Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 27, 1916, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 34.
NO. 40
J. M. Hawkins W rite* Daugh­
ter of Conditions Along
the Mexican Border
woe to the Mexicans if they themselves
start any thing.
I am talking o f the real conditions.
One sees nothing alarming. Soldiers
are camped at many places but we are
uesJ to this and understand it is for the
mural effect upon the Mexicans and
also for the confidence it creates, just
as one likes to know that a good dog
in the yard is an insurance against
sneakthieves and causes one to sleep
better—if doggy does not bark.
T h e S h a d y b ro o k Slu dy Center is
the nam e o f a n ew ly organ ized clu b
Conditions on the Mexican border
leading up to the present crisis are set
forth in the following, which is a por­
tion o f a letter received by Miss Her-
mione Hawkins, a music teacher at the
University o f Oregon, who is visiting
one o f her pupils. Miss Leta Mast o f
this city, from her father, J. M. Hawk
ins o f El l'aso, Texas.
Talking o f heat, eight thousand folks
including myself walked for one hour
in the flag day preparedness parade.
Nobody had a fan, nor umbrella, though
200 women were in line. Nobody mind­
ed the heat. Forty thousand lined the
streets. Line formed in front o f this
house. Ashton [Mr, Hawkins’ brother]
headed the railway section.
western garb, brown shirt, cowboy hat
and g o lf stockings, and was as proud
o f the work as a kid. I was in this sec­
tion by adoption but palm beach suit
was none too cool for me.
was too proud to ride in autos, so horses
and machines were not in the line. Mil­
lionaires. merchants, laborers and all
were mixed side by side and real dem­
ocracy was in evidence.
El Paso has
good reason for favoring preparedness.
There were more people in line, than
any other city has had in proportion
to population. There were no soldiers
in the line, as this was a civilian parade.
Mayor and all the marshals walked.
Everyone carried a flag. Civil and mil-'
itary bands, a dozen, gave the music.
Great enthusiasm prevailed.
A t night 2500 troops gave all sorts o f
stunts at Washington park for military
sick fund and fifteen thousand folks
paid from 50 cents to *1 for admission.
It was a fine show, a battle, with guns,
Babers, cannon, cavalry attacks, res­
cues, midnight raid on a tented force,
then fireworks. Yesterday a dozen au­
to cycles swept by the house loaded
with soldiers rushing to threatened
trouble on the line above town; a false
alarm. Antagonistic meetings in Juar­
ez and wild stories caused all soldiers
and officers on leave to be summoned to
the fort last night and held in readiness
for trouble. Cars ceased going to Juar­
ez in night, but operate today. Will
not run tonight. Riots in Juarez were
feared and sympathetic disorder on this
side. An attack is not feared and the
soldiers propose to take care o f the
Mexican side o f the town, asking citi­
zens to keep out o f it.
Several thousand Mexicans have come
in by freight trains this week to Juar­
ez, from idle industrial centers down in
Mexico, searching for work and we are
admitting them by hundreds as fast as
railways can give them work or take
them to harvest fields in the middle
west, excluding the sick and paupers.
They are lined up by hundreds on the
other side. All broke and hungry. A
more terrible condition than ever before
exists in Mexico and the military lead­
ers and bandits tell the people it is the
presence of our soldiers that causes it
all and meetings are being held to stir
up hate against us. But the meetings
sometimes denounce the bankrupt gov­
ernment and iis worthless money; also
the merchants who are charged with
exorbitant prices.
Ruin, ruin, ruin. Nothing but inter­
vention can save Mexico and because
we would have to save them against
the will o f some of them, Wilson will
not. He does not know the facts. He
is blind as to Mexican nature and traits.
He believes everybody on the border has
an axe to grind in Mexico. Almost
everyday somebody on the other side
takes a shot at some American near
the river, from behind some cover.
Raids o f small character occur now and
then in thinly populated regions and
these you read about. We have big
cannon here and yet yesterday an ar­
tillery company was brought in from
the camp at Columbus. Was sent there
to go into Mexico to join the Pershing
army camped at Cases Grandes, which
Carranza demands that we take out.
Bringing them to El Paso means the
General here thinks they would be
a good thing to have in case cannon
in Jo«rez should turn on El Paso. But
El Paso is not excited, feeling full con­
fidence in protection. Military authori-
ies say that El Paso is as safe as Chica­
g o —officials at the fort say that and I
fully believe no danger o f local clash
exists. But this is so only because we
are prepared. Without the army and
the determined, self reliant Texan spir­
it, that is ready to fight if attacked, we
would have trouble all the time. The
people here have no disposition to hurt
the Mexicans nor to raid the Mexican
end o f town. If they started to do so
citizens and soldiers would stop it, but
m orals
y ou n g peop le
am m g
t h e
Mrs. Della N ich nls,
president o f the clu b , was in C o ­
quille last w eek in the interests of
part o f the annual report which Mr.
Polhernus makes.
The gas schooner
Relief will be used in the work.
survey o f the Coquille river which has
been under way for some time, is being
finished this week under the supervi­
sion o f engineer D. M. Charleson.—
Western World.
Fire Starts in Engine Room and Gains Such Headway be­
fore Being Discovered that Nothing Can be
Done to Save Plant or Contents
New Crew at Radio Station
Stockholders Meet W hile Ruins Still Smoke and Determine
to Rebuild the Plant Without Delay
im possibe.
For dreds stood near the depot w hile
this immense and C oq u ille's most prohtable m a n u fa c­
delivered a lecture upou its w ork at
Saturday n igh t by a fire that is said e x p e n siv e b on fire rose fierce and tu rin g plant went up iu sm oke. T h e
A s ou tlin ed by M rs N ich o ls , the to h ave origin ated id the boiler h ig h , before the material that fed it w ild beauty of the spectacle co u ld
clu b is and plans to be, an in stitu ­ room and w hich raged u n ch eck ed so gen erously was con su m ed and it not counteract the universal regret
tion o f learn ing, instru ction being until the b u ild in g and its con ten ts began to g o d ow n . F ortunately, felt b y the citizens, and heart felt
given to all w ho wish it and w ho were reduced to a mass o f sm ok in g there w as n o w in d except a slight exp ression s o f “ too b a d ,”
T h e fire was discov ered by drift to the east. T h e sm oke and beard on all sides
con scie m io u ly desire to increase ruins
the clu b and
T h u rsd a y
n igh t
T h e plant o f the C oq u ille V a lley
C ream ery C o, was totally destroyed
their efficiency.
T h e in stru ctors in
the new organ ization
pu b lic-
spirited teachers, w ho offer their ser­
vices gra tu itou sly.
T h e fo llo w in g list o f su bjects are
on the cu rricu lu m
besides the in ­
struction w h ich is furnished in ele
m entary
secon d a ry
sch ools:
m usic, art, jo u rn a lism , Bible study
elocu tion , sten ogra p h y,
dom estic
scien ce and m anual training.
August 2 4 , 2 5, 2 6, Chosen
by Joint Committee
August 24, 25 and 26 has been defin­
itely decided upon as the date for the
railroad celebration to be held on Coos
Bay. The joint committee o f Marsh­
field and North Bend have received def­
inite information from Chief Engineer
William Hood regarding the completion
o f the Willamette Pacific bridge across
the Umpqua, which states that it will
be ready for traffic by the middle of
August. By setting the date near the
end o f the month the committee has al­
lowed for any possible delay.
The three days o f the celebration
have been apportioned between the two
bay towns and the county at large.
Thursday August 24, to be North Bend
day, Friday, Coos county, and Saturday
The business men o f Portland are
planning on taking this opportunity to
visit Coos county and are coming in
great numbers.
A hundred Salem Cherrians expect to
be here and there will be many come
from all the important Willamette val­
ley and Southern Oregon towns includ­
ing Eugene, Ashland, Medford, Grants
Pass and others.
Special trains with sleepers will be
provided to attend to the unusual traffic
according to Southern Pacific officials,
and adequate accommodations will not
be lacking.
-------------------------- — « » » — —
Educational Organization
Formed A t Gold Beach
Penniless Refugees Cross Line at G o ld Beach w hich gives as its
purpose the m a in tain in g of a high
by the Hundreds
PER YEAR $1.50
b u ild in g
nearly an h ou r
Fred E v erd en , w h o was return ing sparks rose nearly straight up, and
to his hom e on the oth er side o f the the isolated position of the plant,
river, about 1 1 : 3 0 .
At a m eeting of the directors of
the cream ery yesterday fo re n o o a it
w hich stood on the bank of the riv ­
was decided to rebuild at o n ce , on
supposed er, left little da n ger of a spread o f
the same location. N o details as to
that som e one was w o rk in g there, the con fla gration to o th e r buildings.
the size or cost of the new b u ild in g
T h e pow d er h ou se ol the C oqu ille 1
hut presently he heard a cra ck lin g
were determ ined
Ut til the new
and saw the sparks c o m in g from H ardw are C o m p a n y stood 125 feet:
plaut is ready for operation the
the elevator shaft, w hen he turned from the cre a m e iy , across a small
cream w hich the com pa n y receives
in an alarm as q u ic k ly as possible. creek and p rojected by a row o f
w ill be sent to the C oos Bay Ice and
T o avert the danger w hich
T h e alarm was responded to by trees
C old Storage C om pany o f Marsh
the fire b o y s and cit'z e n s with their they ssw here, som e of the first ar­
usual prom ptness; but the start o b ­ rivals b rok e open the door and car­
T h e total valuation o f the prop er­
tained b y the flam es m ade any ried the stock o f dynam ite and p ow ­
ty is given out by M anager Chas.
th ou g h t o f savin g the plant ou t of der to a safe distance. T h is was
Skeels as # 9600 . In su ra n ce to the
the q u estion , and a few m inutes af­ accom plish ed b efore ’ he irrival of
am ou nt o f $6000 was carried. T h e
ter the alarm sou n ded the southern
officers of. the C oqu ille V a 1 ley
end o f the b u ild in g was a solid mass p a n y, and was a useless labor, as
C ream ery C om pany r -e ; president,
o f flam es w h ich rose a h undred feet the sandfiiled w alls and tarred lo o t
C. E
M cC u rd y ; Secretary, F red
or m ore in to the air. T h e large
B ellon i; M anager, Chas. S k e e ls;
qu a n tity o f cream , butter and cheese ly safe at the distance.
N ea rly every o n e in tow n w atch­ directors, W . G . M ebl and Frank
in the b u ild in g fed the flames until
M r. Skeels is also a d i­
tb rv ligh ted up the w h ole su rrou n d­ ed the fire, eiih er from their homes W illiard.
in the eu gin e room
H e saw a ligh t
in g cou n try and m ade an y approach
or other points o f vam age, and hun- rector.
P olk co u n ty .
T h e new bill, if 1 Marshfield Talent Show
M ade-in-Oregon Is Good
passed, will reopen the norm al j
Slogan for Textbooks
Up W ell in “The Mikado”
sch ool at A sh lan d, Jackson co u n ty , !
The U. S. naval radio station at Cape
Blanco is now in charge ot an entirely
new force. The chief is C. A. Stumpf
who came here from an Asiatic station.
He ha^ four men under him.
On ac­
count o f the rule which specifies that
men shall serve only two years on shore
duty the
men who were at the
station a few months ago have all been
ordered away.
Chief Stumpf and his present crew
will have charge of the station when it
is moved to Marshfield which it is ex­
pected will be this fall. —Bandon Re­
Gas Schooner Ahwaneda to
Quit Coming to Coquille Un­
til Channel is Deepened
j Will
Continue to Run Be­
tween Portland and Bandon
The Ahwar.eda, o f Newport, which
has for several months past, been ply­
ing between Portland and Coquille, left
here Saturday for the last time, at
Riverton Miner Injured
least until the port commission takes
steps to deepen the channel at Strang’ s
Cbas. Peterson, w hile w orkin g in shoal, about three miles below town.
a coa l m ine at R iv e rto n , was se­
With a cargo o f sixty odd tons o f
verely in ju red Saturday by a rock freight the Ahwaneda started up the
falling upon him.
T w o ribs were River early Friday morning.
reached Strang’ s shoal at high tide and
broken loose from the b ack bone and
found only eight feet o f water, while
he was oth erw ise iu ju re d .
Dr. ten was necessary for them to pass
R ich m on d and Dr. C u liu attended without coming in contact with the
the injured m an w h o is being taken sand o f the shoal.
All day, according to Capt. R. D.
care o f at the borne ol J R. M cG ee
and it is reported that he is getting Morse, the Ahwaneda endeavored to
make the passage by digging and plow­
along very w ell con siderin g the cir­
ing their way through. This they final­
cum stances.
M r. Peterson has a ly succeeded in doing at high tide in
wife and three ch ildren livin g a 1 the evening, this tide being Bomewhat
higher than the morning one had been.
R iverton
Capt. Morse says that until the chan­
United we stand for a whole lot.— nel is sufficiently deepened to insure a
Columbia State.
safe passage, without loss o f time, he
will not attempt to make the trip to
Coquille again. He expressed regret
that the condition o f the river was such
as to necessitate the discontinuance o f
Plan Excursion to Convention service to this place and says he hopes
that the trouble will soon be remedied.
of Supreme Lodge
According to Capt. Morse the shoal
itself is not wide, perhaps two hundred
Arrangements are being made by the feet, and a small amount o f work
Knights o f Pythias lodge o f Coos coun­ would again make it passable.
ty for a large excursion to the conven­
While at Portland this trip the Ah­
tion o f the Grand Lodge o f Oregon and waneda was laid up for ten days for
the Supreme Lodge o f the United repairs which cost about $400.
States which will be held in Portland sailed from there Monday night bring­
August 1 to 10. It is the desire of the ing all freight on the Portland dock
Pythians that 300 people will make the consigned to Coquille river towns with
trip from here.
the exception o f two tons for Bandon
Committees from each o f the five lod­
ges in the county met here last Satur­
day for the purpose of making the nec­
essary arrangements. Edgar McDan­
iels, J. F. Grubbs and C. H. Worrel
formed the committee from North Bend
Fred Moore, L. A. Whereat and Geo.
Rosa from Marshfield; Thomas D. j
White, Samuel Johnson and Geo. R.
McNair from Bandon; C. R Roberta,
Wm. Weekly and J. G. Stemmier from
Myrtle Point and A. T. Morrison, Frank
Burkholder and W. C. Chase from Co­
Mr. Chase was elected chair­
man o f the general committee and ha
appointed Messrs. White, McDaniels,
Moore, Roberts and Morrison as an e x­
ecutive committee.
which she could not carry.
She left here late Saturday afternoon
with a cargo composed mostly o f house­
hold goods.
The Ahwrneda will continue to ply
between Portland and Bandon and will
handle freight for Coquille and up-river
points; but this will make it necessary
to ship from Bandon on the river boats.
“ The Mikako ’ a comic opera in two
O n e and forever inseparable h ave and will provide lor the location o f !
actB> by Gilbert and Sullivan, which
seem ed the te x tb o o k and its atten d­ a third sch ool at P en dleton.
| was put on at the Masonic opera house
ant petty graft. S h iftin g, slid in g,
Officers Byllesby & Co. Here last Thu rad/.y night by Wilson and An-
c h a n g in g , te x tb o o k s co m e , g o , and
i drews with a home talent caBt from
are replaced by oth ers of different
Jas. A. Green, vice-president o f the Marshfield, for the benefit o f the Co­
a u th ority or pu blication .
A n en ­ Byllesby & Co. o f Chicago, owners of quille Library, might be likened to a
tire A m erica n gen era tion recalls the the Oregon Power Co. o f Coquille and splendid picture artistically framed.
Rural Credit W ould
ru ination of its pen m an ship b y the the two Bay cities, was in the county Ed Andrews, o f Medford, in the role of
"K o K o” would represent the central
Lower Interest One-Third
abrupt and d esp otic order for a
general auditor o f the company. The figure in such a simile, while the splen­
ch a n g e Irom the “ spen ceria n ” to
two officials are making an inspection did work performed by every other
Petitions are being circulated this
the “ vertica l” system , at a form ative tour o f the company's properties in member o f the cast would furnish the
week for placing a rural credit measure
period in sch ool. T h e main idea this section. F. E. McKenna, manager harmonic setting. Very little that was
on the state ballot this fall which, it is
amateurish appeared anywhere in the
claimed would lower interest rates on
seem s to be that the presses o f ,b e | o f the Oregon Power Co. o f this city,
spent a couple o f days in Marshfield performance and its appeal to the aud­
The matter o f securing transporta­ farm loans one-third. Points in iavor
s ch o o l b ook trust sh ou ld never s la ck ­
conferring with Mr. Green and Mr. ience was apparent from the firat by
tion accommodations was taken up o f the measure are set forth by C. E.
en — m ore speed to them !
the many encores which were given
with the Southern Pacific officials at Spence, master o f the Oregon state
throughout the two acts.
T h e state of C alifornia prints its
Portland and the committee hopes grange, as follows:
ow n te x tb o o k s . It prints them for
It harmonizes with the proposed fed­
either to secure a special train or to
est o f the Gilbert and Sullivan comic
eral legislation for rural credits, which
an average o f 22 cents apiece. T h e
get an excursion rate.
------------------------ - a » - a--------
operas among which are “ Pinafore,”
According to Mr. Chase, the lodges it would supplement.
D o n ’t forget M yrtle Point CBau State o f O regon btiy^s its te x tb o o k s
“ Patience,’ and others.
At the time
It is self operating, requiring no ad­
two objects in view; one ia to run
tanqua, J u ly 1 3 th t o i 8 tb .
Season from the trust. T h e y cost the par­ O . A . C. W om an to Dem on­ when it was written, about 35 years
the excursion to Portland, in this way ditional administrative expense, going
tickets on sale at C oq u ille Banks.
ents or pu pils rn average o f 43 cents
strate in Coquille
advertising Coos county, and the second ! into the hands o f the State land board
. ■
situation o f the time in England, and
H ow d o you like it?
is to secure the 1917 convention o f the consisting of the governor, secretary of
Elk Pictures Shown
much o f its early popularity was due to
state and state treasurer, which has
T h e sa vin g o f on e system over the
On June 30 and July 2 and 3, Miss this fact. With the passing o f years, grand lodge o f the state for Coos coun­
handled successfully the state school
ty and have it held at Marshfield.
School Supervisor E. R. Peterson, of oth er, iu O re g o n , w ou ld am ou nt to Anna Turley, o f the extension depart­ however, its original note has been lost
funds o f $ 6 , 000 , 000 .
Jackson county, to wh«m the Coos
and the audience o f today regards it as
It adds nothing to the taxpayers’ bur­
county films were sent fdr exhibition, am ou nt paid at hom e *or hom e la­
merely an intereating plot.
den, since all operating costa are to be
writes the Marshfield Chamber o f Com­ b or.
A fairly large audience witnessed the that will be held on the afternoon of ! borne by the borrower.
problems of farm women in this com­ performance, despite the fact that the August 1 and are planning on costumes
merce that they were shown in four
Bonds for obtaining the loan funds
T h is hom e prin tin g plan is fos­ munity.
As planned these phases a re : Beeson Bros were holding forth at the o f such a nature that they will aid in
different places without charge.
can be marketed at lower rates than
Elks authorized the showings in the
Scenic, across the street. Many o f the
farm mortgages, while at the same
The excursion will not be limited to time the state merely “ goes security”
Vining theatre at Ashland and in the sup ported by the T y p o g ra p h ica l iences, food preparation and house dec­ people attending “ The Mikado” were
Page at Medford.
A t the Comus in U nion
from neighboring towns.
Tne Scenic Pythians and any one who wishes may for which it is amply protected by
It is not on ly feasible, it is oration.
In Coquille Miss Turley will work]un-
take advantage o f tne rates which will mortgages on land at double the value
Gold Hill and in Rogue river the pic­ an assu ied success A s k California
show was also well attended.
der the auspices o f the Woman’ s Study
tures were shown by the commercial
undoubtedly be in force.
o f the loan.
Certain cilizen s of our State, alw ays Club. The demonstrations will be giv­
Fishermen Lose Light
clubs o f each place.
Mr. Peterson,
Portland will be decorated from the
Farmers o f Oregon are compelled to
en in the basement of the M. E. church
who is a Coos county native, accom­
water front to the hills in red, yellow compete in world markets with farmers
panied the films and gave lectures as g o n ” slog a n , w ill prove them selves
Keith Leslie, Hugh Harlocker, Perry and blue, not the least portion of which having a much lower credit rate, and
sessions will be held.
the procession o f interesting affairs and their sin c e rity b y the quality ot
until this condition ia remedied the
While in this county Miss Turley will Lawrence, Joe Winsor, J. P. Michels will consist o f flowers.
were shown. Mr. Peterson said there the sup port given this excellen t pro­ hold similar meeting» at various places and Donald Brown composed a fishing
It is expected that 25,000 Knights of state will not advance as it should.
was great interest everywhere in the
It is necessary to get 25,000 signa­
and her schedule is ss follows: Arago, party which made a fishing trip into Pythias will attend the convention.
p o s a l.— G o ld H ill N ew s,
exhibitions. The films have been re­
They left The large portion o f visitors will be tures on the petitions within the pres­
June 27, 28 and 29; Coquille, June 30 Brewster valley Sunday.
* «• » -
turned to Secretary John Motley.— Re­
and July 2 and 3; Norway, July 5, 6 Coquille Saturday evening stopping at subordinate lodge members who will be ent month. Since no funds are avail­
D o n ’ t forget M yrtle P oin t C h a u ­
and 7; Coos River, July 8 , 10 and 11; Lee to take in the barn dance and w< nt taking their vacations from business. able for circulating them reliance is to
tau qua, July 1 3 th to 18 h.
on to Brewster Sunday morning. While Fur the entire crowd an elaborate en­ be placed on volunteer help.
Sumner, July 12, 13 and 14.
tickets on sale at C oq u ille B anks.
Three Days to Mobilize
wishing petitions to circulate may se­
This will be the second year Misa the boy* were at the dance some prac­ tertainment has been prepared.
Turley has been in Cooa county engag­ tical jokar, whose name has not been
Special trains will begin arriving in cure them by writing to C. E. Spence,
In a little less than three days after
ed in this kind o f work.
The United ascertained, removed the storage bat­ Portland about July 30.
These will be Oregon City, or J. D. Brown, Arling­
Normal School Up Again
the order had been received by him,
States Department of Agriculture is teries and headlight from the truck be­ carrying Eastern people. Other sec­ ton, Oregon.
Adjutant General George A. White tel­
cooperating with the State Agricultur­ longing to Joe Winsor in which they tions of the Northwest will arrive by
O n ce m ore is the question of nor al College in this work and they are were making the trip. It is rumored
egraphed the war department that the
special traina in the following two days.
Dairy Authority Here
Oregon national guard had completed mai sc h ools to com e up before the making a strong plea for the added co­ that other valuable property was also Headquarters for the officers of the Su­
The battery and light were preme Lodge will be at the Hotel Port­
mobilization at the Clackamas range. voters o f O regon .
Petitions are operation of women in the rural dis­ taken.
Prof. R. R. Graves, chief o f the
The order for mobilisation was received b ein g circu la ted in C oq u ille this tricts, as thete in particular are the found Sunday, but the ether property land, while sessions o f that body will
dairy department at the Oregon Agri­
at 10:20 o ’ clock on the night of June 18
people they wish to reach.
be held in the Masonic Temple. The cultural college, ia to be one o f the
w eek w h ich , s h ou ld the requisite
A home conveniently located, in each
and the telegram was sent at 6 o'clock
great State Armory, where 1000 men speakers at ’ he meetings which will be
community will be used as a demon­
on the evening o f June 21. It is thought
march and countermarch in comfort, held in Coos county from July 11 to 15
that Oregon led all other states in the again place the qu estion o f w hether stration house and the needed supplies
will be the scene o f tiie public recep­ as part o f the extension work o f that
matter o f mobilizing the national guard. O r e g o q shall
have on e norm al for the demonstration are to be sup­
institution. County Agriculturist J. L.
The entire expense o f moving the
plied by the local people; but as most his crew o f five men, including Andrew
Special committees will meet a i I Smith says that the farmers o f Coos
sch ool or three
T h e m easure also
troops from Portland to as far
o f these are found in the supply o f any Koerner, Joseph Reese, Walton Hay- trains and secure hotel accommoda­
are exceedingly fortunate in securing
south as Roseville, Cal., will be p rovides tor the va lid aiion o f the country home, little expense will lie at­ don, Dan Miller and R. J. Macgenn left
tions for all visitors.
so eminent an authority on dairy prob­
Monday morning for the Siuslaw river
borne by the Southern Pacific railroad. 1 «ration o f the U n iversity o f O re­ tached to it.
Auto owners are being urged to drive lems. The several places at which the
While the program extends over where they will make a quick survey
This is due to the fact that the railroad gon at E u g e n e and the O regon A g -
through to Portland.
The trip will be meetings will be held and the names o f
three days, it will occupy only part o f o f the bar and entrance to the harbor.
agreed to move all troops free over this I r ic u „ u ra, C olleg e at C orvallis,
delightful, and the machine will be the other speakers will be announced
the time each day, and the work will It ia believed that they can finish in
part o f its system in return for land '
c ~
t handy in making trips over the wondcr- later. According to Mr. Smith aome
k .
At present the state o f O regon be so arranged as to not seriously in two days, and in three days at the
concessions granted by tn#» government
* tn ‘e boulevards whi<h lortland very interesting programs are being
before the Shasta route was construct- |
on e n ofra a ^ sch ool in operation, terfere with the conduct o f the work | aide, unless conditions should interfere.
The survey is being made to become . ¿ h“ >u ,t complet*,i'
and ib is is located at M on m ou th , o f the women concerned.