Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 07, 1916, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 35,
NO. 8
News of County, State and
National Interest Told in
Brief Concise Form
Cottage Grove Man Hears
From Caranza
Myrtle Point is to have new lumber
yard and planing mill.
Winchester Bay—Preparations under
way for work on Umpqua jetty.
The 48 States are now spending
f 280,000,(ItK) a year on good roads.
Portland —O ctober bank clearings ag­
gregate $79,605,998; largest in city’ s
Grants Pass—New factory now turn-
j ng out fine Rogue River Valley sugar
as a.finished product.
Diseases o f animals cause losses o f
$212,000,000 a year in the United States.
Much o f this loss is preventable.
Grants Pass—10 cars o f a p p l e s
shipped from here Sept. 10 arrive in
London and sell for $3.50 per box.
Wedderburn— Macleay estate sawmill
will experiment in sawing hardwood
lumber from oak logs in this vicinity.
Proposals for contracts by foreign
interests for ships to be delivered in
1918 indicate no let-up in this industry
for some years at least.
More tnan 200,000 boys and girls were
enrolled in 1915 in agricultural and can­
ning clubs conducted cooperatively by
the state colleges and the department.
standards are the lots that will win in
Since commercial potatoes have ap­
proximately the same qualities as the
exhibition lots, it will be seen that an
effort should be made to grow such po­
They are the best for the
trade because they are the best in com ­
petitive exhibits, and in order to grow
them in commercial lots it is necessary
to select seed having the same general
While the main point in the seed po­
tatoes should be the same as in the
best exhibits it would be impossible to
secure them altogether for the reason
that the exhibit stock is selected from
the entire amount of potatoes grown
whereas the seed is selected hill by
hill. O f course it is not feasible to get
a hill o f potatoes as nearly perfect as a
single potato, but this should be the
standard and the ideal.
The hills
which bear largely of potatoes approxi­
mating the exhibit type is the hill to
select and plant from.
Here again the value o f this will be
seen when it comes to putting the crop
of potatoes on the market. The dealer
will look to see whether the Burbanks
are really Burbanks or something else
or a mixture o f two or three varieties.
They will also know the general char­
acteristics of the potato and will ex­
amine to see if the lot generally cor­
responds to the proper type. They will
see that the potatoes are sufficiently
matured to keep well, and are sound
without bruises, cavities or disease
spot. They will see if the potatoes are
o f medium size for the variety anu free
o f knobs, hollow places, deep eyes and
other indications of inferiority causing
waste in preparing them for food.
Not one single speck o f disease
should be allowed on any o f the selected
tubers, for a tew such spots will dis­
qualify the whole lot in an exhibit and
in planting will spread the disease in
the next year’ s crop.
Scab is easily
seen and recognized.
looks somewhat like a spot o f black
earth that cannot be washed from the
potato, making black circles near the
end that can be seen on the outside
only from the closest observation but is
rather plain when the potato is cut
Disappointment for the exhibitor,
the grower, is almost sure to come to
the one who fails to observe these sim­
ple rules.
Silas Christofferson, an avaitor well
Logging Operations Active
known in this section of the country,
was killed at Redwood City, Calif., last
Logging operations throughout Coos
Tuesday while trying out a new mili­
County are active now.
The O. J.
tary aeroplane.
Gray company on Coos river is now
It is estimated that the man who taking out logs which are being fur­
ships 20 cars o f grain containing 20 per nished to the Bay Park Lumber com­
cent o f moisture pays freight on 1 car pany in North Bend. This logging con­
o f excess water, using 15 per cent cern started up with the expectation of
moisture as a basis.
selling logs in the open market and al­
The United States Department o f ready they have orders for more than
Agriculture has a large force which de­ can be filled. It ¡3 anticipated gener
votes its entire time to developing new ally that the price o f logs will go up
by-products and methods o f saving ma­ still higher.
The Gray company last week brought
terial now wasted.
The population o f the United States down a raft o f logs containing about
100,000 feet. They went to the Bay
has increased by 21,000,000 people in
Park mill and O. J. Gray came down
the last 15 years, and the number of the river to see the logs run through
beef animals has decreased 6,000,000
the mill. Since Emmett Pierce who
and sheep 10,000,000, while hogs have was foreman o f the camp, was injured,
increased only 11,000,000.
Cyrus McLean o f Hoquiam, Wash., has
A copy o f an order o f tbe Carranza
government in Mexico has reached A r­
thur J. Stewart o f Cottage Grove, who
is interested in mining property in that
country. The order announces that un­
less operations in mines are resumed by
December 17 next they will be confis­
through its local agent, A. J. Gillette,
announced that beginning early next
month all east and west bound freight
rates on commodoties originating on the
Eugene-Coos Bay branch of the com­
pany, which apply to the main line,
will apply to the stations along this
The Marshfield bakers have announc­
ed a reduction in the size o f their
loaves o f bread.
Whereas the ten
cent loaf formerly weighed 24 ounces
in the dough they will be reduced to 22
ounces and the five cent loaves will be
reduced accordingly.
Coquille bakers
so far have not reached the extreme
where they have cut their loaves to 2i
ounces, although part of them have re­
duced to 23 ounces.
Engineer S. C. Lancaster, who was
sent here by C. S. Jackson o f the Port­
land Journal to make a preliminary
survey o f a skyline roadway between
North Bend and Marshfield, and who
has been assisted by Engineer Elliott
and his crew, has completed the work
and left Friday for his home in Port­
land. Mr. Lancaster will furnish maps
o f the survey so that there will be
something on which to start out with a
view o f putting through the road. The
plan has the approval o f moat persons.
There is yet hope for the surveying
o f the highway through Lane county to
the coast, and thence to Coos Bay, ac­
cording to a letter received by Rav
Goodrich, chief o f the roads and high­
ways bureau o f the Eugene Chamber
o f Commerce, from John H. Lewis,
state engineer.
Mr. Lewis notified
Mr. Goodrich that the next meeting of
the state highway commission will be
held at Salem on Thursday, November
2, at 10 a. in., and at that time the
commission will take up the matter of
the permanent survey o f the proposed
highway from the bay to Eugene by
wav of Florence. This proposition was
turned down by the advisory board of
the commission 10 days ago.
For Better “Spuds”
Corvallis, Ore. (Soecial)—Although
the vital factors o f good seed potatoes
arc few and easily learned, not many
persons know and practice these essen­
tials in selecting their potatoes for
seed or for exhibition, reports the O.
A. C. specialist who has been called
upon to judge potatoes at numerous
Oregon fairs and potato shows.
The leading points o f good quality in
potatoes are as follow s:
True to name, true to type, made
mature, sound without bruises or cav­
ities, uniform in size, medium size for
the variety with shallow eyes and
smooth skin, free from disease and in­
sect injuries, firm and sound.
Experienced judges score potatoes in
any competition on a very definite ba­
sis, the most important items o f which
are the foregoing.
Lots o f potatoes
that come most nearly up to these
Second Annual K o-K eel Karnival W ill Be
Instructive, Entertaining and Full o f Fun
Preparations Are Rapidly Nearing Completion and Interest is Growing. The Program
Contains Many New Features and Will Be Carried Out, Rain or Shine— Home Talent
Play, Basket Dinner, Lectures, Street Sports, Husking Bee, Barn Dance— All Free
The preparations for the second an­ was possible to make them and are be free. Seats may be reserved for the
' play by out o f town people.
nual Korn Karnival, to be held here about on a par.
A big basket dinner will be held Sat­
The corn exhibit will be placed in the
Friday and Saturday o f this week, are center o f the hall where the orchestra urday noon at the W. O. W. hall, as
being rushed to completion and it is platform is located and the preparations stated by the Herald before and the
safe to say that Friday morning will are elaborate. The exhibit will per­ committee will furnish coffee, sugar
find everything in readiness for the haps be as complete as any o f its kind and cream. Everyone is urged to at­
that has ever been seen in the county. tend this big get-together meeting and
The frame work of the It will consist o f the prize winning ex­ to bring a basket. Music will be fur-
booths was erected Sunday afternoon hibits from each o f the three districts ! nished through the jneal by the Daniels’
! orchestra.
and the individual exhibitors aie busy o f the county.
Prof. J. E. Larsen, who will act as I Only hints have been given out as to
decorating them and placing their ex­
judge o f the corn exhibits is expected what the sports program for Saturday
hibits. Twenty-four booths in all have to arrive from Corvallis tonight and I afternoon wiH consist o f; but the com ­
been allotted, besides the space in the will accompany Mr. Smith to the Bay mittee says there will be a world o f
center o f the hall which will be occu­ and Myrtle Point whore the exhibits them and that there will be something
Those I doing every minute, rain or shine.
pied by the corn exhibits which are be­ for these districts will be held.
Saturday evening will be given over
winning prizes will be brought here and
ing prepared by County Agent J. L. made a part o f the grand exhibit.
to an old fashioned husking bee and a
Smith. The other booths are arranged
The Coosonian Marching Club and good old barn dance at the Masonic hall.
The main attraction o f the whole Kar­
around the sides o f the hall and one is the Band will be one o f the features o f
placed around each o f the center su p -! the Karnival and their first appearance nival is the price. No charge will be
made for any of the attractions, and
here is awaited with great interest.
ports. This leaves most o f the center , The committee on entertainment Free will be the big word. The com­
o f the hall open and the spectators can ! gives out a general outline o f the pro­ mittees are not after the money, they
pass freely from one side o f the hall to gram for the two days and from the want visitors and tots o f them.
All the merchants that have been in­
preparations that have been made it is
the other.
evident that there will be no dull mo­ terviewed upon the matter, have con­
Those who will have exhibits are:i ments. The complete list o f prizes sented to close their places o f business
Oerding Bros., Coquille Furniture Co., was obtained too late to be gotten into both afternoons o f the carnival be­
tween the hours o f one and five.
Ow ­
Coquille Laundry and Ice company, type.
On both Friday and Saturday morn­ ing to the great number o f details
Fred Slagle, J. A. Lamb, C. A. Ma-
chon, Lyons & Jones, Geo. Robinson,- ings at 10:80, Prof. J. E. Larsen, of O. which the committees have had to look
The White House, J. E. Norton, Busy A. C. will lecture at the Masonic Hall after, all the business men have not
been seen and the committee wishes to
Corner, C. J. Fuhrman, F'armers Store, on corn selection and corn growing.
F'riday has been given over to the request them to take this as an invita­
Oregon Power company, Henry Lorenz,
Sperry F'lour company, R. S Knowl- Koos Kounty Knights o f the Grip and tion to close. The hours above stated
ton, Cook Bros., MillerB ros., Coquille no details o f their program are being are the same as the ones which were
About forty observed by mutual consent last year.
Valley Creamery company, Gardner & given out in advance.
Transportation for the upper river
Larson, Koos Kounty Knights of the members o f the order are expected to
Grip, Coquil’c Hardware company, P. come over from the Bay and will doubt­ will be furnished by the Dora which
less put on some novel and amusing will leave Myrtle Point at 8 o ’ clock in
E. Drane, and E. E. Johnson.
No partiality was shown in the allot­ stunts. Besides their program there the morning and will return as far as
be street sports F’ riday afternoon. Arago at 5 p. m., coming back from
ting o f booths as the same was done
For the benefit o f the out o f town there at 6 p. m. and returning after
by drawing numbers and each exhibitor
had an equal chance with every other visitors the home talent play, Peleg and the evening’ s entertainment.
one to get the booth he desired. How­ Peter will be presented at the Masonic Telegraph will leave Bandon at 6:30 p.
ever, the booths are as near alike as it hall Friday night and the admission will
The High School Herald
Edited by Students o f Coquille High School
Herald’ s Special News Service
Lectures on Torts
Perfect in Spelling
(H erald’s Special C. C. News Service)
Those perfect in spelling in the third
grade the past week were:
Shores, Elsie Thornton-, Tommy Toates,
Mabel Crush, Roberta Meyers, Ada
Bee Seiler, (¡race Richmond, Eleanor
Wilson, Ella Croy, Dorothy Sturtevant.
These pupils o f the second grade
were perfect in spelling for the past
week: Violet Galbraith, Gladys Roby,
George Belloni, Pauline Laird, Mella
Brandon, Jean Young, Edith James,
Gail Cameron, Royce Richmond, Ed­
ward Johnson, Charley McAdams, Mar­
lin Brandon.
These pupils of Miss Allen’ s room
made 100 in spelling for the past week:
Velma Stone, Floyd Andrews, Flossie
Gilpin, Kathleen Vowell, Agnes Fen-
dleton, Clifton McAdams, Earl Hamil­
been made foreman o f the camp.
The Cnnlngiie logging camp at Lampa
Creek on the Coquille river, will be
closed in a few days.
This camp is on
the Coach estate timber and the logs
went to the Geo. W. Moore Lumber
company mill at Bandon.
The Moore
company is opening a new camp on the
Boutin tract which was purchased some
time ago and a railroad has been built
~7 ------f
from the Coquille river in to tap the
Harvest Time Program
The new logging camp o f the Bueh-
ner Lumber company at Allegany is
(H erald’s Special C. C. News Service)
being established and will be ready for
The fourth grade, taught by Mrs.
operation about the middle o f Novem­
Minard, gave a harvest time program
last Friday afternoon.
Many o f the
children’ s parents and friends were in
attendance The following was the or-
Prices of Meat Animals
dei o f exercises: October Song, by
school; Eugene Field Exercise, Eigh­
The prices o f meat animals—hogs, teen children; “ The Goldin Man” , eight
cattle, sheep, and chickens—to pro boys; “ Planted Himself to Grow ” , Avis
ducers o f the United States increased Hartson; “ Story o f Clyde, ” Ellen Ba­
4 1 per cent from August 15 to Septem­ ker; “ Hiawatha’ s Childhood,” three
ber 15; in the past six years prices in­ girls; “ Popcorn Song,” eight girls;
creased in like period 0.9 per cent. On Ghost Drill, eight girls.
- -«■-»«—-- — ————
September 15 the index figure o f prices
for these meat animals was about 23.7
Holding an Election
per cent higher than a year ago, 10.5
per cent higher than two years ago,
and 22.5 per cent higher than the aver­ (H erald’s Special C. C. News Service)
age of the past six years on September
Civil government in the eighth grade
The price o f hogs on September 15 is an interesting as well as instructive
averaged for the United States $9.22 subject. This week they are having
Several membots o f the
per 100 pounds, compared with $8.61 a elections.
month before, $6.79 a year ago, and class are running fo** office, and have
$7.48, the average September 15 price their tickets upon the wall showing
their party and the office they aspire
of the past six years.
B eef cattle averaged $0.55 per 100 to. They are electing a judge today
the others so as to have a court
pounds, compared with $6.51 a month
Democratic ticket Judge,
ago, $6.00 a year ago, and $5.46, the later on.
average September 15 price o f the ¿.ast Martha Carter and John Oerding; clerk,
Ida Oerding; sheriff, Joe Varney.
six years.
Sheep averaged $0.25 per 100 pounds, publican ticket Judge, Fred Harlock-
compared with $6.22 a month before, er; clerk, Everett Briner; sheriff, Gladys
Prohibition ticket- Sheriff,
$5.00» a year ago. and $4.49, the aver­ Bither.
Socialist ticket—
age September 15 price o f the past six Beryl Woodruff.
Shelley; sheriff, Kenneth
are elected
These averages are based upon re­
ports o f several thousand correspon­ they will have a regular county court
dents o f the Bureau o f Crop Estimates and trials.
o f the department.
(H erald’s
Special C. C. News Service)
Mr. J. J. Stanley came up to the
high school last F riday and gave a lec­
ture on Torts.
This is the fourth o f a
series of very interesting lectures
which Mr. Stanley has given
The sub­
je ct o f each lecture is some phase o f
law. Mr. Stanley stated that he was
not at all prepared to give this lecture
as he had depended on one o f the other
attorneys to do it. As it turned out
I this gentleman could not come and Mr.
j Stanley had to deliver the address.
However, the students were unable to
| detect the faults which he seemed to
l feel it contained, and enjoyed the lec­
ture very much.
There are three more o f these lec­
tures to be given on the following
dates: Nov. 10, C. R. Barrow; Nov.
17, W. C. Chase; Nov. 24, A. J. Sher­
wood. These lectures pre proving very
beneficial to the students and are very
much appreciated.
------------ -
Merely Mentioned
(H erald’s
Special C. C. News Service)
The Teacher Training class o f the high
school has just completed the textbook
on arithmetic and the teaching o f read­
ing is now the subject o f study.
Florence Thrift is a new pupil in the
second grade.
The seventh and eighth grades are
writing compositions on corn growing
which will be exhibited at the Korn
The eighth A 's are making grafts in
agriculture, and the B’ s are studying
weeds. Agriculture in this school is
not only a study but a practice.
- --- -
Begin Investigation
(H erald’s
Special C. C. News Service)
At the last meeting o f the State
Teachers Association a committee was
appointed to investigate “ Retardation”
in the schools. Mr. Howard, who is a
member o f this committee has just re­
ceived some o f the necessary material
with which to begin work.
Most of
this material consists o f blanks, one o f
which is to be given to each teacher ill
the grades. On this she is to record
important data concerning the pupils of
her grade. The object o f this is to
find tne percentage o f retardation, that
is, o f pupils who are not as far advanc­
ed as they should be for their age.
The report o f this committee is to be
given at the meeting o f the State
Will Have F.xhibit
Teachers’ association tnis December.
Each person on the com mittee is to
Much Ado About Banners
The first grade pupils o f Mrs. Chase's make his observations in his own school.
room are busy these days making post­ The towns represented are:
Last Tuesday afternoon a republican ers and other dainty novelties for the Coquille, Medford. Bend, Portland, The
)litical banner was stretched across exhibit at the Korn Karniv^j.
Dalles, Klamath Falls and Heppner.
aylor street between the office of Dr.
V. L. Hamilton an(i the Baxter hotel.
was engaged in the lumber business for
At 10:30 the doctor and Charlie, fearing
Pioneer W ho Married
a few years.
the pranks o f the Hallowe’ en crowd,
In 1866 he married Miss Clarinda
took the banner down and placed it in
Coos County Girl Dies Rowley o f Coos county, Oregon, and
the doctor’s office for safe keeping and
afterwards they moved to San
“ when they woke up in the morning it
With the passing o f Charles LaSalle, Bernaraino, Cal.
ine. ” In its place and on the
was gone
The deceased is survived by the
same ropes that had suspended the Lompoc valley loses one o f its oldest
Hughes banner was one Dearing the and most highly respected citizens. His widow and three children, they being
A. LaSalle, who is in the
word Wilson. Immediate search was death occurred Monday evening at his
made for the guilty parties and the home in LaSalle Canyon after an ill­ army, Vernon A. LaSalle who is at
missing banner. Before the day was ness o f two weeks, as the result o f a home, and Mrs. Gaston Dreyfus, whose
over it was generally known who had stroke o f apoplexy suffered about two home is in Myon, Switzerland. -Lom­
poc, Cal., Record.*
committed the deed; but the where­ weeks before.
Charies LaSalle was born in Seneca
abouts of the banner has remained a
At one time during the Falls. New York, in 1833, being at the
Dimes Come Thick
search for the much desired piece of time o f his death aged 83 years and 11
cloth discovery seemed certain.
Dr. months.
Thousands o f letters, each containing
When he w as 20 years old he was at­
Hamilton had an idea that he knew
where it was and went after it.
He tracted by the glowing accounts of ten cents, are pouring into the Minnea­
got as close as a few inches to it and California and left home for the golden polis, Minn., postoffice daily from wo­
remained there for some time talking; state. He came to the state with a men in various parts o f the country
but the situation was rather an awk­ government train arriving here in 1864. who have joined in an "endless chain”
ward one and the doctor bad to leave A fter a year or a little over spent in scheme promoted by the so-called Na-
mining he went to Oregon where he ; tional Brokerage exchange.
without the banner.
agents are searching for officers o f the
“ exchange” who are charged with us­
ing the mails to defraud.
They disap­
peared three weeks ago.
To every wompn w^o would send 10
cents in silver and write five friends
urging them to join in the chain, the
“ exchange” promised a new 191” model
silk petticoat.
“ The volume o f mail for the ‘e x­
change’ is rapidly grow in g,” said Post­
master E. A. Purdy, “ and in one day
we received 25,000 letters, enclosing
25,000 dimes. Thousands o f the letters
have been returned to the writers but
a large majority carry no return marks
and as a result the dead letter office is
becoming clogged.” —Telegram.
Moose Celebrate Anniversary
The Coquille Moose lodge celebrated
their first anniversary at their rooms
on Front street Thursday evening.
About ninety members and guests were
present and the event was an uncon­
ditional success from beginning to end.
In honor o f the event O. S. Torrey,
steward o f the Marshfield Moose Club
and founder of the Coquille lodge, and
Dictator Robert Dillard, o f the Marsh­
field lodge, were present and both ad­
dressed those assembled on matters
pertaining to the Moose lodge.
Torrey went into an interesting and de­
tailed discussion o f Moose Heart, a
town that is managed and financed by
the Mooie lodge.
A fter listening to
the talks the Coquille lodge, through
dictator Aaron Wilson, presented Mr.
Torrey with a splendid loving cup as a
token o f their appreciation o f Mr. Tor-
rey’ s services in organizing the lodge
Mr. Torrey was taken very
much by surprise and it was with diffi­
culty that he found words to ex­
press his appreciation. F’ inally giving
it up he said: “ All that I will say is
(ladies please pardon my French) that
you are a damn bully bunch o f good
fellow s.”
Music and games occupied the re­
mainder o f the evening and at 11:30 p.
m. the men o f the lodge served a sup­
per that was very much above reproach.
A fter supper the games were resumed
until a late hour.
One of the most
novel o f the games indulged in was a
football game in which Mr. Torrey and
Mr. Dillard were captains o f the two
teams. The game consisted in trying
to blow a'celluloid ball through minia­
ture goal posts erected upon a table.
Explosion is Fatal to Three
Charles F’ erreri, John Lowe, and
Martin Bowmar were killed and Thom­
as Harrison and Thomas McKelvy were
injured by a gas explosion in the Bea­
ver Hill coal mine Tuesday night. The
explosion occurred on the second level
where F’erreri and Lowe were engaged
in driving a new chute, and let down a
great amount o f earth, burying the
two men beneath it.
Mr. Bowmar’ s
body was recovered the night the acci­
dent occurred; but the miners worked
unceasingly until the next night before
they recovered the bodies o f the other
Coronor Wilson came over from
Maishfield as soon as he heard o f the
accident and stayed until Wednesday
evening, when be returned to the bay.
Shortly after he left the bodies o f the
other two victims were found and he
returned to Heaver Hill and prepared
the bodies for shipment to Marshfield
where they were buried.
He decided
that no inquest was necessary.
It is said that the people of Beaver
Hill have feRred that something similar
to this would hap|ien for soms time as
there is said to have been a fire in the
mine that has been burning for a month
or more. The men on the third level
were not harmed by the accident.
Speaking of the families o f the men
who were killed the Record "ays:
Charles F’ errari was a reiident o f
South inlet and leaves a wife snd four
children, two boys and two girls.
third son was a victim o f the North
Star No. 1 wreck several years ago.
Martin Bowmar was a man of family
and the widow and six or seven child­
ren reside at Beaver Hill.
John I .owe had no family here but
has two (laughters at Oakland, Calif.
Autowriter Sales Increasing
PER YEAR $1.50
According to F. E. McKenna o f the
Autowriter company o f this city, the
sales for the newly-patented writing
devise are increasing rapidly and the
prospects for future sales ate bright.
Mr. McKenna had six orders on hand
when interviewed and said that nearly
every mail was bringing more.
Oerding F’urniture company, who are World-Famous Conira-Tenor
manufacturing the autowriters for the
company, have their machinery running
to Appear in Person at
in perfect order and the orders are be­
Scenic Theater
ing filled the day they are received.
W. W. Williams, the traveling demon­
strator for the company, has been
working continually for the past two
months and in that time has covered a
great amount of territory in Oregon
and California.
Leaving here, Mr.
Williams went to Astoria and worked In Connection with Beautiful
up the Columbia as far as The Dalles.
Heart-Touching Picture
F’rom Purlland he worked south along
the main line o f the Southern Pacific
through Oregon and northern Califor­
Richard J. Jose, known the world
nia. He arrived in San F’ ranciico Sun­
day. The little seems to be over as America’ s foremost contra-
gaining in favor wherever it is in use. tenor first claimed attention when as a
• -m- •
lad o f ten he was adopted by a burly
miner, o f the Nevada camp in which he
lived, and considered at that time the
wildest spot in America; thrown into a
gambling hall and commanded by the
hilarious gathering to sing.
The boy was cold, his sockless feet
were lacerated by his well worn shoes
and hunger pains gnawed at his little
Will Occur at 9:30, 10:30 and body as he sang in a sweet plaintive
tone "Silver Threads Among the Gold.”
11:30—One for Hughes,
The place was soon hushed in silence,
the roulette wheel stopped, the clink­
Two for Wilson
ing o f the chips and coins were silent
and from that gathering o f fearless
gamblers not a sound came, while most
The Herald has made special ar­ o f them were actually crying.
When the song was finished and the
rangements with the Oregon Power
tension was at the breaking point,
Company, o f Coquille, to announce the someone said, "D o you know any more
results o f the election by flashing all songs, Bub?” Dick nodded and started
the lights in Coquille and Myrtle Point. to sing “ Nearer My God to Thee.”
These flashes will take place at 9:30, Men who had not seen the inside o f a
church for years removed their hats
10:30 and 11:30 o ’clock tonight.
One anu fell to their knees on the floor.
flash will indicate that Hughes is lead­ The boy was forced to sing this hymn
All gambling was sus­
ing and two flashes will indicate that three times.
pended for the night, and the boy’s
Wilson leads.
presence threatened to put the place
Unless the race is exceeding close out o f business. They gave him food
the result should be pretty nearly de and offered him drink.
The latter the
cided at the time o f the 11:30 flash. If boy refused, ami up to the present day,
his own
any changes occur after that time they
brow, Richard Jose has never known
will be flashed at half-hour intervals.
the taste o f liquor in any form.
A fter the episode in the gambling
the news spread about the camp
Electoral Votes
how the boy’s singing stopped the
game and from that moment the star
Following is a list o f the states that of Richard J. Jose’s career began its
are today electing a president and the ascendency, which resulted in the world
number o f electoral votes each is en­ being given the benefit o f hearing the
titled to:
most melodious voice ever bestowed as
Alabam a....
... 12 a heavenly gift upon mail.
F’or twenty years or more, Mr. Jose
A rizona......
9 has been recognized as the world’ s
Mothers have
13 gri atest contra-tenor.
6 told unto their daughters, fathers unto
. . 7 their sons, of the sweetness o f the
Delaware ....
... 3 tones of this immortal vocalist.
To the aged his voice brings consola­
G eorgia......
14 tion and memories o f the blissful yes­
4 terday, while to the young he comes as
Iowa ..........
13 a voice from the golden past, as a tri­
.. 29 bute to the glorious future - as a paean
15 from earthly realm to the answering
Indiana ......
Where in the
.... 13 call o f celestial ^hoir.
Kansas ......
.... 10 past only the largei cities have claimed
owing to
Maryland ..................................
8 the wonderful adaptability and feasi­
Mississippi...... ......................
... 10 bility of the camera, the noted singer
6 has originated a novel form o f enter­
Massachusetts .........................
_ IK tainment which permits him to play
15 even the smaller cities throughout this
Minnesota............... ...................
12 land.
“ Silver Threads Among the Gold,”
Missouri .....................................
.... 18
... 4 adapted from the well known ballad o f
same name provides the subject o f
Nevada .......................................
New Hampshire ....................
4 the six reel feature photo-play in which
North Dakota........................................ 5 Richard Jose portrays the leading role,
New J ersey.................................
14 assisted by a noted list o f movie stars.
New York ...............................
45 In conjunction with the production of
Nebraska ..........................................
8 "Silver Threads Among ih e Gold”
New Mexico
3 termed as the sweetest picture story
North Carolina...................................
12 ever told thu distinguished artist,
Oklahoma................................................ 10 Richard Jose (himself) will appear in
Oregon.......... .......
5 person and during the action will sing a
O h io......................................................... 24 series of the songs upon which our
Pennsylvania .......................................... 38 grandmothers hung with bated breath.
This superb double attraction is an­
Rhode Island......................................... 5
South Carolina....................................... 9 nounced at the Scenic Theater for F’ri­
South D a k ota ........................................ 5 day evening only. A special reserved
T r ill, . IS M
12 seat sale has been arranged by the
! (
2" management, reservation f o r which
4 can be made now at the Herald office.
Verm ont.................................................. 4
12 Kekuku’s Hawaiian Quintette
W rst Virginia ..........
W isconsin............................................... 13
W ashington........................................
There is an indescribable charm and
W y om in g................................................ 3 sweet fascination about Hawaiian mu­
sic that the whole world is striving,
but without success, to emulate.
March at Myrtle Point
American stringed instrument artist
can imitate that peculiar subtlety o f
The Coquille Coosonians made their expression so ensy to the Hawaiian on
first public appearance Thursday even­ both native and international instru­
ing when they went to Myrtle Point ments. Kekuku's Hawaiian Quintet,
and went through their drills for the coming to lyeeum, are the foremost in­
purpose o f advertising the play “ Peleg terpreter of that wonderful music o f
and Peter,” which was played there the South Sea Islands. The members
that night, and also the Corn »how to are drawn from the famous Toots Faka,
be held here Friday and Saturday of Alisky, and original Bird o f Paradise
this week. The band accompanied the Companies. It is a brilliant ensemble
marchers and, barring some unavoid­ o f harp guitar, guitar, ukulele ana
able delay in transportation, which taropatch players, featuring Joseph
made the affair a little late, the exhi­ Kekuku, originator o f the celebrated
steel method o f guitar playing.
bition went off in splendid form.
Five full squads o f the marching Kekuku is conceded to be the world's
club were out in uniform, and about 16
members o f the band.
The trip was genius o f that seductive slurring o f the
made in cars and most o f the marchers notes as they softly swirl like an in­
Even after
and band boys returned immediately cense from the strings.
after the marching was over. The the notes have departed from the in­
amount cleared on the show was about strument with the taste and delicacy o f
a sweet thought, they form an echo
chorus thut seems to sing thu racial
■■■ —
*-••» -
poetry o f the Hawaiians—a people
Will Get Returns
whose very language is a song.
Hear them play and ting:
“ Like a
By Western Union Like”
(Sweet Constancy!, Waikiki
(The Leaping W aters), Mai polna oe
ia’ u (F’ orget me not),Walilana (Drowsy
The returns o f today’s election will
W aters), Sweet Lei I.ehua (The Frag­
be given out at the Ko-Keel Klbb rance o f the Lehua Wreath), My Old
tonight where an election party is to
Kentucky Home, and many more o f
be held.
The Western Union has
agreed to furnish the regular Asso­ our most beloved home ballads,and last,
ciated Press dispatches and a key has the most enchanting o f all farewell
been installed in the club room and an love songs "A loha ue.”
The performance which will be given
operator will be provided to take down
the returns. The county returns will this evening at the Scenic will be per­
haps the most popular o f the course o f
be obtained by telephone as far as pos­ four entertainments which will be given
this winter under the auspices o f the
lyeeum association, Mr. Howard an­
nounces that the entertainment will be­
"Carlyle was a grent thinker.
gin promply at 8 o'clock, and it there­
can’t turn to a single page without fore seems no good reason whv every
finding some gem of thought. Here, one could not be in their seats by that
for Instance, he says that there is time. Don’ t let the fact that your seat
is reserved make you miss pert o f the
strength tn cheerfulness."
performance and put other people to
“ So there la tn cheese."—Exchange.
annoyance by coming late.
Oregon Power Co.
and Herald W ill
Flash the Returns