Miss Tli >ra Norman, of Be» ver Hill, was visiting in Coqui’.le tod ay . Teddy Gartiu, of Powers, is in town this week | Gus Bender, postmaster of the new town of Broadbent, was trans- a ting busiuess here today. Gow Why, the old Chinese mer­ chant of Marshfield, was a city vis­ itor one day last week. Miss Esther Asplund. of Marsh­ field, is taking Mi>s Inez Johnson’s place in the county clerk’s office for a short time Game Warden Thomas visited the Brewster Valley country the middle of the week, John Hurley left yesterday for Idaho where he is taking two car­ loads of cattle which were sold to parties in that state. Arthur F^llingsoti and family re­ turned Saturday from a fishing trip on Elk river. Mr Ellingson re­ ports fiue catches. Mrs. Lucia Stratton and little daughter were over from Marsh­ field for a visit at the Sperry home a couple of days last week Farmers and Coquille citizens are invited and urged to bring baskets Mrs. F. O- Smith returned last for dinner in Woodmen Hall on week from Ashland, where she had Saturday, Nov 1 1 , the second day of the Corn Show. Coffee, cream, been visiting for some time. tables and chairs will be provided Mrs. J. A Jackson left this morn­ free by the committee. ing for a two week’ s visit with uer The Herald last week received a parents and other relatives at Mon­ sample of fine spuds raised on the roe. J L . Barker farm at Fairview. H. M. Shaw, M. D., eye, ear, There were eighteen fine, large, nose end throat specialist of Marsh' smooth tubers, the product of just field will be at Baxter Hotel, Co' one hill. No wonder the farmers quille, on Friday, Oct. 27. Glasses of Coos are the most prosperous to fitted. 10-17 2t be found auywhere. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Schiller Hermann passed through Jim Wilson last Thursday. Mr. here last week on his way to Curry Wilson is employed at the McDon­ county. He is said to have been ald & Vaughn camp at Beaver Bill. accompanied by several capitalists The local talent cast which put ftom Chicago who are here with a on the farce, Peleg and Peter, here view of finding suitable investment Friday night, went to Sumner Sat for the capital they represent. urday and repeated the play there The body of Mrs. Riggs, who “ The Escape,” a study in the was recently burned to death at the mismatiug of human beings—and county infirmary wlieu her clothes the results, will be shown in seven caught fire from an open stove reels of film at the Scenic theatre door, was exhumed last week and taken to the Coos river cemetery. Thursday. A workman named Scott, while J. Cox, of Powers, was in town slashing brush on the Russ tract T ursday in quest of men to go to He said last week struck his foot with the work in the camps there axe severing some arteries and two that nearly all of the camps were working short-handed and that ligaments many men were needed for nearly Miss Edna Harlocker, who has all of the various positions. been sick for the past several days Geo. Goodrich, employed at the with appendicitis, is improving and Dr. V. L Hamilton reports that Johnson mill, had his lower lip bed- she will soon be well again without ly cut Thursday night when the oil can which he was using caught in the necessity of an operation. pulley and was thrown forcibly Miss Laura Watsou was over Mr. Dairyman, look here! The against his face. Dr. V. L Ham­ T. S Townsend Creamery Co. of ilton in dressing the wound bad to from the Watson raDch at Coos City last week visiting friends and Portland is paying 37c for No. 2 take several stitches in it. relatives here. cream and 39c for No. 1, shipped Farmers and O quille citizens are every 3 or 4 days. You can just as Roadmaster R. B. Murdock gives well get the 39c. We pay twice a invited and urged to bring baskets out the iuformation that the work for dinuer in Woodmen Hall on month. io-i7-4t Saturday, Nov. ti. the second day of surveying for the Coquille-Ban- W C. Rose and Lans Leneve of the Corn Show. Coffee, cream, don road is goiug along in a man tonnd t h e particular hunting tables and chairs will be provided ner that is very gratifying He al­ so states that his office is doing a ground which they went to in free by the committee. lot of work getting specifications in Curry county last week, infested by readiness lor the large amount of hounds which had been chasing work that will be done next year. deer for a week past. The baying of hounds, shouts of hunters and Henry Lorenz opened his new store crack of rifles were heard on every at Powers Saturday, under the man­ hand. A game warden could cer­ agement of P. O. Lund, who has been tainly make a haul if he visited employed in the Lorenz store here lor that section. several years. Mr. Lund went to Pow­ S a le Continues There is a Real Difference Cream of tartar, derived from grapes, fe used in Royal Baking Powder because it is the best and most healthful ingredient known for the purpose. Phosphate and alum, which are de­ rived from mineral sources, are used in some baking powders, instead of cream of tartar, because they are cheaper. If you have been induced to use baking powders made from alum or phosphate, use Royal Baking Powder instead. You will be pleased with the results and the difference in the quality of the fond. Our Closing Out Sale of A.11 Gent’s Furnishings, Hats, Caps, and Everything in the Dry Goods Department, Still Continues and our store is crowded daily with customers who are taking advantage of the unparalleled bargains that are to be found here. The stock is going rapidly. Get your share while you can. Here arc a few of the Bargains Offered $3.50 Ladies’ Gloves..................... ................... .. $2.98 $3.00 HATS ______________________________ $ .89 4.50 Men’s Wool Shirts____________________ 3.19 3.50 Ladies’ Ties__________________________ 1.98 3.50 Men’s Wool Shirts___________________ 2.39 3.50 Ladies’ T ies___ _______________________ 2.39 1.50 Men’s Dress Shirts_______ 1.19 3.50 Ladies T ies___________________________ 1.69 1.50 Men’s Dress Shirts___________________ .89 4.50 Ladies’ Shoes_________________________ 2.98 1.25 Men’s Dress Shirts___________________ .69 3.75 Ladies’ Shoes_________________ 2.98 .50 Boys’ Shirts___________________________ .19 3.50 Ladies’ Shoes__________________________2.98 1.50 Men’s Caps____________________________ .63 .25 Ladies’ H ose__________________________ .19 5.00 Men’s Shoes.______ 3.50 .25 Men’s Hose____________________________ .i 9 8.50 A. A. Cutter Shoes_____________ 7.49 5.00 Men’s Shoes___________________________ 2.98 6.00 Men’s High Top Shoes__________________ 4.28 4.00 Men’s Shoes____________________________ 3.19 2.00 Boy’s Shoes__________________________ 1.39 3.50 Men’s Shoes____________________________ 2.49 3.75 Boy’s Shoes___________________________ 2.98 .25 Ladies Hose______________ 09 2.75 Boy’s Shoes_____ ______ 1.98 .50 Ladies’ H ose__________________________ .39 1.50 Comforts____________________________ l.i9 1.50 Ladies’ Gloves________________________ .98 ROYAL BAKING POW DER CO. New York MERELY MENTIONED Marshall Way is about again after being laid up for the past six weeks. “ The Escape” a true story of life in New York’s lower east side, is billed to show at the Scenic theatre Tyursday. Postoffice Inspector Galleger in­ spected the Coquille office the mid­ dle of the week. Go to Quick’s for your screen doors and b h w filing, saws, gum­ ming, second hand anws, carpenter tools, axes, brush hooks, tie hack­ ing tools. Oscar Gates and family left here last week for North Bend where they will reside. C. Bartell and wile left Thursday for North Bend where they will make their home in the future. Bargains — 1 incubator 60 egg capacity ; 1 set heavy harness; I set Painter falls and hooks; 1 plow, 10 inch; 5 sewing machines. Will sell cheap or exchange for chickens or anything useful I can handle.—At Quick Elmer Willard and family left Wednesday for Lakeside, where Mr. Willard has accepted a posi­ tion. Nels Lammey is up and about again, after receiving a knockout punch from a falling tree a couple of weeks agu. P. E Drain has agaiu broken in­ to the grocery business here and has opened a store at the old Model Grocery with a complete line of groceries and vegetables. For Sale—Good seveu-year old team, perfectly matched in color and weight; 1300 pounds each; to­ gether with good 3-inch wagon and new set of harness Price $400 cash Inquire of Chas Walker, to io t f . Baxter Hotel. Mrs. F W. Barker 3nd daughter Miss Alice drove to Fairview Wednesay and visitited at the J . L- Barker home until Tnursday. GEO. E. RICHARDS Office in Robinson Bldg. Coquille.................... Oregon D entist Office over First National Bank Phone Main 431 514, Res. G. EARL LOW. M. D. and surgeon Office over Farmers & Merchants Bank Dr. G. W. LESLIE OSTEOPATHIC ph ysician Graduate of the American School of Osteopathy of Kirksville, Mo. Office in Eldorado Block Marshfield Oregon Dr. R. H. HOPKINS C h iro pr a c to r T.aird Building - Coquille, Ore. Str. Elizabeth Regular as the Clock San Francisco and Bandon First-class fare or..;__ Up freight, per too...... > 10.00 E. & E. T. Kruse 3.00 24 California Street, San Francisco For R eservation, J. E. NORTON A gent, Coquille, Oregon Continues Until Everv Article Is Sold Lyons & Jones “Where Your Dollar Does Double Duty” •/ Opens Store at Powers Rawleigh Quality Products Highest in Quality; Lowest in Price Ask Your Neighbor WANT COLUMN RATES: One cent a word, each in­ Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT P h ysician Come in and see for yourselves. No trouble to show goods. 10-17-tf A tto rn ey at L aw M o ney to L oan 324, Office This is only to give you an idea of the big reductions we are making on all classes of merchandise in our Dry Goods Department. Our loss is your gain. We could not offer these prices were we to continue the dry good business. ers Tuesday, accompanied by Pat Rat­ cliff, who will assist him for a short time, after which Mr. Ratcliff will re­ turn here and take up the position left vacant by Mr. Lund. Mrs. Fred Slagle is assisting in the store here until Mr. Ratcliff returns. ISHOE R E P A I R I N G —All kinds of shoe repairing neatly done at reasonable prices. Prolong the life of yonr shoes. C. PROCH- NOW, Front street. xo-io-lf FOR S A L E —Good seven-year-old team, perfectly matched in color and weight; 1300 pounds each; together with good 3-inch wagon and new set of harness Price $400 cash. Inquire of Chas. Walker, Baxter Hotel. io-io-tf To The Voter The the Suit A A New Suit Æ ^ FREE lhey Glee Club Coming sertion. No charge less than 15 cents’ J. B. Avison, manager of the Univer­ sity of Oregon Glee Club, was in town FOR S A L E —Hack in good condi­ Saturday and while here completed ar­ tion ,w d l carry two or three seats, rangements with the achool here to covered top. Inquire at Herald give an entertainment here on Dec. 28. Office. 10 17-tf It ia the custom of the Glee Club to S M A L L FARM or dairy ranch, make a tour over soma part of the state stocked—Wanted to r e n t on during the Christmas holidays, and this shares by man of long experience, year their tour will include five of the the last five years in the Yakima larger townB of Coos county, Myrtle valley, Washington. Best of ref Point being the only one at which they erences. Address W. F. Ennis, will not appear. Last year there was care of the Herald 10-24 4 >P some talk of the club making the trip into Coos; but as the railroad was as LO ST—Gold chatelaine with safety yet uncompleted they decided to wait catch, between Herald office and another year. Raymond Burns, who is Christian Science ebuteb. Re­ a sophomore at the University this turn to this office. year, is a member of the Glee Club and ill taka the trip with them. W E N E E D A S A L E S M A N IN COOS COUNTY— Prospects are good for a splendid sale of our complete line of fruit and orna­ mental trees, roses and small Iruits Write for terms Cash advanced on orders. Albany Nurseries, First National Bank Bldg., Albany, Oregon. 10-17-41 85c , 4 * ‘ ^ 1 Look for this Red Woven Label ESCAPE B ew a re o f Imitation» K O W R A LLS A U BIGHTS kCSIHVED LEVI STRAUSS & C 0 SAN TRANCISCO. CAL. l Madm by L eri Strauss & Co., San Francisco V Awsrdsd GRAND PRIZE st the P .P j.L "Going U p ” Supplies are high Machinery is high Overhead is high In soliciting your support at the Gen­ eral Election on the 7th day of Novem­ ber, for my election to the office of But laundry prices haue re County Assessor and in recommending mained the same. myself for your consideration, I submit to you the fact that I was the choice of the Republican Voters at the Republic­ an Primaries in May and am the regu­ lar Republican candidate, having re­ ceived a majority of 673 rotes over my opponent. I have resided in Coos County for the past 32 years. I have fair clerical abil­ ity, having been employed asliimekeep- er. bookkeeper and clerk in a store. 1 have also been employed in logging and farming and I believe I have a fair knowledge of the value of lands, tim­ ber end personal property and will be able to make an equitable assessment. I am a taxpayer of Coos County and have tha interest of the taxpayer at heart. I believe that I can conduct the office efficiently, economically and make a fair and impartial assessment. I have no axe to grind nor enemies to uniah and if elected to the office o f ; unty Assessor, will do my utmost to ; conduct the office with justice and im -, partiality. I earnestly and sincerely solicit your support. FOR S A L E — New typewriter,latest model, with many new and at­ tractive features. Guaranteed ten years, price $57.50. easy terms if desired—terms as low as $2 50 per month. Inquire at the Herald office. 10-10-tf Paid Adv. 1 . P. B eyers . Paul Armstrong’s Greatest Drama Produced by D. W. Griffith, the Greatest Director, With “The Birth of a Nation” Cast SEVEN ACTS-SEVEN STARS-SEVEN REELS PRICES Children I 5c Adults 35c