T he C oquille H erald VOL. 34. NO. 35 COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1916. PER YEAR $1.50 CITY DIRECTORY FROM THL NATIONAL CAPITAL »lists enrolled in the Taft and How Oregon’» Men Former Pastor’s Wife Roostvelt camps four years avo cau In Congress Voted Writes from Heppner Fraternal and BeneVolent Order unite upon Senator Burton belter ' Event« of Interest Reported than anyone else, the c hances of F. A A. M.— Regular meeting ol Heppner, Oregon, May 6, 1916 . Recently many yea and nay votes . Chadwick Lodge No. «8 A. F. & A. For The Herald. the Ohioan's nomination becomes have been taken in congress and Dear Herald Editor: M.. at Masonic Hall, every Saturday So many Coquille friends inquire of j more probable every day night in each month on or before the members of the delegation bom I I I .. m o o . __ A . L u .lJ K q v iH T , W. M. our late move and the country here | (B> J. E. Jones ) FISH FOR FOOD Oregon have vo'ed as lollows: . H. M A 8T , Secretary. that I beg room in your paper to ana-1 T H E REPU BLICAN SITUATION The United States Dep rtinent of In the senate upon a motion wer “ enmasse. ” When sending news l - ir nieetinir of Heuiah No matter how loud may be the Agriculture has been carrying on a made by Senator Smoot to cousider items 1 always request the editor to v s . 6, second anil fourth ng« of cacti month, in Ma- claims of any particular candidate propaganda for a great many years en omnibus pension bill, the yeas respell them, hut my frier.ds never • o iiic Hall. Senators iecognize them as mine in that case. with reference to the Republican to educate people to use more fish were 36, the nays 24. E mma l i l i j e q v i b t , W . M . I have been thinking there are edit­ A nna L a w bk n ce S e c., Shrimp Chamberlain and Lane voted yea. Presidential domination. It is cer­ for food, in place ot meat. o rs and editors! Now all editors we Upon Senator Lodge’s amend- have met request us to use our time, T O. O. F.—Coquille Lodge No. 53 , 1 . 0 . tain that several ballots will be re­ are very much sought after on the 1 . O. F., meets every Saturday night quited before a selection is made. seaboard, the same as are lobsters, tnent to the sugar tariff bill propos- skill, brains and ink to turn in account« in Odd Fellowa Hall. Within the past two weeks it has oysters and suails. There lias been jn>, |0 increase the duty on coal tar | of weddings, happenings, etc., to help H. B. M oore , N. G. J. S. I AWHENCK, SeC. enlighten their and enlighten been made clear that the attempt to a good deal of difficulty in supply- products used in making dyes, the ml thelr columns and Appearing at the Scenic, Wednesday, May 24th Some in return show many stampede the convention hy the ing these foods to the interior ol the yeas were 25, the nay» 41. Cham- coarUsBieg to lh(, church and send us a m i e r e b e k a H l o d g e n o . 20 I. O. O. F., 1 ace to evt*ry recn- d and Roosevelt faction has hopelessly couotrv. The same troubles apply berlain and Lane voted nay. ! the paper, but now and then we have fourth Wednesday night* in Odd fellowa (ailed. New Yo rk state with its 87 to the shipment ol fish. The feder- Upon Senator Works’ amend- [ met one who lets us make-one or two H a il. 1’ c c u . m ; C u./m i, N. U. A nnie L awbknce . Sec. voles, largely pledged to Mr. Root al department has started o f f on the ment (Q ,he sugar tari!r bill propos. trips per week to the office for their new anu ami wormv worthy t idea a c k that it wm will mg • as and Justice Hughes; and Pennsyl­ new iuai u to • increase the ‘ ariff on lemons. I benefit and - never so ... much . . . hands out r»OQUILLE ENCAMPMENT. No. 25 But Ionizer e o o l e in i k e j , ronl B o n e . , b a ,, V-z I. O. O. F., meets the first and third vania, w'th 76 votes, likely lor Mr n n o o lo nger ask jsk n people in Diaces places l iikc l( a c e n t to I cent a old copies for our kitchen shelves, the Herald has followed us to Cottage Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall. Omaha, Nebraska, to eat stale fish Knox, are units that may become J. 8. 'B arton , O. P. pound, the veas were 29. the nays Grove, and farther, to Heppner, for News— not in its coucrete form, with Theda Bara, and has tieen J . S .L aw krnce , Sec. the determining factors in the final from the Atlantic seaboard. The 44 Senators Chamberlain a n d long months, kindly informing us as to but in all its many phases— is the seen in other Fox features. the happenings of our beloved Coquille. The department now seeks, through its Lane voled nay> U NIGHTS OF PYTHIAS.— Lycurgus control of the convention- Samuel J Ryan, who plays the I\. Lodge No. 72 , meets Tuesday nights convention will face the necessity investigators, to perfect impioved „ — , , • About this land? Oh, yes! Well, keynote of “ The Fourth Estate.’’ , , . , Upon Senator Simmons subslt- the doctors advised Mr. MacDonald to The play reeks of news, and “ reeks” part of Boss Duprey, is one ol the io W. O. VV. Hall. methods in handling, cleaning aud v of solving its own problems in mak­ K. R. W a tso n , K R. S. , . , , , . tine for the house sugar tariff bill seek a change and this sure is some is used intentionally in defiance ol oldest and best known actors in the O. A. M i nto ny e . C. C. preserving fish and other sea food ’ . ing a nomination propusing to continue the present “ different.” Heppner has some 400 any existing law of diction No business He was for years lead­ As matters now stand— and the and in shipping it to all pans of the tariff on sugar until 1920 instead of houses and 1000 people, and is an ir­ rjY T H lA N SISTERS—Justus Temple lesser word would do. 1 he pro­ ing man for Cohan and Harris and l No. 35 , meets first, and Third Mon­ position is likely to be intensified, country. indefinitely, as provided by the regular, tiny flat on the junction of two duction does not savor of news, nor played prominent parts in “ The day nights in W. O. W. Hal!. tiny mountain streams, completely and Mss. G eohue D a v i s , M. E. C. there are three real factors among UNCLE j o e ' s b i r t h d a y house bill, the yeas were 40, the closely surrounded by hign, rounded teem with news. It reeks with ¡Yankee Prince,’ ’ ‘‘ Little Johnuv M r s . K urd L i nk oar , K. of R Republican presidential possibilities. Joseph G Camion is eighty years nays 32 Chamberlain voted yea; rock-cropped, age-seamed, wash-scar­ news— news and lb- multiple agen Jones,’ ’ and other Cohan and Har­ W. A. —Regular meetings of Bea- There is Colonel Roosevelt, whose old, and on the occasion of his re­ Lane voled nay. red, bare hills; for a few short weeks cies employed in its collection, pub ris plays • ver Camp No. 10.650 in M. W. A. Hail, Front street, first and third Sat­ qualities need not be discussed-- cent anniversary an important leg Upon Senator Hardwick’ s motion in early spring green with bunch grass, licaliou and distribution. Alfred Hickman, who plays the a few stunted sage brush where it can urdays in each month. but whose nomination would be islative program was laid aside in to eliminate from an amendment to get a foothold. Close inspection shows Few newspaper photoplays have corrupt judge, was the original H. B. T ozikr . Consul. sure to accentuate factional diflfer -1 the House j f Representatives in F. C. T r u e , Clerk. the army bill providing for the con­ some dainty pink flowers on new shoots met : ticcess because of their glaring *’ Litlie Billy" in “ Trilby,” and has ences in the Republican party. order that two hours might be de struction of a power plant lor man­ of sage, some grass, flowers and ‘ ‘bird infidelity to a c t u a l conditions. scored notable successes iu other S, A.—Regular meeting of Laurel . camp No. 2972 at M. W. A. Hall, Then there is Justice Hughes, who voted to a remarkable ceremony in ufacturing nitrates that portion of bills” and rosin weed, called here sun­ “ The Fourth Estate," however, productions, including several Wil­ Front street, second and fourth Tues­ is ‘ just being urged," much in the the way of a personal tribute to the the amendment authorizing the flowers (Friends from the sunflower has been purged 01 iuconststencies liam Fox pictures. day nights in each month. same manner as in case of Senator "oldest Congressman alive.’’ He leasing of the plant in times of state would never recognize them as Its scenes were made iu the offices M abki . S ampson , Oracle. Victor Benoit, who plays the part such.) I think the town motto must L aura B ranhon . Rec. Root, in the hope that he may be is called "Uncle Joe" in Washing­ peace for the manufacture of fertili­ be “ When the outlook is not good, try and he mechanical departments ol of the newspaper reporter, is a O. W.— Myrtle Camp No. 197 , the means of defeating the Roose­ ton and there is a tone of genuine zers, the yeas were 24, the najs 47. the uplook.” If you climb any one of the Chicago Herald, and the atmos- screen favorite of long standing In irei . meets the first Saturday in every affection evidenced toward the kind­ Senators Chamberlain and Lane the "all-alike" hills you will see on top pheie of newspaperdom— that mvs- “ The Fourth Estate," be is cast in month at 7:3 0 p. in. in W. O. W. hai hall. velt ambitious. Lee Currie, C. C. of all big flats holding volcanic soil, erintis, little known realm in which a part that perfectly fits him. Outside of the supporters as well ly old man who is hardly willing to voted nay. J ohn I. e nk ve , Sec. rich and productive where it can have as the direct opposition to Colonel admit, but nevertheless must realize Ruth Blair, co-star with Mr. Upon Senator Underwood's moisture, and great sheep ranges and thousands laho- that millions may VKN 1 NGTIDE CIRCLE No. 214 , meets second and fourth Monday amendment to the army bill propos­ cattle and horses. At Coquille only know the daily entries in the Ryan and Mr. Bruce, has appeared nights in W. O. W. Hall. NATIONAL CLEVELAND MEMORIAL ing to authorize the secretary oi the very aristocratic could own a $20,- world’s diary— has been fauhfully on the stage under the management A nn ie B u r k h o l d e r , G.N. ol the Selwyus She has many M a r y A. P ierce , Clerk. war to operate or lease nittate 000 farm of forty acres of tillable land recorded. and two teams. Here it is a poor man successes to her credit. No other profession or industry plants in times ol peace for the who hasn’t a ranch out of town and ARMERS UNION— Regular meet­ ings second and fourth Saturdays in manufacture of fertilizers, the yeas some hundreds of sheep, or three to six — call it which you w ill- has so each month in W. O. W. Hall. When the William Fox produc­ were 12, the nays 48. Senators hundred acres of wheat and eight to trany diversified types as news­ F r a n k B ur kh ol d e r , Pres. tion, " T h e Fourth Estate," was O. A. M i nto ny e . Sec. paper making. No othet vocation twenty horses M o s t wagons coming Chamberlain aud Lane voted nay. r a t e r n a l a i d N o . 398 , meet» the Upon Senator Jones’ amendment to town have four to eignt horses at­ so completely humanizes its work­ being made iu Chicago, through tached. There are many original Am­ ers, those super energized men and the courtesy ol James Keeley, the second and fourth Thursdays each proposing that nitrogen plant sites ericans besides ourselves. Hardly a month at W. O. W. Hall. M rs . CnAS. E v l a n d , Pres. should tie of sufficient extent to day passes without gaily clad bucks and women whose sole purpose in lile is entire offices of the Chicago Herald were put at the disposal of the d i­ M rs . J. W. L en e ve . Sec. conserve its water resources in the squaws in new spring attire with pack to emancipate ftoni chaos the news rector. Night after night scenes of the day. All of these types are ponies, -arriages for the older and interests ol navigation, the needs of Educational Organisations and Clubs were taken in the big offices and the government and the public wel­ more sedate, and little children trotting Dot rayed iu “ The Fourth Estate.” along on foot, pass our house, most of down in the press rooms amid the It btings one lace to lace with OMAN’S Study Club.—Meets 2:30 fare. the yeas were 12, the nays 43 them contented and prosperous looking p. m. at city library every second whirring giant presses and the hur­ conscienceless copy readers, adjec­ Senators Chamberlain and Lane Indians. A very pretty Indian maiden, and fourth Monday. rying men on the big, nigh: shifts. H a rr iet A. L ongston . Pres. assaulted and wronged by a white two- tive oozing sob sisters, murderous voted uay. F ra n ce s E. E pperson Sec. It was a huge undertaking and Upon the amendment to the army footed animal, killed herself not far hearted city editors, haughty copy taxed the directors and the actors from here last week. boys,stoop shouldered ui ikeup men, OQUILLE EDUCATI ONAL bill authorizing the construction of LEAGUE— Meets monthly at the We found some “ clirnb it" at Co­ lacile penned rewrite men, and to the limit, but the scenes secuied a power plant to develop nitric acid High School Building during the school quille but "more so” here. You climb more thau justified the labor. Year for the purpose ot discussing edu­ the yeas were 43. the nays 22 Sen­ it every place you go, and to reach alert reporters, besides the many On tbe night when the big scene cational topics. other types found in the news and ator Chamberlaiu voted nay; Sena­ prices you “ climb it” twice the height ltihiHK S k e e l s . Pies. was taken, eudless interest and e x ­ the mechanical ends ot the huge, E dna H akl ock kr . Sec. on many things. We receive $1200 per tor Lane voted yea citement were occasioned. In the Upon Senator Wadsworth’s am­ year which looks rather weak for all present day paper. O KEEL KLUB—A busineas men’s story there is a tense moment when the “ climb-its” to be “ clum” with it. social organization. Hall in Laird’s sc endment proposing to federalize the building, Sevond street. Few photoplays of recent making the publisher of the newspaper or­ There is a bracing, invigorating air National Guard in time of war, the L J. C a r y , Pres with the freshness and tang of far snow have liad stronger casts than " T h e ders the great presses held, with W. C . E ndicott . Sec. yeas were 22, the nays 23. Less summits, a dust to wade ankle deep in Fourth Estate." The cast includes every man in his position, and the than a quorum voted, so that the summer, and very frequent visits of OMMERCIAL CLUB— L eo J. C ary Clifford Bruce, who was a star un chief pressman with his hand on i President: L. H. H a z a r d , Secretary vote w a s ineffective. Senator breezes sweeping the ankle deep dust the lever ready to swiug tbe giant Chamberlain voted yea; Senatoi up streets, in houses, thru and thru der Challes Frotltuan, and who played with Maude Adams and machines into motion with one turn Transportation Facilities Lane voled uay. Upon a second 8uita and fre8h washt'd cl* thin«’ P h o to b y A m e r ic a n P r e s s A ss o c ia tio n . . . eyea so you can’ t ever try the “ up- other favoutes. Mr. Bruce also of the hand. This ;s one ot the RAINS—Leave, south bound 8 :1 0 a. rollcall upon Senator W aJswor.h s ' look.„ filling mouth so you only , pit Birthplace of Grover Cle ve la nd at Caldwell, N. J„ which will lie turned m., 4 :30 p. m. played in “ A Fool There Was,* most dramatic scenes ever filmed. over to the national government as a memorial If a bill now pen ding in con­ amendment the yeas were 33, the an(j 9putter, in an attempt to voice a. m. and 4 :26 p. m." gress is accepted. nays 23 Senator Chamberlain your disgust; tilling nose so you don’t Portland— Inman Poulseu mill . . _ i______ voted yea; Senator Lane did not smell the smelly, murky, inky, oily, oil, quille river afford ample accommo­ cutting $300,000 feet of lumloer iu ' which the city dads kindly put on the dation for carrying freight and passen­ Roosevelt, Theodore E. Burton I that his footsteps are tottering. Mr. vote. ten hours. gers to Bandon and way points. Boats streets occasionally, to add to your Upon Senator Sutherland’s am­ trials of house cleaning, washing of eave at 7 : 30 , 8 : 30 , 9 :2 0 and 9 :1 0 a. m. commands more support on his j Cannon is one of the most retnark- Compiled by State Bureau of and at 1 : 00 , 3 :30 and 4 :45 p. nr. Waldport— Crab cannery, em­ owo account than any other candi able men of 4he age, and he led the endment to increase the number of skirts, etc. Of course all this is as a Industries and Statistics ploying 25 men earning from $5 to OSTOFFICE.—J. W. Lenev*. post­ date in the fi-ld He has a public old time machine poliucians 011 to coast artillery tioops to the maxi­ newcomer from green vales, inviting master. The mailB close as follows: $7 a day canutng crabs and clams. It mum provided by the army bill in­ woods, p a v e d streets, refreshing Myrtle Point and Powers, 7 :56 a. m., 4 record around which progressives many an inglorious triumph Eugene has called for bids on 15 or 20 girls are also employed p. m .; Marshfield 7 :56 a. m ., 3 :5 6 p.m. and conservatives have rallied in was a revulsion against the methods stead of the minimum, the yeas “ skookem chucks’’, flowering shrubs ' and road sides of cool old Coos sees it. $120,000 school building, Bandon, way points, 9 :00 a m. and 4 -.00 earning from $1.50 to $2 Soper day. were 27, the nays 30. Senators that were popular in bis day that i. m. Norway and Arago. 1:00 p. m. the past. \ You ought to see the price of wood and Koseburg— Ice plaut of 200 tons Chamberlain and Lane voted nay eastern mail 7 : 5 « a. m. Eastern mail did more than anything else toward water and lights here. I don’t dare T H E L O G IC A L OUTCOME Actual construction work on Teal arrives 4 :30 p. m. Upon Senator Reed's amend list them for fear Coquille dealers will daily capacity starts operation. establishing a new order of political irrigation project in Umatilla coun­ Senator Burton was the first Re­ Estacada— R. C. Deming starts ty to commence, financed by Cana­ thought and action in the United ment increasing the peace pay of ! think they can climb it some in the City and County Officers publican in Congress to break down Stales. And yet no one holds any National Guatd captains to 5500, \ 8ame articles-and I want to come hack cannery here. dian company. A. T. Morrison the policy of the Wilson Adminis­ animosity toward the Representa­ first lieutenants $ 300, and second 1 to ^° 4 u'lle 8ome hay. Portland Alaska Steamship com . J. S. Lawrence tration in passing bills as purely Bandon--Lumber shipments for lieutenants to $250 per year, t h e 1 But we find a why anyone should tive from Danville, for in his long ...........R. H. Mast Treasurer........ ^ I se/ek Heppner as an abiding place. The pany starts line of steamers from ^ April totaled 3,853,184 feet. The big legis ..fcL E. Henderson partisan measures. career he has always been zealous yeas were 41, the nays 14. Cham- whole-souled, genial, welcoming, cul- here to Alaska. John Hickham lativc program of the Democrats tured people; the comfortable, well and jealous ol his country’s interest berlain and Lane voted nay. Coquille— Pourteen cheese fac­ Night Marshal.......... ...... J. A. Jackson was being forced by the Adminis­ T w o ships leave Columbia with tories form association in Coos and Water Superintendent „8. V. Epperson and honor. Withal, Uncle Joe’s H O W R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S V O T E D 1 furnished homes, green shaded, water- Fire Cliie! H. O. Anderson tration demand for party support. i ed lawns, well filled tables, and latch- 5,000,000 leet of lumber for China Curry counties. constituency and hts colleagues in Councilmen—Jesse Bvers, C. T. Skeels In the house upon a motion to >trjnK9 |on(j and strong; kindly interest and Australia. Sena­ C. I. Kirue. Ned C.Kelley, W. H. Ly­ The minority was ignored. Congress like him most for his own recommit the rivers and harbors ¡n the newcomer, ready hands to help, Astoria— On opening day of sal­ ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings tor Burton challenged the policy Hood River- $45,000 bonds sold mon season 1000 boats were at sake, and the tribute paid to him bill to the rivers and harbors com- j be it real need or only a smoky stove or first and third Mondays each month. and changed it by reshaping the was entirely personal, and in no mittee with instructions to report death of one of your little chickens, you for new school and addition to high work, river and harbor bill, and by up­ . , , . , ,, . . ... find sympathy and help. Some places school. . wise an endorsement ol his brand it back with all us items stricken . 1 * v * Peace ....... J. J. Stanley Justice of the setting all the calculations of the Sptingfield— J C. Dinn & Son of we have found general indifference as H. W. Dunham of staTesmanship. Portland shipyard has coutracts Eugene have taken over Lane out and a lump sum of $20,000 000 your real daily lives or loves, aryl Administration with reference to 0ften ¡n reai need, some overlooked aggregating $4,000,000 and will the ship purchase act The Demo­ I N F E R I O R C I T I Z E N S H I P I N C A P I T A L substituted for continuing necessary county News of this city from W. projects, the yeas were 149, the town0tIvani 0r stranger, people act employ about 1000 men in the near County Judge ................James Watson One ol the strongest presentations A Dill, publisher of the paper for Commissioners —W. T. Dement, Geo. J. cratic majority in Congress were nays 199. MeArlt’ ur md oimi' t |jge the letter I’ first in pity and last Armstrong future. foiced into a radical change in their of the inconsistencies in political r e - ! voU(j ye, ; Hawley voted nay the past two years. Robt. Watson in help. While New lations between the District of Col- 1 Upon the passage ot the rivers and M a r s h f i e l d — Dollar logging camp Sheriff .........— .......Alfred Johneon. Jr. legislative methods. The general climate of Heppner is Gresham— Latourelle & Son will T. M. Dimmick [ umbia and the rest of the United harbors bill, the yeas were 210, the brotherly love, I believe. There is a on Bear creek opens with 40 men T. J. Thrift build brick garage her* Hawley, Me rttau. and spirit of progressiveness, a desire for Raymond E. Baker i with reference to the presidential States has appeared in the Observer D!,y s ' 3 3 Roseburg— Cinnabar properties • , ... . . . . . , Sinnot voted vea C. F. McCnllock contest, the information being daily Ashland— Hotel Oregon remodel­ Magazine of Washington. A plea Upon a motion to table the bill to true culture and worth, without pride in this section are being actively! F. E. Wilson or society fads and foolishness, but ed at expense ot $20,000. Washington from the tbe is made for the political rights of create at, academy of arts and let- ...........Dr. Walter Culin Health Officer worked. comfort, pleasure and real living. J. L. Smith Pacific Coast and middle western tbe 360,000 people of the District of ters, tbe yeas were Agriculturist 2, the na\s Bend— Pacific Telephone and M r s . M a u d e M a c D o n a l d . * Astoiia— Contracts aggregating state.1, shows sentiment to be crys- j Columbia who are disfranchised in > 7 9 - Hawley, M -A hur and Sin- Telegraph company takes over lo­ $161,390.81 for permanent improve­ ---------------------- - , affixing for Senator Burton. The j every way. and who are denied I J I J V e T l l “to*‘ crea£ an A ^ e n c f n ' cal phone system. 111 1 ment on Commercial, Duane and Astoria— County court awards result is that the party leaders are even tbe right ot appeal to 'he academv 0| art, and letters, the Societies will get the very beet ¡contract to build four wooden Eleventh streets with a hitulitliic 1 Toledo— Western Union estab­ recognizing this development o f ! higher federal courts o r the United yeas were 2 1 1, the na> s 96. Haw . . . PR IN T IM O lishes direct telegraph line Eietweeo public thought, and since they aie| States The people of Washington j ley, McArthur and Sinnot voted bridges 00 Columbia riser highway hard surface pavement have been Portland and Newport. at the office of Coquille Herald awarded. at price of $6796. yea 1 agreed that (be most bitter faett n (Continued on Pi ge 2) A h Ü .V . j M “T h e Fourth E state” Hits at Force* ThatjConspire to Corrupt Public Press M R W E F F W C K C r STATE INUUSTKIAL REVIEW B P I t