Gar len seeds at Knowltou’s drug The banka are closed today. *dore. must be Washington a birthday, MERELY MENTIONED It j Revival Meetings W. E . Si hull, i f Bunilon, was a Coquille visitor Friday. Revival meetiuga were c-.mmt need Horn To the wife of Aaron Bny der, of Roseburg, Ore,, on Moi day, ^UD'lay evening at the Christian Fisblrap Thursday , ----■ — -------------- ----- ----------------- '■ > • church ,.illlr,u an I will lie cm.imued lor “ sod . Mrs. j three weeks or more. The sermon A J. Sherwood was a M 1 eld ®'e^’ru“ry i Snyder formerly redded at McKiu ¡Sunday evening was delivered tiv business visitor Thursday, ley in this count., where she has . the pastor, Rev John F. L ggett, Webb Must was in from McKin­ many friends and relatives. and last evening the work was taken up by Rev. C. G. Price, of Noitb ley last week. the restoration in the Smith mills bend, who will be here throughout Fresh Vegetables at all times at and logging camps of tbe wage the meetings. Lyons