The Coquille Herald PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY Entered as second class matter May 8 , IPI'5. at the post otHce at Coquille, Oreyen, under act ol Congress ol March 8, 1879. P. C. LEVAR, Lessee. Devoted to the material and social upbuilding o f the Coquille Valley par­ ticularly and c f Coos County generally. Subscription, $1.5« per year in advance Phone Main 381. P L A C E COOS O N P A C I F I C H IG H W A Y The visit here of E . S. Cantiue, stale highway engineer, and B H. Burrell, U. S road engineer, has not only given much ’ encourage­ ment to our local advocates of good roads, but it has given them a new idea of the utmost importance and one which argues strongly lor the immediate getting of a wiggle on ourselves. Everyone knows of the Pacific Highway, which is being construct­ ed the length ol the coast and on which much work is being done in Calitornia,Oregon and Washington. This will be the great avenue for tourist automobile travel, not only for the people of this coast but for those lrom all over the United States, who are becoming more and more imbued with the wisdom of the slogan, “ See America First.” The intention is to make this an all- the-year-round highway, and to this end it is absolutely necessary to avoid the Siskiyou mountains. T w o routes are available lor the accomplishment of this object: one turning west from Grants Pass to Crescent City, the other turning west at Roseburg and reaching the coast by what is practically a water- level route by way of the Coquille river. This is far the better route for the reason that it avoids the no­ torious Cow Creek canyon country region, which in some respects is worse than the Siskiyous. What is practically a water-level route can be obtained from the val­ ley by way of the Coquille, for the watershed divide is very low, and a grade of practically a water level can be obtained from the headwat­ ers of the Coquille to the open val­ ley at Myrtle Point. It is hardly necessary to point out the lesson of the above state­ ment. A moment’s thought makes it obvious. If the tide of tourist travel that will flow over the Pacific- Highway can be brought through Coos county it means benefits too large to be estimated. In view of this, there is only one rational plan for the inauguration of the good roads work here, and that is the one endorsed at the meeting here a few days ago, for a trunk line from North Bend to Myrtle Point. It is true that the plan resoluted upon contemplated the extension from North Bend to Empire, but as a matter of cold common sense that should be drop­ ped. It was only inserted as a sop to North Bend and to equalize the amounts to be expended on the two sides of the divide which separates estiug talk Neither of the men were | acquainted with the conditions ini this district and so could not slate j just what style of road they thought 1 would tic the best adapted to this place. Mr. Burril says that if the j people wish it a man will be sent down from the state depart­ ment to inspect our highways and | to give us an idea of how he thinks our roads should be constructed, j Both speakers told about the difler- ent style* of roads which are being constructed all over the state and in j several other states. Many new 1 DUNK BOTTS, Regular Correspondent ideas were gleaned from their talk. (George Bingham! Saturday morning Mr. Burril and All Rights Reservd Jm O aai E- S Cantine accompanied Judge Watsou by auto over the Marsh­ The Mail Carrier departed from generations to peruse, provided she field road and back around by Sum­ Tickville for Hogwallow the other marries. ner, out past Dora and around by day with a cake of ice, to prove to Washington Hocks left early Myrtle Point, so as to get a general -everal skeptics that there ia such a Thursday morning for a visit of sev­ idea of the way we are buildiug thing as ice in summer time How­ eral days at Bounding Billows. He our roads. ever, when be arrived here all the went afoot as this is the only safe Mr. Burrill and Mr. Cantine ice had disappeared except a very way for a person to reach his des­ were very favorably impressed by small piece. The Depity Coostable tination without acme kind of a the roads between here and Marsh­ ia at work on the case in an effort breakdown. field. There are several thousand to find out where it went. Dock Hocks was seen going to­ feet of new planking being put on The editor of the Tickville Ttd- ward Bounding Billows last Sunday the Sumner mountain. They e x ­ iugs wrote a very strong editorial wearing bis speckled pants. W^e pressed themselves pleased the way for the next issue, entitled, “ Turn fear Dock will live to be an old the .work was being carried on, and the Rascals Out of Office,” but be­ bachelor, as he has a habit of trying stated that the grading and work fore it was published the man he to court too many girlH at once. were along the same lines as those was writing about came in and paid Friaby Hancock ia thinking of of the Pacific Highway. up his subscription, and the editor’s opening a honeyard near the Rye This summer the county court conscience hurt him so be had to Straw store in the near future. On has been doing good work and has tear the article up. account of the panic he should do let all the contracts at a low figure The Hogwallow Improvement So­ n prosperous business. The lact is they have got a good ciety met Wednesday night and The H og Ford preacher had one deal more for their money than voted a fund of six dollars for ad­ ever before, and a good deal better of ihe largest crowds of the year to vertising purposes. It will be con­ roads. hear him Sunday. The room was tributed to the Excelsior Fiddling so full everybody had to stay Baud with understanding that they Woman’s Study Club through the entire sermon. are uot to give any public concerts Tube Mosely, who borrowed the The W o m a n ’ s Study Club met this summer. D og Hill church bell for one of bis The Hog Ford preacher will de­ yesterday in the city libraty. ! cows to wear, baa been asked to re liver au extra good sermon at This year the club will study the turn it immediately, in order that earlier American literature and. trav­ Bouudiug Billows on the second 1 services can be held. els in the United States, and will Sunday of this month. They are The Hogwallow Improvement As­ needing a preacher at the church finish the course Jn Domestic Sci­ there if he suits the congregation, sociation met last night and held a ence. Alter a business session Mrs. J he may consider a call to that place, lengthy discussion on ways and W. Springer, chairman of the liter­ aH they are dissatisfied with the one means to bring up soiuetbiug of im portance for consideration, but ad­ ary program committee, announced they have. the following program for the next Washington Hecks, who has been journed without coming to a deci­ meeting, October 2 5 : sitting on a stump near the road for sion. ^ Roll call with Bits from Colonial Authors. Talk: General Character­ istics of Colonial Literature— Mrs. Lougstou. Readings from John Smith and other Colonial Authors — Mrs. Springer. T alk — The Great Theologians-— Mrs. Andersou. Dis­ cussion— The Theological Writings and the Records Compared in Re gard to Value and Interest. Talk, with Readiugs—Wit and Humort>f Colonial Days— Mrs Knowlton. The New England Primer— Mrs. Kistner. Talk— Literature of the Revolution—- Mrs. Young. Read­ ings from the Early Poets— Mrs. Rogers. Reports on Extra Read­ ings. Mrs. R. S. Knowlton, o f the Domestic Science department next gave a reading on “ Flies,” which was received with great interest, and remarks which would have crushed every fly within hearing, it they were possessed of fine sensibil­ ities. The next lesson in Domestic Science will be Chapter 1 , Part i t , of the text book. T h e name of Mrs. F C. Pursley Hogwallow News Sim Flinders says he canDot see the past several days waiting for the mail carrier, got out of patienco how some roosters are able to be yesterday morning and returned around so much In day time after having set up all night crowing. home. While Raz Barlow was over to see MiBS Flutie Belcher Sunday af­ ternoon, he enjoyed some funny moving pictures by turning the leaves of the family album right fast. The Postmaster says that while it is true that be has to handle nil the Fith Smith at last bus high hope mail, he is glad to know that he is of breaking into public print. He not compelled to read and answer it has a wen on bis neck and has al­ all. ready been approached by a patent The Postmaster will not be both­ medicine firm for bis photo and tea- ered much with flies this summer, as timonial. he has set iu to get them all skeered Yarn Sims visited Miss Flutie Belcher Sunday afternoon and wrote a verse in her plush-back album, wbicb sh will preserve for coming School Notes. Miss Ada Downs, daughter of the new Methodist minister, en­ rolled as a Junior in the high school yesterday morning. This '»as added to the membership roll. brings the enrollment up to 78 Coos county into two groups of! Extra seats have been placed in the Some Straight Talk. narrow-minded children It is high school rooms until practically time for this little, petty jealousy Here is some straight talk from all of the available space is in use. and pork-barrel trend of mind to be the manager o f the Scenic: First The high school is now in opera­ eliminated, and no doubt the Coos he wants to apologize to you for tion from half past seven in the Bay people can be made to see that some of the horrible junk that he morning until about five o ’ clock in if there is any money left after has been obliged to show you in the the alteruoou The teachers are on building from North Bend to Myrtle last few weeks, and to assure you hand at 7:30 and many students ar­ Point it should g o into the exten­ that he has been fully as much dis­ rive at that hour to study. The sion of the line toward Roseburg. gusted with it as you could possibly classes begin at 8 and the regulai In that case there is not the slight­ be It has been something awful. recitations continue until 1 2 : 40 . In est doubt that we would receive aid At the same time some pictures of the afternoon the science classes from the state highway funds and irreproachable quality have been meet for laboratory work. Students also from the United States. Ban- shown. The F o x features are equal who are behind with their work or don need not worry, for if the Pa­ to anything shewn anywhere today. who need special help come in the cific H ig hw ay can be brought The “ Diamond Iront the S k y ” is afternoon o! their own accord or through here she is certain ol being an excellent feature. The Key- are required to come by the teach­ on the line She will get her road stone comedies and especially the ers Typewriting practice contin- up the valley and her road into | Chaplins are bully. The ju n k has j ties throughout the day. Besides in Curry county the regular course ol events, and she will he in line to receive greater benefit from the tourist travel than any- other place in the county. Road Meeting. There was a large attendance at the road meeting Friday night. There were several local speakers who gave their ideas on the build­ ing of roads and there were many good suggestions offered. B. H. Burril, senior engineer in the U. S. Department of Roads, gave a very interesting and instruc­ There tive talk on good road j come ,j,e universal service. I t ( those who have regular work in „ i R be remembered that a change j , he afternoon, many students make was made to Universal about two ctice of cotni t0 the scboo, rnontns ago, because the General [ , Film Co was giving us junk, and 'louse Do™ two to .our or five aii improvement was hoped for. o ’ clock to do their studying for the For about a month alter the change next day. 'The teachers always re- llie l niversal people sent us some main until four o ’clock and usually splendid pictures; then, in accord­ until five. ance with the v>rai lice of other Port­ land bran. h t n sod by cat.irrt»'that cannot ho cored b> Uall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F J CTl ItNKY, * 00-, Toledo, Otuu d r .... .... more desire to show poor pictures than you have to see them, nor does lie expect lo build up a profitable business on poor service Mo he craves your patience, as he appre­ sre fifly engineers in the depart­ ciates your patronage, and he pro­ mises a material improvement in ment in which Mr. Burril is the the near future. In the meantime senior. E. S. Gamine. State High he «-ill show you the best he can way engineer, also gave a very inter- get. Fletcher Henstep says if MisB Fruaie Allsop ever-gets to vote and has anything to do With the election returns, he bets they will be padded B old b y P m g g ls t s , TTio. Take Hall's Family n ils for constipation. to recommend a high giade, guar­ anteed and wiucly known mattress. The customer has double protec­ tion. First, there is the guarantee of satisfaction which every good re­ tail furniture man offers his trade Secondly, there is back of every Heywuod Mattress the guaiantee of a bouse which, for nearly oue hun­ dred years has built up a reputa­ tion for reliability. H ave you paid the Printer? - --------- » «»» « Notice of Executors Sale of Real Property at Private Sale Notice is hereby given that in pur­ suance o f a certain order o f the county court o f t’oos County.Oregon, sitting as a court for the transaction o f probate business, made and entered upon the 8th day o f August, 1915, in the Matter o f the estate o f Sarah J. Ferry, de­ ceased, the undersigned, executor o f said estate, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder for cash or in part for cash and the remainder on credit as hereinafter stated, in one parcel, and subject to confirmation or resale by the county court, from and after the 28th day o f October, 1915, all the right, title, interest and estate o f the said Sarah J. Ferry, deceased, at the time o f her death, and all the right, title and interest that the said estate has, bySoperation o f law or otherwise, ac­ quired other than or in addition to that o f the said deceased, at the time o f her death, in and to all that certain real property described as follows, towit: The north one-half o f the northwest quarter, the southwest quarter o f the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter o f section 25. township 29 south, range 12 west o f the Willamette Meridian in Coos County, State o f Oregon. Terms and conditions o f sale: Cash; or $500 in cash on the day o f the sale and the remainder to be evidenced by a promissory note dated said day o f sale due on or before one year from date, drawing interest at the rate o f 8 per cent per annum, interest payable an­ nually, with provision for attorney fees in event suit or action is instituted to collect same or any portion thereof, said note to be secured by a mortgage upon said property above described with usual terms and conditions. W il l ia m F l o y d 9-28-5t Executor o f Estate o f Sarah J. Ferry, Deceased. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale By virtue o f an execution and order o f sale duly issued by the Clerk o f the Circuit Court o f the County of Coos State o f Oregon, dated the 9th day o f September 1915, in a certain action in the Circuit Court for said County and State, wherein C. M. Caton' as Plaintiff recovered judgment against A. H- Olson for the sum o f Eighty-four and 36-100 dollars with interest thereon at the rate o f 8 per cent, per annum from Oct. 19, 1910, and the sum of twenty-two and 90-100 dollars, with in­ terest the.-eon at the rate o f 6 per cent, per annum from Oct. 1st, 1913, and twenty-five dollars Attorney fee and costs and disbursements taxed at Six­ teen and 30-100 dollars, on the 10th day o f February, 1915 Notice is hereby given that I will on the 16th day o f October, 1915, at the front door o f the County Court House in Coquille in said County at 10 o ’clock in the forenoon o f said day, sell at pub­ lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to-writ: The west one-half o f the northeast one-quarter, section twelve, township twenty-four, south, range thirteen west o f Willamette meridian in Coos county, Oregon. Taken and levied upon as the property o f he said A. H. Olson or as much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of plaintiff and against said defendant with interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Alfred Johnson Jr., Sheriff. Dated at Coquille, Oregon, Sept. 11th 9-14-5t Seed Season is Here W e ate prepared to quote the following prices on Seeds: RED CLOVER - - 20c ALSIkE - - - 2 0 c ALSIkE and RED CLOVER - 22c This is an excellent Pasture Mixture ORCHARD CRASS - - 22 1-2c RYEGRASS - * - 10c TIMOTHY - - - - He VETCH . . . . .5 I-2 c This is all of the best Imported Stock and guaranteed to be of the highest G ov’t test as to purity and germinating power KNOWLTON'S DRUG STORE store fronts line the “ street" and ■■ach proclaims its individuality in letters more bold than artistic. For instance there is the “ Stagger Inn,” 'Spender's Bank,” the “ Log Cabiu, Saloon,” the old jail, the fire house, the geueral store and many other places of business to remind tbe visitor of ‘‘ the days of old and the days of gold.” a long time ws had fur supper a Mr. Conklin's, grown on his place wbicb is all bill land. I am of the opinion that the bill land on the Marshfield Bamlon road is to lie- oome noted for the quality of the potatoes it produces. Sunday morning I struck out eatly for Norton’s Gulch, the home of Mr and Mrs. Ralph Barker, where Mrs. Fastou w> s visiting — a five or six miles’ walk. One of those perfect uiornin ;s; then when on the Sunset Bay road you e t c h sight of the ocean and ita tang add­ ed a spring to your step and its beat upon the shore a song of life, you feel it is good to be alive. To get a partiul view of tbe coast liue at Cape Arago light bouse is worth a long walk, and to enjoy Ihe quiet charm of Sm set bay is more re­ ward Aud when Mr Barker takes you to the view points of Norton’s Gulch you wonder if there is any other place where ocean waves ami rock c n conjure up such a picture. After breakfa-t Mr. B iker went with us to “ Shore Acres,” the home of L J Simpson. The walk is a beautiful one Mr. Simpson guided us through hie gardens an,I we see the swimming pool that is being built. As we stood at Ibe front of the house and look« d at the rocks that are carved in pictures by Ibe waves and 1 » held the great expanse of ocean, and then ua we are taken through the flower, berry and vege­ table garder s aud st e the beautiful flowers in greater profusion tbau I have evei seen b-fore, I can that * Shore Acres” is oue of most beautiful places that my have seen. It is 19 years sino» The “Old Road.’ From the early day items iu tbe Coos Bay News we clip the fol'ow- ing from Ihe issue of September 20, 1882: The Co s Bay wagon road is pas salde for wagons from Roseburg b a p 'iu t in ihe canyon about Iw. miles east of Cape Horn and three miles from Laird's. W Ulov r i- »eueral supern.tei b u t of the work and Billy Adams is Ihe blasting boss. Twenty sevi n men were at work until Sal 11 ' day last, when sight left, havji g business engage- lUents ai Ros. borg, and at present nineteen are at wrick and eight or ten more are wanted. J. B. Fox, who lately finished tbe Grrvel Ford oridge for the c unty, will prob sbly be given tbe loutrscl to build x bridge wb re thi road crosses the North Fork He uade an estimate of tbe cost of 'onstriiction and handed Mr Glove, a bid on Satur­ day last, which wa . being consider­ ed wheu our iufoimaut left. Tbe trail is open tbrou *h the canyon lo Laird’s, ami the in lil came through over tba trail for toe first time on Thursday last. It is tbs intention of the superintendent to have the road open for stag*» by the first of next month saw Golden Gate Paik. Its law were beautiful, but there was not East Fork Items. mg iu the way of flowers to co of him. pare with tbe wealth of color ai Mr. Gallup ami Son of Riddles beauty at Shore Acres Raz Barlow is trying to find out I ara gl came in last week over the Coos we went to Shore Acres for I g how far it is by mail from here to Bay wagon road. Tickville, that much richer for all that I si Mr. and Mrs. Foth and two sons, is mine, for one is rich only to t a daughter and daughter-in-law, nee extent of - the __ beautiful _________ things Old Established House Vogel, arrived Sunday from Califor-j »ess, and to the amount of bea Makes Excellent Mattresses Try a Herald waot ad for an\ ma in their Htudebaker car to visit bis soul may hold. Shore Acr< thing you want to buy or sell. the Vogels. j one of Cooa count ’s big ass Since 1826 , the firm of H eywood Born— Monday, Oct. 4, 1915, to | -^^ore Acres ia an experiment Bros & Wakefield Co. have been lion. R A. EASTC Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miller, a girl. found famous for their baby carria­ “ Happy Canyon.” Mr. and Mr* Claughton and fam­ ges, their chairs and their reed and Administrator’s Notice rattan goods. Throughout the Tbe maps, and the encyclopedias ily who have been living at Bandon went out over the Cooa Bay toad, United States, they have established and atlases may fail to define tbe Notice ia hereby given that the great distributing points from which location of such a place but any­ bound fur the Willamette or Col­ deraigned by an order of the Con Court ol Cooe county, Oregon, has b these products are sent to the furni­ body who attended the 1915 Round­ umbia river valley where they in appointed as Administrator ol the tend to get a tract of land. ture stores iu every city and town. up in Pendleton c m tell you all tate of George K. Baxter deceased, A few months ago they began to about it and take a great deal of About a month ago John McVey persons having claims against such tate are required to present them wi lost his gold watch and chain while in six months from the date of this produce mattresses, and alieady pleasure in doing so. After much tice, with the proper vouchers, to Haywood mattiesses are becoming “ Happy Canyon," literally speak­ burning slashing undersigned at the Baxter Hotel in recognized as the utmost in quality ing ia tbe institution which the Pen- searching it came to him to look in city ol Coquille, Coos county, Oregor Dated this 12th day of October 11 at the lowest prices. People who, dletou people have provided for the a log pile that had not all burned C h a r l e s E . B a xter as children, learned to know the entertainment of the throngs which up. He found it, looking as though Administrator of the Estati George E. Baxter, Decease. comfort of H eywood baby carriages gather here during tbe Roundup it had been through a Are, but the 10-12-5t are welcoming an opportunity to week. It is located in a huge pav­ jeweler, Mr. Schroeder, thinks be buy a mattress on which this same ilion bordering on Main street in will be able to make it go. Notice ot SherifTs Sale name appears. Pendleton but once a visitor enters Mr. Courtrigbt who bad lived on B y V irtue ol an execution and o True to the policy of the institu­ the portals of the pavilion, be very the Howe place and moved to Har­ o f sale duly issued by the Clerk ol tion, every H eywood Xlattress is promptly forgets the outside world. ney county more th-n a year ago, Circuit Court of the Countv of ( fully guaranteed. The newspaper Inside he sees a reproduction of died recently after quite a long ¡li­ State of Oregon, dated the 30th da’ September 1915, in a certain actior announcements stale plainly that one of those eld, rough, frontier nes». He wa» » good neighbor the Circuit Court lor said County State, wherein McPherson-Ginser C every Heywood Mattress is sold towns in which romance and history E. K Marc; is under the weather pany, a private corporation, aa Plai under a “ make g o o d ’ ’ guarantee. is so rich. Weather beaten lumber with the grippe. recovered judgment against E. A. kett, Defendant, (or the sum of TI Anyone who buys a H eywood Mat­ John McVey got ptomaine poison hundred eighty-two and 15-100 Doll tress is sure of satisfaction and ser­ and costs and disbursements taxed eating ice cream at Coquille about a Fifteen and 20-100 Dollars, on the vice. The policy ol Heywood Bros. I month ago that ra lie near knocking day of September 1915. & Wakifield Co. is that the c u s to - ; Notice is hereby given that I will If I FAIL ts CURE m CANCER «TUMOR i treat Ihe underpinning out from under the 13th day ol November 1915 , at mer is always right If you buy a before It POISONS «O f ( M s orjttactos to BONE front door ol tbe Cmintv Court H< him. Heywood Mattress and years from WitktutKRifiorPain in Coquille in raid County, at lOo’c Saturday, Oct 2. the writer drove ill I b e forenoon of said day, sell at t now, should feel thst your H ey ­ No PAT llitil CURED lie auction to the highest bidder, WRITTEN GUARANTEE' 'rom Marshfield to John Conklin’s, cash, No X Hay or other wood Matties has not been giving the following de-criltcd prone swindle. An Island to-wit: four mi'es south of South Slough on vou saiisfaclion, then Heywood plant makes the cu re' . . . .. I S uth 38 feet ot Lot 1 of Block 1 Any TUMOR. LUMP orl Ihe Bandon road Bros & Co tviil fie ready to give SCRE on the lip, face^ ----------- " nd took ,he the South 38 feet oi l» t 2 of Block o r b o d y l o n g is horses for pistille to Mr. Liebie’» the Town id Myrtle Point, accordii vou a new mattiess without further C A N C E R ! it never I WILL GIVE $1000 pains until last stage cost to you 120 - PARE BOOK sent FREK. 10.000 testi­ Many good furniture stores have monials. Writ! ti Mai _ _____ quickly grasped ihe opportunity to handle this splendid line ol mat­ A m A [ R and always poisons deep arm- 15 U A n U C n Pit alandi and KILLS QUICKLY tresses While it is true that the Onewoman in every Tdiesof cancer—U.8. report We refuse many who wait too long A must die profits on such a quality line are Poorcured “ .............. at half rice price if cancer if cancer is is yet yet small small not Urge, yet the furniture trade Or. I Mrs. Dr. CNAMLEY ft 0 0 . 8 ^ 7 » “ S tric tly RrtltWa, Q reetest C ancer S fe c i ' a lls t “ knows that it means the making ol 4340 & 4365 V * alencia ’ St, San Francisco, Cil. I CANCER many friends among its customers K I N D L Y M A I L T H I S ten Any LUMPi« WOMAN’S BREAST j who lives in the B ft Creek bottom, Z o fflc V o fT .'S o “»'?,"C ,.°rk T As Mr Liehy save, the lend is ‘ good I County, Oregon, taken ami levied i h r t ’ . S u c h , g r .w .h of carrots. not the ro. t- pal ti Milsrlv, for the} were s n thickly I think I never okitig over the ^ A. * ^ ^ or 0 ? « Diucn thereof aa ' u j ■* necessary to satisfy the said “ 'ídetemUnT ............. w i i i i i in e r t * ? » i pettier with all coeta and menta that have or niav accrue. -