. • mi R. B. Murdock made a business John F. Hall was in Coquille on unimous for a normal at Pendleton and it was upon their repeated requests legal business yesterday trip lo the Bay Friday. Save a Small Place in that the present measure was initiated Miss Hazel Price left yesterday Reid the Waut ads. They may hy Fendleton people. While Weston W E. Crain was up from his Your Baggage for a raorniug lor a visit with friends in had any chance whatever of reestab­ help you, campon business Tluirsdtv- lishing the school mere Pendleton re­ \\ ANTED—Uuiibi... B*i k. 1916 John Miller spent the week end Bandon. frained from any effort to secure a Highest price paid for county school Peel. Geo. T. Moulton tf un tbe Bay. and the town always voted for scrip and orders. Tbe Title Co. tf H. M. Hammock of the Fishtrap Mr. and Mrs. Owen Kuowlton The editor of the Herald is in the Weston school out of neighborhood loyalty. Weston is showing gross in­ reiurued today from San Francisco was in town Thutsday. Summer timeis CA M ERA conntry gratitude hy its present course. Portland, having taken advantage Chas Stauff, of Marshfield, wh,‘re ,hey bave been visiling ,or of tbe K. P. excursion. time of course. Everybody was Mrs. some weeks. visiting friends in Coquille last Committees Meet Money *ld office on 111 . proved city property. The son indicate that for the first six Weston Opposition ed the art of successful PIGS for Sale. F. B Phillips. Title Company. tf months under what is sometimes face­ 7 - 11 -tf Laundering. Satisfac­ called “prohibition” the receipts Pendleton, Ore., July 28.—In oppos­ Hon. Binger Hermann is visiting tion guaranteed or mon­ LOST—Elgin watch, stven jewels, this county and greeting old friends ing a normal school at Pendleton cer­ of tiously shipments of booze by Coos county ey back. : : : : : at Myrtle Point races. P'inder He is reported as holding his own tain people at Weston are showing a folks have run as follows, each month’s leave at Baxter hotel Jas Rob “ Dog-in-the-Manger” tendency, as­ figures giving the numbex of affidavits with Father Time in good shape serts a statement issued today by the filed and the number of quarts recsived: A tidy and well kept shop recommends the firm as 7 18 2 t COQUILLE LAUNDRY Hitt CO. ertsjn Beer Whiskey retaining bis remarkable mem­ Pendleton committee of which J. N. GOLDEN ITALIAN B E E S-A nd and Qta. personal neatness does the individual. No. Qta. No Burgess is chairman. The statement ory of names and faces which used Queens, untested $ 1 , tested $1 50 3 72 Jan 20 11 says: The Celebrated Purity mating guaranteed. F. to be such an asset in his days ol “Weston has twice failed to induce Feb. 118 233 32 768 M. Alley, 697 N. Cottage, Salem, political activity. the people to re-establish the normal March 235 455 90 2194 Oregon 7 -i 8 -iotp there and there is no future hope of April_____ 486 975 117 2542 Don’t overlook the Port Orlord restoring that school because it lacks May .... 456 894 154 3-560 Ai/ate Carnival on August to, 11 FOR SALE—Bees and lie- sup aud 668 1.323 177 4132 the facilities for accommodatihg the June 12 , p ies. Mace Bros., Mirile Point Awarded Gold Medal school. 1974 3900 573 13,268 Total The Marshfield authorities are “The average daily attendance of 5 16 10rp P. P. 1. E. San Francisco, 1915 Alcohol give out no fumes, waste products or appreciable Wine pupils in the Weston grade school last having trouble in trying to stop the S E C OND H A N D TYP EW HI TE R - practice of jumping on and off mov­ year was but 125, according to the dis­ No. Qta. No. Qta. heat. The innate cleanliness of motor drive makes Pittsburg Visible; does first-class 0 ... 5 9 0 trict's official records. Such a number Jan............. The strongest and nearest water proof work. For sale cheap. Inquire ing trains on Fron‘ street, but the of 6 8 14 plant inspection the owner’s pride, conserves the Feb_______ .... 3 pupils is hopelessly inadequate to Shoes made for Loggers, Cruisers, at Herald office. tf younger generation will probably provide practice teaching needs for a March .... 4 9 29 73 material manufactured and serves as a general stim­ Miners, Sportsmen and Workers. 33 39 92 ulus to the good spirits, loyalty, accuracy, and health contiuue lo pull off the foolish stunt standard normal school. The United April *......... ... 16 16 30 52 115 May uutil some one has to be gathered States bureau of education requires a June Men’s Comfort Dress Shoe* 8 22 32 68 of the workers. standard normal school to give all se­ up in a basket. 52 109 159 362 Isn’t this worthy of consideration? niors a half day's teaching practice Total The Port Orford agate beach is for Strong Shoe* for Boys rum, Kin, etc. Branny, many weeks The grade pupils the most noted on the coast. Vis-t available at Weston are so few in num­ No. Qta. Regular as the Clock Manufactured by it at tbe time of the Agate Carnival, ber they could not provide practice Jan. 3 21 Write or phone August to, 11 and 12 . 20 11 teaching for more than one-fifth the Feb. Theodore Bergmann 11 22 Tbe visit of Governor Withy- number of graduates from the Mon­ March Shoe Manufacturing Co. 20 41 mouth Normal this year. A normal combe and ihe memlrers of the Fish school 13 25 at Weston would have to be ex­ May 621 Thurman St Portland, O -efon First-class fare or...............$10.00 and Game commission to Gold tremely limited in attendance or the June 12 26 Beach next month indicates a de­ students would have to be denied the Total Phone 71 Coquille, Ore. 70 155 |Ask for the Bergmann Waterproof Up freight, per ton............ 3.00 site to get at the real facts ol the best part of a normal course - practice shoe Oil. That carelessness on the part of fishing situation which periodically teaching under critics. E. & E. T- Kruse “To establish a school there in view drivers and pedestrians is primarily re­ brings the people of that vicinity to 24 California Street, 5ar» Francisco Trouble Saver. of modern normal requirements would sponsible for the alarming Increase in the verge ol civil war to $15.98, delivered to you Te was always trying to save h'm- be a crime. It would be unfair to stu­ fatalities at railroad crossings, is the free. Made to your measure, with e. written guarantee with Tin- road to Port Orfi rd i« in ex dents and poor business for the state. gist of an address by Alex Gordon of address trouble.” each and every coat, for Men, Women and Children. Cap, Bonnet For Reservations And did he succeed?" celleot shape for the ¡fYrto trave There is not a teacher or educationa the California State Railroad Commis­ and Book Cover for the kiddies. If interest- 1} I i / Free ’ A fes He has saved up a whole lot whirl will pa«s over it at the tim authority of any sort in Oregon or the sion, made recently before the conven­ ed drop me a postal for further particulars. 1 .I'S.V I E \ \ V M 1 T 1 T I J. E. NORTON re than be can take care of."— ol ’lie A, a'e Carnival, Atigu-t 10 United States that would advise such a tion of the boards of Supervisors of Coos County Agent, Marshfield, Oregon A|tnl, Coquille, Oregon sbington Star. iia n d t 2 c iurte. The teaching element 1* un- California. MERELY MENTIONED Camera No. 2 C Brownie $ 11 00 Autographic Fixture New Size 3 7-8 x 4 7-8 Knowlton’s Drug Store I ^New Telephone Directory"^ a Coos and Curry Telephone Co. INCOME and OUTLAY en tist FIR ST NATIONAL B A N K I Dry Shiplap, WANT COLUMN '‘Going Up” Supplies are high Machinery is high Overhead is high % Finish, Flooring and Rustic W ISCONSIN SILOS Special Prices B. E. JOHNSON % è ‘Order is Nature s First Law’ Electric Motors Bergmann Shoe Str. Elizabeth San Francisco and Bandon OREGON POWER CO. KOMER KANT LEAK