T he C oquille H erald VOL. 35, NO. 12 SYNOPSIS OF MANY EVENTS News of County, State and N ational Interest Told in Brief Concise Form BR0CCÜL11SIMPOHTAM t,R0P P ortland Consum ers Boycott Excessive Prices COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1916. Estim ate Too High Touching the probable cost of the proposed bridge at this place, consider­ able estimating of a very liberal char­ acter seems to have been done at some time, and the people here have an im­ pression that the expense would be considerable in excess of $20,000. Our esteemed contemporary states that the cost of a bridge here over one at Cedar Point "might mean the expenditure of as much as $15,000.” In this connec­ tion considerable interest attaches to a newspaper clipping which W. L. Kist- ner has preset ved and which was shown the Herald man by A. J. Sherwood. It gives a view of the bridge recently completed, across the Cowlitz river at Kelso, Wash. By the figures given the bridge is 900 feet long; towers 90 feet in height; draw 100 feet; suspen­ sion span 300 feet -and cost $17,000. The half tone view of the bridge indi­ cates that the situation is very much like that of the proposed bridge at this place, and there seems no good reason why the one here should cost any more. With the effort of the Sentinel to in­ duce our people to take active steps to insure that the bridge will be built at Coquille, however, the Herald is heart­ ily in sympathy. James L. Coke of Hawaii was ap­ pointed third judge of the Circuit Court of the First Circuit of Hawaii by Presi­ dent Wilson. Football claimed fifteen lives this year, according to figures compiled by the Associated Press. Last year six­ teen were killed. In 1915, only one col­ lege player was killed. The funeral of William Kinnicutt --- --------- - who was injured in a runaway at Med­ ford Nov. 22 and who died last Monday County Roads R em ade at his home in that city, was held at and Scenery C hanged 2:30 Thursday at Myrtle Point. shortly after three o’clock Friday af­ F o r H isto ric a l R aid o f K u K lux K la n in ternoon a sneak thief entered the “ T h e B irth o f a N a tio n ” Southern Pacific freight depot in North Bend and tapped the till for its entire When David W. Griffith started the contents, about $15. No clue to the outdoor staging of the Civil War and identity of the thief has been found. Reconstruction scenes in "The Birth of The State Industrial Accident Com­ Nation,” which will be shown at the mission have awarded compensation to Scenic Friday afternoon and evening, dependents of two miners who were he was confronted with seemingly in­ victims of the recent explosion at Bea­ superable difficulties. An area of pri­ ver Hill. These were the families of vate war was required about as large Martin L. Bomar and Cyrus Ferreri. as the corner of Belgium occupied by Exclusive of the valuations of the the Anglo-French forces. Thousands public service corporations the total of cavalrymen had to be shown, in an valuation of the taxable property in historic raid of the North Carolina the state this year is $761.035,127, ac­ clans. Their run was to be many, cording to reports received hy the state many miles of typical Southern sandy tax commission. This is $51,481,512 roads. Though an acknowledged wi­ less than last year. zard of the films, Mr. Griffith is not a Secretary Daniels has awarded con­ “ war lord" with power to commandeer. In this emergency, the county au­ tracts for more than $65,000,01*0 worth of new fighting ships for the navy, in­ thorities of "The Birth of a Nation” cluding four battleships at $11,000,000 producing local were applied to. They each, two fleet submarines at about finally consented to mark off an area of $1,190,000 each, and twenty-seven coast ten square miles for the use of the submarines at from $094,000 to $098,000 horsemen. Along all the roads within this area, the county commissioners each. An echo of the holocaust at Bunker pasted notices forbidding all traffic on Hill a year ago last February, was "the day of days.” Pedestrians were found last week in a $10,000 damage also warned off. lfut the roads them­ case filed by Geo W. Craig against the selves did not look southern. David C. A. Smith Co. Craig is suing for the Griffith handled this difficulty with the loss of his son who was one of the authorities’ permission—by remaking seven victims of the boarding house such of the highways as would come within the camera’s eye. Many tons fire. Enough steel to lay 10,000 feet of of sand and gravel were spread by tracks has arrived in the yards of the gangs of his workmen. Landscape en­ Southern Pacific company at Eugene, gineering changed the look of the land­ and the work of laying the freight sid­ scape to the rounded hills, piny woods ings on either side of the main line of and deep gullies of old North State. the Coos Bay branch is well under way, The -ace of the northern clansmen to says the Register. The work of erect­ rescue their South Carolina brethren ing the roundhouse is expected to start took place on the appointed day, with­ soon. Work is progressing on the foun­ out an accident or a Paw. After it was over, M**. Griffith’s men scraped dation of the new water tank. the sand off the macadam roads, took Five hundred Portland men and wom­ down the signs, and life in the sleepy en in a mass meeting Saturday night countryside resumed its normal course. voted a two weeks’ boycott on eggs, j It cost about $25,0t)0 to do the trick— They are asking all housewives to join j the producer thinks it was worth all it them. They also authorized the ap­ cost, particularly after hearing the en­ pointment of a committee to investigate thusiastic comments of "The Birth of a the public market with the idea of as­ Nation” patrons on his work. certaining why the farmers boost the prices of their products every time the Big Tim ber Deal grocer boosts his. Following is a classification of the li- j quor affidavits signed in Coos during One of the biggest timber deals in the month of October Coos county in years, and one which Quarts may prove of far-reaching significance, No. Permits Kind .1538 is now being completed, says the Coos .769 ...... Whiskey 3321 139 Beer ...... 65 Bay Times. .... 33 ..... Alcohol The C. A. Smith Company is ex­ 21 13 Wine 14 changing its timE>er holdings in the up­ .... 7 ...... Gin, etc. 4959 per Coos River section and east of there 961 Total to the Fdlsbury and allied timber inter­ The force of men employed on the ests for their holdings in the vicinity of jetty at the mouth of the Umpqua be­ Powers. Considerably over a billion gan driving piling for the receiving feet of timber is involved in each tract. dock. Fred Earl, who was employed The deal is said to be practically com­ by the railroad company for over two pleted, but none of the officials of the years as engineer on their piledriver in companies involved are now on the Bay, building bridges across the Umpqua so no information could be obtained River and Coos Bay, has the position of about it. engineer on the jetty driver. The The exchange of the timber itself is work is beginning to take shape, the part of the plan that was announced by past days of fine weather helping con­ Mr. Chaney in The Times a few months siderably, enabling the contractors to ago when he gave out the details of se­ get the living houses and accommoda­ gregating the Smith holdings and sell­ tions for the men who are to work on ing off timber and lands not essential the jetty in good condition.—Gardiner to the Coos Bay mills and industries of Courier. the oompany. Two carloads of crate materials for He said then that an effort would be shipping broccoli were ordered at the made to concentrate the logging opera­ meeting of the South Umpqua Associa­ tions in the vicinity of Powers and it is tion at Riddle last week, and in addi­ understood that the deal gives the tion enough more have been ordered to Smith Company practically solid hold­ make a total of more than 15,000 crates, ings in that district, thereby facilitat­ which will hold not less than 30 carlbads ing and reducing the expense of log­ of crated product. The broccoli in this ging operations. part of the country on the whole is making a very satisfactory showing at R em em ber th e M atinee this time. The season for this crop has not been so propitious as last year on All who wish to s r r " T h e Birth account of the long drought during the early fall, and the exceptionally cold ot a N a tio n ” at the Scenic Friday, weather that has been experienced at who can attend in the afternoon, this season, but present conditions are should do so. N ot only will they very good for the successful growth of s a v e hall of their money, bu t they broccoli. The shipments from Riddle this winter will bring in the neighbor­ will leave mo»e room for these who T h e p e r­ hood of $18,000 to $20,000 into this sec- come in the ev en ing formance will be exactly the same STORM FATAL TO SAILOR O scar Johnson, Sailor on S.S. Newberg, W ashed O ver­ board in Blow MANY TELEPHONE LINES DOWN Plate Glass W indow s Broken In B andon The storm that visited this part of the country Saturday night is said to be one of the hardest ever experienced here. From the various reports that have come in the blow seems to have been general on the Washington and Oregon coast and is said to have shifted south on Sunday. One death, that of Oscar Johnson, a sailor on the steam schooner Newburg, which put into Coos Bay Sunday, is re­ ported as a result of the storm. The Newburg was from San Fran­ cisco and coming north In ballast. The storm sprung up about 11:30 Saturday night, while the vessel was off Coos Bay, and it was in trying to save the lifeboats from the storm that Johnson was lost. No one saw the accident. Considerable damage was done to the boat and she came into the bay for re­ pairs. The Coos and Curry Telephone com­ pany were the heaviest sufferers as far as the destruction of property was con­ cerned. Every line connecting Coquille with other towns went down during Saturday night and until r early noon Sunday Coquille was isolated, and had no communication with county or out­ side towns. Reports from the Bay in­ dicate that the damage to the telephone lines there was as bad or worse than here. At Bandon the show windows of the business houses seemed to get the worst of it, three large ones being broken by the terrific wind. At Myrtle Point it is reported that some houses that were in the course of construction were blown down. Coquille suffered no damage as far as is known although the wind here Sun- d *y morning was blowing a gale. The story of the storm at sea as re­ lated by Captain Masten of the New­ burg, is given by the Coos Bay Times as follows: A stiff breeze had prevailed through­ out Saturday afternoon and evening, but nothing worse than is to be expect­ ed off the coast at this time of the year. However, a rapidly falling glass caused some anxiety and after dark­ ness set in, the breeze freshened con­ siderably, until by 9 p. m. it had reach­ ed the proportions of a gale. But the worst was yet to come, and at 10 o’clock Captain Masten realized he was in for a storm which would tax his skill as a navigator to the utmost. The gale was from the southeast, and he estimates that its speed was nearly 90 miles an hour between 10 p. m. and midnight. All hands were ordered on deck and each was allotted his task in an effort to make everything fast be­ fore the course of the Newburg was changed when the big seas would be abeam. Among several seamen ordered to secure the bouts and other gear was Oscar Johnson, aged thirty, a Finn, who was shipped on llie Newburg at fsan Francisco for this trip to Coos Hay, where the vessel was to load lumber at the Smith mill. Owing to the heavy wind and the great volume of spray which continually swept the vessel, every man had to look out for himself, and consequently had very little oppor­ tunity to ascertain how it went with his neighbor. Several big green seas struck the vessel and one of the boats was badly damaged, while another was stove in. As the Newburg was practically in ballast she made heavier going of the storm than might have been the case if she had carried cargo, and when a big sea struck her amidships, one of her guards was badly sprung, while the deck was continually awash as one wave followed another theentire length of the vessel. M odern W a r Cost G reat war approximate f.lu.ulO.OOO.OOO. The difference of $12,OKI,000,000 between these borrowings and the war’s cost consists partly in additional taxes, but chiefly in inflation of currency and in temporary advances. England, as hanker for the entente, has borrowed more than the war has cost it, but a goodly share of its borrowing has financed Russia and several of the small nations. It defrays a larger part of Us expense for war from taxes than any other country does. Germany appears to have u deficit of more than $2,000,000,000, but the loans and circulation of its national bank have increased nearly twice that amount, suggesting one source from which the deficit may be retrieved. Austria-Hungary apparently is $2,400,- 000,000 in debt permanently for the war, but very little is known about Us provisional system of finance. Russia lags furthest behind in permanent pro­ vision for its costs of war, the reported loans and the estimated expenditures for war diverging by $3,000,000,000. The war’s daily cost reached a max­ imum months ago and has since re­ mained stationary, except that Italy re­ ports a considerable decrease. It ap­ proximates $104,600,000 daily and costs the entente about twice as much as it costs the Teutonic powers and their allies. The national debts of the bel­ ligerents have grown from $27,000,000,- 000 to $77,500,000,000. Can they ever be paid?—Spokesman-Review. » -• - * Lim ited Derailed The Coos Bay Limited, south bound, was derailed between here and Myrtle Point Wednesday night when it ran on­ to a cow sleeping on the track. The ac­ cident occurred near the rock quarry. The engine and the baggage car were derailed and the engine turned nearly crosswise on the track. The accident did not cause any injury to the passengers who for an instant were somewhat fright­ ened at the terrific squeaking of the brakes and the sudden jerky stop that was made. W. Taylor Jones, the superintendent at Marshfield immedi­ ately dispatched a work train with a number of men to clear the track. He also ordered automobiles from Myrtle Point to take the passengers on to that city, which was done with very little delay or discomfort. The crew worked all night getting the train back on the track, and repair­ ing the small amrunt of damage done to the equipment. This delayed the train about three hours on its north bound trip. This is the first accident that has happened, even during the operation when the road was under construction, traffiic was kept going without acci­ dent. H ere, Too S. Taylor Jones, superintendent of the local Southern Pacific line, was at the local station a few minutes Mon­ day, says the Myrtle Point Enterprise. In response to the statement from the editor that the people of Myrtle Point and the Myrtle Point Section would like very much to see the com­ pany arrange their schedule so that No. 502 would arrive at thii place at 5:30 instead of 7:40 as is the case at present, Mr. Jones stated that there is now a move on looking toward having the train lervt Portland earlier in the morning, as well as to extend the run to Powers, but how soon the change will be affected he was not in a posi­ tion to say at this time Mr. Jones states that he will be pleased when a new depot is constructed at this sta­ tion. Here, too, Pete. R eserved S eat Sale In compliance with the demand which seems to exist, reserved seats for the evening performance of “The Birth of a Nation” have been placed on sale. There will be no reserved seats for the matinee in the afternoon, but seats for the evening performance may be se­ cured at the Herald office until 6 p. m. Friday without extra charge. The the four front rows of seats down stairs have been placed at 75 cents for adults. All others will be $1.00. Chil­ dren under 13 occupying seats will pay full price for the $1.00 seats, and 25 cents for the front rows. Matinee pri­ ces will be 25c for children, 50c for adults. ------- Collier ------ ----- M anw aring ♦ «» « James Collier, formerly of Coquille, The war's cost to the belligerents and who now lives at Marshfield, and confounds human capacities for com­ Miss Hazel Manwaring, of Langlois, prehension. The imagination reaches were married at the M. E. Church out in efforts to apprehend the statisti­ South parsonage Thursday by Rev. H. cians’ figures of $62,000,000,000, but the M. Law. Mr. and Mrs. Collier left understanding has no terms of com­ Saturday for Marshfield where they ex­ parison in which to state and realize pect to reside in the future. these stupendous and almost unthink­ Mr. Collier, who lived in Coquille for able figures. To say that 28 months of many years, is at present employed by this war have cost nearly ten times as the Southern Pacific on construction much as 22 years of Napoleon’s wars work. helps but little. The sums and compu­ Miss Manwaring has frequently vis- tations mean about as much—and little 1 ¡ted Coquille and is well known here. —as the light years used by the as­ j She came here Wednesday from San tronomers to expreos the distance of Franciico where she had been visiting. the uttermost stars and the time their light takes to reach us. Two cases of infantile paralysis have The Wall Street Journal reports that been discovered n e a r Roseburg b y national loans directly owing to the i Health Officer A. N. Roberg. RURAL SCHOOLS PROGRESSIVE PER YEAR $1.50 Coosonian D ance a Success u ff en g in eer “ The second Coosonian dance which was held Than sgiving night at the Heazlet hall was a success in every way. About fifty couples were on the floor and a great proportion of them stayed until the dance broke up at one o’clock. Music was furnished by the Gage or­ Provide Funds M ore G en er­ chestra. $40.75 was the total receipts S. E. H enderson Resign Posi­ from the dance. ously th an Ever B efore tion to Take up Mining One notable feature of the dance was for School Purposes in Joplin, Missouri that while the dance was given by the Coosonians, a very small percentage of the total number of the members of that order were present. TO CO EAST OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST CITY BUYS 500 FEET OF HOSE Will Not Sue Coach E state County S u p erin ten d en t Tells R outine W ork Disposed of “There’s absolutely no truth to it,” of School Activities Last Night said At*y. Claude H. Giles, when ask­ The reports of special tax levies by the different school districts of the county which have just been received by County Superintendent Raymond E. Baker show, according to him, that the districts are providing more liberally than ever before for their schools. School districts that have heretofore been backward to a marked degree are now going forward with special levies and those that have been voting them before are increasing them. Mr. Baker slates that about two- thirds of the census reports of the coun­ ty have been received by him and that the indications are that there will be a slight increase in the number of child­ ren of school age over last year. Co­ quille was the first city in the county to get its report in. The superintend­ ent has thirty days in which to check over the reports and as yet no definite figures on the county as a whole are available. The Coos River consolidated district will hold the dedication exercises for their new building, December 16. State Superintendent Churchill has been ask­ ed to give an address at that time. The district asked Mr. Baker to act in this capacity, but the latter recom­ mended Mr. Churchill. Boats will run from Marshfield for the convenience of any visitors who may wish to attend the exercises. Two more schools—East Side and Ro­ land Prairie have inauguiated the Lot lunch system. The Norway school had this system last year and were so well pleased with the results that they are continuing it again this year. MisB May Lund, teacher at the Norway school, was in town Saturday purchas­ ing supplies to be used by the students in the preparation of the mid-day meal. The work of preparing the food is all done by the teacher and the older pu­ pils. However, it is not allowed to in­ terfere with their school work. E. L. Strader, chairman, and J. L. Stittt, clerk of district No. 86 located on upper Two Mile, were in town Sat­ urday signing the bonds and coupons of the $1800 bond issue voted by the peo­ ple of that district last fall. It is ex­ pected that work will start at once on the one room building for which the bonds were voted. Last year 116 country boys and girls of Coos county attended standard high schools in the various towns, according to Mr. Baker. The indications are that there will be about 160 pupils this year who will go out of their own district to have the advantage of the standard schools. There were also seven pupils from Curry and Douglas counties who attended school in Coos last year, while none from her« attended school in these counties. Teachers’ examinations will be held at the W. O. W. hall December 20 to 28 and eighth grade examinations will be held throughout the county January 18 and 19. ed concerning the a^eged report that Mrs. G. T. Treadgold was contemplat­ ing suit against the Coach estate for damages as a result of the death of her husband, the late attorney, at the hands of Joe Coach. “The report is evidently the child of an over-produc­ tive imagination,” he concluded. Mrs. Treadgold affirmed the statement of her attorney. Blind S tudent Invents Psychology “Lab.” Device Blindness is a fearful affliction, but that it need not cut off entirely the usefulness of the victim has been dem­ onstrated by Thomas Cutsforth, of Riddle, Or., who has completed an ap­ paratus for testing the comparative ability of the blind to learn. Mr. Cuts­ forth is one of two blind students at the State University. By using Mr. Cutforth’s device, an instructor may determine what method of presenting study material is best suited to the individual blind student. The apparatus is a box four inches wide, eight inches long and four inches deep. Under the movable top, a belt of canvas run, under two rollers, one at each end. By turning a handle on the outside of the box, the canvas can e made to revolve. Around the rollers and on top of the canvas, is fastened a strip of paper on which are words in the dots of the alphabet for the blind. In the top of the box is an opening one by two and one-half inches, with slant­ ing edges. Through this opening a section of the paper is exposed. In feeling the print through the aperture as th« handle is turned, the fingers of the student rest on a crosspiece thet gives the paper a solid background. Words can thus be presented at vary­ ing speeds. Tests are given to deter­ mine how quickly the subject can ac­ quire a lesson from the sense of touch only; then a test to see if the speed is increased when the instructor speaks the words while the student is feeling the impression on the paper; then a combination of paper, instructor's prompting, and repetition by the stu­ dent after the instructor. "The box makes possible experiments to show the idiosyncrasies of any blind learner,” said Dr. R. H. Wheeler, in­ structor in psychology. “This is not the only contribution of Mr. Cutsforth. He has discovered illusions of the blind and has done research work in dreams of the blind, ilia is, indeed, some of the best work that has been done in this phase of psychology.” Leslie Blades, of San Dimas, Cal., the other blind student, has submitted a thesis on the problem of the best ways to present study material to the blind. The work of the two men in this de­ partment is ultimately to be published. Saw the Big P icture S. E. Henderson, city engineer, ten­ dered his resignation to the city coun­ cil at its regular meeting last night. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson intend to leave tomorrow or next day for Joplin, Missouri, where he is interested in zinc mining. It is understood that the peo­ ple he is associated with there have extensive holdings in zinc properties. A great deal of street improvement has been done under the supervision of Mr. Henderson here during the last year and without exception the work has been performed in a satisfactory manner as was shown by the action of the council last night. Councilman M. O. Hawkins was appointed a committee of one to draft a resolution, in behalf of the council, expressing their regret at the departure of Mr. Henderson and setting forth the satisfactory manner in which be has always performed his duties as city engineer, and the confi­ dence and trust which the council re­ posed in him. The council authorized the Fire Com­ mittee to order 500 feet of three-inch fire hose from the American Rubber Manufacturing company, of California, at a contract price of one dollar per foot. The fire department at present has on hand 900 feet of hose that is suitable for use in case of fire and this was deemed insufficient. The new hose will increase the total to 1400 feet. A motion to pay Moon & Gidley in­ terest money on a warrant held by them but which had not been presented to the recorder for his signature of “ Not paid for lack of funds,” failed to carry. The recorder was instructed to pro­ ceed with the collection of delinquent assessments due for the improvement of Third and Henry streets upon the property assessed to Rosa Ashton. The Finance committee reported the finding of the monthly reports of the recorder and treasurer correct. The regular monthly bills were ordered paid. The entire council was present at last night’s meeting, us well as the re­ corder, city engineer, city attorney and marshal. Price R em arkably Low If any one in Coquille is under the impression that the prices for “The Birth of a Nation” are high, he is earn­ estly exhorted to “come out of it.” The fact is that prices asked on this tour of Coos county are really surpris­ ingly low, considering the small field and the expense of bringing the attrac­ tion here. Some of our people have seen the picture elsewhere and we have heard of no one who has seen it for less than 75 cents, at a matinee. One per­ son mentions paying $1.00 for a spat in the fifth gallery of a Los Angeles thea­ ter. The Scenic manager gets so small a [«rcentage of the receipts that it is no object for him to deceive his pa­ trons. But he is presenting absolutely the greatest production ever attempted in the line of dramatic, spectacular, historical and educational entertain­ ment; he wants every person to under­ stand what an opportunity is presented, that no one may fail to grasp it and then to feel regret when it is too late. Mrs. H. O. Anderson, while away last summer, saw “The Birth of a Nation” at Medford, She traveled twelve miles School C hildren Aid to see it, and was amply repaid for the expense and trouble. She says that the The children of 1400 rural Oregon audience was completely carried away schools have been using lessons on the by the superb drama. At times the fight against tuberculosis as texts in people rose to their feet to applaud; their class work during the past year. they shouted; they laughed and cried; The lessons were furnished free by the they could find no way of adequately Oregon Association for the Prevention expressing the emotions aroused. Mrs. Port Com m issioner Resigns of Tuberculosis as a part of it* work. Anderson paid $1.00 for a seat (not re­ Now they are organizing to help the served) at the matinee. Reserved seats At the regular monthly meeting of Red Cross Heal sale of the Association in the evening were $2.50. the commission of the Port of Bandon, so that this method of disseminating information may be continued and the R estaurant Changes H ands here Saturday, Archie McNair tendered his resignation. While no definite ac­ association be strengthened in its cam­ tion was taken in the matter it is un­ paign to exterminate the dread disease The Skineer Restaurant, on Front derstood that the position will be offer­ in this state. Street, has bc.m sold by Mr. Skinner ed to O. A. Troubridge, of Bandon. Acting under the formal approval to Mrs. C. Hunt, the deal being com­ This was the last meeting of the old and permission of the Board of School pleted last Tuesday and the change be­ commission and next month when they Directors, the children of 52 Portland ing made at once. Mrs. Hunt, whose meet in Bandon the newly elected com­ schools will also join in the big move­ husband is employed at Cedar Point, has missioners will take their office. The ment. been waiting table at the restaurant only change that will be made in the Last year the children secured $775.- for some time past. Mr. and Mrs. personnel, however, will be that Wm. 71 from the sale of Red Cross Seals. It Hunt came here from Bandon some Lyons, of this place, will succeed E. E. is expected that more than $1000 will Johnson, whose term expires. The result from their enthusiastic work this months ago. Mr. Skinner left the last of the week other members of the commission . Their effort will be made prin­ for Coburg, near Eugene, where he ex­ whose time was up were reelected. cipally during "Tuberculosis Week.” pect« to go to work in the mill. The other members are: T. P. Han­ This comes December 3 to 10, reach­ ---------------------------- ley, A. H. Rosa, and J. E. Norton. ing a climax with “Tuberculosis Sun­ The steam shovel crew of the South- day,” December 10, when every pulpit ! ern Pacific Company at Natron, where in the state is asked to join the cam j it has been at work for the past sever* paign by recounting progress and re­ al months getting out gravel for bal- A N A T I O N ’S H I S T O R Y . peating the warnings against the dis­ { last on the Coos Bay branch, will be | moved at once to Wendson, between ease. T h e re ie n o th in g th e t eolidifiee The Association has sent a letter di­ Mspleton and Cushman, where a large end s tre n g th e n « e nation liko ! rect to the children of each school. It quantity of rock will ba taken out of ro ad ing the n a tio n ’« o w n h ietory, the quarries for the purpose of rip rsp- tells them how to proceed. It tells iing the track extending along the w h o th o r th a t h ie to ry )a recorded them why the work is so much worth akes between the Siuslaw and Coos in booke o r om bodiod in cue- \ Bay. Within a few weeks, most of tom e, in s titu tio n s end m o n u ­ while. the Southern Pacific construction of­ • *— m ents.— Josep h A nd erso n. ficials will leave the work, their job Have you paid the Printer? 1 being done. f