
are able to buy the goods you will advertise.
Orders for new telephone and listings in the directory should
be done at once.
I Coos and Curry Telephone Co.
1 .
There is a Dew girl baby at C o l 1
H a r r y ’s.
scl nol room don't go.
T h e world has not gone fluey yet.
V’ htn vim fight, fi^hf, fight till
H a rk Dunh am thought that was
yo 1 make the 1 evil squeal.
/oing some when a man was bunt
.1 J Dunn and son, of Corvallis,
iug him to be arrested.
w l 0 tried the hav and feed business
After giving the county j u d g e
for a month in Marstfield. went nu'
and school Miperinteedent trials and
la- week for home, over the Cons
tribulations, it was decided to take
Ba road with their t am and w a g ­
another tack
Friday School Supt.
on trailing a hack
Baker and Juvenile Court Officer
k number o f weeks ago (he
Dunham came out to District 32,
not for the boy who was ’ e xp elle d” , people of G ravel Ford aud vicinity
but to teach another boy that foul, be d a basket social m d with the
vile and obscene talk 10 girls, and pr> eeeds bought a w 1 eel chair lot
the exp o -in g of the person to the M s Louie Heller, ot Cherry creek
Y o u will hear some folks say the
" w o r ld is gettircr wns and wus and
w a s . " Sure it is getting w us— fir
tbe kind that is getting wus
William Culbertson went to C o ­
quille Tuesday of last week to get
the truant officer to arrest him for
taking bis girls out of school.
• • • • w
Chamberlain’s Tablets
These tablets are intended especially
for disorders of the stomach, liver and
If you are troubled with
heartburn, indigestion or constipation
they will do you good.