development of the entire county, the road funds have been dissipated to s one e x te n t in poorly conceived and ! wretchedly executed plans of a spon- jtaneous nature. Strange as it may seem upon re- HEAD OF MONMOUTH NORMAL | flection, the very ones who have dis­ SAY» ONE SCHOOL CANNOT bursed the road funds in improvem ents SUPPLY DEMAND hOR TEACH­ CCO IS PREPARED of a tem porary character have spent ERS. FQR SMOKERS UNDERTME U rge sums in building expensive court ‘ CESS DISCOVERED IN Monmouth, Ore.—“ V careful analy- houses with the idea of permanency a p ­ NG EXPERIMENTS TO parently in mind; whereas, there is no iis of the situation will convince any ODUCE THE MOST D£- such thing as permanency in a useful one th a t Oregon needs a Normal HTFUL AND W H O LE- building; while in fact the moat perm a­ b tiool in E astern Oregon and also one in S outhern Oregon,” said J. H. O M E TOBACCO FOR CIG- nent thing th at we of today can possi­ Ac! erm an, President of the S tate Nor­ lETTE AND PIPE SMOKERS. bly do is to establish a public highway mal School a t Monmouth. “ It ia a upon the proper location. / PROCESS PATENTED well established fact that a centrally The court house is not fundam entally located N orm al School cannot supply ||||| i ''JW L V ,30^I90 t 3 | | | a tomb or a monument, but should be a the needs of the entire state. The J.REYNOLDSTOBACCOCOMPAar useful building, and its life of m axi­ need of a Normal School in E astern W inston S a 5E m .NC.USA. mum usefulness, like th a t of all other Oregon is readily proved by the m ost i ! IIIlT IES N0TBITE THE TONGUE useful buildings, is for a com paratively cursory investigation of the list of our short period of tim e. We m ust reckon students and the list of our graduate U ucLsi'j. The estim ated population tim e as pertaining to the life of a pub­ of our sla te in 1914 was 795,587. Take lic stru ctu re, not as an individual does, for exam ple the eight W estern Oregon u n less but as a nation must. ! counties, Clatsop, Clackamas, Benton, By rem em bering th a t the county Lane, Linn, Marion, Polk and Yamhill court house is simply an office building, ! Counties. T heir population for 1914 P. A. comes to you w ith a re a l reason for all the constructed for the convenience of con­ was 214,608, or less than 27 per cent goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is m ade by ducting the public business, some of of the total population of the state, a patented process that removes b ite a nd p a r c h ! the overhead expense of county gov­ yet 50 per cent of the graduates from You can smoke it long and hard without a come­ ernm ent can he reduced. Although 1 our N orm al School for the past five years are teaching school in some one believe th a t our public buildings should back I Prince Albert has alw ays been sold w ithout I of these eight W estern Oregon coun- be beautiful and decorative of a city, i ties. T here are 35 counties in the coupons or premiums. W e prefer to give quality! y e t let the beauty be simple, dignified sta te yet el(fht o{ these eountle, ar9 Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette and inexpensive ra th e r than ornate, : getting half of the benefit of the elaborate and costly. [ teach ers for which all of the counties enjoyment I And that flavor and fragrance and Undoubtedly those of us who occupy ! pay the taxes. coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just Here is the list. During the past court houses could add a charm and a t­ a n s w e r s the u n iv e rs a l d em a nd f o r tobacco five years we have supplied the fol­ tractiveness, in the eyes of the ta x ­ w ith o u t bite, p a rc h o r k ic k -b a c k ! payers, to the m ost inexpensive stru c ­ lowing graduates as teachers to these c o u n tie s: tures by the excellence of our conduct Introduction to Prince Albert isn’t any harder Clatsop, 18; Clackamas, 20; Ben­ and the efficiency of our adm inistra­ ton, 25; Lane, 36; Linn, 28; Marion, P r in c e A l b e r t 1» t o l d e v e r y w h e r e than to walk into the nearest place that sells in t o p p y r e d b a g t . S c ; t i d y r e d tions th a t could not be attain ed by the 28; 1 k, 25; and Yamhill, 20. In tin t, 1 0 c; handsom e p o u n d an d tobacco and ask for “a supply of P. A.” You pay h a lf -p o u n d tin h u m id o rs — a n d most elaborate and expensive orna­ o ther words, 203 of our 407 teachers t h a t c le v e r c r y s t a l - g a s s p o u n d out a little change, to be sure, but it’s the cheer- h u m id o r w ith s p o n g e -m o is t e n e r m entation. I believe th a t our people who have secured places in the publio to p t h a t k e e p s t h e t o b a c c o i n s u c h would glory in the efficient deeds of schools in Oregon during the p ast five fullest investment you ever m adel e p le n d id c o n d it io n . their county officials even more than years, have gone to these eight W il­ lam ette Valley counties. they would pride them selves upon the Now tak e eight typical E astern Ore­ possession of an elaborate but possibly gon counties and see if they have se­ an inefficient court house. cured th eir proper share of teachers I believe in the budget system of with N orm al training. During the past county finance. We should certainly five years we have supplied Norm al j plan our work in advance of execution g raduates as follows to these E astern Oregon counties: and finance the plan. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. Copyright 1916 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Baker. 9; Grant, 1; H arney, 4; Mal­ The budget should include an unap­ heur, 2; Morrow, 4; U m atilla, 10; propriated item to m eet any ordinary, unforeseen em ergencies which m ight W allowa. 7; ami V\ heeler, 2. possibly arise. SUMMONS C urrent expense should be m et by the revenues received from direct an­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon nual taxation, but in financing a large The discom fort to the patrons of the in and for ihe County of Coos project, whose life of usefulness is to Scenic caused by over-crow ding on exist over a com paratively long period special occasions, m akes it necessary Johanne K. Jensen, "j Plaintiff, ! Suit in Equity of time, the necessary funds should be to adopt the custom of o th er places. vs. j- for Divorce raised either by a fixed tax levy ex­ T here is plenty of time in an evening Jorgen L. Jensen, \ No. 4601 D efendant. J tending over a term of years, if this to show a good long program tw ice To Jorgen L. Jensen, the above can be done legally, or by the sale of w ithout running too late. To do this, serial bonds, the last of which become however, it m ust be sta rte d early. named defendant. In the name of the S ta te of Oregon, due during the life of the improvem ent; T here seem s to be no good reason why you are hereby notified th a t you are in other words, none of the bonds the people of Coquille could not g e t out required to appear and answ er the com­ ONE NORMAL NOT ENOUGH should run longer than the life of the as early as those of Portland or M arsh­ plaint filed again st you in the above en­ project, which their sale finances. I field, nor why they should come along titled suit, in which Johanne K. Jensen Oregon has but one Normal School. This school is plaintiff and you are defendant w ith­ is located a t Monmouth. E xcellent as is the work do not believe in the sale of any other in driblets, a few a t a tim e, till nine in six w eeks from the first publication of this school It is u tterly unable to supply but a bonds than serial bonds nor in the sale o’clock. The tim e when a picture show of this summons, to-w it: within six sm all p a rt of the need for trained teachers for the of bonds to m eet current expenses. was all in single reels, and it m ade no weeks from the 12th day of Septem ber, State. Of more t ha n 6,000 achool teachers In the public school* Counties, like prudent individuals, difference w hat tim e you dropped in, 1916, the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear of Oreg on , but 13 per cent have been tr ain ed for their muBt pay as they go. They m ust not passed several years ago. W ith the or answ er on or before the Gist day of profession of teaching in N o r m a l Schools. It is a well established fact th at our one Normal discount the future. long features now being shown it is October, 1916, the sam e being the last School cannot supply the needs of the entire state. Those things consumed by the pres­ necessary to g et sta rte d with the first day of the tim e prescribed in the order T hat is why we ask for your work and vote for the ent generation m ust in all fairness be of the picture to see it rig h t and enjoy of publication, judgm ent f o r w ant proposed E astern Oregon S tate Normal School at thereof will be taken ag ain st you, and Pendleton, Oregon. paid by the present generation, and it it most. F urther, it causes a vast plaintiff will apply to the court for the is not honest of us of today to burden amount of inconvenience and discom­ relief demanded in her com plaint, a GIVE EASTERN OREGON SQUARE DEAL the future generations with debts in­ fo rt when the people come so th a t all succinct sta te m en t of which is as fol­ E i g h t counties In the W i ll a m e t t e V a lle y have employed lows: curred for our present necessities and try to be in the house a t 9 o’clock. d ur in g the past five years, 203 teachers w ho ^ ha ve gradu^- 1st: T hat t h e m arriage contract ¿tec. fro m tni the M o n m o u t h N o r m a l as aga inst 39 M o n m o u t h utilities, whereas, it is not fair to the Also, it arouses dissatisfaction when a heretofore existing betw een plaintiff Norm a l School gra du ate s for the eight leading counties ■nal Schc of Ea st er n Oregon. present generation to force it to pay patron pays admission w ith the expec­ and defendant be dissolved and held for D u r i n g the past five ye ars the attendance of students naught. fro m nine W i ll a m e t t e V a lle y counties was 877 student* the entire cost of those facilities which tation of g etting a se a t and is then as aga inst 91 students fr om nine of the leading counties 2nd: T hat the plaintiff have ju d g ­ future generations are to use and en­ obliged to stand. In view of all this m ent of E a s t e r n Oregon. against the defendant for her Owing to the crowded condition of our one Normal joy; therefore, in fairness to all, the the m anagem ent proposes to s ta r t the costs and disbursem ents herein. a t Monmouth and also the distance and expense of 3rd: T hat the plaintiff be perm itted probable life of a project m ust first be show a t 7 o ’clock during the w inter attending, students from E astern Oregon are com ascertained, and serial bonds sold which months, or a t 7:15 a t the latest, if a to resum e her maiden name, Johanne pelled to go to neighboring states to secure their K. Olesen. should be payable annually during the reasonable num ber of people will come training as teachers. 4th: T h at the court g ra n t such other period thus established. out a t th a t tim e. Then, when the and fu rth e r relief as shall seem m eet ONLY COSTS 4 CENTS PER $ 1 ,0 0 0 A perpetual inventory of movable seats are filled, those who come late and equitable in the premises T h e annual ma in te n an c e cost of the proposed State Service of this summons is made by county property should a t all tim es be will be asked to w ait until the first N o r m a l School In Ea st e r n Or eg on a m o u n t s to but one publication in pursuance to an order by 26th of a mill or 4 cents on a th ousand dollars of taxable kept. All broken tools, scrap iron and show is over. I t is expected th a t the Honorable G. F. Skipw orth Judge p ro pe rt y. Isn’t It w o r t h thi s to have yo u r childre n tr ained to become useful and pro du cti ve citizens? w aste of value should be disposed of some will go away and not come back, of the Circuit Count o f the S ta te of but this is preferable to seeing a lot of STRONG ENDORSEMENTS from tim e to tim e a fte r having been people standing and hating the m an­ Oregon, for the Second Judicial Dis­ condemned by the commissioners and agem ent for not providing se a ts for trict, Coos County, dated the 6th day Among those who strongly endorse the establish of Septem ber, 191«>, direeling the pub­ deducted from the inventory. which there is no room. Please keep lication thereof in the Coquille Herald, raent of the proposed E astern Oregon Normal School Recently Multnomah county realized this in mind if you intend to come on a a new spaper printed and published a t are Governor W itliycombe, J. H. Ackerm an, P resi­ over $H00 from the sale of scrap iron ‘‘big n ig h t,” and either come early or Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, once a dent of the Monmouth S tate N orm al; W. J. Kerr, and junk which was ru stin g in the w ait until time for the second show to week for a period of six consecutive President of the Oregon A gricultural College; P. L. high-ways and by-ways of the county. sta rt, a t about 9 o ’clock or a little later. weeks, commencing on the 12th day of Campbell, P resident of the State U niversity; Robert C. French, form er P resident of the W eston Normal, Septem ber, 1916. and practically all of the leading educators of the JO H N F. HALL, State. J. A. Churchill. Superintendent of Public In­ 9-12-7t A ttorney for Plaintiff. struction, voices the sentim ents of those who are m ost fam iliar with the need of more adequate Normal Notice of Final Settlement facilities when he says: “ O r e g o n ’s greatest need for Its ru ra l schools is the Notice is hereby given th a t the un­ tea cher w ho has had full prepa rat ion to do her w o r k . dersigned have filed th eir final account Suc h prepa ration can best come t h r o u g h N o r m a l School in the M atter of the A dm inistration of tr ai n in g . “ I tr u s t t h a t the vot ers of the state will assist In raising the E state of Elizabeth Fouts. deceas­ the sta nda rd of ou r schools b y establishing a State N o r ­ ed, and the County C ourt has se t Wed­ mal School at Pendleton. T h e location is central, the I n ­ nesday, the 11th day of October, 1916, terest of the people of Pendleton In education most exc el­ lent, and the large n u m b e r of pupils in the public schools as the tin: and the county court room will give ample o p p o r t u n it y to students to get the a m o u n t in the County C ourt House in Coquille, of teachin g practice required In a sta nda rd no rm a l school.” Coos County, Oregon, as the place for All the above educators insist th a t a Standard hearing objection» to said final account Normal School m ust be located in a town of 5000 and the settlem en t of said estate. or more population and having enough grade pupils John L. Fonts and Jacob Fouts, for teaching practice. E xecutors of the last will and T e sta ­ V O T E RIGHT m ent and of the E state of Elizabeth Fouts, deceased. 9 12-5t B y v ot in g Y E S for No. 308 you will help to giv e to the .»""MAN IS FOR PtfiDLEI i. f,>‘iSURE P. A. puts new joy into the sport o f smoking! 1917 Models .50 $425 With Hood Like a Dodge and Curved Fenders F. C. PURSLEY, Agt. The Haberdashery, Coquille, Oregon R oseburg-M yrtle P o in t A u to S ta g e Line Leave Myrtle Point 7:40 a. m. Rose burg 6. a. m. 6 hours Running Time Connecting with Coquille A uto Lines J. L. Laird M yrtle P oin t LADIES’ SHOES vote, but it’s cer­ tain-sure you’ll not know the joy and contentment o f a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled cigarette you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco! Announcem ent 308 X YES IS A VOTE FOR YOUR CHILDREN Suede, N ubuck P a ten ts, and V e lv e ts Lyons & Jones «ffCKt'S.* I © F you aro a business man, if you are a pro­ fessional man, if you are employed at a daily wage, make up your mind to deposit weekly a certain sum of money in the bank. You’ll be surprised how the sum will grow. Cash in bank gingers up the man who has it there. Ho has more confidence in him­ self. The business man is ready for a dull season. He is ready for an opportunity. So is the professional man. The man who is work­ ing for a daily wage and who hasn’t uny money in bank frequently is fearful of a loss of his situation. He does no‘ work"as well or with the confidence in himself as does the man with something laid aside for a rainy day. BUILD UP YOUH BANK ACCOUNT. Farmers and Merchants Bank Greater Efficiency and Economy in Administration of County Government By Rufus C. Holman. Frequently in searching for improve­ m ent over the existing order of things governm ental, the reform er advocate« some fundam ental change in the form of governm ent; yet I coincide with the thought of A lexander Pope, expressed in the lines — “ F or form s of governm ent let fools contest; W hate’er is best adm inistered is b e st.” I do not approve of any revolutionary change in the form of governm ent pro­ vided in the sta te constitution for ad­ ministration of county affairs, but 1 do believe that the laws regulating the dutiea of county commissioners should be amended from time to tim e to keep pace with the constant growth in our population and with the development of our civilization. Conditions which existed in the pioneer period of this state no longer prevail. The isolation typical of life in the W est a generation ago produced conditions which the modern highway, OU may live to Y be 110 and never feel old enough to the invention of the automobile, the rural free delivery of mail, the parcel post, the electric light and the common use of the telephone have changed. The d-m and for an extrem e local governm ent is no longer a compelling one, and the constant tendency should be tow ard centralized, simple and di­ rect governm ent in every county of the sla te . Every endeavor should be made to elim inate duplication of effort ami coat. The county, as a civil unit of the state, should be considered as one un­ divided unit of the state, except for the incorporated cities within its bounds. T herefore. I believe th a t any suhdivi- siona of county authoriry th a t there may be, should he done away with, and all direction and authority of a fiscal n ature concentrated in the boards of county commissioners This is particularly tru e in road work w here in the past instead of there be­ ing one comprehensive scheme prose­ cuted y ear a fte r year for the ultim ate “What Would You Have Done? The People Have a Right to Know’ school childr en of Or ego n the same advan tag es enjoyed by the school children of ou r nei ghboring states. Vo te Y E S for No. 308. CHICHESTER S PILLS T H K D IA M O N D K R A N D . L a d l« > * ! A n k y o u r l > r u g g | I h l - c h M - l f r ’» D i a m o n d ! ! 1*111« In R e d am i ( « o ld i | b o x e s , s e a le d w ith B lu e I i T a k e n o o th e r. H u y o f y o u r v D r n c i U t . A sk fo» C I I 1 « II I ^ T F R ’S D I A M O N D D R A M » P I l . l . f t , f .» 8 5 y e a rs k n o w n a s B est, S afest. A lw ays R e lia b le Eastern O regon State Normal School Committee By J. H. Gwinn, Secy., Pendleton, Ore. (Paid advertisem ent) SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWNEPr The Celebrated Bergmann Shoe Awarded Gold Medal P. P . I. £. San Francisco, 1915 r KEEPING AH EAD n i The stro n g est and n earest w ater-proof Shoes made fo r Loggers, Cruisers, Miners, Sportsm en and W orkers. You send a telegram to keep ahead of the mails and you telephone to keep ahead of the telegraph. The telephone is the fa stest communication. You speak your m essage and g et your answ er IM M EDIATELY. This company affords long distance telephone and telegraph service for the busv man whose tim e is too valuable to spend w aiting for the mail. Men’s C om fort Dress Shoes Strong Shoes for Boys M anufactured by T h e o d o re B e rg m an n S h o e M a n u fa c tu rin g Co. 621 Thurm an St J t» e * t* * —D ay to n Nawa. i Coos and Curry Telephone Co Portland. Oregon Ask for the Bergm ann W aterproof shoe Oil. i L j