Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 16, 1916, Image 4

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    C o m m u n icatio n
nv* ’''» .« ■ M B .." « n
That every road in Coos County
will be improved sooner if the
bond issue is carried than it
otherwise could be;
That the use of the good roads
sooner will mean dollars in your
pocket for every cent paid for
interest on the bonds;
That this applies to the roads in
your district, no matter where
you live.
A d v a n ta g es of B o nding
C o u n ty fo r G ood R o ad s
The w riter in following hid avocation
having traveled the county roads ard
conversed w ith many of its people,
subm its the following, believing it to
be of public in te rest:
Will first say th a t the ignorance of
conditions and m isunderstanding among
; people separated by a day's journey is
astonishing. As a rule neither the
northern nor southern sections of the
i county have any conception of the pop­
ulation and resources of its neighbor,
and it is the sam e with communities
separated by a few miles. Local pride
and lack of inform ation impels the
ranchers to think th a t their own local­
ity is the best and m erits more con­
sideration than it receives from the
county court, and they are sure th a t
other localities are developed a t the e x ­
pense of their own.
The dissatisfaction and discord, m ost­
ly due to isolation, finding expression
in recall petitions and agitation for
county division is a menace to the best
in te re st of the county.
A p art from the convenience of travel
the w riter has nothing to gain from
public im provem ent and is sta tin g oirly
w hat through personal observation ap­
peals to him as being of interest to the
farm er.
If the farm er knew the facts; if be
traveled about and saw conditions as
others see them , instead of the cities
organizing the good roads m ovement
which he reg ard s with more or less
suspicion, he would himself take the
| lead in a m a tte r so vital to his own in ­
! All who have traveled about the
county will agree th a t the im perative
need is a highway extending across the
county, giving the people of the differ­
ent sections opportunity to m eet to­
g e th e r and g e t acquainted.
Such a
road would reduce the size of the coun­
ty one half and elim inate the friction
and discord.
This alone would be
! w orth the cost of construction.
D ifferent sections ot the county have
a ttrac tio n s and advantages peculiar to
their own locality and their interests
i do not conflict. On the contrary the
increased facilities for intercourse and
; business would redound to the ad v an t­
age of all sections.
Many ranchers in the northern part
of the county who take no in te rest in
the annual fair a t Myrtle Point would
willingly p articip ate in and contribute
to the success o f the same if they had
convenient m eans of communication.
It would be the sam e with all fa rm e rs’
gatherings. W here now they, are few
and sparsely attended, they would be­
come frequent and representative of
the whole county.
It is up to th e fa rm e r. L et us hope
they will not be so short-sighted as to
com bat their own interest.
□ £Tr & E
Will Make Your Home
So Cheerful
Every household task may be
performed better electrically
F ifteen T w o-R eel Chapters P r o ­
duced by th e V itagrap h Co.
w ith an A ll-Star Cast
and F eaturing
By removing all drudgery, unpleasant tasks and disagreeable w ork
Electric Service brings perpetual sunshine into the hom e.
And now comes the big opportunity to have Electric Service in
YOUR home.
“ W ire Your Hom e” Month, March 15th to A pril
15th will bring you this com fort, if you will take advantage of
O u r S pecial In d u c em en ts fo r W irin g
Earle Williams--Anita Stewart f
Phone us today for full particulars. Don’t delay
until the rush has started.
The Ideal Handsome Lover and the
Ideal Beautiful Sweetheart.
rj/jO E
Coquille, Ore.
E E l^ O E
A n n ou n cem en t
The Goddess
The M ost D elightful L ove S tory
ever film ed in a serial
p ictu re
Not only will the b rig ht glow of Electric L ights oil or off
at the twitch of a switch add so much,to the cheer of your
home, but the m any other conveniences Electric Service
brings will make the whole family h ippy
Phone 71
Not a jumble of stunts and thrills and hair-breadth
escapes, but a picture story that will
delight you all.
F rid ay
(Continued from P a g e l)
to pay our taxes with.
Our trails a t present are actually
dangerous to ascend in day tim e, not
alone a t night, and th a t is when we
must travel or e ith e r camp upon the
No, we are not fifty miles back in
the m ountains. We are only fifteen
miles from N orth Bend, but these fif­
teen miles a t present are equivalent to
sixty miles of good roads. If we ha 1
any roads a t all we could purchase an
automobile, or a t least a Ford, and go
to town very easily in less than an
hour On Sunday instead of staying
at home we could go to church, tak e in
a show, go visiting, or a t least tak e a
joy ride and then g et home before
dark. As it is, when we wish to spend
a Sunday in town we m ust leave home
a t 4:30 Saturday morning, packing a
lantern or flashlight and then we do
not g e t home before dark Monday
I suppose you are saying, “ You m ust
be some hom esteader who has taken up
a hom estead back in the mountains,
w hat can you expect?”
We are not
hom esteaders and we have been paying
taxes back here for th irty years for
your roads, and then you tell us th at
we don’t need a road!
As to living back in the m ountains,
we a re in as p re tty a locality as there
is in the county.
If you doubt this
statem ent, ju st have a talk with some
one who has spent a few days back in
the “ Tenmile c o u n try ,” back on old
Tenmile lake, w here it is never *too
cold and w here the cool lake bret zes
always m ake the sum m er days pleas­
Back w here the hills are covered
with grass and the valleys with grain,
but still we can ’t sell tw enty acres of
land, simply because there is no way
of g e ttin g out of here.
People say,
“ I t ’s a lovely place, but there are no
roads. ”
You who are in town or in other p arts
of the county think perhaps th a t we
w ant the county bonded for our special
benefit. This, however, is not the case
for as soon as we g e t some roads in the
country, one and all will be benefited
inasm uch as the canneries, conden­
sers, cheese factories, saw mills, etc ,
can s ta r t running.
The farm ers will
be able to g e t th eir products to town,
and think how it will increase the value
of the land, giving those who have
more than they can now tend, an op­
portunity to dispose of a t least a few
acres of land in re tu rn for which they
will receive a few dollars, which they
can use in im proving their homes. We
will then have some neighbors and the
country will begin to look like it is se t­
tled. Then when a prospective buyer
comes he won’t say, “ Oh, you have a
p re tty little place, and the price is
reasonable, but 1 w ant to g e t some
place w here I can have a machine and
go to town w henever I w ish.”
If we can only get some roads, it
will be the m aking of Coos county, as
everyone acknowledges th a t they are
all we lack. Even the doctors say th at
a person living seven miles from town
has tim e to die tw enty tim es before
they can g e t to him, and as it is, it
costs us who are only fifteen miles
from town forty dollars to g e t a doctor
out here. By the time he g ets here we
are dead and then we don’t even g e t a
decent burial as the condition of the
roads makes it impossible to g e t over
them , so we are hauled away like mules
or horses.
These roads will benefit farm ers,
m erchants, doctors and every inhabi­
tan t of Coos county. We can g et our
mail w ithout having to stay a t home
with only a mail order catalogue to look
a t and we can take our products to
town and there purchase our necessi­
ties and thus keep the money in Coos
county, m aking one and all prosperous.
Do You K n o w T h a t
Special Rates
from Coquille to
Principal Eastern Cities
On Sale daily: June 1st to Sept. 30th, 1916
Stopovers allowed
R eturn lim it: 90 days from date of sale not to
exceed Oct. 31, 1916
“To start right is to end right’*
is the right w ay to start
Mt. S hasta
Shasta Springs
Mt. Lassen
San Francisco
Los Angeles
Yosem ite Valley
Southern California Beaches — P anam a C alifornia Exposition
on a?l Southern P a c ific rou tes
R o u t e — ‘The route o f Lim iteds. ’
S u n s e t R o u t e — ’Through Storyland. ’
E l P aso R o u t e - ‘The route o f the lowest
O g den
a ltitu d e s.’
Call on local ag en t for fu rth e r inform ation or w rite
J O H N M. S C O T T , G e n e r a l P a s s e n g e r A g e n t, P o r tla n d , O re g o n
Is j u s t th e o n e f o r w h o m we like to d o p rin tin g .
IVe lik e to m ee t thn
m an w h o w a n ts w h a t he w a n ts w h e n h e w a n ts it a n d w h o in s is ts on
h a v in g it.
■ s lie w ill.
W e a r e e q u ip p e d f o r s e r v in g h im , le t h im be as e x a c tin g
C o m e a n d see us a b o u t t h a t jo b th a t m u st he d o n e “ ju s t so.”
an m e e t y o u r w ishes.
H o r se s fo r S a le
Any one wanting a good pair of
work horses with harness, well
broken and hardened to service,
at right price— fourteen teams to
select from, call on, write or
phone to
J. L. LAIRD, Myrtle Point
The Shortest Distance Between
Two Points
‘ Long Distance”
Coos and Curry Telephone Co.
R. E. SHINE, V.-Prei
0. C. SANFORD, Assi. Cashier
O P C O Q U I L â L iB , O R E G O N .
T r a n s a c t » o G e n e r a l B a n k i n g Bussine*-*-
Sotrd of Difetterà.
C e r r e . p e . e e , le
It. C. D em ent, A. J . Sherwood,
N ational Bank of Com m erce,New York C itj
L. H arlocker.
L. H. H azard, ; C rocker W oolworth NT Bank, San Francisco
.saiah H acker.
R. E Shine.
F irs t N atioi.all Bank of Portland, P o rtlan d
Bullets may
kill th ousands —
flies tens of thousands?
Obesity menaces longevity?
a bank account
Washington—B J. E. Jones
Coming about June I
IJA V IN Ci bought the plant of the Co-
quille Mill and Mercantile Com­
pany, the undersigned is now prepared
to fill all orders for any kind of
Especial attention will be paid to the
local demand, and every effort will be
made to supply anything needed at the
shortest possible notice.
Your orders
are solicited.
t t
Trie Iron Gaw
W ith P earl W h ite
In th e S ei ial She C alls
H er B e st
cash resources are a t all tim es.
“ 1 ? E O O V ”
ness difficulties. It enables
him to know exactly w hat his
U S . P re s s A s so c ia tio n ,
B o n d B u ild in , W a s h in g to n D C
P A R K E R ’S
A to i le t p r e p a r a tio n of m erit.
H e lp s to e r a d i c a te d a n d r ra a ff,
n fa ri
« F o r R e s to rin g C o lo r and
P o a u t y to G r a y o r F a d e 4
d Hair
H a ir. J
.I 1
an d |LOO
>1.H’ a H t P~*
l ’n i -—•-*-
e sista .
I N D E R C O R N S Rem ore* Corns. Cal­
louse*. e t c .. sto p * a l l p a in , en su re* c o m fo r t to th a
feet, m akes w a lk in g eaey. lia . by m ail or a t Drag-
g is t* U m ros U m n u a l W orks, i'aw ü o su e, ü . T .
stands be­
tween a man and many busi­
AY you are a reader of this pa­
per, and we will send you on
approval the handsome volume en-
cover and ink used in printing are
colonial blue, and the tuie is in gold
leaf. The paper is Fnench vellum,
and the color, colonial buff The il­
lustrations w ere made by our own
a rtists, by special permission of the
authorities of Mount Vernon. This
is the story of im pressions left by
a trip to VYashii.gton’s home, and an
em inent authority says: ‘ B reathes
more of the real spirit of the place
than anything else ever w ritte n .”
R egular price $1.00. If on receipt
you find it satisfactory, rem it 75c;
otherw ise re tu rn within one week.
T aka
, J o n ty o f tim e to te ll us w h a t y o u w a n t, a n d le t us show y o u t h a t w*
L. H.lHAZARD, Casi...
L ig ht promotes cle nliuess?
A eleao mouth is essential to good
Physical training in ch ildhood is
the foundation of adult health?
T h e U. S Public H ealth Ser­
vice issue* publications on hygiene
and sanitation for tree distribution?
Isolation is the most efficient
means ol controlling leprosj?
H eadache is N a tu r e ’s warning
t b a ’ the h u m an machine is run ning
It puts him in a position where
* -M ffc T
r®yi vs ’ '.«V* V ,
he can ask a loan to m eet an
em ergency,
.Call here and
learn some o ther advantages.
> Farmers
Merchants Bank
U n d e r N ew M a n a g e m e n t
Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose
to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­
ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling