««a.’sarMUMwn E C 0 N D'?‘ A N JN!U A L CORN SHOW S A L E FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOV. lOth-llth Prices Assassinated! You. Need the Goods! W e Need the Money! Wash Boards 3°c 19c Guernsey Ware 35c val, 19c Congoleum Bargains from our Rugs 5-10-15 20c 4^x 6 ft, 6x9 feet, By yard, By yard, reg. $1.95 $1.59 reg. 3.90 3.19 reg. .60 .47 reg. .50 .39 Counters FREE! FREE! 3 doz. spring Lamps Values to 50c Clothes Pins 25c lie While they last with every dollar purchase, a Granite Dipper or an Ivory Glass Piece Ask for it. Window Shades Prices are going up. CHICKEN PIES 45c The Fairview ladies will hold a We have a big stock and want it reduced. Shades now 33c Wall Paper Chicken Pie Sale on Close out patterns values up to 40c. F r id ay and Corkolin Rugs 6x9 feet, regular price $6.25 Sale price $4.87 7^x10 % feet, regular 8.75 ........... Sale price 6.92 9x12 ft., regular price 12.00 .......... Sale price 9.43 Saturday Those who tasted the Pies last year know the excellent quality. 10c per roll Prices in our wall paper catalogue will be discounted 20 per cent. Get a catalogue a t once, free for the asking, and select your paper. 20 per cent off Come Early Carpet Sweps Toilet Paper $3.00 value now 3.75 value now six rolls, 25c $2.29 2.95 Mattresses Rugs $3.25 values $2.45 4.50 values.......... 3.45 8.00 cotton felt 5.95 $14. $16, $16.50, $17 values at $12.35 Velvets, Tapestries, Wood Fiber, Ingrains, Matting 20 per cent Off BAZAAR A large assortm ent of Aluminum Ware Fancy and useful articles Greatly Reduced Prices. will be on sale also by the Fairview ladies. $1 “Wear-ever” Sauce Pan for 69c 10 qt. extra val. $1.50, going at 98c Dressers, Chiffoniers, Davenports, Chairs and Rockers, Matting 25c per yard, now 30c per yard, now Blankets, Pil­ 19c 24c Catalogue Prices in fact everything in the Buy Aluminum now. We have several lines and all will be on special sale. Ranges Majestic lows, Quilts Furniture line. Colonial Crown Heaters All Kinds. All Prices. Hundreds of articles too numerous to mention will be on sale. Xmas Goods, Cut Glass, Imported China, Silverware If you don’t see a Reduced Price ask for it. Nothing whatever will be reserved on these two days. CASH ONLY H. O. A N D E R S O N COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHER