T he C oquille H erald VOL. 34. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1915. NO. 14 CITY DIRECTORY FROM THF NATIONAL CAPITAL Fraternal and Benevolent Order F. A. M.—Regular meeting of A • Clia«lwiek Lodge No. 68 A. F. <& A. M.. at Musonic Hall, every Saturday night in each month on or before the full m oon. L. A. L ilijeq vih t , W. M. R. H. M a s t , Secretary. Events of Interest Reported For The Herald. (B . J. E. Jones ) “ W E N E E D T H E M O N E Y .” rep irteli sue is of the Carranza government i > carrying out us I,urge estates ibai ag ari m polii • wi e divided • 'n ng polilicians and plunderers ate now being divided in'o small laims and sold to -.mall fa: rue's P itlioular attention is lielitg given i > locating t urner sol- diers id the y verm .ii.t s i n g the lir.'-s r.f the railmads, so ih it while they till tbeii i .uds they may be wiihin a days’ call ol their country, sly utd thtir servvts be needed in the army or navy. Since the Villa mail or, lei houses, and some ol the laige city store*, from using ent- throat methods in handling estab- lished lines of goods as a bait in Compiled by State Bureau of Industries and Statistics moving inferior articles. The re- suits ol investigations by the Bu- reau of Corporations and Federal j Salem, December. — Wallowa now Trade Commission, as well as the has two creameries. Kelly Bros, install roller feed mill report of a committee of the United States Chamber o f Commerce, all at Hood River. find in favor of consistent regula- Carload cl clover seed shipped i tion of resale prices. And when from Albany to Chicago— value this is done, the small town will, in $13,000. a measure, come into its own. Winchester Bay. the new town K. ^.— Regmar meeting of Beulah S olely, it is claimed, because of Chapter No. (>, aecond and fourth Friday evenings of each month, in Ma­ the need of revenue in these abnor­ sonic Hall. mal times, and nut as a confession K mma L ilm e ^ vist , VV. M. A nna L awbknck se c ., of tbe failure of the Democratic I O. O. F.—Coquille Lodic No. 53,1. 0. tariff law, the administration re­ 1 . 0 K . , m e e t s e v e r y S a t u r d a y n i g h t cently announced its purpose to n Odd Fellows Hall. recommend to Congress the contin­ m vem en t slrov every evidence of! w o m a n S U F F R A G E i n WASHINGTON H. B. M oor *. N. G. J. 8. L aw rence , Sec. uance o f the present duty on sifgar. being on the wane, tbe chances are | -fbe iea(jers 0f the woman's suf- ___ ___ General _____ AMIE KEBEK a JI LODGE, No. 20 In the administration circles t h e r e tha' Lirranza will be able ,-tage movement have evidently not M t-¿-O - r.> meebi everji-MWonil and insta.it approval to this sugges- to succeed He has pledged that beeu disheartened by reason of ad- b Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows . . . . fourth IbllUNI CüSTKR, N. G. tion when it was broached by Secre-! there will be elections at an oppor-J verse res„ i !s jn lbe fall elections, Kail. _____ A n n k I.AWKKNC. . ~ i _ | t a r y McAdoo. The Republicans tune time, and he insists that that nd , caI1)paign js under way at tbe o . PER YEAR $1.50; STATE M IS T R IA L REVIEW near Gatdner is petitioning for post office and wants school. Dallas— The town ol Rickieal ; has petitioned the Oregon Power I Company for electric service. Second motor ship is now build- /'sOQfHLI.E K S O A M r fim ’and^hi“ na,urally fav,,r lhe hi^her ,a* ' and time has not arrived, since so much ualioual capitai ,0 center efforts ! ing at St. Helen’s yards. rhuriday nighUin (Eld Fellows Hall. they are unkind enough to intimate 0I the country remains iu aims I up00 Tbe upon Congress. Congress. The su suffragists New style spark plug is to be J. 8. B arton , 0. ?. that the election ol a Progressive in wish to secure an amendment to J. S.L awuenck , 8eo. T . . , . . . .. T H E SM AI.L M E R C H A N T W I L L W IN manufactured in Grants Pass. __________ _____ . __ I Louisiana, as a protest against the ■ / . the Constitution of the United j 1/ NIGHTS OF PYTH IA-.-Lycurgu. tariff law, has been in a measure rc- The reputable mercantile inter­ Florence lets contract (or water Slates that will give full and nation iS. bodge No. 72, meets Tuesday n'yhts . . . ,, A L F iE itr CHEVALIER. . / M w A l / I Fhri/sk» in \V n VV. Hall. sponsible for the way in which tbe ests ol the country are expecting to wide enfranchisement to women. [ tower. « Ï4.0RENC& TURNER *“ H Y U IQ LUflCJl K. R. W atson , K R. 8. Democrats have been supporting find relief from the evils of cut­ ____7nc rlVi: Real Broadw ay UNIVERSALFaatm»a ■ . Ashland— Comoany formed to There will be requisite a two-thirds O. A. M intonyk . C. 0. I , ! the suggestion to restpre the old throat competition indulged iu by develop molybdenum in Ashland vote of each of the houses, after n Y T H lA N SISTER8 - Justus Tempi« some of the big city stores and the which the ameudmeut would go to Creek Canyon. L No. 35, meets first and Hurd Mon- Qu > on u8 *• The Million Dollar Photoplay women swimmers and divers from day nights in W. O. W. Hal’. | Senator Underwood tacitly agreed mail order houses, through tbe each ol the stales for ratification. City of Eugene purchases Oregon ali parts of the world. Mss. G eorge O atis , M. tQ rep]ace |be old rate, as soon as Stevens bill, which appears certain Wheu two-thirds ol the states have Power Company’s plant in that city M bs . F rrd L inegar , K. of R In the staging of a battle scene At last the dream of the Motion he had talked with tbe President. to pass the present session of Con­ accepted an amendment the fact is tor $150,000. ..... ............. * ED MEN— Coouille Tribe No, 40, 1. “ Picture producers has been realized no less than 25.000 people took part O. R. M., meets every Friday night Senators Wulsh and Myers of Mon- gress. Mr. Edmo.id A. Whittier, duly promulgated and the law be­ New school at Multno haa been in the achievement, by the Wm. and fortunately for the producers, i tatin, Marline of New Jersey, Cham- Secretary of the American Fair comes effective. n W O. W. Hall. dedicated. J. 8. B artos , Sachem. . Fox Corpoiation of a real Million 10,000 Hindoos who worked on the* A P. M iller , C. of R. berlain of Oregon, Williams ol Mis- Trade League says that nearly 175 The sufftage leaders can do busi­ Dollar Motion Picture Production, Panama Canal were interned at Ja­ Two hundred boxes of ptunea . . w . a . —Regular meetings of Be»- sissippi, and Fletcher ol Florida, members of Congress have volun­ ness much better with small bodies now being made in Kingston, maica at tbe outbreak of the big shipped east from Eugene as Christ­ JV1. ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W. A. werc "penly in favor of the sugges- tarily declared that they will sup- than with large ones, and they war and through permission of the Island of Jamaica. mas gifts. Hall, Front street, first and third Sat- ' __ therefore feel that more could be nrdava in each month. British Government, they are also No name has as yet been selected Hard tired trucks and jitney H. B. T ozibb . Consul. done by the national movement, as A large for this picture, but the following being used iu the picture F. C. T rce , Clerk. busses ordered off certain Lane NO LETUP IN SHELL MAKING Congress would pass the measure detachment of the native born lacts regarding the making of the county highways until May t. N. A.—Regular meeting of I.Hiirel along to the states, and the suffra­ picture will give to the general pub­ whites are being used for army pur­ . amp No. 2972 at M. W. A. Hall, Grants Pass machine shop has Front, street, second and fourth Tues­ gists would concentiate their efforts lic some idea of the wonderful mag poses and are also used in the pic­ been reopened day n gilts in each month. upou one legislature alter another M ary K ern , Oracle nitride of the picture and to what ture in costumes supplied from the Expenditures of $1.700,000 by I. adra B randon , Kec. until they had secured thirty-six There was also lengths and expense the foremost United States U. P. and O.-W. R A N . Co be­ producer of the day will go to pre­ drafted from the service 5,000 ratifications. O. \V.—Mvrtle Camp No. 197. . meets every Wednesday at 7:30 The attitude of many of the ad­ tween Blalock and Coyote, Oregon, sent to the public the possibilities horses used by the cavalry on tbe p. m. at W. O. W. Hall. ministration leaders is iu opposi­ announced by J P. O ’ Brien, vice- ot the Motion Picture Field. Lee Currie, C. C. island. J ohn I. in k vk , Fee. tion to this program, and among president. The old fortress which has been Thus far the cost of this picture L-VKS1NGTIDE CIRCLE N o . 211, A well will be started two miles has been $375,000 and although the dismauteled for over 250 years, and those who are oppostd is President L meets second and fourth Monday Wilson, who insists that the states north of Stanfield to get water to woik was just started on it the lat­ overlooking the entrance to Jamaica nights in W. O. W. Hull. A nnik B vrk h o ld er . G.N. should take the matter up and set­ irtigate 6000 acres of land. ter part of August, 1915, it will re­ Hay was leased and a mammoth M ary A. P ierce , Clerk. tle it. In view ol the recent elec Work trains are crossing Coos quire at least sixteen more weeks fortress erected, mounted with huge Tj*ARMERS UNION.— Regular meet- lions the women ?re^ hardly satis­ Bay on lhe new Willatnette-Pi cific for its completion at a total cost of guns and observation towers. It |* a ings second and fourth Saturdays in fied with this method. They as bridge. planned that great war action will One Million Dollars. each month in W. O W. Hall. F r a n k B u r k h o l d e r , Pres. crihe their defeat to various causes take place here and the forts are to The Director Genet al is Herbert Merlin has shipped seven car­ O. A. M in to nyk . and the Woman’s Congressional loads, and Round Prairie one car­ Brennon, considered by many as be demolished by the guns of at­ 1 l ? "»KA fcsKiN I AID N»». 308, inwst» tl»^ k a t l k rnal Union, which has taken upon it- load of Christmas trees to I.os An­ lhe foremost director of the year tacking warships. T eeion.I anil fourth Tl.urs.lays eac h selt tbe responsibility for fostering geles. About 4700 trees to car. onth at VV. O. VV. Hall. Another idea of the extravagant aud who is now world renowned for M rs . C hah . F vi , a n i », Free. j the movement in Washington, is and lavish picturization of the Wm. his productions of “ Neptune’s M rs . L ora H arrington , Fee. Oregon Power Co has spent giving plenty of signs of activity. $40,000 on improvements in North Daughter” , “ The Two Orphans” Fnx Million Dollar picture is gained Educational Organizations ana Clubs A good many Congressmen who aud "The Soul of Broadway” ; his from the fact that it was found nec­ Bend the past year. OMAN’S Study Club. —Meets 2:30 ! have been prominent in the suffrage assistant directors, selected for their essary tn build a Moorish City, Five hundred thousand dollars p. m. at city library every second 1 cause, have rather weakened in This ability in the different fields they which alone cost $25,000. *nd fourth Monday. H arriet A. I- ongston , Pres. their activity since the recent elec­ worth of flour to be shipped Trom will cover in this production are, was built inland on the bills and Portland to warring nations before F rances E. E pperson Sec. tions. Kenan Buie, James McKay and valleys of a beautiful stretch of January t. O Q U I f. L K E D I I A T I O N A L country; especial submarine photo­ George Fitch. LEAGUE—Meets monthly at tue Four Thousand Rose Slips Canby— W. H. Bair has shipped To accommodate the staging of graph observatory has been built on High School Building during the school Offered to High Schools over 30,000 Christmas trees to Cali (he immense settings, it was neces­ the sea level and a part of the ac­ year for the purpose 01 discussing eoa- cutionsi topics. iornia. sary to build the largest stage i:i 'he tion of the story takes place beneath B ihoie H e eels , l i e s . University of' Oregon, Eugene. E dna H ablocker . Sec. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph world, covering 150,000 square feet the water Due to the clearness of — Four thousand Ftau Karl Drus- lines in Washington and Oregon O KEEL KLUB—A business men’s in the famous Rose Gardens of the water around Jamaica is one of chki rose slips, rooted and growing, would reach a distance of 341.255 social organisation. Hall in latir"’ « Jamaica There has been sent from the many reasons for going to tbia building. Second street. ate to lie given away this college miles. L. J. C a r y , Pres tbe United States to Jamaica more spot, that photographs in the water GEM W. C. E ndioott , Fee. year to the four-year high schools Proposed sawmill at Reedsport than 1000 tons of of properties and could be taken by the special de­ Photo by A m e r ic a n P r e s s A s s o c ia tio n . of the state by the University of o m m e r c i a l c l u b — l * o j . C arv costumes c o s t i n g approximately vices made for that purpose and of will he one of largest in Oregon. Day and night the death dealing shells are turned out by every country J President; L. H, H azard . Secretary Oregon. The plants are to be set which Wm, Fox holds the patents. Involved In the war. Here Is a scene In the Schneider works of France. Clackamas county taxpayers ask $175.000. out on the high school grounds and Transportation Facilities The great natural asphalt lake on The plant of Jamaica will be a county court for 2 mills for roads. cared tor. the island of Trinidad will be shown permanent institution, has 1000 RAINS — Leave, south liounil 8.10 a. tion from the outset; and it develop- port the hill. J. L Stockton, President Oregon The proprietors of A ny time after the first of Janu­ m. and 2:40 p. m. North bound and the eruption of Mount Pelee in ed very shortly after most of the two of the biggest department stores ary, tbe desired number of slips-- Retail Dealers Association, says dressing rooms; a fehearsal hall for 9 :26 a. m. and 4:2fi p. m. the Island of Martinique will form 1000 people; a printing plant and OATS—Six boats plying on the Co­ Senators and Representatives ar-! in New York City have joined the from 12 to 23— will be shipped pre­ lcgislaiion should be passed exempt the background lor a part of the ac­ laboratory; projection rooms and an quille river afford ample accommo­ lived that the Democrats would ranks of tbe Stevens bill advocates paid on the request ol the high ing new factories from taxation for administration building, a l l o f tion dation lor carrv’ ng freight and psesen gers to Bando.i and way points. Boris support President Wilson and his within a week, and announce that school principal, tbe chairman of a stated number ol years. As an indication of the gigantic which require an auditing and busi­ eave at 7 :30, 8:30, 9:20 and 9:110 a m‘ ad' isers in restoring the old sugar they are tired and disgusted with Salem— One half cent on tbe dol­ the board, or the president of the ¡spectacle and dramatic efforts of and at 1:00, 3:30 and 4 :45 p. n . ness staff consisting of 45 people _________________ — sc hedule. O! course this takes any the dishonest methods by which student body. The .equests will be lar is increase in women’s wages The Government regulation of this picture, it is claimed without particular credit that may be claim- trade is sought through cutting filed and filled in order of receipt, under minimum wage law. tlie Island of Jamaica forbids the (ear of contradiction that when it is M y rtle Point,carrving the United SiRtea ed. a way from the Republicans and prices on standard articles ol mer- but some of the eastern Oregon Farmers Union of Umatilla coun­ landing of any animal; not even a completed it will excel all of tbe m»il «nd pagenger«. ___________| while lhe latter are inclined to criri- cliandise and "making it up” on shipments will be held up until af­ ty to build large meat racking dog is permitted to enter, but owing spectacular effects ol The Birth of a OSTOFFICE.—A. F. Linegar, post- 1 cjse gumewbat, and to accuse the inferior goods which are sold at ter the bard freezes. house- master. The mails close as follows: . . . . . . - r e . • ■ to the large expenditure of money Nation; all the under water and The Myrtle Point 7:40 a.m. 5:20, 2:35 p.m. | party tn power with going back on prices far above their value. H. M. Fisher, superintendent of Oregon corn acreage nea ly and the employment of native help, fantasy of Neptune’s Daughter; all Marshfield 9:0« a. m. and 4:15 15 p. m. lts principles, tne retort is that the sentiment among the Congressmen the University grounds, says that doubled during year, largely due to hotel expense, etc . the Govern­ the costume and special effects ten­ . .. . , , . , Bandou, way points, 8:45 a m Norway \ nail 5:20 unusual conditions of the country who have returned to Washington, the roses are a uniformly hard and andArago.12:55 p.m. Eaatern mail educational campaign of O. W. R ment of Jamaic gave Wm Fox fold ot Cahiria; and the animal ac­ p. m. Eastern mail arrives 7:30 ». m. have made it necessary to raise clearly indicates that they (eel that vigorous variety. Tbe two hun­ & N. Co. special permission, permitting tbe tion in Quo Vadis will be insignifi­ more money lor public purposes the lime has come for the federal dred foot hedge Irom which the City and County Officers Otegon-Utah Beet Sugar Co. has entry of tbe wild animals necessary cant in comparison. The Democrats say they are abso government to help enforce respect­ slips are cut, is even now full of Wm. Fox made up bis mind to Mayor................... ...... A. T. Morrison 3652J4 ecres contracted in Jackson for the production of this wonder Recorder...... .......... ... J. 8. Lawrence lulely consisient as their policy has ability in merchandising, in the in­ white buds. Most of the 1600 cut­ make the first Million Dollar pic­ county. j photoplay. By arrangement with Treasurer _________ _____ R. H. Mast always Eieen that of a tariff for rev­ terest of the consumer, and jn the tings sent out last year grew, Mr. Enginee- ... ........... P. M. Hall-Lewis Ashland — Pompadour Lithia 'a South African firm of wild ani- ture and he and his cohorts gave to Of course a great many peo­ aid of the country merchant, who is Fisher says It was tbe first time Marshal ......................... A. P. Miller enue mal importers there has been land- this production many a tireless Night Marshal...... Oscar WicKliam ple insist that only the refiners being driven out by the mail order the offer had been made, and there Springs incorporated $100,000. Water Superintendent S. V. Epperson , r ' ' ' ' ' _ ' , ...... .. .. „ ... ed in Jamaica 75 c amels, an assort- right and all of the thought, brains The evi­ were more requests than could be Fire Chie:.................... W. C. Chase would be benefited by free sugar— and catalogue houses Willamette Valley Southern like- . J . 1 ment of . . lions, panthers, tigers, ele- and energy for which the organisa­ Councilmen—Jesse Byers, C. T. Hkeels ; aD(i perh .ps right down in their dence is all to the effect that the filled. Even the grade schools be­ ly to build to Silverton in spring , pbants, swan, bird of paradise, and tion is noted and has put into it an C. I. Kime. Ned C.Kelley, W. H. Ly- . , . . . ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings many political leaders in both small merchant must do his busi­ gan asking for them. Mr. Fisher Gaston has let contract for $7000 |he rar„ t of anjmal (pFciev ioch a, actual million dollars in caah, mak­ tirst and third Mondays each month, parties, are convinced that this ness in a fair and square manner says t{iat by close trimming the I *y*lem. kangaroo*, baboons, etc., lor the ing this picture one of the marvels Justice of the Peace.......J. J. Stanley is another splendid reason for re- in order to hold the patronage of parent hedge could furnish as many of the present century. A consider­ O.-W. R. A N. Co. will soon aDimal part of this picture, Cor.stahle....... ....;~H. W . Dunham stotjng die duty on sugar. the public. On the other band, as to.000 slips, so prolific is it. able portion of tbia film has been have monthly payroll of $.0.000 at The ,fchnical force ,nclud„ eigbt County Judge ..........James Watson this same exacting public follow» P R O G R E S S IN M EXICO. The only receipt asked by the ex ­ Pilot Rock Junction. c#mfra men and j Tllrn„ fornjer. developed aud projected on the Commissioners— W. T. Dement, Geo. J. Advices received in Washington the lure of fictitious “ bargains’’, tension division of the University, Armstrong Old Armitage place near Eugene \y property master of the Metropo- screen and from this it is a known Roht. Watson indicate that the rehabilitation of and whether it be in his Christmas Clerk............. through which application for tbe Alfred Johnson. J r.. 8heriff — will be first electric farm under Ore- | ijtan Opera House will handle the tact that it will be the greatest sen­ .....T. M. Gimmick the country is prog.essing satisfac- shopping, ot at any other period ° f jcull,ngs should ' be made, is ac- Treasurer...— gon Power Company’s plan to fur­ props with a corps of electricians, sation of the amusement world, in Assessor ....— „ T.’ T,hr',t torilv- A statement issued by our the year, the number ol people who knowIedgment throU)fh lhe IocaI Raymond E. Baker School Supt. . nish farmers electricity. ca'penters, property builders,scenic this or any previous generation. C. F. McCullock State Department says that two- make their money at home and paptr Surveyor Fox F ilm C orporation Announcement haa been made painters, etc. Coroner --------- ----------- ------- - ♦ »>■ « ~.----- D r WaherChHa thirds of ,he railrnad equipment send away for goods, is constantly ! Health Officer that Fall City Lumber Co will Among the noted players taking Ex-president Taft advocates the was destroyed during the six years increasing. The small merchants Redmond— Irrigation districts be­ of the insmrection One of the j all handle brands of nationally abolition of the office of poatmaster, probably open in spring with a full pert in the production are Annette ing formed. Societies will get the very beat problems of the Mexican admtnis- known goods which are called for ‘eav'n? lfie deputies iu charge as crew of 200 men. Kellt rman, Wm. E. Hhay, Florence Minimum wage law gives Port­ tratiou is to resume regular traffic by name by their customers. Now ,heX are n? w> D°s,mas' er De lion, the Lee Twins, Violet Farmers of Uma'illa county want ! PR IN T I N O , , ’ «nets, now raerely a figurehead tn most tn- land women workers eight mills H 'tner and 150 diving girls «elect­ as quickly as possib.e. The best Congress, through the Stevens bill, „«nces. Saving of $4.000,000 a Great Southern railroad extended at the office of Coquille Herald ed from lhe mort beautiful young more on the dollar. new- that comes from Mexico is the proposes to stop the catalogue and year. to Columbia river. R R W j W C K C r B P