Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, October 26, 1915, Image 3

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Squibb’s Spices
Absolutely Pure
Exceptionally Strong
Economical to Use
Put up in 1 and 2
ounce Sifter Top tins
T h e List Comprises:
John Miller was a Marshfield vis­
itor Friday.
Tuna Fish at Lyons A Jones 15c
Jess Barker was in from Fairview per can.
J. S. Lyons, of Marshfield, was a
Fresh Vegetables at all times at Coquille visitor last week.
Lyons & Jones.
James Robinson, of Fish Trap,
FOUND— A scarf pin. Owner call
was a Coquille visitor Friday.
at this office.
Mrs. G. Bender, of Myrtle Point,
Did you loss your scart pin? Look
was a Coquille visitor Saturday.
in the Want Ads.
Try a can of that Tuna Fish at
Call on Lyons & Jones when you Lyons & Jones — only 15c per can.
want a Nemo Corset,
Mrs. William Grow, of Coaledo,
Walter Schroeder was down from
was a Coquille visitor Wednesday.
Gravel Ford Friday.
John Yoaliam and family left Sat­
Claude Waters was in from the
urday for Roseburg for a brief visit.
North Fork Thursday.
Bill Hackwood, of Powers, was a
Watch for clams and crabs at the
Coquills visitor one day last week.
Economy Meat Market.
Dr. Leslie Johnson, of Myrtle
Dallas Foote, of Marshfield, was
Point, was a Coquille visitor last
a Coquille visitor Saturday.
Mrs. C. B. Barrow arrived Satur­
Chan. Whetstone killed a fine
day from a visit to the 'Frisco fair.
buck just back of town Wednesday
Sweaters! Sweaters!
Sweaters! evening.
Special prices at The Ladies’ Bazaar.
Remember the Economy Meet
Mrs Jennie Williams spent last Market just opened next to DraDe’s
week visiting friends at Marshfield. store.
Dr. H B. Moore, of North Bend,
FOR SALE—A two horse engine
and boiler for $35.
F. B. P hillips . passed through Coquille lust week
enroule to Portland.
Vinnie Arrington, of Myrtle
Mrs. Ora GartiD, of Bandon
Poiot, was a Coquille visitor Satur­
passed through here last week, on
her way to Marshfield.
W. S. Guerin, of Langlois, Curry
Milton Glass, “ the Watt man” , of
county, was a Coquille visitor last Frisco, was iu town yesterday.
Archie Hatcher, of Fairview, was
Captain George Leneve and wife, a Coquille visitor yesterday.
of Lampa, were visiting at this place
Roy Fox returned last week from
a hunting trip in Douglas county.
Attorney Treadgold, of Bandoo,
Lvons & Jones are agents for the
was attending to legal business at Nemo Corset Just received some
this place yesterday.
new styles. Call and see them.
(Black Red and White)
The Rexall Store
O re
F roiessional C ards
D entist
Office over First National Bank
Phone Main 431
324, Office
514, Res.
P hysician
and surgeon
Office over Farmers & Merchants
Graduate o f the American School
o f Osteopathy o f Kirksville, Mo.
Office in Eldorado Block
C h ir o p r a c t o r
Laird Building
Coquille, Ore.
Phone 574
Coquille, Oregon
A ttorney and
C ounsellor at L aw
Office in Robinson Building
A ttorney at L aw
Office in Riclimond-Barker Bldg
A ttorney and C ounsellor at L aw
Office Phone 335
Residence Phone 346
Richmond-Barker Building
Coquille, Oregon
A ttorney at L aw
First National Bank Building
Rooms 2-3-4
A ttorney at L aw
First National Bank Building
Coquille, Oregon
A ttorney at L aw
Notary Public
Phone Fred Slagle when you are
Miss Mae Lund was down from
going to Marshfield and a Cadillac her school at Norway to visit her
auto will call for you.
parents on Saturday of last week.
Mrs. L Denver, of Myrtle Point,
We have 100 more sweaters thau
was visiting friends at this place we need and will reduce stock at
very low prices. Ladies’ Bazaar.
J. P. Tupper, who has been visit­
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lawrence re­
ing the past two weeks at Bandon, turned yesterday from their visit to
returned home last week.
the exposition reporting a fine time.
Tommy Krewson was in from
Sam McVey has leased his fine
Brewster Valley attending to busi­ ranch near McKinley
ness at this place Saturday.
residing at this place for th« pres­
FARMERS—G e o T. Moulton ent.
warn is your hides. Better see him
Bring your watches, clocks or
about it. He wants furs also. 8-3-tf jewelry to W. H. Schroeder to be
The recent rains put the auto repaired. First c I bbb work guaran­
stage lines between Marshfield, Ban- teed.
The recent rains have increased
dou and this place out of commis­
the run 0f salmon on the river and
tne local fishermen are making
Mrs. J L Barker and Mr. and
good catches.
Mrs. Clyde Barker, of the Fairview
Mr and MrB. Fred Belloni left
neighborhood, were eboppiog in
this morning for a visit to the expo­
Coquille Thursday.
sition. They exptet to be gone
Win. S. Graham and party re­ about two weeks.
turned Friday from a ten days’
Mrs. Lem Cochran, of Powers,
hunting trip to the mountains dur­ was a Coquille visitor Thursday.
ing which they secured five deer.
She aud her husband are preparing
G o to W. H. Schroeders Jewelry for a trip to the ’Frisco fair.
Store and get suggestions for birth­
H. M. Shaw, M D. Eve, Ear,
day or wedding gifts iu cut glass,
Nose and Throat specialist will be
jewelry or silverware.
at Baxter hotel, Coquille, on Thurs­
The fishermen who visited Brew­ day November 4th.
ster Valley last week say that the
Vade Gartin, of Bandon, who has
fielh were biting so fiercely that they been decorating the Virginia cafe at
bud to hide behind tries to bait Powers, passed through here Wed­
their hooks.
nesday on his way home.
Big comfortable, reliable Cadil­
Chas. Baxter, of Marshfield, the
lacs arc used on the Slagle auto line
new proprietor of the Baxter hotel,
to Marshfield, leaving Coquille six
spent Sunday and Monday at this
times a day. Fare 75 csnts.
place, and returned yeBterday even­
It's s'range, that we don’t hear
ing to look after his business on
any more about that cup that the
Record was going to oJcr as a prize the Bay side.
Of Interest to Those Who
Patronize the Movies
The Fox feature picture service
will be resumed at the Scenic on
November ioth with “'The Idler,”
and the lovers of great pictures cau
again gratify their taste weekly.
The promised improvement in
the grade of pictures turnished by
the Universal people has been kept
to a noticeable extent, and the pic­
tures shown during the past week
have been quite an improvement
over those proceding. We haven’ t
had King Baggot but once, and
Pauline Bush has not been shown
in a barefooted part. On the other
hand, we have had several Univer­
sal pictures that were really good.
The trained seals shown Sunday
evening were simply wonderful,and
this reel will be shown again this
week if it can be secured.
‘ ‘ The Diamond From the Sky” is
still filling tbe house and is a
mighty good serial. Some thrilling
stunts were shown in last night’s
Tbe Paramount Travel pictures
are well worth seeing, illustrating
the scenery and customs oi our
South American neighbors.
The greatest interest is being
shown in the forthcoming serial
“ The Broken C o n ,” iu which
Francis Ford and Grace Cunard,
the principals in “ Lucille Love”
again play the leading parts.
first two reel chapter will he shown
tomorrow evening.
The regular
schedule lor this serial will be on
Saturday night, but on account of
the usual mixup in shipment it is
necessary to use the first instalment
The second may be
shown on next Saturday night, but
that is not yet certain, and further
announcement will be made as soon
as possible.
If you want a good
seat tomorrow night you would
better come early.
School Notes
. .
O f! His Trolley.
Theo. Beppan ShoeMfg.Co.
Electric-Lighted Milk Wagon
Scenic Theatre
J. N. Jacobson, who supplies milk
to a large proportion oi Coquille’s
population is putting on more dog
than ever Not content with fitting
up bis dairy with milkiug machines,
electric lights, sanitary appliances
and all that sort of thing, he is now
driving an electric-lighted covered
milk wagon. This is the product
of bis own ingenuity and skill with
tools, and it replaces the buggy that
he tormerly used, being mounted on
the same running gear. It has cov­
ered top and sides, and will later be
closed all around. A little forrard
of amidships it has a companion-
way athwartships aud let down low
enough so that he can step iu and
out easily. Forward and aft of this
are compartments for the milk bot­
tles. a space for each bottle. The
whole top is of light material, but
is thoroughly braced against strain
iug with knees consisting of shelf
brackets. But the crowning glory
of the rig is the electric lighting sys­
tem. This provides for two head­
lights, a^ear light and imerior il­
lumination, the juice being carried
in a storage battery.
The motive
power is still of the equine variety.
We judge that the horse does not
fully approve of the new rig, for we
noticed him, the other night, stand
ing with his ears laid flat back on
bis head; but that may have been
because Jacobson was lingering in
the butcher shop when the old
horse thought they ought to be on
their way home.
F ir s t C h a p te r o f
“The Broken Coin
N u ff Sed
The Big Serial
The Diamond From
The Sky
2-Reel Chapter Every Monday
T ra v e l Pictures
Every Monday
Keystone C o m ed y
Wednesday, Sunday
U n iversal Feature
Every Night
Don’t wait for bills--come along
any evening and we will
guarantee a good show
5 cents
C Q \ ( i O h K IT M
10 cents
Lies Flat Without Fastening
Five Patterns in Stock
lx l
lx l
of the first half tne score stood 19
to 0 in favor of the Marsbfielders
The second half opened with Co­
quille showing up to good advan
tage, and for awhile it looked as if
thpy would at least tie the score, if
not win the victory. Keith Leslie,
Woman’s Study Club
Coqutlle’s etar player, had tbe mis- |
FOR SALE— Registered Duroc’s. successful term of school in the |
fortune to dislocate bis elbow in
all ages, finest blood. For par­ Pleasant Hill district last week and ,
ticulars address J. R Mabeo, went to the Bay to take passage on j Yesterday afternoon the Woman’s tbe beginning of the last half and |
Gardiner, Ore.
8-3-10tp the Santa Clara for Portland, on her Study Club held an unusually in­ had to be removed from tbe game \
He was replaced by an outsider and |
Her father teresting meeting in the library. It tbe accident seemed to put tbe whole
STOCK HOGS— for sale; all ages way home to Eugene.
and various breeds. Seven cents came down overland to accompany was the second regular meeting of team “ off its feed” and the Bav j
on foot. John Mulverhill. tp
her on her trip.
, the season, the meeting of last week team scored 12 more points. These,
however, were not counted as the
.being a ca.. meeting,
GA. SOLINE LAUNCH for trade for
cows or young horse. Apply to Coquill« Heights, for Raymond | After roll call, with quotations whistle of the train interrupted the
game before the half was over and j
^ i > n k Burkholder.
Jaud a n d Logan Kay, who will com- Rom colonial writers, talks, with the Marshfield players had to hurry
ice is an absolute neces­
SLASHING— Want to exchange lot mence the construction of a bunga-! readings, were given by Mesdames for the depot.
According to the rules no outside
or acrengTe for slashing
Coquille low on the lots purehasod some time Longston, Springer and Anderson,
sity. F or the other six
Land Co., Folsom’s Confectionery ago of the Coquille Land Co. The The subjects were respectively: player is supposed to take part in
months it is a great con­
4-20-tf atructure will be the same as one il- “ General Characteristics of Colonial tbe game, and bo the last 12 poiute
were not counted.
luBtrated on tbe cover of the Bun- L i t e r a t u r e ,” “ John Smith and Other
venience. Have you giv-
s e CO n d h a n d t y p e w r i t e r -
It was a good game, and had Co­
e n your Order for the
1 Pittsburg Visible; does first-class galow Magazine and will be up to Colonial Authors,” and "T h e Great quille been opposed to a team any­
Several numbers, where near its own weight it surely
I work. For sale cheap. Ioquire date in every way.
season yet: I f not
Herald office.
for lack of time, go over till the would have resulted in an easy vie-'
Movement on foot to enlarge next meeting, November 8, when lory for them; as it was the game
they will be given in addition to the | bad an unfortunato ending for them
Springfield high school.
Bette, make U. Y „ , Iceraaa
tollowing program:
| The game will probably be played
in good
i over.
Coquille People Praiee Simple Mixture
from Franklin % Auto-
Many In Coquille praise the limpia
biography— Rules of Conduct, Pub­
Harry Miller received u crack on mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine,
lic Affairs. Civic Pride— Mrs. A n­
etc., known as Adler-i-ka. Tins remedy
the head with a billiard cue one is tne most THOROUGH bowel cleanser
night last week. It has not been ever sold being even used successfully
Discussion: Franklin’s Versatil­
in appendicitis.
learned just who dealt the blow,but
| relieves almost ANY CARE of con­
ity— In What Did He E xcel?— ,
Miller became so twisted un in ' stipalion, sour or gassy stomach.
Mrs Lawrence.
O N E MINUTE after you take it the
things after he was struck, that he 1
rumble an,i paf8 '0 ut. Adler-i-ka
Readings: The Whistle, Motion
rushed over on tbe Baxter corner cannot gripe and the INSTANT action
for Prayers, Letters— Mrs. Rogers
Is surpnain.
and tried to “ clean out” George
C. J. FUHRMAN, Druggist
and Mrs. Pursley.
Mehl whom he swore was the one
Talk with Selections: Poor Rich­
that struck him. He would likely
ard’s Almanac— Mrs. Perkius.
I have met with belter success if he
Talk: Franklin’s Service to His
i llB<l tackled someone smaller than
Country- Mrs. Knowlton.
I George, for .Ur Mehl laid him on ! Manufactu 3 rs of
Reports on Extra Readings.
hia back in apite of aii his protests
CelebratedBergmann Shoe
A business session followed, after
and then calmly sat upon him until 1 £ he “ trlon« eBt ,a“,d f e“ re8t W“ ter
Proof «hoe made for loggers, miners
which the alternoou closed with do­
an officer arrived.
Miller was then
prospectors and mill men.
mestic science. The assigned lesson
j made ufter considerable talking to 621 Thurman Street
was discussed, and Mrs. W. H Ly­
understand his error.
We are still !
P o r t l a n d , O regon ,
ons gave an instructive reading on
wondering who the man really was j
Agent for Coquille
“ Flies.” The next lesson will be
that struck him.
H . N. L O R E N Z
Chapter II, Part II, of “ Nutrition
and Diet,” as far as "Corn,” on.
page 1 18.
Perna Danielson entered t h e
Sophomore class from the Bandon
High School last week, bringing
the total high school enrollment up
to eighty.
Last Friday morning the High
School and eighth grade were giv­
en a musical treat by P. M. Hall-
Sudden Death
Lewis, who brought his Victrola
aud played a number of very fine
Al. Bradway, a former tesident
of Tillamook, who came here re­
The high school pupils aud facul­ cently from Glendale, dropped dead
ty were the guests of the Junior on the street about n o’clock this
class at a jolly party in the high morning from heart disease. He
school building last Friday evening. was coming down town from bis
An excellent program wai given in residence near the school house and
the first part of the evening. This had just exchanged a few words
was followed by games and fortune with a young man whom he met in
telling. One of the prominent fea­ front of John Hickham’s house. A
tures of the evening was a track moment later the young man heard
fall, and looking around saw Mr.
meet in which the members o f the
faculty distinguished themselves. Bradway lying on the sidewalk
At a late hour the guests gathered Death appeared to have been in­
again in the assembly room to par­ stantaneous and he did not move
take of refreshments, consisting of after falling. The body was taken
sandwiches, apples, pie and punch. to the undertaking parlors, and fun­
A "sin g " followed the lunch and eral arrangements had not been
and after this the company dis­ completed as we go ’.o press. The
deceased was an elderly man and
The high school girls are plan­ leaves a wife whose sudden bereave­
crushing blow to her.
ning to organize several basketball ment is a ----------*
teams aud to begin hard practice on
The Football Game.
the first of December when the Ath­
letic Association hires the ball. «In
The football game Friday be­
the meantime they will practice at tween tbe Marshfield and Coquille
basket throwing on the school
football teams resulted in tbe vic­
grounds when the weather is favor­
tory for Marshfield by the score of
able. Two baskets are to be put
19 to 0.
up this week far enough from the
Though the Bay team outweighed
school house to permit practice
the local boys by at least 15 pounds
without danger of disturbing the
per man the Coquille team put up a
lower grades.
very interesting game. At tbe close
1 Simplex Cream Separator, 900
to he shot for between Coquille and
lbs. capacity. 1 Little Giant Rus­
the Marshfield gunmen.
sian Steam Turbine Separator, 400
Baby Buggies and Runabouts. lbs. capacity. 1 Remington Sboles
All kinds of Fruit Jars, Stone Jars, Typewriter No 11 in good condi­
Stone Churns, and 1 10 gal. Barrel tion. At Quick’s Second Hand Store.
Churn, good as new.
At Quick’s
We would like to hear of L. H
Second Hand Store.
Hazard getting into real action
Did you ever see a man learn to
against the quail, with that sawed
drive an auto by reading the book
off 42 cemineter shotgun of his.
of instructions that came with the
He does lots of automobile hunting,
car? A man tried it tbe other day
hut we haven’ t seen any quail yet.
at Myrtle Point, and shifted the
W. J. Longston, Allen Collier, B.
gears wrong. He proceeded down
the street backward instead of for­ Folsom and N. M. Neiman returned
Sunday evening from their hunting
On account of the growth of the
trip to the Twelve Mile country. second year history class, which had
They report a good time, and increased to forty pupils, a division
brought back five pairs of horns to into two sections was made yester­
RATES: One cent a word, each in­ prove lhat they really had venison. | day.
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents'
Miss Laura Ruth closed a very
1-2 “
2x3 yards $3.60
3x4 yards 7.50
Com plete House Furnisher
Laird Building