Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, February 06, 1917, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 35,
NO. 21
New Courthouse Building Is
Splendid Structure and Is
Fireproof Throughout
Officers May Move in Next
land g ran ts, the title to which ia cloudy
owing to steps being taken by the gov­
ernm ent to regain title to the hnMings
A. S. Hammond appeared for the,
Southern Oregon company in the last
suit. John Guerin of Portland appear­
ed for them in one of the previous
ones. Mr. Liljeqvist li ed objections
to the su it on technical grounds, one
being th a t the M enasha Woodenware
Co. and not the Southern Oregon com­
pany w e the company to lay claim to
the funuo and another th a t the banks,
county trea su re r and others should be
made joint defendants.
Judge Skip-
worth ruled all his contentions.
In addition to the litigation in circuit
court, the Southern Oregon company
has been try in g in the federal courts to
regain the funds. This is now pending
in the circuit court of appeals a t t an
United States and Germany
Are on Verge of Actual War
PER YEAR $1.50
pie of the surface soil th a t is free from
debris of any kind and also one of the |
soil a t a depth equivalent to th a t a t :
which the field is to be plowed.
Ward Took Cold Bath
Sunday afternoon on the steam er
N orm a's return trip from Bandon,
Diplomatic Relations Broken by President Wilson when Germany Re-issues Order* for ' ’a™ Ward, mail clerk, lost his balance
. .
i ci •
| and plunged backward from the boat
Indiscrim inate W arfare A gain st Neutral ¿hipping. President Councils Calm
| into the ice-cold river. J. w. Leneve
who was returning from a trip down
Action and Deliberation Upon Part of Federal Authorities
the river was the sole witness of the
accident. He a t once ran to the pilot
The strained redations betw een this relations were severed on account of TJnited S tates is a t last forced to the house and told the captain there was a
country and Germany, caused by the the new subm arine order. He charged conclusion th a t there is but one course i man overboard. The boat backed down
announcem ent by Germany of her inten­ Germ any w ith deliberately w ithdraw ­ it can pursue.
the river in pursuit of Mr. W ard who
tion to resum e the methods of subm a­ ing her solemn assurance given in the
"U nless the im perial governm ent was swim m ing strongly about two hun­
rine w arfare to which this country has Im perial governm ent note of May, 1916. should now im m ediately declare and e f­ dred yards d ista n t. He reached a large
so strenuously objected, culm inated last
The president said: “ This governm ent fect an abandonm ent of its present willow tree th a t ju tte d out from the
Saturday in the breaking of diplomatic has no alternative consistent with the methods of subm arine w arfare against river bank and clung to a' limb until the
U nited S ta te s ’ dignity and honor but to passenger and friei.glit-earrying vessels, boat reached him and he was then haul­
Am bassador von Bernstorff was hand­ follow the course which it declared in the governm ent of the U nited S tates ed on board. Upon being landed st *ely
ed passports for himself, wife, staff April, 1916, would be followed unless can have no choice but to sever diplo­ on the deck he asked the captain if he
and suite, one huixfretl in all, a t two Germ any effected an abandonm ent of m atic relations w ith the Germ am Em­ would be kind enough to back on down
o ’clock and President Wilson announced her subm arine m ethods.”
the river and rescue his steam boat cap,
pire altogether.
the break in relations w ith Germ any to
which was done.
Mr. Ward showed
The president sta te d he could not
“ This action the governm ent of the unusual coolness.
the country and the world a t a joint m ake him self believe Germany intend­
Despite the fact
U nited S ta te s contem plates w ith the
session of Congress in the afternoon.
ed abandonm ent of the ane'ent friend­ g re atest reluctance, but feels c o n ­ th a t he was weighed down with a heavy
It is officially pointed out th a t the ship, break her solemn obligations and
mackinaw, he took his swim as if it
breaking of relations with Germ any kill Am erican citizens on the seas. He strained to tak e in behalf of hum anity were an everyday occurrence. He was
does not mean w ar, but easily may lead asked all neutrals to follow A m erica’s and the rig h ts of neutral n a tio n s.”
the least excited man on the boat. The
to war. It is an act of protest, charac­ course.
While the nation aw aits the issue of river a t the present tim e is as cold as
terized in the usage of nations as a
w ar or peace, President W ilson has ice and is running like a mill stream .
The president continued: “ American
“ m easure short of w a r.”
taken steps th a t the conduct of the If W ard w asn’t an excellent swimmer
The danger th a t war may follow is
governm ent during the tense period of we probably would have a different
accentuated by the diplom atic history shall tak e the liberty of coming before w aiting shall be one of calm delibera­ tale to tell.
of the world. Modern tim es show no congress again to ask for authority to tion and beyond criticism.
instance of a diplomatic break betw een use any m eans necessary for the pro­
Federal authorities have been in­ Club Endorses Chas. Hall
two first class nations th a t has not been tection of our seamen. I can do no­ structed to avoid hasty action and to do
For Commissioner
followed by hostilities.
nothing illegal.
This was taken to mean the president
A fter ‘'the break comes the possi­
A t the regular m eeting of the Com­
P resident Wilson still hopes to avoid
bility of the m easures term ed “ non- m eant he would ask congress to sanc­
m ercial Club Wednesday night th a t o r­
amicable modes of re d re ss,” may in­ tion a declaration of war. There was hostilities, but if w ar comes, he wants
ganization fell into line promptly with
clude reprisals, retaliations, non-inter­ trem endous cheering on both sides of no possible blam e attached to America.
President Wilson himself is moving the H erald’s suggestion and decided to
course, display qf force, w ithout there the cham ber and the galleries followed
the bent. Secret service men surround­ w ithout panic or haste and expects all wire their endorsem ent of Chas. Hall
being war.
for Member of the S ta te Highway Com­
the president. The justices of the subordinate officers of the governm ent
The rights of Germ ans residing in
to do likewise. No m atter w hat other mission to Governor W ithycombe. This
America and A m ericans in Germany suprem e court heard the president
nations may do in the em ergency it was was a fte r hearing R. S. Knowlton’s re ­
are practically unaffected by the sever­ speak. The diplom atic and executive
th a t Am erica will adhere Btnct- port on his trip to balem. J u s t when
ance of diplom atic relations.
No tre a ­
thih appointm ent will be made depends
T his is w hat President Wilson said to
ties are term inated or suspended but
upon the bill authorizing it which is to
S enator W adsworth presented a tele­
remain in full force and effect, unless Germ any in his “ ultim atum ” a fte r the
he passed a t this session of the legisla­
eith er governm ent decides to denounce ste am er Sussex had been sunk w ithout gram from rep resentatives o f 500 Ger­ tu re. A num ber of bills were also
them , which under international prac­
paid by the club.
100,000 m em bers’ loyalty to the U nited
tice generally calls for a y e a r’s notice. M arch 25, 1916:
N ext Wednesday night th e club will
Then? is no change in comm ercial rela­
“ I f it is still the purpose oi the impe- States. The s ta te dep artm en t learned m eet for the pu-pose of holding itB
tions which a re already badly crippled. rial governm ent to prosecute relentless : th a t betw een 2,000 and 6,000 Am ericans regular election of officers
W ashington, Feb. 3.—P resident Wil­ and indiscrim inate w arfare against yes- are now in Germ any.
interested should go prepared to nomi­
A W ashington dispatch of yesterday nate someone for the various offices
son addressed a joint session of con­ aels of commerce by the use of subm a­
gress, first revie ing the whole situ a ­ rines w ithout regard to w hat the United says: The subm arine which sank the who will continue to carry on the work
tion, reading portions of Germ an and S ta te s m ust consider the sacred and in­ American vessel, tlousatonic, warned of the club in the sam e efficient m an­
American diplom atic correspondence disputable rules of international law the c ra ft and a fte r torpedoing her, ner as have the present officers.
T here is in
which followed the torpedoing of the and the universally recognized dictates helped to save the crew .
Farmers Have Plan on
Sussex. He announced all diplom atic of hum anity, the governm ent of the | this event no cause for war.
:^jewg Qf County State and
National Interest Told in
Brief Concise Form
School Directors Recall Bill
Passes House
By the end of the week the new court McAdoO Write* Governor
E xtensive operations are under way
house building, which has been c h ris -;
a t P ort O rford in black sand gold m in­
Regarding Farm Loan Act
tened the Hall of Records, will be prac- !
ing venture a t Gold Run.
tically completed. L ast week the scaf- j
O regon’s entire bank deposits total
fold work around the e xterior o f the j My D ear Governor:
$161,596,980 of which Portland has 48.3
building was torn down, and workmen ' The Act of Congress known as the
per cent.
a re now putting on the finishing touch- \ Federal Farm Loan A ct of July 17,
es on the jail portion of the new struct- j 1916, was passed “ to provide capital
A Drain woman m arkets biggest
for agricultural developm ent; to create
flock of turkeys in the s ta te ; 400 birds
The Hall of Records is a building of
n e t her $1100.
which Coos county may be ju stly proud. I upon farm m ortgages; to equalize ra te s
A special train of 32 cars of K lam ath
Constructed throughout of concrete, |
and Lake county lambs were shipped
steel and fire-proof glass it is the final i provides for long-time am ortized loans
from K lam ath Falls to San Francisco.
to farm ers a t a lower ra te of interest
word in fire-proof construction.
The building faces w est and upon en- j than has hitherto prevailed in m ost
A fte r the m ost spectacular fight of
terin g it one comes into a small ante sections of the country, and will m eet
the session, and one in which charges
room with doors leading into the main
of lobbying w ere freely made, the bill
office of the county clerk and into the of farm ers, particularly the owners of
to close the Rogue river to commercial
fishing lost by a vote of 29 to 27.
a b stra c t room. Besides these rooms small farm s whose lack of touch with
there are on this floor several sm aller financial centers, or the m odesty of
On a bid of $8389 II. R. Kibler, of
rooms th a t will be utilized as private | whose demands, have hitherto p re v e n t­
Portland, has been awarded the con­
offices. P a rt of the fixtures o f the | ed their securing loans a t all, irrespec­
tra c t to build the new life-saving sta ­
c le rk ’s office is a built-in v ault and tel- j tive of the ra te of interest.
tion a t the mouth of the Siuslaw, same
ephone booth. The walls of the vaults j In order to secure an adequate supply
to be completed in 100 days. *
in the new building are eight inches of
Fires burned twenty-five million
concrete and steel while the other in­ the Federal Land Banks will issue
board fe e t of tim ber on the N ational
ner walls of the building are only two bonds secured by the deposit as colla­
teral of first m ortgages on farm lands.
F orests of Oregon, W ashington and
On the second floor the arran g em en t 1 I inclose several copies of C ircular No.
A laska in 1916.
The F o rest Service
is much the sam e as the first, the main 6, issued by the Federal F arm Loan
fought 1176 fires in this region during
office of the sheriff occupying the main Board, entitled “ F arm loan bonds,”
the y ear a t an expense of $19,000.
p a rt. H ere is located another vault, describing fully the m anner of issue
The Coos County Bar Association
identical with the one in the cle rk ’s o f­ and the character of these bonds.
held one of the most successful sessions
The Federal Farm Loan Act provides
fice. I t is from this floor th a t the sta ir­
of its history a t the Millicome Club
th a t these bonds “ shall be a law ful in-
way leads into the main building.
Saturday evening. A banquet was fol­
The entire third floor is occupied by vestm ent for all fiduciary and tru st
lowed by the business m eeting and this
the jail and living rooms of the jailer. funds and may be accepted as security
in tu rn by a session of mock court
This, of
On the e ast side are located the cells for all public deposits.”
which was decidedly clever throughout.
for juvenile and women prisoners. course, relates only to fiduciary and
Hugh Pearson, a W inchester fisher­
Each of these a re fitted with bathroom tru st funds under the jurisdiction and
man. has purchased an aero engine for
and toilet. In the northw est corner of control of the Federal governm ent. In
trolling. This device uses a small a ir­
this floor is a kitchen and p antry where order to m ake these bonds law ful in­
plane fan propeller for motive power,
the food for the prisoners is prepared. vestm ents for tru s t funds and savings
causing less disturbance in the w ater
T here are pass doors from the kitchen banks in the several sta te s it is neces­
to Test Herd Law than either oars or a screw propeller.
to the main cell rooms which occupy sary th a t each sta te enact laws to th a t
R. W. Long, a prom inent dairym an
m ost of the w estern side, and to the effect unless such laws are already in Road Legislation “All in the
A Revolutionary Decision
According to reports farm ers in the near Yoncolla, this week killed one J e r ­
women’s cells, m aking it possible for existence. I shall be g reatly obliged if
G reat B ritain m ay have forgotten her
Air” Says R. B. Murdock
the food to be passed to the prisoners you will advise me prom ptly w hether
crim es ag ain st the “ sm all s ta te " of the vicinity of Coostor. have a plan on sey bull and 17 Jersey cows, value $1200
To the layman the decision of the Ireland,- which she has so cruelly sub- foot whereby through organized e f­ or $1500, a fte r discovering they were
w ithout en terin g the cellroom.
In the or not, under the existing laws of your
main jail there are three cells each with S tate, these bonds will be legal invest­
S h e m a y fo rt a te st will be made of the recent­ afflicted with tuberculosis. O ther Yon­
“ All in the a ir,” is the way R. B. U nited S ta te s Supreme court, uphold­ jngated and exploited.
a capacity of four prisoners.
In the m ents for tru ste e s and guardians and Murdock, who has ju s t retu rn ed from ing the Webb-Kenyon law, seems revo­ have fo rg o tten her tre a tm e n t
o f ly enacted herd law. H arry W alker of colla residents have asked for teBts of
cage surrounding these cells there is a for pavings banks and insurance com ­ Salem, describes the situation in regard lutionary.
The "original package” the Boers of South A frica—earnest, Willanch is one of those who have th eir cattle.
show er bath for the us of the prison­ panies. If they a re not, may I beg to highway legislation. Mr. Murdock and o th er principles enunciated in de­ plodding Dutchmen w orking out th e ir agreed with his neighbors to m ake a
School directors w ere placed on a
ers. Adjoining the main room on the th a t you will re omrnend to the L egis­ w ent to Salem with the intention of do­ cisions through many years, apparently salvation in a fa r d ista n t country con­ te s t of the law and they have delegated parity with public officials when the
south is the padded cell for the confine­ lature of your S ta te a t its present ses­ ing w hat he could to p rev en t the adop­ are throw n into the discard and here­ sidered alm ost valueless until their la­ him to confer with A. H. Derbyshire, house of representatives passed senate
sion the enactm ent of the necessary tion of road legislation th a t would hin­ a fte r sta te s will be perm itted to e rec t bors had developed evidences of g reat a North Bend attorney who will be en­ bill 95, providing for the recall of school
m ent of insane cases.
The basem ent contains a fuel room, laws to m ake them legal investm ents. der the road program of Coas which in­ walls a g ain st in te rsta te commerce, so natural resources th a t awakened En­ gaged to handle the legal end of the directors upon the filing of proper peti­
Such legislation would accomplish the cludes the construction of the M yrtle- fa r as the liquor traffic is concerned. glish cupidity. Time may have dulled fight. They propose, so we are told, tions. The vote was overwhelm ing—
heating plant, a vault and tw o reason­
ably large rooms the use of which has double benefit of p u ttin g within the Point-Roseburg road w ith sta te aid.
S ta te sovereignty in the m a tte r of pro­ her m em ory of these crim es. B ut she to perm it their stock to range on the 44 favoring the m easure, 14 voting
not been designated.
One of the a t ­ reach of tru stee s and guardians an ab­
Two bills before the legislature th a t hibition has been recognized by our cannot have forgotten her present inex­ hills as usual and if arrested all will be against it, with two being absent.
tractiv e fe atu res of the basem ent is solutely safe investm ent, yielding a have some especially objectionable fe a t­ highest legal tribunal. Congress has cusable subjugation and terrorization of assessed for the expense of try in g the
In the Pacific Coast sta te s are thirty-
the drivew ay leading out on the north satisfacto ry income for the beneficiar­ ures, according to Mr. Murdock, are in effect been perm itted to give back Greece—a “ sm all n a tio n " whose only case. They argue th a t the range th eir five million horsepower in w aterpow er,
side th a t allows a truck or wagon to be ies under their tru s ts and thus widen House bills 191 and 213. 191 if passed to th e sta te s a power supposed to have crime ag ain st civilization Was a d esire cattle use is useless anyway and th a t and only 1,472,000 is developed power.
the opportunity for a safe investm ent as it now stands would banish all hopes been delegated by the constitution to to m aintain n eutrality and thus preset ve some benefit can be derived if the stock
backed into the fuel room.
| J u s t think what this g re a t power would
E verything about the building has of the savings of the masses, while, a t of Coos county gettin g any sta te aid on the central governm ent and therefore the lives and liberty of her subjects; f are allowed to run a t large. T hat sec­ do for these states if adequately devel­
the appearance of stability and stren g th . the same tim e, it would prove of im­ any of her roads as it provides th a t the sub ject to modification only through peaceful isle in a sea of blood. In ap tion vv.!l be one of the very first to pe­ oped. And yet congress refuses to
Every p a rt possible has been construct­ mense benefit to the farm ers of your sta te road funds shall be expended only constitutional amendment.
pealing to the court of equity of the tition the county court to hold a special pass satisfactory legislation under
ed of reenforced concrete and the doors S ta te in enlarging the m ark et fo- farm on three m ain roads, nam ely the two
T here was som ething to be said for world, it would be well for B ritain to election when the m easure now before which development will take place.
are made by a special process th a t loan bonds and farm m ortgages, th e re ­ ends of the Columbia highway and the tbe Webb-Kenyon law, if the legal ob- dry her hypocritical tears, shed for the the IcgisUtur • becomes a law .—H arbor.
Congressional action to authorize the
— -»•» *—
m akes them fire-proof although they by assuring a larger am ount of avail­ Pacific highway th a t follows the main j ections were waived,
S ta te s would woes of th e "sm all n a tio n s," and to
se ttin g of all clocks in the country one
have a wood finish. The center of the able credit for the needs of the farm ers line of the Southern Pacific from Port- vole for Problbltlon only to find th a t stand on firm er ground, if she can, be­
Along Came Ruth
hour ahead of the present standard
door is iron and on each side of this is a of your S ta te and a t lower ra te s of in-
land to Ashland. When these roads are consum ers of alcohol could receive as fore finally rejecting the P resident’s
tim e was recommended to the Cham ber
sheet of asbestos which is covered with te re s t than those now prevailing. 1 fully improved, sta te funds m ight be much as they wished if it but came plea for p e ace.—The S tar.
No one in front of the curtain real­
of < ommerce of the U nited S ta te s a t
a veneer of wood.
The windows are a
ized w hat a strenuous tim e R uth Stone-
diverted to other roads; but not before. through channels of in te rsta te com­
the opening of its fifth annual m eeting,
fire-proof glass and are equipped with copy of this le tte r, to gether with C ir­
Prohibition thus led to e x ­
house, w h o danced M endelssohn’s
An am endm ent was offered on bill 191 m erce.
by a com m ittee on "daylight sav in g .”
an autom atic closing devise in case of cular No. 6 of the Federal Farm Loan
by Mr. Murdock, providing th a t roads
As an alternative the com m ittee sug­
fire. Should a fire s ta r t in one of the Board relating to “ F arm loan bonds,”
the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles,
for the im provem ent of which the pres­ lation, because the traffic w as in the
gested the plan a t least for the months
rooms of the new building w ith all the to the various farm organizations in
e n t S ta te Highway Commission had stronger, and therefore the more port­ team was defeated for the first tim e in hat! had during the several hour.4 before betw een April 1 and December 1.
windows open, it would only be a m a t­ your S tate, w ith the request th a t they
com m itted them selves, be included in able, liquors. The arm or o f Federal j the season a t M yrtle Point Friday her np.jjarance on the stage.
Roseburg m erchants are using the
te r of a few m inutes until every one cooperate w ith you in any m easure you
sanction was too much for th e police
Miss Stonehousp, who is playing the
the list of roads to receive s ta te aid.
may adopt looking tow ard the en act­
would have closed itself.
power of the sta te . The law s ag ain st | n 'Xbt- The gam e was close and hard leading role in “ Love A flam e,” a fe a ­ m etropolitan plan of visiting custom ers,
Bill 213 provides for a i.ew sta te high­ the liquor traffic became a broken lance. f° uKbt the local team losing by a score
One of the things about the new m ent of the desired legislation.
ture production directed by Raymond I in efforts to win farm ers’ trade from
way commission but practically leaves
The loss o f this gam e Wells, had been chased up a m ountain | the mail order houses.
The move is
T h e e ffe c to f the W ebb-Kenyon law i of 21 to 19.
building th a t strik es the visitor the
Bespeaking an early reply, and hop­
S tates may not go j places the C oquille team on the level near Universal City by several hundred I made under directio i of grange leaders
m ost favorably is the abundance of ing th a t I may count upon your co­ the selection to an organization called is problem atic.
the Oregon Good Roads Association, " d ry ” so readily if the v oter appre-1 with the Marshfield quin tet for the
light, both day and night.
There are operation in this m atter, I am,
cannibals at six o'clock; had b^en ^ n r 1 who desire to combine the interest* of
which claims to re p re se n t a num ber of elates th a t prohibition means the aboil- <ounty cb «m P'°nship and the fight for
an abundance of windows for the day­
ed out of her bungalow in Hollywood j i tne m erchants and th e farm ers, in
Cordially yours,
organizations about the sta te , including
tim e and in providing artificial light
tion not only of the saloon, but of the j first place promises to be a hard one. by a hydrophobic canine a t seven I I building a fru it cannery a t Roseburg.
\V. G M q ADOO, S ecretary .
the Portland Automobile club, which it
the late st m ethods have been used with
d ecanter in the sideboard as well. Also, I t is probable th a t the m a tte r will vir o ’clock, and then, to cap the climax, j M Iroae and Looking Glass have been
is reported, has not been in existence
the result th a t a plentiful supply of
I one of the argum ents for national pro | tually be decided when these two team s had been pursued by a motorcycle po- i ; visited during the la i t two days.
They also claim con­
well diffused light is available in every Rainfall Less Than Last Year for over a . year.
, ,
, hibition has been removed.
I t w as, play on the Marshfield floor next Fri- liceman while racing to the auditorium ' ’ G. A. Brown, for about sixteen years
nection w ith the Portland Cham ber of contcn(]ed th a t b(„.ause of the protec. j day.
p a rt of the building. This p a rt of the
a t eight o ’clock. The la tte r released j | cashier of the Sm ith-Powers Logging
th a t ^ in te rsta te cornriierc, ctause I O ther gam es in the county school her a fte r securing a promiáe from Miss company and one of the m ost efficient
" I ’ve been asked th a t question only Commerce, y et two d,rectors of the 1st- ^
construction was handled by the local
about thirty-five tim es within the last te r organization have been reported to ! of the con9tilution gave to the iiquor i cham pionship series during the w eek­ Stonehouse to appear in court for | ! men in the organization, died a t his
Oregon l ’ow er company.
said th a t they never heard of the I . ... ..
. .. ,
home in Pow ers Thursday m orning af-
The fu rn itu re and other supplies for few w eeks,” said C aptain W iren o f the have
. .
. .
traffic, it was impossible for a s ta te ac- end w ere betw een Marshfield and Ban­ speeding on the following afternoon.
es came up .
,, , ,
don a t Marshfield, in which Bandun
| te r a lingering illness of tuberculosis.
the new building have not y et arrived local Lighthouse station, in response t " Association until ... th .. eir nam
tually to go "dry
“ d ry ” unless there
He had been rapidly sinking for the
and it will probably be a month y e t be­ the query of how much rain had fallen i.’ connection with the bill. According national prohibition and “ stoppage at was badiy defeated and one betw een
Council Accepta Werk
last few m onths but a few days before
fore the building will be entirely ready this w inter. "A nd I wish you would to the term s of the bill the new H igh­ so u rc e," to use an income tax phrase. N orth Bend and Bandon, the la tte r
p rint my answ er in big type so th a t way Commission shall consist o f the Perhaps now th a t a “ d ry ” s ta te is winning by one point.
to occupy.
The special m eeting of the city coun­ his death a m arked change was notice­
everybody can surely see it. N ot th a t S ta te E ngineer and tw o o th er m em bers perm itted to wall itself again st an in­
cil called Tuesday night for the purpose able and the end came as a shock to his
be appointed by the governor from a
Has Soil Tester
Cannot Withdraw Tax Funds I don’t like to answ er questions, but be­ to
vasion of liquor, it will p erm it the
of hearing the engineer’s report on the m any friends and acquaintances.
cause th irty or forty tim es for the same list provided him by the Oregon Good world w ithout its walls to live as th a t
At a m eeting of the CoosJCounty
completion of the Longston contract,
Roads Association. T here is no provis­
query is m onotonous.”
world sees fit.
County Af?ent J. L. Sm ith announces did little else than discuss this topic. Fire Patrol Association, composed of
Judge Skipw nrth of E ugene in an
Mr. AViren’s regular m onthly report
th a t he has secured one of the T ruog i The report was satisfactory and the the larger tim ber owners, W. J . Con­
opinion filed with the county clerk a t
to g eth e r with the inform ation concern­ list shall contain and should there be
Acidity te ste rs which will enable him m orey due the Ixmgnton Construction rad retired as secretary. He stated
Coquille Friday decided the case of the
ing the present and p ast w in te r’s ra in ­ hut two names on the list the governor
th a t his other in terests would not per­
to m ake a complete acidity te s t of any company was ordered paid.
Southern Oregon company vs. Coos
i has no choice in the m a tte r w hatever.
The m atter of furth er stre e t im­ m it him to devote the necessary tim e
soils tEiat the farm ers o f this section
county involving the w ithdraw al of
The rainfall for the month of J a n u ­
N either of these bills, as they now
may send or bring to him, w ithout the provem ent to be effected during the to it. A. E A delipeiger also retired as
1167,000 taxes on the com pany's land
ary was 4.49 inches; days rainy and stand, will pass, is the opinion ot Mr. least, the weakest featu re of the B rit­ necessity of sending the sam ples to coming sum m er was discussed and Mr. president for sim ilar reasons. The new
g ra n t holdings in favor of the county
cloudy, 20; days clear, 11. The rainfall Murdock, who thinks th a t the only
Sanfi'Cil urged th at the prel minary officer* chosen are: President, Geo. R.
says the Times.
This m akes the sixth
for the corresponding m onth of 1916 hope of g e ttin g any progressive high­ defense of her own course is the tr e a t­
H eretofore acidity te s ts th a t have work on any improvement» they ex ­ Sailer; vice-president, Geo. W. M ar­
favorable decision th a t L. A. L iljeqvist
was 10.68 inches, a difference of 6.22 way legislation from the present ses­ m ent of the Belgian question. B alfour been given the farm er w ere not wholly pected should be gotten out of the way shall; secretary, Carl L. Davis; treas-
who has represented the county in the
inches less this year.
sion is th a t the two factions will g e t to­ says:
It is probable ! nrer, H erbert A rm strong; directora,
a success in th a t they did not indicate as early as possible.
litigation, has won in this sam e suit.
Germ any and A ustria m ade the pres­
Ju d g e S kipw orth's decision is very
The rainfall from A ugust 1, 1916, to g eth er in tim e and th a t th ere will be a ent w ar inevitable -by atta ck in g the the degree of acidity. The T ruog ap- th a t the two blocks of F irst s tre e t w est j above-named officers and John D. Goaa.
brief. He held th a t the Southern Ore­ F ebruary 1, 1917, was 22.10 inches. compromise.
rig h ts of one small sta te , and they para us does this and m akes it possible of Hal! stre et, and Taylor stre e t from ( Mr. Davis has long been with th eC . A.
gained th eir initial trium phs by violat­ to tell the amount of lime th a t ia need­ Second to Third stre e t and Third from Sm ith T im ber Co. and will be a val-
gon company had not pursued the prop­ For the sam e period of 1915-1916 it was
ing the tie a ty guaranties of th e te rri­ ed on the soil in question.
e r procedure to regain control of the 35.19 inches; a difference of 13.09 in­
T aylor s tre e t to the T bridge will be uable man in the new place.
A. E.
tories of another. A re sm all sta te s go­
funds which were placed in escrow to ches less rainfall this w inter than last.
In tak in g samples o f soil for testin g among those improved during the sum ­ Crouch was retained as head fire w ard­
Are you one of th e m ourners? G en ti» ing to find in them th eir fu tu re pro tect­
g u a ra n te e the paym ent of taxes on the t - Recorder
ors or in trea tie s made by them a the fa rm e r should secure a small sam- mer.
man—Vea: ha owed me STiOO.