Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 28, 1916, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 35,
NO. 11
Scenic Theatre Bills Photo­
play Version of Dixon’s
Novel,“The Clansman’’
Symphony Orchestra Accom­
panies Picture
I Walter Long, Elmer Clifton and Robert
i Herron.
Eighteen thousand people,
3000 horses and no less than 0000 scenes
went into the making of the big spec-
Buy a Red Cross Seal
With its request for co-operation in
making the 1916 Red Cross Seal sale
the most successful in state history and
its announcement of “ Tuberculosis
Sunday," which will be observed either
December 3 or 1C, the Oregon Associa­
tion for the Prevention of Tuberculosis
brings a record of accomplishment
which justifies the original declaration
that “ every seal sold is a bullet in the
war against the Great White Plague."
Efficient organisation, low adminis­
trative cost and personal service freely
given by public spirited citizens have
combined to make every dollar contri­
The announcement that D. W. Grif buted toward the work of the Associa­
fith’s “ Birth o f a Nation", far the tion practically do the work o f two.
greatest moving picture drama ever
“ Tuberculosis Sunday" furnishes a
conceived or made, is to be shown in
reason for definitely carrying the now
Coos c >unty next week i3 the most im
state-wide debate for preventative e f­
portant ever m de here as to an enter-
fort against the disease and adequate
tainment o f any kind. No such stupen­
care of the stricken into every pulpit
dous work has ever been presented to
and before every church audience of
the people here. To compare it with
Oregon. It will be made a time, too,
any other moving picture is like com­
for gratitude and thankfulness because
paring the greatest circus to a vaude­
o f the great economic and humanitar­
ville act. That it is to be s.iown in
ian value of the results obtained.
Coos county now is largely due to the
The Oregon Association for the Pre­
persistent efforts o f Robt. Marsden, the
enterprising proprietor of the Noble vention of Tuberculosis has commenced
theater at Marshfield, supplemented by a survey of the state, county by coun­
the willingness of the other houses ty. The surveys in Lane, Clatsop,Jack-
where it is to be shown to forego any son, Josephine, and Washington coun­
profit for themselves for the sake of ties have been completed. Results will
presenting this superb work to their be announced in detail when the work
patrons. It will be shown in Marshfield, is done.
The survey has already proven that
North Bend. Coquille and Myrtle Point
only, coming here on Friday, Dec. 8th. by its means information never before
Two performances will be given, a mat­ gathered will be tabulated. The facili­
inee starting at 2:16, and the evening ties or lack of facilities for the care,
performance starting at 7:15.
The treatment and prevention of tuberculo­
twelve reels occupy nearly three hours. sis in each county will be shown. The
Prices will be 50 cents in the fternoon, number of cases will be listed and se­
children under 13 half price; 75c and gregated as to whether they are incip­
ient, moderately advanced or far ad­
$1.00 i the evening.
Fifteen people travel with this pro­ vanced, and also as to the number < i
duction, including an e even piece or­ cases reported before the survey ar.
chestra which renders special music the number reported as a direct result
with the picture, two operators and of it. The survey will provide for earn
other attaches. T o of the finest pic­ county a history of the disease in that
ture machines are carried with portable county indicating its increase or de­
crease, h >w many of the afflicted coi -
booths in which to operate them.
This magnificent picture has been tractcd the trouble within the countv
shown so long in the large cities and so and the number that had the disea
much has been printed about it that when they moved into the county. Then
nearly all picture fans have some idea it will be shown how tuberculosis
of its scope. A number of our people distributed as to cities, towns and rurai
have seen it in San Francisco or Port­ communities, i ities and towns havii r
land, where they have paid practically city hospitals, clinics and dispensaries
the same prices now asked here. These school inspection, and open air rooms
will agree with the statement that it is will be designated.
more than a picture and that no enter­
The county's care of tuberculous p -
tainment or show of any kind that ap­ tients in such institutions as jails, a u
proaches it has ever been presented to poor farms will be discus.ed an.
the people of this county.
It is the whether the county has a relier bo.«ru
sight o f two lifetimes—that of your and what assistance is granted in tu­
father and mother, if not directly of berculosis cases.
your own, and, also, the sight of all
The survey is definite and thoroug
sights to be seen today. It is nearly and its value to all health and public
three hours of historic tableaux, near­ officials will be so great that the well
ly three hours of smiles and tears and has the hearty approval and full t
warm heart throbs and gripping pangs operation of the uregon State Board ».
of sadness, a panorama of life and love Health.
that preceded the first shot on Sumpter
The proceeds of this year's sale u
—and then the break—the south declar­
Red Cross Seals will be used to Carr,
ing for state’s rights and secession, the
on the survey and to maintain the pre­
north as one man rallying to the flag—
ventive work organized by the Asso­
only, both sides, to emerge from it four
years later full o f hatred and rancor
and work against each other mor ig ­
noble crimes— that is Griffith’s Birth Venire for December Tern
Of A Nation.
of Court
For many years American dramatists
wrote able plays of particular states,
Deputy Sheriff W. C. Laird war i
cities or localities, ranging from “ Ala­
Marshfield last week sun nioim g ju-y
bama" to the “ Henrietta" and from
men for the December term of couil.
“ Way Down E ast" to “ The Great Di­
Judge Coke will hold an adjourned ¡ses­
v id e." But no one man seemed to
sion beginning December 4 when the
grasp the whole spirit and genius of
grand jury will meet.
The regular
America until David Wark Griffith
term opens December 11. when the new
picked a suggestion for his theme out
jurymen will have to assemble.
of Dixon’s “ The Leopard’s Spots" and ,
“ The Clansman" and started to de- j The venire for the December term is
velop it. A remarkable thing about as follows:
Mr. Griffith’s plan is that words (ex- | O. A. Trowbridge, Bandon merchant;
cept for leaders and titles) did not en­ A. R. Clinton, Bandon scaler; J. M.
ter into it. Perhaps words had cramp­ Adams, Bandon farmer; S. D. Clark,
ed rather than aided previous fiction- Gravel Ford farmer; B. C. Shull,
ists and dramatists.
A t any rate, he Myrtle Point farmer; E. W. Jones,
replaced speech with music, and the Myrtle Point farmer; Geo. Brownson,
old-fashioned stage action and scenery Bridge farmer; Arthur Brown, Dora
by the pictorialized action of thousands farmer; C. E. Hanson, Marshfield far­
of players in the great out-of-doors. In mer; R. L. Morris, Rural farmer; C. A.
brief, he staged the great battles, Holverstott, Coquille farmer; K. V.
struggles and critical events of 1861-’70 Kruse, North Bend shipbuilder; L. F.
under conditions as nearly as possible Denning, Marshfield clerk; E. G. Rob­
bins, Myrtle Point dairyman; J. Albert
similar to the original.
The result of Mr. Griffith’s efforts is Matson, Marshfield merchant; Frank
a new and stupendous art for which no Frame. North Bend clerk; L. E. Os-
adequate name has yet been found. burn, Bandon clerk; Warren Bullards,
“ The Birth of a N ation" combines Bullards carpenter; Mark D. Cutlip.
spectacle, romance, domestic drama, North Bend boatman; Albert Seellg,
comedy, tragedy, music, and mechan­ Marshfield salesman; John Warner,
ical effects into harmonious ensemble Myrtle Point rancher; A. M. Arnold,
that captivates equally the eye and the Myrtle Point dairyman; Thomas Coke,
ear. In a presentation lasting two Marshfield laborer; D. N. McNair,
hours and 45 minutes, it epitomizes the Myrtle Point farmer; A. J. Savage,
life of a nation. This is something tha Marshfield carpenter; S. A. Hoga, Ban­
old art could never do.
The obsolete don farmer; Jas. A. Conro, North Bend
so-called “ stage unities" are thrown to merchant; Sam Falconer, Coquille far­
the winds, and Griffith carries the mag­ mer; Herbert Adams, Riverton farmer;
nificent story from the introduction of Chris Richert, Bandon farmer; Walter
African slavery right down through McLeod, North Bend real estate broker.
Civil War and Reconstruction days to
the final real union o f South and North
Millinery Sale
in the bonds of love and peace.
Among the distinguished actors in
The Pythian Sisters will conduct a
the cast are Henry B. Walthall, Lillian
Giah, Mae Marsh, Hiram Cooper. Mary sale at the White House Milliner Store
Alden, Josephine Crowell, Ralph Lewis, on Saturday, I>ecember 2. This will be
Joseph Henabery, Raoul Walsh, Donald a good time to do your Christmas shop­
Crisp, Howard Gaye, George Siegman, ping.
Mining Activities at Bullards
C. K. Cadman, who came into Coos
last summer from Berkeley and started
investigating the mining possibilities of
the county, returned from San Fran­
cisco last week, where he had gone to
purchase machinery to be installed at
Bullards on the property of the Platina
Closes Deal with Sitka Spruce Y Oru Mining company, of which he is Good Roads Association Give
Resume of W ork Being
Company for Aeroplane
Last summer Mr.
Cadman told the Herald that he was
Done in County
certain that the Bullawls property was
good but that he into nded to inveeti
gate thoroughly before going ahead.
Speaking o f the mining operations at
Bullards, the Western World says:
The Platina Y Oro Mining Company
Cap icily of Mill 40 Thousand is the name of a newly organized cor­ Work Is Said to Be Thorough­
poration which has tal en over mining
ly Done
Feet Daily
interests near Bullard^ and is now mak­
ing preparations to Increase the ca­
E. E. Johnson o f the Johnson Lum­ pacity o f its machinery from 40 to 200 To the Editor:
The preparations which are being
ber company, announces that he now
has contracts for enough lumber to tendent of the company, returned this made for highway improvement in Coos
week from San Fraifcisco where he | county during the coming year, promise
keep his mill here running at full capa­
! purchased additional pumps and con­ to make 1917 the year of greatest pro­
city for the entire year o f 1917
veyors, which arrived on the Elizabeth gress the county has ever had towards
Johnson returned from Portland Sunday
yesterday and will be installed at once. j good roads.
night, after a business visit of several
Enroute here he stopped at Salem
The sever.ty-three miles o f road
days during which time he dost I a con­
tract with the Sitka Spruce company, and filed eorpoiation papers for the i which will be built to permanent line
o f that place for a quantity of spruce Platina Y Oro company, which is a and grade of the proceeds of the bond
timber, which it is understood, will he Spanish name indicating the platinum : issue, voted last spring, have all been
San Francisco and surveyed, hut the work has been done
used by some of the European coun­ and gold output.
San Jose capital is behind the under­ | by Engineer Elliott, an expert from
tries for aeroplane construction.
the State Highway Department, work­
The adaptability o f spruce timber to taking.
The land upon which the mine is lo­ ing under the direction of County Road-
the building o f heuvier-than air ma­
chines for military purposes has caused cated is described as Lots 1 and 2 and master R. B. Murdock. All of the out-
a rapid advance in the price of this the NEB, o f N V * of Section 33, Twp. ! side work is practically complete and
product and Mr. Johnson states that 27 S., Range 14 West Willamette Meri­ the estimates and calculations are be-
During the past two months j ing made as rapidly as possible, so that
the price at present ranges from $40 to dian.
$100 per thousand feet, according to title to the land has been under con­ ; the work may he suDmitted to con­
troversy between Mr. Cadman and as­ tractors for bids at the earliest possible
the grade.
Mr. Johnson said that while he was sociates and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Zeek date.
The records show that this survey
Settlement was finally
talking to one of th spruce buyers of Bandon.
that gentleman told him that he had reached autside of court a few days has been done very thoroughly and a
been informed by an aeroplane builder ago and according to Mr. Zeek it was minimum grade of 5 per cent main­
from the East that the average life of estsblished by the records that the tained. The fills and cuts have been
the modern aeroplane was about two Zeeks owned two-thirds and Cadman properly selected and the work will he
weeks. He stated that they had tried and associates one-third of the holdings. submitted to the contractors in such a
PER YE AR $1.50
has had a party working on these roads.
Their surveys call for the elimination
of sharp curves and reduction of grades
to a 5 per cent minimum on the road
from Empire to Sunset Bay. Also for
the opening of a new road from Sumner
to Coos City.
The work has also been
prepared for the completion of the
grading and surfacing with rock of the
road from Myrtle Point to Cooper's
Bridge on the east fork. I t is expect­
ed thst some other county projects will
be ready to submit for contract before
spring openB.
With the work progressing as at
present, there should be no delay in all
the contractors getting an early start
next year and with a full Bummer’s
work, completing the improvement
which has been outlined.
The State Highway Commission has
set aside $5,000 to be applied to the
survey o f the Roseburg-Myrtle Point
road, and also allotted $4000 to assist
the counties in a survey between Eu­
gene and Coos Bay, via the Siuslaw
and Gardiner.
The Good Roads Association and Coos
county officials were assured by the
State Highway Commission that fur­
ther aid would be forthcoming to assist
Coos county in connection with the
bond projects. The present indications
are that the Highway Commission will
not make any apportionments of the
funds for next year until after the leg­
islature convenes in January.
American Lumber to
build Europe
News of County, State and
National Interest Told in
Brief Concise Form
Shortage Situation
The Willamette-Pacific will expend
$50,000 on terminals at Eugene.
A new indus.-v for Oregon with fac­
tory at Portland is the Pan Pan Chew­
ing Gum Co., capitalized at $25,000.
In the offshore lumber trade, Wash­
ington and Oregon tidewater mills ship­
ped 34,212,787 feet o f lumber during
the month of October.
The State Board o f Health after
analysis of city water supply on t’oos
Bay states:
“ Bacteriologically these
waters are very good.”
Sir Hiram Maxim, inventor of the
automatic system of firearms, died at
his home in London, Eng., Friday. He
was 76 years old.
Several carloads o f Tillamook cheese
are being shipped to the East this week.
“ Europe will need a billion dollars’
This is the first time in the history of
worth of lumber the first year after
the Oregon industry that cheese has
the war,” asserted Dr. Edward Ewing
been sent from here to the Eastern
Pratt, chief o f the Bureau of Foreign
and Domestic Commerce, in a recent
Combined wheat crops this year of
address read before the Forest Indus­
try Conference, in Portland.
“ There 14 of the world’s grain growing coun­
will not only be an opportunity to sell tries are estimated at 72 4 per cent of
lumber, there will he a duty that should last year’s production in a cablegram
received from the International Insti­
not be shirked.
“ It the war should end in December, tute ol Agi ¡culture at Home.
a ii L a is hardly likely, and lumber im-
J. 11. Dyer, Ass’ t Gen egr. of tne
into Europe should in the mean­ Southern Pacific returning from a
time show no increase, there will be at month’s absence brings cheering re­
the eluse of 1D16 an estimated deficit in ports of the car shortage situation and
the normal European lumber supplies says that the first lot of new cars re­
>i uonu- $4o0,0UU,000. I iiis is entirely cently ordered by the ¡8. P. Co. is now
outside of the great additional needs beginning to arrive, the cars will be
or lumoer due to the actual destruc- distributed among shippers throughout
.ion ol the war. No one knows at pro the southern Pacific territory, and Ore­
sent the amount of lumber that will be gon will get its share. Bush.ess thru-
.ceded by France, Belgium, Poland and out the Pacific Coast is improving, says
uiher countries which have suffered di­ •Ur. Dyer.
rectly from the war, to replace ruined
Numerous trappers in various sec­
ouiidings, railroads, bridges, etc. There
an be no doubt that tins amount will tions of the county are starting in on
in into large figures and that hun- Liicir winter’s work, as the open sea­
.iod.-j of millions’ Worth ol general pur- son for trapping mink, otter, fisher,
/ lumoer will be called for as soon marten and muskrat in Oregon is from
There is
s llic great European struggle is ended. Nuveinosr 1 to Feuruary 28.
“ It has been estimated in Europe no open season lor beaver. License of
taut at least <j>i00,0 0,Q0O worth of lurn- $1 is require 1 of all persons over U
oer will be needed for this purpose, years of age to trap on lani not their
idd the $-LM,000,U00 deficit in the nor­ own. I'rappers must make annual le-
mal demand. This seems to indicate p iris of na n > -r of a u n ns c a ig it an 1
. iul a total of $S00,0l>0,0Ut) worth of reeeipls for tar s >, 1. — R ipo-ter.
.moor over and above tile u^uai de-
»uiid of ^>5o0,000,000 will have to be Niw Law rlarts Cattleman
applied to Europe by the lumber pro-
iue*mg countries. Allowance must also
Many shipments of well fed beef cat-
e made lor curtailment of consump­ tie mature for the market have been
tion due to enforced economy; >380,000,- shipped from Coos county since the
JOO would seein ample for these pur­ railroad was completed but there will
poses. So it seems likely that in the be many more leave tills locality before
oar following the war there will be a January on account of til - passing of
icinand for a billion dollars’ worth of tlie new law which prohibits • livestock
lumber in Europe.
running at large in the county.
“ This huge demand for lumber will,
The law will not allow ihe use o f tho
i believe, be largely for general pur­ free ranges nor even the rough un-
pose lumber for temporary construc­ fenced land owne I by the- cattlemen as
tion and rebuilding, wood paving blocks, fencing is out of the question.
rough construction timbers o f all kinds, is therefore nothing else for the ranch­
railway ties, car lumber, etc.
There ers to do but sell their stuck. Julius
will no doubt be a continued and in­ Larson brought down 25 head o f stock,
Assassination of Lincoln—The scene in Ford’s Theater, reproduced with utmost accuracy of detail in creased demand for the finer grades of some of which was not yet matured for
American lumber, particularly hard­ the maiket. Many others will do the
woods, for undoubtedly the stocks of same thing.
lumber in Europe have been exhausted,
L. P. Branstetter of Coquilie has a
all kinds of metal and wood and that Subsequently the Zeeks leased their way that the county should get very as have the stocks of many other lines large herd o f cattle grazing on the
spruce was the best adapted for the part o f the ground to the company and close bids on the work. This thorough of manufactured goods.
Ituss bottom lands which were partly
parts that can be made o f wood.
The development on a large scale will now preparation of estimates will result in
“ It is easy to anticipate what coun­ cleared and is starting to move the
short life of the machine is not due to begin. Several years ago the land was
tries will compete for the privilege of stock. The cattle are said to be in fine
the strain from actual flying; but is patented to C. B. Zeek, M. J. Zeek and the contractors were not advised exact­ supplying this lumber. We cannot e x ­ shape. Some very fine beef steers
most often caused by alighting, when Adam Pershbaker. It lies near the old ly what they would h«r,.ve to do.
pect to do all the business.
VVe shall were brought from the Macleay estate
the machine is very likely to he wrench­ Pioneer and I.ane mines and has under­ will be relieved o f the necessity of be lucky if we are able to do even a company at Rogue river and shipped
making allowance in their bids for un­
Several buyers
In the out on the railroad.
certainties. The survey has been cost­ major part of the business.
The timber which has been purchased
Air. Cadman states that the company
year 1913 we shipped more wood pro­ have been picking up stock through
by Mr. Johnson to fill the spruce orders during the past year has sunk over 150 ing the county from $100 to $140 per ducts than any other country in .the the county an 1 shipping ou t.—Harbor.
is among some o f the best in Coos test holes and the chemists and assay- mile, .which figures compare very fav­ world, amounting to a total of $115,-
orably with the engineering costs in
county and is located at Beaver Slough ers under George H. Bradford, an ex­
000,000 worth in all. In the same year
Ford Turns Over
and on the Crane holdings farther down pert in his line, reported the ore rich in
Russia shipped $88,000,000 worth, Swe­
the river. The lumber will be shipped the two metals being sought.
Upon anywhere outside the prairie states den $84,000,000, Austria-Hungary $68,-
J. II. HonJerson, o f Cuquille, County
where there are no grades or curves.
from here both by water and by rail.
his reports the company felt safe in
The specifications for the road from 000,000, Canada $50,000,000 Finland Surveyor M :Culloeh, of Coquille, and
The Johnson mill when running at making the investments in the purchase
three others had a close call in an auto
Bar.don to the Curry county line are
full capacity employs about forty men of the machinery and the hiring o f a
almost ready and will be advertised | way $24,000,000, Roumania, $5,000,000. accident near tho stave mill on the
and has a capacity o f 40,000 feet daily. large number of men to work the
early next month. It is expected the The total European exportation, there­ N orth Bend road last night.
Mr. Johnson says that he expects to property.
contract can be let before the first of fore, amounted to $392,000,000 and the auto ran off the plank roadway and
run steadily from now on, and that he
According to Mr. Cadman the geo­
the year and work started immediately. combined Canadian and American ex­ tim ed over, pinioning four of the party
expects to go back to the ten-hour day logical survey of the property made by
The remainder of the work on the Co­ portations amounted to $165,000,000, underneath ihe car off tne railroad
in the near future. It has been a long the University of California shows that
quille-Marshfield road will be in shape making.a total from these, the chief track.
time since Mr. Johnson has had any as­ it is a terminal moraine, deposited
Mr. McCulloch was thrown clear of
to submit for bids in January and it is lumber exporting countries of the
surance that he could keep his mill in there during the glacial period. Beach
that all the balance o f the world, of approximately $5'»0,000,000." the car and was not hurt.
operation for any prolonged length of combere for many years have thought
he str -ined himself in trying to lift the
work to be taken care of for the bond
time and the closing of contracts for a that the gold found in the sand on the
Ducks Plentiful on Bay
Ford off the others.
He was unsuc­
issue, including the Coquille-Myrtle
year’s cut means a great deal to the beach has come from the sea, but the
Game Warden Thomas was over cessful until a jitney cam.’ along and
Point, Coquille-Bandon roads, and the
people who depend upon the mill for geological surveyors state that it came
work north of Coos Bay, will be ready from North Bend one day Ia9t week help was obtained, and the four men
employment as well as to the owner.
from these deposits from seven to ten to contract by March, which will be ! looking after business on this side and were then released.
None o f them
The Southern Pacific, according to miles back from the coast.
he reported that ducks were very plen­ were hu rt.
about as soon as work can be begun.
Mr. Johnson, have new rates ready for
Every day that Mr.
He says that those deposits of gold
Emory stated that the damage .to the
It is also expected that the county tiful on the Bay.
publication which gives the Coos Bay and platinum have been found all the will pave the county road through Hun­ Thomas is out he makes a cen9UB o f the car would total, abou* $299.
He said
Conntry the same freight rates on lum­ way from Coos Head to Gold Beach. ker Hill addition, and that work will be I game he finds. Those that he took on that Henderson and his friends rented
ber to California as those enjoyed by Both timber and coal exist at the spot prepared so that it can be done next I the Bay just a year ago comparing the car about an hour and a half efore
them day by day, show that there are
Portland and Willamette valley points. where the company is working.
j from five to seven times as many birda the accident and said they were going
These rates are a direct result o f wa­
It is also reported to North Bend.- Times.
I The surveying for the other road this year as last.
that the ducks are numerous around
ter competition.
Shipbuilding is a natural industry for work, which will be done with county Bandon. Local hunters, however, re­
Pacific Coast porta and freight car funds next year, is going forward and port too little water In the marsh
, Hesaltl office.
Have you paid the Printer? building a good interior industry.
Engineer Fred Haines of Marshfield ^ across the river and very few ducks.