Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 06, 1916, Image 1

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    T he C oquille H erald
VOL. 34,
NO. 37
Writi"< Week
June 12th to 17th
Fraternal and Benevolent Order
F. & A. M.—Regular meeting of
• Chadwick Lodge No. (>8 A. F. iSt A.
M.. at. Masonic Hall, every Sa urday
night in each month on or before the
fui» moon.
A. L ilijkqvim t , W. M.
. H. M a s t , Secretary.
Lumbermen Will Help Build
Teachers’ Residences
s P ,e n d id A d d r e ”
M ade
To Graduating Students
Compiled by State Bureau of
The commencement exercises o^
Industries and Statistics
the Coquille H igh school, held in
the Masonic hall last Tuesday even
Instead of deficiencies as iu omer
The biggest, m o s t universal
ing, were held before a house institutions, t h e Oregon Insane
scheme (or social service in the his­
crowded to its capacily.
Perhaps Asylum will return $ 40,000 ol ns
jv ' . — meeting of Beulah tory o f Am erica, one affecting every
• Cnamer No. 6 , «ecoml and fourtn
the first strong impression made on maintenance fund as unexpended.
1« rmay evenings of each month, in Ma­
the audience was by the tasteful
sonic Hall.
tuted by the
National I.utntier
Medford voted $300,000 bouds to
E mma L ilm kq viht , YV. M .
beautiful decorations of the
Manufacturers’ association, in the
A n n a L aw kknck S e e .,
start construction of district built
stave. The back was completely
proposal to build a home tor every
r O. O. F.—Coquille Lodge No. 53,1.0.
covered with greenery, interspersed
1. O. F., meets every .Saturday night rural school teacher in America
Warienton Clay Products Co is
in Odd Fellows Hall.
O iegon will be one ol the first , Chamber of Commerce and this or- with white flowers, and the effect
building railroad tochypils.
I I . B. M oohk , N. G .
states where the plan will be carried > niza,iljn « « k i n g the cooperation
J. s. l.AvyitENCK, Sec.
Seaside opens bids June 3 ou
into effect, and a thorough investi­ of everv res'dent of the Southern 1 artistic taste of the Juniors, who ar-
$20 ,000 union high school.
I. O. O. F., inietu every m v tl anti gation of the conditions in that
| sihle for the exquisite tflect, attaiu-
W asco will vote on $ 260,000
fourth Wednesday nights iiiOdd Fellow« state preceded the announcement of paign.
P a u l i n e C u st e r , N. G.
road bonds.
the social service plans ot the lum­
A n n ie L awk knc k , Se c.
The address of Dr John H. Boyd
Newport — Work starts on potash
ber manufacturers
The associa­ at this time to call attention to our
r ' O Q U I L L E ENCAMPMENT, No. 25
business and social acquaintances of Portland, was the supreme fea- factory June 1.
I. O. O. E.. meet» file first and third tion Las not yet lormtilated its
Oiegon and adjoining states to ture of the evening, and it is not
rimruduy nigiit» inOdd Fellows Hall.
plans for pushing this new depart­
Heppner to have large ice storage
J. 8 . B a b t o n , 0 . P.
the completion of the railroad into likely that anyone who was fortu- plant.
J. S . L a w h e NCI!. S e c .
assisting the schools of the nation this country. It will he easier for uate enough to hear it will soon
Yoncalla getting brick hotelv
n i g h t s o f p y t h i a s .—Lycurgue
teachers but l'Ieul to visit this section than ever forget it. Dr. Boyd is a man ot
Lodge No. 72. meet» Tuesday nights to build homes for
Canby votes $18,000 for water
work ou this philanthiopic enter - 1
--------------- ----------- -
in W. O. \V. Hall.
K. H. W at so n , K K . S.
prise is already under way and the I confident that visitors will be pleas- and convincing talker with a com
O. A. M in t o n yk . C. 0.
Roseburg— Limestone quarries
association plans to have its plans ed wl>en they get here
here and that mand ol language fully adequate to
ty YTHIAN SISTERS—Justus Temple ready for announcement in a few they must not ,al> to c 9me because his uses.
He made it clear at once employ 30 men.
1 No. 35, meelB first and Third Mon­ weejcs
there was no invitation.
that be did not agree with what he
Albany—A $20,000 loganberry
day nights in W. O. W. Hall.
Mi s. G k > kgk D a v i s , M. E . C .
E B Hazen, F. C. K napp and
T h e vacation possibilities o f termed the "bread and butter” plant assured and machinery is or­
M k s . E iikd L i n k g a r , K. of R
E. T . Allen, of Portland, all leaders beach, lake, river and mountain theory of education, though he dered.
W. A. —Regular meetings of Bea- in the National Lumber Mauufac- > > » aPPeal to ,he PeoPle in ,he baek frankly acknowledged that in this
Portland, Mav 31.
___• ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W. A.
country and in the cities.
Let’ s he stood with a small and decreas- of loganberry growers to standard­
Hall, Front street, first and third Sat­ turers’ association are am ong the
If we all get ing minority. He thought that the ize products of industry.
urdays in each month.
most ardent advocates ol the pro­ tell them about it
H. B. ToaiBK.Consul.
hard for a aim of education should not be pri-
ject, and the success of the build­
F. C. T r u k , Clerk.
St. Johns now quaffs Bull Run
ing of such structures mi a tew iso­ whole week there will be a result- marily to fit the pupil for earning a water.
N. \ .— Regular meeting of Laurel
ant stream ot tourists and visitors' living in some designated trade or
. camp No. 2972 at M. W. A. Hall, lated portions ot their home state
Crown Columbia paper mills in­
line of endeavor.
He thought it
Front street, second and fourth Tues­ has convinced them that it is a com ing to see us this summer.
crease wages $100,000 a year.
day nights in each month.
Attention o f the people on the should be to fit the young man or
good social movement for the entire
M a b e l S amp son , Oracle.
Cherry Grove gets big sawmill.
L aur a B ra n do n , Her.__
outside should also be called to the woman for clear and logical think-
nation as well as for Oregon.
toad from Oregon City
The plan to spread the gospel ot
O. W .—Myrtle Camp
. . . . meets
meets the
the first
first Saturday
Saturila in every homes for school teachers over the try by automobile, and particularly tact might be had throughout life, to Clackamas bridge being hard
month at 7:30 p. m. in W. O. W. hall.
land was first broached only a few of using the Coast roule for inter- to impart, so far as possible a surfaced.
Lee Currie, C. C.
J ohn L k n k v e , Sec.
Buildings secured for Eugene
weeks ago at a conference ot the di state tourists between Oregon and knowledge ot the past and of the
things that humanity has done and flax works.
T.-VENINGTIDE CIRCLE No. 214, rectors ol the association. It prov- California
i—< meets second and fourth Monday ed instantly popular.
T h e idea
W e are urging the commercial thought, the triumphs and tailuies
West Linn votes $4000 for roads.
nights in W. O. W. Hall.
A n n ie B u r k h o l d e r , G . N .
Peninsula Shipbuilding Co. has
M a r y A. P i e r c e , Clerk.
contracts for five vessels.
-ARM ERS UNION.— Regular meet-
Newberg gets large fruit vinegar
’ ings second and fourth Saturdays in
eacli month in W. O. W. Hall.
F r a n k B u r k h o l d e r , Pres.
Prosperity, population and p y-
O. A. M in t o n yk . Se c.
rolls is the slogan at Roseburg.
T 7 RATERNAL AID N o . 398. meets the
Progressive Coos county carried
L second and fourth Thursdays each
month at W. O. \V, Hall.
bond issue for good roads.
M r s . C h a r . E vi . ano . Pres.
M bs . J. W. L k n e v e , Sec.
Estacada to have modern cannery
employing 50 to too people.
Educational Orqanizaiiuns and C lots
Ontario—Nitrate beds of Malheur
\ »/O M A N 'S Study Cluh. — Meets 2:80
county to be developed ou a large
VV p. 111 . at city library every seioml
ard fourth Monday.
H a r r i e t A. L onoston , P i p s .
Toledo gets a new business build­
F r a n c e s E. E pperson Sec.
M ontgom ery, chairman
ol the Publicity Committee o[ the
Ma. slifield Chamber o f Commerce,
has seut out the follow ing calling
attention u an excellent plau lor
L Ipitig to bring this section to the
attention ot the outside world:
The week ol June I 2 th to 17 th,
inclusive, has been set aside as let­
ter w illing week by the Marshfield
PER YEAR $1.50
J a s . K.
KEEL KLDH— A business men’ s
K O social
organization. Gall in i.eird’ s
Baker—Chicago-Virtue mine will
stait mills on June 1st.
building, Se.on ' street.
L J. C a r y , Pres
W. C. L n d ic o tt , Fee.
Portland special privilege faddists
boosting municipal golt links.
OM M ER C IAL i L liB — L eo .!. C ary
V y President; L. II. H a za rd .S ecretary
Salem— Suit brought to eujoin
purchase of $6000 municipal paving
Transportation facilities
pR A IN S—Leave, south hound 8:10 a.
I m., 4:30 p. in. North hound 8:10
a. m. ar.d 4 :'J0 p. m.
jOATS—Six boats plying on the Co­
river afford ample arcor.'mo-
dation lor carrying freight and passen
gers to Bandori and way points. Boats
eave at 7 :30, 8:30, 9:20 and 9:f0 a. m.
and at 1 :00, 3 :30 and 4 :45 p. it ..
B c quille
yOSTOFFIOE.—J. 'V. I.eneve, post­
1 master. The mails close as follow*:
Myrtle Point ami Powers, 7:56 a. in., 4
p. m.; Marshfield 7:66 a. m.. 8:56 p.m.
B.uelo l, way points. 9:00 a rn. and 1:00
p. m Norway and Artwo. 1 :00 n. in.
Fa-utn mail 7:50 a. m
F.aslern mail
a* rives 4:30 p. in.
City and County Officers
.... A. T. Morrison
..... J. S. Lawrence
........... R. H. Mast
,.S. E. Henderson
.... John Hickham
J. A. Jackson
Night Marshal
YV’ater Superintendent S. V. Epperson
Fire Chiel...................... H. O. Amierson
Coancilmen—Jesse Bvers, C. T. Skeelb
C. I. Kime. Ned C.Kelley, W. II. Ly­
ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings
first and third Mondays each month.
Justice of the Peace
J. J. Stanley
Constable........................H. W. Dunham
County Judge ............... James Watson
Cominissioners- -W . T. Dement, Geo. J.
Robt. Watson
Alfred Johnson. Jr.
Sheriff .............
,T. M. Dimmick
.............. T . J. Thrift
Ray moni! E. Raker
School Supt.
C. F. McCullock
F. E. Wilson
Dr. Walter Cnlin
Health Officer
J. L. Smith
Butter Wrappers
H e r a l d O ffic e
Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Luiic 111 --t been upproaclied by representatives ot the Biaektoot Indians,
who iileuti to have the old Indian uunics In Glacier National park retained. A typical Blacltfoot brave on hla horse
in the park and Chief tingle Child.
was taken up by the United Slates
Bureau o f Education, and the first
result of this cooperation between
the lumbermen o f the nation and
the governm ent itself is iu the is
suance o f a brochure entitled
“ Teachers’ Cottages,” by R. S.
K ellogg of C hicago, secretary of
the National Lumber Manufactur­
ers association, in cooperation with
the United S.ates Bureau of Edu
cation, and which is being sent to
every county superintendent of
schools in A m eiica.
The Rorke
teller Foundation has already ap­
proved of the plan and is giving
$ 25,000 to toster this work with
more money to come.
T h e proposal to build these
teachers’ cottages all ver the land
follows out the idea that has al
ready been carried into exietisive
success by the state o f W ashington
national association has
taken up this social service work in
ihe belief that the education of the
nation will be immensely advanced
it the teachers of the nation’ s voting
are properly soused
T h e theory
tbat if teachers are provided with
proper homes, the country districts
will be ah'e to secure letter teachers
j and avoid the constant changes f v
] whirl) thr schools are s lw a js in a
totnup condition.
Kellogg urges that t h e
j teachets’ cottages, or as he calls
them, teacherages, should be m d-
'elso t sanitation, **rtrvic, tncugh
Portland—Another meat inspect­
or with auto to be added to city
North Bend— Buehner Lumber
Co. to open logging camp at Ten-
it has made; to give a command of
Green, Douglas county, to have
language, the vehicle ot thought;
new school.
to, in fact, equip the young mind
The Southern Pacific railroad
for the development of that which
was the subject of the speaker's ad­ paid over $440,000 overtime wages
dress. "Brain Force.”
No sboit in 1915.
review can give an adequate idea
Hermiston to have $5000 library.
of Dr. Boyd’s magnificent address,
and no such attempt will be made.
Myrtle Point—$14,536 s e w e r
Those who beard it were fortunate, contract let to Edward Sandberg,
whether the graduating students or
Oregon City.
the general public.
The program included an invoca­
The State Department of Weights
Your Reflection.
tion by Rev. F. S. Shimian; a vocal
The world which surrounds you Is solo pleasingly rendered by Miss and Measures has issued orders to
the magic glass of the world within Mabel Bay; “ Moonlight Song” by stop all sale of Hood River straw­
you. To know yourself you have only the Girls’ Glee Club; Presentation berries not up to legal requirements.
I" set down a true statement of those of Class by Supt C A. Howard,
The Dalles—The National fruit
that ever loved or hated you.— Lava- and the presentation of diplomas by
and grader company will
H. O- Andetson of the school
...... ........ ........... ...
board. The exercises were opened build a plant and commence manu­
inexpensive, and so constructed and closed with music by the Sum­ facturing their machines within the
next 90 days. The company has
that they may be not only homes, ner orchestra.
The membership of the graduat­ just received its final patents from
but real social centers for the rural
ing class was, Perry Lawrence,Clara Washington alter several years of
Moser, Keith Leslie, George Aker,
The company will in­
Iu order to further this plan ol Olive Howey. Edwin Lund, Mary litigation
properly caring for the teachers, Levar.Hugh Harlocker.Vera Kelly, crease its capital from $40,000 to
the lum berm en’ s organization is Julian Leslie, F-ltzabeth HufFord $250,000. It will employ from 50
to 150 skilled mechanics and will
ready to prepare plans to assist and Merton Tyrrell.
While Perry Lawtence was not
have a market for its product all
rural com m unities in providing
included in the class of 1916, he
Seven different
their teachers with the kiuds of graduated with them throngh hav­ the year round.
homes which have proved satisfac- ing made up at the University o! companies were making these ma­
tory in W ashington and in the Arizona the credits he was thy chines and all of them were infring­
other more scattered localities where when leaving the High school two ing on the patents of the Oregon
years ago.
They are now all eliroi-
they have been built.
Supt. Howard announced that
Oregon is selected as one of the the scholarship offered by the con-j nated and the locat company has
first states for the general introduc -1 ference of the north western colleges ; the field to itself
Machinery is
tion of this new idea of a teachers’ which is good in any of the six.had hetug ordered for the plant in this
cottage for every rural school, he- , been awarded by them to Mary cj,y aod the factory will he modern
cause though it has already made j
u,uaI mimber of bouquets io every resp' Ct- The comPany
good progress, there is still vast j and congratulations were received ' ha* advance orders for 500 ma-
| toom for improvement-
, chines
1 by the happy graduates
organizations in every section to
take up this matter and we told
them to urge the people to supple­
ment their letters with copies c f the
local uewspapers.
There can be
no better advertising than this.
Portland made a great success of
this letter writing week earlier in
the year and we can make just as
big a success of it for Southwestern
Oregon if we all get busy.
To Be Shown at the Scenic next Monday Night
The Cognac Cask” , Third Chapter of
The Iron Claw, in Which
Pearl White Stars
In "Th e Cognac Cask," the latest all but Legar.
Margery suspects
episode of The Iron Claw, the new that the Laughing Mask is a Wo­
Pathe serial in which Pearl White, man. But who is the Laughing
Creighton Hale and Sheldon Lewis Mask”
are featured, Legar sets fire to
The story deals with Mrs. Enoch
Goldeu’s tenements with the aid ot Golden, who is falsely accused by
Stein’s Electro Ray Projector. The tier husband of betraying his conn
instrument is located by Manly,and dence She is forced to leave home
Stein and two of Legar’s henchmen and Dr. Legar, who is implicated
are captured.
Margery, hoping to with Mrs. Golden, is horribly mu­
save her father’s property, returns tilated by the infuriated husband.
to Legar. Manly then surprises a The doctor later kidnaps the plant­
veiled woman watchiug the house. er’s daughter Margery, alter open­
She later proves to be Mrs. Golden, ing the dikes and flooding the plan­
waiting an opportunity to speak to tation of Golden, and. after raising
her husband regarding Margery's the child to young womanhood,
fate. Goldeu orders her from the sends her to his triend Dalheim, a
house, but Manly runs after her denizen ot the underworld. There
and supplies her with money. La­ she is rescued bv the LatrghingMask
ter, the Laughing Mask smuggles the mystic enemy of evil doers, aud
the girl (rom Legar’s den iu a cog­ brought to h e r father’s bouse.
nac cask. Legar follows in au au­ Here, she meets David Mauly, her
tomobile, but the machine falls j father’s secretary, and a friendship
through an open drawbridge killing springs up between them.
Aphis on Rosebushes
Book Trust Juggles
When new growth starts on the
It has been disclosed that the
rosebushes in the spring and thru- school bock trust has sensed what
out the summer and fall, the young is likely to happen in Oregou, as
growth and the flower buds and i prompted by the experience of
stems of rosebushes are often cov- j California in the state publication
ered with a small green or pinkish of school books. School book pub-
plaut louse, knuwu as the lose aphis lishers of Boston are in the local
which sucks the sap from the ten- field in the publicity way.
der ponton of the plant and causes first point of attack includes the
an unhealthy curled co'rdition ot teachers in the public schools,
the foliage and disappointment iu
To those teachers the Boston
the number and quality of the flow- publishers have mailed an extract
ers produced
from the Los Angeles Times of
Fortunately the rose aphis read- November 8 , which purports to
ily succumbs to artificial methods show that California has made a
of cont rol and, with the different costly mistake in publishing its own
styles of spray pumps on the mar textbooks, because the wholesale
ket, there is no excuse fo r ol i wi r g ice al wbich the Boston publish.
roses to suiter from these Insects.
The simplest, most commonly els uow offer lhose boolcs Is " “ «**
used, a n d often quite effective ed to be lower than the cost of pub-
remedy is to turn a fine but force lication by the state.
The matter
fill stream of W3ter on them by ¿s very ingeniously presented.
means of the garden hose. Applied ; i# a case o( ,he coat off and lbe cuffs
often enough this gives satisfactory
,, ,
pulled up, so that one may see that
Solutions of fish oil or cheaper there is nothing concealed in the
grades of soap are often useful as a sleeve. It is ostensibly a case of
prompt remedy. The soap is used dollars and cents and the showing
at the rate of 1 pound to 4 K=>llons | js (hat the stale gets lhe worst of it.
of water. To make the solution,!
But as in all exhibitions of leger-
shave the soap into the water and
dissolve by heating, adding enough demaiu it is the clever manipulation
The real fact stub­
water afterwards to make up for that deceives.
bornly persists that California pub­
The best remedy for the rose lication of textbooks has practic­
aphis is 40 per cent nicotine sul­
phate (a liquid which can be pur- ally reduced the cost one half as
chesed in most seed stores) diluted compared with the price the people
at the rate of 1 part to to 2 - used to pay when the school book
000 parts of water, with fish oil soap trust controlled the situation. That
or laundry soap added at the rate which the school book trust pro­
01 1 pound to 50 gallons of the
spray mixture.
The simplest way fessed to he willing to do alter it
to prepare the spray in small quan­ lost control of the situation is, of
tities and secure satisfactory pro­ course, another story.
portions of the ingredients is to put
There is evidence here that the
1 teaspoonful of the nicotine sul­ ' school book publishers are paying
phate in from 1 to 2 gallons ot wa­
close attention to the situation in
ter and then add one half ounce
laundry soap.
One spraying is Oregon, and are losing mi time in
usually too per cent effective, but fortifying themselves against what
it the first application has not been raay happen when the people take
thoroughly maae a second oue may ( I serious thought of the textbook
be necessary.
. , ,
In order to prevent the possible matter. It is for the people to de
development of mildew as a result termine what their interests are and
of frequent spraying, it is advis be prepared to act on them without
able to make the applications in the deference to the pockethocks of the
early morning, so that the spray 1 Eastern publishers. It is a ques-
will d ry off the plants promptly.
tion ot dollars and cents with us.
The spraying device depends on just as it is with the publishers, and
the amount of spraying necessary.1 we should make up our min^s that
A cheap atomizer, such as can he it is not to be answered by any
bought in any seed store, is quite clever joggling ol figures, however
satisfactory tor small plants and insidiously thev may he presented
gardens. Good knapsack and bar- to those directly concerned with
rel pumps are available for com- educational activities of the state,
mercial growers.
1 —Evening Telegram