II vt jc.u lost jour store teetb? 19 1 6 . Coquille High Is Victorious. East Fork Items See our wi.ut ad«. 1 be Coquille High School bisket Hr Spulaeil, of Watsonville, John Lauih was up from Roi ky Lumber’s going higher, Business sure looks great, ball team won from the Norwaj ‘Calif took out 131 l ead of c->.lves Pu»id Thursday And we've wiped 1915 All Stars at tn.s pliuu bj tl»v score ast week over the uiU LuOb ii JA N . f> Flashlight light batteries md Clear off the calendar slate. wagon road. He ships them by of 18 to 17. It was a very close and bulbs at the Racket Store. So let's get down to business, exciting gams from start to finish train from ltogeburg. Ed Robin­ WILLIAM FOX Fred Slagle and wife spent New And start early in the fight, One can never tell what a cold will develop into. son and another man helped him. The Coquille "Almost Firsts” won For 1916 has arrived Present« Years’ eve at the Bay. And she sure is looking bright. from Norway's second team by the Monday afternoon of last week Sheriff Johnson was a Marshfield J higher , »core of .. j 12 # to 10. , , It , was also s fine William Miller noticed that some Of course shot and powders business visitor yesterday. u sea, game and furnished lots , of , excite- one had entered Ed Abernetbj’s Cause they use it 1 • cross ihe IN meut for the onlookers. house by a window. He called his Col. Rosa, of BandoD, was a Co­ But what's the war in Europe Got to do with you and me? *" father and it was found that Ed’s The Clemenceau Case quille visitor yesterday. things were tumbled about and M. L Church We know that 1915 W. Weir, of North Bend, was iu by Alexandre Dum a. that his cornet bad bean taken. Mr Was slightly on the bum Sunday school at 10 a. m , Mrs. town on business yesterday. 80 let’s all get together Laura C- Brandon, superintendent. Miller went to Brewster Valley to The famed “Vampire Woman” are a never failing antidote for colds. And make old ’ 16 hum. W. J. Conrad was a Coquille Preaching at 11 a m.and 7:30 p.m notify Ed. There had been travel­ of the Theatre Antoine, Paris, It makes no difference whether the business visitor last week. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. ers going out that day. They were in the most powerful of photo­ Meet a stranger with a handclasp cold is in the incipient stage or well plays. A production magnifi­ Try a GO watt nitrogen electric Not with a hammer in your hand; Prayer meeting Thursdays at visited in c.unp and the hom was cent. Directed and written by advanced. It is guaranteed to cure. 7:30 P- “ • Slap him on tbe back and tell him, Herbert Brenon. “Drama that lamp in vour reading room. Get it recovered. You are cordially invited to all scorches like living flame.”— That he’s struck the only laud. ! at Anderson’s. PRICE 25c The Christmas entertainment at New York Press. the services of tbe church. Mrs C. A. Gage split the back of The “ Big Guns” whohave the coin T. H D owns , Pastor. McKinley Hall was a great success. .7*. sto „ Are going to turn it free, her band open with an axe while And Abuut 200 people were present. ;ioc iu old 1916 and 20c< CHURCH O F CHRIST. splitting kiudling cue day last week. There’ll Eleven autos were lined up on the be lots for you and me. Sunday School 10 a. m. road. Ihe program consisted in Misses Nettie and Cora Belloui Just mind what I tell you, Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 part of recitations, dialogues and were up from Riveitou last week. And hang on with a smile, p. m. Try a can of that Tuna Fiah at The E n g l i s h P h e a s a n t . Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. songs by the McKinley school. Mrs Lyons unly and S tate aforesaid, and brothers were engaged in a terrific th ledo, ALF. MILLER a t said firm will pay th e sum of ONE Churn, good as new. At Quick’s thing that doesn’t exist. Marshfield Oregon place. D R rD D OLLA R ’» fe r each and ev­ Second Hand Store. FARMERS—G eo T. Moulton New Year’s eve the big telephone battle in their house. He says that e H ry U N case 14 2tp RAY MILLER. of C ata rrh th a t cannot be cured CURE. wants your bi les. Better see him Sheriff Johnson upon entering tbe by the use of IIA F * R V A fl N < K VTARRH J. CH EN EY . Dr. R. H. HOPKINS about it. He wants furs also. 8-3-tf pole across Ihe river from this ciry cabin Sworn to before r-.o an d subscribed was greeted with a rifle shot, y p re fa c e , lid s Cth d iy of December, In C hiropractor Misses Miunie au.l Bessie Finley, fell iu 1 o the river. The steamer as one of the raeD discharged the m A . (Seal) D. 1SSG. A. W . GLEASON. Laird Building - Coquille, Ore. of Fishtrap, speut several days last Dora ran into the tangle of wires N otary Public. gun which they were struggling H all’s C ata rrh C ure Is taken Internally and was hung up for an hour or so week in this city with Miss Berna and a cts d irectly up t!io blood and m u­ cous su rfn res rif the system . Send for getting them out of her propeller. over. Shortly afterward, he stateg) testim Mrs. N. L TYRRELL Irvine. onials, free. Johnson left the house and retreat­ F. J. C H E N E Y & CO., Toledo. O. NURSE Lyons & Jones are agents for the Not to be outdone by tb 6 donkey ed to the rig where Davis awaited Take Sold by all D ruggists, 75c. H all’s Family Pills for constipation, Phone 574 Coquille, Oregon Nemo Corset. Just received some engiue the tall pile driver lipped him; that one of the men fol­ over Wednesday on the edge ot the lowed and new styles. Call and see them. him to tbe door cursing him E. D. SPERRY fill at the east end of First street, and telling H. M Shaw, M. IX, eye, ear, nose him that he would never A ttornby and j and throat specialist, will be at the causing quite a lot of excitement CovNSEi.LOR at L aw be able to take him, and that be If I FAIL to CURE »y CANCER *r TUMOR ■ tr.« [Hotel Baxter, Coquille, Monday, and banging up tbe work for some Office in Robinson Building cursed Johnson a 9 be drove off bsfore It POISONS k ip ( lu is ot attacks U BONE [January 10, 1016. Glasses fitted. 2t time. W ithout Knife or Pain down the road. W. C. CHASE F. A. Baker and Pearley Crowley After the officers hail left the val­ No PAY Until CURED! WRITTEN GUARANTEE A ttorney at L aw of Sitkum, were in the city last ley, the brothers sallied forth aDd No X Ray or other swindle. An Island night. They report that tbe snow Office in Richmoml-Barker Bldg plant makes thecure' chased several families from their Any TUMOR. LUMP or| that fell Friday night hardly touch­ SORE on the lip, face W a tc h M e ! homes. Upon beiDg notified of this o r b o d y lo g is C. R. BARROW ed Brewster Valley an I that the fact, tbe witness goes on to say, CANCER; it n never pains untillast stage A ttorney ani > C ounsellor at L aw I’m a Lively Want Ad.! Coos Bay wagon ri ad is in fine Johnson phoned and deputized Jim 120-PAGE BOOK Rent Office Phone 335 FREE, 10,000 testi­ shape over the mountain. _____ Residence Phone 346 Hammock at Fiabtnp to keep his m onials. Wrlta to SMI __ // A W. Jones, formerly part owner eye ou the bad men. Hammock se­ Any LUMP¡n WOMAN’S BREAST of the Pioneer Market, and his bro­ cured Frank Miller to help him and I t P I U n C D and al way a poison «deep« rm- J. J. STANLEY A N I# t i l pit glands and KILLS QUICKLY ther 8 . Junes, a outeber at Mjrtle between them they put up a job od »» One U refuse LAWYER woman inevery7alesofcancer—U.S. report many who w ait too long & m ust die Richmond-Barker Building Point, are going to opeu up a meat the M Ginty boys. They had a We Poor cured at half price if cancer is yet small Coquille, Oregon market at North Bend tne first of man by the name of Cornwall to go Or. ft Mrs. Dr. CHAMLEY & CO - book 'U nt n!3 tt.llabli. traattat Cascar Spadailst 11,1ns'' the year in the place formerly occu­ to the McGinty house and tell John '-Strictly 4 3 4 0 t 4 3 6 E Valencia S t, San Francisco, Cat. A. J. SHERWOOD pied by the Box and Cold Storage that the officers would be back and KINDLY MAIL THIS Ut • •A CANCER A ttorney at L aw plant. would be sure to get him, and that First National Bank Building George Laingor was down from the best thing for him to do was to The Celebrated Rooms 2-3-4 Powers. He save that lumber has hit out for BandoD. John took tbe taken another jump and that it is advice and started out for Bandon. L J. LILJEQVIST A ttorney at L aw now higher than it has been in nine IIe waUjed right into the trap laid Awarded Gold Medal First National Bank Building years. Anew bookkeeper n»s ar-1 for him by Hammack and Miller, P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1915 Coquille, Oregon rived from San Francisco to keep who stepped suddenly out on him books foi the camp, and they are »t a bend in the road and ordered The strongest and nearest water-proof WALTER SINCLAIR preparing to start things full blast him to put up h;B »dukes” which be .Shoes made for Loggers, Cruisers, w ith a fu ll h a n d e d c re w . A ttorney at L aw | did with very little hesitation when Miners, Sportsmen and Workers. A pril show ers w on’t sto p me from lie saw that they held all the argu- Notary Public Coquille Ushering In of 1916. ¡mentin helping you to m ove. I ’ll aid you in their own hands. They Men’s Comfort Dress Shoes selecting an o th er home. Look in m y w an t ad. colum ns. had hardly brought their prisoner If a big noise has anything to do to terms when down the road came Strong Shoes for Boys with it then 1916 should be some Cornwall with the bad man. Manufactured by year. It came with the shrieking Tbe officers, Sheriff other Johnson and of whistles, the ringing of hells and Deputies Laird and Davis, Theodore Bergmann WANT COLUMN blasts of an anvil. Many watch on tbe scene iD time to take arrived posses­ Shoe Manufacturing Co. RATES; One cent a word, each in­ lartles were held and alter the sion of the prisoners and bring sertion. No charge less than 15 cents’ [stroke Portland, Oregon of 12 gay parties patrolled, them back to town. This is the 621 Thurm an St the streets from several different di­ FOUND On the Myrtle Point road story as told us by a man who: Ask for ¡the Bergmann Waterproof rection The snow which began , . . to , have , been an eye witness , Shoe Oil. a set of false teetb. Inquire at But laundry prices haue re­ claims early in the evening, by midnight Herald office. m ained the same. tbe whole affair. had completely snowed the old year to Sheriff FOR TRADE—East side incotm simply says, “It’s We have given the mat­ property worth $4,000 to applj under. When everything had be -1 bed policy Johnson an Irishman un­ ter of laundering years in exchange for good ranch. W. come quiet, that is along about less you have to shoot to.” of careful study. We J. La Palme, Marshfield, Ore. 12:45 a tn , someone evidently ar­ 1 2 - 2 8 -' 2 tp have kept persistently Regular as the Clock late ou tbe job tied a whistle Home From California. at the task to produce MONEY TO I.O\N on impreyed riving down for about 15 minutes, and it 1 to 5 tears. F. E. Con­ work that was free from ranches, to say that people wished Ed Moon arrived Saturday from Bond