MtKtLY MENTIONED They may Read the Want ad», he'p you. Fred Baker was in from Breweter Valley on busness yesterday. KilltheSguirrels =*¡¡1? dnd(fophers mi For expert piano tuning, call id O. Sumner. tf Frank Timmons, of Bandon, was a Coquille business visitor water- | day and today. Why buy goods from Portland, when Portland buys uotbing from us? Call on Lyons f FOR SALE— Bees and Bee sup­ plies. Mace Bros., Mvrtle Point. 5-lG-10tp To those who are not a9 familiar with their geography as they might be we wish to state tbat there is s Tenmile country in Douglas as well as in Coos county. The four teams which passed through here last week bailed from the former locality. The people are finding it quite a convenience to be able to transact bu-iness at tbe local post office at any time during business hours. Under tbe new Democratic adminis­ tration, the windows are closed only during the distribution of the large outside mail. FOR SALE—native, yellow dent seed corn—high yield ears, 120 days to Bargains— 1 incubator 50 egg silo. J. N. Gearhart, Dora, Ore­ gon, 5-l-10tp capacity: 1 set heavy harness; 1 set Painter falls and books; 1 plow, 10 WANTED—Person to do some copy­ inch; 5 sewing machines. Will sell ing work at Court House—with cheap or exchange for chickens or typewriter preferred. Write K. E. anything useful I can handle.—At Pusey, 31G Spalding Building, Port­ Quick's. land, Ore. M. G. Puhl, who has been in WANTED—Hides, pay top price cash G O. Motley, Sunnier, Ore Southern California for tbe past year, is back to visit bis old stamp­ 4 25 10tp ing ground, »nd made tbe Herald a SECOND HAND T Y P E W RITE R — Pitt-burg Visible; dors first class call this morning. He is enthusias­ work. For sale cLeap. Ii.quire tic in liiB praise of tbe southern at Herald office. tf country as a place to live, and says Fri ON < ORA PH RECORDS — for that »11 the ex-Coquillers there are exchange, Victor and Columbias doing well. in good order. Inquire at this Decoration Day observances are office being held this afternoon by tbe G. WANTED -Indu-triniis men who A. R and VV. R. C. After march, can furnish acceptable contract ing to the river and strewing flow­ and some cash, to travel for tbe oeli-brared Rawleigh Company. ers on tbe water in memory of those Largest line of household necessi­ who have found their final resting ties direct from Factory to Farm places beneath the waves, the pro­ Sph nriid territory now available cession moved to the cemeteries, iu tb's state Sure money maker where tbe usual exercises are being for enterprising men For full paiticulars address, J. A Hart, held. C' quille, Oregon sotó by p^ioriisf sEvtRYwiiEp*'' A Solon ponders till his Years are great On Sway of Power and Magnitude of State; Then in his Age he leaves the Questions To the Wisdom of the Sweet Girl Graduate. —Omar Khayyam, Jr. I“ Practical Economy Baking powders made from alum or phosphate may be bought for a trifle less than Royal Baking Powder, which is made from cream o f tartar, derived from grapes. In the Declamatory Contest, held at tbe Masonic ball Thursday night Alum powders are not only cheap, but three gold medals were awarded to they differ greatly in leavening power. Audrey Treichler, Everett Briuer anil Ada Downs, respectively. Tbe If a cheap baking powder is used for a judges were Mrs. W. G. Brandon, fine cake and the cake turns out a failure Rev. H. M. Law and W C. Chase. there is a waste o f costly materials worth Some excellent music was furninbed more than a whole can o f the cheap bak by tbe fourth grade pupils, and ing powder. othei exeicises added to tbe i .ter eat. Royal Baking Powder produces the Tbe Baccalnureate Sermon waa finest food, and its use therefore, results in delivered by Rev. H. il. Law at the an actual saving. M. E. Church South Sunday ever- in /, and is highly spoken of as a R O Y A L B A K IN G P O W D E R CO. thoughtful address, carefully pre­ pared and full of good thoughts for N ew York the consideration of tbe graduates. The program for the final com­ mencement exercises thin evening is , CHURCH OF CHR1RT. as follows. First Startling Report j Sunday School 10 a. m. Music....................... .............Orchestra Verus the Real Facts Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 Invocation.......... Rev. F. S. Shimian p. m. Vocal Solo...... .................. Miss P Preaching 11 a. m and 8 p. m. The town was startled Sunday Address Rev. John H. Boyd, Pasto- Morning subject, “ Christian Du­ tveniug by the report tbat an auto­ First Preebyterian Church, Portia,.4 turned from Powers. While there ties.” Music.................................... Selected mobile driven by Sara Harper bad Evening, “ A S e l e c t Dancing be placed under arrest one Owen Presentation of Class......................... plunged off tbe ferry into tbe river °arty.” Tbe minister promises a Smith, charged with committing Suparintendent C. A. Howard carrying Mr. Harper and bis wife sermon on ibis subject that will be three offensee against the state Presentation of Diplomas for Board with it; tbat after a desperate strug­ scriptural, instructive and enter- game law. One was for killing a of Education.................B. H. Burns gle in the cold water they were res­ tainipg. doe, another for elaying a fawn and Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. cued; that it was a very narrow es­ J o h n F. L eggett , Minister. tbe third for huotiog without a li­ “The House of Unhappiness” cape for both of them, and tbat the cense. He was fined $200 and Professor F. Berchtold, bead of “ The Iron Claw” to he shown machiue, which was a Dew Gverland costs, but was only forced to pait sank to the bottom and was prob­ the English department, delivered with $50 and tbe costs of tbe trial. next Monday at the Scenic: tbe commencement address at tbe The interest aroused by the first ably ruined. Tbe rest of the fine was suspended Upon an investigation by a Her­ annual commencement exercises of thrilling chapter of Patbe's “ The during good behavior. ald reporter tbe following facts the Hood River schools on Friday, While tbe farmer whose crop Iron Claw” serial photoplay. is well were disclosed: Sam Harper and May 19. sustained in the episode entitled are being destroyed by pigeons no ---------- . w a- — wife of Prosper while out driving in doubt has Warden Tbomaa’ sym ■ “ The House of Unhappiness ” their new Overland Sunday, at­ L earn H ow to W rite Peatl White, "P atbe’s Peerless patby, that is all he can expect from tempted to coast down tbe incline bim, as be bas to do bis duty and Pearl” as she is called, still works leading to the Ferry, with tbe en Newspaper, Moving Picture and enforce tbe laws, and no one can her magic on the motion picture gine shut off. Herb Campbell, fans and, if last night’s crowd at Magazine Writing pays big returns. say tbat be ever shirks bis duty. So driving George LoreDz's milk wag- Writing is the most independent of the Scenic theatre was representa­ it behooves every hunter to keep all professions. Study it during od , was just ahead of Mr. Harper. his eye peeled or he will be faoing tive, is tbe most popular little lady your spare time at home. We show Aa tbe wagon was driven upon the tbat has come to gladdeD tbe screen both a state aDd federal charge if you how to utilize your brains and scow it caused it to swing out from get by with your copy. This is one be is caught killing pigeons. The since— well, since she was last seen its moorings, leaving a space of sev­ of the latest and most economical birds are piotected by both laws. hereabouts as the ebullient Elaine eral inches between it and the bot­ courses ever offered. Ask for in­ If anyone is found guilty of killing in company with Edwin Arden as formation. tom of tbe approach. Tbe ferry­ the wicked Wu Fang and Arnold tbe birds he will get a nice little U. S. Press Association, man waa on tbe opposite side of tbe trip to Portland which will result Daly as tbe clever Craig Kennedy. Bond Building, Washington, D. C. river and could do nothing but in a fine somewhere around the She is still beautiful, blond and shout a warning. With bis engine beatific, and just tbe sort of person neighborhood of $100 and then the shut off and the car at a dead stop, State will also step in and relieve romantic things couldn't help hap­ Mr, Harper could do nothing. Tbe pening to. bim of a few shekels. Everyone is " After being rescued by tbat mys­ front wheels dropped into the space kicking ut the pesky pests but it and disappeared iD t h e water. appears tbat it is a safer practice to terious avengei of wrongs, known T h e mort practical, healthful, playtime Right at this time the Campbell boy to the underworld as “ The Laugh­ garments ever invented for children I to kick than to shoot. A good strung 8 years of age. __ M ade in on e piece with leaped from tbe milk wagon, ran drop back. Easilv slipped on or off. kick at tbe Legislature by a repre­ ing Mask,” and returned to tbe Easily washed. N o tight elastic bands to the ferry crank and grasping it to stop circulation. M ade in blue sentative at the proper time might lather she was kidnapped from denim, and blue and white hickory tightened the cable, thus bolding stripes for all the year round. A lso huve some effect on such laws as when a child, she is again threat­ lighter weight, fast-color material in tbe scow in its place and keeping dark blue, cadet blue, tan or dark red ened bv tbe sinister master criminal this. for rummer wear, all appropriately trimmed with fast • color galatea. Legar, alias "T h e Iron Claw.” the car from sliding into tbe river. M ade in D utch neck with elbow sleeves and high neck and long Legar’s purpose is to wreak v e n ­ Only for hiB prompt action tbe re­ Notice sleeves. port which was circulated would geance on Enoch Golden, tbe girl's 75c the suit If your dealer cannot supply you. All persons knowing themselves father, who, years before, finding probably have been pretty nearly W e s w ill send them, charges prr prepaid correct. A» it was tbe driver and indebted to Henry HalversoD, de­ Legar, then his friend, unfaithful, on receipt of price, 7 5 c each. ceased, please remit tbe amount to had the latter’s face seared with bis wife escaped without injury und M r free tbe undersigned, administer of bis B ew are of Imitations. L ook for Doubt­ white hot irons and his hand crush­ the car was not damaged M ade by the T w o Horses on the Label. estate. K. HALVERSON. Levi Strauss & Co., San Francisco less they will profit by the experi­ ed id a vise. 5-23 4tp Awarded G R A N D P R IZ E a t th e P P .I.E . ence. T o intimidate Golden into re­ KOV^tfALLS Keep Kids Kleen Death of Myrl McCloskey Miss Myrl McCloskey, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. T. W. McCloskey, of Norway, died at StocktoD, Calif­ ornia Friday, May 26, 1916. The deceased was 22 years of age aDd a well knowD and popular young lady. She leaves many friends who feel the deepest sorrow and regret at her death. ----- Under the Knife He leered at me horribly and then A slimy hand slid o’er my quiver­ ing cheek. A jagged blade flashed downward as I cringed, Once, twice, thrice, And then it cut 'nto my shrinking flesh! “ I’ m sorry, sir,” he said, “ But I can’ t shave you I f you don’ t keep still.” Puget Sound gets direct sleeping car service to connect with H'll steamer at Flavel for San Francisco. ICO Acres Good Timber in Town­ L- J. Allen, state pig club agent, HOMESTEADS BY THE UNITED ship 20, Range 10, Coos County. For States governrnetit in tbe Colvil’e prices, address Beo Gotter, Enter­ has returned from a week of club 5 16 5tp work in Umatilla county and gone Indian Ri servatior, Wash., open­ prise, Oreg. ed in July. Over 1,000,000 acres to Douglas couoty to speak before f r the public. Copyrighted map boys’ and girls’ clubs already or­ Leg Broken By Fall showing r o a d s , rivers, lakes, ganized and at work. ere ks, mountains, Indien allot­ A W. Kelly sustained a fall Sun- j ments and mineral lands De­ H o w ’s T h is? scription of same and also how to day evening by which both bones of W'. offer One Hundred Dollars It» lorate auy homestead in the re­ bis left leg below the koee were frac­ ward for auy case of Catarrh that servation without tbe aid of a tured The accident occurred just cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh land locator. Postpaid ¡*1 Smith back of tbe Kelly confectionery Cure. A McCrea, 555 Eagde Bldg , Spo­ F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, a store where Mr Kelly, who is par­ kane, Wash. 5-2-lOtp W e, the undersigned, have known F. J. for the last 15 years, and believe tially crippled, fell on the board Cheney him perfectly honorable In all business walk in such a way as to esuee the transaction» and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. W - r - v T I IE D IA M O N D B R A N D .' a breaking of bis leg. ns stated. He NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, L « d l « i ! A * k y o u r I k r u M la t for A (L ^ U < h l-o h r* -f» r > D ia m o n d T « r » n d / / V V Toledo. O waa carried into Ibe shop and later m i t » i n K u d a m i « . o l d m « t a l i i c \ V > :' Le iM , s c a l d with B lue R il Lon. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1 1 taken Internally, • « 4 W | T a k e n o oth er Buy o f yon r Y t»k<-n in an automobile to bie home acting directly upon the blood and mu- “ '» r t f f l a b A k PrC IM.< li > ;* .T E i m cous surfaces of t