rHE C oquille H erald VOL. 34, NO. 34 COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 1<¿, 1916. PER YEAR $1.50 FROM THL NATIONAL CAPITAL __ __ finds it very difficult to get a suffi­ cient number oi recruits for the Fraternai and Benevolent Crder Navy. He says that it would he Events of Interest Reported simply marvelous il the Navy could F. A A. M.—Reanlnr tiii-i'tliiif ol . UliaJwielc l.ndm- Ni.. (is V. F. A A. For The Herald. get as many as to.ooo n.-w men in M.. in Masonic Hull, evi rv S h unlav a year, and to ktep up the number ni 'lil’ hi midi mouth on or heiore rii»* full moon. !.. A. L iujkqvibt , W . M. of men needed to provide lor the (B\ J. E. Jones ) It. 1!. M V8T. Secretary. THE BATTLE AGAINST CUT THROAT loss resulting Irom 13,000 expira­ Frank Terrace, of Washington, Proves a W ln 'e Team t n K, —Rouumr nieHiiur of Houlali tions of enüstnuul annually, re Then Some Good Roads T ot s MERCHANTS . CliHi'ler No. 6. -*-<■(.1 1 and adds fifty men. sale tnan by retail M vrtle Point 7:56 a.m. ,4 :00 p. in. ed for festival week at Portland for get them now ? to remain isolated from the reHt o f the After a hot campaign lor a muni­ Marshfield 7:56 a. m. and 3:58 p. m. sufferer ol all, and the ever inereas j One o f the reasons for this is that civilized world until we just naturally First o f all it is the nowness. the benefit of the farmers of Oregon. Bandon, way points, 9:00 a m. Norway ing amount ot trade that is logic- j cipal lighting plant, Silverton de­ This is the question before the peo­ no reliable contractor will undertake forget that we are living and fall off and Arago. 1 :00 p.m. Eastern mail 7 :56 Tractors will demonstrate the cided against the proposition by a a. m. Eastern mail arrives 4 :30 p. m. ally his, and which goes to mail ple o f Coos county and a serious one to bid on the smaller job because he the map. latest and most scientific methods can’t afford to buy the necessary ma­ order houses and sensational de­ also. There are knockers everywhere vote of 288 to 47. of modern farming as a feature of W e all know that good roads are a chinery. partment stores in the city, would knocking everything and so, o f course, City and County Officers St. Helens Quarry Co. resumes the 1916 Rose Festival at PortlanJ, help to any community, but bad roads When only a few miles o f road are you naturally find them knocking the stay at home if there was some new operations with about 25 men. are an extravagance and have a bad built annually from cash taxes, the bond isBiJfc. But any time you me«*t Mayor................................ A. T. Mori ¡son legislatioo to effectually regulate June 7, 8 and 9. Monmouth preparing to pave work is often done with crude m a­ R ecorder.......................... J. S. Lawrence Arrangements ate being made to effect upon the business, social and Mr. Knocker, just put it down that he Treasurer................................R. H. Mast the price cutters. The trusts and hold the demonstration as near the moral life o f the community. chinery and by men who know noth­ belongs to one o f three tribes. Then three blocks on main street. Engineer............. 8. E. Henderson public service corporations have all heart ot the city as possible and Bad roads are o f fa r greater im­ ing about scientific road building. listen to him awhile and decide which Marshal ...........................John llickham Myrtle Point planning to pave 25 On the other hand a county car. well reservation to put him upon. The been before the bar of public opin­ probably 100 acres will be used for portance as contributing factors in Night Marshal J. A. Jackson Water Superintendent s. V. Epperson ion, and Congress and the state the event. More than a dozen firms the uplifting o f the country, village afford to employ good men, and also a chances are that he is a “ moss back” blocks. Fire Chiet...... H. O. Anderson will enter equipment. scientific road builder to superintend who has used pack horses or made a Sutherlin—Food Products com­ and the small town. Councilmen—Jesse Byers, C. T. Skeels legislatures have made rules tor All the latest types of tractors Good, broad, smooth, hard-surfaced the building o f the highways when a pack horse out o f himself for the past pany adding machinery to double C. I. Kime. Ned C.Kelley, W . H. Ly­ thiir government. The present at­ and engines will be shown at work roads lend to prosperity and plenty. comprehensive scheme has been adop­ fifty years, and now he says, “ Oh, I ’ ve ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings capacity ot plant. first and third Mondays each month. tempt on the part of Congress to and a parade wtU precede the con­ Good roads also result in the large ted to improve all the main roads by got over these here roads when there Culver—Two story brick and test. The exhibition will take permit the manufacturer ol nation­ attendance o f brighter children going means o f a “ bond issue.” Competent wasn’ t even a trail; if these people had place the morning of June 8. second to the hotter schools. supervision is the secret o f the whole lived when 1 did they wouldn’ t cry several residences building and saw ally advertised merchandise to fix Justice of the Peace J. J. Stanley day of the festival. Special street It also abolishes idleness and helps matter if they arc built by one who about roads.” Or, maybe he is one of mill contemplated. Constable......................... H. W . Dunham the resale price, is in the logical cars will be provided to carry visit­ in a way for the betterment o f every knows and if they are propeily main­ tire more fortunate who har a road Oregon City—Contemplated work line of progress, and is intended to ors tb and irom the demonstration condition o f life. tained when built they will increase running past his place constructed with County Judge James Watson save the condition of the manufac This will be the first exhibitou of **very other taxpayers’ money. So 011 new reservoir to cost about $ 35 .- When we say good roads we mean in excellence with age. Commissioners—W . T. Dement, Geo. J. The amount annually expended in now he says he is satisfied With what 000. turei, protect the newspapers and the kind ever presented in the the best roads, roads that will last Armstrong Coos and Curry Telephone Co. Clerk................................... Rnbt. Watson other peiiodical" with their adver­ Northwest and several firms are forever and upon which you can haul Coos county fo • repairing and making we have. W’ hy shouldn’ t he be? But having equipment sent to Portland all that your wagon will hold. Sheriff ....................Alfred Johnson. Jr. the roads .suitable for travel is seven­ how about the rest o f the people who and Coquflle Valley Telephone Co. Treasurer........................ .T . M. Dimtnick tisers, and to relieve the small mer especially lor the event. It is known through the history of ty-thousand dollars —this makes the built his road for him? The last group combine under one name, giving Assessor.................... T. J. Thrift chant who has built up Iris business Since the Columbia tiver high­ other countries that thrifty, energetic roads suitable for travel only a few is composed of the men who sincerely School Supt. Raymond E. Baker believe that this bonding will bring better service and ask Public Ser­ Surveyor C. K. McCnllock in a narrow circle among people way, to receive its national dedica 1 and prosperous people have come and months out o f the year. Coroner F. E. Wilson who deal with him because they lion June 7. presents the highest | settled towns that before them were down a burden upon them, under which vice Commission for increase in The objection is often made that Health Officer Dr. Walter Cnlin type ot road building in the world, “ bond issues” place too much burden they will not be able to stand in the rates. know him to be honest, against nothing but small villains or towns. Agriculturist J. L. Smith that class of merchants and mail it will also piove of interest to farm , Th.' same will apply to Coos county upon the taxpayer. Thus it will be form o f higher tax. We realize that Motor Ship Construction com­ ers to inspect the highway and note seen that a two-mill tax will entail our taxes are almost beyond our reach order men who have been Aim how the gorge of the Columbia was if the “ Bond Issue” is passed which is pany of California will establish now but if we can get some roads in­ only n small burden upon the taxpay­ to lie submitted to tho voters. flamming tue public for many years made pas-ible for the first timtfc in If it is pas ed it will bring good er even if he has to pay it, but as a stead o f absolutely throwing away our wooden ship yard in Portland. history lor vehicles ol all kinds roads in a way which has beer, proved matter o f fact the enhanced value and money upon these thirty-five and forty PROSPERITY HITS TH E N AV Y Dallas - B ig cement lock quarry where the maximum grade does not | satisfactory in other states and com ­ increased citizenship in nearly all cas­ per cent grades, we can then get our now working near here, producing Secretary Taniels has admitted exceed five per cent through the' munities products to market and get some money es have been sufficient to pay the in 400 yatds a week. (Continued on page 2) to a comoL'tee ol Congres- that he mountainous region If good roads are made it will be a terest. C IT Y D IR E C T O R Y \ BOND I » HIRES O M K “ A S o l d i e r ’ s O a t h ” Thrills and Entrances M R W E F STATE INDUSTRIAL REVIEW W C K B P