T he C oquille H erald VOL. 34, NO. 5 COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1915. CITY DIRECTORY FALL CARE OF ORCHARDS Another insect of general feeding his often mr intains itself.in colonies here and there on pple trees, oc­ habits is the white ruaiked tussock Fraternal and Benevolent Order curring more especially around moth, which winters on fruit trees F. & A. M.—Re^'ii I h t meeting of Spraying and Other O p e r ­ wounds where ihe thinner bark is iu Ihe egg stage. The eggs appear • Chad w ick Lodge No. RH A. F. & A. exposed. The sprayings for the as a frothy mass »and are usually ations Effective M.. at Masoi.ic Hall, every Sa urday night in each month on or before the San Jose scale aid in destroying deposited beside the grayish silken full moon. L. A. L ili . jkqviht , W. M. Valuable wotk in lbe conliol of these colonics. Spring spraying of cocoon from which the wingless R. H. M a s t , Secretary. orebafd insect pests may he accom­ peach as the buds ate swelling, in parent moth escaped. It will be E. S.—Regmar meeting of Beulah • Chapter No. 6 , second and fourth plished dining the fall, winter and addition to its destiuclive action on easy to collect and destroy these Friday evenings of each month, in Ma- early spring Certain destructive the scale iusects mentioned, is also pupae and egg masses. aonic Hall. insects are held in check only by a very effective check to the so-. Throughout the Middle West, E mma L i l i i k o v i h t , W. M. A nna L aw rence S ec ., spraying during the dormant per­ called peach !wig-borer, or peach aud to a less extent elsewhere, the O. O. F.—Coquille Lodge No. 53, 1 . O. iod of trees when stronger washes worm, which is very destructive in winter nests ot (be leal crumpler . O. F., meets every Saturday night mav be used lhan when tlie trees California and numerous arid val­ are conspicuous objects on fruit n Odd Fellows Hall. are iu-foliage. Many insec.s of the leys in the West. This spring ap­ trees, especially quince, pear and H. H. M oore . N. G. J. 8 . L a w r e n c e , Sec. orchard spend the winter on the plication ot lime-sulphur to peach is apple. The larvae winter in tough, a m i e r k b k k a h l o d g e , N o . 20 trees iu the egg, latval or pupal practically a specific for Hie serious horn shaped cases to which are us­ I. O. O. F., meeto every second and stage, and their destruction in the j fungous disease known as peach- ually attached sevetal dead leaves. fourth Wednesday nights in Odd Fellows course ol pruning or other orchard leaf curl. In some sections of the These nests should be removed and Hail. B u n A w n w ow , N .G , A n n i e I. a w k e n c b , Sec. work is practicable and is of much country the pear Psylla is a very burned to destroy the caterpillars /’'0 Q U IL I4 K F N C AM l’ MKNT, No. 11 importance in keeping them re­ serious pest to pears. The adults within. I. O. O. F., meets the first and third The wotk ot the buffalo tree hop­ hibernate in crevices and cracks ou Thursday nights in Odd Fellows Hall. % duced .1. S. B a r t o n , C. ?. Orchard scale insects as a class the trees, resttmiug activity with per usually attracts the attention of J. S. L a w r e n c e , Sec. are best treated after the foliage has the first warm days in the spring. the observant orchardist, especially nights ok p y t h ia -».—L twtbm dropptd from the trees. This wotk Spring spraying ol pears tor the during pruning This insect punc­ Lodge No. 72, meets Tuesday nights may be done iu late fall, during the Sau Jose scale has in addition a tures the young twigs in the course in W. O. W. Hall. R. R. W atson , K R. 8 . winter when tile temperature is very marked value in checking the ol its egg laying, the scars latet O. A. M i n t o n y e , G. C. shove freezing, or in the spring be­ pear Psylla. producing a much delormed aud P Y T H I A N SISTERS—Justus Tenipie fore the buds swell to any extent. The so-called teirapin scale of weakened branch. Care should he 1 No. 35, meets first anil Third Mon­ Spraying of apple, peach, pear and peach, as well as Lecanium scales taken to cut out these injured day nights in W. O. W. Hall. M b s . G e o r g e D a w i s , M. E. C. other trees for the San Jose scale in general, are not satislactorily twigs, with the view to developing M b s . F b e d L i n e g a b , K. of R with strong lime-sulphur or other controlled by the lime-sulphur spray new, sound branches. A O I M K E l) M E N — Coaoille Tribe No. 46, 1. O. R. M., meets every Friday night R n W O. W. Hall. J. 8 . B a r t o n , Sachem. A. P. M ii . i . e r . C. of R. GOVERNMENT NAMES ROUTE FOR ALASKA ROAD. W. A. —Regular meetings of Rea- j . ver Camp No. 10.550 in M. W-. A. Hall, Front street, first ami third Sat­ urdays in each month. H. B. T ozier . Consul. F. C. T rue , Clerk. M j A .— Regular meeting of Laurel R N. . amp No. 2972 at M. W. A . Hall, j Front, street, Becond and fourth Tues­ day n ghts ill each month. M a r y K e r n , Oracle. L a u r a B r a n d o n , Rec. -Myrtle Camp No. W o nieetb - w.- every Wednesday at 197, 7:30 p. m. at \V. O. W. Hall. Lee Currie, C. C. J o h n L e s k v e , Se c . VKN1NGTIDB C IR C LE N o .. 214, meets second and fourth Monday nights in W. O. W. Hall. A n n i e B u r k h o i . d k h , (J.N. M a r y A. P i e r c e , Clerk. E ARM ERS UNION.— Regular meet­ ings s e c o n d s o d f o u r t h S a t u r d a y s in each month in W. O. W. Hall. F r a n k B u r k h o l d e r , Pres, j O . A. M i n t o n y e . S e c . F F R A T E R N A L AID No. 398, meets the second and fourth Thursdays each month at \V. O. W, Hall. M r s . C h a s . E v l a n d , f’ res. M rs . L ora H arkinoton , Sec. l ime Sum s $35,000,000 railroad will run from Seward to Fairbanks, Alaska, aa shown oa the map. la section of privately owned road which government will buy. I I'botograp* I There are various species of Educational Organizations and Clubs j s u i t « « « "a s h is now very generally hut should be treated with strong — — ,, 7 0 „„¡p ra ctice d by orebardists. and many kerosene emulsion, or with a mis- borers attacking fruit trees which OM AN S Study Club. —Meets 2:30 J K ’ p. m. at city library every second | persons ow ning but a small number cible Qtnixablt) oil This latter is a | may be very effectively searched and fourth Monday. ¡o f fruit trees in the yard also regtt- general term applied to several tor and destroyed during the fall, H a k r i e t A. L o n g s t o n , Pres. 1 larly spray the trees lor the control f commercial preparations which are winter or spring. “ Worming” for F r a n c e s E. E p p e r s o n Sec. Lime-^ used at the rate of t part to 18 or the peach borer should be begun in OQUILLE E D U C A T I O N A L ol this serious insect pest. LE A G U E —Meets monthly at the sulphur concentrate is used in 20 paths water early fall and continued until the High School Building during the school In addition to routine dormant- trees have all been gone over. This year for the purpose ot discussing edu­ spraying for the San Jose scale, and may be purchased of manufacturers tree spraying much good work may is done by cutting away the injured cational topics. BihtiiK SK EE ta , Pies. or made at home. The commer­ be done in the control of orchard bark sufficiently to trace the burrow E dna H a r l o c k e r . See. cial article usually has a density of insects by operations during the ! and then removing the borer with t r o K E E L K LU B —A business men’ s Previous social organization. Hall in Laird’ s 32 to 34 deg as registered on a leafless period. The codling moth, a knife or hooked wire. building, Second street. Baume hydrometer, and in prepar­ the cause of wormy apples, passes to worming the soil should be dug L. J. C ar y , Pres ing the concentrate at heme effort the winter in silken cocoons under away from the base of the trees so \V. C. E n d i c o t t , Fee. should be made to secure a wash of scales of hark, in crevices and in that the castings exuding from the o m m e r c i a l c l u b — L eo j . C a r y j President ; L. II. H a ZA R u , Secretary about this density. Such a concern knot holes on the trunks and larger burrows tn;.y he seen and assist in irate is used at the rate of 1 part to limbs of the apple. Old trees es- j the more ready location of the Transportation fa cilitie s 8 or 9 parts of water. Only one pecially should be thoroughly borers. Since many of lbe peach p R A lN S — Leave, south bound H-.10 a. I m. and 2:40 p. m. North bound treatment each winter is necessary scraped with a dull hoe or similar borers in the fall are yet quite 9:26 a. m. and 4:26 p. nt. to hold this pest in subjection, but instrument to destroy the hihernat-i small, very careful work will be necessary to desttov all of them riO A T S — Six boats plying on the Co- the application must he very thor- ing codling moth larvae. dationnw MVrrying0Dlig” tPanTCp ^ n ’ |OUgh’ c0,,in8 »'• parISjif tne twigs, The apple tree lent caterpillar Alter the trees have been wormed ger« to Bandon and way points. Boats limbs and branches. This w ork re- winters in the egg stage on various once it is a good practice to go over eave at t m' quires a spray pump, and these may orchard trees, as the apple and them again. The earth should he ami at now he obtained lor work on al- p;-ach, and especially on wild ctaer- drawn around the base of the tree Q f AGE—J. L. Laird, proprietor. De- ! most any scale, and range in size ries growing along fences or on before there is danger ol freezing parts 5:30 p. m. lor Rasi-burg via I m W C PER Y E A R $1.50 INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Quarterly Report on t cured; short »eight in ice, convtc- W eights and Measures ,ion sccurtd: maintaining short j _____ measure gasoliue pumps, held held tor tor _ , grand jury; m maintaining aintaining s sh h o o r r t t! Compiled by State Bureau of The State office of Weights and Industries and Statistics measure gasoliue pumps, held for Measures has issued the following grand j ur y; m aintaining short mea­ report for the first quarter-year ot The St. Helen’s Ship Buildiog sure gasoline pi-tups, held for grand its operations, and the report indi Co is busy on a 5-mast auxiliary ju r y ; short weight in coal, pending. schooner cates that there is certainly need of H ay, grain, meats, wood, coal, the work performed by the office: , The Dalles has a new soap fac­ ice" and many other commodities tory. In order that the general public have teen inspected with a view of may have informntion of the work La Grande— Tacoma capitalists insuring the correctness of lbe accomplished covering the first bought Whited mint for $30,000. amounts delivered W h ere dis­ quarter, under the new laws gov­ Ashland ice plant will move to crepancies have been found it has erning weights and measures, en­ Medford. been the policy of the office to reg­ acted during the Legislative Session The Oregon cranberry crop is • ulate the same without resorting to ol 1915, lbe State Office of Weights good, price around $10 a barrel the courts except only in such in­ and Measures submits the following Ashland— 744 head of cattle stances as were o f absolute necessity condensed report: shipped irom here tecently brought as an exam ple iu one case, sacked owners $45,000. The primary work of the office flour, due to the use of an inaccur­ was the division of the State'into A self-oiling trolley wheel manu­ ate scale, was luttnd to vary in four Weights and Measures districts factured at Hausser, Oregon, ran weight from to iJ 4 pouuds less as provided by law; the epportion 38.da.vs without oiling than the m arked weight. In this ment of the pro rata expense per 119,000 acres of land has been instance the firm was required to county, according to population; thrown open for settlement in south re sack correctly the amount in­ the appointment of the District Central Oregon volved, some 60 000 pounds. Sealers, and a general reorganiza­ Spaulding Logging Co. will at­ In general, while the territory to tion ot the method ot law enforce­ be covered by the District Sealers tempt to colonize its logged off land ment, with the object in view of at Black Rock. % is considerable, eight or nine coun­ promoting efficiency and reducing Eandou cheese factory turned out ties to-each man, much good has the expense ot operation. 50,000 pounds of cheese in five already been accomplished and That the public throughout the months. State might obtain a wider knowl­ all of the counties will have been Bandon— Prospect of railroad or­ edge ol these laws and a better un­ visited before the close of the year. ders brighteus the lumber market In conclusion, the state office, derstanding of their beneficial feat­ outlook. ures, a pamphlet of general infor­ taking into consideraiion the fact An effort is being made for a that the w eight and measure laws mation in relation thereto, was com­ bridge across Willamette at Harris­ nave but recently been enacted, has piled and is being distributed burg. endeavored( to direct the work in Specifications and tolerances gov­ Prineville planning big irrigation the field in such a manner as would erning the manufacture, sale and scheme with canal and dam. accomplish ’ he best results without use of weights and measures are in Stotkholders of Cauby Canning course of preparation, will shortly w orking any undue hardship upon Co. are figuring on starting cheese our merchants, the vast m ajority ot be placed in effect, and when adop­ factory. whom ate anxious to cooperate ted will prevent the sale and use of Eugene has shipped clover seed with this office in the enforcement inferior, inaccurate and faultily con­ east for the first time.$io,ooo worth ol the provisions of the weight and structed apparatus. going in two cars. Following will be found a sum­ measure laws. Reports state that Oregon-U* L Respectfully submitted, mary of the equipment inspected sugar company has been organized FRED G. BUCHTEL, and tested, remarks relative to the to build factory in Rogue River Deputy State Sealer same; disposition of the complaints Valley. filed, and reletences made to a case Oregon Loganberries Crown Point on Columbia high­ or twool particular interest: way will have $20,000 hotel. A re Genuine Logans Scales inspected and tested 2,958; Gold ore running $40 a ton re­ scales sealed 2,465; scales adjusted, Oregon Agricultural College,Cor­ ported one mile west of Bttncon. corrected aud sealed 624; scales vallis. Oct. 11.— That the famous Drainage district being organized condemned and use not allowed loganberry juice as produced in on Tenmile, Coos Bay. 493; scales incorrect at time of in­ Oregon is made from the logauberry Marshfield— Reports state that C. spection 1,117; scales, errors in bal­ and not from the phenomenal hen v A. Smith pulp mill will soon start. ance— otherwise correct 560. is the declaration of Professor C I Unity — New creamerv nearly Weights inspected and tested 2,- Lewis, chief of the Agricultural completed. 598; weights found aicttiate 2.375; College department of Horticulture. Bandon— Manager Thompson of weights inaccurate and condemned This declaration is substantiated by the Sixes River mines has crew ot 223- the men chiefly instrumental in pro- men working on construction of a Liquid measures inspected and pagating the loganberry and the flume A sawmill is being con- tested 448; liquid measures accur­ phenomenal berry in this state j structed, and the cost of the flume ate and sealed 399; liquid measures It has been widely reported that and mill combined will be about inaccurate and condemned 49. Luther Burbank, the originator of: $150,000. Gasoline and oil pumns inspected the phenomenal berry, has said Toledo— The Geo. W. Moore and tested 112; g .soline and oil that the Oregon berry grown and sawmill preparing to resume opera- pumps sealed 95; gasoline and oil marketed as the loganberry is not tions; J. B. Miller logging camps on pumps condemned for rep tirs 17. Lin ear measures inspected and touud accurate 250 . PEARY’S SHIP IN FISHERIES SERVICE. Wood measured upt.11 specific re­ quest— cords 385. Willi reference to the foregoing tabulation it -ill be noticed that 624 scales had to he adjusted and corrected, before sealing; that 493 scales could not be adjusted— Heel­ ing repairs— and were condemned, or in other words, out ol a total number of 2,958 scales tested, 1,117 of them were weighing incorrectly and had to be either adjusted, cor­ rected or condemmd. rtle Point,carrving the United States fr om the so-callejj bucket pump waste land. T h e eggs are placed weather. T h e same plan should be Myrtle In addition, many scales of the mail and pasengers suitable for w ork on a le v » trees in in rather conspicuous dark colored \ followed in worm ing the trees in commuting type, having charts of tyjSTOFFlCJE.— A. F. Linegar, post-j , he yar() (0 Hie large gasoline-power belts or bands around the smaller the spring, at which time it w ill he obsolete construction, were requir­ I master. The mails close as follow.: . . | r M yrtle Point 7:40 a.m. 5:20, 2:35 p.m. rout fits em ployed in exten sive or tw igs. 1 hese are readily observed somewhat easier ¡0 delect lbe borers ed to be re-chatted correctly, or Marshfield 9:0»> a. in. and 4:15 p. in. ¡-hards More specific inform ation and may he collected and destroyed because of their increase in size have the computations covered, Bandon, way points, 8 :4o a m. Norway , , . . . . , and\rago 12-55 p.tn. Eastern mail 5:20 on Ihe San Jose scale and the p re -, w ithout much trouble during Ihe Throughout the Central and East­ leaving in use onlv the pounds and Eastern mail arrives 7 :30 a. m. paratimi at home o f lime sulphur work o f pruning or at other times ern states apple trees should he reg­ ounces for weighing purposes The {concentrate will be found in Farm- Very effective work in the collec- ularly wormed in the spring and type of scale commonly known as C ity and County O fficers ¡ers' Bulletin 650 lion of egg masses has already been fall for the ronndheaded apple tree the “family scale,” owing to its in­ M ayor____ ____ __ ______A. T. Morrison „ , , . . . . . . Recorder J. 8 . Lawrence Certain other scale-insect pests accomplished in regions where this borer. This insect attacks the ferior construction and consequent * United Status fishery bureau has purchased fur Alaskan servlee the Rone» Treasurer....................... --- R- H. Mast which may he present on the trees, insect has been excessively ahun- trees near the ground and its in­ inaccut'acy, is not legal for use in velt, which Admiral Roliert E. l ’eary (at top) used tn dlaeovery o f north pole. Marshal A. P. Miller as 'b e cherry scale, oyster-shell dant In some instances it w ill be jury is indicated by brown patches trade, and the state office has i s s u e d --- Night Marshal............. Oscar Wickham scale, etc., are also pretty we ell held possible to enlist the interest o f under the bark and the castings instructions that it 'be condemned the'loganberry at all, but is the phe-1 ^ Depot Slough again in operation. Water Superintendent. 8 . V. Epperson | . reatroent school children, as was done in which often accumulate in some and its further use prohibited. Heppner— Work on new Mason­ F ire C liie U ... W. C. Chase m check by this annual trei | nomenal. He is further reported CounciImen—Jesne Byers, C. T. Skeela with liaue sulphur wash. T h e M ichigan during tbe winter o f i q i t quantity on the soil. The use ot a ic building started. To illustrate in a specific case, to have said ,ha« ,he real loRan C. I. Kime. Ned C.Kelley, W. H. L y -, . — . J Hill lines will feature Oregon ons, O. C. Sanford. Regular meetings treatment is also effective against -14 Prizes were offered for the sharp knife and moderately stiff the value of scale inspection, one ol berry is a greatly interior berry, first and third Mondays each month. |he pear leal blister tnite, which is greatest number ol e g g masses ob- wire is usually sufficient in the cranberries on their diners being small and of little account, the creameries purchasing milk Jnstice of the Peace .........J. J. Stanley universally present nn pears and in tained, and the total collected in work of worming the trees, in the from the farmers, was unknowingly 1 and that in some manner the phe­ Gardner— Salmon canneries on Constable ...... .......... -H- W • Dllnhani Home localii ies is a very serious ap- this work amounted to several mil- case o f either Ihe peach borer or using a scale having an error of 4 nomenal became known as the lo- the Umpqua have opened. Present conditions indicate that pounds to the 100 in the creamery's ganberry. Conumssioners—W. T. Dement', G ^ . T ? le P” *' C tr,a in 1,es,ruc,iv* a PPle lion- «be ronndheaded apple tree borer Armstrong lice winter in the egg stage on the T h e Tall web worm winters in the T h e work ol the Iruit tree hark favor, causing a const) nt and con-j According to Professor Lewi* North Bend mills will operate all .................. A 1 freil^Johnson,*?r! ,p p le ’ esPecial,y on ,he Dewer P " P al stage on apple and various beetle, or shot hole borer, is often siderable loss to the farmers of that ' and 0,her authorities the difference winter. The Warren Construction Co. is Treasurer ' Z . . I ’.......... T. M. Dimmick grow th , aud thorough lime sulphur other trees T h e flim sy cocoon is first detected on trees d u rin g prun-| vicinity. The District Sealer im­ between the berries is not very SchroTsupC..........Raymond E. Baker sP ,a >in * lor lhe San Jose scale un- easily recognized from the hairs o f in g operations in winter, and steps mediately condemned the incorrect great, but there is enough differ- rushing its bitulithic paving con- Surveyor C. F. McC ill lock doubtedly results in the destruction the caterpillar m ixed in with the should be taken as soon as it is dis- i scale and required the installation ence. especially in the vines, to trsets at North Bend. C Coroner ‘ Health Officer ...F. E. Wilson ol many of these eggs, though the loose silk Dr. Walter Culin treatment is not always sufficient to all sorts o f Societies will get the very best PM I N T I M O at the office o f Coquille Herald obviate spraying after have batched putting out. and In the iusects crevices, knot the foliage is scales, etc. tbe T u e cocoons M iddle occur sheltered places, holes, They under $bould as in covered to in possible hark rule correct the trouble, i f ! T h e shot hole borer as a attacks trees which are in a also be state o f decline from any cause. It and searched for tn trash i n the ground, winters in various stages in galler- Southern States, where the w im ets under boards, in rail feuces, and are not too rigorous, the wooly ap- similar situations. in ies just beneath the bark. Peach trees attacked by this insect and of an accurate one. preventing fu r . | make the two readily distinguish- h. J ^ ^ / ' V y ^ ^ r L e d in 7he ther losses. able Both fruits have been giver. nejr future J ^ Following are complaints filed, a working test in Oregon and Ihe la rgest grain crop the North- court cases and disposition ol the loganberry has proven more satis- west has ever grown is now har- | utnt. Maintaining and using scale factory to Ore-’ on .growets. Very vested ,. , , , , / . . About moo men are now work* out ol balance, held lor grand jury; | i»g 0I1 the 0teK„ n Kastero Railway short weight in coal, conviction se- (Continued on Page 4) from Riverside to Harriman.