Notice of Sheriffs Sale i FORD OFF TO MAKE PEACE IN EUROPE Bs v i r t u e o f an execution and order HEfcRY FORD o f sale duly issued by the Clerk o f the Circuit Court o f the County of Coos, State of Oregon, dated the 14th day of , .January. 1916, in a certain action in the Circuit Court for said County and State, «herein L. Strong as Plaintiff recover­ Leader Says He Is Confident ed judgment against W. S. Jess and I.ucy Jess, his wife- defendants, for the Great Good Will Result sum o f One hundred forty-eignt and 55- 100 Dollars, and costs and disburse­ IT T Y GRAY, nr American newspaper From Trip. ments taxed at Fourteen and 50-100 reporter, finds and purchases half an Dollars, on the third day o f January, old coin that she discovered in the ' 191«. window of an old curi" ;ity shop. She is so New York.— Henry Ford and hia Notice is hereby given that I will on impressed by th<- inscription which promises the 4th day o f March, 1916, at the front guests, together with a large number door of the County Court House in Co- At romance anil adventure that of newspaper correspondents and mov­ quille in said County, at 10 o’clock in she gives up her position on the ing picture men. set sail on the Oskar the forenoon o f said day, sell at public •r in order to II to endeavor to bring the great Eu­ auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to-wit: -— ZS : ¿ devot te herself to ropean war to an end. Lots 6 and 7, the East one-half of solving the mystery. One hundred and forty names were the northwest quarter, (less ten acres) The derision of her on the list of Mr. Ford's guests. Of o f Section eighteen, township twenty- editor moves her to these 83 are peace envoys, 54 news­ , eight, Range twelve west o f the W il­ bet him a year’s sal­ lamette Meridian, containing ninety- paper and magazine correapondents i ight acres, all in Coos County, Oregon. ary thatshecandoit. and three moving picture men. For | Taken and levied upon as the property She starts for the their use Mr. Ford chartered the en­ (if the said defendants, W. S. Jess and strange country and tire first and second cabins of the I.ucy Jess, his wife, or as much there- throughout the story ] of as may be necessary to satisfy the steamer. said judgment in favor o f plaintiff and she is shadowed by The Oskar II should arrive at Chris­ against said defendants with interest those who strive to tiania, Norway, her first stop, about thereon, together with all costs and , tlnvail her at disbursements that have or may accrue. December 14. Thence the party ia to P h o to b y A m or lean PreuN ^laaoclatloo. every turn. A L F R E D JOHNSON, J r , proceed to Stockholm, Copenhagen Sheriff. les, her How she triumphs ov r the most n.-toundiiv; < Henry Ford, the millionaire manu­ and The Hague. It is proposed to Dated at Coquille, Oregon, hair-breHth escfip • find, thrilling adventures are l i . die Uni- facturer, who chartered a ship and hold the peace conference at The January 78, 1916. 2-l-5t < oIN , versal’s new magni!'' < nt | ' ure sirial, T IIE HRO - •ailed for Europe with a party of Hague. founded on the :• ■ by J.iuir oil Hough, the fair.i t: author who peace advocates. Notice of Administrator’s Sale William J. Bryan and Thomas A. ■ Hubble,” wrote such masti i , ■ • < fi< io ■ • ; “ The Missis Edison arrived at the dock an hour Notice is hereby given that the un­ “ 54-40 or Fight.” and ' ' e ' of ot her huge succe sc He has out before the steamer sailed to bid fare­ dersigned, administrator o f the estate BRIEF WAR NEWS done his prove•• ini ( • BROKEN o f David M. Drew, deceased, under well to Mr. Ford. and by authority of an order o f the COIN, which is played by t 1 • n.i i and mo. t brilliant combin­ Before sailing Mr. Ford issued what Earl Kitchener has resumed his du­ County Court o f the State o f Oregon ation of moving piciure stars < v< 1 bn tight together. . in ami for the County o f Coos duly ties as head of Great Britain's war de­ he called a farewell statement: “ I a n See Grace Cunardand Fran i I rd in tin triumph of realism and sensation. made and entered on the 29th day of partment. sailing with the firm belief,” he said, Follow K itty Gray through her <1< au 1 a ¡venturous quest, in the finest January, 1916, authorizing and direct­ picture serial ever shown on the screen. The German war levy of $8,000,000 “ that a great good will come of this ing me so to do, will from and after mission. It will keep alive the thought the first (lav of March, 1916, proceed to per month against Belgium will be in­ that peace is possible as well as de­ sell at private sale all o f the real prop­ definitely continued. erty of the said estate, to-wit: the Field Marshal von Mackensen was sirable and, so long as that Is done, south half of the southeast quarter and slightly wounded by a Serbian bullet hope of peace exists.” E p is o d e s — O n e E ach W eek, T h e P h o to P lay S eria l S uprem e the south half of the southwest quarter o f section thirty-four, in township during the recent operations, says a twenty-nine south, range fourteen west Copenhagen dispatch. o f the Willamette meridian, in Coos It is declared lhat, notwithstanding County, Oregon, to the highest and best bidder; terms of sale not less than denials, the pope has in his posses­ one half cash in hand at time o f sale, sion Germany's terms of peace, and balance payable not more than five that Cardinal Amette has those of years from date of sale with interest France, on such deferred payment, if any. at Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, N. Y. There have been no Important de- the rate o f not less than eight per cent velopmei ts on the Russian or French — Retreating Serbian troops have been per annum. Dated February 1, 1916. fronts, although the Italians assert overtaken and defeated near the A l­ G U Y DREW, 5 #More Chapters some minor successes in their cam banian border by the Bulgarians, ths Administrator of the Estate o f David war office announced here. More than palgn against the Austrians. M. Drew, Deceased. 2-l-5t According to the Berlin Lokal An- 100 cannon were taken. The occupa­ zieger’s correspondent at Constantino­ tion of Monastir by Germans and Bul­ ple, direct railway communication be­ garians is officially confirmed. The Base Deception. Family Physician— I am afraid, Mr*. tween Constantinople and Berlin will statement follows: IvtL- Gayblrd, your husband cannot last "German and Bulgarian detach­ be resumed this week. Freight trains much longer. The trouble with your will run twice each week between the ments entered Monastir and were wel­ biisbnml, madam, Is that he has over­ two cities. comed joyfully by the authorities and drawn his account at the bank o f vi­ the people. tality. Mrs. (luyblrd—I felt sure be "Bulgarians halted the retreating en­ was deceiving me about something. SHORT NEWS NUGGETS emy southwest of Prisrend (Serbia, Doctor, 1 give you my word, I never A police census of New York City near the Albanian border), defeated knew be had any account there.— T o­ him and captured more than 100 can­ peka Journal. shows its population to be 5,263,888. Tho national committee of the pro­ non and large quantities of war ma­ John Hay on Stanton. gressive party will meet at Chicago on terial, among which were 200 auto­ mobiles.” In “ The Life and letters of John January 11. Hay” Is this plaintive note to NIcolay: Having achieved the conquest of Miss Jane Addams did not accom­ “ My dear Nico—Don’t, in a sudden pany the Ford peace expedition. Ta­ Serbia, the Bulgarian and Germanic spasm of good nature, send any more ken suddenly 111, she was conveyed to forces are undertaking to conquer people with letters to me requesting Montenegro. Greece, after appearing the Chicago Presbyterian hospital. favors from Stanton I would rather for one instant favorable to the allies, A German order for delivery after make the tour o f a smallpox hospital.” the war has been placed in this coun­ now seems less likely to support try for 200,000,000 pounds of copper them. The Obliging Proprietor. IT B e t ’l b u a T e a r ls S a la r y K •Sec t h e te b r o k e n c o in MONASTIR OCCUPIED Í1Y TEUTONIC ALLIES A t th e Scenic Every Saturday R E M E M B E R -O u g h .’’ An exchange prints the following 11 t of words ending in "ough" and ai da the pronunciation of the more ob- si «re words, so far as ascertainable from the dictionaries: Messrs. Gough (g iff). Hough (huff) sn 1 Clough (duff), tb ugh tough enough, thought through the day that they wouid visit Mr, Brough Ibroo), who, having a hiccough (1 iccup) aud a cough, lived in a Clough (Cuff or clou), with plenty o f dough anil a tame chough (chuff) kept near a plough In a rough trough, hung to a bough over a lough (loch). A slouch (siuf) of the bank into the slongh (sloo) injured his thoroughbred’s hough (hock) No wonder the foreigner shudders at those four terrible letters! Ln-delcpes. * o Letterheads, . C a rds, * Circulars, "Billheads, & Statements. YOU WANT THEM‘ AND S w ift’s Sarcasm. "My brethren.” said Dean Sw ift in a sermon, "there are three sorta of pride— of riches, of birth and of tal enta. 1 shall not no.v speak of the Intter, none of you being liable to that abominable vice." H s K n sw It. "There’s lots of money in stocks." "Quite right! That's where mine w en t” —Princeton Tiger. WE PRINT THEM Call and see us or telephone and wo will call and see you. If we don’t do your printing we both lose money. I Superior Telegraph Service A few days ago Mr. John C. Kendall called our Marshield Telegraph oldce and dictated a message to our operator to be sent to Mr. John D. Goss, who was in Portland. In just 11$ minutes, our Telegraph operator called Mr. Kendall and read an answer to him from Mr. Goss. The message had been sent to Portland, Mr. Goss had been located, the mes­ sage delivered to him, he had written the answer, which was returned through the same successive steps. This is an ex­ ample of the prompt, efficient and satisfactory telegraph ser­ vice which is being rendered daily to Pacific Coast points. Standard Rates. Satisfactory Service. Call, telegraph and dictate your message or file it at any o f our offices. I Coos and Curry Telephone Co. g I I R. L. SHINE, V.-Pres 0. C. SANFORD, Assi. Cashier A. J. SHERWOOD. PRES. L H.rHAZARD, CasL.c. FIR ST N A T IO N A L B A N K O F C O Q U IL iL B , O R E G O N . T r a n s a c t s a G e n e r a 1 B a n k i n g B u» in ee -c * Board of Olroetora. I Correspondent» R. C. Dement, A. J. Sherwood, Natic nal Bank of Commerce,New York City L. Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, | Crocker Woolworth N ’ l Bank, San Francisco Isaiah Hacker. R. E Shine. First Nationall Bank of Portland, Portland Pathe Program Neal of Ihe Navy G e t Rich Quick Wallingford N e w s and Comedy Scenic E very please give me an or­ at 20 cents per pound— $45,000,000 tlie persistent drummer. worth. replied the crusty pro­ President Wilson consented to re­ out!” ceive 500 delegates to the convention at Washington of the National Ameri­ Was Willing. can Woman Sufi rage association, De­ Smith—You and .Times don’t seem to cember 14. he as friendly as you were. Does >)• The 600 women teachers in the A t­ owe you money? Brown—No. not ex­ lanta public schools are threatening actly, but he wanted to. to strike or resign their positions rath­ er than undergo a physical examina­ The Gooseberry. Gooseberry bushes were originally tion in the manner prescribed by an called gorseberry bushes, from the order of the board of education. plants having prickles similar to those Officers and electricians of the of the gorso shrub. United States submarines and navy- yards are being drilled in the theory, construction and operation of Thomas A. Edison's storage battery for under­ sea craft at the Edison factory. Electric Heating Devices \ RE you searching for that some- -**■ thing for mother, wife, sister, sweetheart or grandmother wonder­ ing what to buy? Woman appreciates the tasty, the dainty, the ornate and the USEFUL combined. These quali­ ties are all embodied in Government Maps and Documents Electric Heating Devices THEM We will supply a large OREGON P O W E R CO. ^ E = = EE 3 O Q F - ------------ 1 $ '3 = = H Government Map, pre­ pared by the Interior Department, at 50 cts. ^ each, by mail prepaid. % These maps are official A n n o un cem en t Bureau of Anim al Industry Publications I J A V I N G bought the plant o f the Co- * * quille Mill an 1 Mercantile Com­ pany, the undersigned is now prepared to fill all orders for any kind of L U M B E R Especial attention will be paid to the local demand, and every effort will be made to supply anything needed at the shortest possible notice. Your orders are solicited. Diseases o f C A T T L E , HORSES, P O U LT R Y , etc., 50 cents a volume postpaid. These are all Government documents and some are out o f print. SOLID E. E. JOHNSON WILSON TO WED DEC. 18 Ceremony at Mrg. Galt's Home Evening to Be Private. In Washington.— President Wilson and Mrs. Norman Galt will be married on Saturday, December 18, at Mrs. Galt's home here, according to a formal an­ nouncement made »4 the white house. It was also announced that the only guests will be Mrs. Galt’s mother, her brothers and sisters, the president’s brother and sister, his daughters, and the member of his immediate house­ hold. No invitations will be issued. Plans for the honeymoon trip are being kept secret, but it is known the couple plan to leave Washington shortly after the ceremony. Publications. a bank account U. S. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT EXCHANGE London.— The retreat of the British army in Mesopotamia was announced by the official report of the war de­ partment. The report confirms the Berlin version to the effect that the expedition sent to take Bakdad had failed. The official announcement said: "General Townshend remained in occupation of the battlefield at Clesi- phon, beating off all counter-attacks, till he had completed the removal of his wounded and of 1600 prisoners taken from the enemy; but in view of our heavy losses, and the arrival of Turkish reinforcements, he then with­ drew. "It is reported that our total casual­ ties in the actions amounted to 4567. General Townshend remarks of the | steadiness of the troops and states that the retirement was carried out in perfect order. By the latest reports General Townshend was within a few miles of Kut-El-Amara, upon which position he Is retiring.” 612 F Street Northwest, Wash­ ington, D. C. P O L K ’ S- Business Directory ness difficulties. It enables him to know exactly what hia cash resources are at all times. I t puts him in a position where emergency. OET YO U R B u tter W rappers A T THE H e r a l d Office Call here and learn some other advantages. Failure of Bagdad Expedition Agalnzt Tu rk s Confirmed by London. San Francisco Exposition Closes. State Prohibition Valid In Colorado. ■ San Francisco- The Panama Pacif- Denver.— The authority of Colorado ic International exposition closed its to enact and enforce state wide pro­ gates Saturday u-ht with a total at hlbltion was upheld by the state eu- tendance for 288 days of 18,763,399. - preme court. A D irectory o f or h City, Tow n und V illage, g iv in g d. poriptlve sketch st e ic h pince, I.«a t.o n , population. tele- gru; h. shipp if j and banking: point; ■’las« fled ’ ctory, co m piled by *ss and pi salon I I -»I K A CO.. 8 K A T T L E stands be­ he can ask a loan to meet an Three Conspirators Go T o Prison. New York.— Dr. Karl Buenz, George Kotter and Adolph Hachmelst of the Hamburg-American line, recently con­ victed of conspiracy to defraud the United States government, were sen- tenced to serve one and a half years in the federal penitentiary at Atlanta, Wilson's Name Is Filed In Nebraska. Ga. Joseph Poppenghaus was sen­ Lincoln. Neb.— The name of Wood- tenced to one year. The Hamburg- row Wilson as a candidate for the American line was fined $1. Bail was fixed at $10,000 in each democratic presidential nomination was filed here to be placed on the case and was accepted from a surety Nebraska primary ballot in 1916. The company. petition was signed by local demo­ France Names Peacs Terms. crats Paris.— France will not make peace until Alsace and Lorraine are won, Russians Make Big Gain. London.—The Russians have taken Belgium and Serbia restored, and 12 miles of trendies, 700 prisoners "German imperialism and Prussian and a large quantity of munitions and militarism are put beyond the possi- food supplies on the Tukum road west | btlity of resurrection," Albert Thomas, secretary of war, declared. of Riga. OHEGON and WASHINGTON ROCK tween a man and many busi­ BRITISH ARE BEATEN BACK W rite us for any Gov­ ernment % ■ A Monday "W on’t you der?” pleaded “ Certainly,” prietor. “ Get WE HAVE LIKE Farmers and Merchants Bank Roseburg M yrtle Point Stage And Auto Line Leave Myrtle Point on arrival oi boat from Bandon. Auto to Hock Creek and from Camas; only 14 milee of staging. Arrives at Koie- burg 7:30 p. m. connecting with north bound train. Arrive Myrtle Point 4 p. m. Make reservations in advance at Owl Drug Store, Marshfield. All Baggage Handled Fare From Myrtle Pcint $7.00 J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor Office at Laird’ s Stage Barn, Myrtle Point, Both Phones HOTEL BAXTER Under New Management H aving leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­ ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling public. C H A R L E S B A X T E R , Proprietor RE-BUILT TYPEWRITERS “A L L M AKES” Fully Guaranteed O n e Y ear UNDERWOODS Model 4, automatic ribbon re­ verse ................. $ 30 00 Model 5, automatic ribbon re­ verse 35 00 Model 4, 2-color, back spacer 45 00 Model 5, 2-color, back spacer 50 00 Model 3, 14-in. carriage, auto. ribbon reverse 35 00 Model 3, 14-in. carriage, back spacer, 2-color........... 50 00 REMINGTONS Model 10, Elite type $ 32 50 Model 10, Pica type 37 50 Model 11, decimal tabulator 40 00 Modei II, dec. tab. Wahl add­ ing and subtract'g device 100 00 Models 6 and 7 . 15 00 i OTHER MAKES Model 3, Oliver.................... $ Model 5, Oliver Model 2. L. C. Smith, pivot bearing.......................... Model 2, L.C.Smith,ball bear. Model 2, L.C.Smith,ball bear­ ing, back spacer............. Model 5, L.C. Smith, latest Mode'. 2, Monarch Model 2, 4, 5and 6,Smith Pre­ mier ............................ Model 10, Smith Premier Models 1 and 2, Royal Model 8, Royal " 20 00 27 50 ( 25 00' 27 50 j 32 50 ' 47 50 i 30 00 j 15 00 J 30 00, 27 50 40 001 Sold $5.00 Cash and »5.00 a month machines sent for three days’ examina­ tion to any point on the Pacific Coast and i f not satisfactory may be < returned at our expense. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO„ Inc. 37 Montgomery St. San Francisco 321 Washington St. Portland 711 Second Ave. Seattle