Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, March 07, 1916, Image 2

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    ~ *
Baby Buggies
No 853, Complete with Storm Front anti Nickle-Trimmed Fender a Nifty Rig in Btown-$14.00
No. 950, $11.00; No. 907, Auto Top, Artillery Wheels, Long Body, $15.75
Lloyd’s Princess Collapsible with Single Operation, Extra Strong, well Reinforced, $14.00
No. 923, Black, Nickle Fender, $10.75
Deity In Four Letters.
A remarkable fact reward Ini; the
name of God is that It Is spelled with
four letters In most of the tnmruugea
Entered as second class matter May of civilized peoples
In Latin it U Dcus; Greek, Zeus;
8, 11105 . at tlits post otiice at ( pull*-,
Oregon, under act o' Conuri sot March Hebrew. Adou: Syrian, Adad; Arabian.
3 , 187 «.
Alla; Persian. Syra; Tartarian. Igra;
Egyptian, Auuiu or Zcut; East Indian.
P. C. LEVAR, Lessee and Editor.
Esgi or Zeni; Japanese. Zulu; Turkish.
Addi; Scandinavian. Odin; Croatian.
! Doga; Dalmatian. Itogt; Tyrrhenian.
Devoted to the materia, and social P.her; Etrurian. Chur; Margarían. Oese;
upbuilding of the Ooquille Valley |iar- , ;i rman. <;,,it; Prenoti. Dleu; Spanish,
ticularly and c f Coos County generally. [( . ivru vlan . Liuti.
per year in advance
Baton the thrae lattar na—
means "good.” which has four letter».
1 hone Main d o l.
j -Boston Transcript.
The Coquille Herald
Rambles in Rhyme
H. O. Anderson
May Get Mail by Rail
In the Near Future
(Bv a Ram bler )
The Record publishes a special from
Eugene to the effect that efforts are
being made to change the routing of
the Coos Bay mail from the old Rese-
burg stage route to the Willamette-
Pacific railway by way of Eugene as
soon as through train service is estab­
lished, which will be some time during
the forepart o f April.
Last week the R imbler did not stray
The matter has been taken up wPh
Over the hills and far away.
i the Southern Pacific, but nothing defi­
The reason—please do not forget—
nite has been announced by the com­
Is simply that it was too wet.
F. W.^Vaile, superintendent of
He only made a little tour,
this division of the railway mail ser­
Up the river, by hill and moor,
vice, writes from Seattle to the effect
Past farms that in their verdure lay
I that Chief Clerk Rand is making an
Serene as in the month of May.
immediate investigation of the matter.
The Southern Pacific officials have been
At Johnson by the river’s side
j wired to ascertain whether or not they
Several families abide;
will put in this service in April.
McGufFin, Fergus, Shaeffer too,
‘ ‘We will do all in our power to has­
Newton, Scranton, Cornwell, who
ten action,” concludes the letter from
Residing in the Johnson house,
Mr. Vaile.
Pumps his living from the cows;
It seems as though some arrange-
Nichols, Vetter, Griffin, Beyers,
| ment would be arrived at between the
Complete the list of the village sires.
! government and the Southern Pacific
Fred Shunke caters to the hen,
I as soon as passengers can be brought
He’s one of of our leading poultrymen. | through, rather than wait for the
building of the Umpqua bridge, the
Next comes W. W. Rhule,
(We never spelled it so at school);
only open link. It would save expense
And the Schroeder farm beside him lay, for the government and give us a much
Largest and best along the way,
quicker mail service with the outside
And Radabaugh we must not forget
♦- • ♦
Where the county's crushing plant is set.
February came with the breath of June
But March is whistling another tune;
But what’s the use to fret and whine?
Sit up and say, “ I like it fine.”
And smile, and just keep on a smiling;
Soon nature will be all beguiling;
There aint no need to have the Mues
For one whose lot is cast in Coos.
was entirely the fau lt of the M yrtle
P o in t driver as he bad no righ t to
turn in the middle of the road ex
cept at an intersection. Ha l Aaseu
been driving a heavy car it would
likely have demolished^ the little
F ord, strikin g where it did, and as
it was, both escaped very luckily.
quite sick but not ilat gerouslv
centuries had been stored theie.
John G ordon , learning that bis I cost us a krone each to >ee the pal
house which is located 00 the bank ; ace, but it was actually worth th e
near the M iddle F ol k, m ight go ; trip fo Europe,
into the river by a slide, moved hi«
belongings to Bridge.
hi .ni
m m in
Robert Rediker, who bail beeu
bway w orkin g at the tie camp, on
returning home one day last week
found that his house had been
broken into and that a sack of dour,
(All Rights Reserved)
several sacks of potatoes and bis
Washington’s birthday was observed ' gun had been taken,
at the postoffice by everybody telling |
• * N f . P lus U i . tpa
the truth, The day passed off quietly
with very few words.
Administrator’s Notice
Hogwallow News
i m
Early Planting
. d u e s Finest
The Mail Carrier has made the de- I Tha under8jgned ha8 fl|ed his fina,
mand that after his death he must not r ecount as administrator with will an-
be referred to as the late mail carrier. ! r.exed, of the estate of Walter Drane, LOllCCtlOJI
Now at this time comes into court Assistant State
rr, * • .
.. deceased, and the Coutity Court of the „
listing the finest
Washington Hocks, who prognosri- State of Oregon for Gods County, has ® Fme,‘
Engineer Cantine and puts us right up against it. He
cates the weather for the glory there is | made an order fixing the first day of s Pencer* '
came here to represent the State Highway Commission,
in being a prophet, stated to an eye Hay, 1916 , as the time for hearing ob-
witness yesterday that if everything ' J cot ions to the same. Objections to
to look over the road system and the possibilities for the
___ • j ,
raid account must be Sled on or before
remained frozen up this way all year j , Hid date
development of a good system in this county, to consult
there would be plenty of cool weather
3 - 7 - 5 t
Perennial Plant» and
with the people here and to advise them if they want ad­
all summer.
the be»t of everything
The Excelsior Fiddling Band went to
vice. Coming from the State Commission and having in
Administrator's Notice
lor Home gardens—
the home of Sim Flinders the other j Notice is hereby given that the
mind the plans of that body and the interests of the state
night and rendered an enjoyable sere | County Court of the State of Oregon
at large, rather than any particular village or farm in
nade. By request they played soft and fur Coos County has appointed the un­
I:";-;' :; :i :1.„1
low so that the noise would not wake uersigned Administrator of the estate
Coos county, he has looked at the situation here in con­
1 of Henry G. Halverson. All persons
n,m up"
having claims against the said estate
nection with that in the rest of the state and in formulat­
The curtain at the opera house at are requested to present the same duly
Tickville has been worn out by being ye” ^ed.‘ ° Welter Sinclair at his office
ing a road system for us is evidently endeavoring to lay
the under-
Sewer Trouble
raised and lowered so often, and until Mu-ne^1" 6’ reK?-n’
out one that would work in with the state system. We Next comes Riley, whom men declare
the engine groan and swear;
are promised financial assistance from the state at large, Makes
---------- *-»-----------
The main sewer pipe burst one day will have to keep its eyes closed he- '
And his genial wife rounds out the plan
In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon -
i last week on A street near Front and tween acts.
and it seems that we would be very wnling indeed to ac­ By catering to “ the inner man.”
! about 20 feet of concrete had to be
The Depity Constable has gone to
for the County of Coos
J. G. Clinton and his wife
cept it. In that case, it evidently appears to the state Next
j broken up to get at the trouble The Musket Ridge to look for Poke Eazley,
Enjoy the farmer’s peaceful life.
body that some consideration should be given to the state­ Well they know how to entertain
pipe at that point is 12 feet beneath the who is hiding among the gullies near In the matter of the Estate of Luis Kal-
surface of the concrete, and there has the Moonshine still house.
Poke is Inski, deceased.
Str. Elizabeth
wide plans of the Highway Commission. One of those And we hope to visit them again.
been some tall digging going on in an wanted at Bounding Billows for a dis- Notice
Hearing and bettlement of
plans is the construction of a coast highway leading from
. . ,
Final Account of Administrator.
R egu lar as th e Clock
" -----
; attempt to reach the pipe.
of the peace and quietude of
Pursuant to order of court, I hereby
Washington to California and furnishing an open road all account of the intense darkuess was | The bank has been caving in to such turbance
Luke Mathewsla by approaching him give notice that the time fixed by order
S a n F r a n c is c o
forced to tie up at Lam pa creek at i an extent that a regular fence has been while he was reading the Congressional of the above entitled court for the hear­
the year for automobile tourist travel. It would seem as •bout
1:30 a m. and aw ait the erected to work inside of. The water Record and asking him what he thought ing of objection to, and settlement of j
a n d Bandon
though our people should take the liveliest interest in this in g of r d a y lig , h t It was a very j from
the pipe also causes a lot of trou- of the prospects for a blackberry crop a >ove named estate is fixed for the 1st
ble as it keepg KUghinK up
Up t0 to_
next summer.
d ay of May, 1916 , at the hour of ten
plan, for such a road would bring through here a tide of com
F irst-cla ss fari* or.,.
$ 7.50
looking crow d that landed at jday eight feet o f earth had been dug
The editor of the Tickville Tidings o'clock A. M ., at the court room of said
Uj) freigh t, per ton
travel of which we now have no conception. But here we sleepy
c-iurt at Coquille, Oregon, and such
C oquille at 7:45 S a tu rd a y m orning, lout, leaving four feet more between
decided to knock Roosevelt’s plans h -aring and settlement will then be
come to Cedar point. A through highway in going from A fte r the gam e as the Dispatch j the workmen and the pipe. Owing to has
for nominating himself in the head by had.
E. & E. T. Kruse
a battle ensu. d Ithe amount of 8Urface water the work coining out strongly against him in an
Marshfield to the mouth of the river can go by South was departin g quite
. .
j has been suspended until better weather editorial just before the Chicago con-
S treet, San Francisco
slough and the coast, or it can come over this way across the
C oquillers. It w a. a play ful effective pump to get rid of the surplus
Isthmus, across and down the river. Mr. Cantine sees the and
Little Fidity Flinders has been un­ THE FORD PEACE EXPEDITION
For R eservation*
b ittle , the ammunition consisting of ¡water, in the shape of a 6-inch pipe,
able to find any fleas on the toy dog he
proper place for- the crossing at Cedar point, where the small pieces of potatoes. As w is 'which fit over the hose connection on received
headlands approach each other and the road could be put natural the pieces began to grow -the hydrant- The end ° f ‘ he pipe was Luke Mathewsla
has come to the .
(C ontinued from Page 1)
A gen t, C oq u ille, Oregon
. ,
, ,
placed in the water in the hole around
above the high water, saving five miles of travel for the larger and la rger until whole pots - I the sewer anJ then the hydrant turned conclusion that the North and the ¡1 the days of your youth , marched
through tourist and the possible closing of the through toes were hurled at the d epartin g on. The pressure of the water from South are getting on too friendly terms s.viftly by. These are followed
the hydrant forced the water out of the to fight each other any more, so he is by many soldiers, carryin g guns
road for a few weeks every winter. But this would not gucx s At the height of the battle hole.
T h e Celebrated
works to perfection going ahead and dispose of the roll of with w icked
bayonets attached i
Mrs G . N orton of this place while
bring the route through Coquille. Neither would it fur­ seeking a vantage point on the boat and will This be device
used when the weather Confederate money he has been saving T he procession marches from one
for the occasion.
nish the bridge Ijere which is so much needed by the town go t in line o f the hostile fire from fairs off again.
of the
to luc
the u,u"
Miss Hostetler Hocks will sing a solo end
- ‘ grounds
‘ “ " " u 5 lu
'j j
and a large part of its constituency. So there is where Mr. the B tn d on ian s and received a blow
at the Hog Ford church next fourth and **le ncw officers drop into posi- j
Awarded Gold Medal
Cantine puts us up against it. Can we forget our own in­ in the side of the face from a life-
Sunday. A large number of people Don while the old guards take their p p i p e
have decided that they cannot go on place in the procession and move j ’
* ‘
• an
terests and take the larger view? That is the proposition sized potato which swnt her thoughts Vade G artin, represen tin g the account
of the fearful condition of the iw a y . A fter it is all over you see !
Bandon Recorder, was a Coquille
exactly. We are so fortunately situated that in any reelin g skyw ard. A physician was business
i The strongest and nearest water-proof
visitor Saturday.
H e in­
Loggers, Cruisers,
good roads plan heretofore suggested Coquille has her back to earth again. It is easily forms us that the Fifield is high and
enhances and approaches to the Miners, Sportsmen and Workers.
been in the midst of it. We could therefore sit to bo ser n that potatoes are uo good dry on the bench at low tide She EXCELSIOR FIDDLING BAND R oyal B uild in gs. One of my Dan-{
The Excelsior Fiddling Band has be­
back and give fatherly advice and admonition to substitute
is guarded by the U. 8 . coast come noted from the headwaters of ‘*h friends m foim ed me that this
for snowballs.
Men’s Comfort Dress Shoes
those small-souled individuals who would not vote
guards. He says that she is stid Gimlet creek to the other side of Rye custom prevails in every capital of
intact despite the bum ping she re­ Straw for its wonderful inability to the world, and he chided me to the
for a road system that did ’ not place a hard sur­
High Water Notes
It plays at tunerals, effect that even in my home eitv of
Strong Shoes for Boys
on the rocks, and she is not make music.
face highway in front of their doors. The small sec­
dances and all occasions where there is
Manufactured by
up ns has been reported.
W ashington the official guard ttn-
going to be something to eat and drink, .
tional feeling that would prevent the people of Bridge A t its h igh est the present high breaking
and will make a contract to play for d °°b ted ly changed at noon
w.itei lacks several feet of being as
Theodore Bergmann
from voting for bonds unless Bridge were to be reached high
at Bandon that the w reckage tug any of these affairs for its board. The pose that lik e ly this is so, and
as it was at the last flood.
by the proposed “good road,” and which would cause the T he train has been aide to get from Sau F rancisco is ou her way band plays by the day or week or hour, rather am usedly I reflected while Shoe Manufacturing Co.
and has only recently begun playing he talked, that the W h ite H ouse
people of the north end of the county to vote against them over from the Bay during the pres­ up to pull the wrecked boat off her, some
6 21 Thurm an St
Portland, O regon
of the poetry composed by Miss
She is lvin g within a hun-
hun -1 IT“ “ .
“"’ guard must consist of eight or ten
unless Tenmile were to he connected up, and that made et freshet, but h is been unable to perch.
Fruzie Allsop. The favorite piece they
the Bergmann Waterproof
yards of the remains of
the j p]ay ¡g “ Hell Amongst the Yearlings.” |
policemen, when all
of Ask
them for are
Bandon demand that a good share of the money be ex­ get any further than Johnson’s Mill dred
shoe O il.
R andolph which was wrecked
last The Excelsior Band has been arrested counted. I was surprised to learn
pended between that town and the Curry county line all T he auto atagea between this summer.
different times on a breach of on the very m orning T had wit-
this looked pretty small to us large-hearted and public place at.d M yrtle Poin t were unable T be Fifield crew were all paid off several
‘ *>e Peace charge, and has been shot at nessed the chan ge of guards, that
, while trying to serenade some of our ,,,„
r » __ ,
spirited citizens. But this thing is different, you see. to ruu Satur day afternoon and Sun ­ and , departed
lor Hau rra u cisco at ...
. . ..
. .. . -
, the K in g ot D enm ark rode by un-
citizens, but through the influence o i l . "
When it comes to diverting the tourist travel before it is
the 00mpany s expense, the day af- Raz Barlow, who plays the lead fiddle, a " e nf1ed on a horse past my hotel,
on the b rid ge just this side of ter the wreck. There serms to be
they have managed to keep out o f jail j an(i through the principal streets of
obliged to pass through Coquille, and putting a bridge deep
M yrtle Point und was also over the 00 reason why the stranded boat up to the hour of going to press. The the Capital
Since this is almost a
anywhere but right here, when one is so much needed road
iu several places.
cannot be rescued from the beach E*celsi°r Fiddling Band is composed of daily custom , one ought to be par-
here, can we be expected to “stand in?”
A t Pow ers the water was almost and tow ed into the harbor for re the following persons: Slim Flinders, doned the thought that the K in g is
A , ' i >, C a ta h g tVo. —
Vjr - cy-xgw;
Bergmann Shoe
v -
In the last Saturday Evening Post, Eugene Manlove
Rhodes makes John Wesley Pringle say of the lightning
The lightning bug is brilliant
But he hasn't any mind;
He wanders through créât inn
H ith his headlight on behind.
Is that what is the matte • with our city council that
it doesn’t pass a license ordinance that will cover merry*
go-rounds and skating rinks, but waits till a merry-go-
round or skating rink has come and gone and then con­
cludes that it is too late to do anything?
B a s k e t B all
T h e C oquille H igh school tram
chattered the Dispatch and went to
Bandon F riday night, accnmpauied
by a royal bunch of rooters. H ow ­
ever, they met defeat at the hands
of the Ban Ion bunch bv the score
of 33 to 18
It w- .s a good gam e,
hut C o q u ille’ s team was crippled
badly by the h ss m C bas. P erilin g
suffering from a bro k er col
N either their p layin g
;.ini w ork cam
up ta their
s tia standard by a good deal.
O erditlg had been in the game
there m ight h ave bet 11 a different
story, lor the Coquille ■ team defeated
the Bandon 'earn here • several weeks
ago with case.
The Dispatch leit B don -hortiy
»iter lite g im e ivas finished, but on
as high as st the last freshet.
No one was forced to move out of
their home this tim e.
The water is now
N o damage has as yet been re­
ported. except a few fences being
washed up.
The recent high water seems to
be w orryin g the fishermen more
than anyone else, as tUc fish won't
take 1 bait >t the present tune.
Home people who planted pota­
toes a coo pm of weeks ago on the
lowlands, have fouud th .ro aeljrS to
be out of luck
The mail has been arrivin g about
every forty-eight hours which is
really more than can be expected
when one figures out the hardships
the stage men have to contend with
i-orniug over the mountains.
Every one from the kids up to
the oldest settler, agree* tbst this
season has got 'em all skinned for
high water and snow balls
The last and treat news is that the
barom eter n pointing toward fair
Autos Collide
Fidity Flinders, Raz Barlow, Tobe
Moseley, Atlas Peck, Dock Hocks and far too progressive for the old teud
al customs w hich he apparently
Columbus Allsop.
Bridge Pointers
T h e most interesting building I
Q uite a lot of excitem ent was)
have ever visited is the Rosenborg
caused h e r e Saturday afternoon
T h isb n ild -
Farm ers wLo have been rushing Castle in Copenhagen
when two Ford cars, driven by John their sp rin g w ork are somewhat in g tepresents historical conditions
Aasen and Joint Lew elleo collided chagrined by tbs late snow storm.
from 1449 down to the present dav,
in front of Folsom ’s Con fo ctio u ery.
The school play shed, although although the bu ild in g itself was
L ew ellen who drives a F o rd on the not finished, was initiated last Mon built by Christian Fourth three
M yrtle Point stage hoc, was travel­ day by the boys and girls
I t is I hundred years ago. It was occu-
in g down the street ju st in front of proving to be a great convenience P’e<^
K in g s o f D enm ark for
A (sen. The si le curtains were all to secure good exercise at intermis- ■ Kenerations, but has finally been
draw n on the L -w ellen car and he sious d u rin g the bad weather.
I turned into a great m useum .
T he
was unable to s,e well, but despite
Mrs Murphy >s v,string friends F ° nt ° ‘ BaP,ism f" r the R oyal f.m i
this fact he made a half circle in the
at M arshfield an 1 will return H o. IluS duri° * ,he PaM ,h r"
street, with the intention of turning
j years, as well as the three h u geem -
j week.
clear around. Rut a half a circle
blam atic silver lions used at all
Adm in W’ eltch and H arry H -user
waa alt he com pleted. A asan ’s car
coronations, are to be found here.
! h ive gone over to Powers lo work
cau gh t him am isbips and lu o u g h t
T h e ancient throne of D enm ark is
I in the lo g g in g camps.
him up with a short stop.
T a'k
also among the relics o f the palace.
R. C. E n dicott, our “ village It would tie truitless to attempt to
about your torpedoing a boat! Why
John Aasen would win fame on the blacksm ith,” is rushed with work enum erate the treasures o f this es­
high seas if he could run a Ford these days.
tablishment. M y own crude Yan-
car there. The left ft-nJer was torn
G eo. Crunk, of Rock Creek, tn ade’ kee thought was that every day
front I(Cwe!len's car and both radius a lly in g trip to Brt lge Saturday til 1st have been Christm as in tile
rods were sprut g on A asen’s car evening to secure medicine sent by R ya! F am ily (or about 300 w a rs,
ami a fender slightly damaged.
It 1 Dr Hteniter for his m other who is and that all the rich presents of the
Ne w Ho me
Quality Choosers
For Sale By
Coquille, Oregon
The New Horn: Sewing
Machine Company
San Francisco