Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, January 30, 1917, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 35.
NO. 20
Speculation and Overproduce
tion Blamed by the U. S.
Forest Service
Other Building Materials Are
Substituted for Lumber
retailer by the purchasing public, in
higher labor costs, and in the decreas­
ing purchasing power of money. Since
1907, however, the effects o f overpro­
duction have been felt, and the prices
o f common structural woods have made
no sustained increase.
The American public, the Forest
Service points out, has no responsibility
to protect the security o f timber in­
vestments or the outcome of specula­
tive ventures. The welfare o f many
sections, however, depends in no small
degree upon lumber as a large tax­
payer, a gigantic employer of labor and
capital, and the chief consumer o f ag-
liculture and other industries.
people o f the whole country, further­
more, have u live interest in the econo­
mical use o f present timber supplies
and in continued forest production a f­
ter logging.
That unstable and partly speculative
Weighty Matters Come
forest ownership in the West and South
Up at Commercial Club
is the cause o f frequent over-cutting of
the market and waste o f forest re­
sources is announced by the Forest
Several very important matters were
Service in a report just off the govern­ taken up by the Commercial club at
ment press. Too large stocks of tim­ their meeting Wednesday night, among
ber acquired from the public domain which was the drafting o f a resolution
and too much timber speculation mixed protesting against the present train
with the manufacture o f lumber, says service. A copy of this resolution was
the Service, underlie the present unsta­ sent to each of the six towns o f the
bility of the industry.
county to be ratified by them and then
All this, the Service points out con­ to be sent to the Southern Pacific offi­
cerns the lumber user.
Many states cials at Portland.
A great deal o f dis­
are paying dearly for lumber because cussion as to what was really wanted
their own timber is largely used up and o f the company took place; but the
outside supplies can be obtained only at resolution as adopted asked only that
high costs for transportation.
With the local train to the valley be schedul­
little being done to grow new forests ed to connect with the Coos Bay limited
-on cutover lands, a more widespread and thus afford through passenger and
shortage o f forest products is threat­ mail service to the valley towns.
ened in the future.
C. R. Barrow, Leo J. Carey, E. H.
The Forest Service advocates various Kern, Chas. oatels and others also ad­
form s o f open-price cooperation among dressed the meeting regarding the ac­
lumber manufacturers to make the in­ tion of the city council in deciding not
dustry more efficient and check waste­ to take over the Patterson grove for
ful over-production.
But it is strongly park purposes.
Several years ago the
against changes in the present compe­ matter o f buying a park came before
titive character of the business through the council and there was an oppor­
combinations to control output or regu­ tunity to purchase this grove.
late prices, even though advocated in ever, the city at the time was not in a
the name o f conservation.
position financially to take it over and
The Forest Service finds that the ten business men, including the mem­
main problem o f the lumber industry bers o f the council and the mayor, put
has grown out o f the hundreds of bil­ up the money and the city agreed to
lions of feet o f timber acquired cheaply pay interest charges and taxes and, as
a few years ago from the public do­ soon as possible, buy it from these men
Lumbermen in the West are for what they paid for it.
At the first
carrying vast quantities o f timberland city election following this action the
beyond all possible needs o f their pres­ matter was referred to a vote ot the
ent sawmils and logging camps. Wide­ people and carried by a very fair ma­
spread speculation during a few years jority. Now the present council pro­
of sudden development carried timber posed to abandon the pkin and leave
values very high, and many western the property on the hands o f those who
stumpage holdings have been over-cap­ had put up the money as a mere accom­
modation and upon which they realized
The business o f making lumber, says nothing. This is in effect the argu­
the report, has thus been loaded down ment put up by the speakers before the
with investments in timberland.
The club. Some o f them dwelt upon the
productive branch o f the industry has moral obligation o f the city to keep
been interlocked too largely with spec­ faith with the people who had voted to
ulations in its raw material; and in­ buy the property and some o f them
stead of standing on its own feet as a laid more stress upon the need o f a
manufacturing business, has tended to park for the city.
But none o f the
be the tail of the dog, made frequently speakers found any justification for the
to serve the exigencies o f timber spec­ council’s act. It was, however, point­
ulation. According to the report, pres­ ed out that the city could not legally
sure from an overload o f timher is the buy the property at this time and in
first cause of the general instability of answer to this Mr. Cary and others
the industry. For one thing, it has led said that they were willing to continue
to building mills beyond the demand to hold the property for the city, pro­
for their products.
At least a third of vided they were given assurance that
the saws are now idle.
it would gradually be paid for.
On the other hand, the Forest Ser­
A fter much discussiorva vote o f those
vice reports that social and economic present was taken on the matter and
changes in the United States are re­ while there were three or four that
ducing its proportionate use o f lumber. declined to express their feeling in the
Uses taken over by other structural matter, nearly everyone was in favor
materials within the last ten years are of the city managing in some way to
estimated at one-fifth o f the present carry out their obligation.
A commit­
yearly cut of lumber; and in the same tee o f three was then appointed to wait
period the per capita consumption of upon the council at their next meeting
lumber seems to have passed its peak and see if the matter could not be
and dropped nearly one-fourth.
Caught with its burden o f timber­
L. H. Hazard read an article dealing
land on the one hand and these changes with the Federal Farm Loan act and
in the country’ s use o f wood on the the announcement in the Coos Bay
other, the lumber industry, the report Times regarding the meeting it re­
points out, has been between an upper ported would be held here Saturday
and nether millstone.
The combined came up for discussion.
It was de­
result is an ill-adjustment o f lumber cided that the report was a mistake
production to market requirements, and that it would be better not to hold
with frequent, almost chronic overpro­ any such meeting until certain blanks,
duction. Ups and downs have been necessary in organizing a local associa­
the rule with most manufacturers in tion could be obtained from Washing­
the West and South. Occasional years ton. The secretary was instructed to
o f high earnings have been followed by send for these and it. is probable that
usually longer periods o f small profits as soon as they arrive a meeting will
or loss. The latter reached their cli­ be arranged for.
- «• » -
max in 1914 and 1915, although 1916
brought somewhat better conditions.
Christian Endeavor Day
In the regions studied by the Forest
Service, it found that lumber produc­
“ Christian Endeavor Day” will be
tion, with local exceptions, is competi­
tive, as a rule keenly so.
Competition observed at the Christian Church next
becomes still more vigorous in its Sunday evening at 6:30 o ’ clock. A
struggle between different regions in very interesting exercise entitled “ Life
selling lumber in the main consuming Lines Across the Sea” has been pre­
pared for the occasion.
This is the
markets o f the country.
The rising cost o f lumber to con­ thirty-sixth anniversary o f the organi­
sumers, which held generally up to zation o f the great Endeavor move­
1907, is attributed by the Forest Ser­ ment, which was inaugurated because
vice primarily to the exhaustion of the the pastor o f a church in Portland,
supplies o f timber nearest to the bulk Maine, felt the need of a training
It has
o f eastern consumeis, and the neces­ school for his young people.
sity of transporting lumber from great­ swept over the entire world, until now
er and greater distances.
Railroad there are Christian Endeavor Societies
freights now take a fifth or more of in thousands of churches of all denomi­
Every one is cordially in­
the consumers’ price, retailers about nations.
the same amount, and manufacturers, vited to attend this service, consisting
on the average; little more than one- | o f inspiring music, instructive talks
half. The high cost o f lumber is thus and a very unique sketch, or dialogue,
due in large part to local timber short­ given by seven o f the young people.
age, resulting from the rapid using up Come and enjoy the hour!
o f forests without provision for their
T h r e e Good T h in g s.
renewal; Other causes, according to '
Self reverence, self knowledge, self
the Service, lie in the greater demands
control—these three alone lead men to
for specialized service made upon the j sovereign nower.—Tetlnyson.
PER YEAR $1.50
County Court Meets
M atter o f Change in Train Schedule Is Still
sin o p sis
The county court granted the Smith
Timber company the desired 60 days
U nsettled-M eeting to be Held Here Saturday ! extension
o f the time for acceptance o f
Commercial Bodies Will Confer with S. P. Representatives and Will Probably Bring About
Change Committee Goes to Salem; but finds Work Already Done—Appointment
of Highway Commissioner Dependent on Action of Legislature
That nothing definite will be known if possible, rather than entering an or- news when he said that from his con­
regarding the appointment o f the high- der on the change o f schedule. The versation with officials and from obser­
way commissioner, which, it was ru- railroad officials raised the point that vation he was satisfied that the Middle
mored Eugene expected to get, will be their present local service is a greater Fork project would not suffer from the
known until the bills providing for the convenience to the farming interests attempt to have the Eugene-Florence
commission are passed upon by the leg- than the revised schedule inasmuch as road constructed first. He said that he
islature, is the report brought back by it would permit them to take a late found the governor as well acquainted
R. S. Knowlton, who returned yester- morning local to Marshfield, do their with road matters in this section as
day from Salem, where he had gona as business and return on an early local in himself and was o f the opinion that the
a representative o f the Commercial''the afternoon; that w*th ihe revised right thing would be done.
club, to investigate the matter o f the schedule the train to Marshfield in the
The feeling o f injustice that the peo­
rumored appointment and to interview morning would need to leave Coquille ple o f the Coquille valley have e x­
the Public Service Commission and at about 6:15, and Powers as early as perienced since the announcement o f
Southern Pacific officials regarding the 4:30.
the Southern Pacific o f their new train
new train schedule.
i f you have representative men ac- schedule, cutting this section off from
The latter matter had been taken up quainted with the argument of the rail- through passenger and mail service
before they arrive with the results as roacj company and convinced that a re­ took definite form Wednesday when
explained in the following letter from v ise(i schedule, sending a morning train representatives from both Bandon and
R. B. Murdock, who was present at the f rom Powers at about 4:30 and an even­ Myrtle Point met with a number o f
ing train from Marshfield at about 6:30 Coquille business men at the Ko-Keel
Salem, Oregon, Jan. 24, 1917. would be o f greater service and con­ Klub rooms to discuss ways and means
venience to the^valley the schedule will o f inducing the railroad company to
Mr. J. E. Norton, President,
remedy the unsatisfactory condition
undoubtedly be changed.
Coquille Commercial Club,
I f you wish any ‘ further information which now exists.
Coquille, Oregon.
Taylor Dement and C. E. Huling
on this you can reach me at the Marion
Dear Sir:
were down from Myrtle Point, E. E.
Yours truly,
We have just had an informal m eet­ - Hotel, Salem.
Weekly from Bridge and Geo. Laird
ing o f the Public Service Commission,
Mr. Laird said that the
the representatives o f the Southern Pa­ j President Norton, o f the Commercial from Bandon.
cific Company, including Mr. Burckhal- i club, has set Saturday, Feb. 3 as the people o f Bandon wanted more than
ter and Mr. Ormandy, and the Coos day and one o ’ clock as the time for the the Commercial club here had demand­
County representatives, including Mr. meeting o f representatives of the diff­ ed o f the Southern Pacific and would
not be satisfied unless some arrange­
Peck, Mr. Smith and Mr Tichenor.
erent towns with S. P. officials.
The informal discussion leaves but
Regarding the appointment o f a high­ ment was made whereby the mail
one point at issue on which the com­ way commissioner it seems that there would arrive at Bandon the night o f
It seemed to
mission and the railroad company be­ had been some misunderstanding. It ’ he day it left Portland.
lieve that further information would be was the understanding of the committee be the opinion o f the others present
desirable. The point is whether or not which went from here and Myrtle Point that this would scarcely be feasible
the convenience to local traffic between that the appointment was to be made and that should the local train besched-
Marshfield and Coquille valley points, at once and apparently the Highway uled to meet the limited from Portland
which under the present schedule is Commission had been mixed with the that it would be all that they could ex­
greater than the suggested revision, is present advisory board.
Another matter which was discussed
o f more importance than the connec­
The facts are that there are two bills at the meeting and which was the pri­
tion for through passengers, mail and
now before the legislature, each doing mary reason for the Myrtle Point and
away with the present Commission Bridge delegation being present was
They have requested that the Co­ which is composed of the Governor,
the matter o f State aid for the Rose-
quille Commercial Club call a meeting Secretary o f State and the Treasurer.
burg-Myrtle Point highway.
It ap­
as early as possible, which I might sug­ One o f the bills provides for a new com­
peared that a member o f the State
gest might be on the 30th or 31st, at mission, two o f which shall be appoint­
Highway commission was to be ap­
which would be present representatives ed by the Governor the, third member
pointed at Salem Friday and that Eu­
from Bandon, Myrtle Point, Powers, to be the State Engineer. The other
gene had organized a powerful lobby in
Coquille and Coos Bay.
A t this time bill provides for a new commission o f
an effort to have a Eugene man ap­
also the railroad will be represented three, one from each Congressional
pointed, in the hopes that, should they
probably by Mr. Ormandy, and after district, to be appoint« d by the Govern­ succeed, he would give the Eugene-
thorough discussion if the valley was or.
Florence road the preference.
of the opinion that revised train ser- / According to Mr. Knowlton, the Gov­ the Myrtle Pointers held, was taking
vice connecting with through train ser- ;
ernor is authority for the statement an unfair advantage o f them and they
vice was preferable, it could be ef- j that the latter is undoubtedly the bill proposed to be present at Salem Friday
fected. They ask that you call such I which will be passed. It was in con­ and see that they were given a square
meeting and see that representatives ■
Everybody present seemed to
nection with the appointing o f this com­ deal.
are present from each town, this meet-1 mission that the committee went to | agree with them and the business men
ing to be at Coquille preferably, and Portland and Mr. Knowlton states that here decided to send a representative
advise Mr. Scott, General Passenger they hinted to Governor Wythecombe with them to Salem. R. S. Knowlton
Agent o f the Southern Pacific, three or as forcibly as possible that a man from was chosen as representative and the
four days in advance so that their rep­ the southern part of the state w ould be four men left on the afternoon train
resentative could be present.
very acceptable to the Coquille Valley, for Marshfield where they were com­
The Public Service Commission pre­ while one from Eugene would not.
pelled to lay over until the next day
fers that we settle the matter amicably
Mr. Knowlton brought home pleasing order to catch the Coos Bay limited.
Road Code Prepared at
Portland Conference
Attorney Neuer, o f Douglas county,
gives some o f the salient points o f the
new road code prepared by a committee,
appointed by the Association o f County
Judges and Commissioners, o f which he
was a member, as follows:
Article 1 of the bill contains titles
and definitions. Article 2 establishes a
state highway commission, which shall
consist o f the state engineer ex-officio,
and two other members to be appointed
by the governor.
The two appointed
members of the commission will be al­
lowed their actual traveling expenses
and $500 per annum as compensation
for their services. The bill creates a
state road fund, which increases the
present i-mill state levy to % mill per
annum, and in addition thereto the
amount now collected from the regis­
tration o f motor vehicles and chauffeurs
wdl go into the general state road fund.
“ The roads are to be classified as
follow s:
State roads, county roads
and district roads.
The state highway
commission shall have power to im­
prove and construct state roads out of
the state road fund and the federal
fund apportioned to the state o f Ore­
gon, the construction o f which will be
under the supervision o f said commis­
sion, and shall be maintained at the
joint and equal expense o f the state
and the respective counties through
which they run. The highways, how­
ever. are to be maintained at the ex­
pense o f the county until the state
roa is have been permanently improved,
and any improvement made thereon by
the county must be under the super­
vision o f the highway commission.
“ Article 3 o f the bill pertains to the
county n admaster and county roads.
The county court o f each county is re­
quired to employ a competent engineer
or practical road builder, who is not a
member o f the county court, who shall
be known as county roadmaster, for a
length o f time not to exceed one year
and it such compensation as the county
court may provide, whose tenure of
office may be terminated by the county
court for cause, or on charge of ineom-
petency preferred by the state highway
" I t makes it the duty o f the county
court o f the several counties to select
and designate from the roads, other
than state roads, a system thereafter
to be known as county roads, and cause
a map o f such system o f roads to be
prepared, o f which not less than 15 per
cent nor more than 40 per cent, exclu­
sive o f state roads and city streets,
shall be county roads, which selection
and preparation o f map, etc., shall be
approved by the state highway com ­
mission. All other roads within the
county, except state roads and county
roads, shall be known »3 district roads.
Such district roads as selected by the
roadmaster may be added to from time
to time. The establishment, construc­
tion, improvement and maintenance o f
county roads, and the establishment,
construction and improvement o f dis­
trict roads arc entirely under the juris­
diction and control o f the county court,
for which purpose the county court has
the right to levy an annual tax not to
exceed 10 mills.
All bridges on any o f
the state, county or district roads not
permanently improved must be con-
s ructed and replaced by the county
court. All bridges and culverts less
than 10 feet in width may be construct­
ed by the district.
“ The bill further provides that in
any improvement to cost $500 or less it
shall be discretionary with the court to
execute ot let the same on contract,
but where the cost is $500 or more it
makes it the duty of the court to ad­
vertise for bids.
It empowets the
court to engage in a co-operative plan
with the federal government for the
construction, improvement and main­
tenance o f any roads where federal and
state and county funds are used.
must all be done subject to the appro­
val o f the state highway engineer.
also provides fo r county prisoners to be
worked upon the highways o f the coun­
“ Article 4 o f the bill provides for
district organizations. In every road
district there will be held on the second
Saturday in November, 1917, at two
o'clock p. m., and every year there­
after, a district road meeting by the
legal voters o f the road district, for
the purpose o f electing three raad dis­
trict trustees from among the residents
o f the district, who will serge for a
term o f one year. These trustees will
take oath o f office and give bond for
the faithful performance o f their duties.
At the annual meeting, the legal voteis
o f the district have power to vote a tax
not to exceed ten mills, o f which not to
exceed 4 mills may be for maintenance
and the balance may he used for any
special improvement within the district.
The tax so levied must be certified to
the assessor and extended upon the roll
and collected as other taxes are col­
lected. The amount levied for special
improvement will he expended by the
county court under the direction o f the
county roadmaster.
The board of
trustees have power, and it is their
duty to maintain the district roads out
o f said fund, and to employ all neces­
sary help, or appoint a man for that
purpose. In case the district board
fails to levy a tax, or to organize, then
the bill gives the court power to levy a
tax for the district. This you will un­
derstand does not include incorporated
cities and towns.
The committee has provided four
methods for locating a county road. 1.
By petition o f the resident freeholders
o f the road district. 2. Iiy a resolu­
tion o f the county court. 3. By grant
o f the property owners. 4. By power
o f eminent domain.
Several slight amendments will have
to be made when the bill is considered
by the committees.
Whether or not
this bill will pass, the committee is un­
able to state, but the plan as outlined
in the measure has required consider­
able work. One will appreciate the
task o f getting an equitable and just
workable law within a state where con­
ditions are so diverse.
The people in
eastern Oregon, of course, have radi­
cally different conditions from the peo­
ple in western Oregon.
The topo­
graphy o f one county differs materially
from the topography o f another county;
therefore it is largely a question o f
give and take, and the members have
worked conscientiously trying to get
something near meeting all conditions
as possible.
Considerable difficulty
was had with the district plan, as it is
the desire o f the committee to leave
the district roads, and especially the
maintenance thereof, with the local
people, so that they may be able to
maintain the roads over which they are
to travel and relieve the county court
o f considerable burden.
the franchise offered by the county at
I their meeting Wednesday.
The court also made its annual in­
spection o f the county infirmary and
reports that it is in good condition and
that thte inmates are satisfied with the
treatment they are receiving.
only improvement ordered by the court
was that the dairy herd which is kept
there be entered into a testing associa­
New* of County, State and
National Interest Told in
Brief Concise Form
A monthly pension o f $25 was grant­
ed to Mrs. Berge, of Bunker Hill, who
recently lost her only support when her
son Clifford died. The widow's pension
o f Mrs. Lizzie Yates, o f Libby, was re­
duced from $32.50 So ..$2-’*, one o f her
children having passed the age o f 16.
S. P. Issues Orders to Protect
Deer on Tracks
Coos Bay coal is to be marketed at
The court also granted the North
Bend Mill and Lumber company a fran­
chise over the 14-mile road up Davis
Slough, and in return the concern
agreed to deliver for the county dimen­
sion and other lumber needed for the
construction o f the Davis slough county
bridge at $10 per thousand.
New shipyard is to sta t at Portland
with contracts for two vessels.
Oregon tiax fibre is superior to that
’ in any o.her region o f the world.
Box factory at North Bend will oper­
ate and also install shingle machines.
The McDonald and Vaughan fran­
chise oyer the county road at Sumner
which carries a railroad was allowed to
be transferred to the Smith-Powers
Logging company who will soon open a
new logging camp in that territory.
McDonald and Vaughan will complete
their work in three weeks. The fran­
chise runs for two more years.
Moves Base to Marshfield
Oregon is getting some good adver­
tising in adjoining states as a result o f
the legislature trying to hold down
taxes, consolidate commissions and cut
overhead expense.
Large timber holdings in Columbia,
Tillamook, Clatsop and Washington
counties comprising 26,000 acres and
4,500,000,000 feet o f timber change
hands at figure o f $4,000,000.
In 1915, wheat exportations from the
United States and Canada totaled 393,-
I 200,000 bushels. O f this immense quan-
I tity about 20,000,000 bushels was dis­
patched from the Pacific Northwest, in­
cluding Portland and Puget sound.
C. Heyes o f the Burke Fish company
of Portland which has boen sending the
fish cars from Coquille, states that
Marshfield has been made the center o f
collection for the entire country from
Mapleton on the north to Bandon. Fish
cars will receive their load here instead
o f at Coquille as formerly.
He states that the company was
negotiating for a site on the Umpqua
for the construction o f a cold storage
plant but that no final arrangements
were made and that Coos Bay may
eventually be the site o f the permanent
plant. J. R. Burke and Capt. Stewart
o f the company were on the Bay a few
months ago.
The salmon season closes the middle
of March but halibut will begin to
come in about that time so that weekly
shipments from this district will be
continued. The extent o f the halibut
banks off the Oregon coast, it is stated,
has never been determined and may
prove the basis o f an extensive indus­
try since recent conditions have been
forcing the examination o f the Oregon
coast waters with good results.
A refrigerator car came in last night
and will probably be “ spotted” near
the chapel car.—Times.
It is reliably reported that contracts
are practically settled for the construc­
tion o f two more vessels at the Kruse
and Banks yards at North Bend, and
that within a few weeks work will be
commenced upon one of these vessels.
The largest timber deal closed in Or­
egon in several months was consum­
mated when the Oregon Lumber Com­
pany purehosed most o f the DuBois
Lumber Company’ s holdings for a con­
sideration understood to be approxi­
mately $4,009.000.
Woman came into her own Wednes­
day morning when Speaker Robert N.
Stanfield called Mrs. Alexander Thomp­
son, representative from Hood River
and Wasco to the chair. Mrs. Thomp­
son, who aided Representative Bean in
the introduction o f the cold-storage bill,
acquitted herself with honor.
Three thousand dollars in cash has
been donated to the proposed woman’ s
memorial building of the State Univer­
sity at Eugene by the D. P. Thompson
estate, of Portland. The donors were
Mrs. Mary Thompson, Miss Genevieve
Thompson and Mrs. J. N. Teal. The
Logger Wrecked Again
total o f gifts and pledges lor the
Several cars of a Smith-Powers log­ building is now nearly $13,000.
ging train were derailed a short dis­ projected cost is $100,000.
Thomas W. Lawton,
the Boston
tance this side of Norway Wednesday
resulting in a delay o f the regular pas­ financier who has figured prominently
senger trains o f several hours. The in the investigation by the rules com ­
wreck was caused by the logs o f one mittee o f the houL-e o f representatives
car rolling over the chuck block at the into the alleged leak on President Wil-
end o f the log bunk and that one of I son's peace note, stated Friday that he
the logs went under the rear truck de­ was leaving the “ leak mess” to others
railing it and the two cars in the rear and that he intended to go soon to his
Oregon ranch for a few months’ vaca­
of it.
Damage to the amount o f $200 was tion.
estimated, no one was hurt and after
The library o f the State University
several hours of hard work the track at Eugene contained on January 1 a to­
which was torn up was replaced, the tal o f 67,909 volumes, 9,494 additions
derailed cars put back on the track and having been made during 1916. The
traffic was resumed.
use o f the library during 1916 increased
That some good may come even from 35 per cent over 1915.
Packages o f
a train wreck was shown here.
Wed­ books, or individual books, are freely
nesday afternoon the Commercial club sent to residents of the state. During
decided to send a delegate to Salem 1916 there were 2,407 individual loans
with a delegation that was going from and 783 packages so lent.
Myrtle Point and Bridge. The decision
To inform consumers as to the uses
was reached about twenty minutes be­
o f electricity, and the methods o f pro­
fore train time and no one could be
ducing it, a bulletin that is for free dis­
found who would undertake to get
tribution has just been issued by the
ready in that time. However, when it
! school o f commerce o f the State Uni­
was learned that the train was several
versity. The bulletin is called “ Ele­
hours late, R. S. Knowlton was pre­
mentary Primer o f Electricity for Light
vailed upon to go.
Power Consumers, ” and is intended
— • « •» • —
for non-technical readers. Copies may
Southern Pacific Negligent he obtained by addressing the depart-
| merit o f commercial and industrial ser­
Passengers on the evening train from vice, University o f Oregon, Eugene.
the Coquille valley were a disgusted
To save the lives o f deer seen on the
bunch upon arrival at Marshfield W ed­ railroad tracks at night, the Southern
nesday night.
The train was four Pacific company issued orders to its en­
hours late owing to a Smith-Powers gineers to extinguish, momentarily, the
logging train being wrecked near Nor­ headlights o f locomotives. The order
way. The smoking car was crowded was issued at the request o f the state
with passengers from Coquille and fish and game warden. The deer, it
there was not a light in the car except explained, frequently use the railroad
the lantern the conductor had on his tracks in their migration at this time o f
arm while taking tickets and an occa­ year from higher to lower altitudes.
sional match used by A1 Powers to light The glace o f the locomotive headlight
his cigar.— Harbor.
confuses the deer, and during the past
month more than a dozen have been
killed by the trains. It was discovered
Plan Two Dances
that if the light is extinguished, if only
The Coosonians are planning two for a second, the deer jumps to safety.
• -•» -
splendid dances to take place durir g
n a t u r a l i rung.
the coming month. The first will be
•1 don’ t believe the captain of our
on February 12, Lincoln's birthday, and
ship was an experienced mariner.
the second on the 22nd, Washington’ s
birthday. Those who have attended When Iff had that accident In mid-
ocean he did not seem to know what
the former dances given by thi3 organ­
ization are well acquainted with t h e to do.”
“ But you must remember that it was
quality o f them and it is safe to say
only nutural trader the circumstances
that few o f them will miss the oppor­
for him to bo completely at sea.” —Bal­
tunity o f attending the two that are
timore American.