MtHlLY MENilONtD W A N TE D — Cbitham Bsrk. Peel. Geo. T Moulton 191G tf Accident to Charm NOTES ON THE PHOTOPLAYS The Charm got her propeller mixed Mrs. Chas. W igant was in fiom R »»d the Want ads. They may up in the ferry cable Thursday night O f Interest to Those W h o the North Fork today. which delayed her departure down the lift 111 jo u , Patronize the Movies Bob Henderson, of North Bend, river for several minutes. Jack Tozier, J. D. Benbain was in front Fair- is spending a lew days in this city operator of the ferry, who was assist- ' Coquille patrons ol the sileut Food provided for the family table de­ view the last ol the week. Highest price paid for county ing in extricating the cable, in some drama will be interested iu kn ow ­ manner had a bone in hia wrist broken. serves the careful thought o f every house­ Highest price paid for county scrip and orders. The Title Co. tf On Friday the Charm had the mis­ ing that the Scenic has closed a scrip and orders. The Title Co. If wife. D o you use thought when buying Jim Mast, o f Baudon, was a C o­ fortune to strike a log, which bent her contract for the Paramount pictures The air is daik with smoke in the baking powder? shaft and put her on the retired list for quille visitor today. to first come on WedueMlav, June southeast as a result of lines! fires another day. Fled B «k ci, ol Brewster valley, 2 1 . Every goed picture fan knows The quality o f cake, biscuits and all F »r Xpert pisuo till ing, cull lii was a Coquille visitor today. that the Paramoun' pictures have quickly raised flour foods depends largely O i*unjuer. tf Back From Portland Geo. T Moulton will pay highest no superior. They are strictly first- upon the kind o f baking powder used. Capt. O Willard is steeling a lUHiket price for wool and n.ohair Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Machon returned class iu every way and are product Ford cat between here and Uandon I 3 U tf Royal Baking Powder is made from yesterday from Portland where they: ed by some o f the very best makers on a passenger line By ttquest of the grand ju ry the saw the Rose Carnival and spent a in the business. They aie not i nly cream o f tartar derived from grapes. It is J. D. Krantz wr-s down from the \ flag is now floating over the court week enjoying the sights. Mr. Machon superior in every othei wav, ti it absolutely pure and has proved its excel­ Fishtrap country Saturday. reports a most enjoyable time; and, they ate always clean and unob­ house while couit is in sessiou. lence for making food o f finest quality and Highest piiee paid for c unty i like everyone else who has seen it, he Fresh Vegetables at »1 times at is enthusiastic in speaking of the Col­ jectionable m orally. They show us scrip and orders. The Title Co tf j wholesomeness for generations. Lyons & Jones. umbia highway. The comfort and en­ such stats as Mary Pickfotd, Mar­ Lloyd Irvine, of Powers, spent Sat-1 Royal Baking Powder contains no alum Mrs. M. A. Colebrook who resided at joyment of the railroad trip also im­ guerite Clatk, Dustin Farnum and urday night and Sunday in this city. this place several years sgo, and who pressed him, in comparison with former others of the top-notchers whom we nor phosphate. The blackberries are beginning to has spent the past few years on a methods of reaching the interior. have oever seen here. Ii will I* ripen, thanks to the past few days of 1 ---------.»»--------- ranch in Curry county, has returned to remembered that Paraiuounts were sunshine. R O Y A L B A K IN G P O W D E R CO. Coquille to reside. “Alm ost an Accident” shown and liked here lor them om h Be "p repa red” h r tlie Fourth. N ew York Money to ioau in small amounts C nip 11 " line of tiiecrackers at preceding the hurniug of the Grand. ou improved city p iop ertt. The A pair of farm horses took a brief Folsom’s C ou f.clion eiy At the time the cost was too high Title Com pany. tf spin down Firat street this morning, Dr. V. L. Hamilton, wife and son In the Fairview country several but yielded to the blandishments of to allow o f their being shown at Will wonders never cease? The rain 10th of June, it sure causes people to Earl returned Sunday morning from a \ fields of potatoes seem to have been County Agriculturist .Smith and stopped regular prices here, and two ie i- and hail and snow were bad enough sit up and take notice. This is some- two weeks’ auto trip in the eastern part in front o f his office. The two lady hit pretty hard by the frost as the tutes at advanced prices f..r a *e, k near the first o f May, but when a heavy thing that none of the old settlers seem of the state. They came back over the vines are blackened and not showing occupants of the light rig took the af­ was a little too rich for our blood. old Coos Bay wagon road. “ Doc” says I frost appears on the morning of the to remember having seen before. fair with perfect composure. It seems any signs of life. N ow the Paramount people have the road is still some muddy. T h e “ buzzards’ roost” iu front ol that coming down the hill by the Tuttle made some concessions that seetn T iy a cm of that Tuna Fi»h «1 House, one of the tugs dropped and aiszara Lyons & Jones — only 15c per can. Sehroeuer’ s confectionery has been started the horses. By the time they to piace the service within the done away with and a steel cover­ stopped all the tugs were flying but reach o f the small exhibitor, pi ovid- “ Dad” Woodford, who has been vis -1 iting out in the valley for the past ing placed over the basement en­ the neck yoke held up the pole, aud the ing that his patrons stay with him JJ rig was drawn by the lines. month, returned home Saturday. He trance. to a reasonable extent, and it will reports an enjoyable time. One of the Anyone wishing any of A. G . be tried out again. The features main reasons for his return is that the Spaulding’s a; 01 ting goods come to Electrical Expert Coming will be shown on Wednesday and fish are beginning to take a tty here­ E A. Folsom , agent, Hud order at abouts. L. W. Turnbull, heating device spec­ Saturday nights and at the regular A L U M IN U M S IX -Q U A R T KETTLE any time. tf ialist o f the General Electric Company, price ol 5 and 15 cents, and no Cull on Lyons & Jones when you For Preserving, Pot Roasting, Stewing Etc. One man of this city informs us that arrived on the Bay Monday and with doubt is felt that the Coquille pub­ want a Nemo Corset. he has been keeping count of the li­ his corps of assistants will be in Co­ lic will give an adequate patronage Useful every day J. P. Beyers motored to M cK in­ quor advertisements that he has re­ quille Friday and Saturday of this week ley for a Sunday visit with h isch il ceived through the mail from liquor to demonstrate the latest electrical to these splendid pictures. A sched­ houses since the first of the year, and dren, who are spending their vaca­ cooking devices. Mr. Turnbull is a ule has not been received, but an­ that he has exactly 51 order blanks now specialist in his line and is coming to nouncement will he made later of tion with their grand parents, Mr. in his possession. our city througn the efforts o f the Ore­ the opening bill. and Mrs L A. Law horn. Mts. M cAdam s, an aged lady gon Power Company who wish to give Old fans will be pleased to learn Bargains— 1 incubator 50 egg living across the river from this city their patrons the opportunity to see that the Scenic has contracted for capacity ; 1 set heavy harness; 1 set had ihe misfortune to fall and break these wonderful devices in actual oper­ some o f the old Biograpbs which Painter fulls and hooks; 1 plow, 10 ation in their own homes. inch; 5 sewing machines. Will seil three r ibs last week. She is doing we all used lo en joy . These pic­ cheap or exchange for chickens or nicely under Doctor Culin’s care, tures have been re-issued on new Boy Scouts Pass Through anything useful I cau handle. — At and though past seventy, is beating j films and two will be teceived each Q uick’s. up cheerfully. . The Boy Scouts of Roseburg to the week. Practically all of them were Chas. Watson and family who FAR M E RS— G e o. T. M oulton number of twenty-two were in Coquille made under D. W. Griffith as di­ have resided at Corvallis for the wants your bi.lea. Better sec him last evening, under the leadership of rector, and they show such old fa­ past year, have returned to Coquille about it. He wants furs also. 8-3tf Scoutmaster R. S. J. Hamilton. They vorites as Flotence Lawrence, Ma­ left Roseburg last Tuesday and hiked on a vacation trip. They arrived I, A. Liljeqvist was reported sick to Brewster valley, where they camped rian Leonard, Arthur Johnson, Saturday and expect to spend some and confined to the house tor sever­ until yesterday and had a very enjoy­ Mary Pickford, H enry W althall, time visiting relatives and friends. al daos last week, but according to able outing. They made their camp BI nche Sweet, Mae Marsh aud 100 Acres G ood Timber iu Tow n­ the report on the streets this alter- here last night and were planning to go others. Th ey are all in single reeli, ship 20, Range 10, Coos Cuuuty. For noon he was able to land on a par­ to Bandon today, where they intended but except in the matter ol length to spend a few days, going home by prices, address B«u G otloi, Enter­ ty last evening in response to an in­ Myrtle Point and Camas valley. Scout­ they are equal to any that are made prise, Oreg 5-10-5tp sulting remark master Hamilton reports a fine trip so today. Many of the old fans would Roy A very, who has been taking far, with no accidents and all in good rather see them again than any of J. L K rouenburg, one of the sol­ a course iu the School ol Journalism health and spirits. the new ones. at the State University, is due here id citizens of Ba ndon, and long a and the c o u p on if presented N ext week will be shown " T h e respected resident o f this valley, on o r b e fo r e June 17» 1916 today. He will again be associated Baseball G am e Garden of A lla h ,” a scenic picture with the Herald, and this time with died at that place last Saturday af­ Aluminum utensils are NOT “all the same.” Be sure you get The funeral “ Wear-Ever.” Look for the “ Wear-Ever” trade mark on the The Coquille Independents defeated that followed the course described the management. His many Iriends ter a short illness. bottom o f every utensil. If it is not there it is not “ W ear-Ever.” took place today and was largely the Coquille High school crack baseball in the noted story and play of that will he glad to know that he will REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. team by the score of 9 to 2 at Lyon’s name Many months were co n ­ become a permanent resident of attended from this city. field Friday afternoon. Some of the sumed in getting these views o f Money to loan in small amounts Replace utensils that wear out the city. excuses heard from members of the Arab life, and the desert o f Africa on im proved city property. The High school team are that whenever G o to Q uick’s for your screen with utensils that “ W ear-Ever” * G 6 tf the High school made a bad play it was was penetrated by the camera man. BUKMMS "" TlWOt HAW doors aud saw filing, saws, gum- Title Company. The picture is not only educational See for yourself the difference between “ W ear-E ver’ ’ and oth er, rnii g, second hand saws, carpenter Miss Pearl Davis left Saturday for the result of the wind blowing hard. kinds o f aluminum and enameled ware— then you will know why s o j tools, axes, brush books, tie hack Seattle, Wash., where she will in fu­ They forget that th e Independents but intensely interestingaud unique. many women prefer “ W ear-E v er” cooking utensils. played in the same wind that they did. ing tools. “ The Getman Side of the W a r” ture reside with a sister. Miss Davis’ Cut out this Coupon— Bring it to us today many friends regret her departure They also say that when the Indepen­ which will be shown tomorrow from Coquille. Last Tuesday evening dents mads a bad play it was “ rotten” night, will give the real scenes in m a number of her friends tendered her a work on their part. The older team and about the Germ in army Per­ farewell party at the home of Mr. and players are throwing out their chests KATES: One cent a word, each in­ Mrs. Cecil Elwood. A pleasar.t time and asserting that the High school mission for the taking was granted sertion. No charge less than 15 cents' “ Wear-Ever” Coupon was had playing games until a late don’t know the game so the High school by the German authorities and the We will accept this coupon and 98c in payment for one “ Wear- hour. Delicious refreshments were can't be blamed for its slandering com­ fact that the pictures are put out Ever" six quart Aluminum Kettle, which Hells regularly for FOR S A L E — Tws » o ik horses, 7 ments. The High school played out of Si.M, provide« you present the coupon in person at store on or served. by the Chicago Tribune is a guar before June 17, 1«16. years old, weigh about 1700 each. luck like any good team will do some­ IjWlAB-lVtin /wtAR-tvtRV S. Domenigliiui, Lampa 6-6 If Miss Label Downs, dauehter of times, and they can’t be blamed for antee ol authenticity. Rev- and Mrs. T , H. Downs, ar­ being peeved at being beaten by a lot G O O D M IL K C O W S for sale F. « .......................... Inuòi * u » k / rived here Saturday evening from of “ bushers.” \\UU 0 C H A»H I Died * • B. Phillips, Coquille. 5 - 9 t 1 City. Corvallis, to visit her parents Mtss| Notice FO Il S A L E — Bees and Bee sup­ Downs has just completed a course GREGORY—At the home of his son, O. plies. Mace Bros., Myrtle Point. C. Gregory, on Fishtrap, June 11, at the Agricultural College, grad-j 5 10 10tp 1916, Zimri Gregory, aged about 78 All persons knowing themselves uating last Tuesday Irom the school years. indebted to Henry Halverson, de­ FOR SALE—native, yellow dent seed of pharm acy. The deceased came here from Kansas ceased, please remit the amount to corn—high yield ears, 120 days to Money to loan in small amouots the undersigned, administer of his 27 yaars ago and followed farming, liv­ silo. J. N. Gearhart, Dora, Ore­ K. HALVERSON ing nearly all the time on Fishtrap. He on improved city property The estate. gon. 5-l-10tp has been ateadily failing in health of Title Company. tf 5-23-4tp late, but his death was not considered \\ A N T E D — Hides, pav tup price imminent. He is survived by three, eash. G. ( ’ . Motley, Hu finer. Ore. sons and three daughters: O. C., of 4 25 10tp Fishtrap; Mrs. Samantha Applegate, of SECOND HAND 1 V FE W H I IK K — I Idaho; Lincoln of Oklahoma; Mrs. Hul- Pittsburg Visible; does first-class 1 dah Matthews, of Bandon; Mrs. Elvesa work. For sale cheap. Inquire I Talbert, of Albany; L. N. Gregory, of at Herald o ffic e If this city. The funeral took place yes­ terday at Fishtrap, where the deceased’s WANTKD—Married maa to work] The Chicago Tribune’s latest war pictures of wife and a son and daughter are buried. on ranch. Inquire at Herald of- j Acs Study Food Values I /; Ila I KiIltne5 J. J. STANLEY LAWYER Riclimond-Bnrker Building Coquille, Oregon A. J. SHERWOOD A ttorney at L aw First National Bank Building Room 8 2-3-4 WALTER SINCLAIR A ttorney at L aw Notary Public Coquille "G oin g Up’' Supplies are high Machinery is high Overhead is high But laundry prices haue re­ mained the same. We have given the mat­ ter of laundering years of careful study. We have kept persistently at the task to produce work that was free from harsh methods. We have succeeded. Our wash­ ing process has recently been improved. Proper washing is the founda­ tion upon which is budd­ ed the art of successful Laundering. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed or mon­ ey back. : : : : : CIIPLIE DUMMY IHLL GO. For O N L Y WANT COLUMN H. O. A N D E R S O N Scenic Theatre War! War! War! w AN TED -Im lu-trious men who can furnish acctplahle contract and s< me cash, 'o travel lor the celebrated Rawleigh Company. Largest line of household necessi­ ties direct from Factory to Farm. .Spl udid territory uow avail tide in til's state Sure money maker for enterprising men. For full particulars address, J. A Hart, Coquille, Oregon. HOMESTEADS BY THE UNII 15 States government in the Colville Indian Reservation, Wash., open ­ ed in July. Over 1,000,000 acres f r the public. Copyrighted map showing r o a d s , rivers, lakes, ere ks, mountains, Indian all t- niet ts and mineral lands D '• « of s me and also bow to locate any homestead in the re- eei Tat ion without the aid of a laud locator. Postpaid #1 South A MtCrea, 555 Eagle Bldg , Spo- k ne, Wash. 5-2-lOtp German and Austrian Battlefields • C H U R C H O F C H R IS T . Sunday School 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7 :30p. m. Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning s u b je c t, “ The Beautiful Character of Love.” Evening subject, “ Open Books.” Christian Endeavor ” p. m. J ohn F. L eggett , Minister. See The swift-marching troops. The cavalry and infantry. The big guns in action, also the deadly machine guns mowing down the men like grain. The most terrific cannonading. The wounded The captured. The heroes. These are all shown in this stupendous battle and colossal war. 5 - Great Reels=— ---- =5 Scenic Theatre Wednesday, June 14th T he Iron C law M onday L ic e n s e d Feature Other Nights Learn How to Write j Newspaper, Moving Picture and Magazine Writing pays big returns. Writing ia the most independent of all profession*. Study it during your spare time at home. We show you how to utilize your brains and get by with your copy. This ia one of the latest and most economical courses ever offered. Ask for in­ formation. U. S. Press Association. Bond Building. Wasblngto 1. D. C. T he Goddess E very F rid a y 5 cents Usually 15 cents