Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 30, 1916, Image 4

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Trips to O. A. C. for
Corn Grower*
Stale Printing of Textbook» Six round trips to the Farmers'
Profitable Elsewhere
Week conference at O. A- C. ne xt'
"The Goddess”
M *
The Most Dalightful Love Story
ever filmed in a serial
Fifteen Two-Reel Chapters Pro­
duced by the Vitagraph Co.
with an All-Star Cast
and Featuring
Earle Williams-Anita Stewart
The Ideal Handsome Lover and the
ideal Beautiful Sweetheart.
Not a jumble of stunts and thrills and hair-breadth
escapes, but a picture story that will
delight you all.
Commencing M onday, H a y 29
" T n e Iron Claw"
With Pearl White
In th e S e r ia l S h e C a lls
H er B est
Better even than “The Porils of
Pauline” and the Elaine
Will Make Your Home
So Cheerful
N o t o n ly w ill th e b rig h t glow ol E le c tric L ig h ts — on o r off
a t th e tw itc h o f a sw itc h a d d so m u ch to th e c h e e r of y o u r
h o m e, b u t th e m a n y o th e r c o n v e n ie n c e s E le c tric S e rv ic e
b rin g s w ill m a k e th e w hole fam ily h a p p y .
Every household task may be
performed better electrically
By removing all drudgery, unpleasant tasks and disagreeable work
Electric Service brings perpetual sunshine into the hom e.
And now comes the big opportunity to have Electric Service in
YOUR home.
“ W ire Your Homo” Month, March 15th to April
15th will bring you this com fort, if you will take ad vantage of
Our Special Inducements for Wiring
W riting (8 lessons)
W riting (5 lessons)
ii -
Coquille, Ore.
- i ^ o i ------- = i n ^ r = ------ \& P
January are the prizes offered by
the couuly court to the man and
the boy in each of the three districts
within the county who have the
best corn exhibits a: the Coos-Curry
fair in Myrtle Point next Septem­
The three districts are Coos Bay,
Coquille Valley and Myrtle Point.
The purpose is to stimulate interest
in the growing ot coin, a campaign
lor which was started last year by
County Agticulturist J. L. Smith,
who organized the corn shows
which attracted so much attention
last fall.
In addition to this the county
court has also agreed to send a
Coos county exhibit to the state
fair at Salem next fall, following
the lair at Myrtle Point. This will
he the first time this has been done.
It is now understood, also, that
one ol the displays will be about a
carload of cheese and butter sent
there from the Coos-Curry Cheese
Association.— Marshfield Times.
as you never thought
could be is y o u r s to
c o m m a n d quick as
you buy some Prince
Albert and fire-up a
pipe or a home-made
Prince Albert gives
you every tobacco sat­
isfaction your smoke-
appetite ever hankered
for. T hat’s because
it’s made by a patented
process that cu ts ou t
bite and parch! Prince Albert
been sold without coupons or
W e prefer to give quality
Eastern Oregon Boy Chosen
Having worked his w: y through
College until ready to be graduated
the national jo y s moke
in Juue, Paul H. Crouter, an East­
h a s a f la v o r a s d iffe re n t a s it is d e lig h tfu l. Y o u n e v e r t a s t e d th e l i k e o f i t !
ern Oregon boy, has been appoint­
A n d t h a t i s n ’t s tr a n g e , e ith e r .
ed assistant superintendent of the
Eastero Oregon Branch Experiment
M e n w h o t h i n k th e y c a n ’t s m o k e a p ip e o r ro ll a c i g a ­
Station at Uniou. Union county
B u y P rin c * A l b e r t e v e r y ­
r e tt e c a n s m o k e a n d w i l l s m o k e if th e y u s e P r in c e
w h e r e to b a c c o i t to ld in
has been his home for many years
A lb e r t. A n d s m o k e r s w h o h a v e n o t y e t g iv e n P . A . a t r y ­
to p p y r e d b a g t, S c ; tid y r e d
tin e , 1 0 c ; h a n d e o m e p o u n d
and be has spent several vacations
o u t c e r ta in ly h a v e a b ig s u r p ris e a n d a lo t o f e n jo y m e n t
a n d h a lf- p o u n d tin h u m i-
in station work, engage 1 chiefly in
c o m in g th e ir w a y a s s o o n a s th e y in v e s t in a su p p ly .
d o r e —a n d —th a t c o rk in g fin e
p o u n d c r y s ta l- g la e t h u m i­
caring for the experimental feeding
P r in c e A lb e rt to b a c c o w ill tell its o w n s t o r y !
d o r w ith s p o n g e - m o is te n e r
of cattle, hogs and sheep Having
t o p t h a t k e e p s th e to b a c c o
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C.
I n s u c h c le v e r tr im — a lw a y s !
majored in Animal Husbandry .this
is precisely the work that he has
htted himself to do
Sheriffs Sale of Real Property on Foreclosure
Progress at Gold Beach
Notice of Sheriffs Sale
N otice is h ere by given , T hat by
virtue of an execution duly issued out
of the C ircuit C ourt of the S tate of
Oregon, for the County of Coos, and to
me directed on the 20th day of April
1916, upon a judgm ent and decree duly
rendered, entered of record and dock­
eted in and by said Court on the 7th
day of April 1916, in a certain suit then
in said C ourt pending, wherein John D.
Goss w as plaintiff and John G. Mullen,
adm inistrator of the e state of John W.
Negithon deceased, A lfreds Negithon,
John Doe and Mary Doe and all heirs
known or unknown of John W. Negi­
thon deceased, were defendants in fa ­
vor of plaintiff and against said de­
fendants by which execution I am com­
manded to sell the property in said
execution and hereinafter described to
pay the sum due the plaintiff of seven
hundred seventy-four and 40-100 ($774.-
40) dollars, w ith in te rest thereon a t
the ra te of 6 per cent, per annum
from the 7th day of April 1916, until
paid together with the costs and dis­
bursem ents of said su it taxed a t Sixty
Dollars ($60.00) to g eth er w ith an a t ­
to rn ey ’s fee of $75.00, and costs and e x ­
penses of said execution. I will on S a t­
urday, the 3rd day of Ju n e 1916, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at
the fro n t door of the County Com l
House in Coquille, Coos County,
Oregon, sell a t public auction to
for ., cash
in hand on the day of sale,
the right, title, in te rest and e state
which said defendants John G. Mullen as
adm inistrator of the e sta te of John W.
Negithon deceased, A lfreda Negithon,
John Doe and Mary Doe and all heirs
known and unknown, of John W. Negithon
deceased and all persons claiming under
them or either of them subsequent to
the 1st day of June, 1912, have in, of
and to said real property or any p art
thereof said premises hereinbefore men­
tioned are described in said execution
as follows, to-w it:
W est half (W )4) o f the southw est
q u a rte r (sW l4 ) *of Section Three (3);
The N ortheast q u a rte r of tha Southeast
q u a rte r (N E ‘4 SK>4) of Section Four
(4)andlot hour of Section Ten (10). All
in Township Twenty-five 25) South
of Range Twelve (12) W est of the Wil­
lam ette Meridian, Coos County Oregon.
Said sale being m rde subject to re ­
demption in the m anner provided by
Dated this 26th day of April 1916.
Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon.
B y V irtue of an execution and order
of sale duly issued by the Clerk of the
Careful investigation into the af­ Circuit Court of the County of Coos
S ta te of Oregon, dated the 13th day of
fairs ot the larger book publishing May 1916, in a certain action in the
ourt for said County and S ta te
bouses reveals the lact that many wherein C P.
C. Hatcher as plaintiff re ­
do not print o; biud a single book. covered judgment against J. A. Wilson
etim es known as Jim Wilson and
The subject matter is edited and som
Jam es A. Wilson, for the sum of One
compiled by them and then turned hundred twenty-seven and 64-100 Dol­ N O TICE O F H EA RIN G O F FIN A L
and costs and disbursem ents taxed
over to printers for manufactuie lars,
a t Nineteen and 60-100 Dollars, on the
N otice is hereby given th a t the fin­
into hooks. This work can be done 20th day of April 1916.
is hereby given th a t I will on al account of C harles E. B axter as a d ­
more economically here under State the Notice
17th day of June 1916, a t the front m in istra to r of th e e sta te of George
printing than it is done in the East door of the Countv C ourt House in Co­ E. B axter, deceased, has been filed in
in said County, a t ten o ’clock in
Besides this, there will be saved to quille
the forenoon of said day, sell a t public the C ounty C ourt of Coos County,
the people ol the State three sets of auction to the highest bidder, for cash, S ta te of Oregon, and th a t th e 5th day
following described property, to-w it: of Ju n e 1916 a t the hour of 10 o’clock
profits derived from as many trans­ the Beginning
at a point on a south boun­ A. M., has been duly appointed by
actions— the printers’ the publish­ dary of subdivision " D ” of lot 11, Mor­ such C ourt fo r th e h earin g of objec­
150 fe e t south, 89 de­
ers' and the jobbers’ .
grees and 49 minutes e ast of the south­ tions to such final account and the se t­
The prevailing contracts on the west corner of said subdivision “ D ” , tlem ent thereof, a t which tim e any per­
running thence easterly f lin g the said son in terested in such e state m ay a p ­
adopted textbooks expire in 1919- south
boundary line 100 fe e t; thence
1920. In order to give ample time north 0 degrees 09 m inutes w est, 145 p ear and file objections th ereto in
feet to the north boundary of said sub­ w ritin g and contest the same.
for preparations necessary to change division
“ D” ; thence in a w esterly di­
to State publication, the uext Leg­ rection along said north boundary 100 5-2-5t A d m in istrato r of the E state.
islature to convene in 1917, should' east, 145 feet, to the place of begin­
make such changes as will carry I ning, save and except a strip ten feet Washington— Bv J. E. Jones
width along the entire south line of
out the general policy of having the in
said premises to be used as a public
AY you are a reader of this p a­
texts printed by the Stale Failure highway or street, all in Coos County,
per, and we will send you on
to do so would necessarily throw ;
approval the handsome volume en­
Said real property is to be sold sub­
the entire matter over for six yeats ject to a mortgage given by Jam es A.
titled: MOUNT VfiRNON, T H E
more or run the risk of confusing Wilson to 1, E. Wilson (recorded in
book 33, page '.’05, Record of M ort­
and ink used in printing are
and handicapping the public school gages) to secure the sum of $150.00 j cover
colonial blue, and the tuie is in gold
leaf. The paper is Fnench vellum,
system. To purchase additional with interest at the ra te of ten per
cent tier annum from the l lt b day of
and the color, colonial buff The il­
equipment and install it; to choose March, 1916. Taken and levied upon
lustrations were made by our own
a rtists, by special permission of the
a set of textbooks and print them;
J . A. Wilson, or as much th ereo f as j authorities o f Mount Vernon. This
to arrange tor their distribution,are may be necessary to satisfy the said
is the story of impressions left by
all matters involving immense de- judgm ent in favor of plaintiff and
a trip to W ashington’s home, and an
em inent authority says: “ B reathes
tarl and requiring abundance of
\ more of the real spirit of the place
time to perlect. Carelul business annum from the 20th day of April 1916, ,
th an "anything else ever w ritte n .”
methods require that this urgent together with all costa and d isb u rse -1 R egular price $1.00. If on receipt
demand tor Stale printed texts be m ents th a t have or m ay accrue
you find it satisfactory, rem it 75c;
j otherw ise re tu rn within one week.
given as early consideration as pos­
D S . P r e s s A s so c ia tio n .
sible that essentials may be worked
Dated at Coquille, Oregon, May 13th, j
B o n d B u ild in g W a s h in g to n . D C
out prudeutlv and economically.
Phone us today for full particulars. Don’t delay
until the rush has started.
Phone 71
(The Globe.)
It was a good job well done on
the school grounds Friday and now
they are in shape for further im
provement. Early in the morning
the workers commenced gathering,
and soon the grounds were covered
with groups of busy workers, dig­
ging flag, grubbing stumps and
trees, clearing away trash a n d
otherwise preparing the gtound for
the plow. By noon the trees and
stumps had all been removed, and
a good start made on the plowing.
By the time the noon whistle blew
everybody was ready to eat. The
ladies had been busy for some time
before preparing the lunch, and
basket on basket of good things
were carried into the school house,
each one indicative ol (he feast to
come. Nor were appearances de­
Oregon California ceptive.
T h e ladies had done
P rim e r......................
$ .25 $ .15
themselves proud in preparing that
F irst re ad e r.............
. .25
lunch and the way that hungry
Second reader
mob attacked it, showed a deep ap
preciation. After lunch work was
Fourth reader
F ifth read er............. .. .65
resumed and by evening the ground
A rithm etic................. . .35
had been plowed and partly har­
rowed. Saturday the harrowing
G ra m m a r..............
was finished and it only needs lev­
eling and seeding to make a start
H isto ry ....................... . .60
H isto ry .......................
toward most attractive grounds.
20 Chapters, 2 Reels Each
The S ate publication of the
elementary school books is one oi
the most important subjects engag­
ing the attention oi Oregonians at
this time.
Commercial Bodies,
Parent-Teacher Associations, the
Granges, the Unions, Legislators
and the citizenship generally are
becoming more and more interested
in this plan for saving money for
the school patrons, simplifying the
work of the teachers, giving more
work for Oregon workmen.
Two states are operating plants
tor printing textbooks.
is the more notable as an example,
as its plant has been established lor
years and the experience of that
state has been most varied and pro­
fusely commented upon.
years of political strife and bicker­
ing, the printing plant of that state
has made good, despite its detract­
ors and critics.
The savings last
year to the people of that slate.over
•he retail prices charged by the
bonk publishers for the same texts,
amounted to over $250,000. With
the same ratio of saving that Cali­
fornia has effected, Oregon would
have spent $70,000 less lor text­
books last year than she did. Kan
sas has established its plant but re­
cently and, on accouut of the state
being under contract with publish­
ers for many of their texts, only a
small percentage ol the books are
now printed in the new plant The
savings made for the five months
ending December i, 1915, were
over $30,000. The percentage of
saving is approximately the same
as the present experience of Califor­
nia and with increased production
the percentage ot saving will natur­
ally increase. From the experience
of these two states Oregon, if State
printing of texts is adopted, will
save at least 40 per cent on the texts
she is using, which will amount to
$60,000 to $70,000 a year.
In addition to the actual saving
of thousands of dollars, there must
be taken into consideiation the fact
that all the money paid out for la­
bor and some ol the materials used
in manufacture will be kept within
the State of Oregon, helping to
build up the State and improving
industrial conditions, not alone at
the capital city, but at the paper­
making centers.
The table below gives the com­
parison ol retail prices of Oregon
books with the cost of producing
the California set. It shows clearly
the saving fchat can be made thru
the State publication plan, should
Oregon adopt it:
and Two
Horses for Sale
Any one wanting a good pair of
work horses with harness, well
broken and hardened to service,
at right price— fourteen teams to
select from, call on, write or
phone to
J. L. LAIRD, Myrtle Point
x>oo< >o^oooooo<>ocodo<>ooooc<
The Shortest Distance Between
Two Points
! “Long Distance”
-------- £ -------------------
Coos and Curry Telephone Co.
R. E. SHINE, V -I’re
0. C. SANFORD, Asst. Cashier
L H.tHAZARD, Iasi,«.
O R B CO fi,
T r a n s a c t s a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g Bussine!
Boar d o f Di rectors.
Cor r es por de nt>
R. C. Dem ent, A. J . Sherwood,
L. H arlocker,
L. H. Hazard,
Isaiah H acker.
R. E. Shine.
National Bank of Cc inmerce, New York City
C rocker W oolworth N ’l Bank, San Francisco
F irst N ationall Bank of P ortland, Portland
a bank account
stands be­
tw een a man and m any busi­
ness difficulties. I t enables
him to know exactly w hat his
cash resources are a t all tim es.
I t puts him in a position w here
he can ask a loan to m eet an
em ergency,
¡Call here and
learn some o ther advantages.
P er T h o u sa n d
No. 3 tirade
tiood Value
Merchants Bank
U n d er N ew M anagem ent
Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose
to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­
ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling