Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, December 05, 1916, Image 2

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Entered as second-class matter May 8, 1905, at the post office at
Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congrees of March 3, 1879.
Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley
particularly and of Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year, in advance.
Phone Main 381
The December Review of Reviews gives a brief ac­
count of the way in which the result of the recent election
was first reported throughout the East as a victory for
Hughes. Mr. Hughes sunk to peaceful slumber that
night with the comfortable conviction th at he had been
overwhelmingly elected, while Mr. Wilson wooed the god­
dess as a refuge from the sting of defeat. N ext morning
the great New York dailies made positive announcement
of a Hughes victory and gave various profound reasons
therefor. The foremost newspaper supporters of Mr.
Wilson were the New York World and the New York
Times. Both had conceded his defeat before midnight of
election day. All this was very reasonable. According
to the political wisdom with which the heads of the East­
ern wiseacres were loaded, when it became certain that
Hughes had carried certain of the great Eastern states on
which the result has hinged in previous elections, his vic­
tory was an established fact. They failed to reckon on
the growing power of “ the provinces,” and they failed, as
they will continue to fail, to understand the emancipation
of the people of the great West from partisan thralldom.
On Wednesday the returns began to indicate that, even
without the great bunches of electoral votes swung by
certain Eastern states, Mr. Wilson m ight be elected. And
now began a few days of juggling with figures about
which the Review of Reviews says nothing at all. To ac­
count for this, many on this coast have a theory which is
undoubtedly correct and about which the Herald can give
strong corroborative evidence.
It is argued that Wall Street had millions of money
upon Hughes and when it became apparent that Wilson
had been elected a haunting desire was felt to play even.
A chance must be given to hedge. The rank and file of
Hughes enthusiasts who were not on the inside must be
skinned, th at Wall street might save its hard-earned she­
kels. So, for a day or two, the reports were most con us­
ing. It will be remembered that a dispatch announced
that the betting on Wall street was two to one on Hughes;
th at a t one stage more votes were certain for Hughes
than for Wilson; that the California vote would be split,
etc. Yet one cold little fact makes it plain th a t this was
mostly bunk, calculated to induce the uninformed to cover
all Wilson money offered, and give Wall street a chance
to hedge. And when we say “ Wall street” we include
“ the push” throughout the country. The one congealed
fact referred to is that a confidential dispatch was receiv­
ed shortly after noon on Wednesday positively announcing
“ Wilson is elected.” This was sent by one of the big
news companies to its clients, but not released for publi­
cation. And that news company continued for a t least
24 hours longer to send out the confusing reports which
made it possible for those on the inside to get their money
back at the expense of the “ outsider.” Yet we some­
times fondly imagine that the big news companies are on
the square!
for Primary Certificate.
Friday Forenoon
Theory and Pr ctice, Orthography,
Physical Geogra) ly, English L itera­
The Herald's Special Coo» County
News Service
ture. Chemistry, 1 hysical Culture.
Friday Afternoon
Beaver Hill New»
School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil
(Herald’s Special C. C. News Service)
Saturday Forenoon
W . G . Moffitt was a Marshfield
Geometry, Botany.
business visitor Monday
Saturday Afternoon
General History, Bookkeeping.
W. W . H olm es and family lelt
lor Keedsport last week where they
Very truly yours,
will m ake their future home.
Supt. of Public Instruction.
Coos C ounty
Mrs. Paul Boyd was a caller in
Coquille F riday.
M rs. A. G . R e id e r a n d c h il d r e n
r e t u r n e d to W in c h e s te r Bay after
s p e n d i n g T h a n k s g i v i n g at the h om e
of her d a u g h t e r , Mrs. J a m e s Bar
ne tt, of th is place.
Mrs. F. O N o r m a n , of Beaver
H ill, s p e n t F rid ay in M a rshfield
D r . E . M i n g u s was
Beaver Hill F r i d a y .
a caller in
A . R u s s , a Beaver H ill r e s i d e n t ,
aw ay
W ednesday.
leaves a wife a n d l o u r c h il d r e n
c ause of d e a t h was h e art
tro u b le
H e was b u r i e d in th e O d d
F e l lo w s ’ c e m e te r y in M a rshfield
T hursday.
For Out-of-Town Folks
P e o p le liv in g o u t of t o w n w h o
c a n n o t be in C oq u ille in t h e e v e n ­
ing tnay still h a v e a c h a n c e to w i t ­
ness th e w o n d e r f u l d r a m t ‘‘T h e
B irth of a N a t i o n . ”
T h e a f te r n o o n
p e r fo r m a n c e will sta rt at 2:15 s h a r p
a n d will be c o n c l u d e d b elore 5
o ’clock
P t i c e s for t h e m a t i n e e
will be 50 c e n t s for a d u l t s a n d 25
c e n t s for c h il d r e n , w h ile t h e e v e n ­
ing prices will be $ t 00 for a d u l t s ,
w ith a few seats at 75 cents.
( P o r t O rfo rd T r i b u n e )
A petition h a s been c ir c u la te d at
G o ld Beach a s k i n g t h e
c o u n ty
c o u r t to build a trail for several
m iles u p H u n t e r s c r e e k .
A t th e
p r e se n t tim e th e s e ttle r s a lo n g t h a t
s tr e a m use t h e bed of th e c r e e k for
a r o a d , a n d d u r i n g t h e w in ter
s t o r m s th e y h a v e n o r o a d .
They mean more lo you that' any item in the paper.
A live ad is eal news. Watch this space.
New Goods J ust In
Superintendent Howard has assured
the m anager of the Scenic th a t those
pupils of the city schools who wish to
attend the afternoon performance of
“ The Birth of a Nation,” on Friday
next will be given an opportunity to do
Any pupil who brings to the
teacher a note from parent or guardian
giving consent will be excused from
school in time to attend the perform ­
ance, which commences at 2:1 •*> sharp.
‘‘The Birth of a Nation” i s n o t o n lv j
historical and educational, but it is cal­
culated to give the young people a
clearer and more correct idea of the
war and especially of the ‘‘reconstruc­
tion period” in the South than can be ,
obtained in no other way. The young
people will he given a correct impres- |
sion of conditions in the South follow- \
ing the Civil W ar th at thev will never |
- -
Fancy Cluster Raisins per lb._............. .l.ic
Fancy Cluster Raisins 10 1.). box
Seedless Sultana Raisins 2 lb s ._____
Fancy Currants 16 oz. P c k __________ 25c
Fancy Currants 12 oz. Pck.
Fancy Currants loose per 1).......... ...........25c
Dromedary Dates, per package_____ 15c
Pressed Figs per package
5c and 10c
Black Figs bulk 3 lb. __ ____________25c
Preserved Figs 16 oz. Glass___
Boiled Cider Quart Bottle ______
High Grade Mince Meat pt. 20c 2 for 35c
Fox Clam Tea per bottle
10c 3 i or 25c
Creamed Horseradish
15c 2 for 25c
Salad Oil in Bulk 1 Gal.
. 11.50
Salad Oil in Bulk 5 Gal., per Gal.
Shaker Salt 3 cans ___•________________ 25c
Morris Compound
Large Pails
Small Pails.
Liberty Wheat F lakes
Liberty Rolled Oats.
Large Package
Applies only to stock on hand.
Can’t be bought now to
sell at this price.
Prepared Mustard
Knight’s 1 3-8 nint
New stock, limited supply
Sw ift’s White Laundry Soap
Six Bars
Toilet Paper Large Roll 4 for 25c
Sugar cost price per Sack $7.75
C o m p le t e
Hill Red Can, Hill Blue Can, Folgers, Schillings, M. J. B.,
Chase & Sanborn, Crescent 09
Our Leaders: Alba in Glass jars 1 1-4 lb. 50c, Champion 1 lb. Tin 35c, Cham­
pion 3 lb. Tin $1.00, Champion 5 lb. Pail $1.50
Bulk Coffees at 25c, 30c and 35c
Busy Corner Grocery
Phone 691 and 541
Front and C Streets
S n e a k T h ie v e s
Sneak thieves have been sampling
the tobacco on the shelves a t Machon’s
billiard parlors to such an e x te n t that
it has become necessary to place glass
doors in position to protect the goods.
A few second-hand funerals among the
idlers of this little berg would clear the
atmosphere considerably.
We are
withholding prosecution of the young
man who stole a watch from this office,
as the watch did not belong to us, but
when he ge ts away with a can of T ux­
edo he is running pretty close to the
wind. The one wi.o swiped an umbrel­
la since the rain began is welcome, as
it was no good an way, but the party
who stole a bott e of our milk last
night had be tte r n t repeat the trick.
Copy.isht 1318 by
K. J . Reynolds Tobacco Co.
Slip a tew Pri ice Albert
smokes into vt>ur system!
You’ve hear l many an earfi.l about the Prince Albert
patented proce’s that cu ts out bite and parch and lets you
smoke your fill w thout a comeback I Stake
ike your bank roll tnat
it proves out ever / hour of the day.
Prince Albert has always been sold
without coupons o ’ premiums. W e
prefer to give quality ■
A lbert
smokin j a pipe or roll ing
ow that you’ve got
:co I W e tell you
g the doors wide
t on a good time
the national jo y smoke
often, w ith ou t a
reg ret! You’ll feel like your smoke past
has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot
back up fo.* a fresh start.
, obably Married,
become of Flubdub? He
t that he would never
i s collar.”
. 1 him lately with some
him around.” —Pittsburgh
You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a
thousand-dollar bill I It’s worth that in happi­
ness and contentment to you, to every man
who knows w hat can be
gotten out of a chummy
jimmy pipe or a makin’s
cig arette with
Prince Albert for
“p a c k i n g " '
“W h at lias
used to hoi
wear any m.
“I ’ve notic
lady leading
A R K U rs
ir? B A L S A M
Coquille, Ore.
caM ST SB a
When the editor of this paper writes an editorial it is
usually because he has something that he wants to get
out of his system—not because he expects it to have much
influence on his hearers, on the circulation of the paper,
or on the course of the nation’s history. Nor does he ex­
pect his readers, whether they approve or disapprove, to
tell him about it. So he was most agreeably surprised
C h a m b e r la in 's Tablets
one day last week to receive from one of Marshfield’s
leading citizens a short letter commending the “ Bar Chamberlain’s Tablets are intended
especially for stomach troubles, bilious­
Dredge” editorial in the last paper. The approval of that ness and constipation, and have met
with much success in the trea tm e nt of
sort of people for whose approval he cares the most is one those
diseases. People who have suf­
for years with stomach trouble
of the rewards th at occasionally help to relieve the grind and have
been unable to obtain any
of newspaper work. Further, when one is interested in a |iermanent relief, have been completely
cured by the use of these tablets.
m atter such as the improvement of the Coos Bay bar, Chamberlain’s Tablets arc also of g re at
value for biliousness. Chronic consti­
which is being so long held up by the beautiful expedient pation may be permanently cured by
taking Chamberlain's Tablets and ob­
of a “ bar dredge” that can never by any possibility do the serving
the plain printed directions
each bottle.
work that the government engineers are attem pting, it is
gratifying to know that there are citizens of standing and
Teachers’ Examination
influence on the Bay who are fully awake to the truth.
It gives hope that, some time, the people of Coos Bay will Notice is hereby given th at the Coun.
revolt at the delay to which they are now so tamely sub- j ty Superintendent of Coos County Ore­
gon, will hold the regular examination
mitting; will lose their fear that the all-powerful engi­ of applicants for State Certificates a t
neers will cork up the harbor if they are offended by con­ the W. O. W. Hall, as follows:
Wednesday, December
demnation of a contrivance which no intelligent engineer 20. Commencing
1916, at 9:00 o'clock a. m., and con­
would, in good faith, recommend for permanent improve­ tinuing until Saturday, December 23,
ment of a bar like that of Coos Bay; will refuse to remain 1916, a t 4:00 o ’clock p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon
longer gagged by that fear; will repudiate the reasoning
U. S. History, Writing, Penmanship,
advanced by one “ Colonel William Grimes, of Oklahoma,” Music, Drawing.
th at an appropriation of half a million for a bar dredge
Wednesday Afternoon
for Coos Bay was too big a piece of pork from the barrel Physiology, Reading, Manual Train­
Composition, Domestic Science,
to be refused, even though the dredge were a foredoomed ing,
Methods in Reading Course of Study
failure so far as improvement of the bar was concerned; for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic.
Thursday Forenoon
will join in an unanimous demand th a t the imbecile a t­
History of Education,
tempt to deepen by dredging a < hannel where the sands
Psychology, Methods in Geography
are shifted by every storm, on a scale th at makes the Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art,
summer’s work of a dredge so pitifully insignificant, be Course of Study for Domestic Art.
Thursday Afternoon
abandoned, and that work be resumed on the jetty that
Gramma?, Geography, Stenography,
has shown its efficiency from the time the first cribs were American Literature, Physics, Type­
I v lt at Marshfield and towed to Rocky Point and sunk.
writing, Methods in Language, Thesis
Special Bargains
This Week
Our Coffee Line Is Very
C . H P e a rc e c o m m e n c e d wot k
the first o( th e w e ek on L . K n a p p ' s
new b a r n
T h e w i n k will be
How to P r e v e n t Croup
r u s h e d in o r d e r to get she lte r for
In a child that is* subject to attacks
the sto c k a s q u i c k l y a s p >ssible I of croup, the first indication of the dis-
T h e b a r n will be built win re th e | ease is hoarseness. Give Chamberlain’s
J Cough Remedy as soon as the child be
old one stood, a n d in o ld e r to get 1 I comes hoarse and the a tta c k may he
good f o u n d a ti o n p ilin g is be in g warded off and all danger and anxiety
F o r e s t R a n g e r J. B C u r l w as u p
S i x e s a c o u p le ot d a y s last w eek
c la ss ify in g som e la n d in the vicinity
of D r y c ree k . H e was also lo o k in g
after som e w ir e t h a t was de p o site d
a lo u g th e r iv e r for th e p u r p o s e of
p u t t i n g in a te le p h o n e sy s te m from
W . O. C o r b i n 's to E ckley.
sy s te m w o u ld h a v e been installed
t h is last fall h a d n o t a s h i p m e n t of
f i x tu r e s from P o r t l a n d been lost in
t r a u s it . T h e w o r k will n o w be
d o n e in th e e a r l y s p r i n g , a n d w h e n
it is d o n e it will give Eckley direc t
te l e p h o n e c o m m u n i c a t h m with F o r t
O rf o r d a n d t h e rest ot C u r t v c o u n ­
ty. T o get p h o n e c o n n e c tio n w ith
E c k l e y at t h e p r e se n t tim e it i>
n e c e ssa r y to g o a r o u n d t h r o u g h
Baudot!, C o q u ille a n d M \ r t l e P oint
------------- a - -----------
! Do You Reed the Advertisements? J
School Pupils May S e e
“Birth of a Nation’’
C h a m b e rlain ’s Cough Remedy
This is not only one of the best and
most efficient medicine for coughs,
colds and croup, b u t is also pleasant
and safe to take, which is important
when medicine must be given to child­
ren. Many mothers have given it their
unqualified endorsement.
can .. ........
h im
A o , t p rep a ra tio n o f m erit.
IL’lps to e ra d ic a te dandruff, j
f o r R e s to rin g C o lo r a n d
P e a u ty to G r a y o r F a d e d H a i r J
’ ind $l.oo a t Druggists,
P r in c e
A lb e rt tid y
r e d tin , a n d in
fa c t, e v e ry P r in c e
A lb e rt p a c k a g e , h a s
n re a l m e 9 s n e e -to -y o u
This la the re v e n e
o n i ts re v e rs e sid e . Y o u ’ll
aide of the tidy
r e n d :—" P r o c e s s P a t e n t e d
J u ly 30th, 1907.” T h a t m e a n 9
t h a t t h e U n ite d S ta te s G o v e r n -
m en t h a s g ra n te d a p a te n t o n th e
p ro c e s s b y w h ic h P r in c e A lb e rt is
m a d e . A n d b y w h ic h to n g u e b ite a n d
th ro a t p a r c h a r e c u t o u t ! E v e r y ­
w h e r e to b a c c o is sold y o u 'll fin d
P r in c e A lb e rt a w a i ti n g y o u
in t o p p y r e d b a g s , 5c: t id y
r e d t in s , 10c; h a n d s o m e
p o u n d a n d h a lf-p o u n d
t i n h u m id o rs a n d in
t h a t c le v e r c r y s t a l-
g la s s h u m id o r, w i t h
sp o n g e - m o is te n e r
top, t h a t k e e p s t h e
to b a c c o in s u c h
fine c o n d itio n —
a lw a y s !
WiutoD-Salem, N. C.
Rem oves Corns, Cal­
louses, etc. ,«t'M all pain, ensures c o m fo rt to the
fee t,m a k e s w alking >"i
lfie. by m ail o r a t Drug*
uists. H iscox Chemical W orks, Patchogue. N. ¥ .
S gS k
Notice oi Final Account
NOTICE is hereby given th at W. W.
Grge, administrator of the e sta te of
Phebc Whetstone, deceased, has filed
hi. first and final account as adminis­
tra to r of said estate, with the Clerk of
the County Court for the County of
Ceos and S ta te of Oregon, and th at
Thursday, the 4th day of January,1917,
a t 10 o ’clook a. m., a t the Court House
in loquille, Coos County, Oregon, has
been appointed by Hon Jam es Watson,
Judge of said county court, as the day
and the place for the hearing of ob-
je< tions to said final account, and for
! final settlem ent thereof.
Administrator of said estate.
Dry Shiplap,
Finish, Flooring
and Rustic
T h e C elebrated
B ergmann Shoe
Awarded Gold Medal
P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1915
The strongest and nearest water-proof
Shoes made for Loggers, Cruisers,
Miners, Sportsmen and Workers.
Community Silver is the only plate
« a r e that can be engraved like
sterling, bec iu^e t has the heaviest
plate of any Silve ware in the world;
the deepest >tr< ' - of the e ngrave r's
tool »ill rot cut through the pure
silver plate.
Several Lots of Lumber at
M en’» C om fort Dress Shoe»
Special Prices
Strong Shoe» for Boy*
Manufactured by
Theodore Bergmann
Shoe Manufacturing Co.
621 T h u rm an St
P o rtlan d . O reg o n
Ask for the Bergmann
shoe O il.