Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, January 16, 1917, Image 3

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    good time at
It was one of the that.”
I asked, " I suppose you slept good
in the valley
M yrtle Point is the on ly one ol P °° '
se not,
that night with all your excitement?”
d o in g
I. C handler o f Lee
hunters h a te < ver kn >wn.
W h ile
“ Slept good? Why every time I shut
the five larger l< u u s in the cou n ty
business here F rid a y .
thousands ol d u ck s have been i n my eyes 1 could see big panthers, small
h avin g n o w idow s d raw tu g pen­
the Bay all w inter there w asn’ t one panthers, old panthers, young panthers,
W e carry the 99 coffee that was
D r. V . L. H am ilton w ent to sions from the c unity.
here where there was fifty in recent over me, under me, why everything
so favorably D em onstrated at the N orth Bend on prolessioual busi­
P A . G old en , cou n ty s ch o o l su ­ years
T h e hunters blame this fact was panthers. The next morning we
Crescent booth at the K orn K a m i ness S u n d a y .
pervisor, was iu C oqu ille yesterday to the g o o d weather we have en ­ went back to the point and found the
carcasses o f eighteen deer. Apparent­
Mrs. J. S. Barton went to P ort­ attending to som e w o ik at the su-
jo y e d this winter.
A n oth er winter ly none o f them had been killed over
• • •
land S u n d ay, to join Mr Barton pertuteudent’ s office
! like the present one and there will ten or twelve days, as they were hard­
A ls o a full line o f Crescent Roods. w b o went out on business
K. Stanley D ollar and w ile are he lots o f sh otgu n s for sale
At a ly decayed, but we did not find any
« • •
more panthers.”
visiting at the hom e of K E- J o h n -j rou gh estim ate 250 du ck s have
So this is the reason the old gentle­
T h e con tin u ed clear weather has son w b ile Mr. Dollar is lo o k in g at- iallen to the hunters iu the valley
E v e ry th in g in this line gu aran ­
man wanted the people to have the
home o f his lum ber interests in while on the Bay thousands have deer, for certain enough at that rate of
teed, and yo u r m oney back if it is en cou ra ged the m akers o f gardens
and early potatoes and other ea tly ib is vicinity
j been k illed .
slaughter all the deer in this county
not what it is represented to be.
would not last long.
In the last five
vegetables are being plan ted .
. . .
. .
-----------— ■*’
I II y ou wish to learu som ethin g o f 1
years, Mr. Warner, with these two
D . C. A v e ry , b illin g clerk in the the w orkin gs ol the Federal Farm What Fouf Panthers
dogs, has killed 78 wild cats, 24 pan­
T h e price is less but the good s
Did In Two Weeks thers and 27 bears. These two dogs
P. office at M arshfield, was in Loan L a w , you stiould attend the)
are belter.
are the best in the state and Mr. War­
C oq u ille Su nday visiting his m o- C
om m ercial clu b m eeting tom orrow j
ner will put them up against anything
ther. M is. L Mae A very .
By Warden J. M. Thomas in The
in the state for money, marbles or
D o n ’ t be afraid to tty it.
Dr. W m . H orslall and Dr. I. S.
Oregon Sportsman
moss agates.
G . W N orris was in tow n from
• • •
Barile were over Irom the Bay
A year or so ago, I was making my
F airview T h u rsd a y attending to!
. .
. | rounds in Coos County trying to learn
W e also h ave the fam ous R oya l W ednesday appearing as witnesses matters ol business
Port Commissioners Meet
and v ,stu n g hi* ( the condition3 o f the dilierent game
C lu b line o f canned g ood s, n oth ing
daughters, Mrs. E d Aasen and Miss districts, to get acquainted with the
The following report o f the regular
better, and the prices righ t
I O live N orris
1 people and see how they felt toward
o f the Port o f Bandon Com­
• * *
Rawleigh Quality Products
A dance for ,he benefil of lbe the protection o f game and the game meeting
missioners is given by the Western
H tghest in Q u a lity ; L o w e s , in P r ice , G u s Sch roeder fam i,y o f A ra);0i
At the o ld stand vacated by the
I stopped ovSr night with an old man
At the regular meeting o f the Port of
Ask Your Neighbor
whose Hume was destroyed by fire who had lived in that district for a long
M odel G ro ce ry .
Bandon Commissioners held at the
10- 1 7 -tf
yesletda y, will be given at the N or- time.
I told him my business and
City Hall Tuesday afternoon. O. A.
asked his opinion on a numberof things.
C lyde C ollier, lorem an o f the way hall S .turday.
Trowbridge was elected to fill the un­
He said: “ I am in favor o f protecting
P A k K E I . ’S
bridge crew w o kin g betw een Pow -1
-phe matter o f con sid erin g the ob- insectivorous song birds and would like expired term o f A. McNair, who re­
A toilet preparation ol’ merit. *
ers and E u gen e with headquarters jjectiotts filed by the C A . Sm ith to see Chinese pheasants get a good signed on account o f ill health.
Helps to eradicate dandruff. |
was sworn in together with R. H.
For Restoring C olor and .
at M arshfield, was iu tow u Satur­ c< mpany to the franchise approved start, but there is no use in protecting
P eauty to G ray o r Faded HairJ
Rosa. W. H. Lyons and J. E. Norton,
day n ight and S u n d ay.
by the cou n ty court will be taken deer. It would be best to turn the recently elected.
Mr. Hanly was a
people loose and let them kiil the deer
HINDERCORNS Removes Coras, Cal­
holdover member as was also Mr. Mc­
louses, etc., stops al 1 pain, ensuras comfort to tba
Postmaster John gen eve has re­ up by them at their m eeting next
as fast as they can and get some bene­
feet, makes walking easy. l&e. by mall or at Drug-
Nair. Officers were then elected as
gists, iiiscox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N. Y.
ceived a con signm ent ot flow er and w eek .
fit o f them; at the present time the
follows: R. H. Rosa, president; J. E.
vegetable seeds from Senator C h am ­
H , M. Shaw , M D ., eye, ear,
Norton, vice president; O. A. Trow­
berlain w hich he is distributing nose and throat specialist, w ill be at him how he,knew they got them all. bridge, secretary and T. P. Hanly,
a m on g the patrons o f the local post- Baxter h otel, C oq u ille. T h u rsd a y, and he replied, “ Why, if four panthers treasurer.
February 1 , 1 9 1 7 .
G lasses fitted will kill eighteen deer in twelve days,
The decision of Judge Hamilton in
D e n tist
how many will they kill in a year? And
I -l6 -2 f
favor o f the Port in the case o f Dennis
Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! ot all
Office over First National Bank
if you don’ t believe me, go to Rowland
W . G . L aw h orn w h o is em p loyed
McCarthy. Southern Oregon Co., Mer­
Phone Main 431
kin ds, w ood atid coal, the largest
Prairie and get Jack Warner to go with
chant Land Co., and Simpson Lumber
variety in tow n. T o o ls o f ail k in ds on the new cou rt house b u ild in g , you and look for yourself.”
Co., was read; also a letter from J. D.
nil then some-
Send me you r returned from a visit to the Bay
So I went to Mr. Warner’ s and as ed Goss, the latter’ s attorney, giving no­
324, Office
514, Res.
saws and um btellas to get fixed At yesterday. H e was a ccom panied him if he had any evidence as to this
tice of appeal to the Supreme court
) E . Q u ic k ’ s Secon d H an d Store, by Mrs. I a w h om w h o will visit her story. He said: “ Well, 1 think I have
and suggesting that the Port appoint
First and Ile n ty sts.
P h on e 402
enough to convince you o f the number an attorney to handle the case.
P h y s ic ia n a n d s u r g e o n
sister Mrs G race J oh n son .
of panthers without going very fa r.” stated that upon previous agreement
Office over Farmers & Merchants
Mrs. W . 3 L a w h orn cam e over So he took me into a shed where four
one case would be appealed and the re­
from M arshfield yesterday m orning panther pelts were tacked on the wall,
sult would be binding on all.
Atty. G.
tor a short visit with hei husband, two very large ones and two about half P. Topping was named by the Port to
RATES: One cent a word, each in­ and proceeded to M yrtle Point this grown. (This was in March and the conduct its side o f the appeal and a
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents’
two small ones were probably born in committee w as named to arrange terms,
m ornin g where she will be the
May or June, making them almost a etc.
Graduate o f the American School
R O A D M E N W A N T E D — Bate $3 guest of relatives for a few days.
year old.)
‘ W ell,” I said, “ Here are
Treasurer T. P. Hanly submitted a
o f Osteopathy o f Kirksville, Mo.
per day
A p p lications will be
A . J. S h erw ood will exp la in the the four scalps, where are the carcasses report for the year ended December 31,
Office in Eldorado Block
received in w riting at the office
of the eighteen deer?”
“ Do you see
o f R oadm aster, C oquille, until purposes and w ork in g s ot the F ed ­ that greesewood point yonder? (point­ 1916, as follows:
F eb, 1st, for section m en to w ork eral Farm Loan law at the C o m ­ ing to a wooded point near a large
and have ch a rge ol sections ol m ercial clu b tom orrow n ight with a prairie), they are all right there on a Cash on hand...... ..................... $ 6,935.45
From Co. Treasurer................. 15,150.00
h igh w a ys.
Iiilorm ation as to view tow ard gettin g that orga n iza ­
spot o f ground not to exceed four acres,
From loans:
boun daries o f sections in all parts
tion interested in a loca l association
Bank o f Bandon...................... 6,500.00
o f C ou n ty m ay be had at above
pelts on the wall) must be responsible
FirstNational......................... 2,000.00
office. R. B. M u rdock, R oa d - fur C oos cou n ty.
as I caught all four o f them within a
I -l6 -2 t
T h e R oy a l theatre w here A u drey quarter o f a mile of that spot— two o f From tub boat bonds, net,
From other bonds.................... 25,604.60
Regular as the Clock
A S M A L L W O O D E N G I N E and
From tow boat account..........
boi er new for dairy ran chj very tv ” appeared was packed , and those all in three hours’ time.”
Total receipts, etc............
ch ea p ; $35 or will trade for c o w . w ho saw the show declare there
He told the following story: “ Upon
A p p ly
this office.
1 - 1 6 - It
w is n oth in g in the reels w hich going to the Prairie to look for my
cattle, 1 had to pass very near that Payment outstanding notes is­
cou ld
offend a n y on e— M arshfield
S E C O N D H A N D furniture w anted
First-class fare o r ..,............ $10.00
sued in 1915.............................$28,813.21
point. I took my dogs with me (point­
W e bu y and sell all kin ds o f sec­ R ecord.
Up freight, per ton.............. 3.00
ing to a large bluish white-faced dog Payment outstanding notes is­
ond band g o o d s — stoves, tools,
sued in 1916............................ 8, 500.00
Miss Isabel D ow n s, d a u gh ter o f he called ‘ Old Grit’ and a white and
harness; highest prices paid. Call Rev. and M rs. T . H D ow n s ot this black spotted bitch he called ‘ Foxey’ .) Int. paid on bonds and notes
3, 891.13
at O. C. Jensen’s Secon d H and
E. & E . T . K r u s e
As we got near ‘Old Grit’ scented Paid, improvement harbor
9 000.00
Store ot phone 7 9 3 , C oq u ille, Or. city , will leave tom orrow m orn in g something and was soon off.
We fol­ Paid, damage Ashton boom
24 California Street, San Francisco
lor O a k ley, Id a h o, w here she goes lowed and discovered that he had found
i t 21 tf
Paid, Clinton Landing
to accept a position in a d r u g store a deer,buried beneath sticks and leaves, Tug account:
F or Reservation*
F O R S A L E — W ood lor sale, call Miss D ow n s graduated with high that had been killed perhaps only that
Purchase price and expenses 26, 113.29
11 2 t-tf
381 .
Advanced for operating .... 2, 500.00
h' nors last June from the sch ool ot night, as none o f it had been eaten. In
a few minutes the dog left this spot Expense and salaries, port at­
pharm acy o f the O . A . C.
A gent, C oquille, O regon
and began smelling around, and sudden­
torney, surveyor, secretary,
" T h e F ive P ilgrim G irls ” gave ly stopped again and began to dig. He
F A R M — W rite for our co -o p e ra ­
com missioners........................ 2,664.36
tive 110-com m ission plan to b rin g on e ol the cleanest and most en ­ found another deer that had just been Sundry expenses: Clerk’ s cer­
hu>er and sellei together to m ake jo y a b le entertainm ents at the S ce n ­ killed and buried. He did not linger at
tificates, printing, advertis­
their ow n deal
W rite tod a v.
ing, incidentals, etc...........
ic theater Saturday n ight that has this spot and was off again on a dead
interstate Farm FTxchange, E x ­
run up the hill.
It was beginning to Cash on hand.............
ch a n ge Bank B uilding, S p ok an e, ever been p resen tel in this city. get interesting to me so I followed the
Totals.................................... $82,718.43
A ll the y ou n g ladies are m usical dog. He was now barking very loudly
W a sh in gton .
t i - 2 i - t o ’. p
a nists, and their attractiveness and and I hastened in his direction to find
During the past fiscal year there
F O R S A L E — 80 acres ol tim ber refinem ent took the hearts ol the that he had that devil (pointing to the were constructed in the National For­
largest hide) treed in a big fir.
Un­ ests 227 miles o f new road, 1,975 miles
land, price $ 2000 ; or w ould trade audience at on ce
fortunately I did not have my gun, so I o f trails, 2,124 miles o f telephone line,
for tow n property.
B L- S m a l­
W . Buffin, director of the left the dogs in charge and hurried 89 miles o f fire lines, 81 lookout struc­
ley. A ra g o, O regon .
11 14- l o l p
Port O rtord band, w ho has been back to the house, a mile away. Upon tures, 40 bridges, 222 miles o f fence,
F O R SALFJ— 200-acre stock and spending his vacation at the G us my return, needless to say, I made 545 dwellings, barns and other struc­
dairy tarm, tw o miles east 01 S ch roeder hom e at A ra g o w hich peace with that fellow in a very short tures, 17 corrals, and 202 water im­
G ravel F ord .
A p p ly to E . O
We have given the mat­
was destroyed by fire yesterda y,
Carter, ow n er, on ly .
i t 14 io tp
ter of laundering years
“ ‘ Foxey’ and I started back toward
was in tow n yesterda y.
H e says
Stomach Trouble*
the deer to look around further and
of careful study.
S H O E R E P A I R I N G — A ll kinds that the on ly things saved from the ‘ Old Grit’ started in another direction.
trouble with your stom­
have kept persistently
ol shoe repairing neatly d on e at house was a valuable violin b e lo n g ­ It was only a few minutes until his ach you should try Chamberlain’s Tab­
have been restored to
at the task to produce
reasonable prices.
P rolon g the ing to him and about $200 w orth ol loud harking drew us to where he was,
health by the use o f these tablets and
work that was free from
ide o f you r shoes.
and, to my astonishment, if he didn’ t their cost is so little, 25 cents, that it
m isic.
N O W ’ , F ront street.
to -io -t l
harsh methods. We have
have one o f those little fellows up an­ 3 worth while to give them a trial.
A rthur E llin g son is h av in g som e other tree. I killed it and thought it
Our wash­
F O R S A L E - N ew typew riter,latest m ore and larger pipes put in at the
surely was doing a land office business
W h ile in Pow ers visit
ing process has recently
m odel, with m any ne.v and at­
S cen ic theater, to lead the hot ait to have killed two panthers in one day.
been improved. Proper
trai live
G uaranteed
“ W e again went to the place where
years, price $ 5 7 5 0 , easy from the furnace recently installed,
washing is the founda­
we had found the deer carcasses. ‘ Old
T n e fur­
terms if desired— terms as low as up into the auditorium
Grit’ came with us this time and the
tion upon which is budd­
$2 50 per m on th . In qu ire at the nace is a Jim d a n d y , hut lack of
dogs became busy at once digging deer
ed the art of successful
H erald office.
10 10-tf
outlets has prevented it from d oin g out from most any place, it seemed.
Some o f them looked as if they had
tion guaranteed or mon­ ¡O L D N E W S P A P E U S - -C heap at the business as it is capable o f d oin g , been killed several days, as they were
H igh C!a-s I ailoring
Some o f these cold evenings.
ey hack.
: : : : :
, partly eaten— others had hardly been
J. L- Sm ith returned Saturday j i ouched. I followed the dogs as they
from C orva llis w here he attended would move from one carcass to an-
T h e C e le b r a t e d
Farm ers’ W eek
H e reports a very other, and suddenly ‘Old G rit’ scented
Satisfaction Guaranteed
successful session.
H e also sia tes , s °mething and was off again in a min-
Free Storage to Patrons
, I,
ute, ’ Foxey’ after him. I was lead to
that they held
a d e m o n stra te , ^
by ^
barkin(t and found that
Notice to Creditors
Drane’s Locals
P.U i-tdU agaO , 1,1
A ia lS U U ttd ,
U c UUiiUUg taCclbOU C iuacu y c S- reached home in fairly
in C oquille ou business y e s le td a y . terday on d u ck s
In the Sick Room
Nothing is more convenient for the sick room, or,
for that matter, the home in general than a
Thermos Bottle
It’s no trouble to have a hot drink at
any time of the day or night.
Pint Thermos-_____ ____________ $1.50
Corrugated Pint Thermos______
Quart Thermos_________________ 2.50
Corrugated Quart Thermos _____ 2.75
Lunch Kit Equipped with Pint
Thermos__________ . . . . .
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy
R osebu rg-M yrtle Point A u to S tage Line
Myrtle Point
7:40 a. m.
C. a. m.
6 hours Running Time
Connecting with Coquille Auto^Lines
J. L. Laird
Golden Gate 1 lb. can
Shasta Steel Cut 1 lb. can
Snits $15 to $50
Bergmann Shoe
there regard ing the totm in g ol a ! j bey bad treed the old mother cat up a
A w a rd ed G old M edal
local association under the Feiieia! hemlock. I was not long killing her
P . P . 1. E. San Francisco, 1915 Farm Loan act w hich is on e o f tile and felt sure that we had now gotten
subjects w hich w ill he taken up a' the whole fami|y o f Panthe/ a; J felt
In the matter o f the Estate
, ,
. ! fine; it was getting late and I did not
The strongest and nearest water proof t t>- C o m m e n t . 1 . , clu
b roeem i : to-
want to spend the night in a bone yard
Shoes made for Loggers, Cruisers,
JOSEPH W . COACH, Deceased. I
m orrow n igh t.
g0 ¡Parted home. We had not gone far
Notice is hereby given that the un­ Miners, Sportsmen and Workers.
dersigned, Alice A. Coach, has been
Mrs. W . S G raham a .d Mrs. A when the dogs simultaneously scented
appointed administratrix o f the estate
G .a h a m spent S u n d ay at N orth aonnethinB and w e r c 1° * a* ai" i n ‘ h*
o f J o s e p h W . Coach, deceased, and all
, ..
. ..
same direction. Shortly I heard them
creditors o f said estate are hereby noti­
Bend as guests of Mr. and Mrs A bark and knew they had „ornething
fied to present their claims to me. at
S tron g S h oes fo r B o y s
W Jones, lorm erly ot this city . treed again> but it wa9 now g0 dark I
the "fficc o f John D. Goss, In the First
Manufactured by
National Bank Building. Coos County,
T h ey also called at M ercy h o s p ita l. could not see to shoot.
I debated
Oregon, within six months from the
to see Mrs Ft D G raham , w b o un- whether to go home for a lantern and
Theodore Bergmann
date hereof. Said claims so presented
shall l>e in writing, duly itemized and
derw ent an operation last week and return’ and decided ‘ hV f
Shoe Manufacturing Co.
well clean up a good day’ s business.
verified as by law required.
621 T h urm an St
P ortla n d . O regon w b o is recoverin g rapidly and e x - Upon my relun) with the |a,.terni ,
Ask for the Bergmann Wat erproof peels 'o be able to return hom e to j {ound lhat the dogs had this other little
Date o f first publication January 2, shoe Oil.
m orrow
fellow up a fir snag. I killed him and
1917; last pub. February 6. 1917.
T H E I M A M O I D l i l t A NO.
L a d lr s t A * k y o u r O r u g g la t for A c
OlHDtond T t p a n < l/# \ \
1*111« in R e d and G o ld r n e t a ll ic V V /
| boxes, sealed with Blue RlMron.
I T a k e wo o th e r . B u y o f y o w r *
PrauHK. AsWfarC'in-Cirhn.TFll'a
D I A M O N D I I R AN I* 1*1 L I .* , for 9 6
years known as Best, Safest, Always Kelialflo
Comrade Steel Cut 1 lb. can
Comrade Steel Cut 3 lb. can
Crescent 99, per pound
Diamond F Flour
$1.90 per Sack
Lyons & Jones
"Going Up”
A. D. Andrews
Tailoring Co.
Shasta Steel Cut 3 lb. can 1.00
San Francisco
a n d Bandon
But laundry prices haue re
mained the same
Golden Gate 2 1-2 lb. can 1.00
Str. Elizabeth
Supplies are high
Machinery is high
Overhead is high
M y rtle Point
“ W h ere Y o u r Dollar Does Double Duty’’
g —m
m m m m tm m u m v m m m m m m
New Telephone Stations
Public long distance telephone stations have lately been
established at EAGLE MINE and WINCHESTER BAY.
Eagle Mine is on the Bandon-Coos Bay road, about three
miles north o f the Coquille River ferry. The Platina Y Oro
Mining Company is the agent.
Winchester Bay is the summer resort near the mouth o f the
Umpqua river, where extensive jetty construction has lately
been started. Postmaster L. S. Weeks is the agent.
Coos and Curry Telephone Co.
New Location
I have moved my meat Market from the corner of
Taylor and First street to the larger and Letter loca­
tion formerly occupied by Hard Cider Johnson. Here
I will be better able than ever to cater to the needs
of the people of Coquille in the way of all kinds of
fresh and cured meats.
Soon Over Hi* Cold
Everyone speaks well o f Chamber-
lain’ « Cough Remedy after having
used it. Mrs. George Lewis, Pittsfield,
N. Y., has this to say regarding it:
“ Last winter my little boy, five years
old, w m sick with a cold for two or
three weeks. 1 doctored him and used
various cough medicines but nothing
did him -much good until I began using
Chamberlain’ s Cough Remedy.
then improved rapidly and in a few
days was over his cold.”
Hard Cider Johnson’s Old Stand
Get the Want A d Habit