Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 14, 1916, Image 4

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In ibe Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon
in and for the County of Coos
B c i" !â b u a
T ^ r ä S a la iy
A Tragedy.
OP. AY. n American newspaper
ids and purchases half an
old com that he discovered in the
window o f an * t curiosity shop. She is so
impressed by l ' ■ in: i ript ion which promises
and adventure that
to ro ance
ives up her position on the
wspaper in order to
d e v o t e h e r s e lf to
si living the mystery.
The derision o f her
editor moves her to
ft him a year's sal­
ary that she can do it.
She starts for the
strange country ami
throughout the story
she is shadowed by
those who strive to
— —. thwart her at
every turn.
How she triumphs over the most astound' ; >
ins, her
hair-breedth escapes and thrilling advenluo
• t< l .1 the Uni­
versal’s new magnilict nt | icu::-: *.• rial, T il
1 ". T .. . t OIN.
founded on the stoi b y 1
the fam<
dr who
wrote such masterpieces < fiction-as “ The id:
'ppi Bubble,”
“ 54-40 or Fight,” and :co:
Ho has, out
done his previous efforts in this wonderful story of lTIli BROKEN
COIN, which is played b y the strop. ' t and m o t brilliant combin­
ation o f moving picture stars ever bn night U .gethcr.
See Grace Cunard anil Franei 1 riiin tl triumph of realismnnil sensation.
Follow Kitty Gray through In r cli . t.u , J „ 1.. uturuu.: quo , in the finest
picture serial ever shown on the screen.
T h e P h o to Play S eria l S u prem e
Only T W O
E p is o d e s — O ne E ach W eek
More Chapters
Be Sure to See “H o w It C om es Out”
Pathe Program
N ea l o f th e N a v y
G e t R K h Q u ic k W a l li n g f o r d
N ew s and C o m e d y
Electric Heating
A RE you searching for that some-
thing for mother, wife, sister,
sweetheart or grandmother wonder­
ing what to buy? Woman appreciates
the tasty, the dainty, the ornate and
the USEFUL combined. These quali­
ties are all embodied in
Electric Heating Devices
....l o a r— -
. '1
I_IA\ ING bought the plant o f the Co-
quille Mill and Mercantile Com­
pany, the undersigned is now prepared
to till all ordvis for any kind of
Especial attention will be paid to the
local demand, and ev >ry effort will he
made to supply anything needed at the
shortest possible notice.
Your orders
are solicited.
J ohn D. G oss
[ J ohn G. M ullen as admin-
| istrator o f the Estate o f |
John W. Negithon, deceas- ; summons
j ed, Alfreda Negithon, John I
j Doe and Mary Doe and all I
I heirs known and unknown |
o f John W. Negithon, De- |
lu u public park lu liio de Janeiro
a lady baiidsotuely dressed walked
Defendants, j
To Alfreda Negithon, John Doe and alone. The fact of ber being unat­
Mary Doe and all Heirs, known and un­ tended caused those who saw ber to
known o f John W. Negithon, deceased. wonder, for It Is not usual for one
In the Name o f the State o f Oregon: of the higher class to be out alone.
You and each o f you are hereby nolitud When she deliberately took a seat at
that you are required to appear and one end o f a bench, at the other end
answer the Complaint filed against you, of which sat a man. the surprise was
in the above entitled Court and cause, even greater, for she appeared to be
within six weeks from the date o f the a lady. She had been sitting but a
first publication o f this summons, to
wit, within six weeks from the 15th day few tniuutes when two gentlemen
■ if February, 1910 and if you fail to ap­ walked by.
''Gentlemen." she said, “ this man
pear on or before the 28th day o f March,
1910, said date being the last day o f the who Is sitting near me has Insulted
time prescribed in the order for publi­ me. May 1 ask you to get his address
cation, judgment will be taken against that my natural protector may demand
you and each o f you, for want thereof satisfaction ?"
for the relief demanded in plaintiff’s
The tw o men stopped, lifted their
complaint, a succinct statement o f huts and offered their services. The
which is as follows:
That plaintitf recover from the above accused tuan denied that he had offend­
named defendant John G. Mullen as ed the lady. She begged one o f the
Administrator, o f the e-tate o f Johh W. others to call upon her at ber hotel.
Negithon, deceased, the sum o f Six Hun­ He did so, sending up bis card, bearing
dred Dollars together with interest the name o f Uoger Stone, Denver, Colo.
hereon at the rate o f 8 per cent per an­
"1 am fortunate,” she said, “ In not
num from the 1st day of June 1912 to only finding a countryman to assist me
date and the sum o f Seventy Five Dol­ In this affair, but one from the chival­
lars as an attorney fee herein together rous west. I am traveling with my
with the costs and disbursements o f
this suit. That a decree o f Fore­ twin brother. Ho Is not with me this
closure issue as against all o f said evening, but wilt be in later. Will you
defendants and all persons interest­ be the bearer for him o f a challenge
ed in the hereinafter described real prop­ under the code for tomorrow morn­
erty,and that the same he sold in tne ing?"
manner prescribed by law, to w it: The
Mr. Slone's surprise at this singu­
west one half of the southwest quarter lar proceeding was even greater than
w'.j s w '4)o f section three« 3 ),the north­ before.
lie asked the name o f the
east quarter o f the southeast quarter
(n e'4 s e '4 ) o f section four (4) and lot man for whom be was to bear the
four (4i o f section ten (10) all in town­ challenge and was told that It was
He en­
ship twenty-five (25) south range twelve Harrison— Frank Harrison.
west o f the Willamette meridian Coos deavored to learn something of the
been 111
county Oregon. That all o f the interest
o f Iheabove mimed defendants and each treated, but she appeared to be so
o f them and of all persons claiming by averse to going over the disagreeable
or under them in the above described details that he did not press the mat­
real property be forever barred and ter What added to the mystery was
foreclosed. That the plaintiff have judg­ that the man who had offended the
ment and execution against the defend­
ant John G. Mullen as administrator o f lady was also an American named
A P re t t y H o t S to ry .
the estate o f John W. Negithon, de­ Mathews.
The next morning the two parties
Cbabert, the fire klug. who was a
ceased, for any deficiency which re­
mains after the proceeds of the sale o f met on the ground chosen. Mr. Har­ popular favorite lu Londou over eighty
the above described real property have rison, who was the Image of Ids sister years ago, claimed to be able to swat
been applied to the satisfaction o f said and looked equally feminine, was at­ low arsenic and oilier poisons with lm
judgment he rein. That Plaintitf or any tended by Mr. Stone, the other princi­ puuity. Visitors to his entertainment
other party to this suit may become
a purchaser at the sale o f said real pal's second being u Brazilian. His op­ were requested to come provided with
property ¡that the sheriff execute adeed ponent protested ugaiust the proeeed- phosphorus, arsenic aud oxalic acid,
to the purchaser and that said purchas­ Jng. for which he said he was un­ which he proceeded to consume before
er he let into possession thereof forth­ able to account. He disclaimed any their eyes, taking an antidote after
Intention o f interfering with Miss Har­ n urd which was supposed to neutralize
Service o f this summons is made by rison, and If be bad unwittingly dono their effects. Theu. to show that he
puplication pursuant to an order made ! so he would apologize. The lady's de­ was as impervious to heat as to poison,
by the Hon. John S. Coke Circuit fender refused to accept nu apology, he would take a raw leg o f lamb Into
Judge, dated February 12th 1916, direct­ and preparations were made for the
an oven beateil to 220 degrees and re
ing publication hereof in the within
encounter, which was to be fought main inside until the Joint was cooked,
newspaper for a period o f sixweeks.
w lieu it was carved mid banded around
John C. Kendall
When the tw o principals were placed to the audience. Tbe performance
Herbert S. Murphy
1st N at’ l Bank Bldg.
Attorneys for face to face at thirty paces Interval concluded by Cbabert rubbing a red
Marshfield Oreg.
Plaintiff. and the signal was about to be given hot shovel 011 bis bead and face and
to fire Harrison made a signal for de­ allowing any one who wished to drop
Then, addressing his opponent, molten sealing wax on bis tongue und
he said:
bauds —Londou Mail.
Notice of Final Settlement
"Jim Mathews, you don’t know me,
E s k im o C a n d y .
Notice is hereby given that the un­ for you have never seen me before. I
Tallow is the Eskimo's candy. It
dersigned, has filed his final account in am not Frank Harrison. 1 am Eugenia
the matter of the administration o f the Phillips, widow o f the man you ruined Is put up in blight red packages made
estate o f Sarah J. Ferry, deceased, and and drove to suicide three mouths aft­ out of the feet of 11 waterfowl
that the County Court has set Thursday, er our marriage. I b a 'e followed you women cut off the red feet of this
the 16th day o f March, 1916, as the day all the way from Virginia City for the bird, whicli is called the dovekle. draw
and the County Court room in the Coun­ express purpose of killing you. 1 found out the bones and blow up tbe skin so
ty Court House at Coquille, Coos Coun­
as to 1; ke pouches, which they fill
ty, Oregon, as the place for hearing ob­ you yesterday and took measures for
with reindeer tallow for their little
jections to said final account, and the this meeting."
None of tbe food that the Es
A deathly pallor spread Itself over folk
settlement o f said estate.
Dated this 14th day o f February, the face o f the tnan addressed. His kiinos cat seems very inviting to us.
enemy nodded to the man who was to but they are extremely fond of It and
W illiam F loyd ,
give the signal. He hesitated. The are very apt to overeat. It Is said by
Executor o f the last Will woman raised her pistol, and her ad­ explorers who have gone into Green
and Testament and o f the ‘
land that it is no uncommon sight to
estate o f Sarah J. Ferry, I versary followed her a c t- A white see an Eskimo man who has eaten an
handkerchief fluttered to the ground.
The man's hand trembled; the wom­ enormous meal o f the raw frozen flesh
an's was steady as a rock. Tw o shots o f the reindeer, seal or walrus lying
M e n t a l D is t u r b a n c e .
rang out, and the man fell with n bul­ ou his back and eating blubber until
“ Did *that alienist prove that yon
he cannot move.— Exchange.
let In Ids heart
were crazy?”
The woman stood for a few moments
"No,” replied the defendant, ‘‘but he looking at him who had blighted her
M o re T h a n O ne.
admit tod that lie was nearly so before life and on whom she had taken re­
The clergyman of a country village,
the lawyer got through with him.’*— venge. then sank In a swoon.
reprehending one o f his parishioners
Washington Star.
The finishing of this tragedy, occu­ for quarreling with his wife so loudly
pying us it did but u mluute or two, and frequently as to be a source o f per
did not give tbc seconds any time to petunl disturbance to the neighborhood.
prevent it
Indeed, they were para­ In the course of hls exhortation re­
lyzed with surprise. When the woman marked that the Scriptures declared
fell her second ran forward, took ber that man and wife were one.
"Aye, that may lie, sir," answered
up and bore her to the carriage in
which she had come onto the ground. Hodge, “ but if you were to go by when
He took ber to her hotel and called tne and my wife are at it you’d think
there were twenty o f f t . ” —Loudon
for u doctor, for she was hysterical.
Meanwhile Mr. Stone busied himself Globe.
to prevent the affair from getting out,
C o n s o la t io n .
and by pledging the few persous in­
The mistress, not wishing to offend
volved to secrecy and bribing the po­
lice be succeeded Hnd It uot been for her cook, who bad been with her bat
the burial o f the slain man the bribe two weeks, announced In a low, well
modulated voice, "I am sorry, Ellen,
would uot have been necessary.
We will supply a large
As soon as the lady was able to hut the master found fnult with your
Government Map, pre­
travel she sailed for the United cooking today."
“ Lor’ , I don't take no notice o f 'lm.
States, and on the same steamer was
pared by the Interior
mum. It's his blessed nature to And
her second In the duel.
From the time o f that episode Roger fau lt Ain't he always finding fault
Department, at 50 cts.
! Stone was a changed man. The trage- with you ?"—Argonaut.
1 Jy at which he had assisted, the
each, by mail prepaid.
M a s o n r y W e ig h t s .
wrecking o f a woman's life, affected
Granite or limestone masonry, well
These maps are official
him materially
It's not easy for a
man to witness a wonianw sufferings dressed, weighs 165 pounds per cubic
without being strongly drawn to ber. foot: mortar rubble weighs 154 pounds,
On reselling the United States Stone dry rubble 128 pounds and well dress
and tlie widow both sought the west, »d sandstone masonry 144 pounds.
B u reau o f A n im a l
where they lived Stone visited Mrs
Its A d v a n ta g e .
In d u s tr y P u b lic a t io n s Phillips frequently ami in time begged
Teacher—What Is the difference be­
her to permit him to devote the rest of
his life to her Though grateful for tween the sun and the moon? Pu plt-
1 his sympathy and the service he had Flease, sir. the sun’ s bigger and health­
; rendered her. rhe told him that It ier looking than the moon because be
Diseases of C A T T L E ,
would not lie right for one whose goes to bed earlier.
! nerves had been shattered to burden
D is c o u r a g in g .
| one who seemed to have a pleasant
Jester—Poor old Skinflint has hts
etc., 50 cents a volume
career before him. Besides, she had a
life on her conscience. To this latter troubles! Jimsnu— What! Why, he'»
postpaid. These are all
statement he said that if he had had making barrels and barrels of money!
time to gain a . reet 'ynderstnndlng Jester—1 know, but the price of barrels I
Government documents
of the ease the life would have tieon has gone up
>n his conscience Instead o f hers, but
and some are' out of
K n s w W h a t H is F s w D a y s M e a n t.
It would not linve been a heavy load
Qunckly—By the bye, have you got
to l>ear
By dint of persuasion he
finally gained Ills 1 olnt And »ow the $10 ntxuit you that you don't need for 1
tragedy is In the dim distance, and Its a few days? Snmckly—I have, but I |
might noeti it »otite ilute. Exchange
keen edge has been worn away
Maps and
Write us for any Gov­
ernment Publications.
I hi 2
F r « and Easy Servants In Japan.
Fighting Fishss of Siam.
O*- *—
. o-*-»—
In Ja|iuu domestic service Is very
The Hi. rnese devote great care to the
Domestic servants rank cultivation o f their famous fighting
before tradesmen, who are considered Aebes, known as plaknt. The Interest
at the bottom o f tile social ladder In In the fights, on which the spectators
the absence o f his master a servant st ike large sums of money, is so great
will receive the callers and chat away th it the license to hold them brings a
familiarly, but politely, until the ar­ la ge annual revenue to the king of
rival o f the bead of the bouse. After Slam.—Westminster Gazette.
rubbing bis knees together aud hissing
and kotowing he will Invite you to
E x c u s a b le .
take a seat—on the floor, or, more
"Miss Short says she's only thirty,
correctly speaking, on your heels, with ai d I’d swear »he’s five and thirty If
a fiat cushion between your knees aud sbe'a a day."
the floor to make the ordeal a little
'Well, you see. I've heard she was a
less painful. He will theu offer you rather backward child, dear, and didn't
five cups o f tea. Even after bis mas­ le trn to count till she was five.” —Ex­
ter has arrived he may stay In the change.
room aud Is likely to cut Into the con­
versation and quite certain to laugh
E x p a n d in g .
at the smallest apology for a joke. He
The Old Friend—I understand that
brings ull his sisters and cousins ami your practice Is getting bigger. The
aunts to he Introduced when be takes , Young Doctor—That's true. My pa­
service, and the house Is seldom with- th-lit bas gained nearly two pounds In
out a few o f them engaged on soma the last mouth.
business or errand. In the European
Call and see us or telephone
hotels in Japan the servants are all
C o n te m p t o f C o u rt.
men, who are dressed In Indigo cotton
Defeudaut (lu a loud voicel—Justice:
we will call and see you. If
doublets iL a hose and run about bare- Justice! I demand justice! J u d g e -
fooL— London Answers.
Silence! Tbe defendant will please r*- we don’t do your printing we both
n:emt>er that he is In a courtroom.—
A Prince’s Chilly Dip.
lose money.
Penn State Froth.
Prince Henry o f Prussia Is an ar­
dent sailor, says Pearson's Weekly, but
he Is known among the bluejackets as
a great martlueL The following story
Is typical o f Ills methods, and shows
that although he expects those under
his command to put up with all kinds
o f hardships, be Is by no means above
"roughing It" himself.
One day, when he was on board a
A public long distance toll station has been established at
warship in tne North sea, he suddenly r
Beaver Hill in the office o f the Southern Pacific Company.
gave the order, "A ll hands to bathe!"
It was a bitterly cold day and the
The McDonald A Vaughn Logging Camp above Beaver Hill
water was like Ice. The order was
may be reached through Beaver Hill. Call Long Distance.
so e.idently distasteful that one of
the officers ventured to make a mild
protest to the prince.
Without an
swerlug him u single word. Prince
Henry, although fully clothed, sprang
over the vessel's side, sw am out a good
distance In the Icy water and returned
to the deck dripping from head to fo o t
After that the sailors took their bath
without demur.
PO LK 'S '
OREGON a n d
Business Directory
A D irecto ry o f each C ity. Tow n and
V illag e, giv in g d escrip tiv e s k e tc h of
e a c h place, location, p opu lation, te le -
sph. sl ipping j • b a n k in g p o in t;
: i ! - j C la r ifie d Directory# co m p ile d by
: f
L Street Northwest, W ash ­
ington, D . C.
» ro t.* t ro.. n u m i :
Butter Wrappers
Herald Office
Circulars ,
Telephone to Beaver Hill
i _______________ _______ I
« Coos and Curry Telephone Co. jj
R. E. SHINE, V .-P n s
0 . C. SANFORD, Asst. Cashier
L. H. HAZARD, (asim ,
r r a n s a c t s a G e n e r a i B a n k i n g B u f e i n t t e- of DUootoro.
It. C. Dement, A. J . Sherwood,
L. Harlocker,
L. H. Hazard,
Isaiah Hacker.
R. E Shine.
National Bank o f Commerce, New York City
Crocker Woolworth NT Bank, San Francisco
First National! Bank o f Portland, Portland
a bank
stands be­
tween a man and many busi­
ness difficulties.
It enables
him to know exactly what his
cash resources are at all times.
It puts him in a position where
he can ask a loan to meet an
Call here and
learn some other advantages.
Merchants Bank
Roseburg M yrtle P oin t S tage
And Auto Line
Leave Myrtle Point on arrival oi
boat from Bandon. Aulo to Rock
Creek and from Camas; onlv 14
miles of staging. Arrives at Rose-
burg 7:30 p. m. connecting with
north bound train. Arrive Myrtle
Point 4 p. m.
Make reservations in advance at Owl
Drug Store, Marshfield.
All Baggage Handed
Fare From Myrtle Point $7.00
J. L . L A I R D , P roprietor
Office at Laird’s Stage Barn, Myrtle Point, Both Phones
Under New Management
Having leased this weil-equipped hotel, I propose
to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­
ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling
Fully Guaranteed O ne Year
Model 4, automatic ribbon re­
$ 30 00
Model 5. automatic ribbon re­
35 00
Model 4, 2-eolor, back spacer 45 00
Model 5, 2-color, back spacer 50 00
Model 3, 14-in. carriage, auto.
ribbon reverse
35 00
Model 3, 14-in. carriage, back
spacer, 2-color ............. 50 00
Model 10, Elite type
$ 32 50
Model 10, Pica type
37 50
Model 11, decimal tabulator
40 00
Model 11, dec. tab. Wahl add­
ing and subtract’g device 100 00
Models 6 and 7..........................
Model 3, Oliver
Model 5, Oliver
Model 2. L. C. Smith, pivot
Model 2, L.C. Smith, ball bear.
Model 2, L.C.Smith, ball bear­
ing, back spacer
Model 5, L.C. Smith, latest
Model 2, Monarch
Model 2, 4, 5 and 6,Smith Pre­
Model 10, Smith Premier
Models 1 and 2, Royal
Model 5, Royal
15 00 ,
20 00 <
27 50 j
25 00 J
27 50 (
32 50
47 50 i
3<J 00 ,
15 00
30 00
27 50]
40 0 0 '
Sold $5.00 Cash and $5.00 a month machines sent for three days' examina- 1
tion to any point on the Pacific Coast and if not satisfactory may be 1
returned at our expense.
37 Montgomery St.
San Francisco
321 Washington St.
711 Second Ave