F ro m W a s h in g to n to W o o d r o w Motion Picture Notes Items of Interest to Those Who Are Interested in Motion Pictures-— Information o f Coming Attractions and Comment on Pictures ropy..B in 181 « by a . J. K#ynulda Tobacco Cc. Slip a rew Prince Albert smokes into \our system! R You’ve he; rd many an earful about the Prince Albert patented proc jss that cuts out bite and parch and lets you smoke your fill - vithout a comeback I Stake your bank roll that it proves out evi ry hour o f the day. Prince Albert h a ; always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quali' y ! There’s sport smok ng a pipe or rolling your own, but y o u l n o w that you’ve got to have the right tobacco I W e tell you Prince Albert will b ing the doors wide open for you to corn» in on a good time the national jo y smoke firing up every little ¡¡o often, without a regret! You’ll feel like your smoke past has beer, wasted and will be sorry you cannot back up for a fresh start. J T ' J \ v ■ V x cJOHN ADAM S m £ . _ A SCENE FR O M “ THE You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a thousand-dollar bill 1 It’s worth that in happi­ ness and contentment to you, to every man who knows what can be gotten out o f a chummy jimmy pipe or a makin’s cigarette with Prince Albert for , ? I ANDREW kolO H N SO N V m m IRON C L A W , ” C H A P T E R No. 7, ( P A T H E ) .... To be Shown at The Scenic Next Monday Evening " p a c k i n g ” ' WA ULYSSES S. G R A N T Rich Attractions Coming to Coquille Last week was a lively one with the vantage with that cheap bunch but she proprietor o f the Scenic. He was clos- is one o f the most attractive o f clever eted about half the time with repre­ players among the lesser luminaries oi sentatives o f motion picture exchanges the screen. Tom Moore, a brother of and other amusement enterprises, and ( Owen and Matt Moore, and the hus­ the net result is four contracts which band of Alice Joyce, is quite a talented his patrons should be glad to hear about. actor and we predict that the people On Monday a contract was closed for will like these pictures. As an added the World and Equitable service of pleasure for the readers of the Herald, feature pictures. These are all five- j arrangements have been made to pub­ reel features and include what are | lish in this paper a full-page story of known as the “ Ready-Made,” than each picture before it is shown. These which there are none better. These pictures will be shown on Monday even­ are among the best feature pictures ing with the Iron Claw and the Pathe produced, bar none. The service com­ News, making a combination hard to prises one picture a week and they will keep away from. be shown on Tuesday evenings com­ The most pleasing feature of these mencing July 11th. new contracts, perhaps, is the fact that On Thursday a representative o f the they make it possible, with a liberal Blue Bird feature pictures blew in and patronage, to show the pictures at the This made such strong representations that uniform price o f 5 and 15 cents. a contract was closed with him. At means that the Scenic is taking a least a phone conversation was held chance that its faith in the Coquille with him at Myrtle Point late in the public is well founded and that the peo­ evening in which he agreed to accept ple will turn out to see EXTRA good the terms ofTered by the Scenic man. attractions more liberally than to see The Blue Bird features are the best simply good ones. It will be easily un­ product of the Universal corporation, derstood that the service here described rui o f pie put out under another name. They show many of the most popular stars tures, but it is believed that the people o f the Universal forces and ought to will respond in a way that will make be up to a high standard which will it. possible to continue the service in­ commend them to the Coquille public. definitely. The Scenic takes the chance These are also live-reel features, ami for awhile, anyway. there will be shown with each one a As the Pathe man walked out of the single reel comedy o f the Nestor or Joker brand, making a splendid Satur door he passed another advance man coming in, and arrangements were day night program. made with the latter for the Colored Early Saturday morning a represent­ Eastern Jubilee Quartet, to appear late ative of the Pathe Exchange walked in in the month. On reaching Portland, and still more Business was done with however, the advance man found that him. A contract was made with him the quartet had disbanded for the sea­ for the Gold Rooster features, one each son. week, and the Scenic man believes that these will be the cream o f the whole week’s program. The Pathe people have long been among the leaders of the producers and their work is famil­ iar to all picture fans. A Gold Rooster will be presented on Wednesday or Thursday o f each week commencing the third week in July. In addition a contract was made for the “ W ho’s Guilty” series o f two-reel pictures. This is not a serial but a series, each complete in itself and featuring Anna Q. Nielson and Tom Moore. Miss Noil- son is well known for her work in the Kalem pictures, She was never given a good chance to show to the best ad­ r I a ( Five Cents é «Ä fev CHESTER A L ARTHUR. ANDREW UACWSON M l M A D T IM VAN BU PEN G ßO VER CLEVELAND - . ^ : Notice of Sheriffs Sale By Virtue o f an execution and Order of Sale duly issued by the ( lerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Coos State of Oregon, dated the 20 th (lay of June, 1916, in a certain action in the Circuit Court for said County and State, wherein W. I>. Newton as lb liver o f Coquille Mill and Mercantile Corporation, as PlaintilV reenve dju ment against Leo nnrd Hart lev . Def ant. for the sum of Eight 1ItiliHired no-100 Dollars, aiid i ul disbt merits taxed at h'¡ft.sen and1 IK> - ino Do I lars, on the 6th cllay of Jan uà rv 191 Notice is herch ivon tliint Ì wi the 5th day of .Àiqçust, FDit> at front door o f the' ( omit y (,’otirt i: in Coquille, in saiid C'ouiuy. at 10 o c in the forenoon o f Slnid day, dl at lie auction to tinp 1:liehest biih K t cash, the follow it'K 1deaerili«ed prop». tO-Wit: Beginning 14.1!2 c bains *th o corner between sec lions 4 and , town, hip 30, ut h r.f rangt' t: w. W. M.. running them e north them e west 24. JO chains t ht bank o f Coquille River, id right bank to a point running thence ett ning, containing 6 Also beginning 7.» chains north of ' 1 section corner between sections 1 and 5 : in township JO south o f range 12, west | of W. M., running thence north 3.53 ; chains; thence west 23.10 chains to right bank o f South Fork o f Coquille River; running thence up said right bank to a point due west of beginning; | running thence east to beginning, oon- t¡lining 7 ’ e acres more or less. Also beginning at the corner between sec j lions 1 and f>, township JO, south of range 12, W. W. M.. running thence! m-rth 3.■*:* chains, thence west 21.15 chains more or less to right bank of the South Fork o f the Coquille River, rum mg thence up said right bank to a it due west o f beginning; running pee east 19.25 chains more or less to b< inning, containing 0 acres more or; le . all in Coos County, State o f Ore­ gon. Taken and levied upon as the property o f the said Leonard Hartley, defendant or as much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judg­ ment in favor of W. D. Newton as Re- • » iver o f Coquille Mill and Mercantile Company, a corporation, against said Leonard Hartley, Defendant, with in­ terest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have may accrue. A lfred J ohnson , J k .. Sheriff. Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 3rd day of July, 1916. 7 -l-5t Advance Information? MISS 11‘ F.PAREDXIiSS is the magic word today. It I is on every tongue. Are you prepared for sickness or business misfortune? Have you enough cash to tide you over? If you haven’t a hank account make up your mind to open one today. If you have an account deride to increase it. The man with the substantial bank account can look the worl I in the .'ace. A good balance in hank begets confidence. It makes for independence. 'The business man witn a good balance in bank always is prepared to take advantage of an opportunity to buy cheaply for ready ca ?h. M ARJORIE BLOYD WEDS Bride o f Prescott Man—Harvest to Start Shortly. w il l ia m MÇ K IN L E T - In the Circuit Court o f the State ol Oregon, fo Coos County t THEODORE. \R O O S E V E L T WILLIAM H TAFT j •>»*» V _ — : m T/ W OODROW W IL S O N F R A N K L IN P IE R C E . 0 0 rx In a recent issue of the Spokesman- Review we note the head lines given ; below, which appear over a mixed dis­ patch from Starbuck. W ash.: ■ - WÊÊÊÊ Herski cds Bring Business Most o f us are conscientiously afraid o f Hies and tuberculosis germs. Some o f us are constitutionally afraid o f the dark, and the rest o f us art afraid that too much electricity will hurt our eyes. We are afraid o f war, and tight shots, and the toothache, and o f losing our jobs. We are afraid o f a vacation visit from our relatives. We are afraid o f what people think. W e are afraid to live and afraid to die. Whereas, the one thing to be afraid o f is—just BEING A F R A ID .—Ex. I harrigon & be accepted as U se B efore J u ly 11 ■Æ . Better Buck Up refused to ratify the contract made by its representative and the Scenic man refused to be held up. f m ) TteN must be explained that the Exchange On Admissions to Scenic Theater S ie vk }: , * * * * ; “ What methods shall I employ to lower the cost of my product, remove obstacles and delays to produc­ tion, improve service, expel the ‘waste that profits nobody’ —in short How Shall 1 Make My Business Yield a Greater Net Profit? These vital questions assail every progressive manager or owner o f fac­ tory. shop or store. The answer to this question is contained in the word E L E C T R IC IT Y Electricity is the best for lighting and power, not on­ ly in every factory, shop and store but in the home. Let us figure y o u r p o w e r and li ghti ng problem s. It will increase the net profits of us both OREGON PO W E R CO. Phone 71 Coquille, Or ». T M l8 \ G AM ES A . G A R F IE L D , Regarding the announcement o f a contract with the Paramount people, it Five Cents id iM H K ☆ Early yesterday morning the booking fever again rose to a high temperature» and the long distance phone to Roseburg was utilized for closing arrangements for the appearance here o f the Isis Stock Company of seven people on the 15th and 16th in drumatic plays at pop­ ular prices. Watch for more expended announcements of this attraction. 5c p i t IB-HAVES ,\ C U T T H IS OUT This Coupon will p ! RUTHERFORD H E P rin ce A A lb ert tid y re d tin, a n d in R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. fa ct, e v e r y P rin ce Wiaatoa-Sales, N. C. A lb e r t p a ck a g e , h a s n real m e s s a g e -to -y o u Tble le the reverie on its re v e rs e side. Y o u ’ll aide of the tidy r e n d P r o c e s s P aten ted red tla July 30th, 1907.” T h a t m ea n s th a t th e U n ite d S t a tc s G o v e r n - m en t h a s g ra n te d a p a te n t o n th e p r o c e s s b y w h ic h P r in c e A lb e r t in m a de. A n d b y w h ich to n g u e b ite and th r o a t p a rch a r e c u t o u t ! E v e r y ­ w h e r e t o b a c c o is so ld y o u T lfin d P rin ce A lb e r t a w a it in g y o u in top p y red b a g s, 5c: t id y red tin s, 10c; h a n d so m e p ou n d a n d h a lf-p ou n d tin h u m id o rs a n d in th a t c le v e r c r y s t a l- g la ss h u m idor, w ith s p o n r o - m ois ten er top, th a t k eep s th e t o b a c c o in su ch fine co n d itio n — a lw a y s I Ague W. Johnson,Plaintiff, 'j Suit in vs. I equity for Alverda Johnson, j a divorce. Defendant. J To Alverda Johnson, the above nam­ ed defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby notified that you are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, , within six weeks from the date o f the first publi­ cation o f this summons, to-wit on or before the 18th day o f July 1916, the last day of the publication o f this sum­ mons, and if you fail to appear and answer on or before said date, for war t thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, a succinct statement o f which is as follows, to-wit: fo ra decri e o f the court dissolving the marriage contract existing between the plaintiff and the defendant. Service o f this summons is made by publication in pursuance o f an order by the Hon. James Watson, Judge o f the county court o f the state o f Oregon, made the 22nd day o f May 1916, direct­ ing the publication thereof in the Co­ quille Herald, for a period o f six weeks, consecutively. Commencing on the 23rd day o f May 1916, and the last publication on the 18th day of Julv 1916. W ALTER SINCLAIR. Attorney for Plaintiff, Coquille, Ore­ gon. 5-23-7t ------------------♦ # ♦ BE PREPARED W ITH A BANK BOOK FOR A N Y EMERGENCY. Farmers and Merchants Bank Build Around the W ires When you build your new residence or business block, remember you will have telephones. Locate them and let us put in the wires before the plastering is done. It will save trouble, and mess and possibly cracked plaster by not putting off the installation until the building is occupied. Think o f I ho telephone wires the same as you do o f the electric wires and water pipes. They are just as important and earl installa­ tion will save just as much. When you start the building, call us up. L Coos and Curry Telephone Co. j --------- Washington—Bv J. E. Jones A Y you are a reader o f this pa­ per, and we will send you on approval the handsome volume en­ titled: MOUNT VERNON, THE HOME OF WASHINGTON. The cover and ink used in printing are colonial b'iue, and the tule is in gold leaf. The paper is Fnonch vellum, and the color, colonial butf The il­ lustrations were made by our own artists, by special permission o f the authorities o f Mount Vernon. This is the story o f impressions left by a trip to Washington’ s home, and an eminent authority says: “ Breathes more o f the real spirit o f the place than anything else ever w ritten.” Regular price $1.00. If on receipt you rind it satisfactory, remit 75e; otherwise return within one week. U S. Press Association, Bond 3uildinJP W ashington D. C YOUR PROPOSITION— AND OURS S CHICHESTER S PILLS TH E D IA M O M I BRAND. A P r a n M . A '¿ for ( IH .< 11% 'TE K ’R W o solicit your deposits, having in mind that if you need assist­ ance at any time, it is our purpose to help you in so far as it is consistent with sound banking. F I R S T NATIONAL. B A N K CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000.00 A. J. SHERWOOD, President L. H. HAZARD. Cashier R. E. SHINE, Vice President O. C. SANFORD, Asst. Cashier HOTEL, BAXTER Under New Management Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose to conduc; it in such a manner as to merit pat­ ronage pnd give satisfaction to the traveling public. D I A M O N D I I H A N D P l l . l t , f.T « 5 yean known as Best, Safest, Always Reliatfa SOLO BY DRLbOISTS EVERYWHtPT CHARLES B A X T E R , Proprietor