MERELY MENTIONED F ive Indoor M onths = = = = ^ = o f— G loom ? No Brightness? Y es It’s easy for me to show you’, how to brighten up your Chairs, Floors, Woodwork, tc . with CHI - NAMEL Matinee at th> S•vide Saturday afternoon. Have you lost anything? liead our wafit adg Watch for clams and crabs at the Economy Meat Market. Dale Fiyuu was iu from ihe North Fork yesterday. Call on Lyons & Jones wheu you want a Nemo Corset. Sam Johnson ami wife of Bandon were Coquille visitors Friday. Try a can of that Tuna Fish st Lyons & Jones — only 15 c per can. A franchise is being asked for in Albany to establish another light plant. ltemember the Ecooouiv Meat Market just opened next to Ilrane's store. XV. C. Hose's father departed Fri- day morning for his home in Rose- burg. Chas. Mansell spent Saturday at North Bend attending the Bridge There's a Chi-Namel Carnival. Finish forEuergthing Fred Waters was in from the in the Home North Fork Saturday, eu route to Marshfield. Ralph M.cKechnie has six acres The Rexall Store of corn near Albany averaging 14 Coquille . . . Ore. feet in height. Sweet’s high-grade chocolates and box candy at Folsom s Confec­ tionery only. P ro fe ssio n a l C a rd s Phone Fred Slagle when you ure going to Marshfield and a Cadillac auto will call for you. Dr. C. W. ENDICOTT D en tist George Robinson and wife and Offiee over First National Hank Mrs. W. C. Rose spent Friday at Phone Main 481 Marshfield. FAHMEKS— G e o T. Moulton 324, Office 514, Res. wants your bides. Better see him G. EARL LOW. M. D. about it. 8 - 3 -tf P hysician and surgeon A 200 -pound bear was killed on Office over Farmers & Merchants South Srough last week and sold to Bank the Marshfield butchers at 8 cents per pound. Dr. G. W. LESLIE Clean milk and Clean cream, from OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN a Clean dairy, for sale at the City Graduate o f the American School Bakery. Cream put up iu non-re­ o f Osteopathy o f Kirksville, Mo. turnable Kleen cups. if Office in Eldorado Block Marshfield Oregon If you miss seeing “The Gilded Fool” Saturday night you will misB Dr. R. H. HOPKINS one of the best photoplay s that have C h ir o p r a c t o r come here— and that is saying a Laird Building - Coquille, Ore. good deal. FOR SALE— Good small busi­ ness. Experience unnecessary. $1000 Mrs. N. L. TYRRELL cash required. Inquire this office. NURSE 8 31 -tf Phone 574 Coquille, Oregon A rare treat for the lovers of fine music will be the concert at the E. D. SPERRY Scenic Friday night for the benefit A ttorn e y an d Cot1 NBE I.LO IÎ AT LAW of the high school. Get yoyr seats Office in Robinson Building early, at Anderson’s. Big comfoitable, reliable Cadil­ W. C. CHASE lacs are used on the Slagle auto line A ttorn e y at L aw to Marshfield, leaving Coquille Bix times a day. Fare 75 cents. Office in Richmond-Barker Bldg Frank Howe of Marshfield passed C. R. BARROW through here Wednesday for home, A tto rn e y a n d C ounsellor at L aw after a week’s hunting trip in Brews­ Office Phone 335 ter Valley, He waB taking a large Residence Phone 346 buck home with him as a result of his trip. J. J. STANLEY Baby Buggies aDd Runabouts, LAWYER All kinds of Fruit Jars, Stone Jars, Richmond-Barker Building Stone Churns, and 1 10 gal. Barrel Coquille, Oregon Churn, good as new. At Quick’s Second Hand Store. A. J. SHERWOOD Huckleberries are abundant near A tto rn e y a t L aw First National Bank Building Bandon. J. W. Leneve and wife Rooms 2-3-4 and Lans Leneve and wife picked seven gallons Sunday in an hour L. J. LILJEQVIST and a half. There are hundreds of A tto r n e y a t L aw gallons going to waste on the First National Bank Building bushes. Coquille, Oregon S. A. Hutford, who has J. W. Leueve’s lanoh leased, about a mile WALTER SINCLAIR and a half below this place, fell A ttorn ey at L aw through the trestle across Cunning­ Notary Public Coquille ham creek and broke one of his legs one day last week. Mr. Hufford is quite an old man and it will likely take some time for him to recover from the injury. FUHRMAV'S PHARMACY Mrs. M. O. Hawkins, aDd Mrs Morrison of Bandon left Sunday overland for Portland to attend grand lodge. Deputy Sheriff Davis went to Marshfield today in charge of Mrs Fannie O’Donnell, who is preparing for her sojourn in the county jail. Lyons & Jones are agents for the Nemo Corset. Just received some new styles. Call and see them Pacific' Telephone & Telegraph Co announces opening of line be­ tween Eugene aud Florence. Take the Cadillac auto line when you go to the Bay, and get through iu comfort and on time. "Wild Cat” Ed Bowman of Hare, Curry County, was transacting bus­ iness at this place the first of tbis week. Mrs V. L. Arrington, of Myrtle Point, who has been visiting the past three mouths at Portland, returned home tbis week. Bring your watches, clocks or jewelry to XV. H. Schroeder to be repaired. First class work guaran­ teed. Finley Schroeder’s house at Nor­ way was destroyed by fire Tuesday Dight. Most of the household goods were saved. Go to XX’. H. Schroeders Jewelry Store and get suggestions for birth­ day or wedding gifts iu cut glass, jewelry or silverware. The Sunday closing law was ob­ served by Folsom aud Leneve at this place last Sunday. At Myrtle Point every confectionery store closed and every one went fishing When you need anything to eat, call us up. XVe will deliver it iu double quick time. We have an au­ to delivery aud can come in a hurry The Model Grocery. Sunday morning a party consist­ ing of Fred Slagle and wife, A. J. Sherwood and wife, Miss Clare Sher­ wood and Mrs. Ida Owens departed for the Fair at Frisco io Slagle's auto. They went by way of Rose- burg to take the inlaud route, and expect to be gone a month. They intend to ship the car back and re­ turn overland or on one of the boats. 1 Simplex Cream Separator, 900 lbs. capacity 1 Little Giant Rus­ sian Steam Turbine Separator, 400 lbs capacity. 1 Remington Sholes Typewriter No 11 in good condi­ tion. At Quick’s Second Hand Store. W. C. Hawley, who occupies the RATES: One cent a word, each in­ sertion. No charge less than 15 cents' position of congressman for this district was in town last night in FOR SALE— Registered Duroc’s» consultation with the faithful He all agee, finest blood. For par­ ticulars address J R Maben, went to Bandon this rooming and Gardiner, Ore 8 3 10 tp will pats through to Marshfield to­ STOCK HOGS— fur sale; all eges morrow morning. and various breeds. Seven cents Manager McKenna, of the Oregon on foot John Mulverbill. Ip Power Co., has sold to the county GASOLINE LAUNCH for trade for court eight cluster lights like those n.ilk cows or young horse Apply on the business streets, and these to Frank Burkholder. 7 - 6 -tf wiil be placed around the court SLASHING— Want to exchange lot bouse block. Together with the or acreage for slashing Coquille new cement sidewalks, tbis will Land Co., Folsom’s Confectionery work a great improvement in the 4 - 20 -tf appearance of the county property. WANT COLUMN FOR SIX MONTHS ice is an absolute neces­ sity. F or the other six months it is a great con­ venience. Have you giv­ en your order for the season yet? If not SECONDHAND TYPEWRITER— Pittsburg Visible; does firet-class work. For sale cheap. Inquire at Herald office. tf Better make U» Your Iceman PHONOGRAPH RECORDS — for exc hange, Victor and Columbias in good older. Inquire at this COQUILLE LAUNDRY HILL CO. The "Gilded Fool” at the Sceuio Sututday night. Tuna Fish at Lyons & Jones f 5 c per cau. Mrs F. Haines of Smith Tulet was a Coquille visitor Thursday. Fresh Vegetables at all times at Lyons & Jones. DON’T miss “The Gilded Fool”— It’s a great picture. Pat Rackleff and wife of Norway were Coquille visitors today. VV. H. Schroeder was a Myrtle Poiut business visitor yesterday. Fred Slagle weut to Prosper Sat­ urday to see his mother, who is quite sick. Fled Baker of Brewster Valley passed through here today on his way to Marshfield. Johu Hawkins aud wife of Laug- lois are visiting Frank Thrift and wife at this place. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence started oveiland Suuday fur the San Francisco Exposition. XV C. Laird started Saturday morning for SpokaDe to bring back Jue Fish, the check artist. Howard Matthews, of Fish Trap, returned here Saturday after a two- years’ absence iu California Did you see “ Samson?” Then see XVilliam Farnum again in “The Gilded Fool’’ Saturday night. Mrs. J. H. Kahskopf is prepared to take piauu pupils at her borne on Second Street, north of ’ Masonic hall. office. tf Real Cremona Violin T o Be Heard Friday Coquille Boys at U. of O . Barefooted Globe Trotter. Action of Single Spoonful Sut prises Many |>euple who bought tbe eini. C quille was visited last week by pie Coquille (Written for Herald bv Roy Avery) mixture of buckthorn bark, glycer­ ine, etc., known as Adlei>l-ka, are sur­ Those who attend the Gjeidrum Raymond Burns, who graduated “ Universal Rattlesnake Jim,"other­ prised at the INSTANT effect of a concert at Ihe Scenic next Friday from the local high school last Sep­ wise kuowti os James Laubno Lone- SINGLE SPOONFUL Tins remedy IB evening will have an opportunity tember, and Who upon going to the learher, who is on a 23-year tour of so complete a Ijowcl cleanser that it is used successfully in appendicitis. A«l- to hear a genuine Cremona violin. University of Oregon was elected the globe barefooted. The object ler-i-ka acts oil LOTH upper aud lower These old violins are the best that president of the freshman class, «as of the trip. Jim claims, is for three liowel ami ONE SPOONFUL relieves ANY CASE of constipation, sour have ever been made and few viol­ kidnapped by the s plioinores aud things. A housethat is free of any almost or gassy stomach. ONE MINUTE after inists are fortunate enough to pos­ forcibly detained from attending the disease, an education that is better you take it the gasses rumble and pass out. sess one. The one that Mr. Seveh Sophomore Freshmen Mix, which than that which any utiiveisity can C. J. FUHRMAN, Druggist plays is valued at $3000 Seats was held at the campus Saturday, furnish, and third, for adventures for this concert are now being sold October 2 . Ray expresses the affair that are impossible for many people at Anderson’s. A section has been us “ Some experience ” He was to find otherwise. He left his home reserved especially for the high taken from his bed about three in Lucerne, Switzerland, on April school aud a very large percentage o’clock in the morning and nothing 6, 1897. He intends returning on Incorporated of the students are planning to at­ more was eeeu of him by his class April 6. 1920 During thé last 18 Manufactures of tend. A program such as the Gjer- until late in the evening after the years he has walked the distance of The Celebratedbergmann Shoe drutn company will give is sure to Mix was over. He says he was tak­ 125,650 miles, takirrg in Europe, ! The Strongest and Nearest Water Proof shoe made for loggers, miners please the audience. Mr. Gjer- en over a good portion of the coun­ Asia, Africa and North America prospectors an«’ mill men. drum states that he is taking great try arouml Eugene, visitiog Spring- He makes expenses by introducing 621 Thurman Street pains to build a program that will field, Junction City and various oth­ Swiss yodeling, Sioux, Nez-Perce P o r t l a n d . O hkuon . suit the taste of the Coquille aud- er towns, i’erbsps it was the lack aud Navajo pow wows and other Agent for Ccqull.e of bis generalship that caused the dauces H. N LORENZ freshmen to lose in sll of the con­ About the Breakwater. tests of the day, with the exception of football The following inlormation rela-1 ThiB contest was between the live to the withdrawal of the Break­ freshmen barn and the Eugene high water is furnished by Supt. W. F. school eleven . In this another Co-; Miller: quille boy came prominently to tbe Advice leceived today from 8. P. front Reuben Must, jr., playing! headquarters, Portland, state that left half lor rbe Ircshmeu, starred arrangements have been made with both in rouutl end plays and iu car­ the North Pacific Steamship Co. to rying hack punts. One of the most j handle freight between Portland, spectacular plays of the game was j Coquille, Myrtle Point, Bandon, his broken-field run for a gain of Powers aud other local points on fifty yards. the Coos Bay, Roseburg A Eastern Since going to tbe university Railroad Co. through Marshfield iu “ Bucky” has developed into quite a place of the Steamer Breakwater. punter and is also showing good Mr. Miller says the Breakwater development a lo D g the line of the A TREMENDOUS PRODUCTION BY THE FLYING “A " will not return to the Portland- forward pass. He handled both Marsbfield run because she is ser­ phases of the game for the freshmen COMPANY WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST iously in need of repairs, the cost of Saturday. which are extensive. Byron Goodman, formerly of Co­ The arrangement with the North quille, is playing quartir-back for Pacific Steamship Co. is made the varsity team at Pacifie Univer­ through desire of the Southern Pa­ sity. cific Co. to continue through Height service los their patrons uutil such Married Fifty Years. time as the Willamette Pacific line is completed aud iu operation, Dean William Horsfall and wife, which is expected to be not later of Bandon, celebrated tneir golden than May 1st of next year. wedding at the home ot their son, Under existiug regulations the Dr. William Horsfall, in Marshfield Southern Pacific Co. could not con­ last Tuesday evening. A family tinue to operate the Breakwater al­ dinnerwas enjoyed, after which an ter the rail line is completed account informal reception was held, many pa allel lines, and it is hoped dur- frieuds ot the venerable couple call ir. j the interim to give equally as ing to extend congratulations and satisfactory service as with the good wishes They were married in Breakwater. T England fifty years ago", and came Date effective o f the new ar­ to Oregon five years later For rangement will be announced with­ many years they have made their in a few days, it being necessary to home in Marshfield and Bandon publish tariffs and file same with and their friends aie numbered by the State Railroad Commission, their acquaintances. which ordinarily requires ten days’ notice to the public and filing with Herald Want ads get results the Commission. Efforts are be­ ing made, however, to secure per­ mission from the Commission to make the tariffs effective on less than the full statutory notice. It is explaiued that the reason for taking Breakwater out ot ser­ vice at this time is that the repairs required would cost in the neigh­ borhood of $2,500, and this in view of a loss of approximately $2,100 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1914, aud a loss of $2,000 per mouth since that time with prospect for a still greater deficit continued operations of the boat is unwise. This explanation is made that the public miv understand the causes leading up to the action taken. Theo. Beaman ShoeMfg.Co. Scenic Theatre The Big Serial The Diamond From The Sky 2-Reel Chapter Every Monday PARAMOUNT Travel Pictures Every Monday Keystone Com edy Every Wednesday, Sunday Universal Feature Every Night Don’t wait for bills-come along any evening and we will guarantee a good show 5 cents Usually 10 cents MATINEE: N ew H o m e -------------- - . « ►.--------------- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Beyers and children BDd Mrs. Beyers’ mother, Mrs. L A. Lawhorn, who is vlsit- itiog them, motored out to the Law- born home near McKinley, Sunday. Mrs. Walter Lawhorn, of KcKin- I ley, is visiting Coquille aud Myrtle Point friends, preferring to spend ! her vacation here rather thau ac­ company her better half on a stren­ uous sightseeing week at the expo­ sition. The frieuds of L. H. Hazard are giving tbis explanation for the haM cold with which he has been suffer­ ing. He has bought a new Stude- baker six, with which he is mightily charmed, and in the absence of his family be has b e en sleeping with the auto. The nights have been foggy and cold, and the object of Mr. Hazsrd'a adoration has proved a mighty cold bedfellow; hence the cold. Dr. Walter Culin can do longer be heard approaching in hit 19 -? Ford csr. His friends heretofore could always bear the doctor about 10 blocks away approaching with a series of snorts and groaDS and rat­ CHICHESTER S PILLS W T H E 1*1 A M O N I » B R A N D . À tle of tin. But alas! No more will the quiet of our little city be dis­ turbed by the said noise. The doc­ bia M os • b u Vs' i-ii.ijc V» ta tor has purchased a brand new y e a rs k n o w n as B e s t.S a fe s t. A lw a y s R e lU iii« SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Ford roadster. SA TU R D A Y AFTERNOON Commencing 2:30 Sharp 5c - and - 10c Users Are Q u a lity Choosers For Sale By COQUILLE FUKNITÜKE CO. (T BARGAIN ai W e have made arrangements with one of the largest manufacturers of Aluminum Ware whereby we are able to place on sale a large quantity of high grade goods at exceedingly low prices for a limited time only Coquille, Oregon The New Home S e w i n g Machine Company San Francisco California SPECIAL OFFER— One Quart Heaug Saucepan FREE with euery article costing 75 cts or more Community Silver Str. Elizabeth PRICES ON ALUMINUM WARE— H.O. ANDERSON Complete House Furnisher Sewing Machine Needles Laird Building Regular as the Cluck San Francisco a n d Bandon First-class fare or., Up freight, per ton $7.60 3.00 SWIFTS - 9 Silver Leaf Brand Pure Lard Stands the Test E. & E. T. Kruse 24 California Street, San Francisco For Réservation» J. E. NORTON Agent, Coquille, Oregon If you have not been using Swift’s try it next time—it ¡s a tis fa cto ry Ask Your Dealer- He can get it .1. K. NORTON D IS T R IB U T O R . C O Q U IL L E , O R E C O N