The Coquille Herald A Cond¡tion Thai a 1 I l a m a n n t ì East Fork Items Hogwallow News 1 John McYey and Mrs. McVey t have reuted their farm to Joaeph Editor Herald: Entered as second class matter May Alvin who will take possession Deo. How mi ny people of Coos coun- 8, 1905. at the post otfice at Coquille, 1st Oregon, un«ieract ol Congress©! March ,y are aware of the fact that an iu- W e ar<; prepared to quote the following The Stemmier place is rented to ** __________ I mate of the sta’ e penal institution! prices on Seeds: an American born in Italy. is not allowed the privilege of sell- P. C. LEVAR, Lessee. education, through correspondence' Tbe Dora school bus only one pu­ RED ('LOVER - - 20c Devoted to the material and social courses in the University of Oregon, pil born in the district or having ALSIK ~ . . . 20c upbuilding' of the C'oquille Valley par­ been in tbe district for three years ticularly and c f Coos County generally. or for that matter, in any institu­ ALSIhE and RED CLOVER - 22c Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance tion of learning? I venture there This is an excellent Pasture Mixture A man and family from Spring- are not a dozen ! field, Oiegon, came in Friday, one ORCHARD GRASS - - 22 1-2c Phone Main 381. Oregon has taken some pride in j ! horse with a two horse load, bound RYE GRASS - - - 10c the form of government which ex-1 • >UNK BOTTS, Regular Correspondent TIMOTHY - - - - 11c j for Coquille or Bandon. Since A palpable hit, Mr. Easton. ists within her boundaries. In the (George Bingham) VETCH . . . . .5 l-2 c leaving Springfield they Lad one All Rights Reserv'd last few years we have heard much j Nothing More to Invent? horse killed ou the railroad track T h is is all of the best Imported Stock and guaranteed to be of the prison reforms at Salem and another died. Yam Sims, who has held the is often a great drawback to women of the highest G o v ’t test as to purity and germinating power Someone poring over the old files This reformation has claimed lor its Mr. Bridge, of Eugene, formerly in the United States Patent Office at object the betterment of conditions championship as a sneezer for some who like the social side of life. en Arizona miner, went out last The Rye Straw storekeeper, who Washington the other day tound a among the prisoners, the changing time past, will have to drop back to week. He has been in the Sixes second place, since Poke Easley p bas in the past been held in the letter written in 1833 that illustrates of the state penitentiary from an country where be has a claim and highest esteem by his customers, the limitations ol the human imag­ institution of punishment to one of sneezed in cburc-h last Sunday. thinks it has a mining future. Miss Rosy Mosley took a seat by has made himself very unpopular reform. ination. John Smith, of Ontario, Or., came It is a recognized fact that one of t h e window yesterday morning, this week by announcing that be It was from an old employee of in with a saddle and pack horse 15 with ber new dress on, waiting for will bereufter sell only for cash, and the patent office, offering his resig­ the foremost, and most potent, days out. He is looking for a place It is Cricket Hicks to pass, seems some of his customers are circulat­ nation to the head of the depart­ causes of crime is ignorance. When you’re in Portland visit the fine bid plant of to run cattle. ing it as their opinion that be is od - ment. His reason was that as every­ the persou who is mentally deficient be went around the other road. the Pacific Coast Biscuit Company. See them make I am for good roads but I will thouMod. ot deUcloo.S N O W F L A K E S O D A S thing inventable had been invented because of insufficient education Miss Rosy Moseley entertained a Iv in the business for wbat be can fight the road bonds. We can get the Patent Office would soon be dis along the proper lines, that puts few of ber choice friends this week get out of it. In the meantime, order ol good roads without hoods and save continued and there would be no forth the theory that the world in honor of her birthday. Copies Sidney Hocks has read where for­ further need ol his services or the owes him a living and tries to col­ of tbo La lies’ Birthday Almauac tunes can be made out of simple tbe iuteiest graft. That is a good NEW FAMILY PACKAGE scheme the County court made wheu Freeh, crisp delicious Snowflake services of any of his fellow clerks. lect the same with the least possible were hauded out as souvenirs. things, if they are patented, and is Sodas, packed in a sanitary and It is the man with a T H E W IDOW O P T H E C A L K H IU S N K IO H B O R - wondering if he could not get a it consolidated the road districts. It He, therefore, decided to leave be- exertion. useful tin box. Only SO cents. seems now that there aught be a ilO OD brain dwarfed through lack of ex ­ lore the blow fell patent on Miss Ftutie Belcher. chance to have a water grade road I m y d e a le r h a e th e m o r ca n g e t The Widow has resided in the Everything inventable bad been ercise that does not recognize, and Cricket Hicks held the lamp while down the East Fork, then we will th e m q u ic k ly —fr e s h fro m o u r o ven s invented! The writer of this letter respect, the rights of his fellow. It Calf Ribs Neighboihoud for years Miss Hostetler Hocks gang a solo at PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. journeyed in a stage coach or a is the person whose intellect does and bas a very creditable social the Hog Ford church SuDday night. not Lave to climb three mountains PORTLAN D , ORECON canal boat. He had never seen a not control his passions, who com standing. She maintains this stand­ At one place her voice weut so high to get to Coquille. A water gra: e from Grautford to tbe tax bridge, limited train or an ocean greyhound mits, in the heat cf these passious, ing by beiug very careful who comes Crickett was compelled to stand on then you can hit Myrtle Point or He read at night by candlelight, it deeds which force tne state to exer to see her. Of course she bas fa­ a chair. Coquille just as you like. If it is he read at all in the evening; more cise over him the control which he vorites lu the social line, including Slim Pickens fell through a crack necessary to gtt good roads and a likely he went to bed soon after does not possess over himsell. To Yam Sims, Cricket Hicks, Raz Bar- in the Gander creek bridge Tuesday trunk line from North Bei^d to dark and did all his reading by day­ be sure there are exceptions; but low, and others, but, naturally, she morning. The accident came as Myrtle Point, tbe county court can light. He had never seen a house they are the exception, and not the keeps them in a quandary as to the quite a surprise to him. put the whole county into oue road extent ol her affection towards them. lighted by illuminating gas The rule. Crickett Hicks is gaiuiug renown district, then bire a man as a road The obvious remedy for such a And that is the very thing any mar­ arc and incandescent electric lights were not to be invented for nearly a condition is to furnish, at the first riageable lady should do, if ebe de­ as a foot racer, and after a little engineer wbo is a tboorugb civil en­ opportunity, a means whereby such sires to make a success iu this line. more practice will challenge any gineer and road man and one in half century. whom tbe people have confidence, If he had ever heard of electrici­ unfortunates can acquire the men­ In several instances the Widow has snake in this vicinity. One day last week was pay-day on and put up a special road tax for maintained a neutrality that was ty ne thought of it as the mysteri­ tal training which they lack. Fit Smith tbe whole county, and there is The ideal institution for the cor­ very strict. She, like tbb United the Tiekville railroad. ous and dangerous fluid that strikes from the clouds during a thunder­ rection of these faults is the one States, is willing to write notes to tried to collect for two days’ bard money to build reads and nu inter­ storm; That it could be harnessed which places its inmates in a posi­ those with whom she negotiates, work he put in waiting for a train. est to pay. There is a good start to do man’s will had never occurred tion to receive the all-important in­ still in each of the notes sbe leaves A tree blew down the other day made between Marshfield and Co­ a doubt as to what the final decision just before Yam Sims passed under quille, and that road should be fin struction. to him. He never heard the clicking of a For the sole benefit ol those who will be. This is ber secret of success it. This taught him to always isbed as there are dangerous places ou it now. with gentlemen friends. are, for any reason, unable to at­ telegraph sounder. The telephone travel slow in the future. Suppose people of other states Since the demise of her second would have seemed as wonderful to tend in the regular manner, the Columbus A’ lsop bas a new bow would say, we wou’t eat Oregon ap­ him as a voyage to the moon Mo­ state university has developed a husband a few years ago, she has for bis base fiddle. After losing the tion pictures would have reminded correspondence department, which attained considerable prominence iu other one be missed it very much ples or Oregou flour, or Oregon butter or cheese, 01 use Oregou him of black art, and the idea that lurnishes to non-resident students, the social world, not only by her at­ every time he to play a tune. lumber, tbe Herald man would put a machine could be invented where­ instruction in the various branches tractive disposition, and former ex­ A Balloon ascension is advertised by man would fly above the clouds ol education w hich are contained in perience in dealing with those of for Tiekville next Saturday after­ up a different editorial. Tbe barb­ ed wire fences around tbe different the sterner sex, but from the fact like a bird, ascending and descend­ its curriculum noon, provided there are no clouds states have all been knocked down. But in spite of the readiness on that she wus left with several aces ing at will, would have seemed to in the way. Several years ago I bought a Bridge the part of the university to do so, of creek bottom land and a few him merely absurd. The Excelsior Fiddling Band, af­ & Beach stove iu Myrtle Point, part The modern printing press, the they cannot furnish instruction to head of stock linotype machiue. which seems al­ the very ones who need it the most While there are a number of mar­ ter playing for the Ladies’ Aid en­ of it was a poor quality of pot met­ most to think; the X-ray, by means and are the least able to attend the riageable ladies in the Hogwallow tertainment at Tiekville Saturday al. I sent a piece of it back to the Tbe letter I of which surgeons diagnose disease regular sessions of the school. The section who do not have any pro­ night, wrote it3elf a nice note com- makerB in St. Louis. plimenting the nice and sweet music got lrom them as much as told me and injury and lay out their work reason is as simple as it is idiotic. nounced public admiration for the I was a liar. I did not reply to that with scientific certainty, these Prison regulations forbid that the widow of the Calf Ribs Neighbor­ it had rendered. Miss Gond )la Henstep thinks it letter for I did not want to take C O O K B R O S .. P R O P things were yet to be invented long prisoners send letters at the fre­ hood, sbe acts toward them as a would be just heavenly to have her chances of sending anything 'that quent intervals made necessary by after he was dead. He could not woman should, and only lust Sun­ We imagine the automobile, now so such a course. day was seen to turn up ber cose picture taken with a lot of real was not considered mailable. Carnival Boosters Meet M. L Church don’t buy any more Bridge & Beach The Department of Geology at at Miss F represented in commercial travelers, accompanied or more of bad road, while S. P. are back of tbeir goods, and the ar­ The colors for the carnival were A . P. M i l l e r , Marshal. been reached the student b°dy of the university by D. M. Moore of this place, went Pieice has had a crew of men re­ ticle is uot right your money and fixed upon as y ello w and white, j He seems unfortunately deficient year' ^''lose ivgistered from to Cedar Camp several days ago in building the bridge. The structure ! freight charges are paid back witb- The follo w in g com m ittees were aD- 1 Married in imagination and optimism, as we 1 ®°°s *owns are: Avery, : quest of fat bucks. They returned is now the same as new, the only old j question or debate, pointed: read of his letter ol resignation in Ra>mond Burns, I.ouise Clausen, I ate Sunday eveuing with three fat material used being the irons which R. A E a s t o n On hall decorations: J. E. Norton, G R E G O R Y — W ISE M AN — L x h is the musty files of the Patent Office. Eeta Mast and Reuben Mast, of I bucks and a bear to tbeir credit, are in good condition. Those wbo I P O Lund, Cbas. Harlocker, F. E. city, October 25, 1915. O. C. But let ns not take too much unc­ Coquille; Pearl Craine, Ernest Wat- ¡ baviug been fortunate enough to worked on the bridge say that con­ Fanatic “Justice.” McKenna and J. W. Leneve. Gregory and Mrs. May Wiseman, tion to our souls. We are quite as kins and Ernest llkins, ot Ban- ’ beat Elmer Miller to a tree where tractor Pierce has done a good job. On Badges: C. A. Howard, F. B Justice J. J Stanley officiating. ignorant of what the next eighty !don’ Frances Golden, Lucy Powers, nis dogs had a large bear, which An elderly lady had permission Phillips snd Walter Oeiding, to gather some apples that had years may bring forth as he was ol Charles Haines, and Max Reigard, ODe of the drummers shot, Weekly Auto Accident fallen under a tree She gathered . the future of American inventions of Marshfield; Dalzel King and; several when an officer came along .lad Fence Make« Trouble Harry Miller, of Myrtle Point. port Qrfor(1 Tribune: — Scientific American. Jim Mast, of Bandon, had a nar- ancj arrested her for gathering fruit Raymond Burns is president of Orville Knight, who lives near Mrs O. Leneve returned Sunday row escape Wednesday evening on Sunday This happened in In- the largest freshman class the uni-1, from visiting . ... .. She was convicted and 'lyrtle Point, made complaint yes- the ,, Panama . exposition. when tbe car he was driving left diana. Regular as tbe Clock Celebrated Birthday versity has yet seeu; Ernest W a t - C . , . ___. ... . 1 lerday before Justic-: Sianley against ¡She reported a very rough trip to the road and shot over a high gride , ®ned $5 Fred Kampher, a neighbor, accus­ Mrs. Mary E Goodman, of this kins is manager of the 1917 Ore- Bandon on the Elizabeth, head on the Bandon road, several miles S tats o f Ohio, city o f Toledo, t _ place, celebrated her 78th birthday gana, the college year-book; Max winds and rough seas causing the! below this place. The car suffered ing the latter of threatening to kill Lucas County. f Trank J. Cheney makes oeth tha _ a n d Tandon on the 20th of this month hv invit­ Reigard is connected with the staff boat to be 72 hours in making the considerable damage, one front kr£ o nlor partner *oW o f the £ firm o r f rh F. Jh J. Cheney ’ ¡nr aud his fam ily Constable Dun- of the Emerald, the college tri­ Co., doing business In the C ity o f To- First-class (»re ing her relatives to participate in a am went arid made the arrest, and wheel being demolished. Tbe ruD, »7.50 Jo. County and State aforesaid, and that said Arm w ill pay the sum o f ONE Up ire ig I it, per ton chicken dinner with her. Tho af­ weekly; aud Dalzel King is promi­ H.00 Mr Clifford Sydnaiu snd Miss driver escaped without iojury, save H U N D R E D D O L L A R S fo r each and ev­ when Kampher was brought into ery case o f Catarrh that cannot be cured fair was altogether informal, being nent in debating circles and is tak­ Florence E. Sypber were united in a general shaking up Mr. Mast b y tbe use o f H A L L 'S C A T A R R H CURE. court he decided i.ot to controvert F R A N K J. C H E N E T . entirely a family meeting, but the ing a post-graduate course in the marriage at Langloie, Oct. 10, 1915, mskes the sixth one to "shoot the He was placed under E. & E. T. Kruse Sworn to before me and subscribed In the charge m y presence, this «th day o f December, bonds of $250 to keip the peace and table was loaded with delicious mil new law department. shoots" on that road during tbe by Justice A. Adolphai-n at tbe 24 California S treet, Snn Francisco A. D. ISS«. (Seal) A . W . G LE A SO N , w:s allowed to go on bis own re appetizing vnnds. The obi lady is Head ot trading stamp concern home of tbe bride's parents. Mr. season. Who is next? N otary Public. H a ifa Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally i-ognizance until Saturday to pto- quite hale and hearty for her age promises to buy much goods from and Mrs E B. 8ypber. Tnis wor­ For Reservation» Marsbfield— Bids for paving on and acts directly upon the blood and mu- c ure the bond. Tbe difficulty arose eous surfaces o f the system. Send for aud has promise of many more years The |are from Vancouver to Port- thy young couple grew from child­ Front street were awarded to the teatlmonlets. < ver improperly constructed fences free. J. E. NORTON F. J. C H E N E T A CO.. Toledo, O. of usefulness which her many laud has been reduced lrom 30c to hood in northern Curry, where they Warren Constiuction Company. which allowed stock lrom each side Sold b y all Druggists, 75c. Agont, C o q u ille , O r e g o n have a host of friends, who extend Oregon factories. friends hope will be fulfilled. : 25c by the P. R. L. & P. Co. t j trespass on tbe other. Taks H aifa T aaU y Pills for Demands a Remedy PUBLISHED EVKKY TUESDAY I Seed Season is Here | K N O W L T O N ’S DRUG S TO R E Í 1 S^uAf I T V B H K B R Y Str. Elizabeth San F ra p is c o E }