/ ____ T he C oquille H erald VOL. 34, NO. 52 SYNOPSIS OF MANY EVENTS New« of County, Stata and National Interest Tcld in Brief, Concise Form COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1916. TERMINAL RATES GRANTED BY S.P. And Portland still continues to import for her own use. Coach Joseph A. Pipal, who succeeds “ Doc” S tew art as coach of th e O. A. ; C. football team , arrived on the campus the first of this week and has issued a call for candidates for the team to m eet on the campus Septem ber 12. It is e x - , pected th a t but few of tht team play­ ers will return, m aking an excellent Coos opportunity for second team men and with freshm en to m ake the v a n ity team . The Fates Are Unkind STAMP WAR TAX IS KtiwJVED Coos County Warrants Are Again at Par The price of su g ar dropped 75 cents W ednesday, this being a record for a Bingle day’s decrease. Forty gallons of whiskey concealed in milk cans was seized a t Portland when the steam er Kilburn docked there S aturday night. Coos county w arrants, which have been going at a discount for several months, have again jumped to par. Moon & Gidley Wednesday sta rte d grading on the site of the new wireless station a t Marshfield, which will re ­ place t h e p re sen t station a t Cape Blanco. T h at much talked of dead line has been established, and a fte r Septem ber 29th there will not be any fishing, not even angling, below Doyle’s rock.— Gold Beach Reporter. Isaac Carus, of Portland, and Henry Lloyd, of Marshfield, escaped from the sta te boys’ training school Wednesday and since then have successfully eluded the authorities. Collector of Customs M. A. Miller, of Portland, has sent out the following: Repeal of stam p law effective m idnight Septem ber eight Stam p redeem able of value tw o dollars or more. The re tu rn s in the Maine election yesterday show th a t the Republican p a rty gained about 35 per cent over the 1914 vote while the D em ocrats gained but 7 per cent. The election was a clean sweep for the Republicans. E x ten t of the heavy dam age to the corn crop because of the dry and hot w eather in some p a rts of the corn­ grow ing belt was disclosed in the Sep­ tem ber crop re p o rt of the D epartm ent of A griculture. A ssistant General M anager J . H. Dyers, of the Southern Pacific, has definitely announced th a t the operating dep artm en t will tak e over the Coos Bay line October 1 and extend a through train from Portland. The steam er N orthland arrived a t Marshfield last Wednesday to ship the m achinery of the Sm ith pulp mill, which has been sold to a Canadian pa­ per mill. The machinery will be taken to Ocean Falls, and tw o trips of the N orthland will be necessary. A silo was built in a day on the Hazelwood farm , owned by C hrist N aegeli in order to show Clackam as county farm ers th eir construction and general plan. The work was done u n . der the supervision of Professor B arr, of the Oregon A gricultural colleg^. The announcem ent th a t the Roach T im ber company Would soon resum e construction work on the Sutherlin, Coos Bay and E astern Railroad, and th a t plans for the first la rg e mill of the company here were now being made, has caused a general feeling of rejoic­ ing among our citizens.—Sutherlin Sun. County T reasu rer T. M. Dimmick has arrived a t a plan of dividing the deposit of the $374,000 from the sale of the Coos county good roads bonds among the different banks of the coun­ ty according to the size of the in stitu ­ tion. A pproxim ately $58,000 will be deposited in the Coquille banks. W ith a view to m aking a thorough probe of the car shortage on the lines of the Southern Pacific in this sta te , the public service commission has asked A ttorney General Brown to prepare a com plaint against the company, and it is expected th a t it will be served on the S. P. officers in a few days. In Oregon the federal farm loan board has found the first farm ers' loan association already organized and ready to place loans or, the property of its m em bers as soon as the new rural credits system is in operation. Living within a radius of 25 miles of Eugene, 12 farm ers have listed loan applications aggreg atin g $36,(MX). J . P. DeGesen and several other residents of the Township Line read are circulating petitions to the county court requesting th a t body to hard su r­ face the road betw een here and the Curry county line with vitrified brick, recom mending th a t the county m ake its own brick and do the work of build­ ing t h e highway its e lf.—W estern World. The mild clim ate of W estern Oregon enables farm ers to grow b e tte r onions than any o th er sta te in the Union and surpassed only by those th a t come from the Berm udas. Y et while Oregon raises twice as many onions as the sta te of Iowa, there are two little coun­ ties of M assachusetts th a t grow five tim es as many as the whole of Oregon • Ing to the farm er, it is the present day and date, and it is up to you to drive th a t facH iom e. “ R. M. W ADE & CO.” This situation is in direct contrast to the prices given out on the 1917 model Ford car which is several dollars cheap­ er than the 1916 model, while the car has undergone some m arked improve­ m ents. Bay Placed on a Par Other Terminal Points Mark V Weatherford Calls in Lumber Shipments MEA ASMOKE NEW INDUSTRIES Mark V. W eatherford, of Albany, Oregon, candidate for Congressman from this ¿ ‘sirict, was in the city Thursday on a visit to this section. Mr. W eatherford is not entirely a stranger here, having had occasion to visit us several tim es in the course of his law business. He has been making a tour of the southern Oregon counties and has found much encouragem ent as to his chances of overcom ing the normal Republican m ajority in this district. Mr. W eatherford has the appearance of a thoroughly alive, clean and sound gentlem an, in the early prim e of life, The F ates have certainly been un­ kind to Handon during the past few years. One by one they have dealf us heavy blows. F irst the fire; then the long slump in the lumber m arket, caus­ Many Stories of New Plant* Are Already Afloat ing our mills to sh u t down; next the loss of the Fifield and the Oakland; then the death of our leading citizen, Word was received a t the Bay Friday the late Mr. K ronenberg, whose finan­ ces had been a g re a t factor in m ain­ night th a t the Southern Pacific had taining our industries; next the long- g ran ted term inal ra te s on lum ber from And it is said, by those shoiem en’s strik e which again caused a Coos Bay. local tie up; and now ju st as we are re ­ ' who claim to know, th a t in this short covering from the last calam ity comes | m essage is contained news of utm ost im portance to this section of the coun­ the loss of the steam er Bandon. To a community with less confidence try. I t m eans th a t the Coos Bay country in its future, less pluck and p ersever­ ance, such a series of disasters would will be put on a par w ith Portland, probably mean u tte r despair. B ut not A storia and o ther term inal points in here. Surely there m ust be an end to her shipm ents of lum ber to the E astern this stre ak of ill luck som etim e and m arket. Much speculation as to ju st th a t end cannot be fa r off. We will how g re a t the im portance of it is has accept it philosophically and despite re ­ taken place on the Hay since the mes­ verses increase our intensity of pur­ sage was received, and m any stories of pose to m ake Bandon the busy com­ finishing plants being built have sprung mercial and industrial center th a t its up. How much of this is tru e and how vast resources hold in sto re .—W estern much is wild dream ing, prom pted by the good news, it is difficult to tell. World. In speaking of the situation E. E. Johnson, probably one of the best in­ Made Good Buy formed men in the lum ber industry in A short tim e ago, J. E. N orton, of the valley sta te d th a t the term inal the Norton W arehouse, an ticip a'in g a ra te s undoubtedly would be of g re at rapid rise in the price of flour, owing benefit to this section and th a t it would to the high prices being paid the farm ­ also m ean, in his opinion, the shipping e r for his w heat by the millers of the of more finished lum ber and less of the country, contracted for a thousand rough, which is practically the only sacks of flour, the last consignm ent of lum ber product shipped a t the present MARK V. W EA TH ER FO R D which is due on the Patsy today. Even tim e. This, of course, would crea te a before the flour arrived the advance in demand for finishing plants, which will j doubtless be established. To ju s t w hat and it is predicted th a t he will give our Norton is giving the consumer the ad- j e x ten t this wiM be the case il is im* present figure-head a run forhism oney. Mr. W eatherford was born and raised vantage of his foresight by selling th is ! P°s8ible a t this to te l>- flour at retail for less than the whole- I PhiliP Buehner of the Buehner Lum- in the sta te of Oregon. He is a grad­ sale price. However, Mr. Norton j ber c ' n'P any ° f N orth Bend, w a s uate of the O. \ . C., was a high officer sta te s th a t when the thousand sacks amonK those who insisted Coos Bay of the regim ent there. He is a gradu­ are gone he will be unable to secure was entitled to shipping ra te s on lum­ a te of the law d e p artm en t of Ann A r­ more a t the sam e price and will have to ber shipm ents to the east and evidently bor, Mich., tak in g the three highest advance his prices here to keep pace camped on the trail of the railroad un- honors possible from this U niversity. He has a very large law practice and is j til he obtained a hearing. with the wholesale price. I The term inal rates, it is reported, progressive, energetic, and in short he Growing Younger Again | will go into effect as soon as the tariffs is w hat is commonly known as a live wire. can be published by the company. A rep o rt also comes from the Bay If Mr. W eatherford is sent to con­ M. K errigan called a t the Herald office Thursday and made such an e f­ | th a t a m ovem ent will probably be g ress he will rep resen t the district He has for fective plea to have his age reduced sta rte d there soon to secure general from which he is sent. I t is believed th a t the some years p ast said th a t the proper from the 89 years w ith which we cred­ term inal rates. ited him last week th a t we have con­ g ranting of term inal rates on lum ber is way to develop the coast counties is to cluded to take off ten years and let him an opening wedge whereby the others im prove the harbors and rivers and if se n t to congress we know th a t Mr. stand a t 79. T h at would seem to still ! can be secured. W eatherford will be active in this p a r­ entitle him to re tire from active ser­ Preparedness for the coming y e a r’s ticular and for this d istrict in general. vice, as he proposes to do when he work a t O. A. C. is going forw ard rap­ finds a buyer for his straw berry tra c t idly and conditions will be more fav o r­ Mr. W eatherford’s record and life are which he is advertising in the Herald. able for profitable stu d e n t activities j open books and the public is invited to | look into them. than ever before. Newly constructed Report Made to Council gravel roads and cem ent walks will Oerding Factory Starts On Construction Work link the w est quadrangle more closely Work on Autowriter* to the central campus section. New and remodeled buildings, added equip­ D uring the past month the Longston m ent, cam pus drinking fountains, new A fte r more than a week spent in p e r­ Construction company has done work departm ents, and most of all a group fecting th eir machinery, the Oerding on their stre e t contract am ounting to of new instructors. M yrtle Wood F actory Saturday sta rte d $4,548.50, according to the report of tu rn in g out autow riters on a com m er­ City Engineer Henderson which was Hardware Price* Soar cial scale. The m achinery for m anu­ filed a t the re g u la r m eeting of the factu rin g them , as now operated, has a council Tuesday night. The report was approved by the council and a w arrant Farm ers who are contem plating buy­ capacity of about 180 an hour and a authorized for 80 per cent of this ing farm im plem ents or any other sufficient num ber of finishers will be am ount, to be turned over to the com- j hardw are in the near fu tu re will be , put to work to keep up with the lathe, pany tom orrow night’providing no ob- ^ making a wise move to g e t w hat they provided enough orders are obtained to jections to the work done is filed. The need now, according to N. C. Medley | keep it busy. item ized rep o rt is as follows: of the Coquille H ardw are company who J Several orders have already been L aying 4-inch sew ers,572 lineal says th a t withih the p ast few days placed with the company and as soon fe e t a t 30 cents ...................... $ 171.60 j they have received notices of advance ■ as these are disposed of they will be in Laying 6-inch sewers, 164 feet in prices from nearly all the wholesale , a position to tak e care of any others a t 45 c e n ts ........................... ..... 73.80 | houses w ith which they deal. The ex­ th a t m ay come in. Now th a t the schools of the country 10,958 cubic yards o f excava­ tra c t from a le tte r from R. M. Wade tion a t 35 c e n ts ............... ....... 3,835.40 and company, of Portland, which fol­ are all sta rtin g , W. W W illiams, in­ 1,106 linear fe e t of wooden lows, explains the situation and gives a ventor ot the autow riter and demon­ curbing a t 6 c e n ts ................. 66.36 specific exam ple of how the rise will s tra to r for the company, will leave a t Plank roadway, 223 feet a t 50 increase the price of farm m achinery: once on a tour of the sla te in an effort cents ........................................... 111.50 “ H ere is the situation: E astern to place the device in as many schools Concrete sidewalks, 2,520 sq. He expects to go first to m anufacturers from whom we buy have as possible. fe et a t l l i cents ..................... _ 289.84 a(j vanced prices from 10 per cent as Ashland and to work from th ere north, T o ta l.......................................... $4,548.50 high as 33 1-3 per cent, and because of tak in g in all the larger towns in the The property owners on H enry s tre e t ! Ibis advance we are compelled to g et Rogue R iver and W illam ette valleys. will be interview ed by a com m ittee, out a new price list for our No. 34 A fte r covering the sta te it is probable composed ot the Mayor and the chair­ catalogue, which will go into effect on th a t he will go into W ashington and The com­ U ntil then from there to California. man of the stre e t com m ittee, in an e f­ or before Ja n u a ry 1, 1917. fort to g e t their consent to the im­ our No. 34 price list will govern, e x ­ pany expects to work most of the w est­ provem ent of th a t s tre e t so th at it can cepting all our prices are subject to ern p a rt of the United S ta te s while they are perfecting their m an u fa ctu r­ be done along with the work on Second change w ithout notice. ’ ‘To illustrate w hat this large advance ing facilities and before a tte m p tin g to stre e t, which is making a very pro­ nounced change in the appearance of will mean, we call your attention to e n te r the E astern territory in a general one staple article. A 14’ Steel Bean, way. th a t p a rt of town. Mr. W illiam s’ plan of procedure will The question of filtering the city wa­ Rock Island T u rf and Stubble Plow A t the new be to dem onstrate his invention in ths te r also came up for discussion and it now retails a t $17.35. was decided th a t it would not do to al­ price this ploijs will retail for $21.65 or schools of the town which he visits and a t the sam e tim e place the article with low another sum m er to pass w ithout an advance of $4.30. “ Kindly bear in mind th a t these are the dealers of the place who handle a filter being installed, as the supply this sum m er has not been as good as simply the cold facts and if properly school supplies. appreciated offer you an excellent m er­ The m em bers of the com pany are m ight be wished. Many minor m atters of business chandising opportunity as until the well pleased with the progress th a t is came before the council, such as order­ raise goes into effect we will sell you being made in gettin g the article before ing the im provem ent of bad places in a t presen t prices until the stock is e x ­ the people of the country, and are con­ some of the board walks in the north hausted, subject to w hatever change fident of the success of the venture. O f the m any prom inent in stru cto rs in end of town, the disposal o f surplus we m ay have to m ake. “ If you put in sufficient stock now to penm anship who have given the auto- d irt in the grading of Second s tre e t carry you for 1917, you will unquestion­ w riter a trial, not one, sta te s President and the like. All the councilmen, w ith the excep­ ably profit largely by it, as will your Norton, has anything but praise for the tion of Sanford and G ardner, were p re ­ custom ers, who by the way are entitled results obtained, and many of them al­ sent, besides Mayor Johnson, City En­ to fu 1! inform ation concerning this con­ ready consider the autow riter as an in- gineer Henderson, City A ttorney S ta n ­ dition. dispensible p a rt of their equipm ent. ley, and Marshal Epperson. The coun­ " I f ever there was a tim e in the I t is likely th a t the developm ent of cil adjourned until W ednesday, A ugust farm im plem ent business when buying this industry will provide em ploym ent 13. PER YEAR $1.50 CHURCHES MAY FEDERATE SOON SHALL C01TV SETTLE TAILS ORGANIC UNION IS THEIR AIM FlfiHT IS OVER W E T TAXES the main, with the spirit which em an­ ates from the higher-ups. In tLis city, the Oregon Pow er Co. has d ealt fairly and even liberally with the public. Instead of taking over the ! lighting plant and then sitting tig h t and squeezing out of its enforced patrons the ultim ate dollar for the cheapest! service th a t they would stand for, the M. E. and M. EL South Meet first move wus to improve the plant, Frank B. Waite’* Attorney then voluntarily reduce the ra te s and and Agree Upon Article* Present* Argument for put on the 24-hour service. The im­ provem ent in the service was made so of Federation Compromise g re a t th at we can hardly realize now under w hat unbearable conditions we worried along before, when we never knew during the day w hether we would use electric lights or candles th a t even­ ing; when people w ent to the picture Movement Is Not Confined show und paid their admission with the Judge Hammond Advises a m ental reservation th a t provided for to Local Churches Compromise m aking their way out w ith m atches and findii g th eir way home in the dark. I t is very probable th a t there will be U nder M anager McKenna, the Oregon Tc The E d ito r:—T here has been con­ a federation of the two Methodist Pow er Co. in Coquille has been a friend siderable discussion, first and last, churches of Coquille, the M ethodist of the public and leader in the develop­ about the so-called “ Kinney T ax Cas­ Episcopal and the M ethodist Episcopal m ent of the town and has plans under es ;” but I find th a t very few people South, within the m ear fu tu re. Com­ consideration now th a t will keep their know a n y th in g about the real situ a ­ m ittees from both churches m et a t the end of it up with the m arch of events. tion. As th e question involved is one M. E. church South Saturday night In this connection, the visit to the of public in te re s t and im portance, it and agreed upon the articles of confed­ Coos Bay country of H. M. Byllesby ought to be b e tte r understood. eration, and if these are approved by may m ean a lot more than appears on As these cases a re now on tria l in the m em bership of the two churches the surface. It hardly seem s probable the am algam ation will have been com­ th a t a mail whose activities extend not the circuit court, in suits w herein the pleted, and the appointm ent of a pas­ only over this country but across the county seeks to foreclose T ax Certifi­ tor will be le ft to the bi.hops of the seas in lines of deep-w ater steam ers cates issued by the county for delin­ two churches. would spend a day or two in simply quent tax es, I shall not a tte m p t to dis­ The com m ittee from the M. E.‘ looking over a field in which his invest­ cuss any of the questions involved in church was: H arry L. Varney, Mrs. J. m ents were com paratively insignificant, those su its—-such as the leg ality of T. Nosier, Mrs. Jas. Richmond, Rev. unless there were som ething bigger be­ the tax, etc.—hut shall confine m yself T. H. Downs and H. O Auderson. low the horizon. Mr. Byllesby’s visit to a sta te m en t of the adm itted facts, T hat of the M. E. church South was: is in line with the faith th a t the devel­ and my conclusions a s to w hat good E. E. Johnson, M. O. Hawkins, P. E. opm ents in the Coos Bay country in business sense dem ands, in order to D rane, Mrs. Frank Leslie and R. S. th e next few years will be of a magni­ s tiv e the best in te re sts of the county. Knowlton. The first m eeting was held tude of which we now have little con­ " I t is a condition and not a theory th a t confronts u s.” The condition is this: Friday night, when many phases of the ception. There is about $80,000.00, by the coun­ situation were taken up and discussed ty 's figures, charged up a g a in st these by the m em bers of the com m ittees. Josephine County Fair “ Kinney P ro p e rtie s” as taxes, penal­ An adjourned m eeting was called for Saturday night, when an agreem ent The annual Josephine county fair ties, in te re s t and costs, of whicn was reached and the articles of confed­ will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday am ount about one-half is the original eration were decided upon. and Thursday, Septem ber 19, 20 and 21, taxes. If the cases go on the costs There is a possibility th a t no action a t G rants Pass. The fair board and will increase until the cost will be, will be taken on the m atter this y e ar as citizens’ com m ittees have filled the probably, $120,000.00, or about three the M. E. South Conference, which three days with events of interest, in­ tim es the original tax . The lands was held a t Corvallis last week, was cluding sports and carnival features, a g a in st which these tax es a re assessed over and Rev. H. M. Law again as­ and each evening a fte r the g a te s a t the a re all wild and unim proved, sand hills signed to this church before the m a tte r fa ir grounds close the stre e ts of the and ra ™ies, covered w ith bru sh and of the federation could be brought be­ city will be alive w ith the carnival stum ps and, fo r the m ost p a rt, divid­ fore them . The M. E. conference will spirit. There will be dancing every ed into lots and blocks—a bout 3,000 be held at Lebanon on Septem ber 27. evening, and a mask carnival on the parcels in ail. It has p ractically no The split in the M ethodist Episcopal last night. value except fo r speculative purposes. church which resulted in the form ation The entries in the agricultural and T here is no p re sen t dem and or m ark et of the two factions, occurred in 1844 stcek show will be the la rg e st ever re ­ for it. The claim s of th e county and was over the slave question. The corded here, and rivalry for the aw ards a g a in st this p ro p e rty a re in the shape im m ediate cause a t the tim e, snd the will be intense. Buildings for the ot a series of T ax C ertificates—which action which probably brought on the housing of the exhibits are being e rect­ ore the sam e as m o rtg ag es—- com­ crisis, was the m apriage of a southern ed a t the ball park, where the fa ir will m encing w ith the y ear 1907. The bishop, to a woman who was a slave­ be held. county has commenced to foreclose its holder. “ F a rm er” Sm ith, known throughout m ortgage fo r th e years 1907-8-9, and A t p re sen t there is a widespread the w est for the work he has done in is p re p arin g to foreclose fo r la te r movem ent among m em bers of both advancing the agricultural in te rests years. The case for 1907 and 8 is on churches for reunion. The general and especially the corn industry, will tria l, the case for 1909 is ready for conferences of each institution have deliver two addresses during the fair, l rial and the case for 1910 is being appointed a com m ittee of 25 to d ra ft and the U tah-Idaho Sugar company prepared for tria l. The costs of fore- • articles of federation, these to be pre­ have promised to send their e x p ert in closure thus fa r, as entered on the sented a t the next general conference. beet culture here from Salt Lake to county books, is $2231.81 fo r 1907 and It is generally understood th a t these speak upon two days of the fair. $.':012.30 fo r 1908. The costs fo r 1909 conferences will be held a t the same have not yet been entered. The net place a t the sam e tim e and they will ta x fo r 1907 and 8 is $3283.82 and $3,- make an effort to agree upon the a rti­ Str. Patsy Establishes 552.42 respectively. It thus a p p ears cles prepared by the jo in t com m ittee. Regular Schedule th a t the costs of foreclosure is about In the m eantim e a num ber of the the sam e as the n et tax, and, a s only churches, in various p a rts of the coun­ the cost of publishing the sum m ons try have federated. The gas schooner P atsy, C aptain In W estern Oregon the M. E. Church Pending, arrived a t the municipal dock has been entered a t this tim e and ail South is not nearly as strong as the M. Wednesday with a cargo of flour and the costs of the tria l are y e t to be en­ tered, it is safe to say th a t th e costs E. and it is said th a t the church here is feed for the Norton warehouse. This the only one th a t is self-supporting in is the first ocean-going vessel to come of foreclosure will am ount to more th an the n et tax . In other w ords, the this p a rt of the state. this fa r up the river since the Ahwa- The bishop of the N orthw estern con­ neda discontinued her trips some tim e county is spending dollar fo r dollar in ference area of the M. E. Church ago, on account of the difficulty en­ an effort to collect these taxes. In o r­ der to ju stify so g re at an expenditure South is W alter R. Lam buth. and th a t countered a t the S trang shoal. of the M. E. Church is M att S. Hughes. I t is the intention of Capt. Pending of the county funds there o ught to he to m ake schedule trips betw een this a reasonable prospect th a t the county H. M. Byllesby Tour* the port and Portland from now on, if the will get it’s money back; b u t if you Coos Bay Country conditions perm it, leaving there S a tu r­ will read this article carefully I will day night and arriving here Tuesday. prove to you th a t the county is hound W hether or not this plan is carried out to lose every dollar of this money, as Perhaps the m ost "distinguished vis­ depends upon the amount of freig h t well as nearly nil of its taxes. 1 will ito r” who has visited the Coos Bay obtainable and upon the condition of show you th a t the county is playing a country this y ear was seen on our the channel in the river. gam e where th ere is no chance to win, stre ets for a few m inutes last Friday, Nothing has been done as y e t to re ­ and the sam e policy persued long when H. M. Byllesby, of Chicago, spent lieve the difficulty a t the S tra n g shoal, enough, will b a nkrupt the county. L et a short tim e looking over this small which, it is said, is the only place be­ us take the first ease first. corner of the extended field over which tw een here and Bandon where there is The n et ta x claimed a g a in st th is his activities extend. It is hardly neces­ not already sufficient w a ter to insure I ro p erty for the y ear 1907 is $3280.92, sary to tell who W. H. Byllesby is, for a ship the size of the P atsy safe pas­ the penalty and in te rest $5233.56, the his name is fam iliar to every one. As sage. It is claimed th a t when the costs of foreclosure to d ate, $2231.81, president of the H. M. Byllesby Co., river channel was dredged two years m aking a to ta l of $10,074.19. Now let the g re at owners and m anagers of pub­ ago the dredge people failed to remove us suppose th a t thiH tax case proceeds lic utility companies, not only in Oregon a sunken log a t this spot which extends to final ju d g m en t and th a t the county b u t elsew here, his name is a household directly across the river and which is g ets judgm ent for every cent th a t it w ord. N ot only th at, it is about the blamed for the present trouble. The claim s. W hat n e x t? T he clerk then only one we know of connected with intention now is to have the bucket gives a copy o f th e judgm ent to the public utilities th a t is never m entioned dredge, which is a t work on the upper sneriff and he posts notices of sale for with approbrium and inclination toward river, blow out this log and redredge ten days and a t the end of th a t tim e profanity. In this sta te the in terests the channel. The engineer of the of the H. M. Byllesby Co. are held in dredge has already notified his superiors sells all of the property, either to some ladder or to the county itself. the name of the Oregon Power Co. The Portland of the conditions and it is Oregon Pow er Co. has owned and oper­ thought th a t the work on the Strang T here will be no bidders and the coun­ ated the lighting plants on Coos Bay shoal will be done a t once, a fte r which ty w ilLhave to bid in the property it­ for some six or eight years. I t has the dredge will finish its work between i self, fo r th e follow ing reasons: In the first place the property is not of- owned th a t of Coquille and Myrtle here and M yrtle Point. ferred to the h ig h est bidder, as under Point for a shorter period. B ut if any The Patsy has a capacity of about one has had a legitim ate com plaint to 150 tons and according to P ort Com­ the old law , b u t is offered to the p e r­ m ake as to the service rendered or the missioner J. E. N orton it is capable of son who will pay all the taxes, penal­ rate« charged, or in a general way of handling all of the present business be­ ties, in te re s t and costs assessed a g ain st the p roperty from the year the dealings of the company with the tween here and Portland. 1907 to d ale, (w hich nm ount in the a g ­ public, the w riter has not been inform ­ On her present trip the Patsy loaded j g re g ate to m ore th an $80,000.00), and ed thereof. nothing from here for the return trip; This is a record of which any corpora­ but those interested hope th a t when tak e in exchange for such paym ent tion. supposing th a t a corporation had her schedule becomes known some re ­ the sm allest proportion of the proper­ ty sold. T his is the law. No one a soul cspsble of feeling emotion, m ight turn freig h t will become available. v.ants to invest so much money in a well be proud, and on which Mr. Byl- a . , , i ... i P o w e r ot P « * m o n . lesby, being blessed with a soul may tliat g,rN are getting tax title to th a t kind of property, lo ssib ly a few lots m ight be sold to congratulate himself. For it is evident t>|)er yp#f ,jy year •• th at, like most corporations, the H. M. - w h a t if ftlrls get so tall th a t men persons who w anted them fo r some special purpose, if it w ere not for the Byllesby Co. takes its policy from it» j can t wnlk w ith th em 7” head and th a t iU num berless employes “Fashion will Introduce some kind of fa ct th a t th e law also provide* th a t all and representatives m eet the public, in [ a bend.”—Puck. (Continued on page two) J ir .1