Notice oí Sheriffs Sale 11 B e t ^ b u a YearsSaleaf ITTY GRAY, an American newspaper reporter, finds and purchases half an old coin that she discovered in the window of an old curiosity shop. She is so impressed by t! a inscription which promise^ and adventure that u p her position on the vspaper in order to d ev o te h erself to solving the mystery. The derision of her editor moves her to bet him a year’s sal­ ary that she can do it. She starts for the strange country and throughout the story she is shadowed by those who strive to* thwart her at every turn. r the most a ton ding < -' a les, h e r How she triumphs hair-breadth escaj e. and .-¡¡ling adventi ires are trid in the Uni­ versal’s new magni ■ t . c o in , d i ri h i ’O n Hough, the f r-u s author who founded on the st. -; y i y 1 on as “Tl ;s..ippi Lubble,” wrote such master] ■ other huge “54-40 or Fight.’’ and : n ,ses. He has out onderful l ! dune his previous efforts in i! TrlE BROKEN ‘ongesi mu luosi, brilliant eombin- COIN, which is plat d by tl. ation of moving picture st; s ew r broug b t together. K See Grace Cunanl ami Front i Ford in Follow Kitty Gray through her deviot picture serial ever shown on the . t reen. umpli - if realism an■ CITATION also that congress appropriate $100,- Monday and chose mayors, council- cents than in the past. d a v id m . d k b w , Deceased.) 000 for the construction of range im­ The cost of a desk telephone is 25 cents per men, treasurers and other officials for To Thomas A. Drew, Claud E. Drew, month—less than one cent a day. Maud II. Bean, Lou W.s Gillespie and provements, and increase the appro­ the coming year. Roy R. Drew, and to all other heirs and priation for the extermination of pred­ In fixing the annual state levy last devisees of David M. Drew, deceased, atory animals to $300,000 biennially to week, the Portland school board au­ unknown, if any such there he, check a $15,000,000 annual stock loss. thorized the expenditure of $346,000 GREETING: In the Name of the State of Oregon, on new school buildings to be erected You and each of you are Hereby cited Coos Bay Hatcheries Short of Eggs. during the coming year. it rid required to appear in the County March field.—The South Coos and Walter Rees, of Cove, has purchased Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ol Coos, at the Court Room North Coquille river fish hatcheries, 1600 acres on Crooked Creek, in Lake (hereof, at Coquiiie, in the County ot superintended by Frank W. Smith, county, through the Mutual Realty R. E. SHINE, V.-Pres Coos, State of Oregon. Wednesday, the will be a little short of their usual company, of Lakeview. The consid­ A. J. SHERWOOD, PRES. 26th day of January, 1916, at the hour L H.: HAZARD, Casi.«. 0. C. SANFORD, Asst. Cashier ol ten o’clock in the forenoon of that amount of eggs this year, although the eration is reported as $40,000. One hundred county judges and ■ lay, then and there to show cause, if take is not at aU discouraging. On any exist, why an order of bale should Coos river the hatchery has between county commissioners, representing not he made of the real property of the 5,500,000 and 6,000,000 eggs, while the every county in Oregon, are in Port­ OP CO QU IliLiB, O R E G O N . estate of David M. Drew, deceased, to- wit: the south half of the southeast Coquille hatchery will have about 4,- land this week to attend the annual T ra n s o c ts a G e n e ra l Banking Bueine^t- quarter and the south half of the south­ 000,000. On South Coos, the retain­ convention of their association. west quarter of section thirty-four, in ing racks were washed out twice by The proposed factory near Grants township twenty-nine south, range high water and before the first dam­ Pass of the Oregon-Utah Sugar com­ 8oird of Director» 0 o r r e » p o n o e e 11 fourteen west ot the Willamette meri­ age was well repaired, the big flood pany, will be built next spring, ar­ R. C. Dement, A. J. Sherwood, I National Bank of Commerce, New York City dian, in Coos County, Oregom. Witness, the lion. John 8. Coke, came and all hope of securing more rangements having been made for L. Harlocker, L. El. Hazard, I Crocker Woolworth N ’l Bank, San Francisco Judve of the Circuit Court of the State salmon was abandoned. R. E Shine. First Nationall Bank of Portland, Portland planting 5000 acres of sugar beets in Isaiah Hacker. of Oregon in and for the (Jaunty of southern Oregon. Coos, acting fo r and in the absence of The supervising architect of the the lion James Watson, Judge of the SCOPE OF STUDY LARGER treasury was advised by Architect Ho­ County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Coos, with the O. A. C. W in te r Short Course to Open bart, of San Francisco, that he had seal of said County Court affixed, this just forwarded to Washington the on January 10. 10th day ot December, IVU5. Attest: R obert R. W atso n , Clerk. Corvallis.—The annual winter short completed plans of the new Portland Is useless money. If you SEAL Bv»D W atson , D e p u tv • course, which will be held at the Ore­ postoffice building. 12-28-51 Additional awards granted by the have any cash that isn't work­ gon Agricultural College, January 10 horticultural Jury at the Panama Pa­ ing put it to work for you as to February 4, 1916, promises to be cific exposition give Jackson county wider in scope tlym in any previous you worked for it. Open a two more gold medals and one silver year, and is characterized by three The D utch W a te rsta a t. savings account with this bank medal, which gives Jackson a total of The supreme defense of Holland special features, which include the re­ and your money will at once must be the “water line” through the organization of the work to meet the 45 out of 119 awards given Oregon. ~C. P. Henkel, superintendent of the begin earning interest for you heart of it from the Zuyder Zee to the special needs of the year, individual Clackamas station of the United and will keep at the task 24 Scheldt, created by opening the sluices. instruction wherever possible and States bureau of fisheries, has pre­ Holland has a department of state, round-table discussloifs and experience hours a day, 7 days a week sented his resignation, to take effect with a cabinet minister at the head of reports. and 52 weeks in the year. Do December 15, and is going to Alaska it. for her “waterstaat” an untranslat- The work this year will be arranged it today. to look after mining interests there. ihle word, which means practically so far as possible to prevent repeti­ The supreme court will hear the the state of all waters from the Held tion of formed short-course work. Ev­ case of Peterson & Johnson against drain in the polders to the Rhine at ery branch of agricultural industry winter level. They are all linked up from growing to manufacturing and State Engineer Lewis, involving the in one scheme in an office at The marketing will receive special consiil question of whether Lewis or Cantine is head of the highway department, Hague.—London ( ’hrnnicle. eration at the hands of the trained on its merits, next Saturday after­ specialists of the college staff, and at noon. the same time comprehensive courses The body of the youth killed by a in home economics embracing every Southern Pacific passenger train at phase of household science will be of­ Salem, while walking on the main fered to the women of Oregon by the line, was identified by Walter Roas And Auto Line college faculty in the departments of and wife, residing three miles south Leave Myrtle Point on arrival oi domestic science and domestic art. of Salem, as that of their son, Ellis, Eioat from Bandon. Auto to Rock Marketing of dairy products, drain­ aged 18 years. Creek and from Camas; only 14 age of the wet lands of Oregon, rural miles of staging. Arri\es at Rose- The state fish and game commis­ organization and rotation of crops, all sion has posted notices in Silvcrton burp: 7:30 p. in. connecting with north bound train. Arrive Myrtle recognized as among the leading prob­ and vicinity that the fishing season Point 4 p. m. lems of the present-day agriculturist, in Butte creek, the Abiqua river and Make reservations in advance at Owl will get special attention. Silver creek and their tributaries will Drug Store, Marshfield. be closed from December 10, 1915, R egistration to S ta rt January 3. All Baggage Handled Fare From Myrtle Point $7.00 to March 31, 1916. Salem.—Registration of voters for Receipts of the state industrial ac­ J. L. LAIRD, Proprietor the 1916 elections, under the new per­ cident insurance commission for No­ We will supply a large Office at L aird’s Stage Barn. Myrlle Point, Bolh Phones manent system of registration adopted vember were $88,009.98, while the dis­ Government Map, pre­ by the last legislature, will begin on bursements totaled $35,781.87. Admin­ January 3 in all counties in Oregon. istrative expenses for the month were pared by the Interior Through the passage of the new law $4792.25. The segregated accident Department, at 50 cts. it will not be necessary hereafter for fund shows a balance of $266.192.52. voters to register more than once un­ Five Linn county cities held munic­ Under New Management each, by mail prepaid. less he changes his residence or fails ipal elections Monday. Albany elected Having leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose to vote at least once within the bien­ a full complement of new officers ex­ These maps are official nial period, ending November 30. after cept three counctlmen, who hold over. to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­ the regular biennial general election. Lebanon chose a mayor and three ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling counctlmen, Scio, Sweet Home and So- W ork Stopped on V a in U m a tilla Canal daville elected full sets of new offi­ public. Henniston.—With the completion of cers and in addition Scio voted upon B ureau of A nim al the main canal of the west extension city charter. Industry Publications of the Umatilla project, work has been a new Of the 172 accidents reported to the discontinued lor the winter months, itate industrial accident Insurance owing, it is said, to climatic condi­ commission for the week ended De­ tions. The canal is about 27 miles cember 2 tHVee were fatal. Those kill­ long, is concreted throughout and coat ed were James Pettigrew, of Pendle­ Diseases of CATTLE, approximately $375.000. The laterals, ton. teamster; Leslie McCourt, of Al­ “A LL M A K ES” it is understood, will also be of con­ bany, and B. F. Opal, of Price, Utah. HORSES, POULTRY, crete, work to begin on these with the The two latter were killed while tres­ Fully Guaranteed One Year etc., 50 cents a volume opening of spring weather. passing on railroad property. Because he is going blind and in the UNDERWOODS postpaid. These are all Models 6 and 7............ 15 00 , C attle Quarantine P a rtly Raised.. hope that treatment by expert eye Model 4, automatic ribbon re­ OTHER MAKES Government documents Pendleton—Th. state sanitary board specialists will preserve his sight for verse $ 30 00 Model 3, Oliver $ 20 00 ( Model 5. automatic ribbon re­ held Ita annual meeting in Pendleton a time, the state parole board has 27 50 j and some are out of verse 35 00 Model 5, Oliver and took action to amend the order recommended to Governor Withy- Model 2. L. C. bmith, pivot Model 4, 2-color, back spacer 45 00 eonibe that he grant a conditional par­ for quarantine for the foot and mouth bearing............................ 25 00 j print. Model 5, ’-’-color, back spacer 50 00 Model L.C. Smith, ball bear. 27 50 ( disease which lets In cattle from dis­ don to A. E. Dodson, serving a life Model 3, 14-in. carriage, auto. ribbon reverse 36 00 Model 2. L.C.Smith,ball bear­ tricts heretofore infected with the dis sentence in the Oregon penitentiary ing. back spacer 32 50 f Model 3, 14-in. carriage, back case where the government has given | for murder. Dodson committed the 47 50; spacer. 2-color ........ 50 00 Model 5. L.C. Smith, latest Model 2, Monarch 30 00, « edification that the district Is now crime in Jefferson county. He haa REMINC TONS Model 2, 4, 5 and 6,Smith Pre­ been Imprisoned for 10 years. clean. Write us for any Gov­ Model 10, Elite type t 32 50 mier 15 00, Model 10, Pic* type 37 50 Model 10, Smith Premier I 30 (X) i ernment Publications. Model 11, decimal tabulator 40 00 Models I and 2. Royal 27 50] Model 11, dec. tab. Wahl add­ Model 5, Royal 40 00' Q E T YOUR O REG O N a n d W A S H IN G T O N ing and subtract’g device 100 00 R£ virtue of an execution and Order of Sale duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Coos State of Oregon, dated the 17th day of ! December 1915, iu a certain action in the Circuit Court for ¿»aid County and State» wherein John C. Kendall as plain- itiff recovered judgment ag.-inst F. L. (ireenough, doing business under the ' firm name ot F. L. (ireenough & Co. for I the sum of Four hundred eleven and 44-100 dollars on the 6th day of Decem­ ber 1915. Notice is hereby given that I v\ ill or the 29th day of Januarv 1916, t ’be front door oi the Countv Court iou • in Coquille in said County, at 10 -’dock in the forenoon of said day, sell at »»«:b lie auction to the highest bidder l< t cash, the following deserilted prop rtv. to-wit: Southeast quaiter (se.1^) southwest quarter ( bw ^ ) of section 27, township 27, south range 14; north half (%) northeast quarter (n e^ ) section 34, township 27, south range 14; noitheast quarter ine»^) north w st quarter (nw,^) ol section 34, township 27, south range 14, all being west of the Willamette meridian in Coos county, Oregon. Taken and levied upon a« the property of tin* said F. L. Greenough or as much thereof as may be neee.-sary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of plaintiff against said defendant with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum from the 6th day of December, 1915, together with all costs and dis­ bursements that have or may accrue. Alfred Johnson, Jr. Sheriff. Dated at Coquille, Oregon, December 27th, 1915. C H A R L E S B A X T E R , P ro p rie to r RE-BUILT TYPEWRITERS IJAV IN G bought the plant of the Co- quille Mill and Mercantile’ Com­ pany, the undersigned is now prepared to fill all orders for any kind of LUMBER Especial attention will be paid to the local demand, and every effort will be made to supply anything needed at the shortest possible notice. Your orders are solicited. E. E. JOHNSON P O L K ’ S« II. S. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT EXCHANGE 612 F Street Northwest, Wash - ington, D. C. Butter Wrappers AT TH E Herald Office ( 0 Business Directory A D ire c to ry o f »ach C ity . T o w n a n d V i lla * ., r iv in g d .s c r tp tlv a « ketch o f .a c h p lace, lo c a tio n , pop ulation, te lo - rra p h . .h ip p in g an d h a n k in g p o in t; also C la re !it.d D irecto ry, co m p ile d b y b usiness an d p rofession. H. U CO I K * C O .. S R A T T L E Sold $5.00 Cash and *5.00 a month machines sent for three days’ examina-' tion to any point on the Pacific Coast and if not satisfactory may be i returned at our expense. TH E W H O LESA LE TY PEW R ITER CO., Inc. 17 Montgomery St. San Francisco 321 Washington St. Portland 711 Second Ave Ule