THE COQUILLE HERALD PU B LISH ED EVERY TUESDAY Ancient Numbt r of Co­ quille Hervid Interesting I ♦ FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNFR J. H. James recently brought in an old copy of the Herald, which he had at st office I Entered as second-class matter May 8, 1905, at the run across w hile pre-taring to move. It Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congrees of Marcl 3, 1879. COOSONIANS BANQUET is dated July 30, 1889, and was the con­ One of the most enjoyable social cluding number of Volume 7. J. A. & events of the season was the banquet D. F. Dean were editors and proprie­ C. L E V A R , LESSEE A N D E D IT O R and dance given by the Coosonian tors, the paper having been started sev­ R O Y M. A V E R Y . BUSINFSS M A N A G E R Marching club a t the W. O. W. hall en years before by the former, who Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille Valley Saturday evening. A large number of then entered on the subscription list the guests and marchers were present and names of every one he knew or could particularly and of Coos County generally. throughout the entire evening there hear of in the county. Some of these was not a moment which was not fully names are still on the list, and some of Phone Main 381 occupied. Mince Meat in bulk, per pound_______________ 20c, 2 for 35c them have never paid anything for the Subscription, $1.50 per year, in advance. The invitations gave the time as nine paper and perhaps never intend to. Fig Preserves 16 oz. jars____________________ 25c, 2 for 45c o'clock, and as soon as the guests were It is a most interesting publication to Silver Thistle Ripe 01 ves large fancy—Pint cans------ _*-------- 20c assembled the doors of the dining room look over for any o.»e who has lived in NEPTUNE VS. BAR DREDGE were opened and they took their placas the county since that time. In the lo­ Silver Thistle Ripe Of ves large fancy—in bulk, pint 20c the table which was loaded in such a cal news occur many names of people The Bay papers report that the Coos Bay bar shoaled at Queen Olives Royal Mason Jar _________________________ 35c manner th at it went a long way to­ who have since passed away and almost six feet during a recent storm. It is so seldom that the ward making Coosonian banquets fa­ out of memory. The advertising col­ Queen Olives per Bottle_____________________ 25c, 20c, 15c, 10c editor of the Herald has a chance to say “ I told you so,” mous. In its proper place of honor was umns are particularly interesting, and Stuffed Olives per B o t t le ___________________ __ 25c, 20c, 15c the roast pig, the prize from the greas­ practically every person at that time in (except in "he case of presidential elections and that sort ed pig contest ac the corn show, and a business advertised in the ‘‘Coquille of thing) that he will now proceed to point out that he great variety of other eatables also City H erald.” Only a very few are still in business, but this must not be has repeatedly called attention to the fact that a sud­ graced the long tables. J . E. Norton, acting as toast master, taken as necessarily indicating fatal den shoaling of the bar by the action of a heavy surf,com­ called upon several prominent guests results to those who advertise in this ing from a certain direction, is one of those things which and Coosonians, who responded in a paper. It rather indicates that people in keeping with that which pre­ then h«d a better appreciation of the make the scheme of a bar dredge so utterly wild and spirit benefits of a well supported home vailed throughout the evening. senseless. The reports of the work done by the bar Retiring to the lodge room, those paper. The largest ad was that of “ Lyons’ Del Monte brand No. 2 1-2 c a n s.-_____ ______________ 2 for 25c dredge this summer tell how many thousands of tons of present listened to a splendid program Store,” and it is interesting to note consisting of a vocal solo by Miss Edith Wellman brand No. 3 cans________________________________ 15c sand have been sucked up from the bar and dumped out Willey, accompanied by her brother that all the type in which it was set is Del Monte and Anchor brand, Gallons per c a n _____________ 35c at sea—or is it millions of tons? It makes no difference Chas. Willey; a baritone solo played by still in the office and doing duty in dodgers and other rough printing. An­ Those large Fancy Home Grown Cranberries, per quart. 15c now whether thousands or millions. The first storm from Tracy Leach, accompanied by Jack other name still identified with mer­ Leach; a clog dance by E. Ellwood; Head Lettuce, Celery, Sweet Potatoes, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Ba­ chandising here is seen in the ad. of N. a certain point of the copmass has filled up the hole and reading by Miss Bonnie Smith, and a Lorenz, who carried a general mer­ nanas, Oranges, Grape Fruit. obliterated every trace of the work done by the Michie. selection by the band. Each of the chandise stock, “ especially clothing.” numbers received a vigorous encore The same result would have been seen had the dredge dug and were very much enjoyed. Jno. Kronenberg & Son had a hardware Store will close at 1 P. M. Thursday. One delivery in the forenoon. a channel a hundred feet deep; it would have been filled The remainder of the evening was store; Miss Ida Kronenberg and Bee Harper a confectionery; Mrs. C. W. up again. But for the tidal basin of Coos Bay which must given over to dancing, the music being Olive was running the Olive Hotel, T. furnished by the band. Machado the Robinson House, and O. be filled and emptied twice in each twenty-four hours, not D. Elliott the Leland hotel and restau­ only would the channel have been obliterated but a nice rant. The “ Pioneer Stage Line” was JOHN EVERETT SMILED high sand beach would have been thrown up from the operating between here and U tter City, Front and C Streets Phone 691 and 541 The lady teachers of the Coquille Coquille, Ore. north spit to Coos Head, and the Record and Times would schools gave a baby shower for John where it connected with steamers for all points on Coos Bay. Johnson & have found themselves being published on the shores of Everett, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dunham were the proprietors. Sher­ 0 4 John Gary Saturday afternoon. The an inland lake. If this result had not been accomplished following teachers were present; Mes- wood & Sanford were in the real estate business and “ prepared to attend to by the first storm it would have followed with the second. dames Chase, Abner and Dungey, and sales in person.” A. J. Sherwood also the Misses Newell, Bay, Faw cett, Mi- Then perhaps some of Coos Bay’s leading citizens who are had his card as an attorney, as did nard, Spencer, Kennedy, Phillips, An­ W alter Sinclair. O th e r attorneys afraid of “offending” the government engineers by con­ derson and Allen. The Herald’s Special Coos County carrying cards were John F. Hall, J. News Service demning the idiotic project recommended by one Colonel In speaking of the affair Mr. Gary M. Siglin, Jno. A. Grev, Shedden F. Roessler and carried out by his successors without protest, said, and repeated with emphasis, that Wilson, T. G. Owen and .1. W. Bennett, the feature event was the action of all in Marshfield and all but the first East Fork Items from esprit du corps, would have awakened to the fact John Everett, J r .—he smiled. named now deceas.-d; D. I,. Watson an­ * • * that old Neptune cares as little for anybody’s pet project nounced his reside ice as Empire City, and the name of S. H. Hazard who (Herald’s Special C. C. News Service) is t-rtiurns rtnttTUTttttr as Lord Douglas did for a holy man. There is just one MRS. FOLSOM EN TERTA INS The past matrons of the Eastern Star was also in Empire, seems to be the T h e wedding th at took place in thing that will prevent the surf from filling up a channel, lodge were entertained at a luncheon only one missing. Other cards carried Brewster Valley, S u n d ay , Nov. iq no matter how deep and wide, and that is a powerful cur­ given by Mrs. Burt Folsom Friday. were those of O. F,. Smith, dentist, at at 7 p. m when E a tl Edicott end U P P O S E th a t tomorrow you see a chance Marshfield who took a devilish satisfac­ v/here by investing $500 or $1,000 in a busi­ rent of water passing through and forcing its own way, Those present were: Mesdames J. S. tion in inflicting unnecessary pain on E va Laird were matried, was the Lawrence, Henry Lorenz, J. C. Slagle, ness venture you can double your money. cutting the sand and carrying it to some point where the Will Lyons, J. A. Laird, D. D. Pierce, anyone he did not like; McMillan Bros., great event in that valley Mr. and . ire y o u-ready for th a t opportunity? If current slackens and the sand can sink and settle. This Chas. Barrows, A. J. Sherwood. Chas. photographer, M b shfield; J. H. Upton, Mrs, J . D. L aird the parents of the you are not, the man with the ready check Jim Laird, Fred Slagle and Burt councelor and notary, Denmark. .1. H. ( ride did not shy on m ak in g it an "book is. He always carries a goodly balance force will again deepen the channel that has been shoaled Kime. Folsom. A most pleasant time is re ­ Nosier announced himself a notary, occasion for jo y and feasting. Fif­ in bank waiting for the opportunities which here, and T. A. Walker was a house by a storm at Coos Bay, if the jetty is not too far gone to ported. daily present themselves in the business world. ty-four guests were present Not and sign painter; Chas. A. Harrington • • ft This is an age of quick action. Real estate and busi­ confine and direct the current—and the dredge Michie can did hauling and freighting, and we are only the guests present, hut all ness deals are consummated within the hour. Your J . G. W. CLUB ENTERTAINED lie in the upper bay and wait for another chance to do the wondering if that is where he learned those who know the bride and credit in the community may be excellent. You may only effective work she has ever done, by giving assistance The members of the J. G. W. Club to make the best hotcakes that ever groom wish them bon voyage in be able, if given a little time, to borrow enough money were entertained at the home of Mrs. graced the breakfast table of a public to put through a deal. B ut the man with the ready in fighting fire in Marshfield or North Bend. Coquille is Fay Jones Tuesday evening. The house eating house. F. Mark advertised a the great adventure cash, the man with the cheek book, will get the p refer­ Bittger Laird ai d family came in deeply interested in this matter, if she only knew it, for was prettily decorated, green and dark furniture store in Marshfield. Mrs. A. ence. red chrysanthemums being used in the G. Aiken had a millinery store here and from Roseburg, Joe Laird and fam­ the deepening of the Coos Bay bar is a necessary prelimin­ color scheme in the parlor and yellow J. J . Wilson was the watchmaker and B E R EA D Y W IT H A C H E C K BOOK TO G R A S P ily were up from Myrtle Point, Wm. ary to the development that will place one of the world’s chrysanthemums in the dining room. jeweler. Miss Lora Leach did sewing Pettys from Coquille. Iv an Laird AN O P P O R T U N IT Y . and dressmaking. Dr. Sponogle was important seaports at our doors. However, the Coos Bay Those present were: Mesdames Lamb, Lyons, J. C. Slagle, located here, also J. C. Stockman, M. took Mr. and Mrs. E ndicott lo people seem to be buffaloed by the argument that if they Fred Slagle, Henry Lorenz, Hartson, D., and Dr. T. A. W inter gave his lo­ Marsltfield that n ip h t on their way fail to endorse and lie about the dredge the engineers will Ed Lorenz, Folsom, Howard, Geo. Lo­ cation as Myrtle Point. The “ New A 1 to the honeymoon. Skeels, Gould, Davenport, Law­ Schooner Parkersburg” offered to de­ Mr. and Mrs. Stew art, of Myrtle be offended and will not recommend the jetty project— renz, rence, Fuhrman, Johnson, Hawkins, liver freight at the following rates: & Point, have been working the East the only thing that can do any good. One can imagine Endicott, Wilson, Low, Osmondson, Flour $4 per ton, salt, iron, nails and F o rk as far as the limits of Brewster Leach, McKenna, Harlocker, Sanford, coal $3.50, other freight $5 per ton; the effect on Congress when an appropriation for jetty Butler, Henderson, Schroeder, Knowl- it was not then considered neces­ valley, selling fruit trees for the work is asked for and the spoil is made that the bar ton, True, ary, Sterling, and Barton! and sary to say that she ran to San Fran­ Oregon Nursery. Mr. S tew art is dredge, recommended by the engineers, built at an ex the Misses Frizeen, Williams, Asplund, cisco, as Portland had not yet heard of the ex-post master of Myrtle Point Myren, Mayme Levier, Fern Levier, the county which was being developed pense of half a million and operated at an expense of $50, Clare He is something of a standpatter Sherwood, and Jamison. by San Francisco capital. George and it Is am usem ent and education ft ft ft 000 a year, is a complete success and is doing all that was (Lord) Bennett announced the Bandon to hear him tell how the democrats Beach Estate, for sale in lots to suit expected of her, is able to deepen the channel as much as POPULAR COOS GIRL WEDS purchasers, and after enumerating the got his “ g o at,” and how b e g o t the required and to keep it deepened, yet we want a million (H erald’s Special C. C. News Service) attractions of the location he adds that long eared jackass in the shape ol dollars or so for jetties because—oh, just because. We’ll Miss Zella Summerlin, one of Coos “ when connected by rail, as we hope it an “ inspector” who put the job up county’s most popular young ladies, soon will be, with the inland railways, ” get it—in the neck. on him. slipped quite a surprise over on her it will be a great summer resort. There are many other recollections of F red Baker is quite sick with many friends a few weeks ago by going It is indeed comforting to observe that so many of the quietly to Coquille where she met her former days that will be called to the quinsy. sweetheart, H erbert Ballin, of mind of any old resident by a perusal, A republican nomination docs country’s great leaders who were prophesying such dire old Portland, and was ved to him, on the of this old paper, which is not so far | disaster a month ago, if Wilson were to be elected, can quiet, so they thought, but as is ever behind those of the present day as one not alw ays mean an election in Coos county. now see all kinds of signs of coming of prosperity. Even the case, a little bird heard about it, might expect. and not long after the wedding vows Mrs F orem an surely polled the in spite of the dire Democratic tariff, that had permanent­ had been taken, the news was spread­ How to Attract the Birds votes R. A E A ST O N . ly ruined the lumber business on this coast, that industry ing like wildfire throughout the country, --------- ---- - the little ruse so carefully planned, Lovers of birds in the northwestern is experiencing such a boom as it has seldom enjoyed, and so Beaver Hill News failed, like so many other things, to be portion of the United States who wish our little local mill has just secured a contract that will a secret. to attract the feathered wild creatures To say this was a surprise, is ex­ to live and nest about their homes may (Herald’s Special C. C. News Service) keep it grinding at full time for a year to come. pressing it mildly. No one, not even receive valuable suggestions as to me­ Will K ohn, m anager of the Bea­ the parents of either party, had the thods of protection, feeding and the [ ver Hill store was a Marshfield vis ings, goods and clothing, you have in slightest suspicion of the intentions of provision of nesting places from Farm ­ One Thousand Hands ers' Bulletin 760, recently published by itor last week. all $2,428,350 turned into the town in these scheming lovers. Mr. and Mrs. T om Harrison are one year through the coming of one The bride is employed as teacher in the U. S. Department of Agriculture. An ínteres ing and accurate calcula­ great industry. In conclusion one may the Dora school, while the groom is em­ The publication relates to Washington, h ic k after spending a week in tion has been made of what an industry again note the prodigious results which ployed in his father’s office. The bride Oregon, Idaho, northern California, Marshfield with relatives employing 1000 hands means to a com­ are effected by the presence in Canada is the pretty and accomplished daugh­ and the western half of Montana, and munity. of some 485,000 artisans. In round fig­ ter of Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Summerlin, is the second of a series of bulletins 1 School Supervisor G olden visited It increases the population Py 5000 ures these men would mean at least of Tillamook, but has always made her suggesting methods of attracting birds the Beaver Hill school Friday. consumers. ♦ 1,056,322,260 to the Dominion. home with her grandmother, Mrs. L. in various sections of the country. Mrs. L. McLay was at Marsh­ It adds $90,000 to the value of public An industry employing 1000 hands L. Harmon, of Lee. She is very popu­ field this week on business. utilities. may be regarded as a large one, but lar among the social circles of the Some Talking The assessment is increased by $600,- the same percentage of results would county. The groom is the son of F. A. Jo h n Barnett, of H cnryville, is Under New Management 000. follow in larger or smaller plants, so Ballin, President of the Ballin Boiler visiting at Beaver Hiil with rela­ It pays u t annually in salaries and that one can easily begin to reckon for Co. of Portland. Figures obtained in the Government Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose wages $559,800. Printing Office show that from June 1 tives. himself what any particular industry Mrs. Ballin returned to her school j to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­ A hard lime dance was given at It represents through its buildings would mean to a town or city. to October 1. forty-i ight million copies which she refused to give up, ami and the houses of its employees an in­ ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling At least 25 per cent may be safely which, she says, she intends to finish of speeches of Si lators and Represen­ the Beaver Hill hall Saturday night. vestment of $2,000,000. added to the above figures to conform before going to her new home. Mr. tatives and political leaders were print­ public. The annual expenditure in food would to present-day prices. ed for distribution. It has been figured Ballin returned to Portland where he Certain Cure for Croup be $6$,000 in meat, $8600 in potatoes, out that each speech required an aver­ * •- resumed his work in the employ of his 96000 in sugar, $18,850 in milk, $<15,700 age of three feet of paper, and if this New Cases father Mrs. Rose Middleton, of Greenville, in butter and $27,600 in eggs. basis is correct, there was a grand to­ In June the young couple expect to tal of 114,000,000 feet, or 125,837 miles III., has had experience in the tre a t-_ Summed up, this means that an in­ P AttKER’S dustry employing 1000 hands is worth \ The following cases were tiled with go on F. A. Baltin's one hundred and of paper us d in printing these speech­ ment of this disease. She says, “ W ht n H AIR A I R BALSAM ________ s sixtv acre dairy ranch, fourteen miles es. All this vast number of speeches my children were small my son had , $221,600 m year to the farmers of the tne county d e rk during the week: A t o i l e t p r e p a r a t i o n of merit. w T I I E D IA M O N D IIR A M *. a H e lp * t o e r a d i c a t e d a n d r u f f , j L a d l e « t A s k y o u r D r u g g i s t for A ' croup frequently. Chamberlain's Cough district. Crane Co. vs. Charles Thom et al; from Portland. appeared at one time in the Congres­ C 'h t -c h e s -te r ’B I H a m n n d M r * n d / A \ F o r R e s t ' rin g C o lo r a n d ! 1*111» In R e d and M o ld m t l a l l R \ V / Remedy always broke up these attacks The expenditure in clothing would be Coos county vs. L. Adamson, et al; J. P e . u t y fo G r . r o r F .d o d H u r l The many friends of these young sional Record. It is estimated that 1 * « , s e a le d with B lu e R ib b o o . W li .n o a t D ragglate. | T a k e n o o th er. B u y o f y o u r » *168,760. O. Stemmier vs. T. J. Green et al; Go- people extend to them a host of good three thousand pounds of ink were used immediately, and 1 was never without M N D E P C O R N S Hem otps rv>ms,Cal- D IA M O N D B R A N D 1*1 LI.A , f r t o the annual payment of taxes ing and Harvey Co. vs. Kenneth Kcl- wishes for a long ami happy married and that it required 600 pounds of paste it in the house. I have taken it myself I ■*«**, e t c .. stoi>* a ll p ain, en sir e * co m fo rt t o th e years known as Best. Safest. Always R ellatte for coughs and colds with good results. ’ t ' .? *otai expenditure en build- ley; and I.ettic Cowan vs. David Cowan. life. to put the pages together. SOLD BY DRIGGISTS EVERVWHEP' i r Í 1 i Try our high grade Swiss Cheese, Cream Brick, Limburger, and Blue Hill For Pies try the Canned Pumpkin, Most economical and satisfactory F Busy Corner Grocery ti ►a Coos County Farmers and Merchants Bank D ry Shiplap, Finish, Flooring and Rustic W IS C O N S IN S IL O S Several Lots of Lumber at Special Prices B. E. JOHNSON M O T E L B A X T E R CHARLES BAXTFR, Proprietor CHICHESTER pills