Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 14, 1916, Image 2

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    The Coquille Herald
Entered w BMoivI class m ailer May
8, 1905. at lUe post office ut l'"umllt',
Oregon, under act o'. Congrea? m M;.r«ii
S, 18711.
imd been .-ouip.
1’. C. LEVAR, Lessee and Editor.
LANS LENEVE, City Editor.
Devoted to the materia, and social
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley par­
ticularly and o f Coos County generally.
Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance
Phono Main 381.
" V Y Y i Y!*,, to ibe
u .. noose
: ",Y .! m ’’ line. Yimng
11 "■
Y ' , li'Y
' hu'ii* h
•< to
< later the sam • u»est
.. are kepi v aitingv ask
, aine nie repiv
«* ImlKH-Pr is afraid t<>
. a io uiuue. solemn-
' l.v the poet rejoined.
o f Gravensteins we can raise here, and you do not need
to tell him tliat this is a good apple country.
He can see
it for himself. Show him a good lump o f our coal, and
he knows that wealth underlies our acres. Let him take
a look at some of the beautiful myrtle wood articles made
[ jy
Oerdings and he is struck with admiration.
him look out of the window as a Smith-Powers train goes
jjy an(j he js ready to accept the figures on our lumber
resources. V\ ith some properly written literature for him
to take home with him, he will spread the fame o f the
Coquille valley to the extent o f his travels. The Commer-
cjaj Q ub
3truCk a good lead.
'l l " 1
are very sociable people and we i n-
joyed their hospitality very much.
Part of this road wis graded last
(By » Bambier.)
atiiHOU and baa been iu very bud
L is t week the Bambier met with
condition for winter travel but ia
v,,rie<1 experience Uo water be-
They intend io put I
Random Rambles
A T Y P IC A L “ P LA T F O R M ”
Picking up a paper the other day. the editor noticed
the “ platform” o f a certain member of the legislature who
is seeking renomination. As we have nothing against “
Puff your way into the
of Prince Albert!
G o ahead, quick as you lay in a stock
of the national joy smoke! Fire up a
pipe or a makin’s cigaiette as though
you never did know w hat tobacco
bite and parch meant!
For Prince Albert is freed from bite
and parch by a patented process
controlled exclusively by us. You
can smoke it without a comeback
o f any kind because P. A . is real
tobacco delight.
this particular legislator and no other candidate for the ¡“ J Trst'of'tb^wiek1 LiTook^to »on»« rock on it this summer w. are
office, we will not name him, but we would like to use his <lNoal/g Ark » the Mjrtia> an told ao>< tbi» will much improve i*.
It 1 UnS a s fol- fcteered for Arago It remiuded us 1 he river has been over the btiiks
“ platform” aa text for a “ few remarks.”
powerfully of early times on the
winter and has caused some
Columbia some forty years ago. (^ama&e
both road and farms.
“ If I am nominated and elected, I will, during
With hay piled up on her bow till ® ver7 ^r,P g*VeB us a clearer insight
my term of office, favor creating a bureau of
the smoke slack waa lost Night of in,<' Hie reason for the growth > .d
economy and efficiency for Oregon; rural credits;
and every nook and corner loaded | P 0 Pularity ot Coos county, and fills
fewer laws; fewer commissions; strict economy; a
to the limit, she pushed out an I be- U8 w' ,b 14 Z“"I and joy of living that
law to protect vessels from piracy in case of
gau to ‘ •buck” the swift current of Ran oub' Be had from close contact
wreck; publication in official paper of each county
the river.
A h a m e a iiH of rapid with a matchless Oregon dim ite
at close of session, the amount o f appropriations
transit she ia half a century behind
will do for you what it
voted for by each member o f the legislature; a
Wom an’s Study Club
the tirnis, but as a mailer of ac-
has done for thousands
just share of state road funds to rural counties.”
commodatiou to tlie people along
f men, not only in the
The literary department ot the
It would be hard to find in the same number of words the nvet abe could not be improved
but all over the
a better specimen of the typical political speil, calculated upon. Like the early boats on the Woman’s Study Club met yester­
world! It will give you
day afternoon.
The session was
to catch votes.
“ Economy and efficiency” are badly Columbia she would stop any place
a correct idea o f what a
j devoted to Hawthorne and travels
_ _ -------------- -------------------- tidjr
pipe smoke or a 1. >
needed in the conduct of public affairs, in Oregon and and run her nose iuto the bushes to [in the south The program lor the
red tin you w ill r e a d : “ Process
P a ten ted July 30th, 1907,“ w hich
put ot! a passenger or diacharge
elsewhere; therefore he advocates a “ bureau of economy
h as m a d e t h r e e m e n s m o k e
[next meeting, March 27 is given
pipes w h e re one sm oked b e f o r e !
some freight.
and efficiency.” “ Rural credits” also has a sound calcu­
Get this Prince Albert pipe-peace and makin’s-peace message,
To liven up the trip we had Dr.
The domestic science department
you men who have “ retired” from pipe and cigarette-makin’s pleasure; you men
lated to resemble music to the ear of the rural voter. But
Richmon I of this city, who got iuto will meet next Monday, March 20 .
who have never known its solace! Because you have a lot of smoke pleasure due
wait a minute. Just below, this gentleman declares that a lively debate with a tie bewer of
The ltsson is the first hall of the
A " , . r , . u . r y ^ . r . y ° u 9uick as you pack-your-pipe or roll-a-cigarette with P. A.
he wants “ fewer commissions.” Yet he has already callec the upper Middle creek on the com­
bacco is s o ld : in toppy red bags, 5 c ;
chapter on “ Animal Foods,” end
and make fire !
tidy red tins, 1 0 c; handsome pound
for the creation of two additional “ bureaus” — for itwoulc parative virtue and efficiency of So­ ing at the bottom of page 165
an d h a lf-p ou n d tin humidors and in
that clever p ound crystal-glass humi­
dor with sponge-m oistener top that
take a bureau or commission to administer rufal credits — cialism vs Single Tax, the doctor
Program for March 2 7 .
R. J. R E YN O LD S T O B A C C O CO., Winston-Salem, N. C.
keeps the tobacco in such fine shape.
and if the taxpayer can tell the difference between a t ikiug the negative» on which he Wadsworth Longfellow. Roll Call
seems to lie thoroughly informed.
— Memorial stanza from Longlcl-
“ commission” and a “ bureau” when it comes to paying
East Fork Items
Attention Girls!
Arrived at Arago we found the low. Talk on Longfellow’s Ameri-
the taxes for their support, then he is a dandy. Y et his
Schrotder brothers fu m first, sit- can Poems, Hiawatha, Evangeline,
next declaration is for “ fewer laws, few er commissions.” unfed on the river bank.
Monday, Feb 28th, the fuueral j We read with much interest in
It is a Courtship of Miles Standish, Paul
service of
E lith Swan Nair was j oue of our local exchanges, a p tra-
“ Fewer laws” — here are other catch words. What, in splendid dairy farm and tuey milk Revere’ s Ride, Mrs. Lawrence,
Regular as the Clock
held at the
Dira Cemetery
M ih . j graph that ia hea le l “ Marriage Li-
particular, do they mean? Do you know, gentle reader, about ninety cows during the sum-
T a l k - Longfellow as a Student
Nair wag the daughter of M i . and j censes’’ under which is stated that
what you mean when you echo Colonel H ofer’s cry for mer. Both of them are progressive of Foreign Literature and as a
Mrs. G. G.
Swan and was married | h . F Russell, of Seattle, Wash.,
“ fewer laws.” What laws do you mean? What the dev­ and enterprising, believing iu up- Translator, Mrs Young,
to John Nair three years ago. She speut Sunday in our city. W e fail
to-date methods.
They h ive a
Review of Higginson’s Life of
il are you talking about? What particular laws are in the
had been sick for more thau a year, to find any young lady’s name,
First-class fare or.,.
magnificent country home and are Longfellow, Mrs. Kistner.
was at a hospital in San Frsncisco linked with that of Mr, Russell so
class of “ too many.” Why doesn’t our candidate give us keenly alive to the social and intel­
Up freight, per ton
Talk on Outre Mer, Mrs. Pursley.
fur some time. The help she re­ we have come to the conclusion
an idea what laws he would wipe off the statute books, lectual side of life.
T a lk — Reasons io. Longfellow’s
ceived there was oBly temporary that be has either been unjustly ac
putting none in their places? What sense is there in a
Among other farmers we met here Popularity, Mrs. Barrow,
E. & E. T. Kruse
She was taken to the North Bend ; cosed or else Jtias purchased a li-
man going to the legislature and helping pass a barrelful might be mentioned L 8 . Minard, Readings— Psalm of Life, Hymn
24 California Street, San Francisco
hospital a short time ago and was i cense and is now waiting for a leap
of new laws and then coming home to make a campaign A. W. Britton, J. D. Carl, T. R . , to the Night, Mrs. Rogers.
there when the end came.
y»ar proposal.
S.-liroCiier, J. 8 Root, E E. Hamp­
Travel in 'he United States. The
For Reservation*
on the issue of “ fewer laws” when it is all understood
ton and Moomaw an t Halter. All South. The Atlantic States, a
J. E. N O R T O N
that his business, if elected, would be to go to Salem and of these are among the progressive
in from Ceutral Point last week |
Geographic Influences on their De
Administrator's Notice
Agent, Coquille, Oregon
make another barrelful? “ Strict economy” is also some­ farmer« of the place, Arr.po is cer­ velopment. b The people: the They bad to leave their wagon about | Notice is hereby given that the
thing he hankers for. Will anybody advocate anything tainly a fine place and is justly en­ mountaineer; the cracker; the ne­ one mile this side of the BUinmit, on County Court of the State of Oregon
account of the road being blocked
gro. c. Economic and Social Life
else? Is not every candidate without exception for “ strict titled to fame as a dairy section.
The Celebrated
crew of men have been working o: Henry G. Halverson.
All persons
Problems, Mrs Longston.
economy” to hear him tell it? There is no issue there.
ther up is Norway for which we
Virginias and the Carolinas,
1 a -e requested to present the same duly
Here is another gem: He would have published in each
headed next.
Why they call it Virginias: Jamestown and Flatly drove them out, and there is now v'rifled to Walter Sinclair at his office
county the amount of appropriations voted for by each Norway -ve co Id not guess, cer­ Days; Plantation Life; Monticello; on the summit about 4| feet of suow. in Coquille, Oregon, or to the under­
Awarded Gold Medal
member of the legislature. Let some one figure out what tainly not because it lays next to the Civil War; Richmond; Natural
Mr. and Mrs. John N. McVay
P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1915
that W 4 »uld cost the taxpayers of Oregon, and then inform Sweden. A more appropriate name Bridge, b. The Carolinas: Ashe who rented their place last fall and
us how much “ economy” there would be in it. It looks to to oui mind would be Cliniouville, ville; Mt. Mitchell; Charleston,Mrs. went to California are back in C job n the County Court of th: State of Orejón The strongest and nearest water- proof
County, Mr. McVay got back to
Shoes made for Loggers, Cruisers,
for the County of Coos
this newspaper man a whole lot more like a nice graft for as people of this name seem to pre Knowlton.
Miners, Sportsmen and Workers.
dominate. Like Arago it ¡ « a great
Kentucky and Tennessee.
a. bis old home iu Del Norte county a
the “ official papers.” How does it look to you? And
lairv a* citon and has a combined i Kentucky: The Blue Grass Coun
of Luis Kalinowski, deceased.
what would it mean? Would it be of the slightest value creamery and cheese factory. C. I try; Mammoth Cave; Lincoln’s which occurred January 7th.
M en’s Comfort Dress Shoes
Notice of Hearing and Settlement of
in sizing up the efficiency of the legislator? One legislator M Barklow is in charge of the but- I Birthplace, b. Tennessee: Mem-
Final Account of Administrator.
Alfred Anderson and his sons
Pursuant to order of court, I hereby {
might vote for $1,000,000 of good appropriations, that the ter iimking and a Mr. McDonald of j phis; Chattanooga; Lookout Moun­ Albert an t Walter, who came ¡ d give
Strong Shoes for Boys
notice that the time fixed by order
of the above entitled court for the hear- |
people want, and against $300,000 had ones that they
Manufactured by
homestead on Elk Creek, by wav of ing of objection to, and settlemen t of [
don’t want. Another might vote against the million dol­ well qualified to do their work and
my final account as administrator of the
Theodore Bergmann
Celebrates 90th Birthday
the plant is proving a success.
the “ Gold Brick" road, were not alove named estate is fixed for the 1 st
lars of good ones and for the half million o f bad ones.
Shoe Manufacturing Co.
\rnong the farmers near here are
looking for gold bricks They went day of May, 1916, at the hour of ten
o’clock A. M., at the court room of said
Yet the latter would have a far better “ record” than the E. L. D. tlefsen, VI. M Schmidt, J.
I.eneve celebrated out over the Coos Bay road
After court at Coquille, Oregon, and such
Portland, Oregon
former. It isn’t the amount o f appropriations in dollars H Barklow, Theodore Clinton, J. her 90 th birthday Sunday, the 12 th. they dig their wagon out of the hearing and settlement wil 1 then be 621 Thurman St
and cents that counts; it is what they are for and how the Ray Clinton, J. W. Clinton, aud a She is recovering from a severe ill­ snow on the mountain they will pull
Ask for the Bergmann Waterproof
shoe Oil.
ness and was unable to be up, but b.ick to Ceutrnl Point. Mr. Ander­ 3-14-5t
money is expended. In conclusion, this candidate believes few more Clintons whose names we
lay propped up in bed with pillows,
in “ h just share of state road funds to rural counties.” lid not lenrn. These are only some ate her birthday dinner and survey­ son soid his place near Lakeside,
Report of the Condition of the
f the closest in of the farmers and
Calif , last year
H ) bad 00 odd
Who doesn’t? Will any one take issue with him on that?
there are many more at a little dis­ ed the many presents she received acres and more than 30 acres in
Why doesn’t he also declare for “ law enforcement?” But tance from the plint who bring
Her memory is still excellent and alfalfa
Last year the flood washed
Coquille, in the State of Oregon ,
h old -th at might be taken as a slam at the bootlegging their products there. Norway has | she claims that this is the fiist birih away their house aud other build at At
the close of business. Mar, 7, 1916
proposition, and our politician is evidently not out to of­ a store and postnfliee under the i
iugs. This year the flood in 'he
Sin Diego river washed out the Loans and discounts
fend anybody. But we have skipped one.
lie wants a i
of Mr. McCioskey, as!sh* can Te™emher
1 She and her husband crossed the ranch an I the alfalfa field is all O -erdrafts, secured and un­
law (a new law? ) to protect wrecked vessels from pi is also the creamery
34.03 1
From the Norw iy school house to- ! Plain* wi,h an ox ,eam in' ,he earlV gone. All that is left is a gravel Bonds and warran ts
racy. This will lose him some votes on South slouch, but
ward Lie thu country is well settled
b .r an 1 no market for gravel. Cali Banking house
will anyone else take a stand in favor of free piracy? How exei pt » short distance over the hill tlers here She is fast improving fornia has its advantages and its Furniture and fixtures
the chances ate good that she
long will the people stand for this kind of meaningless toward the North Fork
178.91 !
disadvantag s.
W. V. and
will see many more birthdays. She
Due from approved reserve
twaddle? How long will votes he caught with such chaff? Seliroeder. Mr Hiughlou, G W, [ has lived to see one of her great
Miss Risha C. McDouald closed
A lbert
the national joy smoke
Str. Elizabeth
San Francisco
and Bandon
Bergmann Shoe
The project that has been taken up by the Commer­
cial Club, to establish a permanent exhibit at the waiting
rooms and headquarters ol the associated automobile lines
is a good one and should have the support o f every resi­
dent o f this section. It is safe to say that there is not a
better spot in Coos county for such an exhibit, nor one
where it would he seen by more people.
The purpose of
such a showing is to be seen by and attract the stranger
in our midst Strangers are coming and going.
summer they will come and j o by auto.
The auto lines
centering here expect to handle 30,000 passengers here
this season. 4 Even those who come and go by train or
steamer will pass the door of the waiting room.
It is an
ideal location. As for the value o f such an exhibit to im­
press and convey absolutely reliable information to the
visitor, there is no chance T
two opinions.
It is un­
equaled by anything else. Show a man a box o f the sort
Bird, Mrs M iee
aims, \V. R | grandchildren graduate from High
Foot, S. Clark aud G. C. Moore- [school and enter liege.
house live along this road These:
Many Deer Perish
are prosperous dairy farmer» and .
lepend mainly on ttie cows for a ,
living Just across the stream is | Cltas Shepherd was in from
the home of the Gants, two families Brewster Valley \ sterday. He in­
forms us that during the snow
of them
Turning up 111 " North Fork we
found the Myers who have a place
lu re md one just above Lee. The
Kicking*, W. G and W. B , Frauk
Beyers, I. Chandler, J. S. Clinton,
L L. Harmon, two families of
tin Bikeraan l the Herveys All
of these :i'i> lairy farmers and sell
their pro I net to the local cheese
f ict"iiea of which there are two, one
owned by Mr McCloskey am the
other by Mr Christensen.
Herví i farm is situated just below
the 'lasts n the liver and is one of
the largest along this road.
her six months school March 10. Checks and other cash items
Cash on hand
She has taught a good school. Any Other resources Transit
district that has parents or children
who would bull-doze a teacher, she
will fill the bill for she will be
ready every time when they trv to Capital stock paid in
‘put one over" on her.
The elerk nUT ll! j ^ j nd r » 1
of the school district would not have \ penses and taxes paid
659.75 '
used the insulting language to her j Due banks and banker
on the last day if one of her tro- Demand certificate of deposit 1.871.95 i
thers had been present
Is it not a
^epo9' ts subject to ^ ^
funuy thing for a school cleik to \ Time and Savings Deposits
keep a teacher’s warrants so long
________ 1
that he “ loses" them?
Total -
storms this winter quite a number
of deer were found dead out in the
valley. He thinks that a great
number of them must have died
back farther in the hills.
that were found were near the road
and one was found in Mr. Shep­
Admmistritor's Notice
herd’ s pisture neir his house
deer were very tain and the sup-
The undersigned has tiled his final
position is that
starved to account as administrator_with will an-
' death, as there w is several inches nexed,
t r . of . 1 Walter
r- . Drane,
a . ___ » „ of
j , . and
1 j c . estate
County Court of the
; °* 'now and leei vas very scarce
0f Oregon for Coos County, has
T:i - is no! very en- made an order fixing the first day of
^ at that time
co u rig mg news * \V. C. Rose as May, 1916. as the time for hearing ob-
.. d
Mr. Sheppard is living on
Rose’ s .. iections
lotions to
to the
the same
san«A Objections to
® ,
said account must be filed on or before
game preserve and ,he fears that said date.
many big bucks on the place died.
. .-
g s y ' g ' g s : ; ...
New Hom e
A re
Quality Choosers
For Sale By
I, R. H. Mast, cashier of the above-
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief
p„ h . M ast , Cashier.
r Correct-Attest:
.—. » » I
a a * » . * , n r> ...
O. C. sanford .
G eo . A. R obinson .
Subscribed and sworn to before me
'h s 14th day of Mar., 1916
O. C S anford ,
Notary Public.
My commission expires Oct. 4. 1919. [
Coquille, Oregon
The New Home S e win g
Machine Company
San Francisco