THE COQUILLE HERALD, Aug. 1, 1916 Bruce with a deadly quiet, "that stead,” ho answered, Jocosely, "you wouldn't have come here. And I had m— ■ He got no further. As the two grap­ to see you.” pled. Eunice's sharp cry of terror "There is nothing either of us can aroused the half-crazed revelers to a have to say to the other,” replied sensu of what was going on. Eunice, turning to go, "you got me Duncan Hilliard was a big man and ¿ere by a trick. And—” powerful. And he was fighting in a “ And I'll keep you hero by force, drink-fired rage. if I have to,” he snapped, “ until you’ve But presently, youth and clean liv­ heard what I want to say.” ing began to tell against bulk and “ I'm broke," he said, before she AUTHOR OF “THE SIL­ drunken fury. Kingston evaded an could speak, “ I’m cleaned out. I’ll VER B U TTE R F LY,” “SAL­ awkward swing, ran in and grappled. have to skip the country inside of a LY SALT,” “THE BLACK He slipped his hip behind his foe’s, week, to dodge Jail— unless I can PEARL,” ETC. and with one hand at the iatter’s raise the money that will square me. NOVELIZED FROM THE SE­ throat, exerted all his wiry strength You have about fifty thousand dollars RIES OF PHOTOPLAYS OF THE in a single tremendous heave. —the money you inherited from your SAME NAME RELEASED BY Hilliard flow backward and landed mother. That will tide me over, nice­ PATHE EXCHANCE, in a panting heap across the end of l y I want it!” (Cepyrlghl. i « i 6, b, M s WUsoa Woodrow.) tho sofa, his head striking a table “ I think,” she said, wonderingly, “ I edge. think you must have lost your mind.” an adjoining table, his back CV>se FOURTH STORY "Listen !” Commanded Bruce, glar­ “ You’re married to Bruce Kingston, to Bruce’s, Cadleigh was playing. Cur­ ing down at the inert body, "listen to I suppose." ing a lull in the game, he glanced me, you worthless hulk! Mrs. Hilliard “ Yes,” she answered, a note of pride The Silent Shame. back over his shoulder at Eunice and Is going away with me. She is going in her voice. Bruce, and said rather loudly to his to my mother’s home. She will live “ I supposed you would be,” he When Eunice Mayne eloped from partner: with my mother until she can get a smiled. “ I figured you and he would the convent to marry Duncan Hilliard, "It looks as if Hilliard will he able divorce from you. Then, please God, marry tho very minute you found you she was fifteen and he was twenty- to get rid of his unwelcome wife, aft­ ) 1 am going to marry her. I f you try were divorced from me.” five. It was the old, dreary tale of er all— with Kingston's kind help.” to prevent us, the consequences are “ But we didn't. We— " "Marry in haste and repent at lei­ Bruce, his eyes ablaze, glanced cov­ on your own head. “ Well, well, a day or two later, sure.” ertly across the table to see if Eunice "Come, Eunice,” he said gently, then,” he said, irritably. “ The exact For Eunice, the repentance set in had heard the beastly speech. Her turning to the sobbing woman and date isn’t important. I knew you two almost at once; for Hilliard it began face was scarlet. leading her from the room and out of unworldly youngsters would take it when he first grow tired of his child- This was too much for Bruco King­ the house. for granted the divorce was O. K., and wife’s sweet innocence and longed for ston. Impetuously, he pushed back On the same day, Eunice Hilliard wouldn’t bother to investigate. My more mature-minded companionship. his chair, leaped to his feet and was installed as a member of the dear, I don't like to call you names. They had but ono child—a daugh­ wheeled about on Cadleigh. The lat­ ter, Ardath—and on this little girl ter, frightened by the fierce menace pleasant little household presided But you’re a very charming—bigam­ over by Bruce Kingston’s sweet-faced ist! W e’re no more divorced than Eunice contered ail her slighted affec­ ! in Bruce’s look and action, also rose. tion and her hopes. But, even here, The two men faced each other, in J mother. Her life there was ideally Adam and Eve! You’re my wife, by law of God and man. And you can be Duncan did his best to thwart her, j a hot whisper, audible to Cadleigh happy. Then, one day, came a brief lettei sent to prison for bigamy. You and For, when Ardath was scarcely more alone, Bruce said: | from Hilliard. Eunice read and re your precious near-husband, Kingston. than a baby, he announced that her “ You have your choice. You will noisy presence in the house annoved I leave this house within five minutes, : read it, with a great rapture in hei And, by the eternal, you shall be sent him and he packed the child off to a j or you will take a public thrashing.” distant hoarding school. To put on a bold front, Cadleigh Left alone in the big house with grinned, as though in absolute indif­ the husband who daily neglected her ference. Then, as Kingston took a more and more, Eunice tried to find quick step forward, tho other turned amusement in society. And thus it on heel and walked over to his hos­ was that she met Bruce Kingston. tess. Bruce was a rising young playwright ‘T’m sorry, Mrs. Hooper,” he said, — a good-looking, manly fellow and a "but I ’ve Just had a ’phone message social favorite. that calls me back to town. Forgive They saw much of each other, these me for hurrying away like this.” two lonely young people. And each On his way to the train, writhing turned instinctively to the other for over his humiliation, Cadleigh stopped companionship. Yet, in their ac­ at the local telegraph office and quaintance there was only the fra­ scribbled a dispatch. Smirking with grance of innocent attraction. satisfaction, he read what he had Then came the invitation to Ade­ written: laide Hooper’s house-party at a ram­ Duncan H illia rd , 1177 Blank Avenue, bling country place twenty miles from New Y o rk C ity : town. Eunice was fond of Mrs. Hoop­ Y ou r w ife eloped tonight w ith er and she begged her husband to ac­ Kingston. Congratulations. cept. A F R IE N D . "There's enough boredom in every­ “ Rush this, please," he said to the day life without my motoring twenty operator. miles to look for it," he grunted. “ Go The telegram reached Duncan Hil­ out there yourself, if you like. I'll keep bachelor's hall till you get back.” liard at midnight. Hillierd was spend­ ing the evening at home—a thing he And so it was settled. Eunice ac­ rarely did, nowadays. And, to keep cepted the invitation, for herself. And him from utter loneliness, a decidedly Duncan planned to improve the shin­ gay party had assembled about him— ing hours of her absence by giving a a party consisting of several dis­ little part on his own account to half solute men-about-town and as many a dozen boon companions of both pseudo-ahorus girls. sexes. Into this bedlam came a footman Among the score or so of guests at with the telegram. Hilliard tore open the Hooper’s, the first to greet Eunice, the envelope and read. “ Listen to Me, You W orthless H u lk l” after her arrival, was Bruce Kingston. "Listen h ere!” he roared to his His dark young face lightened with guests, waving the yellow slip of pa­ heart. Hurrying to the room where here, the two of you, unless I get Bruce and his mother were sitting, genuine pleasure at sight of her and hat cash.” per above his head. "Just listen to she read it aloud to them. It ran: he welcomed her eagerly. With a strangled, wordless cry, she this: A dear old friend of mine sends Dear Eunice: flipped past him, before he could stop As she passed on into the house, a me the good news that my w ife’s As we both w anted our fre e ­ her, and fled from the house. fellow-guest, Reggie Cadleigh, strolled eloped with a beggarly writing ehap dom, I have Just secured a de­ An hour later, Bruce Kingston, nerv­ up to Ilrucc, who stood on the veran­ named Kingston! Hurroo!” cree o f divorce from you on ously wondering whither his bride had da looking after her. Cadleigh was a After the unpleasant interruption to grounds of desertion. You are gone, received this note, from the youth with much money and with a the party at Mis. Hooper’s, Eunice free to m arry Kingston; or any­ soul that would have been invisible started for home in her motor car. hand of a messenger boy: one else you care to. Th e court on the head of a pin. Bruce detested As Bruce was also returning to the Bruce, D earest: I find I have awards me the custody of our him— partly on his own account and city, she offered him a lift which he not been legally divorced from daughter. I wish I had been a my husband. I am not your gladly accepted. better husband to you. Not th a t wife. Duncan holds ua both in " I wish I could have thrashed Cad­ th a t does any great good, to his power. He w ill send us to leigh, as he deserved," Kingston was mm r ó) w A “5 WILSON WOODROW { saying, as the car drew up at the Hil­ liard townhouse. “ My fists clench every time I think of him.” " I ’m so glad you didn’t strike him !’’ answered Eunice. "You behaved splendidly. There is no way I can thank you for defending me as you I did. Why, look!” she broke off, point­ ing at the h(#lse, " I wonder what is ! the matter. All the first-floor shades are drawn. And the lights are burn- | ing in every room!” I " I ’ll go in there with you, if you don't mind,” he volunteered. " If any­ thing is amiss, perhaps I can be of use.” She thanked him, eagerly, for the | offer, and together they entered the i house. Several of the night’s revelers lay sleeping on the floor or in chairs. One or two men were awake; yawn­ ing and grunting. On the edge of a sofa, sprawled Duncan Hilliard. “ Duncan!" cried Eunice. Hilliard, at sound o f his namo, looked up and saw her standing be­ fore him. “ Get the blazes out of h ere!” he | croaked, forcing the words with dlffl- ! culty through his dry throat. “ What I are you doing here, anyhow? You Evelyn Discovered She W as Trem en­ I eloped with Kingston, didn't you? dously in Love W ith Him. 1 Stay eloped.' “ Eloped?” echoed his wife, dura- partly because Cadleigh had made various attempts to flirt with Eunice. founded. "Oh, I’m on, all right,” he growled. Cadleigh, now catching the look in Bruce’s eyes, as Eunice vanished in­ “ Don’t try any o f your ‘holier-than- thou’ ways on me. It's too late for doors, laughed nastily and said: “From the way you and she looked that. I know what you are. And I ’m at each other, you must be luckier going to tell you. You re— ” i "One moment. Mr. Hilliard," quietly than I was, Mr. Kingston.” Bruce reddened with anger. But, interposed Bruce, stepping forward to outwardly, he was calm, as he made Eunice’s side, “ you say you are go­ ing to tell Mrs. H llllarl what she is. answer: "You are quite right, Mr. Cadleigh. I f you tell her she is anything but the I am luckier than you. My parents best and truest wife a drunken cur of endowed me with clean brains, in­ a husband ever had— why. I'm going to tell you you lie. And then I’m go­ stead of tainted money.” He walked away, leaving Cadleigh ing to smash the words down your fat glowering vindictively after him. throat, along with your teeth.” "You’re young Kingston, aren't Bruce thought no more of the episode. Cadleigh thought of nothing else, and you?” he growled. ” 1 remember now. I met you once. You’re the man that's he itched to repay the slight. His chance came late that evening. stolen my w ife from me. eh? Weil, In the drawing room, there were sev­ take her. Good riddarre! Shell be eral bridge tables. Bruce and Eunice leaving you, next, for— ” ’T v s warned you one*.’’ cut in were partners at one of them. At e ith e r of us. D U N C A N H IL L IA R D . “ Isn’t it wonderful!” cried Eunice gayly. "Glorious!” declared Bruce. "But I didn't know desertion was a cause for divorce in New York. But I don’t know anything about the law.” "Neither do I,” chimed in Eunice, "except that it leaves me free to mar­ ry you.” "Today?” he urged. “ No, dear,” she refused, with sud­ den gravity. “ To me, divorce is a sort of death. A widow would not marry for a year after her husband's death. And I don't think a divorced woman should.” At last, after what seemed to Bruce Kingston a century of waiting, the year passed by. And on the morning of the first anniversary of the di­ vorce, he and Eunice were married. As soon as they left the church, Bruce was obliged to go to his lawyer’s to attend to a matter c f business that must be settled before they should start on their honeymoon. Eunice returned to his mother's house to wait for him. There, to her amaze, she found a let­ ter that had Just been delivered. Eunice read, on the single sheet of notepaper, this feebly traced scrawl: Eunice: I am very tic k . Th e doctors say I can’t last much longer. I'll be happier, a t th e finleh of tho race, to know you had for­ given me. W on 't you spare just a m inute to come and say good- by? I don’t deserve IL But most of us don’t deserve the things we get. D. H. A thrill of pity surged through Eunice. She was so happy, and the man who once had been her husband I * a « dying In misery! At once her mfnd was made up. Bruce would not be back for nearly an hour. Half an hour later she entered the house she had quitted more than a year earlier: the house where for years she had led so wretched a life. Duncan Hilliard rose from a chair to greet her. ’’W h y!’’ exclaimed Eunice, in amaze, “ y o i told me you were very ill!” " I f I'd said I was very broke, in­ prison if we are together. But if I vanish, he can't prove any­ thing, and you w ill be safe. So good-by, my own darling. For- give me fo r the g rief this must cause you. But there Is no oth­ er way. I love you. E U N IC E . Nor could money or skill or months of tireless search bring Bruce any further trace of the woman he adored. It was eight years since Eunice had gone out of Bruce Kingston’s life. The years for ail their glittering success, had been drearily lonely and miser­ able for him. And, with the passing o f years, Eunice became at last a sweet sad memory to Kingston, rather than a reality. He began to go about more. And. at last, at the end of the eighth year, he once again met a woman whose look and voice could make his long-empty heart stir with love. He me? her, first, when a company was called together for a reading of Bruce's new play, "Ropes of Sand,” a masterpiece, which the manager and all his friends predicted would be the crowning hit of Kingston’s brilliant career. The manager had "discovered” la the person of a young girl hitherto un­ heard of an actress of marvelous prom­ ise and beauty. Her name was Evelyn Eden. He had little trouble in cultivating Evelyn’s acquaintance. A t first she was flattered that she should be singled out for attention by the fore­ most playwright of the day. But Boon she began to feel a much warmer per­ sonal interest in the man on his own account. In short, Evelyn Eden presently dis­ covered that she was tremendously In love with Bruce. Before they had known each other a month, they were engaged. They kept the engagement a secret. They resolved on an early marriage and decided to keep that a secret, too. Rehearsals were drawing to an end. Bruce and Evelyn planned to marry on the morning of the day scheduled for tne play's first performance. To­ gether, the afternoon before, they went to select the wedding ring. Eve­ Page 3 lyn had an errand of her own which sh" was explaining to Kingston as they walked thither, side by side. In the play's last act, the heroine, cast off by the man she loved, was supposed to kill herself by sucking poison from an antique ring she wore. It was a gruesome, but effec­ tive bit of stagecraft. And it hud to do with Evelyn’s visit to the jewelry shop. "You see," she was saying to Bruce, "the property man has dug up a ring for me that would be an insult to the intelligence of a blind kindergarten child. It looks no more like an antique poison-ring than I look like Julia Marlowe. I hate it." "The audience won’t know the dif­ ference,” Bruce assured her. "No,” she assented, “ but I will. How can I throw myself Into the spirit of the thing when I’m wearing that tin­ sel hoop? Now here is my great idea: When I stopped at Ebling & Son's, yesterday, to have my brooch mended, I saw tho most wonderful collection of antiques. And what do you sup­ pose was among them? A genuine poison-ring, dating from the Sixteenth century! Think of that! By press­ ing a bit of the gold tracery around the base of the stone— it's a topaz— the stone lifts on a hinge. Inside the hollow under the topaz is a place for the poison. And—here is the queer­ est part of the whole story—the hol­ low is still full of poison.” “ But— Good Lord, sweetheart!" he objected, “ suppose you should touch poison itself to your lips, by -mistake? ¡Don't buy the gruesome thing. Please don’t ! " "But I want it so!” she pleaded. And the upshot of their brief argu­ ment was that Bruce not only bought a wedding ring, but purchased for her, also, the poison-ring she cov­ eted. As they came out of the shop a man in the passing crowd halted in amaze at sight of them. He was florid of face, gray of hair. Long and bewildered he stared after the happy couple. Then a strange expression crept into his heavy fea­ tures, and slowly he moved on. ‘T v e a surprise for you,” Evelyn was saying, as she and Bruce turned homeward. " I had a letter from my father yesterday. He is coming to New York. He may get here today or tomorrow.” "How long did you say it is since yoi’.’ve seen him?” asked Bruce, to whom his sweetheart had told little about her family. "N ot for nearly nine years,” she re­ plied. "H e came to the boarding school for me Just after my mother died. He said he had lost all his money in W all street and that he’d have to go West and start life all over again." They were married, with but two witnesses, early the following day, at the Little Church Around the Cor­ ner. After which they started in a taxi to Bruce’s bachelor rooms for the little tete-a-tete wedding break­ fast that Bruce’s man was to have ready for them on their arrival. While Kingston’s servant was set­ ting the table for Bruce and the brido. there was a*rlng at the apartment’s front door. A slender, sad-faced wom­ an stood on the threshold as the ser­ vant answered the summons. "Is Mr. Kingston at home?” she asked. “ No, madam,” replied the man. " I expect him back any minute, but—” "I will come in and wait,” sho de­ cided. As soon as she was alone, the woman rose quickly from her seat and crossed the room to the mantel where stood a large photograph in a silver frame— a photograph of Evelyn Eden. And thus Eunice Hilliard for the first time in eight years looked at the pictured face of her little daughter, Ardath. Eunice was still gazing at the pic­ ture, when she heard a key turn In the outer door. She looked around, breathless with eagerness, for a sight o f Bruce. She saw him enter the apartment with a woman clinging to his arm. The woman of the photo­ graph—her own little girl of other days. "Welcome home, dearest!" she heard him say as he stooped to kiss his bride. Eunice in panic looked about for a way of escape. There was none she would have time to reach unseen. She slipped Into a clothes closet that stood directly behind her and softly closed Its door to a crack. ’’T here!” she heard Evelyn say in mock anger. “ Just see, sir, what you did to my hair, when you kissed me! Jt's a wreck. Where can I fix It?” “ I f you simply must waste perfectly good time in hair dressing," he told her, in the same vein, "you can go into my dressing room, where there's a glass. It’s right there.” She fled to repair the damage. And Bruce, coming back into the living room, confronted Eunice who had stepped from the closet. "Eunice!" he babbled in stark un­ belief; staring as a t a ghost. "Yea, dear," she answered gently, as If to a frightened child. “ It Is I. And—I am too late. But how could I know? And how could I know It would be my little girl, Ardath. of all the women In the world?" ‘‘ Ardath?’’ he repeated dully; then, "That Is Evelyn Eden, the actress. I— I married her. This morning.' "Married?” she echoed, aghast, one hand clutching her heart. "Married Ardath?” "No, no,” he explained, miserably. "Evelyn Eden. Oh. Eunice, why did you never let me know where you * were? I hunted so long! 1 was so heartbroken! I—" "Your heart is healed; as men’s hearts have a happy way of healing, dear,” she said, sadly. Then the drtssdng room door opened. Evelyn came in. singing hap­ pily, under her breath. At sight of the strange woman she halted sur­ prised. But only for a moment After one searching, Incredulous look, she ran forward; and with a rapturous cry of "M other!” flung herself into punice’s outstretched arms. Bruce Kingston looked on; dumb, starkly be­ wildered, helpless. “ Oh, mother, my own beautiful tnothor!” Evelyn was exclaiming hys­ terically. “ Father said you had died! He said— ” “ I know, baby, I know. ” whispered Eunice, lovingly caressing the head that lay so blissfully on her breast. “ I’ll Keep You H ere by Force, If I Have To I " "H e was mistaken. There is mudh to tell you. But It must wait. And you are married? To this gentleman, too? Mr.— Kingston, I think he said his name was. I was told I might find you here, little daughter. So I came. I told Mr. Kingston who I was. And he was Just telling me about your marriage when you broke in on us.” She shot a meaning glance at Bruce, over her daughter's head He under­ stood. Evelyn was not to know. She must never know what Eunice had been to him. In silence he bowed as­ sent to her unspoken dictum. • • , • * » * • <* ‘‘Ropes of Sand" was nearing the end of its first performance. There could be no doubt as to its success; or that Broadway would most enthu­ siastically welcome the new leading woman, Evelyn Eden, to its fellow­ ship. The brief last act had begun. In thla act Evelyn dill not come on until live minutes before the fall of the curtain. Bruce and she had been sit­ ting in her dressing room. He had Just stepped out in response to a mes­ sage from the manager, when Duncan Hilliard's card was brought to Evelyn. A moment later Hilliard strode Into tho room. She ran to greet him and he caught her Jovially in his big arms. His breath reeked of cheap liquor. “ Daddy!” she cried "Oh, it’s so good to see you! I was afraid you wouldn't get to New York on time. I— ’’ “ I got here yesterday,” he said. “ I was on my way to your rooms when I saw you walking with—■ ” "You saw me—and you didn’t speak to me?" she asked, hurt to the quick. "W hy?” “ Because you were with— ” "Daddy!” broke In Evelyn, in Joy­ ous excitement, as Bruce entered. "This is my husband!” The two men stood face to face. It was Hilliard who spoke first. “ I know him,” he said curtly. "What?” she asked, amazed. "You’ve met— ?” " I met him when he stole my wlfo from me, nine years ago." i "D ad!” she gasped. | "When he stole her from me and then cast her off like a— ” “ You lie !” raged Bruce, his eyes ablaze, his fists hard clinched. "Dad! Brace!” walled the girl,, dumfounded with horror. Then in a flash she recalled Eunice'a lame excuse for her presence In King­ ston's rooms that day. And her heart ( died within her. She opened her lips, as though to speak. But before the words could take form, the call-boy hurried in to summon her to the stage. Bruce ran at top speed to intercept his bride. But he was too late. Al­ ready she was on the stage beginning her great final sceno. When, at last, sha pressed ths poison ring to her lips and sank slow- ly to the floor a wave of unchecked emotion swept tho audience. Down came the curtain. Before it could rise again to the thunder of applause, Bruce Kingston had dashed out on the stage and was kneeling at Evelyn's side. Something In her atti­ tude had filled him with a sudden hideous suspicion. Frantically he bent above her, call­ ing her name. Then bis eyea rested upon the poison ring on the white little hand that rested too close to her lifeless face. The stone was swing­ ing back on Its hinge The poison hollow was empty. (END OF FOURTH STORY.)