Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, February 15, 1916, Image 2

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    of Lost Island, on which a mine
is situated, and has a map showing the
The Coquille Herald
I location of the island.
-p- — -=“* _ :-
Entered a» second etas» m alur May
8, HX'5. at tlie putt mill» a. t ’uuuille,
Oregon, underact o Guii/iess oi M. Ii
T he
Sà- è
Sw astika
For a time at least, no Sunday
is a p le d g e of
uight shows will be giveu at the
P. C. I.KVAR, lessee and Editor.
Scenic. The regular show nights
quality. Look for it on th e en d s of every
will lie Monday, Wednesday, Fri­
LANS LENEVE, City Editor.
package of S n o w fla k e S o d a s .
a t all grocers and general stores
day and Saturday.
This week,
D evoted to the m ateria, and social
however, there will be a show on
upbuilding of the l iki U i II c * Valley par­
ticularly and c f C" i County » vie > • > y.
Thursday uight, and an extia good
Subscription, *1.50 per year in advan
one. This is made necessary by
Phone Main 381.
the following circumstances:
Arrangements were completed bv
that the principal market foi their
wire Friday morning with the
product ia local only and the de-
Pathe Kxchange, for the exhibition
It would be interesting to know by what process o f preseed times have resulted iu a big
at the Scenic of one full program of
t h o u g h t , if su ch it may be called, the mayor and city coun- fulling off in demand
But with
six reels of Pathe pictures each
ell have reached the conclusion that it is the proper caper the revival of the lumber industry week. See what this includes: A
to stick a resident of the city for $100 a year for dealing ^ we„ und tbey are bopeful tb„t chapter of the new serial, “ Neal of
in a certain class of goods, while transient fly-by-nights tbe comiug spring will find them the Navy.” This is a big serial,
are permitted to come in here and deal in the same class Wurt mg moat cf the time to keep written by a big author (Wm H.
Osborne), acte.' by big stars and
of goods for a longer or shorter period, according to the p,„-e with their order*
produced iu a big way. The scenes
harvest they can reap, put their profits in their jeans and
They h .ve quite a
of navy life are taken with the ap­
slide out without contributing a cent to the city treasury
proval and by tbe sanction of the
for license or anything else. Yet that seem ed to be the ^ # couttc^ J ty con)luoted liy Secretary ol the Navv and are true
position held and defended by our chief executive ami the Mr pete raoo. They have a nice | to life and of a very high educa
council at a recent meeting, lh o license on motion pic- heboid buiidiu.r and carry Ihe uiutb tional value. The story is an ab­
sorbing drama, full ot life and ad­
tu r e s h o w s , r u n n in g s e v e n n ig h t s a w e e k , is $25 a q u a r te r . grade. M m Bounce (we are Dot
Tbe serial is complete iu
The license on a merry-go-round, running seven days and sure of tbe name) u one of the 14 chapters ol two reels each.
nights a week, is nothing. The license on a skating teacher« ..nd i. a bright energetic
The new adventures ot Walling­
ford. You all know tbe peerless J.
rink running day and night ls -n o th in g .
ih e show lep- en„ Ry into the work>
resents an investm ent of more or less real capital in
wblle theru we Inet Mrs s m . Rufus Wallingford, whose opera­
the city, on which taxes are paid. The proprietor is ex- Ltgget, mother of Bev. Lcgget of tions in the confidence field have
been recorded iu Ihe Saturday
pected to contribute, like other business men, to every- the Christian church of this place,
livening Post aud the Cosmopolitan
thing of a public nature that comes along. He is a resi-
w. w. Smith is the road super­ and whose name has become a
dent of the city. If he make any money it is invested in viaorand is already preparing to household word. Now you can see
him in action
Each episode is a
the city and in the building up ot a business that caters to
the pleasure of the public through good season
and bad. H. Bumg.rduer haa a nice little complete story in itsell and ruus in
two reels.
By a not very strong wrench of the im agination he m ight home here and is developing a mine
The Palhe News picture needs
be considered a white man, a member o f the Coquille of h is own, iu cotnpanv with his Bon no recommendation
It gives you
business community, and entitled to fair treatment. Y et «ud another man or two. They one reel of most interesting news
a little discussion that took place at the council m eeting h,.ve some fine specimen« of coal items aud those to be shown will be
of recent date
recently showed an unaccountable disinclination to take ’
J ^ ’lnT h,"
One reel of good comedy will
that view of tho situation. If any councilman lie d t i e mcest homes in the place— butreuily
complete a most interesting and
position that the payment of $ 10 0 a year for the privilege
poor lady is *o be pitied—she
well balanced program.
of dealing in am usem ents entitled the show man to some b us such a bum gardener (Bumgard-
In order to secure tbe first episode
protection from unlicensed competition from transients, uer) for» husband,
of the Neal of tbe Navy serial it
his voice was not raised.
Councilman Skeels
took the J- F. Lee i. another who deserve, was necessary to grab a program
8, 1879.
already used in Marshfield, North
view that there was no such competition now and ap- f ^ |( ( f < ( t|) (
parently thought that settled it.
Councilman N osier ¡ ^ v ^ t p ^ e j ^ J ^ f t i e l b 111. Bend and Bandon aud about to be
pointed out that other merchants were not protected from post of their wedded life. They shipped back to Portland, and in
order to catch up, and get on a
transients who came in with stocks of close-out goods, ap- are both b i l e aud hearty aud able regular schedule with the rest of
parently forgetting that neither were the merchants taxed to “crack u joke" or enjoy one if the houses it is necessary to use
$100 a year nor any other am ount for a special license to "notll*r springs it. ..............
two ol these programs this week.
Therefore, the first was run last
do business; evidently forgetting also that the merchants . . .
are protected by a license tax on peddlers, though they honieg of tbeir own H0(1 ke, p ^ eka eveniug and the second will be
pay no special license them selves.
Councilman Sanford of poultry and raihe gardens. But shown on Thursday evening. Here­
after, the Pathe program will be
objected to the fact that the prices at the local show have the main dependence is the mine,
show every Monday evening, and
not been kept below the living mark, but have been placed <*nd most of tb* men are eng gad the prediction is made that it will
on a level with those of all the other houses in the county,
whenever there is work prove most popular with the dis­
following the general and necessary trend all over the '' \
, •
. . , criminating picture patrons of Co­
moving picture field. As for the m ayors talk and his 1 m- ftn , the flire i8 iovv It ia tributary quille.
Touching the raise of price from
plied condemnation o f m oving pictures on account of one to this pi ice aud most of the people
10 cents to 15 cents, it may be said
picture that has recently been shown all over the United make frequent visits to the “me that it has been made through ne-
States, being censored only by the fem ale fanatics in tropoli».”
cesssity, as it has already beeu made
Portland, whose arbitrary action m et general disapproval,
vv Lllb tt",lKs ftr« dult Ht PreHfUt by every other picture house iu this
county. This has been the ten­
and another objectionable picture shown some six or eight
, ...
years ago, the like of which has not been exhibited of late pUce of eiirlier ()aVH It u i8 a very dency over the whole country for
some time, all tbe higher class
years—perhaps the less said the better.
pioasuut place to dwell aud Hooded
houses raisiug their prices of ad­
The manager of the Scenic makes no great objection with the soft February sunshine, it mission to enable them to show the
to the amount of the license fee exacted from picture »"“lo » lovely picture nestling at better class ot pictures that are now
shows— but he does ask a fair deal both for him self and the riverK feet
being put out at greatly advanced
for the city. The license ordinance should be changed so
Across the river ‘ number °f fine cost. Not only has the cost of pic­
as to include other forms of amusement, such as merry- r#il Uril8> evitlence ,.f tbe weR,th o( ture service been advanced but that
of supplies ol all kinds has raised,
go-rounds and skating rinks. This is so obvious that no ,ije gl)ilin this locality,
while "hard times” has appreciably
argum ent seems necessary. Entirely aside from the ques-
—~— *** _
cut down attendance. At the same
tion of a fair “ protection” to the local citizen who pays a
Bridge Pointers
time, the number ot reels shown
license, the city is entitled to the revenue. It is exacted
Tbr hiRh w. ter dM L0 great has beeu working up until now you
everywhere else except in Coquille, and us a am tter of damage in tin« vicinity, it aided see about three times as long a
fact the omission here seem s to have been an oversight, the Powers Logging company to show as formerly. At first you
This m atter was talked over with the mayor last fall when fi"»1 >°88 winch h«d hung up down cheerfully turued out to see two
new reels and one old one that you
a merry-go-round was merrily gathering the loose nickels, 8,re’'111
had seen before.
Now you are
The farmers have commenced to
contributing nothing to the city treasury, the crew even
shown five aud six reels of new
s t i r for spring work.
boarding and lodging them selves and paying no tribute to
pictures ol a far superior aud more
Mr. Ford, who is now iu charge
expensive kind. It is true that
our hotels or lodging houses. The mayor freely acknowl­
i of the Farmers' store, lately made
edged that som ething ought to be done, but pointed out some inside improvi mi nts on the "cheap” pictures can be obtained,
far cheaper than any formerly avail­
that it was too lute to catch these people, for by the tim e same.
able—but the Scenic does not be­
the council could act tho contraption would be gone. That
All stores of Bridge report a lieve tba* the people of Coquille
seem s to have been the situation whenever the question good trad« fur the time of year,
want that kind of a show.
has come up. The roof could not be fixed while it WUS The tty § toed for the school ir The laat William Fox feature to
raining, and when it wasn't raining there was no need of n,,w l,‘‘iuK r,l8l,ed to completion be showu here for some time was
fixing it. It remains to be seen whether any action will “ince ,l)e
we“'Ler h»8 c"™- put on at the S cnic last \\'jrin>:s-
be taken before the next transient comes along.
v 80,Ml BnJ »ttcntiv* audience of day. This servire was cut out for
Random Rambles
the han kn 1 the
myrt le grtiw in its
pert*imiti splendor, and lui rk of til,
(By a Ratublt r )
U N i f to f» un e the pi»•ture, wa»
The other day we ma It* it tri P **' hills c i t i with evrri;;reen Reali y it
it for a w.ut hier pen to
boat to Riverton and « 1 11 <>mlo«IVtll was
to give yoor reader» » I P » * •hire
of what we saw.
A* Ws ^ 1Ìridi
•rivril at Riverì in we were put
down on the swift <'urrctit »no
t the “dock” bn t had to ffet a
looked out over tho bn >*<1 CXJ>nnst umn with a boat to 1feiry uiI tth ore
of water, dolt nt h< re »1 ml th»*r
i t is n tv Jocal litth tniuiiDg h >wn,
orchards, farm house* , I'urns
i t s IU lain ii epeudoui'i being the n
other evidenres that the 4 in usiMil} by et »1 mines of wh: li Mr M 1 iee
land, ws couldn't help 1iut thin)
IS su peril) tendent.
Mr. M cQee has
poor old Noah win n hi* » is in doue hit 1lest to k< (> the work
search of an t u r a i w lu re • ii 1 «' intf.
0 furnish
me nt
But we needed 1 no a - u r nncf the n
ml be ba* lu r U 11
of olive branch or dova ) for n long u hairJ pr u position f 1 OU) the fact
At Martinique
Of Interest to Tho«e Who I he enlisted the services of Hernandez
1 and Ponto, twu evil adventurers, to as-
Patronize the Movie*
| sist him in working his mine. Then
Mount Pelee starts an eruption that is
shown on the screen, and the inhabit­
ants seek refuge in boats. Illington’s
daughter and her nurse, Manuella, are
picked up by the tramp steamer Prin­
cess, taking the map with them. III-
ington and his two helpers are cast
away on an island, where the two vil-
liains assault Illington and leave him
for dead. The steamer Princess takes
fire and Mrs. Hardin and Neal, wife
and son of the captain, Annette and
Joe Welcjer, the mate, put off in one
boat and are later picked up by a U. S.
The next episode, entitled “The Yel­
low Packet,” will be shown Thursday,
and the story may be given briefly as
The second episode opens eighteen
years later. Neal is a clean-cut manly
young American, while Joe is a slink­
ing young man of bad habits. Hernan­
dez and Ponto are drug smugglers and
have as their slave and beast of burden
a gigantic beast-man bereft of all rea­
son. A young adventuress, Inez Castro,
is in league with the smugglers and in­
sinuates herself into the Hardin house­
hold, to steal the map of Lost Isle.
Hernandez, Ponto and their brute-man
are apprehended in an attempt to land
some drugs off the Seaport coast, and a
running fight follows, Mrs. Hardin
explains to Annette about her heritage
of Lost Isle, and shows her the map.
They are all alarmed by many shots
outside and run out in time to see the
smugglers, pursued by the officers com­
ing toward the house. Annette is
knocked down by Hernandez in his mad
rush. Neal is mainly instrumental in
capturing the two outlaws whj are put
in the town jail. Late that night the
brute tears out the bars from their cell
and frees them. Neal decides to try
for Annapolis.
The third episode, “ The Failure,”
will come next Monday evening, and
the story runs:
After the test Joe slips the stolen
exam, papers into Neal’s pocket, where
they are found. Neal starts for New
York to enlist in the U. S. Navy. That
night in an attempt to secure the yel­
low packet, Joe sets the house on fire.
Annette rescues Mrs. Hardin, and then
rushes back into the burning building,
but is overcome by the smoke. Out­
side, Hernandez, Ponto and the Brute
assemble with others. The Brute en­
ters the blazing building and rescues
Annette, who he lays at the feet of the
hysterical Mrs. Hardin, much to the
rage of Hernandez, who felt the Yel­
low Packet almost within his grasp.
Joe Welcher loses the Annapolis ap­
Exorbitant Rate?
E »oial Life; Cosmop litan Cbarao er.
New Radio Station
! The C a p i t o l ; The lUdiaiii g
Branch Hydrogrsph Office at
Streeta. c. Library of Congress.
à. Smithsonian Institute; Nutioi.ul Portlau l gives out tbit Morris Wy-
Museum, e. White House and its gant, C. E. of Newpoit, Oregon re-
Associations, f. Arlington; Mount ; ports that Mr, Boaow of the Ya-
quiaa Electric aud Telephone Co.
Vernon — Mrs. Young
will construct at that place u com­
mercial radio station harii g a radius
East Fork Items
of 500 miles aud a ww.e length of
Thursday Stacy Ward of Catching 300 metres.
creek, biought But Mr. Paget, Sr.
and two meu who ueie looking for n tbe Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon
in and for the County of Coos
land. Mr. Puget showed them the
I j o h n D . G o s s
oountry on tbe Gold Buck road.
Tbe storm of Saturday 0 ig,bt and J o h n G. M u l l e n us admin- 1
Sunday the Gtb inst.. caused slides istrator of the Estate of |
W. Negithon, deceas- j summons
and washouts iu mauy places 00 the John
ed, Alfreds Negithon, John |
old Coos Bay wagon road.
The Doe and Mary Doe and all I
heirs known and unknown I
(nail has not missed a trip although of
John W. Negithon, De- 1
Lari Endicott had to pack the sack ceased,
1 n Shank’s mare wheD alidea stop
To Alfreds Negithon, John Doe and
ped the stage a few miles west of Mary Doe and all Heirs, known and un­
There is a big slide on known of John W. Negithon, deceased.
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
Sumner mountain. Endicott gets You and each of you are hereby notified
you are required to appear and
tbe mail from Sumner to the slide
answer the Complaint filed against you,
Mark Brown carries it from tbe in the above entitled Court and cause,
slide to Sitkurn iu bis auto. When within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons, to
we read about the storms iu South­ wit, within six weeks from the 15th day
ern California we may feel that we of February, 1916 and if you fail to ap­
pear on or before the 28th day of March,
»re living in God’s country—Coos 1916, said date being the last day of the
time prescribed in the order for publi­
county, Oregon.
cation, judgment will be taken against
Walter and Hailey Laird made a you and each of you, for want thereof
for the relief demanded in plaintiff's
trip to town with a four hi rse team complaint,
a succinct statement of
the last of tbe week.
which is as follows:
That plaintiff recover from the above
Sam Stout, road supervisor Dist. named defendant John G. Mullen as
of the estate of Johh W.
No. 4, was here Monday, Feb. 7tb,
Negithon, deceased, the sum of Six Hun­
t > see about having the road cleared. dred Dollars together with interest
hereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an­
One who was a passenger on the num
from the 1st day of June 1912 to
stage to Sumner recently writes: date and the sum of Seventy Five Dol­
an attorney fee herein together
‘ While on Sumner mountain Endi- with the
costs and disbursements of
cott spoke of seeing a deer marly this suit. That a decree of Fore­
as against ail of said
every day. Soon he said ‘there he defendants and
all persons interest­
is now ’ The deer stood iu the ed in the hereinafter described real prop­
and that the same be sold in the
road a» if watching for tbe stage erty,
manner prescribed by law, to w it: The
and after looking »while Bounded west one half of the southwest quarter
(w'ii sw>4)of section three'3), the north­
around a curve. We did not see it east
quarter of the southeast quarter
»■»sin though Eudicott says it some (ne>g se '4) of section four (4) and lot
(4) of section ten (10) all in town­
t'mes comes into view again. There ship twenty-five
(25) south range twelve
used to be two but the driver thinks west of the Willamette meridian Coos
county Oregon. That all of the interest
tnat perhaps one has been kills 1 ” of
the above named defendants and each
them and of all persons claiming by
The same person writes: “Anv
or under them in tne above described
one who is suffering for lack of ex­ real property be forever barred and
ercise and is unwilling tu walk, foreclosed. That the plaintiff have judg­
ment and execution against the defend­
ought to go on th« stage from ant John G. Mullen as administrator of
the estate of John W. Negithon, de­
Marshfield to Empire.”
ceased, for any deficiency which re­
I received an auonymous post mains after the proceeds of the sale of
above described real property have
card last Thursday.
It is very re­ the
been applied to the satisfaction of said
ligious I would ha. to be a “de- judgment herein. That Plaintiff or any
party to this suit may become
ciple” of a Christ that would make other
a purchaser at the sale of said real
me such a coward that I would be property ;that the sheriff execute a deed
the purchaser and that said purchas­
ashamed of my name, even if I was to
er be let into possession thereof forth­
trying to help out a criminal.
Service of this summons is made by
R . A. E aston .
Duplication pursuant to an order made
by the Hon. John S. Coke Circuit
Judge, dated February 12th 1916, direct­
ing publication hereof in the within
newspaper for a period of six weeks.
John C. Kendall
Herbert S. Murphy
(Continued from Puge One
1st Nnt’l Bank Bldg.
Attorneys for
commendable because she was al­
ways on the job and apparently she
thought no more ol walking in and
out of the guest rooms than as
though we were all children un ei
If I FAIL to CURE »y CANCER or TUMOR i tra.i
her care. We all understood and batora it POISONS h i ' Elands or ottickis to BONE
appreciated the splendid comforts of Without Knife or Pain
the bath afforded us bv this young No PAY Until CURED
Udy. It usually took about two WRITTEN
No X R ay or other
sw ind le. An Island
hours to get from your bed to the p lan t m akes th e cure
street. I have no doubt that in A SORE
o n th e lip , face
or b o d y lo n g is
summer weather the fascinations ol C A N C E R ! it nerer
p ains u n tilla s t stage
the place would be increased.
120-PAGE BOOK sent
Thb people on tbe Bay who ur>
still complaiuing about the $1.50
rate on the gssoline lauucb frou,
Beaver Hill to Coquille during th<
high water, should fael thankful
that they didn’t have to walk over.
When it is figured out that gaso
line is 23 cents per galiou and that
the owners of the launches had t<
hire a pilot also, and take the
chances of shipwreck on an un
charted sea of brush aud suags, ii
cau easily be seen that it was not
such a graft as it looked
If some of those same people who
are kicking were placed in com­
mand of one of those launches, its a
safe bet that they would advance
FREE, 10,0o0 testi­
on tbe $1.50 rate.
It is a pool
m on ials. Writs to
business man that won't work a
A heavy fog hung over Chris
good thing when he has it nowadays. tiania during most of the time ol
D J i l l O C D and alw ays p oisons deep arm-
IS U A N u C n pit glan d s and KILLS QUICKLY
One wom an in every 7 a ie so f cancer—U.S. rrport
our visit, but one morning it cleared | We
refuse m any w ho w ait too lon g & m u st d ie
and there at the bead of the street! Poor cured a t h a lf price if cancer is yet sm all
Woman’s Study Club
Or. I M rs. Dr. CHAMLEY & CO. S M T S e !
stood the K ing’s Palace.
It is a I "Strictly
Rsllabls, Greatest Cancer Specialist living'*
The library department of tb> great, barny looking affair, but sur­ 4 3 4 D & 4 3 6 E Valencia S t , San Francisco. Cal.
will C A N C E R
Woman’s Study Club mot vrater rounded by beautiful grounds. My
day afternoon in tbe city library, impression is that the people of
and devoted a couple of hours to Norway regard the King as a sort
“Emerson,s Prose” and “New York of needless extravagance.
Ar noDg other interesting how, he has practically no part in
features was a talk by Mrs E D. the official affairs ot the kingdom.
Sperry on her personal impressions He does, however, mingle in a j
democratic way with the people,
of the metropolis.
The domestic science department notwithstanding the fact that his
will meet next Monday, February prestige has been curtailed beyond
21. Tbe lesson is the chapter on that of most monarebs The Queen
“Green Vegetables and Fruits.” Tbe is a sister of the King of England
next meeting of tbe literary depart­ and this fact may explain the ten­
ment will be on February 28 Fol­ der sympathy that appears to extst
between I’orway and tbe Allies, or
lowing is tbe program:
Boll Call—Auswers to Questions more particularly the British.
Norway is rather a poor country
on Current Topics. Talk — Haw­
thorne's L i f e — Mrs. Spriuger. aud only the industry of its people
visit' ts listened to the program two reasons: It was too expensive, Talk—The Scarlet Letter—A Study could make it great—for ir truly is
given by the Bridge Literarv aud and it ran too much to a certain of the Puritan Conscience— Mrs. wonderful when all the handicaps
Debating society of tbe school last class of stories Enough said. Lest Longston. Reading — The Scarlet ihat have surrounded it in the past
Friday afternoon.
The program it lie thought that tbe condemns Letter, Chapter 2, First Part — Mrs are considered
Without going
was "Lincoln'' in its nature
Tbe tion so lavishly bestowed by a cer­ Smith. Readings from Twice Told into history I am willing to assert i
debate "Resolved, That electrical
¡Tales -The Ambitious Guest, A Rill without much tear of contradiction,
power is more useful than steam to do with it, the public is informed from the Town Pump — Vlrs Rogers the statemeot that Norway has not
power," was debated by the 7th and ' that this «tep was taken a month Talk—Hawthorne’s Peculiar Genius had a square deal in the past; but
8 th grades of the school. The ques­ ago, when the question of renewal — Mrs. Barrow
Reading — The it is taking on new and modern
For Sale By
tion was decided in favor of the of the contract which expire I Feb. Great Stone Face—Mrs Anderson methods and is rapidly securing its
10 th was raised by the Fox people, Tr tvel iu Three Cities. Baltimore place among tb-progressive nations
a. Situati u; Chesapeake Bay.
b of the earth
Adrian Weltch was initiated into and the Scenic leclined to renew
It is strange that this
City of Monuments and Squares, c. ‘ Id country has but three million
manhood last Saturday evening liy
Coquille, Oregon
a surprise party. It was his 21st
For the
of thoae who did not Brief History; Fort M Henry; Tbe people, perhaps not any more than
see the first chapter of “ Neal of the Star Spangled Banner. d. Druid there are Norwegians in tbe United
N l P u s
Navy,” the great i'athe serial which is Hill Park; its natural Beauty, e States They are a serious minded
The New Home S e w i n g
F. A Ko«er, of Rickreall, Ore., to be shown at the Scenic and the first Johns Hopkinsroiveraity. t. Getty« lot and our peace meetings appear­
Machine Company
number of which was exhibited last
won * 1,483 in prizes on 24 sheep at night, the following outline is given:
burg and its Memorials -Mrs Pura ed at first to t>e something of a mys­
San Francisco
Thomas Illington, an American, is ley. Washington and its Environ«, a. tery to them.
New Home
Quality Choosers